Copyright (c) 1989-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: procana.cxx
This file provides analysis routines for a procedure code generation class.
Aug-31-1993 VibhasC Created.
* include files ***************************************************************************/ #include "allana.hxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#pragma warning ( disable : 4701 )
Implementation of the proc code generator class. ****************************************************************************/
CG_STATUS CG_PROC::C_BindingAnalysis( ANALYSIS_INFO * pAna ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Perform the binding analysis for the client side.
Arguments: Return Value: Notes:
If it is an auto handle procedure, make sure the global auto handle is registered as a global resource. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { node_id * pID;
if( IsAutoHandle() ) { pAna->AddStandardResource( ST_RES_AUTO_BH_VARIABLE ); } else { SetBindingResource( pAna->AddStandardResource( ST_RES_BH_VARIABLE ) );
// Initialize the binding resource to 0, so it gets printed out.
pID = (node_id *)GetBindingResource()->GetType();
pID->SetExpr( new expr_constant( 0L ) );
} return CG_OK; }
CG_STATUS CG_PROC::MarshallAnalysis( ANALYSIS_INFO * pAna ) { ITERATOR I; CG_PARAM * pCG = 0; CG_PARAM * pS; CG_RETURN * pRT; SIDE Side = pAna->GetCurrentSide(); expr_node * pSE = 0; BOOL fReturnNeedsMarshall = FALSE;
if( Side == C_SIDE ) GetInParamList( I ); else GetOutParamList( I );
pRT = GetReturnType(); if ( Side == S_SIDE && pRT != 0 ) fReturnNeedsMarshall = TRUE;
while( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( I, pCG ) ) { // The "invisible" fault or comm status param doesn't marshal.
if ( pCG->IsExtraStatusParam() ) continue;
pCG->MarshallAnalysis( pAna );
// Add to the sizing expression.
if( pSE ) pSE = new expr_b_arithmetic( OP_PLUS, pSE, pCG->GetSizeExpression() ); else pSE = pCG->GetSizeExpression(); } }
if(fReturnNeedsMarshall) { pRT->MarshallAnalysis( pAna ); if( pSE ) pSE = new expr_b_arithmetic( OP_PLUS, pSE, pRT->GetSizeExpression() ); else pSE = pRT->GetSizeExpression(); }
if( pSE ) SetSizeExpression( pSE ); else SetSizeExpression( new expr_constant( 0L,VALUE_TYPE_NUMERIC_U ));
if ( HasExtraStatusParam() ) { GetMembers(I);
while ( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( I, pCG ) ) if ( pCG->IsExtraStatusParam() ) break;
node_skl *pType = pCG->GetType();
pCG->SetResource( new RESOURCE( pType->GetSymName(), pType ) ); }
return CG_OK; }
CG_STATUS CG_PROC::UnMarshallAnalysis( ANALYSIS_INFO * pAna ) { ITERATOR I; CG_PARAM * pCG = 0; CG_PARAM * pS; CG_RETURN * pRT = 0; SIDE Side = pAna->GetCurrentSide(); BOOL fReturnNeedsUnMarshall = FALSE;
if( Side == C_SIDE ) GetOutParamList( I ); else GetInParamList( I ); if( (Side == C_SIDE ) && (pRT = GetReturnType() ) != 0 ) fReturnNeedsUnMarshall = TRUE;
if( ITERATOR_GETCOUNT(I) ) { while( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( I, pCG ) ) { // The "invisible" fault/comm status param doesn't unmarshal.
if ( pCG->IsExtraStatusParam() ) continue;
pCG->UnMarshallAnalysis( pAna ); }
if( fReturnNeedsUnMarshall ) { pRT->UnMarshallAnalysis( pAna ); }
return CG_OK; }
CG_STATUS CG_PROC::S_OutLocalAnalysis( ANALYSIS_INFO * pAna ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Perform analysis for all params which may be allocated as locals for the server side stubs.
pAna - The analysis block.
