// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
// File: connobj.cpp
// Contents: ConnectionObject Implementation
// Classes: CCConnectObj
// Notes: Purpose is to globally keep track of Connections
// for a SyncMgr instance. and Open and Close Connections
// abstracted from LAN or RAS.
// History: 10-Feb-98 rogerg Created.
#include "precomp.h"
extern HINSTANCE g_hInst; // current instance
CConnectionObj *g_pConnectionObj = NULL; // global pointer to ConnectionObject.
// Member: InitConnectionObjects, public
// Synopsis: Must be called to initialize the ConnectionObjects
// before any other functions are called.
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 05-Feb-98 rogerg Created.
HRESULT InitConnectionObjects() { g_pConnectionObj = new CConnectionObj;
return g_pConnectionObj ? NOERROR : S_FALSE; }
// Member: ReleaseConnectionObjects, public
// Synopsis: Called to Release the Connection Objects
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 05-Feb-98 rogerg Created.
HRESULT ReleaseConnectionObjects() { if (g_pConnectionObj) { delete g_pConnectionObj; g_pConnectionObj = NULL; }
return NOERROR; }
// Member: CConnectionObj::CConnectionObj, public
// Synopsis: Constructor
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 05-Feb-98 rogerg Created.
CConnectionObj::CConnectionObj() : m_pFirstConnectionObj(NULL), m_fAutoDialConn(FALSE), m_fForcedOnline(FALSE) { }
// Function: CConnectionObj::FindConnectionObj, public
// Synopsis: Sees if there is an existing Connection object for this
// Item and if there is incremements the refcount. If one
// isn't found and fCreate is true a new one is allocated
// and added to the list.
// Arguments: [pszConnectionName] - Name of the Connection.
// [fCreate] - Create a New Connection if one doesn't already exist
/// [pConnectionOb] - OutParam pointer to newly created connectionObj
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// Modifies:
// History: 05-Nov-97 rogerg Created.
HRESULT CConnectionObj::FindConnectionObj(LPCWSTR pszConnectionName, BOOL fCreate,CONNECTIONOBJ **pConnectionObj) { HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; CONNECTIONOBJ *pCurConnectionObj; BOOL fFoundMatch = FALSE; CLock clockqueue(this); TCHAR szBuf[MAX_PATH + 1];
*pConnectionObj = NULL;
// look for an existing match
pCurConnectionObj = m_pFirstConnectionObj;
while (pCurConnectionObj) { if (0 == lstrcmp(pszConnectionName,pCurConnectionObj->pwszConnectionName)) { fFoundMatch = TRUE; break; }
pCurConnectionObj = pCurConnectionObj->pNextConnectionObj; }
if (fFoundMatch) { ++(pCurConnectionObj->cRefs); *pConnectionObj = pCurConnectionObj; hr = NOERROR;
} else if (fCreate) { CONNECTIONOBJ *pNewConnectionObj;
// if we need to create a new connectionObj then
pNewConnectionObj = (CONNECTIONOBJ *) ALLOC(sizeof(CONNECTIONOBJ)); if (pNewConnectionObj) { memset(pNewConnectionObj,0,sizeof(CONNECTIONOBJ)); pNewConnectionObj->cRefs = 1;
// setup the Connectoin Name
if (pszConnectionName) { DWORD cch = lstrlen(pszConnectionName); DWORD cbAlloc = (cch + 1)*ARRAY_ELEMENT_SIZE(pNewConnectionObj->pwszConnectionName);
pNewConnectionObj->pwszConnectionName = (LPWSTR) ALLOC(cbAlloc);
if (pNewConnectionObj->pwszConnectionName) { lstrcpy(pNewConnectionObj->pwszConnectionName,pszConnectionName); } }
// for now if the name of the connection is our
// LAN connection name then set the ConnectionType to LAN,
// else set it to WAN. if convert to using hte connection
// manager should get from that.
LoadString(g_hInst, IDS_LAN_CONNECTION, szBuf, MAX_PATH);
if (NULL == pszConnectionName || 0 == lstrcmp(szBuf,pszConnectionName)) { pNewConnectionObj->dwConnectionType = CNETAPI_CONNECTIONTYPELAN; } else { pNewConnectionObj->dwConnectionType = CNETAPI_CONNECTIONTYPEWAN; } }
// if everything went okay, add it to the list.
