Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains the server side implementation for the Win32 Registry API to enumerate keys. That is:
- BaseRegEnumKey
David J. Gilman (davegi) 23-Dec-1991
See the Notes in Regkey.c.
#include <rpc.h>
#include "regrpc.h"
#include "localreg.h"
#include "regclass.h"
#include "regecls.h"
#include <malloc.h>
error_status_t BaseRegEnumKey ( IN HKEY hKey, IN DWORD dwIndex, OUT PUNICODE_STRING lpName, OUT PUNICODE_STRING lpClass OPTIONAL, OUT PFILETIME lpftLastWriteTime OPTIONAL )
Routine Description:
Used to enumerate subkeys of an open key. This function copies the dwIndex-th subkey of hKey.
hKey - A handle to the open key. The keys returned are relative to the key pointed to by this key handle. Any of the predefined reserved handles or a previously opened key handle may be used for hKey.
dwIndex - The index of the subkey to return. Note that this is for convenience, subkeys are not ordered (a new subkey has an arbitrary index). Indexes start at 0.
lpName - Provides a pointer to a buffer to receive the name of the key.
lpClass - If present, provides a pointer to a buffer to receive the class of the key.
lpftLastWriteTime - The time when the value was last written (set or created).
Return Value:
Returns ERROR_SUCCESS (0) for success; error-code for failure.
This function is guaranteed to operate correctly only if dwIndex starts at 0 and is incremented on successive calls without intervening calls to other registration APIs that will change the key. KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS access is required.
{ NTSTATUS Status; ULONG BufferLength; KEY_INFORMATION_CLASS KeyInformationClass; PVOID KeyInformation; ULONG ResultLength; BOOL fClassKey;
ASSERT( lpName != NULL );
// Protect ourselves against malicious callers passing NULL
// pointers.
if (lpClass == NULL) { return(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); }
// Call out to Perflib if the HKEY is HKEY_PERFOMANCE_DATA or
return (error_status_t)PerfRegEnumKey ( hKey, dwIndex, lpName, NULL, lpClass, lpftLastWriteTime ); }
// First we assume that the information we want will fit on
// PrivateKeyValueInformattion
KeyInformationClass = (ARGUMENT_PRESENT( lpClass->Buffer ))? KeyNodeInformation : KeyBasicInformation;
KeyInformation = PrivateKeyInformation; BufferLength = sizeof( PrivateKeyInformation );
fClassKey = FALSE; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
// Query for the necessary information about the supplied key.
#ifdef LOCAL
// For hkcr, we need to do special enumeration
if (REG_CLASS_IS_SPECIAL_KEY(hKey)) { Status = EnumTableGetNextEnum( &gClassesEnumTable, hKey, dwIndex, KeyInformationClass, KeyInformation, BufferLength, &ResultLength);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status) || (NT_SUCCESS(Status) && ResultLength)) { fClassKey = TRUE; } } #endif // LOCAL
if (!fClassKey) {
Status = NtEnumerateKey( hKey, dwIndex, KeyInformationClass, KeyInformation, BufferLength, &ResultLength ); }
// A return value of STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL would mean that there
// was not enough room for even the fixed portions of the structure.
if( Status == STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW ) { //
// The buffer defined in the stack wasn't big enough to hold
// the Key information.
// If the caller's buffer are big enough to hold the key name
// and key class, then allocate a new buffer, and call the
// NT API again.
if( ( ( KeyInformationClass == KeyBasicInformation ) && ( (ULONG)( lpName->MaximumLength ) >= (( PKEY_BASIC_INFORMATION ) KeyInformation )->NameLength + sizeof(UNICODE_NULL) ) ) || ( ( KeyInformationClass == KeyNodeInformation ) && ( (ULONG)(lpName->MaximumLength) >= (( PKEY_NODE_INFORMATION ) KeyInformation )->NameLength + sizeof(UNICODE_NULL) ) && ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT( lpClass->Buffer ) ) && ( (ULONG)(lpClass->MaximumLength) >= (( PKEY_NODE_INFORMATION ) KeyInformation )->ClassLength + sizeof(UNICODE_NULL) ) ) ) { BufferLength = ResultLength;
KeyInformation = RtlAllocateHeap( RtlProcessHeap( ), 0, BufferLength ); //
// If the memory allocation fails, return a Registry error.
if( ! KeyInformation ) { return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// Query for the necessary information about the supplied key.
