#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "tsttmp.h" // defines DbgPrint as printf
extern int errno; VOID npipe0(char *); VOID npipe1(char *); VOID npipe2(char *); VOID npipe3(char *); VOID npipe4(char *); VOID npipe5(VOID);
// 'tstnpipe named.pip'.
// The directory /psx/test is used as the base directory. The zero-length
// file named 'named.pip must exist in that directory.
char nulltouch(char *f) { return 'a'; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc != 2) { DbgPrint("Usage: 'tstnpipe named.pip'\n"); return 1; } ASSERT(strcmp(argv[1],"named.pip") == 0);
npipe0(argv[1]); npipe1(argv[1]); npipe2(argv[1]); npipe3(argv[1]); npipe4(argv[1]); npipe5();
return 1; }
VOID npipe0(char *f) { int rc,wfd,rfd; char buf[512];
DbgPrint("npipe0:++ %s\n",f); nulltouch(f);
// Open for read with NONBLOCK. Open should complete
// without delay.
rfd = open(f, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK); ASSERT(rfd != -1);
// Since there is no data in pipe, read should complete and
// return 0 as the byte count.
rc = read(rfd,buf,512); ASSERT(rc == 0);
// Open for write with NONBLOCK. Should succeed
wfd = open(f,O_WRONLY | O_NONBLOCK); ASSERT(wfd != -1);
rc = write(wfd,"Hello World\n",13); ASSERT(rc == 13);
rc = read(rfd,buf,512); ASSERT(rc == 13 && (strcmp(buf,"Hello World\n") == 0 ));
rc = close(rfd); ASSERT(rc != -1);
rc = close(wfd); ASSERT(rc != -1);
// Open for write with NONBLOCK. Should fail since read handle was
// closed.
wfd = open(f,O_WRONLY | O_NONBLOCK); ASSERT(wfd == -1 && errno == ENXIO);
DbgPrint("npipe0:--\n"); }
VOID npipe1(char *f) { int rc,wfd,rfd,stat_loc; pid_t child; char buf[512];
DbgPrint("npipe1:++ %s\n",f);
wfd = open("foobar.bad",O_WRONLY);
nulltouch(f); child = fork(); nulltouch(f);
// Make sure that in the simple case,
// the named pipe open protocol works
if ( child == 0 ) {
rfd = open(f,O_RDONLY); ASSERT(rfd != -1);
rc = read(rfd,buf,512); ASSERT(rc == 13 && (strcmp(buf,"Hello World\n") == 0 ));
_exit(rc); }
wfd = open(f,O_WRONLY); ASSERT(wfd != -1);
rc = write(wfd,"Hello World\n",13); ASSERT(rc == 13);
rc = waitpid(child,&stat_loc,0); ASSERT(rc == child && WIFEXITED(stat_loc) && WEXITSTATUS(stat_loc) == 13);
rc = close(wfd); ASSERT(rc != -1);
// Open for write with NONBLOCK. Should fail since read handle was
// closed by childs process exit.
wfd = open(f,O_WRONLY | O_NONBLOCK); ASSERT(wfd == -1 && errno == ENXIO);
DbgPrint("npipe1:--\n"); }
VOID npipe2(char *f) { int rc,wfd,rfd,rfd2,stat_loc; pid_t child1,child2; char buf[512];
DbgPrint("npipe2:++ %s\n",f);
nulltouch(f); child1 = fork(); nulltouch(f);
// Make sure that if we have a case where two readers open the
// pipe, one writers open will catch them both
if ( child1 == 0 ) {
nulltouch(f); child2 = fork(); nulltouch(f);
if ( child2 == 0 ) {
rfd2 = open(f,O_RDONLY); ASSERT(rfd != -1);
rc = read(rfd2,buf,512); ASSERT(rc == 13 && (strcmp(buf,"Hello World\n") == 0 ));
_exit(rc); }
rfd = open(f,O_RDONLY); ASSERT(rfd != -1);
rc = waitpid(child2,&stat_loc,0); ASSERT(rc == child2 && WIFEXITED(stat_loc) && WEXITSTATUS(stat_loc) == 13);
_exit(WEXITSTATUS(stat_loc)); }
wfd = open(f,O_WRONLY); ASSERT(wfd != -1);
rc = write(wfd,"Hello World\n",13); ASSERT(rc == 13);
rc = waitpid(child1,&stat_loc,0); ASSERT(rc == child1 && WIFEXITED(stat_loc) && WEXITSTATUS(stat_loc) == 13);
rc = close(wfd); ASSERT(rc != -1);
// Open for write with NONBLOCK. Should fail since read handle was
// closed by childs process exit.
