// Stuff to deal with cpio-format files
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "cpio.h"
#include "buf.h"
#include "psxarc.h"
#include "links.h"
extern int errno; extern int fVerbose;
static void cpio_dodir(PBUF pb, char *pchfile, struct stat *psb);
// Convert string pch of length len from octal and return the value.
static int cpio_atoi(char *pch, int len) { int num = 0, i;
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { num = num * 8 + (pch[i] - '0'); } return num; }
void CpioList(PBUF pb) { int nbytes; int namesize, filesize; int i; static char pathname[PATH_MAX + NAME_MAX + 2]; CPIO_HEAD x;
for (;;) { //
// read the cpio header
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(x); ++i) { ((char *)&x)[i] = bgetc(pb); } if (0 != strncmp(x.c_magic, MAGIC, strlen(MAGIC))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: this doesn't look like a cpio archive\n", progname); exit(1); } namesize = cpio_atoi(x.c_namesize, sizeof(x.c_namesize)); filesize = cpio_atoi(x.c_filesize, sizeof(x.c_filesize));
for (i = 0; i < namesize; ++i) { // nb: namesize includes the null
pathname[i] = bgetc(pb); } if (0 == strcmp(pathname, LASTFILENAME)) { break; }
printf("%s\n", pathname); // skip the file data
for (i = 0; i < filesize; ++i) { (void)bgetc(pb); } } }
void CpioRead(PBUF pb) { int fdout; int mode; int i; int namesize, filesize; static CPIO_HEAD x; static char pathname[PATH_MAX + NAME_MAX + 2];
for (;;) { //
// read the cpio header
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(x); ++i) { ((char *)&x)[i] = bgetc(pb); }
if (0 != strncmp(x.c_magic, MAGIC, strlen(MAGIC))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: this doesn't look like a cpio archive\n", progname); exit(1); } namesize = cpio_atoi(x.c_namesize, sizeof(x.c_namesize)); filesize = cpio_atoi(x.c_filesize, sizeof(x.c_filesize));
for (i = 0; i < namesize; ++i) { // nb: namesize includes the null
pathname[i] = bgetc(pb); } if (0 == strcmp(pathname, LASTFILENAME)) { break; } if (fVerbose) { printf("%s\n", pathname); }
mode = cpio_atoi(x.c_mode, sizeof(x.c_mode));
if (mode & C_ISDIR) { mkdir(pathname, 0777); } else if (mode & C_ISFIFO) { mkfifo(pathname, 0666); } else if (mode & C_ISREG) { fdout = open(pathname, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0666); if (-1 == fdout) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: open: ", progname); perror(pathname);
// we could continue, but we'd have to be sure
// to skip this file's data.
exit(1); } for (i = 0; i < filesize; ++i) { char c; c = (char)bgetc(pb); (void)write(fdout, &c, 1); --filesize; } (void)close(fdout); } else if (mode & C_ISLNK) { // XXX.mjb: symbolic link
} else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unknown mode 0%o\n", progname, mode); exit(4); } } }
void cpio_itoa(int i, char *pch, int len) { int j; char buf[20];
sprintf(buf, "%o", i);
j = strlen(buf); if (j > len) { printf("itoa: not enough room in buf: need %d, have %d\n", j, len); exit(3); }
memset(pch, '0', len); strncpy(&pch[len - j], buf, strlen(buf)); }
void CpioWrite(PBUF pb, char **files, int count) { CPIO_HEAD h; struct stat statbuf; int i, len; int fdin;
(void)strncpy(h.c_magic, MAGIC, strlen(MAGIC)); while (count > 0) { if (fVerbose) { printf("%s\n", *files); } if (-1 == (fdin = open(*files, O_RDONLY))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: open: "); perror(*files); exit(1); } if (-1 == fstat(fdin, &statbuf)) { perror("fstat"); exit(1); }
cpio_itoa(strlen(*files) + 1, h.c_namesize, sizeof(h.c_namesize)); cpio_itoa(statbuf.st_dev, h.c_dev, sizeof(h.c_dev)); cpio_itoa(statbuf.st_ino, h.c_ino, sizeof(h.c_ino)); cpio_itoa(statbuf.st_uid, h.c_uid, sizeof(h.c_uid)); cpio_itoa(statbuf.st_gid, h.c_gid, sizeof(h.c_gid)); cpio_itoa(statbuf.st_nlink, h.c_nlink, sizeof(h.c_nlink)); cpio_itoa(statbuf.st_mtime, h.c_mtime, sizeof(h.c_mtime));
if (S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) { cpio_itoa(C_ISDIR, h.c_mode, sizeof(h.c_mode)); cpio_itoa(0, h.c_filesize, sizeof(h.c_filesize));
// write the header
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(h); ++i) { bputc(pb, ((char *)&h)[i]); }
// write the directory name
len = strlen(*files) + 1; // the nul, too
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { bputc(pb, (*files)[i]); }
// write the directory contents
cpio_dodir(pb, *files, &statbuf);
count--; files++; continue; } if (S_ISFIFO(statbuf.st_mode)) { cpio_itoa(C_ISFIFO, h.c_mode, sizeof(h.c_mode)); cpio_itoa(0, h.c_filesize, sizeof(h.c_filesize)); } else if (S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode)) { cpio_itoa(C_ISREG, h.c_mode, sizeof(h.c_mode)); cpio_itoa(statbuf.st_size, h.c_filesize, sizeof(h.c_filesize)); } else { printf("I'm not prepared to deal with the file type " "of %s\n", *files); exit(2); }
// write the cpio header
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(h); ++i) { bputc(pb, ((char *)&h)[i]); }
// write the filename
len = strlen(*files) + 1; // the nul, too
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { bputc(pb, (*files)[i]); }
while (statbuf.st_size > 0) { char b; (void)read(fdin, &b, 1); bputc(pb, b); --statbuf.st_size; }
close(fdin); count--; files++; }
#if 0
printf("", count); // null function call to work around
// mips code generator problem
static void cpio_dodir(PBUF pb, char *pchfile, struct stat *psb) { DIR *dp; struct dirent *dirent; char *pch;
dp = opendir(pchfile); if (NULL == dp) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: opendir: ", progname); perror(pchfile); return; } while (NULL != (dirent = readdir(dp))) { if ('.' == dirent->d_name[0] && ('\0' == dirent->d_name[1] || 0 == strcmp(dirent->d_name, ".."))) { continue; }
// Recurse. We append the file name read from the directory
// to the directory name we were given and call CpioWrite to
// put it on the tape. It could be a directory, so we could
// end up back here. This means that we must allocate the
// space for the pathname dynamically. This seems like it
// will be a big time-waster.
// strlen + 2: one extra for '/', one extra for nul.
pch = malloc(strlen(pchfile) + strlen(dirent->d_name) + 2); if (NULL == pch) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: virtual memory exhausted\n", progname); exit(4); } strcpy(pch, pchfile); strcat(pch, "/"); strcat(pch, dirent->d_name); CpioWrite(pb, &pch, 1); free(pch); } (void)closedir(dp); }