/*++ BUILD Version: 0001 // Increment this if a change has global effects
Copyright (c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file implements the Extensible Objects for the P5 object type
Russ Blake 24 Feb 93
Revision History
// Include Files
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <winperf.h>
#include "p5ctrmsg.h" // error message definition
#include "p5ctrnam.h"
#include "p5msg.h"
#include "perfutil.h"
#include "pentdata.h"
#include "..\pstat.h"
// References to constants which initialize the Object type definitions
extern P5_DATA_DEFINITION P5DataDefinition;
// P5 data structures
DWORD dwOpenCount = 0; // count of "Open" threads
BOOL bInitOK = FALSE; // true = DLL initialized OK
BOOL bP6notP5 = FALSE; // true for P6 processors, false for P5 CPUs
HANDLE DriverHandle; // handle of opened device driver
UCHAR NumberOfProcessors;
#define INFSIZE 60000
// Function Prototypes
// these are used to insure that the data collection functions
// accessed by Perflib will have the correct calling format.
PM_OPEN_PROC OpenP5PerformanceData; PM_COLLECT_PROC CollectP5PerformanceData; PM_CLOSE_PROC CloseP5PerformanceData;
static ULONG InitPerfInfo() /*++
Routine Description:
Initialize data for perf measurements
Return Value:
Number of system processors (0 if error)
Revision History:
10-21-91 Initial code
// Init Nt performance interface
NtQuerySystemInformation( SystemBasicInformation, &BasicInfo, sizeof(BasicInfo), NULL );
NumberOfProcessors = BasicInfo.NumberOfProcessors;
if (NumberOfProcessors > MAX_PROCESSORS) { return(0); }
// Open PStat driver
RtlInitUnicodeString(&DriverName, L"\\Device\\PStat"); InitializeObjectAttributes( &ObjA, &DriverName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, 0, 0 );
status = NtOpenFile ( &DriverHandle, // return handle
SYNCHRONIZE | FILE_READ_DATA, // desired access
&ObjA, // Object
&IOSB, // io status block
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { return 0; }
NtQuerySystemInformation ( SystemProcessorInformation, &CpuInfo, sizeof(CpuInfo), NULL);
if ((CpuInfo.ProcessorArchitecture == PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL) && (CpuInfo.ProcessorLevel == 6)) { // then this is a P6 so set the global flag
bP6notP5 = TRUE; }
return(NumberOfProcessors); }
static long GetPerfRegistryInitialization ( HKEY *phKeyDriverPerf, DWORD *pdwFirstCounter, DWORD *pdwFirstHelp ) { long status; DWORD size; DWORD type;
// get counter and help index base values from registry
// Open key to registry entry
// read First Counter and First Help values
// update static data strucutures by adding base to
// offset value in structure.
status = RegOpenKeyEx ( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\PStat\\Performance", 0L, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, phKeyDriverPerf);
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { REPORT_ERROR_DATA (P5PERF_UNABLE_OPEN_DRIVER_KEY, LOG_USER, &status, sizeof(status)); // this is fatal, if we can't get the base values of the
// counter or help names, then the names won't be available
// to the requesting application so there's not much
// point in continuing.
return(status); }
size = sizeof (DWORD); status = RegQueryValueEx( *phKeyDriverPerf, "First Counter", 0L, &type, (LPBYTE)pdwFirstCounter, &size);
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { REPORT_ERROR_DATA (P5PERF_UNABLE_READ_FIRST_COUNTER, LOG_USER, &status, sizeof(status)); // this is fatal, if we can't get the base values of the
// counter or help names, then the names won't be available
// to the requesting application so there's not much
// point in continuing.
return(status); } size = sizeof (DWORD); status = RegQueryValueEx( *phKeyDriverPerf, "First Help", 0L, &type, (LPBYTE)pdwFirstHelp, &size);
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { REPORT_ERROR_DATA (P5PERF_UNABLE_READ_FIRST_HELP, LOG_USER, &status, sizeof(status)); // this is fatal, if we can't get the base values of the
// counter or help names, then the names won't be available
// to the requesting application so there's not much
// point in continuing.
} return(status); }
DWORD APIENTRY OpenP5PerformanceData( LPWSTR lpDeviceNames )
Routine Description:
This routine will open the driver which gets performance data on the P5. This routine also initializes the data structures used to pass data back to the registry
Pointer to object ID of each device to be opened (P5)
Return Value:
{ DWORD ctr; LONG status; HKEY hKeyDriverPerf; DWORD dwFirstCounter; DWORD dwFirstHelp; PPERF_COUNTER_DEFINITION pPerfCounterDef; P5_COUNTER_DATA p5Data;
// Since WINLOGON is multi-threaded and will call this routine in
// order to service remote performance queries, this library
// must keep track of how many times it has been opened (i.e.
