Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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;/*++ BUILD Version: 0001 // Increment this if a change has global effects
; ;Copyright (c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation ; ;Module Name: ; ; perfctr.h ; (generated from ; ;Abstract: ; ; Event message definititions used by routines in PERFCTRS.DLL ; ;Created: ; ; 15-Oct-1992 Bob Watson (a-robw) ; 19-Aug-1998 Ramesh V K (rameshv) -- Added DHCP Server counters ; ;Revision History: ; ;--*/ MessageIdTypedef=DWORD ;//
;// Perfutil messages
MessageId=1900 Severity=Informational Facility=Application SymbolicName=UTIL_LOG_OPEN Language=English An extensible counter has opened the Event Log for PERFCTRS.DLL . ;//
MessageId=1999 Severity=Informational Facility=Application SymbolicName=UTIL_CLOSING_LOG Language=English An extensible counter has closed the Event Log for PERFCTRS.DLL . ;//
;// NBF Counter messages
MessageId=2000 Severity=Informational Facility=Application SymbolicName=TDI_OPEN_ENTERED Language=English OpenTDIPerformanceData routine entered. . ;//
MessageId=2001 Severity=Error Facility=Application SymbolicName=TDI_OPEN_FILE_ERROR Language=English Unable to open TDI device for RW access. Returning IO Status Block in Data. . ;//
MessageId=2002 Severity=Error Facility=Application SymbolicName=TDI_OPEN_FILE_SUCCESS Language=English Opened TDI device for RW access. . ;//
MessageId=2003 Severity=Error Facility=Application SymbolicName=TDI_PROVIDER_INFO_MEMORY Language=English Unable to allocate memory for TDI Information block. Close one or more applications and retry. . ;//
MessageId=2004 Severity=Error Facility=Application SymbolicName=TDI_IOCTL_FILE_ERROR Language=English Error requesting data from Device IO Control. Returning IO Status Block. . ;//
MessageId=2005 Severity=Error Facility=Application SymbolicName=TDI_UNABLE_READ_DEVICE Language=English Unable to read data from the TDI device. . ;//
MessageId=2006 Severity=Error Facility=Application SymbolicName=TDI_IOCTL_FILE Language=English Data received from Device IO Control. Returning IO Status Block. . ;//
MessageId=2007 Severity=Error Facility=Application SymbolicName=TDI_PROVIDER_STATS_MEMORY Language=English Unable to allocate memory for TDI Statistics block. Close one or more applications and retry. . ;//
MessageId=2099 Severity=Informational Facility=Application SymbolicName=TDI_OPEN_PERFORMANCE_DATA Language=English TDIOpenPerformanceData routine completed successfully. . ;//
MessageId=2100 Severity=Informational Facility=Application SymbolicName=TDI_COLLECT_ENTERED Language=English TDICollectPerformanceData routine entered. . ;//
MessageId=2101 Severity=Warning Facility=Application SymbolicName=TDI_NULL_HANDLE Language=English A Null TDI device handle was encountered in the Collect routine. The TDI file was probably not opened in the Open routine. . ;//
MessageId=2102 Severity=Informational Facility=Application SymbolicName=TDI_FOREIGN_DATA_REQUEST Language=English A request for data from a foreign computer was received by the TDI Collection routine. This request was ignored and no data was returned. . ;//
MessageId=2103 Severity=Informational Facility=Application SymbolicName=TDI_UNSUPPORTED_ITEM_REQUEST Language=English A request for a counter object not provided by the TDI Collection routine was received. . ;//
MessageId=2104 Severity=Error Facility=Application SymbolicName=TDI_QUERY_INFO_ERROR Language=English The request for data from the TDI Device IO Control failed. Returning the IO Status Block. . ;//
