Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module implements the main loop servicing API RPC's.
Mark Lucovsky (markl) 05-Apr-1989
Revision History:
#include "psxsrv.h"
#define NOEXTAPI
#include "wdbgexts.h"
#include "ntdbg.h"
// API Dispatch Table
PPSX_API_ROUTINE PsxServerApiDispatch[PsxMaxApiNumber] = { PsxFork, PsxExec, PsxWaitPid, PsxExit, PsxKill, PsxSigAction, PsxSigProcMask, PsxSigPending, PsxSigSuspend, PsxAlarm, PsxGetIds, PsxSetUid, PsxSetGid, PsxGetGroups, PsxGetLogin, PsxCUserId, PsxSetSid, PsxSetPGroupId, PsxUname, PsxTime, PsxGetProcessTimes, PsxTtyName, PsxIsatty, PsxSysconf, PsxOpen, PsxUmask, PsxLink, PsxMkDir, PsxMkFifo, PsxRmDir, PsxRename, PsxStat, PsxFStat, PsxAccess, PsxChmod, PsxChown, PsxUtime, PsxPathConf, PsxFPathConf, PsxPipe, PsxDup, PsxDup2, PsxClose, PsxRead, PsxWrite, PsxFcntl, PsxLseek, PsxTcGetAttr, PsxTcSetAttr, PsxTcSendBreak, PsxTcDrain, PsxTcFlush, PsxTcFlow, PsxTcGetPGrp, PsxTcSetPGrp, PsxGetPwUid, PsxGetPwNam, PsxGetGrGid, PsxGetGrNam, PsxUnlink, PsxReadDir, PsxFtruncate, PsxNull
, PsxSocket, PsxAccept, PsxBind, PsxConnect, PsxGetPeerName, PsxGetSockName, PsxGetSockOpt, PsxListen, PsxRecv, PsxSend, PsxSendTo, PsxSetSockOpt, PsxShutdown
#endif // PSX_SOCKET
#if DBG
PSZ PsxServerApiName[PsxMaxApiNumber] = { "PsxFork", "PsxExec", "PsxWaitPid", "PsxExit", "PsxKill", "PsxSigAction", "PsxSigProcMask", "PsxSigPending", "PsxSigSuspend", "PsxAlarm", "PsxGetIds", "PsxSetUid", "PsxSetGid", "PsxGetGroups", "PsxGetLogin", "PsxCUserId", "PsxSetSid", "PsxSetPGroupId", "PsxUname", "PsxTime", "PsxGetProcessTimes", "PsxTtyName", "PsxIsatty", "PsxSysconf", "PsxOpen", "PsxUmask", "PsxLink", "PsxMkDir", "PsxMkFifo", "PsxRmDir", "PsxRename", "PsxStat", "PsxFStat", "PsxAccess", "PsxChmod", "PsxChown", "PsxUtime", "PsxPathConf", "PsxFPathConf", "PsxPipe", "PsxDup", "PsxDup2", "PsxClose", "PsxRead", "PsxWrite", "PsxFcntl", "PsxLseek", "PsxTcGetAttr", "PsxTcSetAttr", "PsxTcSendBreak", "PsxTcDrain", "PsxTcFlush", "PsxTcFlow", "PsxTcGetPGrp", "PsxTcSetPGrp", "PsxGetPwUid", "PsxGetPwNam", "PsxGetGrGid", "PsxGetGrNam", "PsxUnlink", "PsxReadDir", "PsxFtruncate", "PsxNull"
, "PsxSocket", "PsxAccept", "PsxBind", "PsxConnect", "PsxGetPeerName", "PsxGetSockName", "PsxGetSockOpt", "PsxListen", "PsxRecv", "PsxRecvFrom", "PsxSend", "PsxSendTo", "PsxSetSockOpt", "PsxShutdown"
#endif // PSX_SOCKET
VOID dumpmsg( IN PPSX_API_MSG ReplyMsg);
#endif //DBG
#if _MSC_FULL_VER >= 13008827
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4715) // Not all control paths return (due to infinite loop)
NTSTATUS PsxApiRequestThread( IN PVOID Parameter ) { NTSTATUS Status; PPSX_PROCESS Process; PSX_API_MSG ReceiveMsg; PPSX_API_MSG ReplyMsg; USHORT MessageType; PVOID PortContext; // pointer to process structure