// This may or may not include the class depending on lpClass->Buffer
// as determined above.
#ifdef LOCAL
if (fClassKey) { //
// For hkcr, we need to do special enumeration
Status = EnumTableGetNextEnum( &gClassesEnumTable, hKey, dwIndex, KeyInformationClass, KeyInformation, BufferLength, &ResultLength);
} else #endif // LOCAL
{ Status = NtEnumerateKey( hKey, dwIndex, KeyInformationClass, KeyInformation, BufferLength, &ResultLength ); }
} }
if( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { //
// Copy key name
if( KeyInformationClass == KeyBasicInformation ) { //
// Return the name length and the name of the key.
// Note that the NUL byte is included so that RPC copies the
// correct number of bytes. It is decremented on the client
// side.
if( (ULONG)(lpName->MaximumLength) >= (( PKEY_BASIC_INFORMATION ) KeyInformation )->NameLength + sizeof( UNICODE_NULL ) ) {
lpName->Length = ( USHORT ) (( PKEY_BASIC_INFORMATION ) KeyInformation )->NameLength;
RtlMoveMemory( lpName->Buffer, (( PKEY_BASIC_INFORMATION ) KeyInformation )->Name, lpName->Length );
// NUL terminate the value name.
lpName->Buffer[ lpName->Length >> 1 ] = UNICODE_NULL; lpName->Length += sizeof( UNICODE_NULL );
} else { Status = STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; }
// If requested, return the last write time.
if( ARGUMENT_PRESENT( lpftLastWriteTime )) {
*lpftLastWriteTime = *( PFILETIME ) &(( PKEY_BASIC_INFORMATION ) KeyInformation ) ->LastWriteTime; }
} else { //
// Return the name length and the name of the key.
// Note that the NUL byte is included so that RPC copies the
// correct number of bytes. It is decremented on the client
// side.
if( ( (ULONG)(lpName->MaximumLength) >= (( PKEY_NODE_INFORMATION ) KeyInformation )->NameLength + sizeof( UNICODE_NULL ) ) && ( (ULONG)(lpClass->MaximumLength) >= (( PKEY_NODE_INFORMATION ) KeyInformation )->ClassLength + sizeof( UNICODE_NULL) ) ) { //
// Copy the key name
lpName->Length = ( USHORT ) (( PKEY_NODE_INFORMATION ) KeyInformation )->NameLength;
RtlMoveMemory( lpName->Buffer, (( PKEY_NODE_INFORMATION ) KeyInformation )->Name, lpName->Length );
// NUL terminate the key name.
lpName->Buffer[ lpName->Length >> 1 ] = UNICODE_NULL; lpName->Length += sizeof( UNICODE_NULL );
// Copy the key class
lpClass->Length = (USHORT) ((( PKEY_NODE_INFORMATION ) KeyInformation )->ClassLength );
RtlMoveMemory( lpClass->Buffer, ( PBYTE ) KeyInformation + (( PKEY_NODE_INFORMATION ) KeyInformation )->ClassOffset, (( PKEY_NODE_INFORMATION ) KeyInformation )->ClassLength );
// NUL terminate the class.
lpClass->Buffer[ lpClass->Length >> 1 ] = UNICODE_NULL;
lpClass->Length += sizeof( UNICODE_NULL );
} else { Status = STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; }
// If requested, return the last write time.
if( ARGUMENT_PRESENT( lpftLastWriteTime )) {
*lpftLastWriteTime = *( PFILETIME ) &(( PKEY_NODE_INFORMATION ) KeyInformation ) ->LastWriteTime; }
if( KeyInformation != PrivateKeyInformation ) { //
// Free the buffer allocated.
RtlFreeHeap( RtlProcessHeap( ), 0, KeyInformation ); }
return (error_status_t)RtlNtStatusToDosError( Status ); }