Copyright (c) 1991-1999, Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.
Module Name:
This file contains the header information shared by all of the modules of the NLSTRANS utility.
Revision History:
07-30-91 JulieB Created. 03-10-00 lguindon Began GEO API port. 09-12-00 JulieB Fixed buffer sizes from GEO port.
// Includes Files.
#include <windows.h>
#include <winnls.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
// Constant Declarations.
// Define boolean constants.
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1
// Table Sizes.
#define MAX 256 // max buffer size
#define MB_TABLE_SIZE 256 // size of MB table
#define GLYPH_TABLE_SIZE MB_TABLE_SIZE // size of Glyph table
#define DBCS_TABLE_SIZE 256 // size of DBCS table
#define DBCS_OFFSET_SIZE 256 // size of DBCS offset area
#define WC_TABLE_SIZE (64 * 1024) // size of WC table (char cnt)
#define TABLE_SIZE_8 256 // size for 8:4:4 array (8)
#define TABLE_SIZE_4 16 // size for 8:4:4 array (4)
#define MAX_844_TBL_SIZE (64 * 1024) // max size of 8:4:4 table
#define FILE_NAME_LEN 10 // max length of a file name
#define MAX_NUM_LEADBYTE 12 // max number of DBCS lead bytes
#define SKEY_TBL_SIZE (64 * 1024) // size of SORTKEY default table
#define MAX_CT_MAP_TBL_SIZE 256 // max size of CTYPE Mapping table
#define MAX_FONTSIGNATURE 16 // max size of font signature
// Geo Table Sizes.
#define MAX_SIGNATURE 4 // max size of signature
#define MAX_LATITUDE 12 // max size of latitude
#define MAX_LONGITUDE 12 // max size of longitude
#define MAX_ISO_ABBREV 4 // max size of iso abbreviations
// Special Flags.
#define DUPLICATE_OFFSET TABLE_SIZE_4 // offset to duplicate flag (ctype)
#define CP_ACP 0 // default to ANSI code page
// String Constants for Data Files.
#define CP_PREFIX "c_"
#define DATA_FILE_SUFFIX ".nls"
#define NLP_FILE_SUFFIX ".nlp"
#define DATA_FILE_SUFFIX_W L".nls"
#define NLP_FILE_SUFFIX_W L".nlp"
#define LANGUAGE_FILE "l_intl.nls"
#define LANG_EXCEPT_FILE "l_except.nls"
#define LOCALE_FILE "locale.nls"
#define UNICODE_FILE "unicode.nls"
#define CTYPE_FILE "ctype.nls"
#define SORTKEY_FILE "sortkey.nls"
#define SORTTBLS_FILE "sorttbls.nls"
#define SORTKEY_NLP_FILE "sortkey.nlp"
#define SORTTBLS_NLP_FILE "sorttbls.nlp"
#define GEOFILE "geo.nls"
// Flags denoting which tables to write to the output files.
#define F_CPINFO 0x80000000
#define F_MB 0x00000001
#define F_GLYPH 0x00000002
#define F_DBCS 0x00000004
#define F_WC 0x00000008
#define F_UPPER 0x00000010
#define F_LOWER 0x00000020
#define F_ADIGIT 0x00000100
#define F_CZONE 0x00000200
#define F_COMP 0x00000400
#define F_HIRAGANA 0x00001000
#define F_KATAKANA 0x00002000
#define F_HALFWIDTH 0x00004000
#define F_FULLWIDTH 0x00008000
#define F_TRADITIONAL 0x00010000
#define F_SIMPLIFIED 0x00020000
#define F_CTYPE_1 0x00010000
#define F_CTYPE_2 0x00020000
#define F_CTYPE_3 0x00040000
#define F_DEFAULT_SORTKEY 0x00100000
#define F_REVERSE_DW 0x00200000
#define F_DOUBLE_COMPRESS 0x00400000
#define F_MULTIPLE_WEIGHTS 0x00800000
#define F_EXPANSION 0x01000000
#define F_EXCEPTION 0x02000000
#define F_COMPRESSION 0x04000000
#define F_IDEOGRAPH_LCID 0x08000000
#define F_JAMOSORT 0x10000000
#define JAMO_INDEX_SIZE 0x100
#define JAMO_INDEX_RANGE 0xffff
#define FIRST_JAMO 0x1100
#define LAST_JAMO 0x11ff
// Typedef Declarations.
typedef unsigned long DWORD; typedef unsigned short WORD; typedef unsigned char BYTE; typedef int BOOL; typedef void *PVOID; typedef unsigned int UINT; typedef char *PSZ; typedef DWORD LCID; typedef unsigned short WCHAR; typedef char CHAR;
typedef struct dbcs_range_s { WORD LowRange; WORD HighRange; PDBCS_TBL_ARRAY pDBCSTbls; } DBCS_RANGE, *PDBCS_RANGE;
typedef PVOID *P844_ARRAY; typedef PVOID PWC_ARRAY; typedef P844_ARRAY PCT_ARRAY; typedef P844_ARRAY PUP_ARRAY; typedef P844_ARRAY PLO_ARRAY; typedef P844_ARRAY PAD_ARRAY; typedef P844_ARRAY PCZ_ARRAY; typedef P844_ARRAY PHG_ARRAY; typedef P844_ARRAY PKK_ARRAY; typedef P844_ARRAY PHW_ARRAY; typedef P844_ARRAY PFW_ARRAY; typedef P844_ARRAY PTR_ARRAY; typedef P844_ARRAY PSP_ARRAY; typedef P844_ARRAY PPCOMP_ARRAY; typedef P844_ARRAY PCOMP_ARRAY; typedef WORD *PCOMP_GRID;
// CODEPAGE File Structures.
