Copyright (c) 1991-1999, Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.
Module Name:
This file contains functions necessary to parse and write the language specific tables to a data file.
External Routines in this file: ParseLanguage WriteLanguage ParseLangException WriteLangException
Revision History:
12-10-91 JulieB Created.
// Include Files.
#include "nlstrans.h"
// Forward Declarations.
int GetUpperTable( PLANGUAGE pLang, int Size);
int GetLowerTable( PLANGUAGE pLang, int Size);
int GetLangExceptionTable( PLANG_EXCEPT pLangExcept, int Size); int WriteUpper( PLANGUAGE pLang, FILE *pOutputFile);
int WriteLower( PLANGUAGE pLang, FILE *pOutputFile);
int WriteLangExceptionTable( PLANG_EXCEPT pLangExcept, FILE *pOutputFile);
// ParseLanguage
// This routine parses the input file for the language specific tables.
// This routine is only entered when the LANGUAGE keyword is found.
// The parsing continues until the ENDLANGUAGE keyword is found.
// 12-10-91 JulieB Created.
int ParseLanguage( PLANGUAGE pLang, PSZ pszKeyWord) { int size; // size of table to follow
while (fscanf(pInputFile, "%s", pszKeyWord) == 1) { if (_stricmp(pszKeyWord, "UPPERCASE") == 0) { if (Verbose) printf("\n\nFound UPPERCASE keyword.\n");
// Get size parameter.
if (GetSize(&size)) return (1);
// Get UPPERCASE Table.
if (GetUpperTable(pLang, size)) { return (1); }
// Set WriteFlags for UPPERCASE Table.
pLang->WriteFlags |= F_UPPER; }
else if (_stricmp(pszKeyWord, "LOWERCASE") == 0) { if (Verbose) printf("\n\nFound LOWERCASE keyword.\n");
// Get size parameter.
if (GetSize(&size)) return (1);
// Get LOWERCASE Table.
if (GetLowerTable(pLang, size)) { return (1); }
// Set WriteFlags for LOWERCASE Table.
pLang->WriteFlags |= F_LOWER; }
else if (_stricmp(pszKeyWord, "ENDLANGUAGE") == 0) { if (Verbose) printf("\n\nFound ENDLANGUAGE keyword.\n");
// Return success.
return (0); }
else { printf("Parse Error: Invalid Instruction '%s'.\n", pszKeyWord); return (1); } }
// If this point is reached, then the ENDLANGUAGE keyword was
// not found. Return an error.
printf("Parse Error: Expecting ENDLANGUAGE keyword.\n"); return (1); }
// WriteLanguage
// This routine writes the language specific tables to an output file.
// 12-10-91 JulieB Created.
int WriteLanguage( PLANGUAGE pLang) { FILE *pOutputFile; // ptr to output file
WORD wValue; // temp storage value
// Make sure all tables are present.
if (!((pLang->WriteFlags & F_UPPER) && (pLang->WriteFlags & F_LOWER))) { printf("Write Error: All tables must be present -\n"); printf(" Uppercase and Lowercase Tables.\n"); return (1); }
// Make sure output file can be opened for writing.
if ((pOutputFile = fopen(LANGUAGE_FILE, "w+b")) == 0) { printf("Error opening output file %s.\n", LANGUAGE_FILE); return (1); }
if (Verbose) printf("\n\nWriting output file %s...\n", LANGUAGE_FILE);
// Write IfDefault value to file.
pLang->IfDefault = 1; wValue = (WORD)(pLang->IfDefault); if (FileWrite( pOutputFile, &wValue, sizeof(WORD), 1, "IfDefault" )) { return (1); }
// Write UPPERCASE Table to output file.
if (WriteUpper(pLang, pOutputFile)) { fclose(pOutputFile); return (1); }
// Free UPPERCASE table structures.
// Write LOWERCASE Table to output file.
if (WriteLower(pLang, pOutputFile)) { fclose(pOutputFile); return (1); }
// Free LOWERCASE table structures.
// Close the output file.
// Return success.
printf("\nSuccessfully wrote output file %s\n", LANGUAGE_FILE); return (0); }
// ParseLangException
// This routine parses the input file for the language exception specific
// tables. This routine is only entered when the LANGUAGE_EXCEPTION keyword
// is found.
