Copyright (c) 1991-1999, Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.
Module Name:
This file contains functions necessary to parse and write the locale independent (Unicode) tables to a data file.
External Routines in this file: ParseUnicode WriteUnicode
Revision History:
12-10-91 JulieB Created.
// Include Files.
#include "nlstrans.h"
// Forward Declarations.
int GetAsciiDigits( PUNICODE pUnic, int Size);
int GetFoldCZone( PUNICODE pUnic, int Size);
int GetHiragana( PUNICODE pUnic, int Size);
int GetKatakana( PUNICODE pUnic, int Size);
int GetHalfWidth( PUNICODE pUnic, int Size);
int GetFullWidth( PUNICODE pUnic, int Size);
int GetTraditional( PUNICODE pUnic, int Size);
int GetSimplified( PUNICODE pUnic, int Size);
int GetCompTable( PUNICODE pUnic, int Size);
void Get844Value( P844_ARRAY pArr, WORD WChar, WORD *Value);
void InsertCompGrid( PCOMP_GRID pCompGrid, WORD PreComp, WORD BaseOff, WORD NonSpOff);
int WriteAsciiDigits( PUNICODE pUnic, FILE *pOutputFile);
int WriteFoldCZone( PUNICODE pUnic, FILE *pOutputFile);
int WriteHiragana( PUNICODE pUnic, FILE *pOutputFile);
int WriteKatakana( PUNICODE pUnic, FILE *pOutputFile);
int WriteHalfWidth( PUNICODE pUnic, FILE *pOutputFile);
int WriteFullWidth( PUNICODE pUnic, FILE *pOutputFile);
int WriteTraditional( PUNICODE pUnic, FILE *pOutputFile);
int WriteSimplified( PUNICODE pUnic, FILE *pOutputFile);
int WritePrecomposed( PUNICODE pUnic, FILE *pOutputFile);
int WriteComposite( PUNICODE pUnic, FILE *pOutputFile);
int WriteGrid( PUNICODE pUnic, FILE *pOutputFile);
// ParseUnicode
// This routine parses the input file for the locale independent (Unicode)
// tables. This routine is only entered when the UNICODE keyword is found.
// The parsing continues until the ENDUNICODE keyword is found.
// 12-10-91 JulieB Created.
int ParseUnicode( PUNICODE pUnic, PSZ pszKeyWord) { int size; // size of table to follow
while (fscanf(pInputFile, "%s", pszKeyWord) == 1) { if (_stricmp(pszKeyWord, "ASCIIDIGITS") == 0) { if (Verbose) printf("\n\nFound ASCIIDIGITS keyword.\n");
// Get size parameter.
if (GetSize(&size)) return (1);
if (GetAsciiDigits(pUnic, size)) return (1);
// Set WriteFlags for ASCIIDIGITS Table.
pUnic->WriteFlags |= F_ADIGIT; }
else if (_stricmp(pszKeyWord, "FOLDCZONE") == 0) { if (Verbose) printf("\n\nFound FOLDCZONE keyword.\n");
// Get size parameter.
if (GetSize(&size)) return (1);
// Get FOLDCZONE Table.
if (GetFoldCZone(pUnic, size)) return (1);
// Set WriteFlags for FOLDCZONE Table.
pUnic->WriteFlags |= F_CZONE; }
else if (_stricmp(pszKeyWord, "HIRAGANA") == 0) { if (Verbose) printf("\n\nFound HIRAGANA keyword.\n");
// Get size parameter.
if (GetSize(&size)) return (1);
// Get HIRAGANA Table.
if (GetHiragana(pUnic, size)) return (1);
// Set WriteFlags for HIRAGANA Table.
pUnic->WriteFlags |= F_HIRAGANA; }
else if (_stricmp(pszKeyWord, "KATAKANA") == 0) { if (Verbose) printf("\n\nFound KATAKANA keyword.\n");
// Get size parameter.
if (GetSize(&size)) return (1);
// Get KATAKANA Table.
if (GetKatakana(pUnic, size)) return (1);
// Set WriteFlags for KATAKANA Table.
pUnic->WriteFlags |= F_KATAKANA; }
else if (_stricmp(pszKeyWord, "HALFWIDTH") == 0) { if (Verbose) printf("\n\nFound HALFWIDTH keyword.\n");
// Get size parameter.
if (GetSize(&size)) return (1);
// Get HALFWIDTH Table.
if (GetHalfWidth(pUnic, size)) return (1);
// Set WriteFlags for HALFWIDTH Table.
pUnic->WriteFlags |= F_HALFWIDTH; }
else if (_stricmp(pszKeyWord, "FULLWIDTH") == 0) { if (Verbose) printf("\n\nFound FULLWIDTH keyword.\n");
// Get size parameter.
if (GetSize(&size)) return (1);
// Get FULLWIDTH Table.
if (GetFullWidth(pUnic, size)) return (1);
// Set WriteFlags for FULLWIDTH Table.
pUnic->WriteFlags |= F_FULLWIDTH; }
else if (_stricmp(pszKeyWord, "TRADITIONAL_CHINESE") == 0) { if (Verbose) printf("\n\nFound TRADITIONAL_CHINESE keyword.\n");
// Get size parameter.
