Copyright (c) 1989-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Low level output routines for midl.
Sep-18-1993 VibhasC Created.
* include files ***************************************************************************/ #include "becls.hxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "buffer.hxx"
#include "midlvers.h"
#include "ndrtypes.h"
#include "rpc.h"
static BOOL HasExprRoutines = FALSE;
#if 0
A few general rules followed throughout the file.
1. Never emit tab other than thru the stream. 2. Never emit a new line other than thru the stream. 3. Emitting a new line is the responsibility of the entity that wants itself to be emitted on a new line. Therefore, say each local variable in the stub needs to be on a new line, then the routine responsible for emitting the local variable will be responsible for setting the new line.
#endif // 0
* local definitions ***************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************
* local data ***************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************
* externs ***************************************************************************/ extern CMD_ARG * pCommand;
void Out_ServerProcedureProlog( CCB * pCCB, node_skl* pNode, ITERATOR& LocalsList, ITERATOR& ParamsList, ITERATOR& TransientList ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Generate the server side procedure prolog.
pCCB - A pointer to the code generation controller block. pNode - A pointer to the actual procedure node. LocalsList - A list of local resources. ParamsList - A list of param resources. TransientList- A list of temp variables.
Return Value:
The server side procedure prolog generation cannot use the normal printtype method on the procedure node, since the server stub signature looks different.
Also the name of the server side stub is mangled with the interface name.
All server side procs are void returns.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { CSzBuffer TempBuffer( "void __RPC_STUB\n" ); TempBuffer.Append( pCCB->GetInterfaceName() ); TempBuffer.Append( "_" ); TempBuffer.Append( pNode->GetSymName() ); TempBuffer.Append( "(" ); Out_ProcedureProlog( pCCB, TempBuffer, pNode, LocalsList, ParamsList, TransientList );
void Out_ProcedureProlog( CCB * pCCB, PNAME pProcName, node_skl* , ITERATOR& LocalsList, ITERATOR& ParamsList, ITERATOR& TransientList ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Generate the server side procedure prolog.
pCCB - A pointer to the code generation controller block. pName - A pointer to the procs name string. pNode - A pointer to the actual procedure node. LocalsList - A list of local resources. ParamsList - A list of param resources.
Return Value:
Any name mangling is the responsibility of the caller. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); RESOURCE* pRes; BOOL fFirst = TRUE;
pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( pProcName ); pStream->IndentInc();
// Emit the list of parameters.
if( ITERATOR_GETCOUNT( ParamsList ) ) { ITERATOR_INIT( ParamsList );
while( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( ParamsList, pRes ) ) { if(fFirst != TRUE) pStream->Write(','); pRes->GetType()->PrintType( (PRT_PARAM_WITH_TYPE | PRT_CSTUB_PREFIX), pStream, // into stream
(node_skl *)0 // no parent.
); fFirst = FALSE; } }
// Write out the opening brace for the server proc and all that.
pStream->Write(" )"); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( '{' ); pStream->IndentInc(); pStream->NewLine();
// This is where we get off for /Oi. We have a special routine
// for local variable declaration for /Oi.
if ( pCCB->GetOptimOption() & OPTIMIZE_INTERPRETER ) return;
// Print out declarations for the locals.
if( ITERATOR_GETCOUNT( LocalsList ) ) { ITERATOR_INIT( LocalsList );
while( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( LocalsList, pRes ) ) { pRes->GetType()->PrintType( PRT_ID_DECLARATION, // print decl
pStream, // into stream
(node_skl *)0 // no parent.
); } }
if( ITERATOR_GETCOUNT( TransientList ) ) { ITERATOR_INIT( TransientList );
while( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( TransientList, pRes ) ) { pStream->IndentInc(); pRes->GetType()->PrintType( PRT_ID_DECLARATION, // print decl
pStream, // into stream
(node_skl *)0 // no parent.
); pStream->IndentDec(); } }
// Done.
void Out_ClientProcedureProlog( CCB * pCCB, node_skl* pNode ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Generate the procedure prolog for the client side.
pCCB - A pointer to the code generation controller block. pNode - A pointer to the procedure node.
Return Value:
The procedure prolog consists of the return type, the proc name and the parameters along with the open brace.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); PRTFLAGS flags;
MIDL_ASSERT( NODE_PROC == pNode->NodeKind() );
if ( NULL != ( ( node_proc * ) pNode )->GetCSTagRoutine() ) flags |= PRT_OMIT_CS_TAG_PARAMS;
pStream->NewLine(); pStream->NewLine(); // extra new line.
pNode->PrintType( flags, // print the declaration only.
pStream, // into this stream.
(node_skl *)0 // parent pointer not applicable.
// Write the opening brace on a new line.
pStream->WriteOnNewLine( "{" );
void Out_ClientLocalVariables( CCB * pCCB, ITERATOR& LocalVarList ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Output the list of client side local variables.
pCCB - A pointer to the code generation controller block. LocalVarList - An iterator containing the list of local variables.
Return Value:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); RESOURCE * pResTemp;
ITERATOR_INIT( LocalVarList );
while( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( LocalVarList, pResTemp ) ) { pStream->IndentInc(); pStream->NewLine(); pResTemp->GetType()->PrintType( PRT_ID_DECLARATION, // print top level decl
pStream, // into stream with
(node_skl *)0 // parent not applicable
); pStream->IndentDec(); } }
void Out_AllocAndFreeFields( CCB * pCCB ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Outputs the alloc and free fields of the stub descriptor.
pCCB - A pointer to the code generation controller block.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { ISTREAM * pStream; CG_INTERFACE * pIntfCG = pCCB->GetInterfaceCG();
pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
if ( pIntfCG->IsObject() ) { pStream->Write( OLE_ALLOC_RTN_NAME ); } else if ( pCCB->GetMode() ) { // non-osf modes
if ( pCCB->GetCodeGenSide() == CGSIDE_CLIENT ) { pStream->Write( pIntfCG->IsAllRpcSS() ? RPC_SM_CLIENT_ALLOCATE_RTN_NAME : DEFAULT_ALLOC_RTN_NAME ); } else pStream->Write( pIntfCG->IsAllRpcSS() ? DEFAULT_ALLOC_OSF_RTN_NAME : DEFAULT_ALLOC_RTN_NAME ); } else { // osf mode
pStream->Write( (pCCB->GetCodeGenSide() == CGSIDE_CLIENT) ? RPC_SM_CLIENT_ALLOCATE_RTN_NAME : DEFAULT_ALLOC_OSF_RTN_NAME ); } pStream->Write(','); pStream->NewLine();
if ( pIntfCG->IsObject() ) { pStream->Write( OLE_FREE_RTN_NAME ); } else if ( pCCB->GetMode() ) { if ( pCCB->GetCodeGenSide() == CGSIDE_CLIENT ) { pStream->Write( pIntfCG->IsAllRpcSS() ? RPC_SM_CLIENT_FREE_RTN_NAME : DEFAULT_FREE_RTN_NAME ); } else pStream->Write( pIntfCG->IsAllRpcSS() ? DEFAULT_FREE_OSF_RTN_NAME : DEFAULT_FREE_RTN_NAME ); } else { pStream->Write( (pCCB->GetCodeGenSide() == CGSIDE_CLIENT) ? RPC_SM_CLIENT_FREE_RTN_NAME : DEFAULT_FREE_OSF_RTN_NAME ); } pStream->Write(','); pStream->NewLine(); }
void Out_NotifyTable ( CCB* pCCB ) { CGSIDE Side = pCCB->GetCodeGenSide(); ITERATOR NotifyProcList;
pCCB->GetListOfNotifyTableEntries( NotifyProcList ); ITERATOR_INIT( NotifyProcList );
if ( Side == CGSIDE_SERVER && pCommand->GetNdrVersionControl().HasInterpretedNotify() ) { ISTREAM* pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); CG_PROC* pProc = 0;
pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( "static const NDR_NOTIFY_ROUTINE " ); pStream->Write( "_NotifyRoutineTable[] = {" ); pStream->IndentInc(); pStream->NewLine(); while ( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( NotifyProcList, pProc ) ) { pStream->Write( "(NDR_NOTIFY_ROUTINE) " ); pStream->Write( pProc->GetSymName() ); pStream->Write( "_notify" ); if ( pProc->HasNotifyFlag() ) { pStream->Write( "_flag" ); } pStream->Write( "," ); pStream->NewLine(); } pStream->Write( "0" ); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( "};" ); pStream->IndentDec(); pStream->NewLine(); } }
void Out_NotifyTableExtern ( CCB* pCCB ) { if ( pCommand->GetNdrVersionControl().HasInterpretedNotify() ) { ISTREAM* pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( "extern const NDR_NOTIFY_ROUTINE _NotifyRoutineTable[];" ); pStream->NewLine(); } }
void Out_StubDescriptor( CG_HANDLE * pImplicitHandle, CCB * pCCB ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Generate the stub descriptor structure in the client or server stub.
pImplicitHandle - A pointer to the implicit CG_HANDLE used in the interface. Every interface has one of these even if it is not used. pCCB - A pointer to the code gen controller block.
