// Program to test boundry conditions of APIs which take a string buffer.
// Conditions tested are strlen-1, strlen, and strlen+1
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <wchar.h>
// Define these to match your machine. If these are not set properly, its
// very likely the tests will pass when they didn't deserve to.
// List of all logical drives
#define LOGICAL_DRIVES "a:\\\0c:\\\0"
#define LOGICAL_DRIVES_W L"a:\\\0c:\\\0"
#define SYSTEM_DIR "c:\\winnt\\system32" // Where is system dir
#define SYSTEM_DIR_W L"c:\\winnt\\system32" // Where is system dir
#define WINDOWS_DIR "c:\\winnt" // Where is windows dir
#define WINDOWS_DIR_W L"c:\\winnt" // Where is windows dir
#define TEMP_DIRA "c:\\tmp" // For GetTempPath, env var tmp or temp
#define TEMP_DIR_WA L"c:\\tmp" // For GetTempPath, env var tmp or temp
#define TEMP_DIRB "c:\\tmp\\" // For GetTempPath, env var tmp or temp
#define TEMP_DIR_WB L"c:\\tmp\\" // For GetTempPath, env var tmp or temp
#define TEMP_DIRC "c:\\" // For GetTempPath, env var tmp or temp
#define TEMP_DIR_WC L"c:\\" // For GetTempPath, env var tmp or temp
#define VOLUME_NAME "MARKLTST433" // Name of volume where c: partition is
#define VOLUME_NAME_W L"MARKLTST433" // Name of volume where c: partition is
#define FILE_SYSTEM_NAME "FAT" // Name of file system on c: partition
#define FILE_SYSTEM_NAME_W L"FAT" // Name of file system on c: partition
// { FAT, HPFS, NTFS }
// Global vars, constants and prototypes
#define SIGNATURE 0xf
#define SIGNATURE_W 0xaaff
#define SIZE_BUFF 128
void init_buff(); void init_buffw(); void check(DWORD retcode, DWORD size_passed, int expected_ret,BOOL shouldxfer); void checkw(DWORD retcode, DWORD size_passed, int expected_ret,BOOL shouldxfer);
char buff[SIZE_BUFF], *cur_test; wchar_t buffw[SIZE_BUFF]; LPSTR exp_val; LPWSTR exp_valw;
// main
void _cdecl main(void) { int exp_len; int wexp_len; LPSTR lpJunk; LPWSTR lpwJunk; BOOL bRet;
// GetSystemDirectory
cur_test = "GetSystemDirectory"; exp_len = strlen(SYSTEM_DIR); exp_val = SYSTEM_DIR; exp_valw = SYSTEM_DIR_W;
printf("\nGetSystemDirectory: Expected string is <%s>\n", SYSTEM_DIR);
init_buff(); check(GetSystemDirectory(buff, exp_len-1), exp_len-1, exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buff(); check(GetSystemDirectory(buff, exp_len), exp_len, exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buff(); check(GetSystemDirectory(buff, exp_len+1), exp_len+1, exp_len,TRUE);
init_buffw(); checkw(GetSystemDirectoryW(buffw, exp_len-1), exp_len-1, exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buffw(); checkw(GetSystemDirectoryW(buffw, exp_len), exp_len, exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buffw(); checkw(GetSystemDirectoryW(buffw, exp_len+1), exp_len+1, exp_len,TRUE);
// GetWindowsDirectory
cur_test = "GetWindowsDirectory"; exp_len = strlen(WINDOWS_DIR); exp_val = WINDOWS_DIR; exp_valw = WINDOWS_DIR_W;
printf("\nGetWindowsDirectory: Expected string is <%s>\n", WINDOWS_DIR);