if (GetSize(&size)) return (1);
if (GetTraditional(pUnic, size)) return (1);
// Set WriteFlags for TRADITIONAL_CHINESE Table.
pUnic->WriteFlags |= F_TRADITIONAL; }
else if (_stricmp(pszKeyWord, "SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE") == 0) { if (Verbose) printf("\n\nFound SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE keyword.\n");
// Get size parameter.
if (GetSize(&size)) return (1);
if (GetSimplified(pUnic, size)) return (1);
// Set WriteFlags for SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE Table.
pUnic->WriteFlags |= F_SIMPLIFIED; }
else if (_stricmp(pszKeyWord, "COMP") == 0) { if (Verbose) printf("\n\nFound COMP keyword.\n");
// Get size parameter.
if (GetSize(&size)) return (1);
// Get Precomposed and Composite Tables.
if (GetCompTable(pUnic, size)) return (1);
// Set WriteFlags for COMP Tables.
pUnic->WriteFlags |= F_COMP; }
else if (_stricmp(pszKeyWord, "ENDUNICODE") == 0) { if (Verbose) printf("\n\nFound ENDUNICODE keyword.\n");
// Return success.
return (0); }
else { printf("Parse Error: Invalid Instruction '%s'.\n", pszKeyWord); return (1); } }
// If this point is reached, then the ENDUNICODE keyword was
// not found. Return an error.
printf("Parse Error: Expecting ENDUNICODE keyword.\n"); return (1); }
// WriteUnicode
// This routine writes the locale independent (Unicode) tables to an
// output file.
// 12-10-91 JulieB Created.
int WriteUnicode( PUNICODE pUnic) { FILE *pOutputFile; // ptr to output file
// Make sure all tables are present.
if (!((pUnic->WriteFlags & F_ADIGIT) && (pUnic->WriteFlags & F_CZONE) && (pUnic->WriteFlags & F_COMP) && (pUnic->WriteFlags & F_HIRAGANA) && (pUnic->WriteFlags & F_KATAKANA) && (pUnic->WriteFlags & F_HALFWIDTH) && (pUnic->WriteFlags & F_FULLWIDTH) && (pUnic->WriteFlags & F_TRADITIONAL) && (pUnic->WriteFlags & F_SIMPLIFIED))) { printf("Write Error: All tables must be present -\n"); printf(" Ascii Digits, Compatibility Zone, Composite Tables,\n"); printf(" Hiragana, Katakana, Half Width, Full Width,\n"); printf(" Traditional Chinese, and Simplified Chinese.\n"); return (1); }
// Make sure output file can be opened for writing.
if ((pOutputFile = fopen(UNICODE_FILE, "w+b")) == 0) { printf("Error opening output file %s.\n", UNICODE_FILE); return (1); }
if (Verbose) printf("\n\nWriting output file %s...\n", UNICODE_FILE);
// Write Ascii Digits Table to output file.
if (WriteAsciiDigits(pUnic, pOutputFile)) { fclose(pOutputFile); return (1); }
// Free Ascii Digits table structures.
// Write Fold Compatibility Zone Table to output file.
if (WriteFoldCZone(pUnic, pOutputFile)) { fclose(pOutputFile); return (1); }
// Free Fold Compatibility Zone table structures.
// Write Hiragana Table to output file.
if (WriteHiragana(pUnic, pOutputFile)) { fclose(pOutputFile); return (1); }
// Free Hiragana table structures.
// Write Katakana Table to output file.
if (WriteKatakana(pUnic, pOutputFile)) { fclose(pOutputFile); return (1); }
// Free Katakana table structures.
// Write Half Width Table to output file.
if (WriteHalfWidth(pUnic, pOutputFile)) { fclose(pOutputFile); return (1); }
// Free Half Width table structures.
// Write Full Width Table to output file.
if (WriteFullWidth(pUnic, pOutputFile)) { fclose(pOutputFile); return (1); }
// Free Full Width table structures.
// Write Traditional Chinese Table to output file.
if (WriteTraditional(pUnic, pOutputFile)) { fclose(pOutputFile); return (1); }
// Free Traditional Chinese table structures.
// Write Simplified Chinese Table to output file.
if (WriteSimplified(pUnic, pOutputFile)) { fclose(pOutputFile); return (1); }
// Free Simplified Chinese table structures.
// Write Precomposed Table to output file.
if (WritePrecomposed(pUnic, pOutputFile)) { fclose(pOutputFile); return (1); }
// Write Composite Table to output file.
if (WriteComposite(pUnic, pOutputFile)) { fclose(pOutputFile); return (1); }
// Free Comp table structures.
Free844(pUnic->pPreComp); Free844(pUnic->pBase); Free844(pUnic->pNonSp); if (pUnic->pCompGrid != NULL) { free(pUnic->pCompGrid); }
// Close the output file.
// Return success.
printf("\nSuccessfully wrote output file %s\n", UNICODE_FILE); return (0); }
// GetAsciiDigits
// This routine gets the ascii digits table from the input file. It uses
// the size parameter to know when to stop reading from the file. If an
// error is encountered, a message is printed and an error is returned.