Return Value:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { if ( !pCommand->IsFinalProtocolRun() ) { // Expression routines are generated in dce run, but we are generating stubdesc in
// ndr64 run. So we need to save the state for second run.
// better solution would be using expression evaluator for dce.
MIDL_ASSERT( pCommand->IsNDRRun() ); if ( pCommand->NeedsNDR64Run() && pCCB->GetExprEvalIndexMgr()->Lookup(1) ) { HasExprRoutines = TRUE; } return; }
ISTREAM * pStream; CG_INTERFACE * pInterface; CSzBuffer Buffer; CGSIDE Side; BOOL fObjectInterface; ULONG_PTR ulMidlFlag = 0;
pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
Side = pCCB->GetCodeGenSide();
pInterface = pCCB->GetInterfaceCG(); fObjectInterface = pInterface->IsObject();
if ( pInterface->HasClientInterpretedCommOrFaultProc( pCCB ) ) { CG_ITERATOR Iterator; CG_PROC * pProc;
pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( "static const COMM_FAULT_OFFSETS " ); pStream->Write( pCCB->GetInterfaceName() ); pStream->Write( '_' ); pStream->Write( "CommFaultOffsets[]" ); pStream->Write( " = " ); pStream->NewLine();
pStream->Write( '{' ); pStream->NewLine();
pInterface->GetMembers( Iterator );
while ( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( Iterator, pProc ) ) { long CommOffset, FaultOffset;
if ( ((Side == CGSIDE_CLIENT) && (pProc->GetCGID() != ID_CG_PROC)) || ((Side == CGSIDE_SERVER) && (pProc->GetCGID() != ID_CG_CALLBACK_PROC)) ) continue;
if ( pProc->HasStatuses() ) { pProc->GetCommAndFaultOffset( pCCB, CommOffset, FaultOffset );
Buffer.Set( "\t{ " ); Buffer.Append( CommOffset ); Buffer.Append( ", " ); Buffer.Append( FaultOffset ); Buffer.Append( " }" ); Buffer.Append( pProc->GetSibling() ? "," : " " ); if ( ! pCommand->Is32BitEnv() ) { Buffer.Append( "\t/* ia64 Offsets for " ); } else { Buffer.Append( "\t/* x86 Offsets for " ); }
Buffer.Append( pProc->GetSymName() ); Buffer.Append( " */" ); pStream->Write( Buffer ); } else { pStream->Write( "\t{ -2, -2 }" ); if ( pProc->GetSibling() ) pStream->Write( ',' ); }
pStream->NewLine(); }
pStream->Write( "};" ); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->NewLine(); }
// If we have an implicit generic handle then output the generic info
// structure which will be placed in the IMPLICIT_HANDLE_INFO union.
if ( (Side == CGSIDE_CLIENT) && pImplicitHandle && pImplicitHandle->IsGenericHandle() ) { pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( "static " GENERIC_BINDING_INFO_TYPE ); pStream->Write( ' ' ); pStream->Write( pCCB->GetInterfaceName() ); pStream->Write( '_' ); pStream->Write( GENERIC_BINDING_INFO_VAR ); pStream->Write( " = " ); pStream->IndentInc(); pStream->NewLine();
pStream->Write( '{' ); pStream->NewLine();
pStream->Write( '&' ); pStream->Write( pImplicitHandle->GetHandleIDOrParam()->GetSymName() ); pStream->Write( ',' ); pStream->NewLine();
char Buffer[80];
sprintf( Buffer, "%d,", ((CG_GENERIC_HANDLE *)pImplicitHandle)->GetImplicitSize() ); pStream->Write( Buffer ); pStream->NewLine();
pStream->Write( "(" GENERIC_BINDING_ROUTINE_TYPE ")" ); pStream->Write( pImplicitHandle->GetHandleType()->GetSymName() ); pStream->Write( "_bind," ); pStream->NewLine();
pStream->Write( "(" GENERIC_UNBINDING_ROUTINE_TYPE ")" ); pStream->Write( pImplicitHandle->GetHandleType()->GetSymName() ); pStream->Write( "_unbind" ); pStream->NewLine();
pStream->Write( "};" ); pStream->IndentDec(); pStream->NewLine(); }
// Emit the stub descriptor structure itself.
pStream->Write( "static const " STUB_DESC_STRUCT_TYPE_NAME );
pStream->Write( ' ' );
pStream->Write( pCCB->GetInterfaceCG()->GetStubDescName() ); pStream->Write( " = " );
pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write('{' ); pStream->NewLine();
if( (fObjectInterface == TRUE) ) pStream->Write( "0," ); else { pStream->Write( "(void *)& " ); pStream->Write( pCCB->GetInterfaceName() );
if( Side == CGSIDE_SERVER ) pStream->Write( RPC_S_INT_INFO_STRUCT_NAME"," ); else pStream->Write( RPC_C_INT_INFO_STRUCT_NAME"," ); }
Out_AllocAndFreeFields( pCCB );
// Output the implicit handle information on the client side.
if ( (Side == CGSIDE_CLIENT) && (fObjectInterface != TRUE) ) { if ( ! pImplicitHandle ) { pStream->Write( '&' ); pStream->Write( pCCB->GetInterfaceName() ); pStream->Write( AUTO_BH_VAR_NAME ); } else { if ( pImplicitHandle->IsPrimitiveHandle() ) { pStream->Write( '&' ); pStream->Write( pImplicitHandle->GetHandleIDOrParam()->GetSymName() ); } else // has to be implicit generic
{ MIDL_ASSERT( pImplicitHandle->IsGenericHandle() );
pStream->Write( "(handle_t *)& " ); pStream->Write( pCCB->GetInterfaceName() ); pStream->Write( '_' ); pStream->Write( GENERIC_BINDING_INFO_VAR ); } } } else pStream->Write( '0' );
pStream->Write( ',' ); pStream->NewLine();
// Output the rundown routine table on the server side interpreted stub
// if needed.
if ( (Side == CGSIDE_SERVER) && (pCCB->GetOptimOption() & OPTIMIZE_INTERPRETER) && pCCB->HasRundownRoutines() ) { pStream->Write( RUNDOWN_ROUTINE_TABLE_VAR ); } else { pStream->Write( '0' ); }
pStream->Write( ',' ); pStream->NewLine();
// Output the generic bind/unbind routine pair table on the client side
// interpreted stub if needed.
if ( (Side == CGSIDE_CLIENT) && pCCB->GetInterpretedRoutinesUseGenHandle() ) { pStream->Write( BINDING_ROUTINE_TABLE_VAR ); } else { pStream->Write( '0' ); } pStream->Write( ',' ); pStream->NewLine();
// Output the expression evaluation routine table.
pStream->Write( pCCB->GetExprEvalIndexMgr()->Lookup(1) || HasExprRoutines ? EXPR_EVAL_ROUTINE_TABLE_VAR"," : "0," ); pStream->NewLine();
// Output the transmit as routine table.
pStream->Write( pCCB->GetQuintupleDictionary()->GetCount() ? XMIT_AS_ROUTINE_TABLE_VAR "," : "0," ); pStream->NewLine();
// Output the type format string.
if ( SYNTAX_DCE == pCommand->GetDefaultSyntax() ) pStream->Write( FORMAT_STRING_STRING_FIELD ); else pStream->Write( "(unsigned char *) &NDR64_MIDL_FORMATINFO" ); pStream->Write( ',' ); pStream->NewLine();
// -error bounds_check flag.