typedef struct codepage_s { PMB_TBL pMB; // ptr to MB array (1:1)
PGLYPH_TBL pGlyph; // ptr to Glyph array (1:1)
PDBCS_ARRAY pDBCS; // ptr to DBCS info
PDBCS_OFFSETS pDBCSOff; // ptr to DBCS offset area
PWC_ARRAY pWC; // ptr to WC 8:4:4 info
DWORD WriteFlags; // which tables to write
int NumDBCSRanges; // number of DBCS Ranges
PSZ pszName; // ptr to codepage name (value)
int CodePageValue; // code page value
int MaxCharSize; // max character length
WORD DefaultChar; // default character (mbcs)
WORD UniDefaultChar; // unicode default char
WORD TransDefChar; // translation of default char (unicode)
WORD TransUniDefChar; // translation of uni def char (mbcs)
#define CP_INFO_SIZE 13 // size of CPINFO + 1 (in words)
// LANGUAGE File Structures.
typedef struct language_s { PUP_ARRAY pUpper; // ptr to UPPERCASE 8:4:4 info
PLO_ARRAY pLower; // ptr to LOWERCASE 8:4:4 info
DWORD WriteFlags; // tables to write
int IfDefault; // 1 for default file, 0 otherwise
int UPBuf2; // number UPPERCASE Buffer 2
int UPBuf3; // number UPPERCASE Buffer 3
int LOBuf2; // number LOWERCASE Buffer 2
int LOBuf3; // number LOWERCASE Buffer 3
typedef struct l_except_hdr_s { DWORD Locale; // locale id
DWORD Offset; // offset to exception nodes
DWORD NumUpEntries; // number of upper case entries
DWORD NumLoEntries; // number of lower case entries
typedef struct l_except_node_s { WORD UCP; // unicode code point
WORD AddAmount; // amount to add to initial code point
typedef PL_EXCEPT_NODE *PL_EXCEPT_TBL; // ptr to array of exception nodes
#define NUM_L_EXCEPT_WORDS (sizeof(L_EXCEPT_NODE) / sizeof(WORD))
typedef struct lang_except_s { int NumException; // number of EXCEPTION locales
PL_EXCEPT_HDR pExceptHdr; // ptr to language exception header
PL_EXCEPT_TBL pExceptTbl; // ptr to language exception table
// UNICODE File Structures.
typedef struct unicode_s { PAD_ARRAY pADigit; // ptr to ASCIIDIGITS 8:4:4 info
PCZ_ARRAY pCZone; // ptr to FOLDCZONE 8:4:4 info
PHG_ARRAY pHiragana; // ptr to HIRAGANA 8:4:4 info
PKK_ARRAY pKatakana; // ptr to KATAKANA 8:4:4 info
PHW_ARRAY pHalfWidth; // ptr to HALFWIDTH 8:4:4 info
PFW_ARRAY pFullWidth; // ptr to FULLWIDTH 8:4:4 info
PTR_ARRAY pTraditional; // ptr to TRADITIONAL 8:4:4 info
PSP_ARRAY pSimplified; // ptr to SIMPLIFIED 8:4:4 info
PPCOMP_ARRAY pPreComp; // ptr to PRECOMPOSED 8:4:4 info
PCOMP_ARRAY pBase; // ptr to COMPOSITE Base 8:4:4
PCOMP_ARRAY pNonSp; // ptr to COMPOSITE NonSpace 8:4:4
PCOMP_GRID pCompGrid; // ptr to COMPOSITE 2D Grid
int NumBase; // total number of BASE characters
int NumNonSp; // total number of NONSPACE characters
DWORD WriteFlags; // tables to write
int ADBuf2; // number ASCIIDIGITS Buffer 2
int ADBuf3; // number ASCIIDIGITS Buffer 3
int CZBuf2; // number FOLDCZONE Buffer 2
int CZBuf3; // number FOLDCZONE Buffer 3
int HGBuf2; // number HIRAGANA Buffer 2
int HGBuf3; // number HIRAGANA Buffer 3
int KKBuf2; // number KATAKANA Buffer 2
int KKBuf3; // number KATAKANA Buffer 3
int HWBuf2; // number HALFWIDTH Buffer 2
int HWBuf3; // number HALFWIDTH Buffer 3
int FWBuf2; // number FULLWIDTH Buffer 2
int FWBuf3; // number FULLWIDTH Buffer 3
int TRBuf2; // number TRADITIONAL Buffer 2
int TRBuf3; // number TRADITIONAL Buffer 3
int SPBuf2; // number SIMPLIFIED Buffer 2
int SPBuf3; // number SIMPLIFIED Buffer 3
int PCBuf2; // number PRECOMPOSED Buffer 2
int PCBuf3; // number PRECOMPOSED Buffer 3
int BSBuf2; // number COMPOSITE BASE Buffer 2
int BSBuf3; // number COMPOSITE BASE Buffer 3
int NSBuf2; // number COMPOSITE NONSPACE Buffer 2
int NSBuf3; // number COMPOSITE NONSPACE Buffer 3
// CTYPE File Structures.