// must have a new connection obj and either not connection name
// was passed in or we successfully added a connection name.
if (pNewConnectionObj && (NULL == pszConnectionName || pNewConnectionObj->pwszConnectionName) ) { // put at beginning of list
pNewConnectionObj->pNextConnectionObj = m_pFirstConnectionObj; m_pFirstConnectionObj = pNewConnectionObj;
*pConnectionObj = pNewConnectionObj; hr = NOERROR; } else { if (pNewConnectionObj) { FreeConnectionObj(pNewConnectionObj); } }
return hr; }
// Function: CConnectionObj::RemoveConnectionObj, public
// Synopsis: Removes the specified connections from the list.
// Arguments: [pszConnectionName] - Name of the Connection.
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// Modifies:
// History: 05-Nov-97 rogerg Created.
void CConnectionObj::RemoveConnectionObj(CONNECTIONOBJ *pConnectionObj) { CONNECTIONOBJ *pCurConnection = m_pFirstConnectionObj;
// remove from the list
if (m_pFirstConnectionObj == pConnectionObj) { m_pFirstConnectionObj = pConnectionObj->pNextConnectionObj; } else { while (pCurConnection) {
if (pCurConnection->pNextConnectionObj == pConnectionObj) { pCurConnection->pNextConnectionObj = pConnectionObj->pNextConnectionObj; break; }
pCurConnection = pCurConnection->pNextConnectionObj; } }
// Function: CConnectionObj::FreeConnectionObj, privte
// Synopsis: frees the memory associate with a conneciton Object.
// Arguments:
// Returns: nada
// Modifies:
// History: 05-Nov-97 rogerg Created.
void CConnectionObj::FreeConnectionObj(CONNECTIONOBJ *pConnectionObj) { Assert(pConnectionObj);
if (pConnectionObj) { if (pConnectionObj->pwszConnectionName) { FREE(pConnectionObj->pwszConnectionName); }
FREE(pConnectionObj); } }
// Member: CConnectionObj::IsConnectionAvailable, public
// Synopsis: Given a connection name sees if the connection is open
// Arguments:
// Returns: S_OK - Connection Open
// S_FALSE - Connection not Open
// Modifies:
// History: 05-Feb-98 rogerg Created.
HRESULT CConnectionObj::IsConnectionAvailable(LPCWSTR pszConnectionName) { TCHAR szBuf[MAX_PATH + 1]; DWORD dwConnectionType; LPNETAPI pNetApi = gSingleNetApiObj.GetNetApiObj(); HRESULT hr = S_FALSE;
if (NULL != pNetApi ) { BOOL fConnected,fCanEstablishConnection;
// for now if the name of the connection is our
// LAN connection name then set the ConnectionType to LAN,
// else set it to WAN. if convert to Connection Manager
// should get type from those interfaces.
LoadString(g_hInst, IDS_LAN_CONNECTION, szBuf, MAX_PATH);
if (NULL == pszConnectionName || 0 == lstrcmp(szBuf,pszConnectionName)) { dwConnectionType = CNETAPI_CONNECTIONTYPELAN; } else { dwConnectionType = CNETAPI_CONNECTIONTYPEWAN; }
pNetApi->GetConnectionStatus(pszConnectionName,dwConnectionType, &fConnected,&fCanEstablishConnection); pNetApi->Release();
hr = (fConnected) ? S_OK: S_FALSE; }
return hr; }
// Member: CConnectionObj::RestoreWorkOffline, private
// Synopsis: If have force an online because of a dial then
// set system state back to Work Offline.
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 05-Apr-99 rogerg Created.
void CConnectionObj::RestoreWorkOffline(LPNETAPI pNetApi) { if (!pNetApi) { Assert(pNetApi); return; }
if (m_fForcedOnline) { pNetApi->SetOffline(TRUE); m_fForcedOnline = FALSE; }
// Member: CConnectionObj::TurnOffWorkOffline, private
// Synopsis: If System is in WorkOffline state will force
// back to online.
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 05-Apr-99 rogerg Created.
void CConnectionObj::TurnOffWorkOffline(LPNETAPI pNetApi) { if (!pNetApi) { Assert(pNetApi); return; }
if (pNetApi->IsGlobalOffline()) { // if in offline state go ahead and switch to online
if (pNetApi->SetOffline(FALSE)) { m_fForcedOnline = TRUE; }
} }
// Member: CConnectionObj::OpenConnection, public
// Synopsis: Given a connection sees if the connection is open
// and if it not and the fMakeConnection is true
// will then attempt to open the connection.
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 05-Feb-98 rogerg Created.