pStream->Write( pCCB->MustCheckBounds() ? "1" : "0" ); pStream->Write( ',' ); pStream->Write( " /* -error bounds_check flag */" ); pStream->NewLine();
// Ndr library version.
unsigned long ulNdrLibVer = NDR_VERSION_1_1; if ( pCommand->GetNdrVersionControl().HasNdr60Feature() ) { ulNdrLibVer = NDR_VERSION_6_0; } else if ( pCommand->GetNdrVersionControl().HasNdr50Feature() ) { if ( pCommand->GetNdrVersionControl().HasOicfPickling() ) { ulNdrLibVer = NDR_VERSION_5_4; } else if ( pCommand->GetNdrVersionControl().HasNT5VTableSize() ) { ulNdrLibVer = NDR_VERSION_5_3; } else if (pCommand->GetNdrVersionControl().HasAsyncUUID() || pCommand->GetNdrVersionControl().HasDOA() || pCommand->GetNdrVersionControl().HasContextSerialization() || pCommand->GetNdrVersionControl().HasInterpretedNotify() ) { ulNdrLibVer = NDR_VERSION_5_2; } else { ulNdrLibVer = NDR_VERSION_5_0; } } else if ( (pCommand->GetOptimizationFlags() & OPTIMIZE_NON_NT351) || pCommand->GetNdrVersionControl().HasNdr20Feature() ) { ulNdrLibVer = NDR_VERSION_2_0; } sprintf( Buffer, "0x%x", ulNdrLibVer );
pStream->Write( Buffer ); pStream->Write( ',' ); pStream->Write( " /* Ndr library version */" ); pStream->NewLine();
if ( fObjectInterface && pCommand->GetNdrVersionControl().HasUserMarshal() && (pCommand->GetOptimizationFlags() & OPTIMIZE_INTERPRETER) && ! (pCommand->GetOptimizationFlags() & OPTIMIZE_INTERPRETER_V2) ) { pStream->NewLine(2); pStream->Write( "#error [user_marshal] and [wire_marshal] not supported with -Oi and -Oic" ); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( "/* use -Os or -Oicf compiler flag */" ); pStream->NewLine();
RpcError( NULL, 0, USER_MARSHAL_IN_OI, "" ); exit( USER_MARSHAL_IN_OI ); }
// Used one reserved field for RpcSs.
// In ms_ext when explicit, in osf always, to cover some weird cases.
if ( ( pCCB->GetInterfaceCG()->GetUsesRpcSS() || (pCCB->GetMode() == 0) ) && ( (Side == CGSIDE_CLIENT) || ((Side == CGSIDE_SERVER) && pCCB->GetMode()) )// because of callbacks
) { pStream->Write( "&" MALLOC_FREE_STRUCT_VAR_NAME "," ); } else pStream->Write( "0," ); pStream->NewLine();
// MIDL version number.
sprintf( Buffer, "0x%x, /* MIDL Version %d.%d.%d */", (rmj << 24) | (rmm << 16) | rup, rmj, rmm, rup ); pStream->Write( Buffer ); pStream->NewLine();
// Interpreter comm/fault status info.
if ( pInterface->HasClientInterpretedCommOrFaultProc( pCCB ) ) { pStream->Write( pCCB->GetInterfaceName() ); pStream->Write( '_' ); pStream->Write( "CommFaultOffsets," ); } else { pStream->Write( "0," ); } pStream->NewLine();
// Fields for the compiler version 3.0+
// Output the usr_marshal routine table.
if ( pCCB->HasQuadrupleRoutines() ) { if ( SYNTAX_DCE == pCommand->GetDefaultSyntax() ) pStream->Write( USER_MARSHAL_ROUTINE_TABLE_VAR ); else pStream->Write( NDR64_USER_MARSHAL_ROUTINE_TABLE_VAR ); } else pStream->Write( "0" ); pStream->Write( "," ); pStream->NewLine();
// notify & notify_flag routine table
if ( Side == CGSIDE_SERVER && pCommand->GetNdrVersionControl().HasInterpretedNotify() ) { pStream->Write( "_NotifyRoutineTable" ); } else { pStream->Write( "0" ); } pStream->Write( ", /* notify & notify_flag routine table */" ); pStream->NewLine();
if ( ! pInterface->GetHasMSConfStructAttr() ) { ulMidlFlag |= 1; }
if ( pCommand->IsSwitchDefined(SWITCH_NOREUSE_BUFFER)) ulMidlFlag |= 2;
if ( pCommand->NeedsNDR64Run() ) ulMidlFlag |= RPCFLG_HAS_MULTI_SYNTAXES;
sprintf( Buffer, "0x%x, /* MIDL flag */", ulMidlFlag); pStream->Write( Buffer );
if ( pCCB->HasCsTypes() ) { pStream->WriteOnNewLine( '&' ); pStream->Write( CS_ROUTINE_TABLES_VAR ); pStream->Write( ',' ); } else { pStream->WriteOnNewLine( "0, /* cs routines */" ); }
if ( !fObjectInterface && pCommand->NeedsNDR64Run() ) { if ( Side == CGSIDE_SERVER ) { pStream->WriteOnNewLine( "(void *)& " ); pStream->Write( pCCB->GetInterfaceName() ); pStream->Write( "_ServerInfo," ); } else { pStream->WriteOnNewLine( "(void *)& " ); pStream->Write( pCCB->GetInterfaceName() ); pStream->Write( "_ProxyInfo," ); } } else { pStream->WriteOnNewLine( "0," ); } pStream->Write( " /* proxy/server info */" ); //
// The reserved fields for future use.
// 1 reserved fields
pStream->WriteOnNewLine( "0 /* Reserved5 */" );
// No reserved fields left.
// Check the compiler version and or lib version if you need to access
// newer fields.
pStream->WriteOnNewLine( "};" ); pStream->IndentDec(); pStream->NewLine();
void CG_INTERFACE::Out_ProxyInfo( CCB * pCCB, BOOL IsForCallback ) { if ( pCommand->IsNDR64Run() ) { GenSyntaxInfo( pCCB, IsForCallback ); GenProxyInfo( pCCB, IsForCallback ); } }
void CG_INTERFACE::Out_ServerInfo(CCB *pCCB, BOOL fHasThunk, BOOL IsForCallback ) { if ( !pCommand->IsFinalProtocolRun() ) return;
ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); CG_INTERFACE * pInterface = pCCB->GetInterfaceCG(); char * pItfName = pInterface->GetSymName(); BOOL fObject = pCCB->GetInterfaceCG()->IsObject();
pStream->Write( "static const " SERVER_INFO_TYPE_NAME " " ); pStream->Write( pItfName ); pStream->Write( SERVER_INFO_VAR_NAME ); pStream->Write( " = " ); pStream->IndentInc(); pStream->NewLine();
pStream->Write( '{' ); pStream->NewLine();
// Stub descriptor.
pStream->Write( '&' ); pStream->Write( pInterface->GetStubDescName() ); pStream->Write( ',' ); pStream->NewLine();
// Dispatch table to server routines.
if ( !pCCB->GetInterfaceCG()->IsObject() ) { pStream->Write( pItfName ); pStream->Write( SERVER_ROUTINE_TABLE_NAME ); } else { pStream->Write( '0' ); }
pStream->Write( ',' ); pStream->NewLine();
// Procedure format string.
if (pCommand->GetDefaultSyntax() == SYNTAX_NDR64 ) pStream->Write( "(unsigned char *) &NDR64_MIDL_FORMATINFO" ); else pStream->Write( PROC_FORMAT_STRING_STRING_FIELD ); pStream->Write( ',' ); pStream->NewLine();
// Array of proc format string offsets.
if ( pCommand->IsNDR64Run() ) pStream->Write( "(unsigned short *) " ); if ( fObject ) pStream->Write( '&' ); if ( IsForCallback ) pStream->Write( MIDL_CALLBACK_VAR_NAME ); pStream->Write( pItfName ); if ( pCommand->GetDefaultSyntax() == SYNTAX_DCE ) { pStream->Write( FORMAT_STRING_OFFSET_TABLE_NAME ); } else { pStream->Write( "_Ndr64ProcTable" ); } if ( fObject ) pStream->Write( "[-3]" ); pStream->Write( ',' ); pStream->NewLine();
// Thunk table.
if ( fHasThunk ) { if ( fObject ) pStream->Write( '&' ); pStream->Write( pItfName ); pStream->Write( STUB_THUNK_TABLE_NAME ); if ( fObject ) pStream->Write( "[-3]" ); } else pStream->Write( '0' );
pStream->Write( ',' );
// old inteface supporting one transfer syntax.