typedef struct ct_values_s { WORD CType1; // ctype 1 value
WORD CType2; // ctype 2 value
WORD CType3; // ctype 3 value
typedef struct ct_map_s { int Length; // length of mapping table
PCT_VALUES pCTValues; // table of CTYPE values
typedef struct ctypes_s { PCT_ARRAY pCType; // ptr to CTYPE 8:4:4 info
PCT_MAP pMap; // ptr to mapping table
DWORD WriteFlags; // tables to write
int CTBuf2; // number CTYPE Buffer 2
int CTBuf3; // number CTYPE Buffer 3
// SORTKEY & SORTTBLS File Structures.
typedef struct skey_s { BYTE Alpha; // alphanumeric weight
BYTE Script; // script member
BYTE Diacritic; // diacritic weight
BYTE Case; // case weight (incl. compression)
typedef struct sortkey_s { PSKEY pDefault; // ptr to DEFAULT SORTKEY info
DWORD WriteFlags; // tables to write
typedef DWORD REV_DW; typedef REV_DW *PREV_DW;
typedef struct ideograph_lcid_s { DWORD Locale; // locale id
WORD pFileName[14]; // ptr to file name
typedef struct expand_s { WORD CP1; // code point 1 - expansion
WORD CP2; // code point 2 - expansion
typedef struct compress_hdr_s { DWORD Locale; // locale id
DWORD Offset; // offset to compression nodes
WORD Num2; // number of 2 entries for lang id
WORD Num3; // number of 3 entries for lang id
typedef struct compress_2_node_s { WORD UCP1; // unicode code point 1
WORD UCP2; // unicode code point 2
BYTE Alpha; // alphanumeric weight
BYTE Script; // script member
BYTE Diacritic; // diacritic weight
BYTE Case; // case weight
typedef struct compress_3_node_s { WORD UCP1; // unicode code point 1
WORD UCP2; // unicode code point 2
WORD UCP3; // unicode code point 3
WORD Reserved; // dword alignment of structure
BYTE Alpha; // alphanumeric weight
BYTE Script; // script member
BYTE Diacritic; // diacritic weight
BYTE Case; // case weight
typedef PCOMPRESS_2_NODE *PCOMPRESS_2_TBL; // ptr to array of compression 2 nodes
typedef PCOMPRESS_3_NODE *PCOMPRESS_3_TBL; // ptr to array of compression 3 nodes
#define NUM_COMPRESS_2_WORDS (sizeof(COMPRESS_2_NODE) / sizeof(WORD))
#define NUM_COMPRESS_3_WORDS (sizeof(COMPRESS_3_NODE) / sizeof(WORD))
typedef struct except_hdr_s { DWORD Locale; // locale id
DWORD Offset; // offset to exception nodes
DWORD NumEntries; // number of entries for locale id
typedef struct except_node_s { WORD UCP; // unicode code point
BYTE Alpha; // alphanumeric weight
BYTE Script; // script member
BYTE Diacritic; // diacritic weight
BYTE Case; // case weight
typedef PEXCEPT_NODE *PEXCEPT_TBL; // ptr to array of exception nodes
#define NUM_EXCEPT_WORDS (sizeof(EXCEPT_NODE) / sizeof(WORD))
typedef struct multi_wt_s { BYTE FirstSM; // value of first script member
BYTE NumSM; // number of script members in range
// Jamo Sequence Sorting Info:
typedef struct { BYTE IsOldHangul; // Sequence occurs only in old Hangul flag
BYTE LeadingIndex; // Indices used to locate the prior modern Hangul syllable
BYTE VowelIndex; BYTE TrailingIndex; BYTE ExtraWeight; // Extra weights that distinguish this from other old Hangul syllables,
// depending on the jamo, this can be a weight for leading jamo,
// vowel jamo, or trailing jamo.
// Jamo Index Table Entry:
typedef struct { JAMO_SORT_INFO SortInfo; // Sequence sorting info
BYTE Index; // Index into the composition array.
BYTE TransitionCount; // Number of possible transitions from this state
BYTE Reserved; // Reserved byte. To make this structure aligned with WORD.