KERNEL_USER_TIMES ThreadTime; ULONG PosixUTime1, PosixUTime2, Remainder, LengthNeeded; ULONG PosixSTime1, PosixSTime2; BOOLEAN Reply; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Parameter); ReplyMsg = NULL; while (TRUE) { Status = NtQueryInformationThread(NtCurrentThread(), ThreadTimes, (PVOID)&ThreadTime, sizeof(ThreadTime), &LengthNeeded); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status)); PosixUTime1 = RtlExtendedLargeIntegerDivide( ThreadTime.UserTime, 10000, &Remainder).LowPart; PosixSTime1 = RtlExtendedLargeIntegerDivide( ThreadTime.KernelTime, 10000, &Remainder).LowPart;
Status = NtReplyWaitReceivePort(PsxApiPort, &PortContext, (PPORT_MESSAGE)ReplyMsg, (PPORT_MESSAGE)&ReceiveMsg); if (Status != 0) { if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { continue; } if (STATUS_INVALID_CID == Status) { ReplyMsg = NULL; continue; } KdPrint(("PSXSS: ReceivePort failed: 0x%x\n", Status)); ReplyMsg = NULL; continue; }
MessageType = ReceiveMsg.h.u2.s2.Type;
if (MessageType == LPC_CONNECTION_REQUEST) { PsxApiHandleConnectionRequest( &ReceiveMsg ); ReplyMsg = NULL; continue; }
Process = PsxLocateProcessByClientId(&ReceiveMsg.h.ClientId); if (NULL == Process) { if (LPC_CLIENT_DIED == MessageType || LPC_PORT_CLOSED == MessageType || LPC_ERROR_EVENT == MessageType ) { ReplyMsg = NULL; continue; } if (LPC_EXCEPTION == MessageType) { ReplyMsg = &ReceiveMsg; ReplyMsg->ReturnValue = DBG_CONTINUE; continue; }
KdPrint(("PSXSS: msg %d from unknown client: %d, %d\n", ReceiveMsg.ApiNumber, ReceiveMsg.h.ClientId.UniqueProcess, ReceiveMsg.h.ClientId.UniqueThread)); ReceiveMsg.Error = ESRCH; ReplyMsg = NULL; continue; }
// For each POSIX API message
// - Validate the API Number
// - Dispatch the call
// - Optionally Reply
if (LPC_CLIENT_DIED == MessageType) { // XXX.mjb: do we need to increment InPsx here?
// XXX.mjb: this exit status should be meaningful.
Exit(Process, (ULONG)-1); ReplyMsg = NULL; // no one to reply to.
continue; } if (LPC_EXCEPTION == MessageType) { PDBGKM_APIMSG m;
KdPrint(("PSXSS: Pid 0x%x has taken an exception\n", Process->Pid));
Exit(Process, (ULONG)-1);
// XXX.mjb: would be nice to print an error
// message.
m = (PDBGKM_APIMSG)&ReceiveMsg; m->ReturnedStatus = DBG_CONTINUE; ReplyMsg = &ReceiveMsg; ReplyMsg->ReturnValue = DBG_CONTINUE; continue; } if (LPC_ERROR_EVENT == MessageType) { PHARDERROR_MSG m;
m = (PHARDERROR_MSG)&ReceiveMsg; m->Response = (ULONG)ResponseNotHandled;
Exit(Process, (ULONG)-1); ReplyMsg = NULL; // no one to reply to.
continue; } if (LPC_REQUEST != MessageType) { KdPrint(("PSXSS: Unknown message type 0x%x\n", MessageType)); ReplyMsg = NULL; // no one to reply to.
continue; }
if (Process != PortContext) { //
// This message was sent by a diffferent process than
// the one that now has this ClientId. We discard
// the message.