Return Value: CG_OK if all is well, error otherwise.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ {
ITERATOR I; CG_PARAM * pParam = 0;
GetOutParamList( I );
while( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( I, pParam ) ) { pParam->S_OutLocalAnalysis( pAna ); }
return CG_OK; }
void CG_PROC::RpcSsPackageAnalysis( ANALYSIS_INFO * pAna ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Perform analysis for the need to invoke RpcSsm package at server.
pAna - The analysis block.
Return Value: Notes:
Note that we perform both sides analysis at once as the format string is generated usually at the client pass.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { //
// In ms_ext mode:
// only if Enable allocate is specified
// In osf mode:
// if( RpcSS is recommended by analysis || enable allocate specified )
SetMustInvokeRpcSSAllocate( 0 );
if ( IsRpcSSSpecified() ) SetMustInvokeRpcSSAllocate( 1 );
if ( MustInvokeRpcSSAllocate() || pAna->GetMode() != 0 ) return;
// We analyze parameters in osf to boost performance by skipping
// unnecessary enable and disable operations.
ITERATOR ParamList; CG_PARAM * pParam = 0;
GetMembers( ParamList );
if( ITERATOR_GETCOUNT( ParamList ) ) { ITERATOR_INIT( ParamList );
while( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( ParamList, pParam ) ) { pParam->RpcSsPackageAnalysis( pAna ); } }
CG_RETURN * pReturn = GetReturnType();
if ( pReturn ) { if ( (pAna->GetOptimOption() & OPTIMIZE_INTERPRETER) || (pReturn->GetChild() && ( ((CG_NDR *)pReturn->GetChild())->IsPointer() || ((CG_NDR *)pReturn->GetChild())->HasPointer() || ((CG_NDR *)pReturn->GetChild())->GetCGID() == ID_CG_ENCAP_STRUCT ) ) ) { // We could do a better job for Oi2 if we watched its stack.
// Encapsulated union is there as it was a hassle to make it
// know about its pointers.
pAna->SetRpcSSAllocateRecommended( 1 ); } }
if ( pAna->IsRpcSSAllocateRecommended() ) SetMustInvokeRpcSSAllocate( 1 ); }
CG_STATUS CG_PROC::RefCheckAnalysis( ANALYSIS_INFO * pAna ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Perform ref pointer check analysis.
pAna - The analysis info block.
Return Value:
CG_OK Notes:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { ITERATOR I; CG_PARAM * pCG = 0; CG_RETURN * pRT = 0; SIDE Side = pAna->GetCurrentSide(); BOOL fReturnNeedsMarshall = FALSE;
// generate ref check resources for both in and out params.
GetMembers( I ); if( (Side == S_SIDE ) && (pRT = GetReturnType() ) != 0 ) fReturnNeedsMarshall = TRUE;
while( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( I, pCG ) ) { pCG->RefCheckAnalysis( pAna ); } }
if(fReturnNeedsMarshall) { pRT->RefCheckAnalysis( pAna ); } return CG_OK; }
CG_STATUS CG_PROC::InLocalAnalysis( ANALYSIS_INFO * pAna ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Perform analysis for [in] params allocated as locals on server.
pAna - The analysis info block.
Return Value:
CG_OK Notes:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { ITERATOR I; CG_PARAM * pCG = 0;
GetInParamList( I );
while( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( I, pCG ) ) { pCG->InLocalAnalysis( pAna ); } } return CG_OK; }
Implementation of the parameter code generator class. ****************************************************************************/ CG_STATUS CG_PARAM::MarshallAnalysis( ANALYSIS_INFO * pAna ) { CG_STATUS Status;
// Initialize the analysis block and the parameter for the current side
// and analysis phase.
InitParamMarshallAnalysis( pAna );
// Send the message to the lower cg nodes.
Status = ((CG_NDR *)GetChild())->MarshallAnalysis( pAna );
if( pAna->HasAtLeastOneDeferredPointee() ) { pAna->ResetDeferPointee(); ((CG_NDR *)GetChild())->FollowerMarshallAnalysis( pAna ); }
ConsolidateParamMarshallAnalysis( pAna );
// The analysis block will now have properties which are a combo of the
// properties before this param and the properties of this param.
return CG_OK; }
CG_STATUS CG_PARAM::UnMarshallAnalysis( ANALYSIS_INFO * pAna ) {
InitParamUnMarshallAnalysis( pAna );
// Send the message to the child to perform the same analysis for us
// and then consolidate the results on return.