HRESULT CConnectionObj::OpenConnection(CONNECTIONOBJ *pConnectionObj,BOOL fMakeConnection,CBaseDlg *pDlg) {
#ifndef _RASDIAL
DWORD dwConnectionId; #else
HRASCONN hRasConn; #endif // _RASDIAL
LPNETAPI pNetApi = gSingleNetApiObj.GetNetApiObj(); BOOL fConnected = FALSE; BOOL fCanEstablishConnection = FALSE;
if (NULL != pNetApi ) {
// See if the specified connection is active and if there is any
// Wan Activity.
Assert(pConnectionObj->dwConnectionType); // should have a connection type setup by now.
if (NOERROR == pNetApi->GetConnectionStatus(pConnectionObj->pwszConnectionName, pConnectionObj->dwConnectionType, &fConnected, &fCanEstablishConnection)) { // if there is no Wan Activity and there is not a connection
// then we can go ahead try to dial
if (!fConnected && fCanEstablishConnection && fMakeConnection && (pConnectionObj->pwszConnectionName)) { DWORD dwErr; TurnOffWorkOffline(pNetApi);
dwErr = pNetApi->InternetDialW(pDlg ? pDlg->GetHwnd() : NULL, pConnectionObj->pwszConnectionName, INTERNET_AUTODIAL_FORCE_ONLINE |INTERNET_AUTODIAL_FORCE_UNATTENDED, &dwConnectionId,0);
if (0 == dwErr) { fConnected = TRUE; pConnectionObj->dwConnectionId = dwConnectionId; } else {
dwConnectionId = 0;
if (pDlg) { LogError(pNetApi,dwErr,pDlg); } }
} }
if (pNetApi) pNetApi->Release();
// review, don't handle all failure cases for Scheduling such as LAN connection
// not available or not allowed to make connection on RAS.
pConnectionObj->fConnectionOpen = fConnected;
return pConnectionObj->fConnectionOpen ? NOERROR : S_FALSE; }
// Member: CConnectionObj::AutoDial
// Synopsis: Dials the default auto dial connection
// History: 28-Jul-98 SitaramR Created
HRESULT CConnectionObj::AutoDial(DWORD dwFlags,CBaseDlg *pDlg) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; DWORD dwErr = -1; LPNETAPI pNetApi = gSingleNetApiObj.GetNetApiObj();
// only allow one autodial at a time.
if (m_fAutoDialConn) { return NOERROR; }
if ( NULL == pNetApi ) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else {
// if flags are force unattended then call InternetAutoDial
// if should prompt user call InternetDial without
// a connectoid to bringup choice
BOOL fOk = pNetApi->InternetAutodial(dwFlags,0); if ( fOk ) { m_fAutoDialConn = TRUE; m_dwAutoConnID = 0; dwErr = 0; } else { dwErr = GetLastError(); } } else { DWORD dwConnectionId;
dwErr = pNetApi->InternetDialW(pDlg ? pDlg->GetHwnd() : NULL, NULL, INTERNET_AUTODIAL_FORCE_ONLINE, &dwConnectionId,0);
if (0 == dwErr) { m_fAutoDialConn = TRUE; m_dwAutoConnID = dwConnectionId; } }
// if an error occured then log it.
if (0 != dwErr) { if (pDlg) { LogError(pNetApi,dwErr,pDlg); } }
hr = m_fAutoDialConn ? NOERROR : E_UNEXPECTED; }
if ( pNetApi != NULL ) { pNetApi->Release(); }
return hr; }
// Member: CConnectionObj::AutoDial
// Synopsis: turns on or off work offline
// History: 14-April-99 rogerg Created
HRESULT CConnectionObj::SetWorkOffline(BOOL fWorkOffline) { LPNETAPI pNetApi = gSingleNetApiObj.GetNetApiObj();
if (NULL == pNetApi) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
if (fWorkOffline) { RestoreWorkOffline(pNetApi); // Note: only sets back to workOffline if we turned it off.