// 07-30-91 JulieB Created.
// 12-10-91 JulieB Modified for new table format.
int GetAsciiDigits( PUNICODE pUnic, int Size) { int Digit; // digit value
int Ascii; // ascii digit value
register int Ctr; // loop counter
int NumItems; // number of items returned from fscanf
// Allocate top buffer for 8:4:4 table - 256 pointers.
if (Allocate8(&pUnic->pADigit)) { return (1); }
// For each entry in table, read in digit value and ascii digit
// translation value from input file, allocate necessary 16 word
// buffers based on wide character value, and store difference
// to ascii digit.
for (Ctr = 0; Ctr < Size; Ctr++) { //
// Read in digit and ascii digit values.
NumItems = fscanf( pInputFile, "%x %x ;%*[^\n]", &Digit, &Ascii ); if (NumItems != 2) { printf("Parse Error: Error reading ASCIIDIGITS values.\n"); return (1); }
if (Verbose) printf(" Digit = %x\tAscii = %x\n", Digit, Ascii);
// Insert difference (Ascii - Digit) into 8:4:4 table.
if (Insert844( pUnic->pADigit, (WORD)Digit, (WORD)(Ascii - Digit), &pUnic->ADBuf2, &pUnic->ADBuf3, sizeof(WORD) )) { return (1); } }
// Return success.
return (0); }
// GetFoldCZone
// This routine gets the FOLDCZONE table from the input file. It uses
// the size parameter to know when to stop reading from the file. If an
// error is encountered, a message is printed and an error is returned.
// 07-30-91 JulieB Created.
// 12-10-91 JulieB Modified for new table format.
int GetFoldCZone( PUNICODE pUnic, int Size) { int CZone; // compatibility zone value
int Ascii; // ascii value
register int Ctr; // loop counter
int NumItems; // number of items returned from fscanf
// Allocate top buffer for 8:4:4 table - 256 pointers.
if (Allocate8(&pUnic->pCZone)) { return (1); }
// For each entry in table, read in czone value and ascii
// translation value from input file, allocate necessary 16 word
// buffers based on wide character value, and store difference to
// ascii value.
for (Ctr = 0; Ctr < Size; Ctr++) { //
// Read in CZone and Ascii values.
NumItems = fscanf( pInputFile, "%x %x ;%*[^\n]", &CZone, &Ascii ); if (NumItems != 2) { printf("Parse Error: Error reading FOLDCZONE values.\n"); return (1); }
if (Verbose) printf(" CZone = %x\tAscii = %x\n", CZone, Ascii);
// Insert difference (Ascii - CZone) into 8:4:4 table.
if (Insert844( pUnic->pCZone, (WORD)CZone, (WORD)(Ascii - CZone), &pUnic->CZBuf2, &pUnic->CZBuf3, sizeof(WORD) )) { return (1); } }
// Return success.
return (0); }
// GetHiragana
// This routine gets the Hiragana table (Katakana to Hiragana) from the
// input file. It uses the size parameter to know when to stop reading
// from the file. If an error is encountered, a message is printed and
// an error is returned.
// 07-14-93 JulieB Created.
int GetHiragana( PUNICODE pUnic, int Size) { int Kata; // Katakana value
int Hira; // Hiragana value
register int Ctr; // loop counter
int NumItems; // number of items returned from fscanf
// Allocate top buffer for 8:4:4 table - 256 pointers.
if (Allocate8(&pUnic->pHiragana)) { return (1); }
// For each entry in table, read in katakana value and hiragana
// translation value from input file, allocate necessary 16 word
// buffers based on wide character value, and store difference to
// hiragana value.
for (Ctr = 0; Ctr < Size; Ctr++) { //
// Read in katakana and hiragana values.
NumItems = fscanf( pInputFile, "%x %x ;%*[^\n]", &Kata, &Hira ); if (NumItems != 2) { printf("Parse Error: Error reading HIRAGANA values.\n"); return (1); }
if (Verbose) printf(" Katakana = %x\tHiragana = %x\n", Kata, Hira);
// Insert difference (Kata - Hira) into 8:4:4 table.
if (Insert844( pUnic->pHiragana, (WORD)Kata, (WORD)(Hira - Kata), &pUnic->HGBuf2, &pUnic->HGBuf3, sizeof(WORD) )) { return (1); } }
// Return success.
return (0); }
// GetKatakana
// This routine gets the Katakana table (Hiragana to Katakana) from the
// input file. It uses the size parameter to know when to stop reading
// from the file. If an error is encountered, a message is printed and
// an error is returned.
// 07-14-93 JulieB Created.
int GetKatakana( PUNICODE pUnic, int Size) { int Hira; // Hiragana value
int Kata; // Katakana value
register int Ctr; // loop counter
int NumItems; // number of items returned from fscanf
// Allocate top buffer for 8:4:4 table - 256 pointers.
if (Allocate8(&pUnic->pKatakana)) { return (1); }
// For each entry in table, read in hiragana value and katakana
// translation value from input file, allocate necessary 16 word
// buffers based on wide character value, and store difference to
// katakana value.
for (Ctr = 0; Ctr < Size; Ctr++) { //
// Read in hiragana and katakana values.
