Copyright (c) 1989-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: arraycls.hxx
Contains definitions for base type related code generation class definitions.
GregJen Sep-30-1993 Created. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef __ARRAYCLS_HXX__
#define __ARRAYCLS_HXX__
#pragma warning ( disable : 4238 4239 )
#include "nulldefs.h"
extern "C" { #include <stdio.h>
#include "fldattr.hxx"
#include "ndrcls.hxx"
// Ndr routines used by array and union classes for generation of attribute
// (size_is, length_is, switch_is, etc.) descriptions.
void GenNdrFormatAttributeDescription( CCB * pCCB, expr_node* pMinExpr, expr_node* pSizeExpr, BOOL IsPointer, BOOL IsUnion, BOOL IsVaryingArray, BOOL IsMultiDArray, BOOL fGenCorrelationDesc, unsigned char uFlags = 0 );
void GenNdrFormatComplexAttributeDescription( CCB * pCCB, expr_node * pMinExpr, expr_node * pSizeExpr, long StackTopDisplacement, char * PrintPrefix, BOOL IsPointer ); class CG_CONF_ATTRIBUTE; class FIELD_ATTRIBUTE_INFO;
// for now, define CG_ACT here.
typedef enum _cgact {
// for now, put these info classes here:
class CG_CONF_ATTRIBUTE { private: expr_node * pMinIsExpr; expr_node * pSizeIsExpr;
public: CG_CONF_ATTRIBUTE( FIELD_ATTR_INFO * pFAInfo ) { pMinIsExpr = pFAInfo->pMinIsExpr; pSizeIsExpr = pFAInfo->pSizeIsExpr; }
CG_CONF_ATTRIBUTE( CG_CONF_ATTRIBUTE * pNode ) { *this = *pNode; }
expr_node * GetMinIsExpr() { return pMinIsExpr; }
expr_node * GetSizeIsExpr() { return pSizeIsExpr; }
// Ndr format string routine.
void GenFormatStringConformanceDescription( CCB * pCCB, BOOL IsPointer, BOOL IsMultiDArray ); };
class CG_VARY_ATTRIBUTE { private: expr_node * pFirstIsExpr; expr_node * pLengthIsExpr;
protected: CG_VARY_ATTRIBUTE( const CG_VARY_ATTRIBUTE & Node ) { *this = Node; }
public: CG_VARY_ATTRIBUTE( FIELD_ATTR_INFO * pFAInfo ) { pFirstIsExpr = pFAInfo->pFirstIsExpr; pLengthIsExpr = pFAInfo->pLengthIsExpr; }
CG_VARY_ATTRIBUTE( CG_VARY_ATTRIBUTE * pNode ) { *this = *pNode; }
expr_node * GetFirstIsExpr() { return pFirstIsExpr; }
expr_node * GetLengthIsExpr() { return pLengthIsExpr; }
// Ndr format string routine.
void GenFormatStringVarianceDescription( CCB * pCCB, BOOL IsPointer, BOOL IsVaryingArray, BOOL IsMultiDArray ); };
#include "ptrcls.hxx"
// the array type code generation class.