} else { TurnOffWorkOffline(pNetApi); }
return NOERROR; }
// Member: CConnectionObj::LogError, private
// Synopsis: Logs the dwErr to the dialog
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 08-Mar-99 rogerg Created.
void CConnectionObj::LogError(LPNETAPI pNetApi,DWORD dwErr,CBaseDlg *pDlg) { BOOL fErrorString= FALSE; WCHAR wszErrorString[RASERROR_MAXSTRING]; DWORD dwErrorStringLen = sizeof(wszErrorString)/sizeof(WCHAR); MSGLogErrors msgLogError;
// don't log if success or no dialog
if (NULL == pDlg || 0 == dwErr) { Assert(0 != dwErr); Assert(NULL != pDlg); return; }
// print out an error message if it falls within the range of RAS then
// get the raserror, else if a Win32 message get that, if -1 means the dll
// failed to load so use the unknown error.
if (dwErr >= RASBASE && dwErr <= RASBASEEND) { if (NOERROR == pNetApi->RasGetErrorStringProc(dwErr,wszErrorString,dwErrorStringLen) ) { fErrorString = TRUE; } } else if (-1 != dwErr) // try formatMessage
{ if (FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, dwErr, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), //The user default language
wszErrorString, dwErrorStringLen, NULL)) { fErrorString = TRUE; } }
if (FALSE == fErrorString) { // just use the generic error.
if (LoadString(g_hInst, IDS_UNDEFINED_ERROR,wszErrorString,dwErrorStringLen)) { fErrorString = TRUE; } }
if (fErrorString) {
msgLogError.mask = 0; msgLogError.dwErrorLevel = SYNCMGRLOGLEVEL_ERROR; msgLogError.lpcErrorText = wszErrorString; msgLogError.ErrorID = GUID_NULL; msgLogError.fHasErrorJumps = FALSE;
pDlg->HandleLogError(NULL,0,&msgLogError); }
// Member: CConnectionObj::CloseConnection, public
// Synopsis: closes the specified connection.
// Not an error if can't find Connection obj since under error
// conditions we still want to call this to clean up, object
// may or may not exist.
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 05-Feb-98 rogerg Created.
HRESULT CConnectionObj::CloseConnection(CONNECTIONOBJ *pConnectionObj) { CLock clockqueue(this); CONNECTIONOBJ FirstConnectObj; CONNECTIONOBJ *pCurConnection = &FirstConnectObj;
LPNETAPI pNetApi = gSingleNetApiObj.GetNetApiObj();
pCurConnection->pNextConnectionObj = m_pFirstConnectionObj;
while (pCurConnection->pNextConnectionObj) { CONNECTIONOBJ *pConnection = pCurConnection->pNextConnectionObj;
// if the connection is equal to what was passed in, then
// close it out.
if (pConnection == pConnectionObj) { // If have a Completion Event to Set then
if (pConnection->hCompletionEvent) { SetEvent(pConnection->hCompletionEvent); CloseHandle(pConnection->hCompletionEvent); pConnection->hCompletionEvent = NULL; }
// if have an open ras connection, hang it up.
// only time this should get connected is in the progress
// TODO: make this a class that keeps the netapi loaded
// until all connectoins have been closed.
#ifndef _RASDIAL
if (pConnection->dwConnectionId) { if ( NULL != pNetApi ) { pNetApi->InternetHangUp(pConnection->dwConnectionId,0); pConnection->dwConnectionId = 0; // even if hangup fails set to null.
} } #else
if (pConnection->hRasConn) { if ( NULL != pNetApi ) { pNetApi->RasHangup(pConnection->hRasConn); pConnection->hRasConn = NULL; // even if hangup fails set to null.
} } #endif // _RASDIAL
// if noone is holding onto this connection anymore get rid of it.
if (0 == pConnection->cRefs) {
pCurConnection->pNextConnectionObj = pConnection->pNextConnectionObj;
} else { pCurConnection = pCurConnection->pNextConnectionObj; }
break; } else { pCurConnection = pCurConnection->pNextConnectionObj; } }
m_pFirstConnectionObj = FirstConnectObj.pNextConnectionObj;
if ( pNetApi != NULL ) pNetApi->Release();
return NOERROR; }
// Member: CConnectionObj::CloseConnections, public
// Synopsis: Closes any open connections that have a refcount of zero.
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 05-Feb-98 rogerg Created.
HRESULT CConnectionObj::CloseConnections() { CLock clockqueue(this); CONNECTIONOBJ FirstConnectObj; CONNECTIONOBJ *pCurConnection = &FirstConnectObj;
pCurConnection->pNextConnectionObj = m_pFirstConnectionObj;
LPNETAPI pNetApi = gSingleNetApiObj.GetNetApiObj();
while (pCurConnection->pNextConnectionObj) { CONNECTIONOBJ *pConnection = pCurConnection->pNextConnectionObj;
// If have a Completion Event to Set then
if (pConnection->hCompletionEvent) { SetEvent(pConnection->hCompletionEvent); CloseHandle(pConnection->hCompletionEvent); pConnection->hCompletionEvent = NULL; }
// if have an open ras connection, hang it up.