NumItems = fscanf( pInputFile, "%x %x ;%*[^\n]", &Hira, &Kata ); if (NumItems != 2) { printf("Parse Error: Error reading KATAKANA values.\n"); return (1); }
if (Verbose) printf(" Hiragana = %x\tKatakana = %x\n", Hira, Kata);
// Insert difference (Hira - Kata) into 8:4:4 table.
if (Insert844( pUnic->pKatakana, (WORD)Hira, (WORD)(Kata - Hira), &pUnic->KKBuf2, &pUnic->KKBuf3, sizeof(WORD) )) { return (1); } }
// Return success.
return (0); }
// GetHalfWidth
// This routine gets the Half Width table (Full Width to Half Width) from
// the input file. It uses the size parameter to know when to stop reading
// from the file. If an error is encountered, a message is printed and
// an error is returned.
// 07-14-93 JulieB Created.
int GetHalfWidth( PUNICODE pUnic, int Size) { int Full; // Full Width value
int Half; // Half Width value
register int Ctr; // loop counter
int NumItems; // number of items returned from fscanf
// Allocate top buffer for 8:4:4 table - 256 pointers.
if (Allocate8(&pUnic->pHalfWidth)) { return (1); }
// For each entry in table, read in full width value and half width
// translation value from input file, allocate necessary 16 word
// buffers based on wide character value, and store difference to
// half width value.
for (Ctr = 0; Ctr < Size; Ctr++) { //
// Read in full width and half width values.
NumItems = fscanf( pInputFile, "%x %x ;%*[^\n]", &Full, &Half ); if (NumItems != 2) { printf("Parse Error: Error reading HALFWIDTH values.\n"); return (1); }
if (Verbose) printf(" Full Width = %x\tHalf Width = %x\n", Full, Half);
// Insert difference (Full - Half) into 8:4:4 table.
if (Insert844( pUnic->pHalfWidth, (WORD)Full, (WORD)(Half - Full), &pUnic->HWBuf2, &pUnic->HWBuf3, sizeof(WORD) )) { return (1); } }
// Return success.
return (0); }
// GetFullWidth
// This routine gets the Full Width table (Half Width to Full Width) from
// the input file. It uses the size parameter to know when to stop reading
// from the file. If an error is encountered, a message is printed and
// an error is returned.
// 07-14-93 JulieB Created.
int GetFullWidth( PUNICODE pUnic, int Size) { int Half; // Half Width value
int Full; // Full Width value
register int Ctr; // loop counter
int NumItems; // number of items returned from fscanf
// Allocate top buffer for 8:4:4 table - 256 pointers.
if (Allocate8(&pUnic->pFullWidth)) { return (1); }
// For each entry in table, read in half width value and full width
// translation value from input file, allocate necessary 16 word
// buffers based on wide character value, and store difference to
// full width value.
for (Ctr = 0; Ctr < Size; Ctr++) { //
// Read in half width and full width values.
NumItems = fscanf( pInputFile, "%x %x ;%*[^\n]", &Half, &Full ); if (NumItems != 2) { printf("Parse Error: Error reading FULLWIDTH values.\n"); return (1); }
if (Verbose) printf(" Half Width = %x\tFull Width = %x\n", Half, Full);
// Insert difference (Half - Full) into 8:4:4 table.
if (Insert844( pUnic->pFullWidth, (WORD)Half, (WORD)(Full - Half), &pUnic->FWBuf2, &pUnic->FWBuf3, sizeof(WORD) )) { return (1); } }
// Return success.
return (0); }
// GetTraditional
// This routine gets the Traditional table (Simplified to Traditional) from
// the input file. It uses the size parameter to know when to stop reading
// from the file. If an error is encountered, a message is printed and
// an error is returned.
// 05-07-96 JulieB Created.
int GetTraditional( PUNICODE pUnic, int Size) { int Simplified; // Simplified value
int Traditional; // Traditional value
register int Ctr; // loop counter
int NumItems; // number of items returned from fscanf
// Allocate top buffer for 8:4:4 table - 256 pointers.
if (Allocate8(&pUnic->pTraditional)) { return (1); }
// For each entry in table, read in simplified value and traditional
// translation value from input file, allocate necessary 16 word
// buffers based on wide character value, and store difference to
// traditional value.
for (Ctr = 0; Ctr < Size; Ctr++) { //
// Read in simplified and traditional values.
NumItems = fscanf( pInputFile, "%x %x ;%*[^\n]", &Simplified, &Traditional ); if (NumItems != 2) { printf("Parse Error: Error reading TRADITIONAL_CHINESE values.\n"); return (1); }
if (Verbose) printf(" Simplified = %x\tTraditional = %x\n", Simplified, Traditional);
// Insert difference (Simplified - Traditional) into 8:4:4 table.
if (Insert844( pUnic->pTraditional, (WORD)Simplified, (WORD)(Traditional - Simplified), &pUnic->TRBuf2, &pUnic->TRBuf3, sizeof(WORD) )) { return (1); } }
// Return success.
return (0); }
// GetSimplified
// This routine gets the Simplified table (Traditional to Simplified) from
// the input file. It uses the size parameter to know when to stop reading
// from the file. If an error is encountered, a message is printed and
// an error is returned.