init_buff(); check(GetWindowsDirectory(buff, exp_len-1), exp_len-1, exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buff(); check(GetWindowsDirectory(buff, exp_len), exp_len, exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buff(); check(GetWindowsDirectory(buff, exp_len+1), exp_len+1, exp_len,TRUE);
init_buffw(); checkw(GetWindowsDirectoryW(buffw, exp_len-1), exp_len-1, exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buffw(); checkw(GetWindowsDirectoryW(buffw, exp_len), exp_len, exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buffw(); checkw(GetWindowsDirectoryW(buffw, exp_len+1), exp_len+1, exp_len,TRUE);
// GetLogicalDriveStrings
cur_test = "GetLogicalDriveStrings"; exp_len = LEN_LOGICAL_DRIVES; exp_val = LOGICAL_DRIVES; exp_valw = LOGICAL_DRIVES_W;
printf("\nGetLogicalDriveStrings: Expected string is <%s>\n", LOGICAL_DRIVES);
init_buff(); check(GetLogicalDriveStrings(exp_len-1, buff), exp_len-1, exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buff(); check(GetLogicalDriveStrings(exp_len, buff), exp_len, exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buff(); check(GetLogicalDriveStrings(exp_len+1, buff), exp_len+1, exp_len,TRUE);
init_buffw(); checkw(GetLogicalDriveStringsW(exp_len-1, buffw), exp_len-1, exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buffw(); checkw(GetLogicalDriveStringsW(exp_len, buffw), exp_len, exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buffw(); checkw(GetLogicalDriveStringsW(exp_len+1, buffw), exp_len+1, exp_len,TRUE);
// GetVolumeInformation: Be sure that does not stomp on VolumeName buffer,
// and be sure it returns FALSE when the volume name would not fit into
// the provided buffer
cur_test = "GetVolumeInformation 1"; exp_len = strlen(VOLUME_NAME); exp_val = VOLUME_NAME; exp_valw = VOLUME_NAME_W;
printf("\nGetVolumeInformation 1: Expected string is <%s>\n", VOLUME_NAME);
init_buff(); bRet = GetVolumeInformation("c:\\", buff, // volume name buffer
exp_len-1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0);
check(bRet, exp_len-1, FALSE,FALSE);
init_buff(); bRet = GetVolumeInformation("c:\\", buff, // volume name buffer
exp_len, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0);
check(bRet, exp_len, FALSE,FALSE);
init_buff(); bRet = GetVolumeInformation("c:\\", buff, // volume name buffer
exp_len+1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); check(bRet, exp_len+1, TRUE,TRUE);
init_buffw(); bRet = GetVolumeInformationW(L"c:\\", buffw, // volume name buffer
exp_len-1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0);
checkw(bRet, exp_len-1, FALSE,FALSE);
init_buffw(); bRet = GetVolumeInformationW(L"c:\\", buffw, // volume name buffer
exp_len, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0);
checkw(bRet, exp_len, FALSE,FALSE);
init_buffw(); bRet = GetVolumeInformationW(L"c:\\", buffw, // volume name buffer
exp_len+1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); checkw(bRet, exp_len+1, TRUE,TRUE);
// GetVolumeInformation: Be sure that does not stomp on the File system
// name buffer this time, and be sure returns FALSE when not enough room.