// Jamo Composition Table Entry:
typedef struct { WCHAR CodePoint; // Code point value that enters this state
JAMO_SORT_INFO SortInfo; // Sequence sorting info
BYTE TransitionCount; // Number of possible transitions from this state
typedef struct sort_tables_s { int NumReverseDW; // number of REVERSE DIACRITICS
int NumDblCompression; // number of DOUBLE COMPRESSION locales
int NumIdeographLcid; // number of IDEOGRAPH LCIDs
int NumExpansion; // number of EXPANSIONS
int NumException; // number of EXCEPTION locales
int NumCompression; // number of COMPRESSION locales
int NumMultiWeight; // number of MULTIPLE WEIGHTS
int NumJamoIndex; // number of Jamo Index table
int NumJamoComposition; // number of Jamo Composition table
PREV_DW pReverseDW; // ptr to REVERSE DIACRITICS info
PDBL_COMPRESS pDblCompression; // ptr to DOUBLE COMPRESSION info
PIDEOGRAPH_LCID pIdeographLcid; // ptr to ideograph lcid table
PEXPAND pExpansion; // ptr to EXPANSION info
PEXCEPT_HDR pExceptHdr; // ptr to exception header
PEXCEPT_TBL pExceptTbl; // ptr to exception table
PCOMPRESS_HDR pCompressHdr; // ptr to compression header
PCOMPRESS_2_TBL pCompress2Tbl; // ptr to compression 2 table
PCOMPRESS_3_TBL pCompress3Tbl; // ptr to compression 3 table
PMULTI_WT pMultiWeight; // ptr to MULTIPLE WEIGHTS info
PJAMO_TABLE pJamoIndexTbl; // ptr to Jamo Index table
PJAMO_COMPOSE_STATE pJamoComposeTbl; // ptr to Jamo Composition table
DWORD WriteFlags; // tables to write
typedef struct ideograph_node_s { WORD UCP; // unicode code point
BYTE Alpha; // alphanumeric weight
BYTE Script; // script member
typedef struct ideograph_node_ex_s { WORD UCP; // unicode code point
BYTE Alpha; // alphanumeric weight
BYTE Script; // script member
BYTE Diacritic; // diacritic weight
BYTE Case; // case weight
typedef struct ideograph_except_s { DWORD NumEntries; // number of entries
DWORD NumColumns; // number of columns in table
BYTE pFileName[14]; // ptr to file name - ANSI
PIDEOGRAPH_NODE pExcept; // ptr to except nodes
PIDEOGRAPH_NODE_EX pExceptEx; // ptr to except nodes ex
typedef struct loc_cal_hdr_s { DWORD NumLocales; // number of locales
DWORD NumCalendars; // number of calendars
DWORD CalOffset; // offset to calendar info (words)
#define LOC_NUM_CAL_WORDS 2 // number of words to NumCalendars
#define LOC_CAL_HDR_WORDS (sizeof(LOC_CAL_HDR) / sizeof(WORD))
// LOCALE File Structures.
typedef struct locale_hdr_s { DWORD Locale; // locale id
DWORD Offset; // offset to locale info (words)
#define LOCALE_HDR_WORDS (sizeof(LOCALE_HDR) / sizeof(WORD))
typedef struct locale_header_s { WORD SLanguage; // language name in English
WORD SAbbrevLang; // abbreviated language name
WORD SAbbrevLangISO; // ISO abbreviated language name
WORD SNativeLang; // native language name
WORD SCountry; // country name in English
WORD SAbbrevCtry; // abbreviated country name
WORD SAbbrevCtryISO; // ISO abbreviated country name
WORD SNativeCtry; // native country name
WORD SList; // list separator
WORD SDecimal; // decimal separator
WORD SThousand; // thousands separator
WORD SGrouping; // grouping of digits
WORD SNativeDigits; // native digits 0-9
WORD SCurrency; // local monetary symbol
WORD SIntlSymbol; // international monetary symbol
WORD SEngCurrName; // currency name in English
WORD SNativeCurrName; // native currency name
WORD SMonDecSep; // monetary decimal separator
WORD SMonThousSep; // monetary thousands separator
WORD SMonGrouping; // monetary grouping of digits
WORD SPositiveSign; // positive sign
WORD SNegativeSign; // negative sign
WORD STimeFormat; // time format
WORD STime; // time separator
WORD S1159; // AM designator
WORD S2359; // PM designator
WORD SShortDate; // short date format
WORD SDate; // date separator
WORD SYearMonth; // year month format
WORD SLongDate; // long date format
WORD IOptionalCalendar; // additional calendar type(s)
WORD SDayName1; // day name 1
WORD SDayName2; // day name 2
WORD SDayName3; // day name 3
WORD SDayName4; // day name 4
WORD SDayName5; // day name 5
WORD SDayName6; // day name 6
WORD SDayName7; // day name 7
WORD SAbbrevDayName1; // abbreviated day name 1
WORD SAbbrevDayName2; // abbreviated day name 2
WORD SAbbrevDayName3; // abbreviated day name 3