// how many threads have accessed it). The registry routines will
// limit access to the initialization routine to only one thread
// at a time so synchronization (i.e. reentrancy) should not be
// a problem
if (!dwOpenCount) { // open Eventlog interface
hEventLog = MonOpenEventLog();
// open device driver to retrieve performance values
NumberOfProcessors = (UCHAR)InitPerfInfo();
// log error if unsuccessful
if (!NumberOfProcessors) { REPORT_ERROR (P5PERF_OPEN_FILE_ERROR, LOG_USER); // this is fatal, if we can't get data then there's no
// point in continuing.
status = GetLastError(); // return error
goto OpenExitPoint; }
status = GetPerfRegistryInitialization(&hKeyDriverPerf, &dwFirstCounter, &dwFirstHelp); if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // initialize P5 data
P5DataDefinition.P5PerfObject.ObjectNameTitleIndex += dwFirstCounter;
P5DataDefinition.P5PerfObject.ObjectHelpTitleIndex += dwFirstHelp;
pPerfCounterDef = &P5DataDefinition.Data_read;
for (ctr=0; ctr < P5DataDefinition.P5PerfObject.NumCounters; ctr++, pPerfCounterDef++) {
pPerfCounterDef->CounterNameTitleIndex += dwFirstCounter; pPerfCounterDef->CounterHelpTitleIndex += dwFirstHelp; } // initialize P6 data
P6DataDefinition.P6PerfObject.ObjectNameTitleIndex += dwFirstCounter;
P6DataDefinition.P6PerfObject.ObjectHelpTitleIndex += dwFirstHelp;
pPerfCounterDef = &P6DataDefinition.StoreBufferBlocks;
for (ctr=0; ctr < P6DataDefinition.P6PerfObject.NumCounters; ctr++, pPerfCounterDef++) {
pPerfCounterDef->CounterNameTitleIndex += dwFirstCounter; pPerfCounterDef->CounterHelpTitleIndex += dwFirstHelp; } RegCloseKey (hKeyDriverPerf); // close key to registry
bInitOK = TRUE; // ok to use this function
} }
dwOpenCount++; // increment OPEN counter
status = ERROR_SUCCESS; // for successful exit
return status; }
static void UpdateInternalStats() { IO_STATUS_BLOCK IOSB;
// clear the buffer first
memset (Buffer, 0, sizeof(Buffer));
// get the stat's from the driver
NtDeviceIoControlFile( DriverHandle, (HANDLE) NULL, // event
INFSIZE, NULL, // output buffer
0 );
DWORD APIENTRY CollectP5PerformanceData( IN LPWSTR lpValueName, IN OUT LPVOID *lppData, IN OUT LPDWORD lpcbTotalBytes, IN OUT LPDWORD lpNumObjectTypes ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine will return the data for the P5 counters.
IN LPWSTR lpValueName pointer to a wide character string passed by registry.
IN OUT LPVOID *lppData IN: pointer to the address of the buffer to receive the completed PerfDataBlock and subordinate structures. This routine will append its data to the buffer starting at the point referenced by *lppData. OUT: points to the first byte after the data structure added by this routine. This routine updated the value at lppdata after appending its data.
IN OUT LPDWORD lpcbTotalBytes IN: the address of the DWORD that tells the size in bytes of the buffer referenced by the lppData argument OUT: the number of bytes added by this routine is writted to the DWORD pointed to by this argument
IN OUT LPDWORD NumObjectTypes IN: the address of the DWORD to receive the number of objects added by this routine OUT: the number of objects added by this routine is writted to the DWORD pointed to by this argument
Return Value:
ERROR_MORE_DATA if buffer passed is too small to hold data any error conditions encountered are reported to the event log if event logging is enabled.
ERROR_SUCCESS if success or any other error. Errors, however are also reported to the event log.