// This is the base class for all the array CG classes
class CG_ARRAY : public CG_NDR, public CG_CONF_ATTRIBUTE, public CG_CLONEABLE { private:
unsigned short Dimensions; BOOL fHasFollower; BOOL fIsInMultiDim; BOOL fIsDupedSizePtr; BOOL fForcedComplex; PTRTYPE PtrKind; RESOURCE * pIndexResource; RESOURCE * pPtrResource; RESOURCE * pSizeResource; RESOURCE * pLengthResource; RESOURCE * pFirstResource; RESOURCE * pMinResource; RESOURCE * pInLocalResource; long ElementDescriptionOffset; node_cs_char * pCSUserType; // user type for cs_char arrays
CG_ARRAY( const CG_ARRAY & Node ) : CG_NDR( Node ), CG_CONF_ATTRIBUTE( Node )
{ Dimensions = Node.Dimensions; fHasFollower = Node.fHasFollower; fIsInMultiDim = Node.fIsInMultiDim; fIsDupedSizePtr = Node.fIsDupedSizePtr; fForcedComplex = Node.fForcedComplex; PtrKind = Node.PtrKind; pIndexResource = NULL; if ( NULL != Node.pIndexResource ) pIndexResource = (RESOURCE*)( Node.pIndexResource->Clone() ); pPtrResource = NULL; if ( NULL != Node.pPtrResource ) pPtrResource = (RESOURCE*)( Node.pPtrResource->Clone() ); pSizeResource = NULL; if ( NULL != Node.pSizeResource ) pSizeResource = (RESOURCE*)( Node.pSizeResource->Clone() ); pLengthResource = NULL; if ( NULL != Node.pLengthResource ) pLengthResource = (RESOURCE*)( Node.pLengthResource->Clone() ); pFirstResource = NULL; if ( NULL != Node.pFirstResource ) pFirstResource = (RESOURCE*)( Node.pFirstResource->Clone() ); pMinResource = NULL; if ( NULL != Node.pMinResource ) pMinResource = (RESOURCE*)( Node.pMinResource->Clone() ); pInLocalResource = NULL; if ( NULL != Node.pInLocalResource ) pInLocalResource = (RESOURCE*)( Node.pInLocalResource->Clone() ); ElementDescriptionOffset = Node.ElementDescriptionOffset; pCSUserType = Node.pCSUserType; } public: //
// The constructor.
CG_ARRAY( node_skl * pBT,// array in typegraph
FIELD_ATTR_INFO * pFA, unsigned short Dim,// number of dimensions
XLAT_SIZE_INFO & Info // wire alignment, etc
) : CG_NDR( pBT, Info ), CG_CONF_ATTRIBUTE( pFA ), fForcedComplex( FALSE ) { SetDimensions( Dim ); ResetHasFollower(); SetIndexResource( 0 ); SetPtrResource( 0 ); SetSizeResource( 0 ); SetLengthResource( 0 ); SetFirstResource( 0 ); SetMinResource( 0 ); SetInLocalResource( 0 ); SetIsInMultiDim( FALSE ); SetElementDescriptionOffset(-1); SetIsDupedSizePtr( FALSE ); SetCSUserType( 0 ); } virtual CG_CLASS * Clone() { return new CG_ARRAY(*this); }
virtual void Visit( CG_VISITOR *pVisitor ) { pVisitor->Visit( this ); }
BOOL IsForcedComplex() { return fForcedComplex; };
void ForceComplex() { fForcedComplex = TRUE ; }; //
// Get and set methods.