// 05-07-96 JulieB Created.
int GetSimplified( PUNICODE pUnic, int Size) { int Traditional; // Traditional value
int Simplified; // Simplified value
register int Ctr; // loop counter
int NumItems; // number of items returned from fscanf
// Allocate top buffer for 8:4:4 table - 256 pointers.
if (Allocate8(&pUnic->pSimplified)) { return (1); }
// For each entry in table, read in traditional value and simplified
// translation value from input file, allocate necessary 16 word
// buffers based on wide character value, and store difference to
// simplified value.
for (Ctr = 0; Ctr < Size; Ctr++) { //
// Read in traditional and simplified values.
NumItems = fscanf( pInputFile, "%x %x ;%*[^\n]", &Traditional, &Simplified ); if (NumItems != 2) { printf("Parse Error: Error reading SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE values.\n"); return (1); }
if (Verbose) printf(" Traditional = %x\tSimplified = %x\n", Traditional, Simplified);
// Insert difference (Traditional - Simplified) into 8:4:4 table.
if (Insert844( pUnic->pSimplified, (WORD)Traditional, (WORD)(Simplified - Traditional), &pUnic->SPBuf2, &pUnic->SPBuf3, sizeof(WORD) )) { return (1); } }
// Return success.
return (0); }
// GetCompTable
// This routine gets the precomposed table and the composite table from
// the input file. It uses the size parameter to know when to stop reading
// from the file. If an error is encountered, a message is printed and an
// error is returned.
// 07-30-91 JulieB Created.
// 12-10-91 JulieB Modified for new table format.
int GetCompTable( PUNICODE pUnic, int Size) { int PreComp; // precomposed character
int Base; // base character
int NonSp; // nonspace character
DWORD Combo; // combined base and nonspace
register int Ctr; // loop counter
WORD BOff, NOff; // offsets for Base and NonSpace chars
int NumItems; // number of items returned from fscanf
// Allocate top buffers for 8:4:4 tables - 256 pointers.
if (Allocate8(&pUnic->pPreComp)) { return (1); } if (Allocate8(&pUnic->pBase)) { return (1); } if (Allocate8(&pUnic->pNonSp)) { return (1); }
// Allocate 2D grid for Composite table and save Size
// in the first position of the grid.
if (AllocateGrid(&pUnic->pCompGrid, Size)) { return (1); }
// For each entry in table, read in precomposed, base, and nonspace
// characters from input file and build the necessary tables.
for (Ctr = 0; Ctr < Size; Ctr++) { //
// Read in precomposed, base, and nonspace characters.
NumItems = fscanf( pInputFile, "%x %x %x ;%*[^\n]", &PreComp, &Base, &NonSp ); if (NumItems != 3) { printf("Parse Error: Error reading COMPTABLE values.\n"); return (1); }
if (Verbose) printf(" PreComp = %x\tBase = %x\tNonSp = %x\n", PreComp, Base, NonSp);
// Convert Base and NonSp into one DWORD value - Combo.
// Base = high word, NonSp = low word.
// Insert Combo information into Precomposed 8:4:4 table.
Combo = MAKE_DWORD((WORD)NonSp, (WORD)Base); if (Insert844( pUnic->pPreComp, (WORD)PreComp, Combo, &pUnic->PCBuf2, &pUnic->PCBuf3, sizeof(DWORD) )) { return (1); }
if (Verbose) printf(" Combo = %x\n", Combo);
// Insert offsets into BASE and NONSPACE 8:4:4 tables.
// Insert PRECOMPOSED into 2D grid.
Get844Value( pUnic->pBase, (WORD)Base, &BOff ); Get844Value( pUnic->pNonSp, (WORD)NonSp, &NOff ); if (BOff == 0) { BOff = (WORD)(++(pUnic->NumBase)); if (Insert844( pUnic->pBase, (WORD)Base, BOff, &pUnic->BSBuf2, &pUnic->BSBuf3, sizeof(WORD) )) { return (1); } } if (NOff == 0) { NOff = (WORD)(++(pUnic->NumNonSp)); if (Insert844( pUnic->pNonSp, (WORD)NonSp, NOff, &pUnic->NSBuf2, &pUnic->NSBuf3, sizeof(WORD) )) { return (1); } }
if (Verbose) printf(" BOff = %x\tNOff = %x\n", BOff, NOff);
InsertCompGrid( pUnic->pCompGrid, (WORD)PreComp, BOff, NOff ); }
// Return success.
return (0); }
// Get844Value
// This routine gets the value in the 8:4:4 table of the given wide character.
// If a value is found, it returns the value found in Value. Otherwise,
// it returns 0 in Value.