// old interfaces.
if ( !pCommand->NeedsNDR64Run() ) { pStream->Write( "0,"); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( "0,"); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( "0"); } else { // default transfer syntax is NDR
pStream->Write( '&' ); if ( pCommand->IsNDRRun() ) pStream->Write( NDR_TRANSFER_SYNTAX_VAR_NAME ); else pStream->Write( NDR64_TRANSFER_SYNTAX_VAR_NAME ); pStream->Write( ',' ); pStream->NewLine(); // we only support one additional transfer syntax
if ( pCommand->NeedsNDRRun() ) pStream->Write( "2," ); else pStream->Write( "1," ); pStream->NewLine(); if ( IsForCallback ) pStream->Write( MIDL_CALLBACK_VAR_NAME ); pStream->Write( GetMulSyntaxInfoName() ); pStream->NewLine(); }
pStream->Write( "};" ); pStream->IndentDec(); pStream->NewLine(); }
* Generates MIDL_SERVER_INFO. It'll be generated in: . object interface . raw RPC server side . raw RPC client side, if callback is presented (client side means for callback) regardless of transfer syntax. * */ void CG_INTERFACE::Out_InterpreterServerInfo( CCB * pCCB, CGSIDE Side ) { if ( !pCommand->IsFinalProtocolRun() ) return;
ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); CG_PROC * pProc; BOOL fHasThunk; char * pSStubPrefix; CSzBuffer Buffer; BOOL fObject = pCCB->GetInterfaceCG()->IsObject(); char * pItfName = GetSymName();
fHasThunk = FALSE;
if ( (pSStubPrefix = pCommand->GetUserPrefix( PREFIX_SERVER_MGR ) ) == 0 ) { pSStubPrefix = ""; }
// Server routine dispatch table.
if ( !fObject ) { CG_ITERATOR Iterator;
pStream->Write( "static const " SERVER_ROUTINE_TYPE_NAME " " ); pStream->Write( pItfName ); pStream->Write( SERVER_ROUTINE_TABLE_NAME "[]" ); pStream->Write( " = " ); pStream->IndentInc(); pStream->NewLine();
pStream->Write( '{' ); pStream->NewLine();
GetMembers( Iterator );
BOOL fNoProcsEmitted = TRUE;
while ( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( Iterator, pProc ) ) { if ( (Side == CGSIDE_CLIENT) && (pProc->GetCGID() != ID_CG_CALLBACK_PROC) ) continue;
if ( (Side == CGSIDE_SERVER) && ( (pProc->GetCGID() == ID_CG_CALLBACK_PROC) || ( pProc->GetCGID() == ID_CG_TYPE_ENCODE_PROC ) ) ) continue;
fNoProcsEmitted = FALSE;
if ( pProc->NeedsServerThunk( pCCB, Side ) ) { fHasThunk = TRUE; }
pStream->Write( "(" SERVER_ROUTINE_TYPE_NAME ")" );
if ( pProc->GetCallAsName() ) { pStream->Write( pProc->GenMangledCallAsName( pCCB ) ); } else { if ( pProc->GetCGID() == ID_CG_ENCODE_PROC || pProc->GetCGID() == ID_CG_TYPE_ENCODE_PROC ) pStream->Write( '0' ); else { Buffer.Set( pSStubPrefix ); Buffer.Append( pProc->GetType()->GetSymName() );
if ( pProc->HasComplexReturnType() && !pProc->HasAsyncHandle() ) Buffer.Append( "_ComplexThunk" );
pStream->Write( Buffer ); } }
if ( pProc->GetSibling() ) pStream->Write( ',' );
pStream->NewLine(); }
if ( fNoProcsEmitted ) { pStream->Write( '0' ); pStream->NewLine(); }
pStream->Write( "};" ); pStream->IndentDec(); pStream->NewLine( 2 ); } else // object interfaces only need to know about thunks
{ ITERATOR Iterator; CG_OBJECT_PROC * pObjProc;
GetAllMemberFunctions( Iterator );
while ( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( Iterator, pObjProc ) ) { if ( pObjProc->NeedsServerThunk( pCCB, Side ) && !pObjProc->IsDelegated() ) fHasThunk = TRUE; } }
// Thunk table.
if ( fHasThunk ) { pStream->Write( "static const " STUB_THUNK_TYPE_NAME " " ); pStream->Write( pItfName ); pStream->Write( STUB_THUNK_TABLE_NAME "[]" ); pStream->Write( " = " ); pStream->IndentInc(); pStream->NewLine();
pStream->Write( '{' ); pStream->NewLine();
OutputThunkTableEntries( pCCB, TRUE );
pStream->Write( "};" ); pStream->IndentDec(); pStream->NewLine( 2 ); }
// ---------------------------
// Emit the Server Info struct.
// ---------------------------
Out_ServerInfo( pCCB , fHasThunk, Side == CGSIDE_CLIENT );
void Out_EP_Info( CCB * pCCB, ITERATOR * I ) { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); int Count = ITERATOR_GETCOUNT( *I ); int i; CSzBuffer Buffer; ENDPT_PAIR * pPair;
pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( "static RPC_PROTSEQ_ENDPOINT __RpcProtseqEndpoint[] = " ); pStream->IndentInc(); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( '{' );
for( i = 0, ITERATOR_INIT( *I ); i < Count; i++ ) { ITERATOR_GETNEXT( *I, pPair );
pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( '{' );
Buffer.Set( "(unsigned char *) \"" ); Buffer.Append( pPair->pString1 ); Buffer.Append( "\", (unsigned char *) \"" ); Buffer.Append( pPair->pString2 ); Buffer.Append( "\"" );
pStream->Write( Buffer ); pStream->Write( '}' );
if( ITERATOR_PEEKTHIS( *I ) ) { pStream->Write( ',' ); }
pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( "};" ); pStream->IndentDec(); pStream->NewLine(); }
void Out_SetOperationBits( CCB * pCCB, unsigned int OpBits ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description: Set the RPC operation flags.
pCCB - A pointer to the code generation controller block. OpBits - Operation bits. These contain datagram related flags. Return Value:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
if( OpBits != 0 ) { char Buffer[ 512 ]; sprintf( Buffer, RPC_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME".RpcFlags = ( RPC_NCA_FLAGS_DEFAULT " );
if( OpBits & OPERATION_MAYBE ) { strcat( Buffer, "| RPC_NCA_FLAGS_MAYBE" ); }
if( OpBits & OPERATION_BROADCAST ) { strcat( Buffer, "| RPC_NCA_FLAGS_BROADCAST" ); }
if( OpBits & OPERATION_IDEMPOTENT ) { strcat( Buffer, "| RPC_NCA_FLAGS_IDEMPOTENT" ); }
if( OpBits & OPERATION_INPUT_SYNC ) { strcat( Buffer, "| RPCFLG_INPUT_SYNCHRONOUS" ); }
if( OpBits & OPERATION_MESSAGE ) { strcat( Buffer, "| RPCFLG_MESSAGE" ); pCommand->GetNdrVersionControl().SetHasMessageAttr(); }
strcat( Buffer, " );" );
pStream->Write( Buffer ); } }
void Out_HandleInitialize( CCB * pCCB, ITERATOR& BindingParamList, expr_node * , BOOL , unsigned short OpBits ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Generate the call for initializing the stub message for a auto_handle case.
pCCB - A pointer to the code generation controller block. BindingParamList - List of params to the call. pAssignExpr - if this param is non-null, assign the value of the call to this. fAuto - is this an auto handle call ?
OpBits - Operation bits. These contain datagram related flags. Return Value:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); PNAME pName = CSTUB_INIT_RTN_NAME;
expr_proc_call * pProcCall = MakeProcCallOutOfParamExprList( pName, (node_skl *)0, BindingParamList );
pProcCall->PrintCall( pStream, 0, 0 );
Out_SetOperationBits(pCCB, OpBits); }
void Out_AutoHandleSendReceive( CCB * pCCB, expr_node * pDest, expr_node * pProc ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Emit code for an auto handle base send receive call.
pCCB - A pointer to the code gen controller block. pDest - Optional destination for the result of the procedure call. pProc - The procedure to call.