// only time this should get connected is in the progress
// TODO: make this a class that keeps the netapi loaded
// until all connectoins have been closed.
if (pConnection->dwConnectionId) { if ( NULL != pNetApi ) { pNetApi->InternetHangUp(pConnection->dwConnectionId,0); pConnection->dwConnectionId = 0; // even if hangup fails set to null.
} }
// if noone is holding onto this connection anymore get rid of it.
if (0 == pConnection->cRefs) {
pCurConnection->pNextConnectionObj = pConnection->pNextConnectionObj;
FreeConnectionObj(pConnection); } else { pCurConnection = pCurConnection->pNextConnectionObj; } }
m_pFirstConnectionObj = FirstConnectObj.pNextConnectionObj;
// Check if auto dial connection needs to be turned off, ignore failure
if ( m_fAutoDialConn ) { if ( NULL != pNetApi ) { if (m_dwAutoConnID) { pNetApi->InternetHangUp(m_dwAutoConnID,0); } else { pNetApi->InternetAutodialHangup( 0 ); } }
m_dwAutoConnID = FALSE; m_fAutoDialConn = FALSE; }
// if we turned off offline then turn it back on
if ( pNetApi != NULL ) pNetApi->Release();
return NOERROR; }
// Function: CConnectionObj::ReleaseConnectionObj, public
// Synopsis: Decrements the specified connectionObj
// If ther reference count goes to zero and there
// is not an open connection we go ahead and
// cleanup immediately.
// If there is a dialed connection we wait until
// CloseConnection is explicitly called.
// Arguments: [pConnectionObj] - Pointer to the Connection Obj to Release.
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// Modifies:
// History: 05-Nov-97 rogerg Created.
DWORD CConnectionObj::ReleaseConnectionObj(CONNECTIONOBJ *pConnectionObj) { DWORD cRefs; BOOL fConnectionOpen = FALSE; CLock clockqueue(this);
clockqueue.Enter(); --pConnectionObj->cRefs; cRefs = pConnectionObj->cRefs; Assert( ((LONG) cRefs) >= 0);
#ifndef _RASDIAL
fConnectionOpen = pConnectionObj->dwConnectionId; #else
fConnectionOpen = pConnectionObj->hRasConn; #endif // _RASDIAL
if (0 == cRefs && !fConnectionOpen && NULL == pConnectionObj->hCompletionEvent) { RemoveConnectionObj(pConnectionObj); }
clockqueue.Leave(); return cRefs; }
// Function: CConnectionObj::AddRefConnectionObj, public
// Synopsis: Puts an AddRef on the specified connection obj
// Arguments: [pConnectionObj] - Pointer to the Connection Obj to Release.
// Returns: Appropriate status code
// Modifies:
// History: 05-Nov-97 rogerg Created.
DWORD CConnectionObj::AddRefConnectionObj(CONNECTIONOBJ *pConnectionObj) { DWORD cRefs;
cRefs = InterlockedIncrement( (LONG *) &(pConnectionObj->cRefs));
return cRefs; }
// Member: CConnectionObj::GetConnectionObjCompletionEvent, public
// Synopsis: caller has made a request for a completion event to be set up.
// !!! warning, on success the event won't be signalled until CloseConnections is Called.
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 05-Feb-98 rogerg Created.
HRESULT CConnectionObj::GetConnectionObjCompletionEvent(CONNECTIONOBJ *pConnectionObj,HANDLE *phRasPendingEvent) { HRESULT hr = E_UNEXPECTED; BOOL fFirstCreate = FALSE; CLock clockqueue(this);
if (NULL == pConnectionObj->hCompletionEvent) { pConnectionObj->hCompletionEvent = CreateEvent(NULL,TRUE,FALSE,NULL); fFirstCreate = TRUE; }
if (pConnectionObj->hCompletionEvent) { HANDLE hCurThread; HANDLE hProcess;
// if have a handle, duplicate it hand it out.
hCurThread = GetCurrentThread(); hProcess = GetCurrentProcess();
if (DuplicateHandle(hProcess,pConnectionObj->hCompletionEvent,hProcess, phRasPendingEvent, 0,FALSE,DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS) ) {
hr = NOERROR; } else { *phRasPendingEvent = NULL;
// if event was just created, then also close this one
if (fFirstCreate) { CloseHandle(pConnectionObj->hCompletionEvent); pConnectionObj->hCompletionEvent = NULL; } }
return hr; }
// Function: ConnectObj_OpenConnection, public
// Synopsis: wrapper function
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 05-Feb-98 rogerg Created.