((CG_NDR *)GetChild())->UnMarshallAnalysis( pAna );
if( pAna->HasAtLeastOneDeferredPointee() ) { pAna->ResetDeferPointee(); ((CG_NDR *)GetChild())->FollowerUnMarshallAnalysis( pAna ); }
// Consolidate the results of analysis from the lower nodes.
ConsolidateParamUnMarshallAnalysis( pAna );
return CG_OK; }
void CG_PARAM::InitParamMarshallAnalysis( ANALYSIS_INFO * pAna ) {
node_skl * pType = GetType(); PNAME pName = pType->GetSymName(); CG_NDR * pC = (CG_NDR *)GetChild();
// For all cases of generic handles, where the CG_GENERIC_HANDLE will
// sit below the param, we want to bypass the generic handle class during
// marshall analysis.
if( pC->GetCGID() == ID_CG_GENERIC_HDL ) { pC = (CG_NDR *)pC->GetChild(); }
// Allocate the resource for this parameter. On the client side, this
// parameter is a param resource, while on the server, this param is a local
// resource. One the client side, the param has already been added to the
// resource dictionary.
if( pAna->GetCurrentSide() == C_SIDE ) { if( (pC->IsArray()) && (pAna->GetOptimOption() & OPTIMIZE_INTERPRETER ) ) { pType = MakePtrIDNode( pName, pType->GetChild() ); } SetResource( new RESOURCE( pName, pType) ); } else { node_skl * pActualType = pType->GetChild();
if( (pC->GetCGID() == ID_CG_CONTEXT_HDL ) || (pC->GetChild() && (pC->GetChild()->GetCGID() == ID_CG_CONTEXT_HDL))) { pActualType = MakeIDNode( pName, new node_def ("NDR_SCONTEXT" ) ); } else if( pC->IsArray() ) pActualType = MakePtrIDNode( pName, pActualType); else pActualType = MakeIDNode( pName, pActualType );
SetResource( pAna->AddLocalResource( pName, pActualType )); }
SetSizeResource( 0 ); SetLengthResource( 0 ); SetFirstResource( 0 );
pAna->SetMemoryAllocDone(); pAna->ResetRefAllocDone(); pAna->ResetEmbeddingLevel(); pAna->ResetIndirectionLevel(); pAna->SetRefChainIntact(); pAna->ResetDeferPointee(); pAna->ResetHasAtLeastOneDeferredPointee(); pAna->SetLastPlaceholderClass( (CG_NDR *)this ); }
void CG_PARAM::ConsolidateParamMarshallAnalysis( ANALYSIS_INFO * pAna ) { expr_node * pSE = 0;
// Consolidate the result of the analysis from lower nodes, first into
// this node, and then into the analysis block.
pSE = new expr_constant( (long)0U, VALUE_TYPE_NUMERIC_U );
SetSizeExpression( pSE );
if( pAna->GetOptimOption() & OPTIMIZE_SIZE ) { pAna->ClearTransientResourceDict(); } }
void CG_PARAM::InitParamUnMarshallAnalysis( ANALYSIS_INFO * pAna ) {
node_skl * pType = GetType(); node_skl * pActualType = pType->GetBasicType(); PNAME pName = pType->GetSymName(); CG_NDR * pC = (CG_NDR *)GetChild();
// For all cases of generic handles, where the CG_GENERIC_HANDLE will
// sit below the param, we want to bypass the generic handle class during
// marshall analysis.
if( pC->GetCGID() == ID_CG_GENERIC_HDL ) { pC = (CG_NDR *)pC->GetChild(); }
// Allocate resources. On the client side, a parameter resource is allocated
// and on the server, a local resource is allocated.