cur_test = "GetVolumeInformation 2"; exp_len = strlen(FILE_SYSTEM_NAME); exp_val = FILE_SYSTEM_NAME; exp_valw = FILE_SYSTEM_NAME_W;
printf("\nGetVolumeInformation 2: Expected string is <%s>\n", FILE_SYSTEM_NAME);
init_buff(); bRet = GetVolumeInformation("c:\\", NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, buff, // file system name buffer, ex: FAT
check(bRet, exp_len-1, FALSE,FALSE);
init_buff(); bRet = GetVolumeInformation("c:\\", NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, buff, // file system name buffer, ex: FAT
check(bRet, exp_len, FALSE,FALSE);
init_buff(); bRet = GetVolumeInformation("c:\\", NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, buff, // file system name buffer, ex: FAT
check(bRet, exp_len+1, TRUE,TRUE);
init_buffw(); bRet = GetVolumeInformationW(L"c:\\", NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, buffw, // file system name buffer, ex: FAT
checkw(bRet, exp_len-1, FALSE,FALSE);
init_buffw(); bRet = GetVolumeInformationW(L"c:\\", NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, buffw, // file system name buffer, ex: FAT
checkw(bRet, exp_len, FALSE,FALSE);
init_buffw(); bRet = GetVolumeInformationW(L"c:\\", NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, buffw, // file system name buffer, ex: FAT
checkw(bRet, exp_len+1, TRUE,TRUE);
// GetEnvironmentVariable: set variable JUNK=junk and check
cur_test = "GetEnvironmentVariable"; exp_val = "junk"; exp_valw = L"junk";
printf("\nGetEnvironmentVariable: Expected string is <%s>\n", "junk");
if ( ! SetEnvironmentVariable("JUNK", "junk") ) { printf("Error setting environment variable\n"); exit(1); }
init_buff(); check(GetEnvironmentVariable("JUNK", buff, 3), 3, 5,FALSE); init_buff(); check(GetEnvironmentVariable("JUNK", buff, 4), 4, 5,FALSE); init_buff(); check(GetEnvironmentVariable("JUNK", buff, 5), 5, 4,TRUE);
init_buffw(); checkw(GetEnvironmentVariableW(L"JUNK", buffw, 3), 3, 5,FALSE); init_buffw(); checkw(GetEnvironmentVariableW(L"JUNK", buffw, 4), 4, 5,FALSE); init_buffw(); checkw(GetEnvironmentVariableW(L"JUNK", buffw, 5), 5, 4,TRUE);
// GetCurrentDirectory: set to c:\ and check
cur_test = "GetCurrentDirectory"; exp_val = "c:\\winnt"; exp_valw = L"c:\\winnt"; exp_len = strlen(exp_val);
printf("\nGetCurrentDirectory: Expected string is <%s>\n", "c:\\winnt");
if ( ! SetCurrentDirectory("c:\\winnt") ) { printf("Error setting cur dir\n"); exit(1); }
init_buff(); check(GetCurrentDirectory(exp_len-1, buff), exp_len-1,exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buff(); check(GetCurrentDirectory(exp_len, buff), exp_len, exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buff(); check(GetCurrentDirectory(exp_len+1, buff), exp_len+1, exp_len,TRUE);
init_buffw(); checkw(GetCurrentDirectoryW(exp_len-1, buffw), exp_len-1,exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buffw(); checkw(GetCurrentDirectoryW(exp_len, buffw), exp_len, exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buffw(); checkw(GetCurrentDirectoryW(exp_len+1, buffw), exp_len+1, exp_len,TRUE);
cur_test = "GetCurrentDirectory"; exp_val = "c:\\"; exp_valw = L"c:\\"; exp_len = strlen(exp_val);
printf("\nGetCurrentDirectory: Expected string is <%s>\n", "c:\\");
if ( ! SetCurrentDirectory("c:\\") ) { printf("Error setting cur dir\n"); exit(1); }
init_buff(); check(GetCurrentDirectory(exp_len-1, buff), exp_len-1,exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buff(); check(GetCurrentDirectory(exp_len, buff), exp_len, exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buff(); check(GetCurrentDirectory(exp_len+1, buff), exp_len+1, exp_len,TRUE);
init_buffw(); checkw(GetCurrentDirectoryW(exp_len-1, buffw), exp_len-1,exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buffw(); checkw(GetCurrentDirectoryW(exp_len, buffw), exp_len, exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buffw(); checkw(GetCurrentDirectoryW(exp_len+1, buffw), exp_len+1, exp_len,TRUE);
// GetFullPathName: this assumes that the current directory is c:\, which
// was set earlier as part of the GetCurrentDirectory test. c:\junk.txt
// is a total of 11 chars.