// 07-30-91 JulieB Created.
void Get844Value( P844_ARRAY pArr, WORD WChar, WORD *Value) { P844_ARRAY pMidFour; WORD *pFour;
// Traverse 8:4:4 table for value.
if (pMidFour = (P844_ARRAY)(pArr[GET8(WChar)])) { if (pFour = pMidFour[GETHI4(WChar)]) { *Value = pFour[GETLO4(WChar)]; } else { *Value = 0; } } else { *Value = 0; } }
// InsertCompGrid
// This routine inserts the given precomposed character at the given
// offset in the 2D grid. The matrix size of the grid is located in
// the first spot of the grid array.
// The grid is set up in memory as follows:
// [ base 1 ][ base 2 ][ base 3 ]
// where the size of each is GridSize.
// In other words, BASE characters => ROWS
// NONSPACE characters => COLUMNS
// NOTE: BaseOff and NonSpOff start at 1, not 0.
// 07-30-91 JulieB Created.
// 12-10-91 JulieB Modified for new table format.
void InsertCompGrid( PCOMP_GRID pCompGrid, WORD PreComp, WORD BaseOff, WORD NonSpOff) { int Index;
Index = ((BaseOff - 1) * pCompGrid[0] + (NonSpOff - 1)) + 1; pCompGrid[Index] = PreComp;
if (Verbose) printf(" Grid Spot = %d\tMax = %d\n", Index, pCompGrid[0]); }
// WriteAsciiDigits
// This routine writes the Ascii Digits information to the output file.
// 07-30-91 JulieB Created.
// 12-10-91 JulieB Modified for new table format.
int WriteAsciiDigits( PUNICODE pUnic, FILE *pOutputFile) { int TblSize; // size of table
WORD wValue; // temp storage value
if (Verbose) printf("\nWriting Ascii Digits Table...\n");
// Compute size of table.
TblSize = Compute844Size( pUnic->ADBuf2, pUnic->ADBuf3, sizeof(WORD) ) + 1;
// Make sure the total size of the table is not greater than 64K.
// If it is, then the WORD offsets are too small.
if (TblSize > MAX_844_TBL_SIZE) { printf("Write Error: Size of Ascii Digits table is greater than 64K.\n"); return (1); }
// Write the size to the output file.
wValue = (WORD)TblSize; if (FileWrite( pOutputFile, &wValue, sizeof(WORD), 1, "Ascii Digits size" )) { return (1); }
// Write Ascii Digits 8:4:4 table to file.
if (Write844Table( pOutputFile, pUnic->pADigit, pUnic->ADBuf2, TblSize - 1, sizeof(WORD) )) { return (1); }
// Return success.
return (0); }
// WriteFoldCZone
// This routine writes the Fold Compatibility Zone information to the
// output file.
// 07-30-91 JulieB Created.
// 12-10-91 JulieB Modified for new table format.
int WriteFoldCZone( PUNICODE pUnic, FILE *pOutputFile) { int TblSize; // size of table
WORD wValue; // temp storage value
if (Verbose) printf("\nWriting Fold CZone Table...\n");
// Compute size of table.
TblSize = Compute844Size( pUnic->CZBuf2, pUnic->CZBuf3, sizeof(WORD) ) + 1;
// Make sure the total size of the table is not greater than 64K.
// If it is, then the WORD offsets are too small.
if (TblSize > MAX_844_TBL_SIZE) { printf("Write Error: Size of Fold CZone table is greater than 64K.\n"); return (1); }
// Write the size to the output file.
wValue = (WORD)TblSize; if (FileWrite( pOutputFile, &wValue, sizeof(WORD), 1, "Fold CZone size" )) { return (1); }
// Write Ascii Digits 8:4:4 table to file.
if (Write844Table( pOutputFile, pUnic->pCZone, pUnic->CZBuf2, TblSize - 1, sizeof(WORD) )) { return (1); }
// Return success.
return (0); }
// WriteHiragana
// This routine writes the Hiragana information to the output file.
// 07-14-93 JulieB Created.
int WriteHiragana( PUNICODE pUnic, FILE *pOutputFile) { int TblSize; // size of table
WORD wValue; // temp storage value
if (Verbose) printf("\nWriting Hiragana Table...\n");
// Compute size of table.
TblSize = Compute844Size( pUnic->HGBuf2, pUnic->HGBuf3, sizeof(WORD) ) + 1;
// Make sure the total size of the table is not greater than 64K.
// If it is, then the WORD offsets are too small.
if (TblSize > MAX_844_TBL_SIZE) { printf("Write Error: Size of Hiragana table is greater than 64K.\n"); return (1); }
// Write the size to the output file.
wValue = (WORD)TblSize; if (FileWrite( pOutputFile, &wValue, sizeof(WORD), 1, "Hiragana size" )) { return (1); }
// Write Hiragana 8:4:4 table to file.
if (Write844Table( pOutputFile, pUnic->pHiragana, pUnic->HGBuf2, TblSize - 1, sizeof(WORD) )) { return (1); }
// Return success.
return (0); }
// WriteKatakana
// This routine writes the Katakana information to the output file.
// 07-14-93 JulieB Created.
int WriteKatakana( PUNICODE pUnic, FILE *pOutputFile) { int TblSize; // size of table
WORD wValue; // temp storage value
if (Verbose) printf("\nWriting Katakana Table...\n");
// Compute size of table.