SetSubstitutePtrResource( 0 );
if( pAna->GetCurrentSide() == C_SIDE ) { pAna->SetDontReUseBuffer(); if( (pC->IsArray()) && (pAna->GetOptimOption() & OPTIMIZE_INTERPRETER ) ) { pType = MakePtrIDNode( pName, pType->GetChild() /* GetBasicType() ????????? */ ); } SetResource( new RESOURCE( pName, pType) ) ; } else if ( ! IsOmittedParam() ) { pC->SetAllocatedOnStack( 1 );
if( (pC->GetCGID() == ID_CG_CONTEXT_HDL ) || (pC->GetChild() && (pC->GetChild()->GetCGID() == ID_CG_CONTEXT_HDL))) { pActualType = MakeIDNode( pName, new node_def ("NDR_SCONTEXT" ) ); } else if( pC->IsArray() ) { pActualType = MakePtrIDNode( pName, pType->GetChild() ); } else pActualType = MakeIDNode( pName, pType->GetChild() );
pAna->ResetDontReUseBuffer(); SetResource( pAna->AddLocalResource( pName, pActualType ) ); }
SetSizeResource( 0 ); SetLengthResource( 0 ); SetFirstResource( 0 );
// Reset for analysis.
pAna->SetMemoryAllocDone(); pAna->ResetRefAllocDone(); pAna->ResetEmbeddingLevel(); pAna->ResetIndirectionLevel(); pAna->SetRefChainIntact(); pAna->ResetDeferPointee(); pAna->ResetHasAtLeastOneDeferredPointee(); pAna->SetLastPlaceholderClass( (CG_NDR *)this ); }
void CG_PARAM::ConsolidateParamUnMarshallAnalysis( ANALYSIS_INFO * pAna ) {
// Consolidate the result of the analysis from lower nodes, first into
// this node, and then into the analysis block.
if( pAna->GetOptimOption() & OPTIMIZE_SIZE ) { pAna->ClearTransientResourceDict(); } } CG_STATUS CG_PARAM::S_OutLocalAnalysis( ANALYSIS_INFO * pAna ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Perform analysis for all params which may be allocated as locals for server stub
Arguments: pAna - A pointer to the analysis block.
Return Value: Notes:
Ignore [in, out], since that would be done by the Unmarshall analysis. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { // If the param is [out] only, determine if there is a need for local
// variables and if they need to be inited.
if( IsParamOut() && !IsParamIn() ) { InitParamMarshallAnalysis( pAna );
((CG_NDR *)GetChild())->S_OutLocalAnalysis( pAna );
} return CG_OK; }
void CG_PARAM::RpcSsPackageAnalysis( ANALYSIS_INFO * pAna ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Perform analysis for rpcss package enabling.
Arguments: pAna - A pointer to the analysis block.
Return Value: Notes:
This routine should be called only in the osf mode.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { //
// Package needs to be enabled (only is OSF mode) when the NDR engine
// is going to do any allocations whatsoever at the server side.
// In Os this may happen on
// - anything other than simple type or pointer to simple type
// - with simple type, if this happens to be enum16
// In Oi this may happen on
// - anything [out]
// - [in] like Os
// In Oi2 this may happen on
// - anything [out] when lack of space on -Oi2 stack
// - [in] like Os
// (simple types and pointers to simple types are usually on
// the interpreter stack, if there is space there).
// However, this cannot be guaranteed.
if( IsParamOut() && ( pAna->GetOptimOption() & OPTIMIZE_INTERPRETER) ) { // We could do a better job for Oi2 if we watched the its stack.
pAna->SetRpcSSAllocateRecommended( 1 ); return; }
// We are here with
// [in] or [in,out] for Oi?
// any for Os
// See if this is one of the simple cases mentioned above.
// This is really a check for the buffer reusage.
CG_NDR * pChild = (CG_NDR *)GetChild();
if ( pChild->IsSimpleType() && ( pChild->GetCGID() != ID_CG_ENUM || pChild->GetCGID() == ID_CG_ENUM && ((CG_ENUM*)pChild)->IsEnumLong() ) && pChild->GetCGID() != ID_CG_INT3264 ) { // An [in] arg in the buffer.
return; }
// Note that we don't have to check for allocate(allnodes) etc.