cur_test = "GetFullPathName"; exp_val = "c:\\junk.txt"; exp_valw = L"c:\\junk.txt"; exp_len = strlen(exp_val);
printf("\nGetFullPathName: Expected string is <%s>\n", exp_val);
init_buff(); check(GetFullPathName(exp_val, exp_len-1, buff, &lpJunk), exp_len-1,exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buff(); check(GetFullPathName(exp_val, exp_len, buff, &lpJunk), exp_len,exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buff(); check(GetFullPathName(exp_val, exp_len+1, buff, &lpJunk), exp_len+1,exp_len,TRUE);
init_buffw(); checkw(GetFullPathNameW(exp_valw, exp_len-1, buffw, &lpwJunk), exp_len-1,exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buffw(); checkw(GetFullPathNameW(exp_valw, exp_len, buffw, &lpwJunk), exp_len,exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buffw(); checkw(GetFullPathNameW(exp_valw, exp_len+1, buffw, &lpwJunk), exp_len+1,exp_len,TRUE);
cur_test = "GetFullPathName"; exp_val = "\\\\.\\lpt1"; exp_valw = L"\\\\.\\lpt1"; exp_len = strlen(exp_val);
printf("\nGetFullPathName: Expected string is <%s>\n", exp_val);
init_buff(); check(GetFullPathName("lpt1", exp_len-1, buff, &lpJunk), exp_len-1,exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buff(); check(GetFullPathName("lpt1", exp_len, buff, &lpJunk), exp_len,exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buff(); check(GetFullPathName("lpt1", exp_len+1, buff, &lpJunk), exp_len+1,exp_len,TRUE);
init_buffw(); checkw(GetFullPathNameW(L"lpt1", exp_len-1, buffw, &lpwJunk), exp_len-1,exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buffw(); checkw(GetFullPathNameW(L"lpt1", exp_len, buffw, &lpwJunk), exp_len,exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buffw(); checkw(GetFullPathNameW(L"lpt1", exp_len+1, buffw, &lpwJunk), exp_len+1,exp_len,TRUE);
if ( ! SetCurrentDirectory("c:\\winnt\\dump") ) { printf("Error setting cur dir\n"); exit(1); }
cur_test = "GetFullPathName"; exp_val = "c:\\winnt\\dump"; exp_valw = L"c:\\winnt\\dump"; exp_len = strlen(exp_val);
printf("\nGetFullPathName: Expected string is <%s>\n", exp_val);
init_buff(); check(GetFullPathName(".", exp_len-1, buff, &lpJunk), exp_len-1,exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buff(); check(GetFullPathName(".", exp_len, buff, &lpJunk), exp_len,exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buff(); check(GetFullPathName(".", exp_len+1, buff, &lpJunk), exp_len+1,exp_len,TRUE);
init_buffw(); checkw(GetFullPathNameW(L".", exp_len-1, buffw, &lpwJunk), exp_len-1,exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buffw(); checkw(GetFullPathNameW(L".", exp_len, buffw, &lpwJunk), exp_len,exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buffw(); checkw(GetFullPathNameW(L".", exp_len+1, buffw, &lpwJunk), exp_len+1,exp_len,TRUE);
if ( ! SetCurrentDirectory("c:\\winnt") ) { printf("Error setting cur dir\n"); exit(1); }
cur_test = "GetFullPathName"; exp_val = "c:\\winnt\\dump"; exp_valw = L"c:\\winnt\\dump"; exp_len = strlen(exp_val);
printf("\nGetFullPathName: Expected string is <%s>\n", exp_val);
init_buff(); check(GetFullPathName("c:dump", exp_len-1, buff, &lpJunk), exp_len-1,exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buff(); check(GetFullPathName("c:dump", exp_len, buff, &lpJunk), exp_len,exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buff(); check(GetFullPathName("c:dump", exp_len+1, buff, &lpJunk), exp_len+1,exp_len,TRUE); init_buffw(); checkw(GetFullPathNameW(L"c:dump", exp_len-1, buffw, &lpwJunk), exp_len-1,exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buffw(); checkw(GetFullPathNameW(L"c:dump", exp_len, buffw, &lpwJunk), exp_len,exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buffw(); checkw(GetFullPathNameW(L"c:dump", exp_len+1, buffw, &lpwJunk), exp_len+1,exp_len,TRUE);