// 08-30-95 JulieB Created.
int ParseLangException( PLANG_EXCEPT pLangExcept, PSZ pszKeyWord) { int size; // size of table to follow
// Get size parameter.
if (GetSize(&size)) return (1);
// Get EXCEPTION Table.
if (GetLangExceptionTable(pLangExcept, size)) { return (1); }
// Return success.
return (0); }
// WriteLangException
// This routine writes the language excpetion specific tables to an output
// file.
// 08-30-95 JulieB Created.
int WriteLangException( PLANG_EXCEPT pLangExcept) { FILE *pOutputFile; // ptr to output file
int ctr; // loop counter
// Make sure output file can be opened for writing.
if ((pOutputFile = fopen(LANG_EXCEPT_FILE, "w+b")) == 0) { printf("Error opening output file %s.\n", LANG_EXCEPT_FILE); return (1); }
if (Verbose) printf("\n\nWriting output file %s...\n", LANG_EXCEPT_FILE);
// Write EXCEPTION Table to output file.
if (WriteLangExceptionTable(pLangExcept, pOutputFile)) { fclose(pOutputFile); return (1); }
// Free EXCEPTION header and table structures.
for (ctr = 0; ctr < pLangExcept->NumException; ctr++) { if ((pLangExcept->pExceptTbl)[ctr]) { free((pLangExcept->pExceptTbl)[ctr]); } } free(pLangExcept->pExceptTbl); free(pLangExcept->pExceptHdr);
// Close the output file.
// Return success.
printf("\nSuccessfully wrote output file %s\n", LANG_EXCEPT_FILE); return (0); }
// GetUpperTable
// This routine gets the upper case table from the input file. It uses
// the size parameter to know when to stop reading from the file. If an
// error is encountered, a message is printed and an error is returned.
// 07-30-91 JulieB Created.
// 12-10-91 JulieB Modified for new table format.
int GetUpperTable( PLANGUAGE pLang, int Size) { int LoChar; // lower case value
int UpChar; // upper case value
register int Ctr; // loop counter
int NumItems; // number of items returned from fscanf
// Allocate top buffer for 8:4:4 table - 256 pointers.
if (Allocate8(&pLang->pUpper)) { return (1); }
// For each entry in table, read in the upper case and lower case
// character from input file, allocate necessary 16 word buffers
// based on upper case value, and store difference to lower case
// character.
for (Ctr = 0; Ctr < Size; Ctr++) { //
// Read in lower case and upper case characters.
NumItems = fscanf( pInputFile, "%x %x ;%*[^\n]", &LoChar, &UpChar ); if (NumItems != 2) { printf("Parse Error: Error reading UPPERCASE values.\n"); return (1); }
if (Verbose) printf(" Lower = %x\tUpper = %x\n", LoChar, UpChar);
// Insert difference (UpChar - LoChar) into 8:4:4 table.
if (Insert844( pLang->pUpper, (WORD)LoChar, (WORD)(UpChar - LoChar), &pLang->UPBuf2, &pLang->UPBuf3, sizeof(WORD) )) { return (1); } }
// Return success.
return (0); }
// GetLowerTable
// This routine gets the lower case table from the input file. It uses
// the size parameter to know when to stop reading from the file. If an
// error is encountered, a message is printed and an error is returned.
// 07-30-91 JulieB Created.
// 12-10-91 JulieB Modified for new table format.
int GetLowerTable( PLANGUAGE pLang, int Size) { int UpChar; // upper case value
int LoChar; // lower case value
register int Ctr; // loop counter
int NumItems; // number of items returned from fscanf
// Allocate top buffer for 8:4:4 table - 256 pointers.
if (Allocate8(&pLang->pLower)) { return (1); }
// For each entry in table, read in the upper case and lower case
// character from input file, allocate necessary 16 word buffers
// based on lower case value, and store difference to upper case
// character.
for (Ctr = 0; Ctr < Size; Ctr++) { //
// Read in lower case and upper case characters.
NumItems = fscanf( pInputFile, "%x %x ;%*[^\n]", &UpChar, &LoChar ); if (NumItems != 2) { printf("Parse Error: Error reading LOWERCASE values.\n"); return (1); }
if (Verbose) printf(" Upper = %x\tLower = %x\n", UpChar, LoChar);
// Insert difference (LoChar - UpChar) into 8:4:4 table.
if (Insert844( pLang->pLower, (WORD)UpChar, (WORD)(LoChar - UpChar), &pLang->LOBuf2, &pLang->LOBuf3, sizeof(WORD) )) { return (1); } }
// Return success.
return (0); }
// GetLangExceptionTable
// This routine gets the exception table from the input file.
