#include "stdinc.h"
#include <string>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <set>
#include "ihost.h"
#include "ithunk.h"
#include "idsource.h"
#include "iuiview.h"
#include "SxApwHandle.h"
#include "SxApwCreate.h"
#include "SxApwContext.h"
#include "SxApwComPtr.h"
#include "SxApwDLoad.h"
#include "create.h"
BOOL SxApwIsErrorResourceNotFound( DWORD dwError ) { if ( dwError == ERROR_RESOURCE_DATA_NOT_FOUND || dwError == ERROR_RESOURCE_TYPE_NOT_FOUND || dwError == ERROR_RESOURCE_NAME_NOT_FOUND || dwError == ERROR_RESOURCE_LANG_NOT_FOUND ) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
HRESULT SxApwWrapComObject( CSxApwActCtxHandle& actctx, REFIID riid, IUnknown* punk, void** ppv );
template <typename T, typename U> inline HRESULT SxApwWrapComObject( CSxApwActCtxHandle& actctx, T t, U u ) { assert(__uuidof(T) == __uuidof(U)); return SxApwWrapComObject(actctx, __uuidof(T), t, u); }
class CSxApwActCtxScope : public CFusionActCtxScope { private: typedef CFusionActCtxScope Base; public: ~CSxApwActCtxScope() { } CSxApwActCtxScope() { } CSxApwActCtxScope(const CSxApwActCtxHandle& handle) { Init(handle); } CSxApwActCtxScope(HANDLE handle) { Init(handle); }
void Init(HANDLE handle) { if (!Base::Win32Activate(handle)) OutputDebugStringA("Error ignored in " __FUNCTION__ "\n"); } };
STDMETHODIMP CSxApwHostThunk::InformSchema( const SxApwColumnInfo rgColumnInfo[], int nColumns ) { CSxApwActCtxScope actctxScope(m_actctxHandle); return m_underlying->InformSchema(rgColumnInfo, nColumns); }
STDMETHODIMP CSxApwHostThunk::OnQueryDone( ) { CSxApwActCtxScope actctxScope(m_actctxHandle); return m_underlying->OnQueryDone(); }
STDMETHODIMP CSxApwHostThunk::OnRowCountEstimateAvailable( int nRows ) { CSxApwActCtxScope actctxScope(m_actctxHandle); return m_underlying->OnRowCountEstimateAvailable(nRows); }
STDMETHODIMP CSxApwHostThunk::OnNextRow( int nColumns, const LPCWSTR rgpszColumns[] ) { CSxApwActCtxScope actctxScope(m_actctxHandle); return m_underlying->OnNextRow(nColumns, rgpszColumns); }
STDMETHODIMP CSxApwHostThunk::DestroyView( LPCWSTR x ) { CSxApwActCtxScope actctxScope(m_actctxHandle); return m_underlying->DestroyView(x); }
STDMETHODIMP CSxApwHostThunk::CreateView( LPCWSTR x ) { CSxApwActCtxScope actctxScope(m_actctxHandle); return m_underlying->CreateView(x); }
STDMETHODIMP CSxApwHostThunk::RunQuery( LPCWSTR query ) { CSxApwActCtxScope actctxScope(m_actctxHandle); return m_underlying->RunQuery(query); }
STDMETHODIMP CSxApwHostThunk::SetDataSource( LPCWSTR datasource ) { CSxApwActCtxScope actctxScope(m_actctxHandle); return m_underlying->SetDataSource(datasource); }
STDMETHODIMP CSxApwDataSourceThunk::SetSite( ISxApwHost* host ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CSxApwComPtr<ISxApwHost> hostThunk; CSxApwActCtxHandle actctxHandleNull(NULL);
if (FAILED(hr = SxApwWrapComObject(actctxHandleNull, host, &hostThunk))) return hr;
CSxApwActCtxScope actctxScope(m_actctxHandle); hr = m_underlying->SetSite(hostThunk); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CSxApwDataSourceThunk::RunQuery( LPCWSTR query ) { CSxApwActCtxScope actctxScope(m_actctxHandle); return m_underlying->RunQuery(query); }
STDMETHODIMP CSxApwDataSourceThunk::StopQuery( ) { CSxApwActCtxScope actctxScope(m_actctxHandle); return m_underlying->StopQuery(); }