WORD SAbbrevDayName4; // abbreviated day name 4
WORD SAbbrevDayName5; // abbreviated day name 5
WORD SAbbrevDayName6; // abbreviated day name 6
WORD SAbbrevDayName7; // abbreviated day name 7
WORD SMonthName1; // month name 1
WORD SMonthName2; // month name 2
WORD SMonthName3; // month name 3
WORD SMonthName4; // month name 4
WORD SMonthName5; // month name 5
WORD SMonthName6; // month name 6
WORD SMonthName7; // month name 7
WORD SMonthName8; // month name 8
WORD SMonthName9; // month name 9
WORD SMonthName10; // month name 10
WORD SMonthName11; // month name 11
WORD SMonthName12; // month name 12
WORD SMonthName13; // month name 13
WORD SAbbrevMonthName1; // abbreviated month name 1
WORD SAbbrevMonthName2; // abbreviated month name 2
WORD SAbbrevMonthName3; // abbreviated month name 3
WORD SAbbrevMonthName4; // abbreviated month name 4
WORD SAbbrevMonthName5; // abbreviated month name 5
WORD SAbbrevMonthName6; // abbreviated month name 6
WORD SAbbrevMonthName7; // abbreviated month name 7
WORD SAbbrevMonthName8; // abbreviated month name 8
WORD SAbbrevMonthName9; // abbreviated month name 9
WORD SAbbrevMonthName10; // abbreviated month name 10
WORD SAbbrevMonthName11; // abbreviated month name 11
WORD SAbbrevMonthName12; // abbreviated month name 12
WORD SAbbrevMonthName13; // abbreviated month name 13
WORD SEndOfLocale; // end of the locale info
typedef struct locale_static_s { WORD DefaultACP; // default ACP - integer format
WORD szILanguage[5]; // language id
WORD szICountry[6]; // country id
WORD szIGeoId[8]; // Geographical Location Identifier
WORD szIDefaultLang[5]; // default language ID
WORD szIDefaultCtry[6]; // default country ID
WORD szIDefaultACP[6]; // default ansi code page ID
WORD szIDefaultOCP[6]; // default oem code page ID
WORD szIDefaultMACCP[6]; // default mac code page ID
WORD szIDefaultEBCDICCP[6]; // default ebcdic code page ID
WORD szIMeasure[2]; // system of measurement
WORD szIPaperSize[2]; // default paper size
WORD szIDigits[3]; // number of fractional digits
WORD szILZero[2]; // leading zeros for decimal
WORD szINegNumber[2]; // negative number format
WORD szIDigitSubstitution[2]; // digit substitution
WORD szICurrDigits[3]; // # local monetary fractional digits
WORD szIIntlCurrDigits[3]; // # intl monetary fractional digits
WORD szICurrency[2]; // positive currency format
WORD szINegCurr[3]; // negative currency format
WORD szIPosSignPosn[2]; // format of positive sign
WORD szIPosSymPrecedes[2]; // if mon symbol precedes positive
WORD szIPosSepBySpace[2]; // if mon symbol separated by space
WORD szINegSignPosn[2]; // format of negative sign
WORD szINegSymPrecedes[2]; // if mon symbol precedes negative
WORD szINegSepBySpace[2]; // if mon symbol separated by space
WORD szITime[2]; // time format
WORD szITLZero[2]; // leading zeros for time field
WORD szITimeMarkPosn[2]; // time marker position
WORD szIDate[2]; // short date order
WORD szICentury[2]; // century format (short date)
WORD szIDayLZero[2]; // leading zeros for day field (short date)
WORD szIMonLZero[2]; // leading zeros for month field (short date)
WORD szILDate[2]; // long date order
WORD szICalendarType[3]; // type of calendar to use
WORD szIFirstDayOfWeek[2]; // which day is first in week
WORD szIFirstWeekOfYear[2]; // which week is first in year
WORD szFontSignature[MAX_FONTSIGNATURE]; // font signature
typedef struct locale_variable_s { WORD szSLanguage[MAX]; // language name in English
WORD szSAbbrevLang[MAX]; // abbreviated language name
WORD szSAbbrevLangISO[MAX]; // ISO abbreviated language name
WORD szSNativeLang[MAX]; // native language name
WORD szSCountry[MAX]; // country name in English
WORD szSAbbrevCtry[MAX]; // abbreviated country name
WORD szSAbbrevCtryISO[MAX]; // ISO abbreviated country name
WORD szSNativeCtry[MAX]; // native country name
WORD szSList[MAX]; // list separator
WORD szSDecimal[MAX]; // decimal separator
WORD szSThousand[MAX]; // thousands separator
WORD szSGrouping[MAX]; // grouping of digits
WORD szSNativeDigits[MAX]; // native digits 0-9
WORD szSCurrency[MAX]; // local monetary symbol
WORD szSIntlSymbol[MAX]; // international monetary symbol
WORD szSEngCurrName[MAX]; // currency name in English