// as this is not an osf attribute.
// Also note that we handle top level pointers here.
if ( pChild->IsPointer() && ((CG_POINTER *)pChild)->IsRef() ) { // In args would stay in the buffer,
// out args would be on the Os stack.
CG_NDR * pPointee = (CG_NDR *)pChild->GetChild();
if ( ( pChild->GetCGID() == ID_CG_PTR || pChild->GetCGID() == ID_CG_STRING_PTR || pChild->GetCGID() == ID_CG_SIZE_PTR ) && pPointee->IsSimpleType() && ( pPointee->GetCGID() != ID_CG_ENUM || pPointee->GetCGID() == ID_CG_ENUM && ((CG_ENUM*)pPointee)->IsEnumLong() ) && pPointee->GetCGID() != ID_CG_INT3264 ) return; }
pAna->SetRpcSSAllocateRecommended( 1 ); }
Implementation of the return type node. ****************************************************************************/ CG_STATUS CG_RETURN::MarshallAnalysis( ANALYSIS_INFO * pAna ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Perform the size analysis for the return type.
Arguments: pAna - A pointer to the analysis block.
Return Value: Notes:
For the return type, the size analysis contributes nothing on the client side, yet we must declare a local variable for the return. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ {
node_skl * pType = GetType(); PNAME pName = RETURN_VALUE_VAR_NAME; CG_STATUS Status; CG_NDR * pC = (CG_NDR *)GetChild();
// Always allocate a local resource for the return type.
if( (pC->GetCGID() == ID_CG_CONTEXT_HDL ) || (pC->GetChild() && (pC->GetChild()->GetCGID() == ID_CG_CONTEXT_HDL))) { node_skl * pActualType = pType->GetBasicType(); pActualType = MakeIDNode( pName, new node_def ("NDR_SCONTEXT" ) ); SetResource( pAna->AddLocalResource( pName, pActualType )); } else { pType = MakeIDNode( pName, pType ); SetResource( pAna->AddLocalResource( pName, pType )); }
SetSizeResource( 0 );
// Reset the analysis block for marshalling.
pAna->SetMemoryAllocDone(); pAna->ResetRefAllocDone(); pAna->ResetEmbeddingLevel(); pAna->SetRefChainIntact(); pAna->SetDontReUseBuffer(); pAna->SetReturnContext(); pAna->SetLastPlaceholderClass( (CG_NDR *)this );
// Send the analysis message to the child nodes.
Status = ((CG_NDR *)GetChild())->MarshallAnalysis( pAna );
SetSizeExpression( new expr_constant( 0L, VALUE_TYPE_NUMERIC_U ) ); pAna->ResetReturnContext();
if( pAna->GetOptimOption() & OPTIMIZE_SIZE ) { pAna->ClearTransientResourceDict(); }
return Status; }
CG_STATUS CG_RETURN::UnMarshallAnalysis( ANALYSIS_INFO * pAna ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Perform the buffer analysis for the return type.
Arguments: pAna - A pointer to the analysis block.
Return Value: Notes:
For the return type, the size analysis contributes nothing on the client side, yet we must declare a local variable for the return. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { node_skl * pType = GetType(); PNAME pName = RETURN_VALUE_VAR_NAME; CG_STATUS Status;
// Always allocate a local resource for the return type.
pType = MakeIDNode( pName, pType ); SetResource( pAna->AddLocalResource( pName, pType ));
pAna->SetMemoryAllocDone(); pAna->ResetRefAllocDone(); pAna->ResetEmbeddingLevel(); pAna->SetRefChainIntact(); pAna->SetDontReUseBuffer(); pAna->SetReturnContext(); pAna->SetLastPlaceholderClass( (CG_NDR *)this );
Status = ((CG_NDR *)GetChild())->UnMarshallAnalysis( pAna );
if( pAna->GetOptimOption() & OPTIMIZE_SIZE ) { pAna->ClearTransientResourceDict(); }
return Status; }