MessageId=2105 Severity=Informational Facility=Application SymbolicName=TDI_QUERY_INFO_SUCCESS Language=English Successful data request from the TDI device. . ;//
MessageId=2106 Severity=Error Facility=Application SymbolicName=TDI_DATA_BUFFER_SIZE_ERROR Language=English The buffer passed to CollectTDIPerformanceData was too small to receive the data. No data was returned. The message data shows the available and the required buffer size. . ;//
MessageId=2107 Severity=Error Facility=Application SymbolicName=TDI_DATA_BUFFER_SIZE_SUCCESS Language=English The buffer passed was large enough for the counter data. The counters will now be loaded. . ;//
MessageId=2199 Severity=Informational Facility=Application SymbolicName=TDI_COLLECT_DATA Language=English CollectTDIPerformanceData routine successfully completed. . ;//
MessageId=2200 Severity=Informational Facility=Application SymbolicName=TDI_CLOSE_ENTERED Language=English CloseTDIPerformanceData routine entered. . ;//
MessageId=2202 Severity=Informational Facility=Application SymbolicName=TDI_PROVIDER_STATS_FREED Language=English Provider Stats data block released successfully . ;//
MessageId=2203 Severity=Warning Facility=Application SymbolicName=SPX_NO_DEVICE Language=English No SPX Devices are currently open or the NWLink SPX/SPXII service has not been started. SPX performance data cannot be collected. . ;//
;// NBT Counter messages
MessageId=3000 Severity=Informational Facility=Application SymbolicName=NBT_OPEN_ENTERED Language=English OpenNbtPerformanceData routine entered . ;//
MessageId=3099 Severity=Informational Facility=Application SymbolicName=NBT_OPEN_PERFORMANCE_DATA Language=English OpenNbtPerformanceData routine completed successfully . ;//
MessageId=3100 Severity=Informational Facility=Application SymbolicName=NBT_COLLECT_ENTERED Language=English CollectNbtPerformanceData routine entered. . ;//
MessageId=3101 Severity=Error Facility=Application SymbolicName=NBT_IOCTL_INFO_ERROR Language=English Unable to read IO control information from an NBT device. A network device using the NBT protocol could not be queried. . ;//
MessageId=3102 Severity=Informational Facility=Application SymbolicName=NBT_IOCTL_INFO_SUCCESS Language=English NBT device IO Control information read successfully. . ;//
MessageId=3103 Severity=Error Facility=Application SymbolicName=NBT_DATA_BUFFER_SIZE Language=English The data buffer passed to the collection routine was too small to receive the data from the NBT device. No data was returned to the caller. The bytes available and the bytes required are in the message data. . ;//
MessageId=3199 Severity=Informational Facility=Application SymbolicName=NBT_COLLECT_DATA Language=English CollectNbtPerformanceData routine completed successfully . ;//
MessageId=3200 Severity=Informational Facility=Application SymbolicName=NBT_CLOSE Language=English CloseNbtPerformanceData routine entered . ;//
;// TCP/IP Performance counter events
MessageId=4000 Severity=Informational Facility=Application SymbolicName=TCP_OPEN_ENTERED Language=English OpenTcpIpPerformanceData routine entered . ;//
MessageId=4001 Severity=Error Facility=Application SymbolicName=TCP_NBT_OPEN_FAIL Language=English NBT Open failed. See NBT error message. . ;//
MessageId=4002 Severity=Informational Facility=Application SymbolicName=TCP_NBT_OPEN_SUCCESS Language=English NBT Open succeeded. . ;//
MessageId=4003 Severity=Error Facility=Application SymbolicName=TCP_DSIS_OPEN_FAIL Language=English DSIS open failed. See DSIS error message . ;//