if ( ! SetCurrentDirectory("c:\\") ) { printf("Error setting cur dir\n"); exit(1); }
cur_test = "GetFullPathName"; exp_val = "c:\\"; exp_valw = L"c:\\"; exp_len = strlen(exp_val);
printf("\nGetFullPathName: Expected string is <%s>\n", exp_val);
init_buff(); check(GetFullPathName(".", exp_len-1, buff, &lpJunk), exp_len-1,exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buff(); check(GetFullPathName(".", exp_len, buff, &lpJunk), exp_len,exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buff(); check(GetFullPathName(".", exp_len+1, buff, &lpJunk), exp_len+1,exp_len,TRUE);
init_buffw(); checkw(GetFullPathNameW(L".", exp_len-1, buffw, &lpwJunk), exp_len-1,exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buffw(); checkw(GetFullPathNameW(L".", exp_len, buffw, &lpwJunk), exp_len,exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buffw(); checkw(GetFullPathNameW(L".", exp_len+1, buffw, &lpwJunk), exp_len+1,exp_len,TRUE);
// GetTempPath
cur_test = "GetTempPath"; exp_len = strlen(TEMP_DIRB); exp_val = TEMP_DIRB; exp_valw = TEMP_DIR_WB; if ( ! SetEnvironmentVariable("TMP", TEMP_DIRA)) { printf("Error setting tmp environment variable\n"); exit(1); }
printf("\nGetTempPath: Expected string is <%s>\n", TEMP_DIRB);
init_buff(); check(GetTempPath(exp_len-1, buff), exp_len-1, exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buff(); check(GetTempPath(exp_len, buff), exp_len, exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buff(); check(GetTempPath(exp_len+1, buff), exp_len+1, exp_len,TRUE);
init_buffw(); checkw(GetTempPathW(exp_len-1, buffw), exp_len-1, exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buffw(); checkw(GetTempPathW(exp_len, buffw), exp_len, exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buffw(); checkw(GetTempPathW(exp_len+1, buffw), exp_len+1, exp_len,TRUE);
cur_test = "GetTempPath"; exp_len = strlen(TEMP_DIRB); exp_val = TEMP_DIRB; exp_valw = TEMP_DIR_WB; if ( ! SetEnvironmentVariable("TMP", TEMP_DIRB)) { printf("Error setting tmp environment variable\n"); exit(1); }
printf("\nGetTempPath: Expected string is <%s>\n", TEMP_DIRB);
init_buff(); check(GetTempPath(exp_len-1, buff), exp_len-1, exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buff(); check(GetTempPath(exp_len, buff), exp_len, exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buff(); check(GetTempPath(exp_len+1, buff), exp_len+1, exp_len,TRUE);
init_buffw(); checkw(GetTempPathW(exp_len-1, buffw), exp_len-1, exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buffw(); checkw(GetTempPathW(exp_len, buffw), exp_len, exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buffw(); checkw(GetTempPathW(exp_len+1, buffw), exp_len+1, exp_len,TRUE);
cur_test = "GetTempPath"; exp_len = strlen(TEMP_DIRC); exp_val = TEMP_DIRC; exp_valw = TEMP_DIR_WC; if ( ! SetEnvironmentVariable("TMP", TEMP_DIRC)) { printf("Error setting tmp environment variable\n"); exit(1); }
printf("\nGetTempPath: Expected string is <%s>\n", TEMP_DIRC);
init_buff(); check(GetTempPath(exp_len-1, buff), exp_len-1, exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buff(); check(GetTempPath(exp_len, buff), exp_len, exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buff(); check(GetTempPath(exp_len+1, buff), exp_len+1, exp_len,TRUE);
init_buffw(); checkw(GetTempPathW(exp_len-1, buffw), exp_len-1, exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buffw(); checkw(GetTempPathW(exp_len, buffw), exp_len, exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buffw(); checkw(GetTempPathW(exp_len+1, buffw), exp_len+1, exp_len,TRUE);