wfd = open(f,O_WRONLY | O_NONBLOCK); ASSERT(wfd == -1 && errno == ENXIO);
DbgPrint("npipe2:--\n"); }
void npipe3_handler( IN int sig ) { int wfd;
ASSERT(sig == SIGUSR1); wfd = open("named.pip",O_WRONLY | O_NONBLOCK); ASSERT(wfd == -1 && errno == ENXIO);
VOID npipe3(char *f) { int rc,wfd,rfd,stat_loc; pid_t child; struct sigaction act;
DbgPrint("npipe3:++ %s\n",f);
nulltouch(f); child = fork(); nulltouch(f);
// While child is blocked in open, terminate him with a signal
// and make sure everything is ok.
if ( child == 0 ) {
rfd = open(f,O_RDONLY); ASSERT(FALSE); }
rc = kill(child,SIGKILL); ASSERT(rc==0);
rc = waitpid(child,&stat_loc,0); ASSERT(rc == child && WIFSIGNALED(stat_loc) && WTERMSIG(stat_loc) == SIGKILL);
wfd = open(f,O_WRONLY | O_NONBLOCK); ASSERT(wfd == -1 && errno == ENXIO);
// Now Try again. This time send a signal that child catches. He should
// come back from his open with EINTR and the pipe should not be left
// open.
nulltouch(f); child = fork(); nulltouch(f);
// While child is blocked in open, terminate him with a signal
// and make sure everything is ok.
act.sa_flags = 0; sigfillset(&act.sa_mask); act.sa_handler = npipe3_handler; rc = sigaction(SIGUSR1, &act, NULL); ASSERT( rc == 0 );
if ( child == 0 ) {
rfd = open(f,O_RDONLY); ASSERT(rfd == -1 && errno == EINTR);
wfd = open(f,O_WRONLY | O_NONBLOCK); ASSERT(wfd == -1 && errno == ENXIO);
rc = kill(getpid(),SIGKILL); ASSERT(FALSE);
rc = kill(child,SIGUSR1); ASSERT(rc==0);
rc = waitpid(child,&stat_loc,0); ASSERT(rc == child && WIFSIGNALED(stat_loc) && WTERMSIG(stat_loc) == SIGKILL);
wfd = open(f,O_WRONLY | O_NONBLOCK); ASSERT(wfd == -1 && errno == ENXIO);
DbgPrint("npipe3:--\n"); }
VOID npipe4(char *f) { int rc,rfd; int fildes[2]; off_t off;
DbgPrint("npipe4:++ %s\n",f); nulltouch(f);
// Open for read with NONBLOCK. Open should complete
// without delay.
rfd = open(f,O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK); ASSERT(rfd != -1);
// lseek on named pipe should fail
off = (off_t) 1; errno = 0;
off = lseek(rfd,off,SEEK_SET); ASSERT(off == -1 && errno == ESPIPE);
rc = close(rfd); ASSERT(rc != -1);
rc = pipe(fildes); ASSERT(rc == 0);
// lseek on regular pipe should fail
off = (off_t)11; errno = 0;
off = lseek(fildes[0],off,SEEK_SET); ASSERT(off == -1 && errno == ESPIPE);
off = 10; errno = 0;
off = lseek(fildes[1],off,SEEK_SET); ASSERT(off == -1 && errno == ESPIPE);
DbgPrint("npipe4:--\n"); }
VOID npipe5() { int rc,rfd; off_t off;
rc = mkfifo("xpipe.pip",0); ASSERT(rc==0 || ( rc == -1 && errno == EEXIST ) );
if ( rc == -1 ) { DbgPrint("npipe5: **** Warning Fifo Exists ****\n"); }
// Open for read with NONBLOCK. Open should complete
// without delay.
rfd = open("xpipe.pip",O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK); ASSERT(rfd != -1);
// lseek on named pipe should fail
off = 1; errno = 0;
off = lseek(rfd,off,SEEK_SET); ASSERT(off == -1 && errno == ESPIPE);
rc = close(rfd); ASSERT(rc != -1);
DbgPrint("npipe5:--\n"); }