Return Value:
If there are no output parameters, we wont pick up the returned value of the send receive calls into the local variable for the buffer length. In that case the pDest pointer will be null.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); expr_node * pExpr = pProc;
if( pDest ) { pExpr = new expr_assign( pDest, pProc ); }
pExpr->PrintCall( pStream, 0, 0 ); }
void Out_NormalSendReceive( CCB * pCCB, BOOL ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Emit code for an auto handle base send receive call.
pCCB - A pointer to the code gen controller block. fAnyOuts- Are there any out parameters at all ?
Return Value:
If there are no output parameters, we wont pick up the returned value of the send receive calls into the local variable for the buffer length.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); CSzBuffer TempBuf;
// Call the send receive routine.
TempBuf.Set( NORMAL_SR_NDR_RTN_NAME ); TempBuf.Append( "( (PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE) &" ); TempBuf.Append( STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME ); TempBuf.Append( ", (unsigned char *)" ); TempBuf.Append( STUB_MSG_BUFFER_VAR_NAME ); TempBuf.Append( " );" ); pStream->Write( TempBuf ); }
void Out_NormalFreeBuffer( CCB * pCCB ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Generate the free buffer with check for status.
Return Value:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); expr_node * pExpr = pCCB->GetStandardResource( ST_RES_STUB_MESSAGE_VARIABLE ); ITERATOR ParamList;
ITERATOR_INSERT( ParamList, MakeAddressExpressionNoMatterWhat( pExpr ) ); pExpr = MakeProcCallOutOfParamExprList( NORMAL_FB_NDR_RTN_NAME, // rtn name
(node_skl *)0, // type - dont care
ParamList // param list
); // generate the procedure call.
pExpr->PrintCall( pStream, 0, 0 );
void Out_IncludeOfFile( CCB * pCCB, PFILENAME p, BOOL fAngleBrackets ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Output a hash include of the given file.
pCCB - A pointer to the code generation controller block. p - The ready to emit file name string. fAngleBrackets - Do we want angle brackets or quotes (TRUE if anglebrackets)
Return Value:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); CSzBuffer TempBuf;
TempBuf.Set( "#include " ); TempBuf.Append( fAngleBrackets ? "<" : "\"" ); TempBuf.Append( p ); TempBuf.Append( fAngleBrackets ? ">" : "\"" ); pStream->Write( TempBuf ); }
void Out_MKTYPLIB_Guid( CCB * pCCB, GUID_STRS & GStrs, char * szPrefix, char * szName ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Output a MKTYPLIB style guid structure.
pCCB - A pointer to the code generation controller block. pGString1 - Partial guid strings. char * szName - name for the GUID
Return Value:
No checks are made for the validity of the string. The front-end has done that.
All strings are emitted with a leading 0x.
The 5 strings are treated this way:
1 - 3. Emitted as such 4 - 5. Broken into and emitted as byte hex values, without transformation, so they are just picked up and written out. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { char TempBuf[256]; ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
if ( !GStrs.str1 ) GStrs.str1 = "00000000"; if ( !GStrs.str2 ) GStrs.str2 = "0000"; if ( !GStrs.str3 ) GStrs.str3 = "0000"; if ( !GStrs.str4 ) GStrs.str4 = "00000000"; if ( !GStrs.str5 ) GStrs.str5 = "00000000";
pStream->Write( "DEFINE_GUID(" ); pStream->Write( szPrefix ); pStream->Write( szName ); pStream->Write( ',' ); sprintf( TempBuf, "0x%s,0x%s,0x%s", GStrs.str1, GStrs.str2, GStrs.str3 ); pStream->Write( TempBuf );
// Each of the above strings are just broken down into six 2 byte
// characters with 0x preceding them.
strcpy( TempBuf, GStrs.str4 ); strcat( TempBuf, GStrs.str5 );
pStream->Write( "," );
// We will use the iteration counter to index into the string. Since we
// need 2 per iteration, double the counter. Also pGString4 is actually
// a 16 bit qty.
for( int i = 0; i < (6+2)*2 ; i += 2 ) { pStream->Write( "0x"); pStream->Write( TempBuf[ i ] ); pStream->Write( TempBuf[ i+1 ] ); if( i < (6+2)*2-2 ) pStream->Write( ',' ); }
pStream->Write( ");" ); pStream->NewLine(); }
void Out_Guid( CCB * pCCB, GUID_STRS & GStrs, GUIDFORMAT format) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Output a guid structure.
pCCB - A pointer to the code generation controller block. pGString1 - Partial guid strings. format - Output format ( MIDL_DEFINE_GUID or const IID = )
Return Value:
This routine emits a guid as a inited structure along with the proper matched bracing.
No checks are made for the validity of the string. The front-end has done that.
All strings are emitted with a leading 0x.
The 5 strings are treated this way:
1 - 3. Emitted as such 4 - 5. Broken into and emitted as byte hex values, without transformation, so they are just picked up and written out. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { char TempBuf[ 256 ]; ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
if ( !GStrs.str1 ) GStrs.str1 = "00000000"; if ( !GStrs.str2 ) GStrs.str2 = "0000"; if ( !GStrs.str3 ) GStrs.str3 = "0000"; if ( !GStrs.str4 ) GStrs.str4 = "00000000"; if ( !GStrs.str5 ) GStrs.str5 = "00000000";
if (GUIDFORMAT_RAW != format) pStream->Write( '{' );
sprintf( TempBuf, "0x%s,0x%s,0x%s", GStrs.str1, GStrs.str2, GStrs.str3 ); pStream->Write( TempBuf );
// Each of the above strings are just broken down into six 2 byte
// characters with 0x preceding them.
strcpy( TempBuf, GStrs.str4 ); strcat( TempBuf, GStrs.str5 );
pStream->Write( "," ); if (GUIDFORMAT_RAW != format) pStream->Write( "{" );
// We will use the iteration counter to index into the string. Since we
// need 2 per iteration, double the counter. Also pGString4 is actually
// a 16 bit qty.
for( int i = 0; i < (6+2)*2 ; i += 2 ) { pStream->Write( "0x"); pStream->Write( TempBuf[ i ] ); pStream->Write( TempBuf[ i+1 ] ); if( i < (6+2)*2-2 ) pStream->Write( ',' ); }
if (GUIDFORMAT_RAW != format) pStream->Write( "}}" ); }
void Out_IFInfo( CCB * pCCB, char * pIntInfoTypeName, char * pIntInfoVarName, char * pIntInfoSizeOfString, GUID_STRS & UserGuidStr, unsigned short UserMajor, unsigned short UserMinor, // GUID_STRS & XferGuidStr,
// unsigned short XferSynMajor,
// unsigned short XferSynMinor,
char * pCallbackDispatchTable, int ProtSeqEPCount, char * , char * , BOOL fNoDefaultEpv, BOOL fSide, BOOL fHasPipes ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
pCCB - Ptr to code gen controller block. pIntInfoTypeName - Client InterfaceInfo type name string. pIntInfoVarName - Client InterfaceInfo variable name string. pIntInfoSizeOfString - string sizeof interface. UserGuidStr - User specified Guid string components. UserMajor - User specified major interface version UserMinor - User specified minor interface version XferGuidStr - Xfer syntax identifying Guid string components. XferSynMajor - Transfre syntax major version XferSynMinor - Transfre syntax minor version pCallbackDispatchTable - A pointer to the call back dispatch table name. ProtSeqEPCount - ProtSeq endpoint count. ProtSeqEPTypeName - Protseq endpoint Type name. ProtSeqEPVarName - Protseq endpoint variable name. fNoDefaultEpv - No default epv switch specicied. fSide - The server side (1) or client side(0) fHasPipes - TRUE if any proc in the Interface has pipes
Return Value:
I'm tired already specifying so many params ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { CSzBuffer TempBuf; ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); unsigned int RpcIntfFlag = 0;
pStream->NewLine( 2 ); TempBuf.Set( "static const " ); TempBuf.Append( pIntInfoTypeName ); TempBuf.Append( " " ); TempBuf.Append( pCCB->GetInterfaceName() ); TempBuf.Append( pIntInfoVarName ); TempBuf.Append( " =" );
pStream->Write( TempBuf );
pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( '{' );
TempBuf.Set( pIntInfoSizeOfString ); TempBuf.Append( "," );
pStream->Write( TempBuf );
// Emit the guid.
pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( '{' ); Out_Guid( pCCB, UserGuidStr );
// Emit the interface version specified by the user.