PTRTYPE GetPtrType() { return PtrKind; }
PTRTYPE SetPtrType( PTRTYPE p ) { return (PtrKind = p); }
RESOURCE * SetInLocalResource( RESOURCE * pR ) { return pInLocalResource = pR; }
RESOURCE * GetInLocalResource() { return pInLocalResource; }
RESOURCE * SetPtrResource( RESOURCE * pR ) { return pPtrResource = pR; }
RESOURCE * GetPtrResource() { return pPtrResource; }
RESOURCE * SetMinResource( RESOURCE * pR ) { return pMinResource = pR; }
RESOURCE * GetMinResource() { return pMinResource; }
RESOURCE * SetSizeResource( RESOURCE * pR ) { return pSizeResource = pR; }
RESOURCE * GetSizeResource() { return pSizeResource; }
RESOURCE * SetLengthResource( RESOURCE * pR ) { return pLengthResource = pR; }
RESOURCE * GetLengthResource() { return pLengthResource; }
RESOURCE * SetFirstResource( RESOURCE * pR ) { return pFirstResource = pR; }
RESOURCE * GetFirstResource() { return pFirstResource; }
RESOURCE * SetIndexResource( RESOURCE * pR ) { return pIndexResource = pR; }
RESOURCE * GetIndexResource() { return pIndexResource; }
void SetElementDescriptionOffset( long Offset ) { ElementDescriptionOffset = Offset; }
long GetElementDescriptionOffset() { return ElementDescriptionOffset; }
void ResetHasFollower() { fHasFollower = 0; }
BOOL SetHasFollower() { fHasFollower = 1; return TRUE; }
BOOL HasFollower() { return (BOOL)( fHasFollower == 1); }
unsigned short SetDimensions( unsigned short Dim ) { return ( Dimensions = Dim ); }
unsigned short GetDimensions() { return Dimensions; }
void SetIsInMultiDim( BOOL fSet ) { fIsInMultiDim = fSet; } BOOL IsInMultiDim() { return fIsInMultiDim; }
void SetIsDupedSizePtr( BOOL fSet ) { fIsDupedSizePtr = fSet; }
BOOL IsDupedSizePtr() { return fIsDupedSizePtr; }
void SetCSUserType( node_cs_char *p ) { pCSUserType = p; }
node_cs_char * GetCSUserType( ) { return pCSUserType; }
PNAME GetCSUserTypeName() { if ( !pCSUserType ) return NULL;
return pCSUserType->GetUserTypeName(); }
long GetCSElementSize() { MIDL_ASSERT( NULL != pCSUserType ); return pCSUserType->GetElementSize(); }
virtual BOOL IsArray() { return TRUE; } virtual BOOL IsFixedArray() { return FALSE; } //
// Is this a multidimensional array with > 1 dimension conformant and/or
// varying.
BOOL IsMultiConfOrVar();
// Is the array complex by Ndr Engine standards.
virtual BOOL IsComplex();
// Ndr format string generation method. Redefined by all classes which
// inherit CG_ARRAY.
virtual void GenNdrFormat( CCB * ) { MIDL_ASSERT(0); }
// Handles common steps for array Ndr format string generation.
BOOL GenNdrFormatArrayProlog( CCB * pCCB );
// Generates the format string for the layout.
BOOL GenNdrFormatArrayLayout( CCB * pCCB );
// Generates the pointer layout.
virtual void GenNdrFormatArrayPointerLayout( CCB * pCCB, BOOL fNoPP );
// Generate the format string description for a complex array. Shared
// by all array classes.
void GenNdrFormatComplex( CCB * pCCB );
// Generate the FC_CSARRAY prolog if this is an international char array
void GenNdrCSArrayProlog( CCB *pCCB );
virtual BOOL ShouldFreeOffline();
virtual void GenFreeInline( CCB * pCCB );
// Determine an array's element size.
long GetElementSize();
virtual long FixedBufferSize( CCB * ) { return -1; }
virtual CG_STATUS MarshallAnalysis( ANALYSIS_INFO * pAna );
virtual CG_STATUS FollowerMarshallAnalysis( ANALYSIS_INFO * pAna );
virtual CG_STATUS UnMarshallAnalysis( ANALYSIS_INFO * pAna );
virtual CG_STATUS S_OutLocalAnalysis( ANALYSIS_INFO * pAna );
virtual CG_STATUS FollowerUnMarshallAnalysis( ANALYSIS_INFO * pAna );
virtual BOOL NeedsMaxCountMarshall() { return FALSE; } virtual BOOL NeedsFirstAndLengthMarshall() { return FALSE; } virtual BOOL NeedsExplicitFirst() { return FALSE; }
BOOL HasPointer();
expr_node * FinalFirstExpression( CCB * pCCB );
expr_node * FinalSizeExpression( CCB * pCCB );
expr_node * FinalLengthExpression( CCB * pCCB );
CG_STATUS DimByDimMarshallAnalysis( ANALYSIS_INFO * pAna );
CG_STATUS DimByDimUnMarshallAnalysis( ANALYSIS_INFO * pAna );
CG_NDR * GetBasicCGClass(); virtual BOOL IsBlockCopyPossible();
BOOL IsArrayOfRefPointers();
BOOL MustBeAllocatedOnUnMarshall( CCB * pCCB );
virtual CG_STATUS S_GenInitOutLocals( CCB * pCCB );
virtual CG_STATUS GenRefChecks( CCB * pCCB );
virtual CG_STATUS RefCheckAnalysis( ANALYSIS_INFO * pAna );
virtual CG_STATUS InLocalAnalysis( ANALYSIS_INFO * pAna );
virtual CG_STATUS S_GenInitInLocals( CCB * pCCB );
// This class corresponds to a vanilla array type.