HRESULT ConnectObj_OpenConnection(CONNECTIONOBJ *pConnectionObj,BOOL fMakeConnection,CBaseDlg *pDlg) { Assert(g_pConnectionObj);
if (NULL == g_pConnectionObj) return E_UNEXPECTED;
return g_pConnectionObj->OpenConnection(pConnectionObj,fMakeConnection,pDlg);
// Function: ConnectObj_CloseConnections, public
// Synopsis: wrapper function
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 05-Feb-98 rogerg Created.
HRESULT ConnectObj_CloseConnections() { Assert(g_pConnectionObj);
if (NULL == g_pConnectionObj) return E_UNEXPECTED;
return g_pConnectionObj->CloseConnections();
// Function: ConnectObj_CloseConnection, public
// Synopsis: wrapper function
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 05-Feb-98 rogerg Created.
HRESULT ConnectObj_CloseConnection(CONNECTIONOBJ *pConnectionObj) { Assert(g_pConnectionObj);
if (NULL == g_pConnectionObj) return E_UNEXPECTED;
return g_pConnectionObj->CloseConnection(pConnectionObj); }
// Function: ConnectObj_FindConnectionObj, public
// Synopsis: wrapper function
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 05-Feb-98 rogerg Created.
HRESULT ConnectObj_FindConnectionObj(LPCWSTR pszConnectionName,BOOL fCreate,CONNECTIONOBJ **pConnectionObj) { Assert(g_pConnectionObj);
if (NULL == g_pConnectionObj) return E_UNEXPECTED;
return g_pConnectionObj->FindConnectionObj(pszConnectionName, fCreate,pConnectionObj);
// Function: ConnectObj_AutoDial
// Synopsis: Wrapper function for auto dial
// History: 28-Jul-98 SitaramR Created
HRESULT ConnectObj_AutoDial(DWORD dwFlags,CBaseDlg *pDlg) { Assert(g_pConnectionObj);
if (NULL == g_pConnectionObj) return E_UNEXPECTED;
return g_pConnectionObj->AutoDial(dwFlags,pDlg); }
// Function: ConnectObj_ReleaseConnectionObj, public
// Synopsis: wrapper function
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 05-Feb-98 rogerg Created.
DWORD ConnectObj_ReleaseConnectionObj(CONNECTIONOBJ *pConnectionObj) { Assert(g_pConnectionObj);
if (NULL == g_pConnectionObj) return 0;
return g_pConnectionObj->ReleaseConnectionObj(pConnectionObj);
// Function: ConnectObj_AddRefConnectionObj, public
// Synopsis: wrapper function
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 05-Feb-98 rogerg Created.
DWORD ConnectObj_AddRefConnectionObj(CONNECTIONOBJ *pConnectionObj) { Assert(g_pConnectionObj);
if (NULL == g_pConnectionObj) return 0;
return g_pConnectionObj->AddRefConnectionObj(pConnectionObj);
// Function: ConnectObj_GetConnectionObjCompletionEvent, public
// Synopsis: wrapper function
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 05-Feb-98 rogerg Created.
HRESULT ConnectObj_GetConnectionObjCompletionEvent(CONNECTIONOBJ *pConnectionObj,HANDLE *phRasPendingEvent) { Assert(g_pConnectionObj);
if (NULL == g_pConnectionObj) return E_UNEXPECTED;
return g_pConnectionObj->GetConnectionObjCompletionEvent( pConnectionObj,phRasPendingEvent);
// Function: ConnectObj_IsConnectionAvailable, public
// Synopsis: wrapper function
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 30-Mar-99 rogerg Created.
HRESULT ConnectObj_IsConnectionAvailable(LPCWSTR pszConnectionName) { Assert(g_pConnectionObj);
if (NULL == g_pConnectionObj) return E_UNEXPECTED;
return g_pConnectionObj->IsConnectionAvailable(pszConnectionName);
// Function: ConnectObj_SetWorkOffline, public
// Synopsis: wrapper function
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// Modifies:
// History: 14-Apr-99 rogerg Created.
HRESULT ConnectObj_SetWorkOffline(BOOL fWorkOffline) { Assert(g_pConnectionObj);
if (NULL == g_pConnectionObj) return E_UNEXPECTED;
return g_pConnectionObj->SetWorkOffline(fWorkOffline); }