TempBuf.Set( ",{" ); TempBuf.Append( UserMajor ); TempBuf.Append( "," ); TempBuf.Append( UserMinor ); TempBuf.Append( "}" ); pStream->Write( TempBuf ); pStream->Write( "}," );
// Emit the xfer syntax guid.
pStream->NewLine(); if ( pCommand->GetDefaultSyntax() == SYNTAX_DCE ) Out_TransferSyntax( pCCB, TransferSyntaxGuidStrs, // ndr identifying guid.
NDR_UUID_MAJOR_VERSION, // ndr's version
NDR_UUID_MINOR_VERSION ); else { if ( pCommand->IsSwitchDefined( SWITCH_INTERNAL ) && pCommand->GetEnv() == ENV_WIN32 ) Out_TransferSyntax( pCCB, FakeNDR64TransferSyntaxGuidStrs, NDR64_UUID_MAJOR_VERSION, NDR64_UUID_MINOR_VERSION ); else Out_TransferSyntax( pCCB, NDR64TransferSyntaxGuidStrs, // ndr identifying guid.
NDR64_UUID_MAJOR_VERSION, // ndr's version
NDR64_UUID_MINOR_VERSION ); } pStream->Write( ',' );
// Emit the callback dispatch table address, if none, emit a NULL
pStream->NewLine(); if( pCallbackDispatchTable ) { pStream->Write( pCallbackDispatchTable ); } else { pStream->Write( '0' ); } pStream->Write( ',' );
// If there is a protseq ep count, emit a pointer to the ep table
// else emit a null.
if( ProtSeqEPCount ) { TempBuf.Set(","); TempBuf.Prepend(ProtSeqEPCount); // sprintf( TempBuf, "%d,", ProtSeqEPCount );
pStream->Write( TempBuf ); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( "__RpcProtseqEndpoint," ); } else { pStream->Write( "0," ); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( "0," ); }
if( fNoDefaultEpv ) { if( fSide == 1 ) { TempBuf.Set( "(" ); TempBuf.Append( pCCB->GetInterfaceName() ); TempBuf.Append( pCCB->GenMangledName() ); TempBuf.Append( "_" ); TempBuf.Append( pCCB->IsOldNames() ? "SERVER_EPV" : "epv_t" ); TempBuf.Append( " *) " ); TempBuf.Append( "0xffffffff" ); pStream->Write( TempBuf ); } else { pStream->Write( '0' ); } } else if( pCCB->IsMEpV() ) { if( fSide == 1) pStream->Write( "&DEFAULT_EPV" ); else pStream->Write( '0' ); } else { pStream->Write('0'); }
// Intepreter info.
pStream->Write( ',' ); pStream->NewLine();
if ( ( pCCB->GetCodeGenSide() == CGSIDE_SERVER && pCCB->GetInterfaceCG()->HasInterpretedProc() ) || ( pCCB->GetCodeGenSide() == CGSIDE_CLIENT && pCCB->GetInterfaceCG()->HasInterpretedCallbackProc() ) ) { RpcIntfFlag |= RPCFLG_HAS_CALLBACK; pStream->Write( '&' ); pStream->Write( pCCB->GetInterfaceCG()->GetType()->GetSymName() ); pStream->Write( SERVER_INFO_VAR_NAME ); } else if ( pCommand->NeedsNDR64Run() ) { pStream->Write( '&' ); pStream->Write( pCCB->GetInterfaceCG()->GetType()->GetSymName() ); pStream->Write( MIDL_PROXY_INFO_VAR_NAME ); } else { pStream->Write( '0' ); }
// Emit flags
pStream->Write( ',' ); pStream->NewLine(); if (fHasPipes) { RpcIntfFlag |= RPC_INTERFACE_HAS_PIPES; } if ( pCommand->NeedsBothSyntaxes() ) { RpcIntfFlag |= RPCFLG_HAS_MULTI_SYNTAXES; }
pStream->WriteNumber( "0x%08x",(unsigned long )RpcIntfFlag ); //
// All Done. Phew !!
pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( "};" ); pStream->IndentDec(); }
void Out_OneSyntaxInfo( CCB * pCCB, BOOL IsForCallback, SYNTAX_ENUM syntaxType ) { ISTREAM *pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); char Buffer[_MAX_DRIVE+_MAX_DIR+_MAX_FNAME+_MAX_EXT+1];
pStream->Write( "{" ); pStream->NewLine(); if ( syntaxType == SYNTAX_NDR64 ) { if ( pCommand->IsSwitchDefined( SWITCH_INTERNAL ) && pCommand->GetEnv() == ENV_WIN32 ) Out_TransferSyntax( pCCB, FakeNDR64TransferSyntaxGuidStrs, NDR64_UUID_MAJOR_VERSION, NDR64_UUID_MINOR_VERSION ); else Out_TransferSyntax( pCCB, NDR64TransferSyntaxGuidStrs, NDR64_UUID_MAJOR_VERSION, NDR64_UUID_MINOR_VERSION ); } if ( syntaxType == SYNTAX_DCE ) Out_TransferSyntax( pCCB, TransferSyntaxGuidStrs, NDR_UUID_MAJOR_VERSION, NDR_UUID_MINOR_VERSION );
pStream->Write( ',' );
// yongqu: DispatchTable: we need only one dispatch table for now.
// we need to generate dispatch table for syntax_info in MIDL_SERVER_INFO, where
// runtime will use it to dispatch call. This include regular server side syntaxinfo
// and client side callback syntax info.
if ( ! pCCB->GetInterfaceCG()->IsObject() && ( ( ( pCCB->GetCodeGenSide() == CGSIDE_SERVER ) && !IsForCallback ) || ( ( pCCB->GetCodeGenSide() == CGSIDE_CLIENT ) && IsForCallback ) ) ) { pStream->WriteOnNewLine( "&" ); sprintf( Buffer, "%s%s%s%_DispatchTable,", pCCB->GetInterfaceName(), ( syntaxType == SYNTAX_NDR64 )?"_NDR64_":"", pCCB->GenMangledName() );
pStream->Write(Buffer ); } else pStream->WriteOnNewLine( "0," ); pStream->NewLine();
// proc format string.
if ( syntaxType == SYNTAX_DCE ) { pStream->Write( PROC_FORMAT_STRING_STRING_FIELD ); } else { pStream->Write( "(unsigned char *) &NDR64_MIDL_FORMATINFO" ); } pStream->Write( ',' ); pStream->NewLine();
// The reference to the proc offset table
if ( SYNTAX_NDR64 == syntaxType) pStream->Write( "(unsigned short *) " );
if ( pCCB->GetInterfaceCG()->IsObject() ) pStream->Write( '&' ); if ( IsForCallback ) pStream->Write( MIDL_CALLBACK_VAR_NAME ); pStream->Write( pCCB->GetInterfaceCG()->GetSymName() );
if ( syntaxType == SYNTAX_DCE ) pStream->Write( FORMAT_STRING_OFFSET_TABLE_NAME ); else pStream->Write( "_Ndr64ProcTable" );
if ( pCCB->GetInterfaceCG()->IsObject() ) pStream->Write( "[-3]," ); else pStream->Write( ',' ); pStream->NewLine();
if ( syntaxType == SYNTAX_DCE ) { pStream->Write( FORMAT_STRING_STRING_FIELD ); } else pStream->Write( "(unsigned char *) &NDR64_MIDL_FORMATINFO" );
pStream->Write( ',' );
// TODO: Usermarshal routines?
if ( pCCB->HasQuadrupleRoutines() ) { if ( syntaxType == SYNTAX_DCE ) pStream->Write( USER_MARSHAL_ROUTINE_TABLE_VAR ); else pStream->Write( NDR64_USER_MARSHAL_ROUTINE_TABLE_VAR ); pStream->Write( "," ); } else pStream->Write( "0," ); pStream->WriteOnNewLine( "0," ); pStream->WriteOnNewLine( "0" );
pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( "}" ); pStream->NewLine();
// separate out because this is being called from multiple places.
void Out_TransferSyntax( CCB * pCCB, GUID_STRS & XferGuidStr, unsigned short XferSynMajor, unsigned short XferSynMinor ) { CSzBuffer TempBuf; ISTREAM *pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); pStream->Write( '{' ); Out_Guid( pCCB, XferGuidStr );
// Emit the interface version specified by the user.