TblSize = Compute844Size( pUnic->KKBuf2, pUnic->KKBuf3, sizeof(WORD) ) + 1;
// Make sure the total size of the table is not greater than 64K.
// If it is, then the WORD offsets are too small.
if (TblSize > MAX_844_TBL_SIZE) { printf("Write Error: Size of Katakana table is greater than 64K.\n"); return (1); }
// Write the size to the output file.
wValue = (WORD)TblSize; if (FileWrite( pOutputFile, &wValue, sizeof(WORD), 1, "Katakana size" )) { return (1); }
// Write Katakana 8:4:4 table to file.
if (Write844Table( pOutputFile, pUnic->pKatakana, pUnic->KKBuf2, TblSize - 1, sizeof(WORD) )) { return (1); }
// Return success.
return (0); }
// WriteHalfWidth
// This routine writes the Half Width information to the output file.
// 07-14-93 JulieB Created.
int WriteHalfWidth( PUNICODE pUnic, FILE *pOutputFile) { int TblSize; // size of table
WORD wValue; // temp storage value
if (Verbose) printf("\nWriting Half Width Table...\n");
// Compute size of table.
TblSize = Compute844Size( pUnic->HWBuf2, pUnic->HWBuf3, sizeof(WORD) ) + 1;
// Make sure the total size of the table is not greater than 64K.
// If it is, then the WORD offsets are too small.
if (TblSize > MAX_844_TBL_SIZE) { printf("Write Error: Size of Half Width table is greater than 64K.\n"); return (1); }
// Write the size to the output file.
wValue = (WORD)TblSize; if (FileWrite( pOutputFile, &wValue, sizeof(WORD), 1, "Half Width size" )) { return (1); }
// Write Half Width 8:4:4 table to file.
if (Write844Table( pOutputFile, pUnic->pHalfWidth, pUnic->HWBuf2, TblSize - 1, sizeof(WORD) )) { return (1); }
// Return success.
return (0); }
// WriteFullWidth
// This routine writes the Full Width information to the output file.
// 07-14-93 JulieB Created.
int WriteFullWidth( PUNICODE pUnic, FILE *pOutputFile) { int TblSize; // size of table
WORD wValue; // temp storage value
if (Verbose) printf("\nWriting Full Width Table...\n");
// Compute size of table.
TblSize = Compute844Size( pUnic->FWBuf2, pUnic->FWBuf3, sizeof(WORD) ) + 1;
// Make sure the total size of the table is not greater than 64K.
// If it is, then the WORD offsets are too small.
if (TblSize > MAX_844_TBL_SIZE) { printf("Write Error: Size of Full Width table is greater than 64K.\n"); return (1); }
// Write the size to the output file.
wValue = (WORD)TblSize; if (FileWrite( pOutputFile, &wValue, sizeof(WORD), 1, "Full Width size" )) { return (1); }
// Write Full Width 8:4:4 table to file.
if (Write844Table( pOutputFile, pUnic->pFullWidth, pUnic->FWBuf2, TblSize - 1, sizeof(WORD) )) { return (1); }
// Return success.
return (0); }
// WriteTraditional
// This routine writes the Traditional information to the output file.
// 05-07-96 JulieB Created.
int WriteTraditional( PUNICODE pUnic, FILE *pOutputFile) { int TblSize; // size of table
WORD wValue; // temp storage value
if (Verbose) printf("\nWriting Traditional Chinese Table...\n");
// Compute size of table.
TblSize = Compute844Size( pUnic->TRBuf2, pUnic->TRBuf3, sizeof(WORD) ) + 1;
// Make sure the total size of the table is not greater than 64K.
// If it is, then the WORD offsets are too small.
if (TblSize > MAX_844_TBL_SIZE) { printf("Write Error: Size of Traditional Chinese table is greater than 64K.\n"); return (1); }
// Write the size to the output file.
wValue = (WORD)TblSize; if (FileWrite( pOutputFile, &wValue, sizeof(WORD), 1, "Traditional Chinese size" )) { return (1); }
// Write Traditional 8:4:4 table to file.
if (Write844Table( pOutputFile, pUnic->pTraditional, pUnic->TRBuf2, TblSize - 1, sizeof(WORD) )) { return (1); }
// Return success.
return (0); }
// WriteSimplified
// This routine writes the Simplified information to the output file.
// 05-07-96 JulieB Created.
int WriteSimplified( PUNICODE pUnic, FILE *pOutputFile) { int TblSize; // size of table
WORD wValue; // temp storage value
if (Verbose) printf("\nWriting Simplified Chinese Table...\n");
// Compute size of table.
TblSize = Compute844Size( pUnic->SPBuf2, pUnic->SPBuf3, sizeof(WORD) ) + 1;
// Make sure the total size of the table is not greater than 64K.