--*/ { // Variables for reformating the data
DWORD CurProc; DWORD SpaceNeeded; DWORD dwQueryType; pPSTATS pPentStats; DWORD cReg0; // pperf Register 0
DWORD cReg1; // pperf Register 1
DWORD dwDerivedIndex; PVOID pCounterData;
WCHAR ProcessorNameBuffer[11]; UNICODE_STRING ProcessorName; PP5_DATA_DEFINITION pP5DataDefinition; PP5_COUNTER_DATA pP5Data;
PERF_INSTANCE_DEFINITION *pPerfInstanceDefinition;
UpdateInternalStats(); // get stats as early as possible
pPentStats = (pPSTATS)((LPBYTE)Buffer + sizeof(ULONG));
// before doing anything else, see if Open went OK
if (!bInitOK) { // unable to continue because open failed.
*lpcbTotalBytes = (DWORD) 0; *lpNumObjectTypes = (DWORD) 0; return ERROR_SUCCESS; // yes, this is a successful exit
// see if this is a foreign (i.e. non-NT) computer data request
dwQueryType = GetQueryType(lpValueName);
if ((dwQueryType == QUERY_FOREIGN) || (dwQueryType == QUERY_COSTLY)) { // this routine does not service requests for data from
// Non-NT computers nor is this a "costly" counter
*lpcbTotalBytes = (DWORD) 0; *lpNumObjectTypes = (DWORD) 0; return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
if (dwQueryType == QUERY_ITEMS){ // both p5 & p6 counters use the same object id
if ( !(IsNumberInUnicodeList( P5DataDefinition.P5PerfObject.ObjectNameTitleIndex, lpValueName))) {
// request received for data object not provided by this routine
*lpcbTotalBytes = (DWORD) 0; *lpNumObjectTypes = (DWORD) 0; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } }
if (bP6notP5) { pP6DataDefinition = (P6_DATA_DEFINITION *) *lppData;
SpaceNeeded = sizeof(P6_DATA_DEFINITION) + NumberOfProcessors * (sizeof(PERF_INSTANCE_DEFINITION) + (MAX_INSTANCE_NAME+1) * sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(P6_COUNTER_DATA)); } else { pP5DataDefinition = (P5_DATA_DEFINITION *) *lppData;
SpaceNeeded = sizeof(P5_DATA_DEFINITION) + NumberOfProcessors * (sizeof(PERF_INSTANCE_DEFINITION) + (MAX_INSTANCE_NAME+1) * sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(P5_COUNTER_DATA)); }
if (*lpcbTotalBytes < SpaceNeeded) { *lpcbTotalBytes = (DWORD) 0; *lpNumObjectTypes = (DWORD) 0; return ERROR_MORE_DATA; }
// ******************************************************************
// **** ****
// **** If here, then the data request includes this performance ****
// **** object and there's enough room for the data so continue ****
// **** ****
// ******************************************************************
// Copy the (constant and initialized) Object Type and counter definitions
// to the caller's data buffer
if (bP6notP5) { memmove(pP6DataDefinition, &P6DataDefinition, sizeof(P6_DATA_DEFINITION));
pP6DataDefinition->P6PerfObject.NumInstances = NumberOfProcessors;
pPerfInstanceDefinition = (PERF_INSTANCE_DEFINITION *) &pP6DataDefinition[1]; } else { memmove(pP5DataDefinition, &P5DataDefinition, sizeof(P5_DATA_DEFINITION));
pP5DataDefinition->P5PerfObject.NumInstances = NumberOfProcessors;
pPerfInstanceDefinition = (PERF_INSTANCE_DEFINITION *) &pP5DataDefinition[1]; }
// Format and collect P5 data from the system for each processor
for (CurProc = 0; CurProc < NumberOfProcessors; CurProc++, pPentStats++) {
// get the index of the two counters returned by the pentium
// performance register interface device driver
cReg0 = pPentStats->EventId[0]; cReg1 = pPentStats->EventId[1];
// build the processor intstance structure
ProcessorName.Length = 0; ProcessorName.MaximumLength = 11; ProcessorName.Buffer = ProcessorNameBuffer;
// convert processor instance to a string for use as the instance
// name
RtlIntegerToUnicodeString(CurProc, 10, &ProcessorName);
// initialize the instance structure and return a pointer to the
// base of the data block for this instance
MonBuildInstanceDefinition(pPerfInstanceDefinition, &pCounterData, 0, 0, CurProc, &ProcessorName); if (bP6notP5) { // do P6 data
