** ** OLE 2 Sample Code ** ** debug2.c ** ** This file contains various debug / subclass routines for the ** ABOUT dialog ** ** (c) Copyright Microsoft Corp. 1992 - 1993 All Rights Reserved ** *************************************************************************/
#include "outline.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
extern LPOUTLINEAPP g_lpApp;
LONG CALLBACK EXPORT DebugAbout(HWND hWnd, unsigned uMsg, WORD wParam, LONG lParam); void RandomizeStars(HDC hDC); BOOL InitStrings(void); BOOL DrawString(int iCount, HDC hDC, LPRECT rcDrawIn);
static FARPROC lpRealAboutProc = 0L; static int width, height; static RECT rc; static HANDLE hStrBlock = NULL; static LPSTR lpStrings = NULL; static WORD wLineHeight;
/* TraceDebug
* ---------- * * Called once when our About Box's gets the INITDIALOG message. Subclasses * dialog. */
void TraceDebug(HWND hDlg, int iControl) {
// Load strings, if the strings aren't there, then don't subclass
// the dialog
if (InitStrings() != TRUE) return;
// Subclass the dialog
lpRealAboutProc = (FARPROC)(LONG_PTR)GetWindowLongPtr(hDlg, GWLP_WNDPROC); SetWindowLongPtr(hDlg, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)(FARPROC)DebugAbout);
// Get rect of control in screen coords, and translate to our dialog
// box's coordinates
GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(hDlg, iControl), &rc); MapWindowPoints(NULL, hDlg, (LPPOINT)&rc, 2);
width = rc.right - rc.left; height = rc.bottom - rc.top; }
/* DebugAbout
* ---------- * * The subclassed About dialog's main window proc. */
LONG CALLBACK EXPORT DebugAbout(HWND hWnd, unsigned uMsg, WORD wParam, LONG lParam) { RECT rcOut; static BOOL bTimerStarted = FALSE; static int iTopLocation; HDC hDCScr; static HDC hDCMem; static HBITMAP hBitmap; static HBITMAP hBitmapOld; static RECT rcMem; static HFONT hFont;
switch (uMsg) {
* If we get a LBUTTONDBLCLICK in the upper left of * the dialog, fire off the about box effects */
case WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK: if ((wParam & MK_CONTROL) && (wParam & MK_SHIFT) && LOWORD(lParam) < 10 && HIWORD(lParam) < 10 && bTimerStarted == FALSE) { if (SetTimer ( hWnd, 1, 10, NULL )) { LOGFONT lf; int i;
bTimerStarted = TRUE;
// "Open up" the window
hDCScr = GetDC ( hWnd ); hDCMem = CreateCompatibleDC ( hDCScr );
hBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hDCScr, width, height); hBitmapOld = SelectObject(hDCMem, hBitmap);
// Blt from dialog to memDC
BitBlt(hDCMem, 0, 0, width, height, hDCScr, rc.left, rc.top, SRCCOPY);
for (i=0;i<height;i+=1) { BitBlt(hDCScr, rc.left, rc.top + i + 1, width, height-i-1, hDCMem, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); PatBlt(hDCScr, rc.left, rc.top + i, width, 1, BLACKNESS); }
SelectObject(hDCMem, hBitmapOld); DeleteObject(hBitmap);
// Set up memory DC with default attributes
hBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hDCScr, width, height); ReleaseDC(hWnd, hDCScr);
hBitmapOld = SelectObject(hDCMem, hBitmap);
SetBkMode(hDCMem, TRANSPARENT); SetBkColor(hDCMem, RGB(0,0,0));
// Create font
memset(&lf, 0, sizeof(LOGFONT)); lf.lfHeight = -(height / 7); // Fit 7 lines of text in box
lf.lfWeight = FW_BOLD; strcpy(lf.lfFaceName, "Arial"); hFont = CreateFontIndirect(&lf);
// If we can't create the font, revert and use the standard
// system font.