TempBuf.Set( ",{" ); TempBuf.Append( XferSynMajor ); TempBuf.Append( "," ); TempBuf.Append( XferSynMinor ); TempBuf.Append( "}" ); pStream->Write( TempBuf ); pStream->Write( "}" ); }
void Out_MarshallSimple( CCB * pCCB, RESOURCE * pResource, node_skl * pType, expr_node * pSource, BOOL fIncr, unsigned short Size ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Generate marshalling for a type of a given alignment.
pCCB - A pointer to the code generation controller block. pResource - The marshalling buffer pointer resource. pType - A pointer to the type of the entity being marshalled. pSource - A pointer to the expression representing the source of the marshalling. fIncr - Output pointer increment code. Size - The target alignment.
Return Value:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { BOOL fUnsigned = pType->FInSummary( ATTR_UNSIGNED ); CSzBuffer TempBuf; ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); char * pRtn;
switch( Size ) { case 1: pRtn = "char"; break; case 2: pRtn = "short"; break; case 4: pRtn = "long"; break; case 8: pRtn = "hyper";break; default: break; }
TempBuf.Set( "*((" ); if (fUnsigned) TempBuf.Append( "unsigned " ); TempBuf.Append( pRtn ); TempBuf.Append( "*)" ); TempBuf.Append( pResource->GetResourceName() ); TempBuf.Append( ")" ); if (fIncr) TempBuf.Append( "++" ); TempBuf.Append( " = " );
pStream->Write( TempBuf ); pSource->Print( pStream ); pStream->Write(';'); }
void Out_AddToBufferPointer( CCB * pCCB, expr_node * pSource, expr_node * pExprAmount ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Generate a force alignment by the specified alignment.
pCCB - A pointer to the code generation controller block. pSource - A source pointer pExprAmount - The amount to add
Return Value:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); expr_node * pExpr;
pStream->NewLine(); pExpr = new expr_b_arithmetic( OP_PLUS, pSource, pExprAmount ); pExpr = new expr_assign( pSource, pExpr ); pExpr->Print( pStream ); pStream->Write(';'); }
void Out_DispatchTableStuff( CCB * pCCB, ITERATOR& ProcList, short CountOfProcs) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Generate the dispatch table and related data structures.
pCCB - A pointer to the code generation controller block. ProcList - A list of all the procedure names in the dispatch table. CountOfProcs- The number of procedures in the list.
Return Value:
Generate the dispatch table entries and then the dispatch table stuff.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { // if ( !pCommand->IsFinalProtocolRun() )
// return;
ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); CSzBuffer TempBuf; unsigned short M, m;
// Generate the dispatch table structure name. Currently we just do
// simple name mangling. This needs to be changed for dce stuff.
TempBuf.Set( "static " ); TempBuf.Append( RPC_DISPATCH_FUNCTION_TYPE_NAME ); TempBuf.Append( " " ); TempBuf.Append( pCCB->GetInterfaceName() ); if ( pCommand->IsNDR64Run() ) TempBuf.Append( "_NDR64_" );
TempBuf.Append( "_table[] =" );
pStream->Write( TempBuf );
pStream->IndentInc(); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write('{'); pStream->NewLine();
// Now print out the names of all the procedures.
for( int i = 0; i < CountOfProcs; ++i ) { DISPATCH_TABLE_ENTRY * p; node_skl * pNode;
if ( p->Flags & DTF_PICKLING_PROC ) pStream->Write( '0' );
// BUGBUG: yongqu: code cleanup needed.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Server dispatch routine names:
// raw rpc:
// sync interface
// ndr64 only: NdrServerCallNdr64
// ndr20 only: NdrServerCall2
// both syntaxes: NdrServerCallAll
// async interface
// ndr64 only: Ndr64AsyncServerCall64
// ndr20 only: NdrAsyncServerCall
// both syntaxes: Ndr64AsyncServerCallAll
// ORPC:
// sync interface
// ndr64 only: NdrStubCall3
// both syntaxes: NdrStubCall3
// ndr20 only: NdrStubCall2
// async interface
// ndr64 only: NdrDcomAsyncStubCall
// ndr20 only: NdrDcomAsyncStubCall
// both syntaxes: NdrDcomAsyncStubCall
// reason for so many different entries:
// In raw RPC, there is one dispatch table for each transfer syntax. RPC runtime
// will call into the right dispatch table according to the syntax being used.
// for raw rpc interface, we want to improvement server performance.
// after runtime select the right transfer syntax and called into
// right dispatch table, we know where MIDL_SYNTAX_INFO is and we can
// pickup the right format string etc. directly.
// In ORPC, all calls will be forwarded to the stub's Invoke, so we don't know
// which transfer syntax is being used when ole dispatch the call to engine.
// we need to find out the selected syntax anyway.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
else if ( p->Flags & DTF_INTERPRETER ) { if ( ((node_proc *)p->pNode)->HasAsyncUUID() ) { if ( pCommand->IsNDR64Run() ) pStream->Write( S_NDR64_CALL_RTN_NAME_DCOM_ASYNC ); else pStream->Write( S_NDR_CALL_RTN_NAME_DCOM_ASYNC ); } else if ( ((node_proc *)p->pNode)->HasAsyncHandle() ) { if ( pCommand->IsNDR64Run() ) { if ( pCommand->NeedsBothSyntaxes() ) pStream->Write( S_ALL_CALL_RTN_NAME_ASYNC ); else pStream->Write( S_NDR64_CALL_RTN_NAME_ASYNC ); } else pStream->Write( S_NDR_CALL_RTN_NAME_ASYNC ); } else if ( ((node_proc *)p->pNode)->GetOptimizationFlags() & OPTIMIZE_INTERPRETER_V2 ) { if ( pCommand->IsNDR64Run() ) { if ( pCommand->NeedsBothSyntaxes() ) pStream->Write( S_ALL_CALL_RTN_NAME ); else pStream->Write( S_NDR64_CALL_RTN_NAME ); } else pStream->Write( S_NDR_CALL_RTN_NAME_V2 ); } else pStream->Write( S_NDR_CALL_RTN_NAME ); } #endif // TEMPORARY_OI_SERVER_STUBS
else {
pNode = p->pNode;
TempBuf.Set( pCCB->GetInterfaceName() ); TempBuf.Append( "_" ); TempBuf.Append( pNode->GetSymName() );
pStream->Write( TempBuf ); } pStream->Write( ',' ); pStream->NewLine(); }
// Write out a null and the closing brace.
pStream->Write( '0' ); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( "};" );
// Write out the dispatch table.
pCCB->GetVersion( &M, &m );
TempBuf.Set( RPC_DISPATCH_TABLE_TYPE_NAME ); TempBuf.Append( " " ); TempBuf.Append( pCCB->GetInterfaceName() ); if ( pCommand->IsNDR64Run() ) TempBuf.Append( "_NDR64_" ); TempBuf.Append( pCCB->GenMangledName() ); TempBuf.Append( "_DispatchTable = " );
pStream->Write( TempBuf ); pStream->IndentInc(); pStream->NewLine();
pStream->Write( '{' ); pStream->NewLine();
TempBuf.Set( "" ); TempBuf.Append( CountOfProcs ); TempBuf.Append( "," );
pStream->Write( TempBuf ); pStream->NewLine();
TempBuf.Set( pCCB->GetInterfaceName() ); if ( pCommand->IsNDR64Run() ) TempBuf.Append( "_NDR64_" ); TempBuf.Append( "_table" );
pStream->Write( TempBuf ); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( "};" ); pStream->IndentDec(); pStream->NewLine();
void Out_CallManager( CCB * pCCB, expr_proc_call * pProcExpr, expr_node * pRet, BOOL fIsCallback ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Generate a call to the manager routine.
pCCB - A pointer to the code generation controller block. pProcExpr - A pointer to the complete procedure expression. pRet - An optional pointer to ther return variable. fIsCallback - Is this a callback proc ?
Return Value:
None. Notes:
Emit code to check for the manager epv also. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { expr_node * pAss = pProcExpr; expr_node * pExpr; CSzBuffer Buffer; ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); unsigned short M, m; char * pTemp; short Indent = 0;
// If he specified the -epv flag, then dont generate the call to the
// static procedure. This is the opposite of the dce functionality.