STDMETHODIMP CSxApwUiViewThunk::InformSchema( const SxApwColumnInfo rgColumnInfo[], int nColumns ) { CSxApwActCtxScope actctxScope(m_actctxHandle); return m_underlying->InformSchema(rgColumnInfo, nColumns); }
STDMETHODIMP CSxApwUiViewThunk::SetSite( ISxApwHost* host ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CSxApwComPtr<ISxApwHost> hostThunk; CSxApwActCtxHandle actctxHandleNull(NULL);
if (FAILED(hr = SxApwWrapComObject(actctxHandleNull, host, &hostThunk))) return hr;
CSxApwActCtxScope actctxScope(m_actctxHandle); hr = m_underlying->SetSite(hostThunk); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CSxApwUiViewThunk::CreateWindow( HWND hWnd ) { CSxApwActCtxScope actctxScope(m_actctxHandle); return m_underlying->CreateWindow(hWnd); }
STDMETHODIMP CSxApwUiViewThunk::OnNextRow( int nColumns, const LPCWSTR* prgszColumns ) { CSxApwActCtxScope actctxScope(m_actctxHandle); return m_underlying->OnNextRow(nColumns, prgszColumns); }
STDMETHODIMP CSxApwUiViewThunk::OnRowCountEstimateAvailable( int nRowCountEstimate ) { CSxApwActCtxScope actctxScope(m_actctxHandle); return m_underlying->OnRowCountEstimateAvailable(nRowCountEstimate); }
STDMETHODIMP CSxApwUiViewThunk::OnQueryStart( ) { CSxApwActCtxScope actctxScope(m_actctxHandle); return m_underlying->OnQueryStart(); }
STDMETHODIMP CSxApwUiViewThunk::OnQueryDone( ) { CSxApwActCtxScope actctxScope(m_actctxHandle); return m_underlying->OnQueryDone(); }
class CInterfaceClassPair { public: const IID* piid; const CLSID* pclsid; }; const static CInterfaceClassPair g_interfaceClassPairs[] = { #define X(x) { &__uuidof(x::ThunkedInterface), &__uuidof(x) },
X(CSxApwDataSourceThunk) X(CSxApwUiViewThunk) X(CSxApwHostThunk) #undef X
HRESULT SxApwWrapComObject( CSxApwActCtxHandle& actctx, REFIID riid, IUnknown* punk, void** ppv ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; ULONG i; ATL::CComQIPtr<ISxApwThunk> isAlreadyThunked(punk); ATL::CComQIPtr<ISxApwThunk> thunk;
if (isAlreadyThunked != NULL) { hr = punk->QueryInterface(riid, ppv); goto Exit; }
if (static_cast<HANDLE>(actctx) == NULL) { WCHAR path[MAX_PATH]; HMODULE hModule = NULL;
if (FAILED(hr = SxApwHmoduleFromObject(punk, &hModule))) goto Exit; IFFALSE_WIN32TOHR_EXIT(hr, GetModuleFileNameW(hModule, path, NUMBER_OF(path))); if (FAILED(hr = actctx.HrCreate(path))) goto Exit; }
for (i = 0 ; i != NUMBER_OF(g_interfaceClassPairs) ; ++i) { if (*g_interfaceClassPairs[i].piid == riid) { if (FAILED(hr = SxApwHostCreateObject(*g_interfaceClassPairs[i].pclsid, SXAPW_CREATEOBJECT_NOWRAP, &thunk))) goto Exit; if (FAILED(hr = thunk->InitThunk(punk, actctx))) goto Exit; actctx.Detach(); hr = thunk->QueryInterface(riid, ppv); // extra addref cycle, trying to avoid 0
goto Exit; } } OutputDebugStringA("object not wrapped\n"); hr = S_OK; Exit: return hr; }
HRESULT SxApwHostCreateObject( PCWSTR psz, REFIID riid, DWORD dwFlags, void** ppv ) { HRESULT hr; CLSID clsid; PCWSTR dot;
if ((dot = wcsrchr(psz, '.')) != NULL && _wcsicmp(dot, L".dll") == 0 ) { //
// category bind, pass NULL clsid, DllGetClassObject tries the first
// entry in the map
const PCWSTR dllPath = psz; CDynamicLinkLibrary dll; CSxApwComPtr<IClassFactory> classFactory; CSxApwComPtr<IUnknown> unk; CSxApwActCtxHandle actctxHandle; CSxApwActCtxScope actctxScope; PFN_DLL_GET_CLASS_OBJECT pfnDllGetClassObject;