MessageId=4004 Severity=Informational Facility=Application SymbolicName=TCP_DSIS_OPEN_SUCCESS Language=English DSIS Open succeeded. . ;//
MessageId=4005 Severity=Error Facility=Application SymbolicName=TCP_LOAD_LIBRARY_FAIL Language=English Load of INETMIB1.DLL failed. Make sure the DLL file is in the PATH. WIN32 Error number is returned in the data. . ;//
MessageId=4006 Severity=Error Facility=Application SymbolicName=TCP_GET_STRTOOID_ADDR_FAIL Language=English Unable to look up address of SnmpMgrStrToOid routine in the MGMTAPI.DLL library. WIN32 Error number is returned in the data. . ;//
MessageId=4007 Severity=Error Facility=Application SymbolicName=TCP_LOAD_ROUTINE_FAIL Language=English Unable to look up address of an SNMP Extension routine in the INETMIB1.DLL library. WIN32 Error number is returned in the data. . ;//
MessageId=4008 Severity=Error Facility=Application SymbolicName=TCP_BAD_OBJECT Language=English Unable to look up ID of this object in MIB. Check for correct MIB.BIN file. . ;//
MessageId=4009 Severity=Informational Facility=Application SymbolicName=TCP_BINDINGS_INIT Language=English The TCP data Bindings array has been initialized . ;//
MessageId=4010 Severity=Error Facility=Application SymbolicName=TCP_COMPUTER_NAME Language=English Unable to get the Local Computer name. GetLastError code in data. . ;//
MessageId=4011 Severity=Error Facility=Application SymbolicName=TCP_SNMP_MGR_OPEN Language=English Unable to open the Snmp Mgr interface for the specified computer. GetLastError code returned in data. . ;//
MessageId=4099 Severity=Informational Facility=Application SymbolicName=TCP_OPEN_PERFORMANCE_DATA Language=English OpenTcpIpPerformanceData routine completed successfully. . ;//
MessageId=4100 Severity=Informational Facility=Application SymbolicName=TCP_COLLECT_ENTERED Language=English CollectTcpIpPerformanceData routine entered. . ;//
MessageId=4101 Severity=Informational Facility=Application SymbolicName=TCP_FOREIGN_COMPUTER_CMD Language=English Request for data from a DSIS foreign computer received. . ;//
MessageId=4102 Severity=Error Facility=Application SymbolicName=TCP_DSIS_COLLECT_DATA_ERROR Language=English The CollectDsisPerformanceData routine returned an error. . ;//
MessageId=4103 Severity=Warning Facility=Application SymbolicName=TCP_DSIS_NO_OBJECTS Language=English No objects were returned by the foreign computer. . ;//
MessageId=4104 Severity=Informational Facility=Application SymbolicName=TCP_DSIS_COLLECT_DATA_SUCCESS Language=English Information from the foriegn computer was retrieved successfully . ;//
MessageId=4105 Severity=Error Facility=Application SymbolicName=TCP_NBT_COLLECT_DATA Language=English CollectNbtPerformanceData routine returned an error. . ;//
MessageId=4106 Severity=Warning Facility=Application SymbolicName=TCP_NULL_SESSION Language=English No SNMP Mgr Session was established in the OpenTcpIpPerformanceData routine. . ;//
MessageId=4107 Severity=Error Facility=Application SymbolicName=TCP_SNMP_BUFFER_ALLOC_FAIL Language=English Insufficient memory was available to allocate an SNMP request buffer. . ;//
MessageId=4108 Severity=Error Facility=Application SymbolicName=TCP_SNMP_MGR_REQUEST Language=English SnmpMgrRequest call requesting the TCP, IP, UDP and Interface Counters returned an error. ErrorStatus and ErrorIndex values are shown in Data. . ;//
MessageId=4110 Severity=Error Facility=Application SymbolicName=TCP_ICMP_REQUEST Language=English SnmpMgrRequest call requesting ICMP Counters returned an error. ErrorStatus and ErrorIndex values are shown in Data. .