// If it is, then the WORD offsets are too small.
if (TblSize > MAX_844_TBL_SIZE) { printf("Write Error: Size of Simplified Chinese table is greater than 64K.\n"); return (1); }
// Write the size to the output file.
wValue = (WORD)TblSize; if (FileWrite( pOutputFile, &wValue, sizeof(WORD), 1, "Simplified Chinese size" )) { return (1); }
// Write Simplified 8:4:4 table to file.
if (Write844Table( pOutputFile, pUnic->pSimplified, pUnic->SPBuf2, TblSize - 1, sizeof(WORD) )) { return (1); }
// Return success.
return (0); }
// WritePrecomposed
// This routine writes the Precomposed information to the output file.
// 07-30-91 JulieB Created.
// 12-10-91 JulieB Modified for new table format.
int WritePrecomposed( PUNICODE pUnic, FILE *pOutputFile) { int TblSize; // size of table
WORD wValue; // temp storage value
if (Verbose) printf("\nWriting PRECOMPOSED Table...\n");
// Compute size of table.
TblSize = Compute844Size( pUnic->PCBuf2, pUnic->PCBuf3, sizeof(DWORD) ) + 1;
// Make sure the total size of the table is not greater than 64K.
// If it is, then the WORD offsets are too small.
if (TblSize > MAX_844_TBL_SIZE) { printf("Write Error: Size of PRECOMPOSED table is greater than 64K.\n"); return (1); }
// Write the size to the output file.
wValue = (WORD)TblSize; if (FileWrite( pOutputFile, &wValue, sizeof(WORD), 1, "PRECOMPOSED size" )) { return (1); }
// Write PRECOMPOSED 8:4:4 table to file.
if (Write844Table( pOutputFile, pUnic->pPreComp, pUnic->PCBuf2, TblSize - 1, sizeof(DWORD) )) { return (1); }
// Return success.
return (0); }
// WriteComposite
// This routine writes the Composite information to the output file.
// 07-30-91 JulieB Created.
// 12-10-91 JulieB Modified for new table format.
int WriteComposite( PUNICODE pUnic, FILE *pOutputFile) { int BaseSize; // size of Base table
int NonSpSize; // size of NonSpace table
WORD wValue; // temp storage value
BYTE bValue; // temp storage value
if (Verbose) printf("\nWriting COMPOSITE Table...\n");
// Compute size of base table.
BaseSize = Compute844Size( pUnic->BSBuf2, pUnic->BSBuf3, sizeof(WORD) );
// Make sure the total size of the table is not greater than 64K.
// If it is, then the WORD offsets are too small.
if (BaseSize > MAX_844_TBL_SIZE) { printf("Write Error: Size of PRECOMPOSED table is greater than 64K.\n"); return (1); }
// Write the size to the output file.
wValue = (WORD)BaseSize; if (FileWrite( pOutputFile, &wValue, sizeof(WORD), 1, "COMPOSITE BASE size" )) { return (1); }
// Compute size of nonspace table.
NonSpSize = Compute844Size( pUnic->NSBuf2, pUnic->NSBuf3, sizeof(WORD) );
// Make sure the total size of the table is not greater than 64K.
// If it is, then the WORD offsets are too small.
if (NonSpSize > MAX_844_TBL_SIZE) { printf("Write Error: Size of PRECOMPOSED table is greater than 64K.\n"); return (1); }
// Write the size to the output file.
wValue = (WORD)NonSpSize; if (FileWrite( pOutputFile, &wValue, sizeof(WORD), 1, "COMPOSITE NONSPACE size" )) { return (1); }
// Write number of base chars to output file.
bValue = (BYTE)(pUnic->NumBase); if (FileWrite( pOutputFile, &bValue, sizeof(BYTE), 1, "COMPOSITE BASE number" )) { return (1); }
// Write number of nonspace chars to output file.
bValue = (BYTE)(pUnic->NumNonSp); if (FileWrite( pOutputFile, &bValue, sizeof(BYTE), 1, "COMPOSITE NONSPACE number" )) { return (1); }
// Write Base Character 8:4:4 table to output file.
if (Write844Table( pOutputFile, pUnic->pBase, pUnic->BSBuf2, BaseSize, sizeof(WORD) )) { return (1); }
// Write NonSpace Character 8:4:4 table to output file.
if (Write844Table( pOutputFile, pUnic->pNonSp, pUnic->NSBuf2, NonSpSize, sizeof(WORD) )) { return (1); }
// Write 2D Grid to output file.
if (WriteGrid( pUnic, pOutputFile )) { return (1); }
// Return success.
return (0); }
// WriteGrid
// This routine writes the Composite Table 2D Grid to the output file.
// 07-30-91 JulieB Created.
// 12-10-91 JulieB Modified for new table format.
int WriteGrid( PUNICODE pUnic, FILE *pOutputFile) { int GridSize; // get matrix size of grid
register int Ctr; // loop counter
register PCOMP_GRID ptr; // temp ptr into grid
GridSize = (pUnic->pCompGrid)[0]; ptr = pUnic->pCompGrid + 1;
for (Ctr = 0; Ctr < pUnic->NumBase; Ctr++) { if (FileWrite( pOutputFile, ptr, sizeof(WORD), pUnic->NumNonSp, "COMPOSITE GRID" )) { return (1); }
ptr += GridSize; }
// Return success.
return (0); }