if (dwFlags & SXAPW_CREATEOBJECT_WRAP) { if (FAILED(hr = actctxHandle.HrCreate(dllPath))) goto Exit; actctxScope.Init(actctxHandle); } IFFALSE_WIN32TOHR_EXIT(hr, dll.Win32Create(dllPath)); IFFALSE_WIN32TOHR_EXIT(hr, dll.GetProcAddress("DllGetClassObject", &pfnDllGetClassObject)); if (FAILED(hr = pfnDllGetClassObject(GUID_NULL, __uuidof(classFactory), &classFactory))) goto Exit; if (FAILED(hr = classFactory->CreateInstance(NULL, riid, &unk))) goto Exit; if (dwFlags & SXAPW_CREATEOBJECT_WRAP) { if (FAILED(hr = SxApwWrapComObject(actctxHandle, riid, unk, ppv))) goto Exit; } else { *ppv = unk.Detach(); } dll.Detach(); // leak the dll
hr = S_OK; goto Exit; } else { if (FAILED(hr = CLSIDFromString(const_cast<PWSTR>(psz), &clsid))) goto Exit; if (FAILED(hr = SxApwHostCreateObject(clsid, riid, dwFlags, ppv))) goto Exit; } hr = S_OK; Exit: return hr; }
HRESULT SxApwHostCreateObject( REFCLSID rclsid, REFIID riid, DWORD dwFlags, void** ppv ) /*
Strategy: Enumerate .dlls in the same directory as the .exe, calling DllGetClassObject on each, etc.. This is subject to change.
This code is presently shared both by the host and the managers...maybe this is wrong. */ { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; CFindFile findFile; WCHAR exePath[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR dllPath[MAX_PATH]; HMODULE exeHandle; WIN32_FIND_DATAW findData; PWSTR filePart;
IFFALSE_WIN32TOHR_EXIT(hr, exeHandle = GetModuleHandleW(NULL)); IFFALSE_WIN32TOHR_EXIT(hr, GetModuleFileNameW(exeHandle, exePath, RTL_NUMBER_OF(exePath))); wcscpy(dllPath, exePath); filePart = 1 + wcsrchr(dllPath, '\\'); wcscpy(filePart, L"sxapw*.dll");
// enumerate .dlls in the .exe's directory and try any that export DllGetClassObject
if (findFile.Win32Create(dllPath, &findData)) { bool fCheckedExe = false; bool fCheckExe = false; do { CDynamicLinkLibrary dll; CSxApwComPtr<IClassFactory> classFactory; CSxApwActCtxHandle actctxHandle; CSxApwActCtxScope actctxScope; PFN_DLL_GET_CLASS_OBJECT pfnDllGetClassObject; CSxApwComPtr<IUnknown> unk; //
// we ought to check the exe first instead of last, and independent of if
// if there are any .dlls..
if (fCheckExe) { fCheckedExe = true; wcscpy(dllPath, exePath); } else { wcscpy(filePart, findData.cFileName); }
if (dwFlags & SXAPW_CREATEOBJECT_WRAP) { if (FAILED(hr = actctxHandle.HrCreate(dllPath))) goto Exit; actctxScope.Init(actctxHandle); } IFFALSE_WIN32TOHR_EXIT(hr, dll.Win32Create(dllPath)); if (dll.GetProcAddress("DllGetClassObject", &pfnDllGetClassObject)) { if (FAILED(hr = pfnDllGetClassObject(rclsid, __uuidof(classFactory), &classFactory))) continue; } else { const DWORD LastError = ::GetLastError(); if (LastError != ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND) { TRACE_WIN32_FAILURE(GetProcAddress); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(LastError); goto Exit; } if (dll != GetModule()->GetModuleInstance()) { continue; } if (FAILED(hr = GetModule()->GetClassObject(rclsid, __uuidof(classFactory), &classFactory))) continue; } if (FAILED(hr = classFactory->CreateInstance(NULL, riid, &unk))) continue; if (dwFlags & SXAPW_CREATEOBJECT_WRAP) { if (FAILED(hr = SxApwWrapComObject(actctxHandle, riid, unk, ppv))) goto Exit; } else { *ppv = unk.Detach(); } dll.Detach(); // leak the .dll
hr = S_OK; goto Exit; } while (FindNextFileW(findFile, &findData) || (!fCheckedExe && (fCheckExe = true))); } hr = REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG; Exit: return hr; }