WORD szSNativeCurrName[MAX]; // native currency name
WORD szSMonDecSep[MAX]; // monetary decimal separator
WORD szSMonThousSep[MAX]; // monetary thousands separator
WORD szSMonGrouping[MAX]; // monetary grouping of digits
WORD szSPositiveSign[MAX]; // positive sign
WORD szSNegativeSign[MAX]; // negative sign
WORD szSTimeFormat[MAX]; // time format
WORD szSTime[MAX]; // time separator
WORD szS1159[MAX]; // AM designator
WORD szS2359[MAX]; // PM designator
WORD szSShortDate[MAX]; // short date format
WORD szSDate[MAX]; // short date separator
WORD szSYearMonth[MAX]; // year month format
WORD szSLongDate[MAX]; // long date format
WORD szIOptionalCalendar[MAX]; // additional calendar type(s)
WORD szSDayName1[MAX]; // day name 1
WORD szSDayName2[MAX]; // day name 2
WORD szSDayName3[MAX]; // day name 3
WORD szSDayName4[MAX]; // day name 4
WORD szSDayName5[MAX]; // day name 5
WORD szSDayName6[MAX]; // day name 6
WORD szSDayName7[MAX]; // day name 7
WORD szSAbbrevDayName1[MAX]; // abbreviated day name 1
WORD szSAbbrevDayName2[MAX]; // abbreviated day name 2
WORD szSAbbrevDayName3[MAX]; // abbreviated day name 3
WORD szSAbbrevDayName4[MAX]; // abbreviated day name 4
WORD szSAbbrevDayName5[MAX]; // abbreviated day name 5
WORD szSAbbrevDayName6[MAX]; // abbreviated day name 6
WORD szSAbbrevDayName7[MAX]; // abbreviated day name 7
WORD szSMonthName1[MAX]; // month name 1
WORD szSMonthName2[MAX]; // month name 2
WORD szSMonthName3[MAX]; // month name 3
WORD szSMonthName4[MAX]; // month name 4
WORD szSMonthName5[MAX]; // month name 5
WORD szSMonthName6[MAX]; // month name 6
WORD szSMonthName7[MAX]; // month name 7
WORD szSMonthName8[MAX]; // month name 8
WORD szSMonthName9[MAX]; // month name 9
WORD szSMonthName10[MAX]; // month name 10
WORD szSMonthName11[MAX]; // month name 11
WORD szSMonthName12[MAX]; // month name 12
WORD szSMonthName13[MAX]; // month name 13
WORD szSAbbrevMonthName1[MAX]; // abbreviated month name 1
WORD szSAbbrevMonthName2[MAX]; // abbreviated month name 2
WORD szSAbbrevMonthName3[MAX]; // abbreviated month name 3
WORD szSAbbrevMonthName4[MAX]; // abbreviated month name 4
WORD szSAbbrevMonthName5[MAX]; // abbreviated month name 5
WORD szSAbbrevMonthName6[MAX]; // abbreviated month name 6
WORD szSAbbrevMonthName7[MAX]; // abbreviated month name 7
WORD szSAbbrevMonthName8[MAX]; // abbreviated month name 8
WORD szSAbbrevMonthName9[MAX]; // abbreviated month name 9
WORD szSAbbrevMonthName10[MAX]; // abbreviated month name 10
WORD szSAbbrevMonthName11[MAX]; // abbreviated month name 11
WORD szSAbbrevMonthName12[MAX]; // abbreviated month name 12
WORD szSAbbrevMonthName13[MAX]; // abbreviated month name 13
typedef struct calendar_hdr_s { WORD Calendar; // calendar id
WORD Offset; // offset to calendar info (words)
#define CALENDAR_HDR_WORDS (sizeof(CALENDAR_HDR) / sizeof(WORD))
typedef struct calendar_header_s { WORD NumRanges; // number of era ranges
WORD IfNames; // if any day or month names exist
WORD SCalendar; // calendar id
WORD STwoDigitYearMax; // two digit year max
WORD SEraRanges; // era ranges
WORD SShortDate; // short date format
WORD SYearMonth; // year month format
WORD SLongDate; // long date format
WORD SDayName1; // day name 1
WORD SDayName2; // day name 2
WORD SDayName3; // day name 3
WORD SDayName4; // day name 4
WORD SDayName5; // day name 5
WORD SDayName6; // day name 6
WORD SDayName7; // day name 7
WORD SAbbrevDayName1; // abbreviated day name 1
WORD SAbbrevDayName2; // abbreviated day name 2
WORD SAbbrevDayName3; // abbreviated day name 3
WORD SAbbrevDayName4; // abbreviated day name 4
WORD SAbbrevDayName5; // abbreviated day name 5
WORD SAbbrevDayName6; // abbreviated day name 6
WORD SAbbrevDayName7; // abbreviated day name 7
WORD SMonthName1; // month name 1
WORD SMonthName2; // month name 2
WORD SMonthName3; // month name 3
WORD SMonthName4; // month name 4
WORD SMonthName5; // month name 5
WORD SMonthName6; // month name 6
WORD SMonthName7; // month name 7
WORD SMonthName8; // month name 8
WORD SMonthName9; // month name 9
WORD SMonthName10; // month name 10
WORD SMonthName11; // month name 11
WORD SMonthName12; // month name 12
WORD SMonthName13; // month name 13