if (!hFont) GetObject(GetStockObject(SYSTEM_FONT), sizeof(LOGFONT), &lf);
wLineHeight = abs(lf.lfHeight) + 5; // 5 pixels between lines
// Set location of top of banner at bottom of the window
iTopLocation = height + 50;
SetRect(&rcMem, 0, 0, width, height); } } // Call our real window procedure in case they want to
// handle LBUTTONDOWN messages also
goto Default;
case WM_TIMER: { int iCount; HFONT hfold;
* On each timer message, we are going to construct the next image * in the animation sequence, then bitblt this to our dialog. */
// Clear out old bitmap and place random star image on background
PatBlt(hDCMem, rcMem.left, rcMem.top, rcMem.right, rcMem.bottom, BLACKNESS); RandomizeStars(hDCMem);
// Set initial location to draw text
rcOut = rcMem; rcOut.top = 0 + iTopLocation; rcOut.bottom = rcOut.top + wLineHeight;
iCount = 0; if (hFont) hfold = SelectObject(hDCMem, hFont);
SetTextColor(hDCMem, RGB(0,255,0)); while (DrawString(iCount, hDCMem, &rcOut) == TRUE) { rcOut.top += wLineHeight; rcOut.bottom += wLineHeight; iCount++; } if (hFont) SelectObject(hDCMem, hfold);
// Now blt the memory dc that we have just constructed
// to the screen
hDCScr = GetDC(hWnd); BitBlt(hDCScr, rc.left, rc.top, rc.right, rc.bottom, hDCMem, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); ReleaseDC(hWnd, hDCScr);
// For the next animation sequence, we want to move the
// whole thing up, so decrement the location of the top
// of the banner
iTopLocation -= 2;
// If we've gone through the banner once, reset it
if (iTopLocation < -(int)(wLineHeight * iCount)) iTopLocation = height + 50; } // Goto default
goto Default;
case WM_NCDESTROY: { LONG defReturn;
* We're being destroyed. Clean up what we created. */
if (bTimerStarted) { KillTimer(hWnd, 1); SelectObject (hDCMem, hBitmapOld); DeleteObject (hBitmap); DeleteDC (hDCMem); if (hFont) DeleteObject(hFont); bTimerStarted = FALSE; }
if (lpStrings) UnlockResource(hStrBlock), lpStrings = NULL; if (hStrBlock) FreeResource(hStrBlock), hStrBlock = NULL;
// Pass the NCDESTROY on to our real window procedure. Since
// this is the last message that we are going to be getting,
// we can go ahead and free the proc instance here.
defReturn = CallWindowProc((WNDPROC)lpRealAboutProc, hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); return defReturn; }
Default: default: return CallWindowProc( (WNDPROC)lpRealAboutProc, hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } return 0L; }
/* RandomizeStars
* -------------- * * Paints random stars on the specified hDC * */
void RandomizeStars(HDC hDC) { int i;
// Seed the random number generator with current time. This will,
// in effect, only change the seed every second, so our
// starfield will change only every second.
// Generate random white stars
for (i=0;i<20;i++) PatBlt(hDC, getrandom(0,width), getrandom(0,height), 2, 2, WHITENESS); }
/* InitStrings
* -------------- * * Reads strings from stringtable. Returns TRUE if it worked OK. * */
BOOL InitStrings() { HRSRC hResStrings; LPSTR lpWalk;
// Load the block of strings
if ((hResStrings = FindResource( g_lpApp->m_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(9999), RT_RCDATA)) == NULL) return FALSE; if ((hStrBlock = LoadResource(g_lpApp->m_hInst, hResStrings)) == NULL) return FALSE; if ((lpStrings = LockResource(hStrBlock)) == NULL) return FALSE;
if (lpStrings && *(lpStrings+2)!=0x45) { lpWalk = lpStrings; while (*(LPWORD)lpWalk != (WORD)0x0000) { if (*lpWalk != (char)0x00) *lpWalk ^= 0x98; lpWalk++; } } return TRUE; }
/* DrawString
* ---------- * * Draws the next string on the specified hDC using the * output rectangle. If iCount == 0, reset to start of list. * * Returns: TRUE to contine, FALSE if we're done */
BOOL DrawString(int iCount, HDC hDC, LPRECT rcDrawIn) { static LPSTR lpPtr = NULL;
if (iCount == 0) // First time, reset pointer
lpPtr = lpStrings;
if (*lpPtr == '\0') // If we've hit a NULL string, we're done
return FALSE;
// If we're drawing outside of visible box, don't call DrawText
if ((rcDrawIn->bottom > 0) && (rcDrawIn->top < height)) DrawText(hDC, lpPtr, -1, rcDrawIn, DT_CENTER);
// Advance pointer to next string
lpPtr += lstrlen(lpPtr) + 1;
return TRUE; }