// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
// File: Debug.h
// Contents: Debug Routines
// Classes:
// Notes:
// History: 05-Nov-97 rogerg Created.
#define _SENS 1
#if (DBG == 1)
#undef DEBUG
#undef _DEBUG
#define DEBUG 1
#define _DEBUG 1
#endif // DGB
#define ErrJmp(label, errval, var) \
{\ var = errval;\ goto label;\ } #define smBoolChk(e) if (!(e)) {return FALSE;} else 1
#define smErr(l, e) ErrJmp(l, e, sc)
#define smChkTo(l, e) if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (sc = (e))) smErr(l, sc) else 1
#define smChk(e) smChkTo(EH_Err, e)
#define smHChk(e) smHChkTo(EH_Err, e)
#define smMemTo(l, e) \
if ((e) == NULL) smErr(l, E_OUTOFMEMORY) else 1 #define smMem(e) smMemTo(EH_Err, e)
#define _ZAWTRACK 0 // current ZAW Trackingis off, set this to 1 to turn on
// definitions for ZAW tracking.
typedef BOOL (STDAPICALLTYPE *PFNONESTOPTRK)(DWORD dwFlags); void InitZawTrack(); void UninitZawTrack(); void LogZawTrack(DWORD dwFlags);
#endif // _ZAWTRACK
STDAPI_(void) InitDebugFlags(void); STDAPI FnAssert( LPSTR lpstrExpr, LPSTR lpstrMsg, LPSTR lpstrFileName, UINT iLine ); STDAPI FnTrace(LPSTR lpstrMsg, LPSTR lpstrFileName, UINT iLine );
#undef Assert
#undef AssertSz
#undef Puts
#define Assert(a) { if (!(a)) FnAssert(#a, NULL, __FILE__, __LINE__); }
#define AssertSz(a, b) { if (!(a)) FnAssert(#a, b, __FILE__, __LINE__); }
#define Puts(s) OutputDebugStringA(s)
#undef TRACE
#define TRACE(s) /* FnTrace(s,__FILE__,__LINE__) */ // tracing isn't turned on by default
#define DEBUG_OUT_LASTERROR /* OutputDebugStringA(s) */ // debug out isn't turned on by default
#else // !DEBUG
#define Assert(a)
#define AssertSz(a, b)
#define Puts(s)
#define TRACE(s)
#endif // DEBUG
#endif // _ONESTOPDEBUG_