class CG_FIXED_ARRAY : public CG_ARRAY { private: public: //
// The constructor.
CG_FIXED_ARRAY( node_skl * pBT, // array in typegraph
FIELD_ATTR_INFO * pFA, unsigned short dim, // dimensions
XLAT_SIZE_INFO & Info // wire align.
) : CG_ARRAY( pBT, pFA, dim, Info ) { }
virtual CG_CLASS * Clone() { return new CG_FIXED_ARRAY(*this); }
// TYPEDESC generation routine
virtual CG_STATUS GetTypeDesc(TYPEDESC * &ptd, CCB * pCCB);
virtual ID_CG GetCGID() { return ID_CG_ARRAY; }
virtual void Visit( CG_VISITOR *pVisitor ) { pVisitor->Visit( this ); }
// Get and set methods.
// Generate the format string.
void GenNdrFormat( CCB * pCCB );
long FixedBufferSize( CCB * pCCB );
BOOL InterpreterMustFree( CCB * ) { return TRUE; }
unsigned long GetNumOfElements() { MIDL_ASSERT( GetSizeIsExpr()->IsConstant() ); return (ulong) GetSizeIsExpr()->GetValue(); } virtual BOOL IsFixedArray() { return TRUE; }
virtual BOOL HasAFixedBufferSize() { return TRUE; }
virtual expr_node * PresentedSizeExpression( CCB * pCCB );
virtual expr_node * PresentedLengthExpression( CCB * ) { return GetSizeIsExpr(); }
virtual expr_node * PresentedFirstExpression( CCB * ) { return new expr_constant( 0L ); }
virtual CG_STATUS MarshallAnalysis( ANALYSIS_INFO * pAna );
virtual CG_STATUS FollowerMarshallAnalysis( ANALYSIS_INFO * pAna );
// This class corresponds to a conformant array type.
class CG_CONFORMANT_ARRAY : public CG_ARRAY { private:
public: //
// The constructor.
CG_CONFORMANT_ARRAY( node_skl * pBT, // array in typegraph
FIELD_ATTR_INFO * pFA, // attribute data
unsigned short dim, // dimensions
XLAT_SIZE_INFO & Info // wire alignment
) : CG_ARRAY( pBT, pFA, dim, Info ) { }
CG_CONFORMANT_ARRAY( CG_SIZE_POINTER * pCG // pointer node to clone from
) : CG_ARRAY( pCG->GetType(), &FIELD_ATTR_INFO(), 1, XLAT_SIZE_INFO( (CG_NDR *) pCG->GetChild()) ) { *((CG_NDR *)this) = *((CG_NDR *)pCG); *((CG_CONF_ATTRIBUTE *)this) = *((CG_CONF_ATTRIBUTE *)pCG); SetSizesAndAlignments( XLAT_SIZE_INFO( (CG_NDR*) pCG->GetChild() )); SetIsDupedSizePtr( TRUE ); SetCSUserType( pCG->GetCSUserType() ); }
virtual CG_CLASS * Clone() { return new CG_CONFORMANT_ARRAY(*this); }
virtual ID_CG GetCGID() { return ID_CG_CONF_ARRAY; }
virtual void Visit( CG_VISITOR *pVisitor ) { pVisitor->Visit( this ); }
// TYPEDESC generation routine
virtual CG_STATUS GetTypeDesc(TYPEDESC * &ptd, CCB * pCCB);
// Get and set methods.