// It uses the size parameter to know when to stop reading from the file.
// If an error is encountered, a message is printed and an error is returned.
// 08-30-95 JulieB Created.
int GetLangExceptionTable( PLANG_EXCEPT pLangExcept, int Size) { DWORD Locale; // locale id
int NumUp; // number of entries for upper case
int NumLo; // number of entries for lower case
int TotalNum; // total number of exceptions for locale
int UCP1; // exception code point 1
int UCP2; // exception code point 2
int Offset = 0; // offset to store
int Ctr; // loop counter
int Ctr2; // loop counter
int LcidCtr; // loop counter
int NumItems; // number of items returned from fscanf
int Num; // temp value
char pszTemp[MAX]; // temp buffer for string
// Allocate exception header and exception table and set size of
// table in language exception tables structure.
if (AllocateLangException(pLangExcept, Size)) { return (1); }
// For each entry in table, read in the LCID keyword, locale id,
// the number of upper case entries for that locale id, and the
// number of lower case entries for that locale id. Then, for all
// entries for the locale id, read in the exception code point and
// the upper/lower case code point. Store all values in the
// exception header and the exception table.
Ctr = 0; while (Ctr < Size) { //
// Read in the LCID keyword, locale id, and the number of
// entries for the locale id.
NumItems = fscanf( pInputFile, " LCID %i %i %i ;%*[^\n]", &Locale, &NumUp, &NumLo ); if (NumItems != 3) { printf("Parse Error: Error reading EXCEPTION LCID values.\n"); return (1); }
if (Verbose) printf("\n LCID = %lx\tNumUpper = %d\tNumLower = %d\n\n", Locale, NumUp, NumLo);
// Store the locale id and the number of entries in the header.
((pLangExcept->pExceptHdr)[Ctr]).Locale = (DWORD)Locale; ((pLangExcept->pExceptHdr)[Ctr]).Offset = (DWORD)Offset; ((pLangExcept->pExceptHdr)[Ctr]).NumUpEntries = (DWORD)NumUp; ((pLangExcept->pExceptHdr)[Ctr]).NumLoEntries = (DWORD)NumLo;
// See if there are any other LCIDs for this exception table.
LcidCtr = 1; while (NumItems = fscanf( pInputFile, " LCID %i ;%*[^\n]", &Locale )) { if (NumItems > 2) { printf("Parse Error: Error reading secondary EXCEPTION LCID values.\n"); return (1); }
if (Verbose) printf("\n LCID = %lx\tNumUpper = %d\tNumLower = %d\n\n", Locale, NumUp, NumLo);
// Store the locale id and the number of entries in the header.
((pLangExcept->pExceptHdr)[Ctr + LcidCtr]).Locale = (DWORD)Locale; ((pLangExcept->pExceptHdr)[Ctr + LcidCtr]).Offset = (DWORD)Offset; ((pLangExcept->pExceptHdr)[Ctr + LcidCtr]).NumUpEntries = (DWORD)NumUp; ((pLangExcept->pExceptHdr)[Ctr + LcidCtr]).NumLoEntries = (DWORD)NumLo;
LcidCtr++; }
// Add (Num times number of words in exception node) to Offset
// to get the offset of the next LCID entries.
TotalNum = NumUp + NumLo; Offset += (TotalNum * NUM_L_EXCEPT_WORDS);
// Allocate exception nodes for current LCID.
if (AllocateLangExceptionNodes(pLangExcept, TotalNum, Ctr)) { return (1); }
// Read in the UPPERCASE keyword.
NumItems = fscanf(pInputFile, "%s", pszTemp); if ((NumItems != 1) || (_stricmp(pszTemp, "UPPERCASE") != 0)) { printf("Parse Error: Error reading UPPERCASE keyword for LCID %lx.\n", Locale); return (1); } else { if (Verbose) printf("\n\nFound UPPERCASE keyword.\n"); }
// For each entry for the locale id, read in the exception code
// point and the upper/lower case code point. Store the values
// in the exception table nodes.
for (Ctr2 = 0; Ctr2 < TotalNum; Ctr2++) { if (Ctr2 == NumUp) { //
// Read in the LOWERCASE keyword.
NumItems = fscanf(pInputFile, "%s", pszTemp); if ((NumItems != 1) || (_stricmp(pszTemp, "LOWERCASE") != 0)) { printf("Parse Error: Error reading LOWERCASE keyword for LCID %lx.\n", Locale); return (1); } else { if (Verbose) printf("\n\nFound LOWERCASE keyword.\n"); } }
// Read in code point and the upper/lower case code point.