pP6Data = (PP6_COUNTER_DATA)pCounterData;
// define the length of the data
pP6Data->CounterBlock.ByteLength = sizeof(P6_COUNTER_DATA);
// clear area so unused counters are 0
memset((PVOID) &pP6Data->llStoreBufferBlocks, // start with 1st data field
0, sizeof(P6_COUNTER_DATA) - sizeof(PERF_COUNTER_BLOCK));
// load the 64bit values in the appropriate counter fields
// all other values will remain zeroed
if ((cReg0 < P6IndexMax) && (P6IndexToData[cReg0] != PENT_INDEX_NOT_USED)) { *(LONGLONG *)((LPBYTE)pP6Data + P6IndexToData[cReg0]) = (pPentStats->Counters[0] & 0x000000FFFFFFFFFF); } if ((cReg1 < P6IndexMax) && (P6IndexToData[cReg1] != PENT_INDEX_NOT_USED)) { *(LONGLONG *)((LPBYTE)pP6Data + P6IndexToData[cReg1]) = (pPentStats->Counters[1] & 0x000000FFFFFFFFFF);
// set the instance pointer to the first byte after this instance's
// counter data
pPerfInstanceDefinition = (PERF_INSTANCE_DEFINITION *) ((PBYTE) pP6Data + sizeof(P6_COUNTER_DATA)); } else { // do P5 data
pP5Data = (PP5_COUNTER_DATA)pCounterData;
// define the length of the data
pP5Data->CounterBlock.ByteLength = sizeof(P5_COUNTER_DATA);
// clear area so unused counters are 0
memset((PVOID) &pP5Data->llData_read, // start with 1st data field
0, sizeof(P5_COUNTER_DATA) - sizeof(PERF_COUNTER_BLOCK));
// load the 64bit values in the appropriate counter fields
// all other values will remain zeroed
if ((cReg0 < P5IndexMax) && (P5IndexToData[cReg0] != PENT_INDEX_NOT_USED)) { // only the low order 40 bits are valid so mask off the
// others to prevent spurious values
*(LONGLONG *)((LPBYTE)pP5Data + P5IndexToData[cReg0]) = (pPentStats->Counters[0] & 0x000000FFFFFFFFFF); } if ((cReg1 < P5IndexMax) && (P5IndexToData[cReg1] != PENT_INDEX_NOT_USED)) { // only the low order 40 bits are valid so mask off the
// others to prevent spurious values
*(LONGLONG *)((LPBYTE)pP5Data + P5IndexToData[cReg1]) = (pPentStats->Counters[1] & 0x000000FFFFFFFFFF); }
// see if the selected counters are part of a derived counter and
// update if necessary
if ((cReg0 < P5IndexMax) && (cReg1 < P5IndexMax) && (dwDerivedp5Counters[cReg0] && dwDerivedp5Counters[cReg1])) { for (dwDerivedIndex = 0; dwDerivedIndex < dwP5DerivedCountersCount; dwDerivedIndex++) { if ((cReg0 == P5DerivedCounters[dwDerivedIndex].dwCR0Index) && (cReg1 == P5DerivedCounters[dwDerivedIndex].dwCR1Index)) { *(DWORD *)((LPBYTE)pP5Data + P5DerivedCounters[dwDerivedIndex].dwCR0FieldOffset) = (DWORD)(pPentStats->Counters[0] & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF); *(DWORD *)((LPBYTE)pP5Data + P5DerivedCounters[dwDerivedIndex].dwCR1FieldOffset) = (DWORD)(pPentStats->Counters[1] & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF); break; // out of loop
} } }
// set the instance pointer to the first byte after this instance's
// counter data
pPerfInstanceDefinition = (PERF_INSTANCE_DEFINITION *) ((PBYTE) pP5Data + sizeof(P5_COUNTER_DATA)); } } // update arguments for return
// update the object's length in the object def structure
if (bP6notP5) { *lpcbTotalBytes = (DWORD)((PBYTE)pPerfInstanceDefinition - (PBYTE)pP6DataDefinition); pP6DataDefinition->P6PerfObject.TotalByteLength = *lpcbTotalBytes; } else { // return the size of this object's data
*lpcbTotalBytes = (DWORD)((PBYTE)pPerfInstanceDefinition - (PBYTE)pP5DataDefinition); pP5DataDefinition->P5PerfObject.TotalByteLength = *lpcbTotalBytes; } // return the pointer to the next available byte in the data block
*lppData = (PBYTE) pPerfInstanceDefinition;
// return the number of objects returned in this data block
// always return success, unless there was not enough room in the
// buffer passed in by the caller
DWORD APIENTRY CloseP5PerformanceData( )
Routine Description:
This routine closes the open handles to P5 device performance counters
Return Value:
{ if (!(--dwOpenCount)) { // when this is the last thread...
MonCloseEventLog(); }