// Generate the format string.
void GenNdrFormat( CCB * pCCB );
virtual BOOL NeedsMaxCountMarshall() { return TRUE; }
virtual expr_node * PresentedSizeExpression( CCB * pCCB ); };
// This class corresponds to a varying array type.
class CG_VARYING_ARRAY : public CG_ARRAY, public CG_VARY_ATTRIBUTE { private:
protected: CG_VARYING_ARRAY( const CG_VARYING_ARRAY & Node ) : CG_ARRAY( Node ) , CG_VARY_ATTRIBUTE( Node ) { }
public: //
// The constructor.
CG_VARYING_ARRAY( node_skl * pBT, // array in typegraph
FIELD_ATTR_INFO * pFA, // attribute data
unsigned short dim, // dimensions
XLAT_SIZE_INFO & Info // wire alignment
) : CG_ARRAY( pBT, pFA, dim, Info ), CG_VARY_ATTRIBUTE( pFA ) { } virtual CG_CLASS * Clone() { return new CG_VARYING_ARRAY(*this); } virtual ID_CG GetCGID() { return ID_CG_VAR_ARRAY; }
virtual void Visit( CG_VISITOR *pVisitor ) { pVisitor->Visit( this ); }
BOOL IsVarying() { return TRUE; } virtual BOOL IsFixedArray() { return TRUE; } //
// Get and set methods.
// Generate the format string.
void GenNdrFormat( CCB * pCCB );
unsigned long GetNumOfElements() { MIDL_ASSERT( GetSizeIsExpr()->IsConstant() ); return (ulong) GetSizeIsExpr()->GetValue(); } virtual BOOL NeedsFirstAndLengthMarshall() { return TRUE; } virtual BOOL NeedsExplicitFirst() { return TRUE; }
virtual expr_node * PresentedLengthExpression( CCB * pCCB );
virtual expr_node * PresentedFirstExpression( CCB * pCCB );
virtual CG_STATUS MarshallAnalysis( ANALYSIS_INFO * pAna ); };
// This class corresponds to a conformant varying array type.
public: //
// The constructor.
CG_CONFORMANT_VARYING_ARRAY( node_skl * pBT, // array in typegraph
FIELD_ATTR_INFO * pFA, // attribute data
unsigned short dim, // dimensions
XLAT_SIZE_INFO & Info // wire alignment
) : CG_ARRAY( pBT, pFA, dim, Info ), CG_VARY_ATTRIBUTE( pFA ) { }
) : //
// We must pass in a null node_skl type so
// that the code generator can identify this
// as a manufactured conformant array.
CG_ARRAY( pCG->GetType(), &FIELD_ATTR_INFO(), 1, XLAT_SIZE_INFO( (CG_NDR *) pCG->GetChild()) ), CG_VARY_ATTRIBUTE( pCG ) { *((CG_NDR *)this) = *((CG_NDR *)pCG); *((CG_CONF_ATTRIBUTE *)this) = *((CG_CONF_ATTRIBUTE *)pCG); SetSizesAndAlignments( XLAT_SIZE_INFO( (CG_NDR*) pCG->GetChild() )); SetIsDupedSizePtr( TRUE ); SetCSUserType( pCG->GetCSUserType() ); }
virtual CG_CLASS * Clone() { return new CG_CONFORMANT_VARYING_ARRAY(*this); }
virtual ID_CG GetCGID() { return ID_CG_CONF_VAR_ARRAY; }
virtual void Visit( CG_VISITOR *pVisitor ) { pVisitor->Visit( this ); } //
// Get and set methods.