WORD SAbbrevMonthName1; // abbreviated month name 1
WORD SAbbrevMonthName2; // abbreviated month name 2
WORD SAbbrevMonthName3; // abbreviated month name 3
WORD SAbbrevMonthName4; // abbreviated month name 4
WORD SAbbrevMonthName5; // abbreviated month name 5
WORD SAbbrevMonthName6; // abbreviated month name 6
WORD SAbbrevMonthName7; // abbreviated month name 7
WORD SAbbrevMonthName8; // abbreviated month name 8
WORD SAbbrevMonthName9; // abbreviated month name 9
WORD SAbbrevMonthName10; // abbreviated month name 10
WORD SAbbrevMonthName11; // abbreviated month name 11
WORD SAbbrevMonthName12; // abbreviated month name 12
WORD SAbbrevMonthName13; // abbreviated month name 13
WORD SEndOfCalendar; // end of the calendar info
// size of the name header portion
typedef struct calendar_variable_s { WORD szSCalendar[MAX]; // calendar id
WORD szSTwoDigitYearMax[MAX]; // two digit year max
WORD szSEraRanges[MAX]; // era ranges
WORD szSShortDate[MAX]; // short date format
WORD szSYearMonth[MAX]; // year month format
WORD szSLongDate[MAX]; // long date format
WORD szSDayName1[MAX]; // day name 1
WORD szSDayName2[MAX]; // day name 2
WORD szSDayName3[MAX]; // day name 3
WORD szSDayName4[MAX]; // day name 4
WORD szSDayName5[MAX]; // day name 5
WORD szSDayName6[MAX]; // day name 6
WORD szSDayName7[MAX]; // day name 7
WORD szSAbbrevDayName1[MAX]; // abbreviated day name 1
WORD szSAbbrevDayName2[MAX]; // abbreviated day name 2
WORD szSAbbrevDayName3[MAX]; // abbreviated day name 3
WORD szSAbbrevDayName4[MAX]; // abbreviated day name 4
WORD szSAbbrevDayName5[MAX]; // abbreviated day name 5
WORD szSAbbrevDayName6[MAX]; // abbreviated day name 6
WORD szSAbbrevDayName7[MAX]; // abbreviated day name 7
WORD szSMonthName1[MAX]; // month name 1
WORD szSMonthName2[MAX]; // month name 2
WORD szSMonthName3[MAX]; // month name 3
WORD szSMonthName4[MAX]; // month name 4
WORD szSMonthName5[MAX]; // month name 5
WORD szSMonthName6[MAX]; // month name 6
WORD szSMonthName7[MAX]; // month name 7
WORD szSMonthName8[MAX]; // month name 8
WORD szSMonthName9[MAX]; // month name 9
WORD szSMonthName10[MAX]; // month name 10
WORD szSMonthName11[MAX]; // month name 11
WORD szSMonthName12[MAX]; // month name 12
WORD szSMonthName13[MAX]; // month name 13
WORD szSAbbrevMonthName1[MAX]; // abbreviated month name 1
WORD szSAbbrevMonthName2[MAX]; // abbreviated month name 2
WORD szSAbbrevMonthName3[MAX]; // abbreviated month name 3
WORD szSAbbrevMonthName4[MAX]; // abbreviated month name 4
WORD szSAbbrevMonthName5[MAX]; // abbreviated month name 5
WORD szSAbbrevMonthName6[MAX]; // abbreviated month name 6
WORD szSAbbrevMonthName7[MAX]; // abbreviated month name 7
WORD szSAbbrevMonthName8[MAX]; // abbreviated month name 8
WORD szSAbbrevMonthName9[MAX]; // abbreviated month name 9
WORD szSAbbrevMonthName10[MAX]; // abbreviated month name 10
WORD szSAbbrevMonthName11[MAX]; // abbreviated month name 11
WORD szSAbbrevMonthName12[MAX]; // abbreviated month name 12
WORD szSAbbrevMonthName13[MAX]; // abbreviated month name 13
// GEO File Structures.
typedef struct tagGeoData{ long GeoId; WCHAR szLatitude[MAX_LATITUDE]; WCHAR szLongitude[MAX_LONGITUDE]; DWORD GeoClass; long ParentGeoId; WCHAR szISO3166Abbrev2[MAX_ISO_ABBREV]; WCHAR szISO3166Abbrev3[MAX_ISO_ABBREV]; WORD wISO3166; WORD Reserved; // dword alignment
typedef struct tagGEOIDLCID{ LCID lcid; long GeoId; WORD LangId; WORD Reserved; // dword alignment
typedef struct tagGeoTableHdr{ WCHAR szSig[MAX_SIGNATURE]; unsigned long nFileSize; DWORD dwOffsetGeoInfo; unsigned long nGeoInfo; DWORD dwOffsetGeoLCID; unsigned long nGeoLCID; } GEOTABLEHDR;
// Macro Definitions.
// Macro to make a DWORD from two WORDS.
#define MAKE_DWORD(a, b) ((long)(((WORD)(a)) | ((DWORD)((WORD)(b))) << 16))
// Macros For High and Low Nibbles of a BYTE.
#define LONIBBLE(b) ((BYTE)((BYTE)(b) & 0xF))
#define HINIBBLE(b) ((BYTE)(((BYTE)(b) >> 4) & 0xF))
// Macros for Extracting the 8:4:4 Index Values.
#define GET8(w) (HIBYTE(w))
#define GETHI4(w) (HINIBBLE(LOBYTE(w)))
#define GETLO4(w) (LONIBBLE(LOBYTE(w)))
// Macro for getting the case weight and compression value byte.
#define MAKE_CASE_WT(cw, comp) ((BYTE)(((BYTE)(comp) << 6) | ((BYTE)(cw))))
// Function Prototypes.