MessageId=4111 Severity=Informational Facility=Application SymbolicName=TCP_NET_INTERFACE Language=English Processing NetInterface entries. . ;//
MessageId=4112 Severity=Warning Facility=Application SymbolicName=TCP_NET_BUFFER_SIZE Language=English Not enough room in buffer to store Network Interface data. Available and required buffer size is returned in data. . ;//
MessageId=4113 Severity=Error Facility=Application SymbolicName=TCP_NET_GETNEXT_REQUEST Language=English Error returned by SnmpGet (GETNEXT) request while processing Net Interface instances. ErrorStatus and ErrorIndex returned in Data. . ;//
MessageId=4114 Severity=Informational Facility=Application SymbolicName=TCP_COPYING_DATA Language=English Copying data from network requests to perfmon buffer. . ;//
MessageId=4116 Severity=Warning Facility=Application SymbolicName=TCP_NET_IF_BUFFER_SIZE Language=English Not enough room in buffer to store Network Protocol (IP, ICMP, TCP & UDP) data. Available and required buffer size is returned in data. . ;//
MessageId=4119 Severity=Warning Facility=Application SymbolicName=TCP_NULL_ICMP_BUFF Language=English A NULL ICMP data buffer was returned by SNMP. No ICMP data will be returned. This may be caused by a problem with the SNMP service. . ;//
MessageId=4120 Severity=Warning Facility=Application SymbolicName=TCP_NULL_TCP_BUFF Language=English A NULL TCP data buffer was returned by SNMP. No ICMP data will be returned. This may be caused by a problem with the SNMP service. . ;//
MessageId=4121 Severity=Warning Facility=Application SymbolicName=TCP_NULL_SNMP_BUFF Language=English A NULL buffer was returned by SNMP in response to a request for Network performance information. this may indicate a problem with the SNMP service. . ;//
MessageId=4199 Severity=Informational Facility=Application SymbolicName=TCP_COLLECT_DATA Language=English CollectTcpIpPerformanceData completed successfully. . ;//
MessageId=4200 Severity=Informational Facility=Application SymbolicName=TCP_ENTERING_CLOSE Language=English CloseTcpIpPerformanceData routine entered. . ;//
MessageId=4201 Severity=Error Facility=Application SymbolicName=TCP_SNMP_MGR_CLOSE Language=English Error returned by SNMP while trying to close session. . ;//
;// DHCP messages
; MessageId=5300 Severity=Informational Facility=Application SymbolicName=DHCP_OPEN_ENTERED Language=English OpenDhcpPerformanceData routine entered. . ;//
; MessageId=5301 Severity=Informational Facility=Application SymbolicName=DHCP_OPEN_SUCCESS Language=English OpenDhcpPerformanceData routine completed successfully. . ;//
; MessageId=5302 Severity=Informational Facility=Application SymbolicName=DHCP_OPEN_FAILURE Language=English OpenDhcpPerformanceData routine failed. . ;//
; MessageId=5303 Severity=Informational Facility=Application SymbolicName=DHCP_COLLECT_ENTERED Language=English CollectDhcpPerformanceData routine entered. . ;//
; MessageId=5304 Severity=Informational Facility=Application SymbolicName=DHCP_COLLECT_NO_MEM Language=English CollectDhcpPerformance routine retured ERROR_MORE_DATA. . ;//
; MessageId=5305 Severity=Informational Facility=Application SymbolicName=DHCP_COLLECT_ERR Language=English CollectDhcpPerformance routine failed because Shared memory segment wasn't created. . ;//
; MessageId=5306 Severity=Informational Facility=Application SymbolicName=DHCP_COLLECT_SUCCESS Language=English CollectDhcpPerformanceData routine completed successfully. . ;//
; MessageId=5307 Severity=Informational Facility=Application SymbolicName=DHCP_CLOSE_ENTERED Language=English CloseDhcpPerformanceData routine was called. . ;//
; MessageId=5308 Severity=WARNING Facility=Application SymbolicName=DHCP_NOT_INSTALLED Language=English The performance counters for the DHCP service have not been installed. No DHCP performance data will be available. . ;//
;// END of messages