ReplyMsg = NULL; continue; }
Process->InPsx++; Process->IntControlBlock = (PINTCB) NULL;
if (ReceiveMsg.ApiNumber >= PsxMaxApiNumber) { KdPrint(("PSXSS: %lx is invalid ApiNumber\n", ReceiveMsg.ApiNumber)); ReceiveMsg.Error = ENOSYS; ReplyMsg = &ReceiveMsg; continue; }
ReplyMsg = &ReceiveMsg;
ReceiveMsg.Error = 0L; ReceiveMsg.ReturnValue = 0L;
Reply = (*PsxServerApiDispatch[ReceiveMsg.ApiNumber]) (Process, &ReceiveMsg);
if (!(Process->Flags & P_FREE)) {
// the process has exited, don't try to fiddle
// with times.
if (!Reply) { ReplyMsg = NULL; continue; } }
// the user and system time for the posix server are added to
// the process *system* time (the system is executing in user
// and kernel mode on behalf of the process).
Status = NtQueryInformationThread(NtCurrentThread(), ThreadTimes, (PVOID)&ThreadTime, sizeof(ThreadTime), &LengthNeeded); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status)); PosixUTime2 = RtlExtendedLargeIntegerDivide( ThreadTime.UserTime, 10000, &Remainder).LowPart; PosixSTime2 = RtlExtendedLargeIntegerDivide( ThreadTime.KernelTime, 10000, &Remainder).LowPart;
Process->ProcessTimes.tms_stime += (PosixUTime2 - PosixUTime1); Process->ProcessTimes.tms_stime += (PosixSTime2 - PosixSTime1);
if (!Reply) { ReplyMsg = NULL; continue; }
if (PendingSignalHandledInside(Process, &ReceiveMsg, NULL)) { ReplyMsg = NULL; // Don't reply
continue; }
AcquireProcessLock(Process); --Process->InPsx; ReleaseProcessLock(Process); } NtTerminateThread(NtCurrentThread(), Status); return Status; }
#if _MSC_FULL_VER >= 13008827
#pragma warning(pop)
VOID ApiReply( IN PPSX_PROCESS Process, IN PPSX_API_MSG ReplyMsg, IN sigset_t *RestoreBlockSigset OPTIONAL )
Routine Description:
This routine issues a reply for the specified message on behalf of the specified process.
Process - Supplies the address of the process on whose behalf the reply is being made.
ReplyMsg - Supplies the value of the reply message.
RestoreBlockSigset - Supplies an optional blocked signal mask that should be restored after the signal completes
Return Value:
{ NTSTATUS Status; HANDLE ReplyPort;
if (!PendingSignalHandledInside(Process, ReplyMsg, RestoreBlockSigset)) {
#if DBG
IF_PSX_DEBUG( MSGDUMP ) { KdPrint(("--- REPLY TebServicer %lx Message... Pid %lx\n", NtCurrentTeb(), Process->Pid)); dumpmsg(ReplyMsg); } #endif //DBG
ReplyPort = Process->ClientPort;
Status = NtReplyPort(ReplyPort, (PPORT_MESSAGE)ReplyMsg); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { //
// We can get here, if, for instance, somebody shoots a
// process out from under us.
KdPrint(("PSXSS: ReplyPort: 0x%x\n", Status)); }
--Process->InPsx; return; } }
#if DBG
VOID dumpmsg( IN PPSX_API_MSG Msg ) { PULONG l; ULONG p1,p2,p3;
KdPrint(("Length %lx\n",Msg->h.u1.Length)); KdPrint(("MapInfo and Type %lx\n",Msg->h.u2.ZeroInit)); KdPrint(("ClientId %lx.%lx\n", Msg->h.ClientId.UniqueProcess, Msg->h.ClientId.UniqueThread)); KdPrint(("ApiName %lx %s\n",Msg->ApiNumber,PsxServerApiName[Msg->ApiNumber])); KdPrint(("Error %lx\n",Msg->Error)); KdPrint(("ReturnValue %lx\n",Msg->ReturnValue));
l = (PULONG) (&Msg->u.Fork); p1 = *l++; p2 = *l++; p3 = *l++; KdPrint(("Args[0..2] \t%lx\n\t\t%lx\n\t\t%lx\n",p1,p2,p3)); }
#endif //DBG