Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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  1. # simple Thunk DLL makefile
  2. #
  3. # Copyright (c) 1991, Microsoft Corporation
  4. #
  5. # History:
  6. #
  7. # 18-Feb-1994 BobDay Adapted from MVDM\WOW16\GDI\MAKEFILE
  8. #
  10. # If using BUILD.EXE, edit .\sources. if you want to add a new source
  11. # file to this component. This file merely indirects to the real make file
  12. # that is shared by all the components of NT OS/2.
  13. !INCLUDE $(NTMAKEENV)\makefile.def
  14. !ELSE
  15. .SUFFIXES:
  16. .SUFFIXES: .c .cxx .asm .h .inc .obj .lst .sys .exe .com .map .sym .def .lib .rc .res
  17. !ifdef INCLUDE
  18. INCS =
  19. !else
  20. INCS = -I..\..\ole16\inc -I$(BASEDIR)\public\sdk\inc
  21. !endif
  22. # work around stupid bug in RC 3.1 that doesn't allow rcpp.err to be
  23. # in a directory that is greater than 128 chars down the path, even if
  24. # rc 3.1 is running as an OS/2 app.
  25. PATH = ..\..\ole16\tools;$(PATH)
  27. AOBJ = -Mx -t $(DEFINES) $(INCS)
  28. CW16 = -G2sw -GA -Asnw -DWIN16 $(DEFINES) $(INCS)
  29. LINK = /map /align:16
  30. !if "$(NTDEBUG)"!="" && "$(NTDEBUG)"!="retail"
  31. !if "$(NTDEBUGTYPE)"=="windbg"
  32. AOBJ = $(AOBJ) -Zi
  33. CW16 = $(CW16) /Odi /Zip
  34. LINK = $(LINK) /CO
  35. !else
  36. AOBJ = $(AOBJ) -Zd
  37. CW16 = $(CW16) /Odi /Zd
  38. LINK = $(LINK) /LI
  39. !endif
  40. !else
  41. CW16 = $(CW16) /Os /Zp
  42. !endif
  43. W16LIBS = ..\..\ole16\lib\slibcew.lib ..\..\ole16\lib\libw.lib ..\..\ole16\compobj\compobj.lib
  44. .asm.obj:
  45. masm $(AOBJ) $*;
  46. .asm.lst:
  47. masm $(AOBJ) -l $*,nul,$*.lst;
  48. .c.obj:
  49. cl16 -c -nologo $(CW16) $*.c
  50. .c.lst:
  51. cl16 -c -nologo $(CW16) -Fonul -Fc$*.lst $*.c
  52. .cxx.obj:
  53. cl16 -c -nologo $(CW16) $*.cxx
  54. .cxx.lst:
  55. cl16 -c -nologo $(CW16) -Fonul -Fc$*.lst $*.cxx
  56. .def.lib:
  57. implib $*.lib $*.def
  58. .map.sym:
  59. mapsym $*
  60. .rc.res:
  61. rc16 -r $(INCS) -fo $@ $*.rc
  62. all: simple.exe simple.sym
  63. binplace simple.exe
  64. binplace simple.sym
  65. binplace
  66. cleanup:
  67. if exist *.lrf del *.lrf
  68. if exist *.obj del *.obj
  69. if exist *.exe del *.exe
  70. if exist *.map del *.map
  71. if exist *.sym del *.sym
  72. if exist *.res del *.res
  73. clean: cleanup
  74. simple.obj: simple.c simple.h
  75. simple.lrf: makefile
  76. echo simple.obj >simple.lrf
  77. echo simple.exe >>simple.lrf
  78. echo simple $(LINK)>>simple.lrf
  79. echo /NOD $(W16LIBS) /nod >>simple.lrf
  80. echo simple;>>simple.lrf
  81. simple.res: $*.rc simple.h
  82. simple.exe simple.obj simple.lrf \
  83. simple.def simple.res
  84. link16 @simple.lrf;
  85. rc16 -t simple.res simple.exe
  86. !ENDIF