// Generate the format string.
void GenNdrFormat( CCB * pCCB );
virtual BOOL NeedsMaxCountMarshall() { return TRUE; } virtual BOOL NeedsFirstAndLengthMarshall() { return TRUE; } virtual BOOL NeedsExplicitFirst() { return TRUE; }
virtual expr_node * PresentedSizeExpression( CCB * pCCB );
virtual expr_node * PresentedLengthExpression( CCB * pCCB );
virtual expr_node * PresentedFirstExpression( CCB * pCCB ); };
// This class corresponds to a string array type.
class CG_STRING_ARRAY : public CG_ARRAY { private: protected: CG_STRING_ARRAY( const CG_STRING_ARRAY & Node ) : CG_ARRAY( Node ) { } public: //
// The constructor.
CG_STRING_ARRAY( node_skl * pBT, // array in typegraph
FIELD_ATTR_INFO * pFA, // attribute data
unsigned short dim, // dimensions
XLAT_SIZE_INFO & Info // wire alignment
) : CG_ARRAY( pBT, pFA, dim, Info ) { }
virtual CG_CLASS * Clone() { return new CG_STRING_ARRAY(*this); } virtual ID_CG GetCGID() { return ID_CG_STRING_ARRAY; }
virtual void Visit( CG_VISITOR *pVisitor ) { pVisitor->Visit( this ); }
BOOL IsVarying() { return TRUE; }
virtual BOOL IsFixed() { return TRUE; }
BOOL IsStringableStruct() { CG_NDR * pChild = (CG_NDR *) GetChild(); return (pChild->GetCGID() != ID_CG_BT); }
// Get and set methods.
// Generate the format string.
void GenNdrFormat( CCB * pCCB );
virtual expr_node * PresentedSizeExpression( CCB * pCCB );
virtual CG_STATUS MarshallAnalysis( ANALYSIS_INFO * pAna );
// This class corresponds to a conformant varying array type.
class CG_CONFORMANT_STRING_ARRAY : public CG_ARRAY { private:
public: //
// The constructor.
CG_CONFORMANT_STRING_ARRAY( node_skl * pBT, // array in typegraph
FIELD_ATTR_INFO * pFA, // attribute data
unsigned short dim, // dimensions
XLAT_SIZE_INFO & Info // wire alignment
) : CG_ARRAY( pBT, pFA, dim, Info ) { }
virtual CG_CLASS * Clone() { return new CG_CONFORMANT_STRING_ARRAY(*this); } virtual ID_CG GetCGID() { return ID_CG_CONF_STRING_ARRAY; }
virtual void Visit( CG_VISITOR *pVisitor ) { pVisitor->Visit( this ); }
BOOL IsStringableStruct() { CG_NDR * pChild = (CG_NDR *) GetChild(); return (pChild->GetCGID() != ID_CG_BT); }
BOOL IsComplex() { return IsStringableStruct(); }
// Get and set methods.
// Generate the format string.
void GenNdrFormat( CCB * pCCB );
virtual expr_node * PresentedSizeExpression( CCB * pCCB );
// New 64bit NDR arrays types
class NEWTYPE : public BASETYPE \ { \ protected: \ NEWTYPE( const NEWTYPE & Node ) : \ BASETYPE( Node ) {} \ public: \ NEWTYPE( node_skl *pType, \ FIELD_ATTR_INFO * pFA, \ unsigned short dim, \ XLAT_SIZE_INFO & Info ) : \ BASETYPE( pType, \ pFA, \ dim, \ Info ) \ { \ ForceComplex(); \ } \ virtual CG_CLASS* Clone() { return new NEWTYPE(*this); } \ virtual void Visit( CG_VISITOR *pVisitor ) { pVisitor->Visit( this ); } \ }; \
// Fixed arrays
// Conformant arrays
// Varying arrays
// conformant varying arrays
#endif // __ARRAYCLS_HXX__