cur_test = "SearchPath"; exp_len = strlen("c:\\winnt\\system32\\kernel32.dll"); exp_val = "c:\\winnt\\system32\\kernel32.dll"; exp_valw = L"c:\\winnt\\system32\\kernel32.dll";
printf("\nSearchPath: Expected string is <%s>\n", exp_val);
init_buff(); check(SearchPath(NULL,"kernel32",".dll",exp_len-1,buff,&lpJunk),exp_len-1,exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buff(); check(SearchPath(NULL,"kernel32",".dll",exp_len,buff,&lpJunk),exp_len,exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buff(); check(SearchPath(NULL,"kernel32",".dll",exp_len+1,buff,&lpJunk),exp_len+1,exp_len,TRUE);
init_buffw(); checkw(SearchPathW(NULL,L"kernel32",L".dll",exp_len-1,buffw,&lpwJunk),exp_len-1,exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buffw(); checkw(SearchPathW(NULL,L"kernel32",L".dll",exp_len,buffw,&lpwJunk),exp_len,exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buffw(); checkw(SearchPathW(NULL,L"kernel32",L".dll",exp_len+1,buffw,&lpwJunk),exp_len+1,exp_len,TRUE);
cur_test = "GetModuleFileName"; exp_len = strlen("c:\\winnt\\system32\\bnd.exe"); exp_val = "c:\\winnt\\system32\\bnd.exe"; exp_valw = L"c:\\winnt\\system32\\bnd.exe";
printf("\nGetModuleFileName: Expected string is <%s>\n", exp_val);
init_buff(); check(GetModuleFileName(NULL,buff,exp_len-1),exp_len-1,exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buff(); check(GetModuleFileName(NULL,buff,exp_len),exp_len,exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buff(); check(GetModuleFileName(NULL,buff,exp_len+1),exp_len+1,exp_len,TRUE);
init_buffw(); checkw(GetModuleFileNameW(NULL,buffw,exp_len-1),exp_len-1,exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buffw(); checkw(GetModuleFileNameW(NULL,buffw,exp_len),exp_len,exp_len+1,FALSE); init_buffw(); checkw(GetModuleFileNameW(NULL,buffw,exp_len+1),exp_len+1,exp_len,TRUE);
// Function to init the global buffer to the SIGNATURE
void init_buff() { int i;
for ( i=0; i<SIZE_BUFF; i++ ) buff[i] = SIGNATURE;
buff[SIZE_BUFF-1] = '\0'; // to ensure its null-terminated somewhere
// (for debugging)
void init_buffw() { int i;
for ( i=0; i<SIZE_BUFF; i++ ) buffw[i] = SIGNATURE_W;
buffw[SIZE_BUFF-1] = 0;
// Function to check whether the API wrote past the end of the buffer, and
// whether it returned what was expected
// It assumes that the global vars cur_test is set and buff was used
void check(DWORD retcode, DWORD size_passed, int expected_ret, BOOL shouldxfer) {
int i;
if ( buff[size_passed] != SIGNATURE ) { printf("\nFAILURE: %s wrote past end of buffer, when passed %d\n", cur_test, size_passed); return; }
if ( retcode != (DWORD)expected_ret ) { printf("\nFAILURE: %s returned %d, expected %d, when passed %d\n", cur_test, retcode, expected_ret, size_passed); return; }
if ( shouldxfer ) { for (i=0;i<expected_ret;i++){ if ( toupper(buff[i]) != toupper(exp_val[i]) ) { printf("\nFAILURE: %s mismatch at %d",cur_test, i); return; } } } printf("\nPASSED: %s when passed %d\n", cur_test, size_passed); }
void checkw(DWORD retcode, DWORD size_passed, int expected_ret,BOOL shouldxfer) { int i; if ( buffw[size_passed] != SIGNATURE_W ) { printf("\nFAILURE: %s wrote past end of buffer, when passed %d\n", cur_test, size_passed); return; }
if ( retcode != (DWORD)expected_ret ) { printf("\nFAILURE: %s returned %d, expected %d, when passed %d\n", cur_test, retcode, expected_ret, size_passed); return; }
if (shouldxfer) { for (i=0;i<expected_ret;i++){ if ( towupper(buffw[i]) != towupper(exp_valw[i]) ) { printf("\nFAILURE: %s mismatch at %d",cur_test, i); return; } } } printf("\nPASSED: %s when passed %d\n", cur_test, size_passed); }