NumItems = fscanf( pInputFile, "%i %i ;%*[^\n]", &UCP1, &UCP2 ); if (NumItems != 2) { printf("Parse Error: Error reading EXCEPTION values for LCID %lx.\n", Locale); return (1); }
if (Verbose) printf(" UCP1 = %x\tUCP2 = %x\n", UCP1, UCP2);
// Store the weights in the exception table.
(((pLangExcept->pExceptTbl)[Ctr])[Ctr2]).UCP = (WORD)UCP1; (((pLangExcept->pExceptTbl)[Ctr])[Ctr2]).AddAmount = (WORD)(UCP2 - UCP1); }
Ctr += LcidCtr; }
// Return success.
return (0); }
// WriteUpper
// This routine writes the UPPERCASE information to the output file.
// 07-30-91 JulieB Created.
int WriteUpper( PLANGUAGE pLang, FILE *pOutputFile) { int TblSize; // size of table
WORD wValue; // temp storage value
if (Verbose) printf("\nWriting UPPERCASE Table...\n");
// Compute size of table.
TblSize = Compute844Size( pLang->UPBuf2, pLang->UPBuf3, sizeof(WORD) ) + 1;
// Make sure the total size of the table is not greater than 64K.
// If it is, then the WORD offsets are too small.
if (TblSize > MAX_844_TBL_SIZE) { printf("Write Error: Size of UPPER table is greater than 64K.\n"); return (1); }
// Write the size to the output file.
wValue = (WORD)TblSize; if (FileWrite( pOutputFile, &wValue, sizeof(WORD), 1, "UPPER size" )) { return (1); }
// Write UPPERCASE 8:4:4 table to file.
if (Write844Table( pOutputFile, pLang->pUpper, pLang->UPBuf2, TblSize - 1, sizeof(WORD) )) { return (1); }
// Return success.
return (0); }
// WriteLower
// This routine writes the LOWERCASE information to the output file.
// 07-30-91 JulieB Created.
int WriteLower( PLANGUAGE pLang, FILE *pOutputFile) { int TblSize; // size of table
WORD wValue; // temp storage value
if (Verbose) printf("\nWriting LOWERCASE Table...\n");
// Compute size of table.
TblSize = Compute844Size( pLang->LOBuf2, pLang->LOBuf3, sizeof(WORD) ) + 1;
// Make sure the total size of the table is not greater than 64K.
// If it is, then the WORD offsets are too small.
if (TblSize > MAX_844_TBL_SIZE) { printf("Write Error: Size of LOWER table is greater than 64K.\n"); return (1); }
// Write the size to the output file.
wValue = (WORD)TblSize; if (FileWrite( pOutputFile, &wValue, sizeof(WORD), 1, "LOWER size" )) { return (1); }
// Write LOWERCASE 8:4:4 table to file.
if (Write844Table( pOutputFile, pLang->pLower, pLang->LOBuf2, TblSize - 1, sizeof(WORD) )) { return (1); }
// Return success.
return (0); }
// WriteLangExceptionTable
// This routine writes the EXCEPTION information to the output file.
// 08-30-95 JulieB Created.
int WriteLangExceptionTable( PLANG_EXCEPT pLangExcept, FILE *pOutputFile) { int TblSize; // size of table
int Ctr; // loop counter
WORD wValue; // temp storage value
if (Verbose) printf("\nWriting EXCEPTION Table...\n");
// Get the size of the table.
TblSize = pLangExcept->NumException;
// Write the number of exception locales to the output file.
wValue = (WORD)TblSize; if (FileWrite( pOutputFile, &wValue, sizeof(DWORD), 1, "Exception Size" )) { return (1); }
// Write the exception header to the output file.
if (FileWrite( pOutputFile, pLangExcept->pExceptHdr, sizeof(L_EXCEPT_HDR), TblSize, "Exception Header" )) { return (1); }
// Write the exception table to the output file.
for (Ctr = 0; Ctr < TblSize; Ctr++) { if ((pLangExcept->pExceptTbl)[Ctr]) { if (FileWrite( pOutputFile, (pLangExcept->pExceptTbl)[Ctr], sizeof(L_EXCEPT_NODE), ( ((pLangExcept->pExceptHdr)[Ctr]).NumUpEntries + ((pLangExcept->pExceptHdr)[Ctr]).NumLoEntries ), "Exception Table" )) { return (1); } } }
// Return success.
return (0); }