// CodePage Routines.
int ParseCodePage( PCODEPAGE pCP, PSZ pszKeyWord);
int WriteCodePage( PCODEPAGE pCP);
// Language Routines.
int ParseLanguage( PLANGUAGE pLang, PSZ pszKeyWord);
int WriteLanguage( PLANGUAGE pLang);
int ParseLangException( PLANG_EXCEPT pLangExcept, PSZ pszKeyWord);
int WriteLangException( PLANG_EXCEPT pLangExcept);
// Locale Routines.
int ParseWriteLocale( PLOCALE_HEADER pLocHdr, PLOCALE_STATIC pLocStat, PLOCALE_VARIABLE pLocVar, PSZ pszKeyWord);
// Locale Independent (Unicode) Routines.
int ParseUnicode( PUNICODE pUnic, PSZ pszKeyWord);
int WriteUnicode( PUNICODE pUnic);
// GEO Routines.
int ParseWriteGEO( PSZ pszKeyWord);
// Character Type Routines.
int ParseCTypes( PCTYPES pCType);
int WriteCTypes( PCTYPES pCType);
// Sorting Routines.
int ParseSortkey( PSORTKEY pSortkey, PSZ pszKeyWord);
int ParseSortTables( PSORT_TABLES pSortTbls, PSZ pszKeyWord);
int ParseIdeographExceptions( PIDEOGRAPH_EXCEPT pIdeographExcept);
int WriteSortkey( PSORTKEY pSortkey, char* SortKeyFileName);
int WriteSortTables( PSORT_TABLES pSortTbls, char* SortTblsFileName);
int WriteIdeographExceptions( PIDEOGRAPH_EXCEPT pIdeographExcept);
// Allocation and Free Routines.
int AllocateMB( PCODEPAGE pCP);
int AllocateGlyph( PCODEPAGE pCP);
int AllocateTopDBCS( PCODEPAGE pCP, int Size);
int AllocateDBCS( PCODEPAGE pCP, int Low, int High, int Index);
int AllocateWCTable( PCODEPAGE pCP, int Size);
int Allocate8( P844_ARRAY *pArr);
int Insert844( P844_ARRAY pArr, WORD WChar, DWORD Value, int *cbBuf2, int *cbBuf3, int Size);
int Insert844Map( P844_ARRAY pArr, PCT_MAP pMap, WORD WChar, WORD Value1, WORD Value2, WORD Value3, int *cbBuf2, int *cbBuf3);
int AllocateTemp844( PVOID *ppArr, int TblSize, int Size);
int AllocateCTMap( PCT_MAP *pMap);
int AllocateGrid( PCOMP_GRID *pCompGrid, int TblSize);
int AllocateLangException( PLANG_EXCEPT pLangExcept, int TblSize);
int AllocateLangExceptionNodes( PLANG_EXCEPT pLangExcept, int TblSize, int Index);
int AllocateSortDefault( PSORTKEY pSKey);
int AllocateReverseDW( PSORT_TABLES pSTbl, int TblSize);
int AllocateDoubleCompression( PSORT_TABLES pSTbl, int TblSize);
int AllocateIdeographLcid( PSORT_TABLES pSTbl, int TblSize);
int AllocateExpansion( PSORT_TABLES pSTbl, int TblSize);
int AllocateCompression( PSORT_TABLES pSTbl, int TblSize);
int AllocateCompression2Nodes( PSORT_TABLES pSTbl, int TblSize, int Index);
int AllocateCompression3Nodes( PSORT_TABLES pSTbl, int TblSize, int Index); int AllocateException( PSORT_TABLES pSTbl, int TblSize);
int AllocateExceptionNodes( PSORT_TABLES pSTbl, int TblSize, int Index);
int AllocateMultipleWeights( PSORT_TABLES pSTbl, int TblSize);
int AllocateIdeographExceptions( PIDEOGRAPH_EXCEPT pIdeographExcept, int TblSize, int NumColumns);
int AllocateJamoTables( PSORT_TABLES pSTbl, int TblSize);
void Free844( P844_ARRAY pArr);
void FreeCTMap( PCT_MAP pMap);
// Table Routines.
int ComputeMBSize( PCODEPAGE pCP);
int Compute844Size( int cbBuf2, int cbBuf3, int Size);
DWORD ComputeCTMapSize( PCT_MAP pMap);
int Write844Table( FILE *pOutputFile, P844_ARRAY pArr, int cbBuf2, int TblSize, int Size);
int Write844TableMap( FILE *pOutputFile, P844_ARRAY pArr, WORD TblSize);
int WriteCTMapTable( FILE *pOutputFile, PCT_MAP pMap, WORD MapSize);
int WriteWords( FILE *pOutputFile, WORD Value, int Num);
int FileWrite( FILE *pOutputFile, void *Buffer, int Size, int Count, char *ErrStr);
void RemoveDuplicate844Levels( P844_ARRAY pArr, int *pBuf2, int *pBuf3, int Size);
// Utility Routines.
int GetSize( int *pSize);
// Global Variables.
// Globals are included last because they may require some of the types
// being defined above.
extern FILE *pInputFile; // pointer to Input File
extern BOOL Verbose; // verbose flag
extern WCHAR FileExtension[]; // The file extension for generated files. It can be ".nls" or ".nlp"