// In case of -epv:
// ((interface_...) -> proc( ... );
// else
// proc ( ... );
if( pCCB->IsMEpV() && !fIsCallback ) { pCCB->GetVersion( &M, &m );
Buffer.Set( "((" ); Buffer.Append( pCCB->GetInterfaceName() ); Buffer.Append( pCCB->GenMangledName() ); Buffer.Append( "_" ); Buffer.Append( pCCB->IsOldNames() ? "SERVER_EPV" : "epv_t" ); Buffer.Append( " *)(" ); Buffer.Append( PRPC_MESSAGE_MANAGER_EPV_NAME ); Buffer.Append( "))" );
pTemp = new char [ strlen( Buffer ) + 1 ]; strcpy( pTemp, Buffer );
pExpr = new expr_variable( pTemp );//this has the rhs expr for the
// manager epv call. Sneaky !
pExpr = new expr_pointsto( pExpr, pProcExpr ); pAss = pExpr; if( pRet ) { pAss = new expr_assign( pRet, pExpr ); Indent = 7; // sizeof "_RetVal"
} pStream->NewLine(); } else { pAss = pProcExpr; if( pRet ) { pAss = new expr_assign( pRet, pProcExpr ); Indent = 7; // sizeof "_RetVal"
} pStream->NewLine(); } pAss->PrintCall( pStream, Indent, 0 );
void Out_FormatInfoExtern( CCB * pCCB ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Generates the forward extern declaration for the FormatInfo. (64bit format string)
pCCB - A pointer to the code generation controller block.
Return Value:
{ ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); if ( pCommand->NeedsNDR64Run() ) { pStream->NewLine();
// BUGBUG: We really don't need this anymore.
pStream->WriteOnNewLine( "static const int NDR64_MIDL_FORMATINFO = 0;" ); } }
void Out_TypeFormatStringExtern( CCB * pCCB ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Generates the forward extern declaration of the global type format string.
pCCB - A pointer to the code generation controller block.
Return Value:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
if ( pCommand->NeedsNDRRun() ) { pStream->NewLine( 1 ); pStream->Write( "extern const " FORMAT_STRING_TYPE_NAME " " ); pStream->Write( FORMAT_STRING_STRUCT_NAME ";" ); } }
void Out_ProcFormatStringExtern( CCB * pCCB ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Generates the forward extern declaration of the interface-wide procedure/parameter format string.
pCCB - A pointer to the code generation controller block.
Return Value:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
if ( pCommand->NeedsNDRRun() ) { pStream->NewLine( 1 ); pStream->Write( "extern const " PROC_FORMAT_STRING_TYPE_NAME " " ); pStream->Write( PROC_FORMAT_STRING_STRUCT_NAME ";" ); } }
void Out_StubDescriptorExtern( CCB * pCCB ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Generates the forward extern declaration of the global stub descriptor variable.
pCCB - A pointer to the code generation controller block.
Return Value:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
pStream->NewLine( 2 );
pStream->Write( "extern const " STUB_DESC_STRUCT_TYPE_NAME );
pStream->Write( ' ' );
pStream->Write( pCCB->GetInterfaceCG()->GetStubDescName() ); pStream->Write( ';' );
pStream->NewLine(); }
void Out_ProxyInfoExtern( CCB * pCCB ) { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
pStream->Write( " extern const " MIDL_PROXY_INFO_TYPE_NAME );
pStream->Write( ' ' ); pStream->Write( pCCB->GetInterfaceCG()->GetType()->GetSymName() ); pStream->Write( MIDL_PROXY_INFO_VAR_NAME ); pStream->Write( ';' ); }
void Out_InterpreterServerInfoExtern( CCB * pCCB ) { ISTREAM * pStream;
pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
pStream->NewLine( 2 );
pStream->Write( "extern const " SERVER_INFO_TYPE_NAME );
pStream->Write( ' ' );
pStream->Write( pCCB->GetInterfaceCG()->GetType()->GetSymName() ); pStream->Write( SERVER_INFO_VAR_NAME ); pStream->Write( ';' ); }
void Out_NdrMarshallCall( CCB * pCCB, char * pRoutineName, char * pParamName, long FormatStringOffset, BOOL fTakeAddress, BOOL fDereference ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Ouputs a call to an Ndr marshalling routine.
pStream - the stream to write the output to pRoutineName - the routine name (without the trailing "Marshall") pParamName - the name of the parameter/variable being marshalled FormatStringOffset - the offset into the format string where this parameter's/variable's description begins
Return Value:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); unsigned short Spaces; char Buf[80];
Spaces = (unsigned short)(strlen(pRoutineName) + 10); // strlen("Marshall( ");
pStream->Write( pRoutineName ); pStream->Write( "Marshall( (PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE)& "STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME"," ); pStream->NewLine();
pStream->Spaces( Spaces ); pStream->Write( "(unsigned char *)" ); if ( fTakeAddress ) pStream->Write( '&' ); if ( fDereference ) pStream->Write( '*' ); pStream->Write( pParamName ); pStream->Write( ',' ); pStream->NewLine();
pStream->Spaces( Spaces ); pStream->Write( "(PFORMAT_STRING) &" ); pStream->Write( FORMAT_STRING_STRUCT_NAME ); sprintf( Buf, ".Format[%d] );", FormatStringOffset ); pStream->Write( Buf ); pStream->NewLine(); }
void Out_NdrUnmarshallCall( CCB * pCCB, char * pRoutineName, char * pParamName, long FormatStringOffset, BOOL fTakeAddress, BOOL fMustAllocFlag ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Outputs a call to an Ndr unmarshalling routine.
pStream - the stream to write the output to pRoutineName - the routine name (without the trailing "Unmarshall") pParamName - the name of the parameter/variable being unmarshalled FormatStringOffset - the offset into the format string where this parameter's/variable's description begins
Return Value:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); unsigned short Spaces = 0; char Buf[80];
Spaces = (unsigned short)(strlen(pRoutineName) + 12); // strlen("Unmarshall( ");
pStream->Write( pRoutineName ); pStream->Write( "Unmarshall( (PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE) &"STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME"," ); pStream->NewLine();
pStream->Spaces( Spaces ); pStream->Write( "(unsigned char * *)" ); if ( fTakeAddress ) pStream->Write( '&' ); pStream->Write( pParamName ); pStream->Write( ',' ); pStream->NewLine();
pStream->Spaces( Spaces ); pStream->Write( "(PFORMAT_STRING) &" ); pStream->Write( FORMAT_STRING_STRUCT_NAME ); sprintf( Buf, ".Format[%d],", FormatStringOffset ); pStream->Write( Buf ); pStream->NewLine();
pStream->Spaces( Spaces ); pStream->Write( "(unsigned char)" ); pStream->Write( fMustAllocFlag ? "1" : "0" ); pStream->Write( " );" ); pStream->NewLine(); }
void Out_NdrBufferSizeCall( CCB * pCCB, char * pRoutineName, char * pParamName, long FormatStringOffset, BOOL fTakeAddress, BOOL fDereference, BOOL fPtrToStubMsg ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Outputs a call to an Ndr buffer sizing routine.
pStream - the stream to write the output to pRoutineName - the routine name (without the trailing "BufferSize") pParamName - the name of the parameter/variable being sized FormatStringOffset - the offset into the format string where this parameter's/variable's description begins fPtrToStubMsg - defines how the StubMsg should be referenced to FALSE: &_StubMsg TRUE : pStupMsg
Return Value:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); unsigned short Spaces; char Buf[80];
Spaces = (unsigned short)(strlen(pRoutineName) + 12); // strlen("BufferSize( ");
// Stub message
pStream->Write( pRoutineName ); pStream->Write( fPtrToStubMsg ? "BufferSize( (PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE) "PSTUB_MESSAGE_PAR_NAME"," : "BufferSize( (PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE) &"STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME"," ); pStream->NewLine();
// Param
pStream->Spaces( Spaces ); pStream->Write( "(unsigned char *)" ); if ( fTakeAddress ) pStream->Write( '&' ); if ( fDereference ) pStream->Write( '*' ); pStream->Write( pParamName ); pStream->Write( ',' ); pStream->NewLine();
// Format string
pStream->Spaces( Spaces ); pStream->Write( "(PFORMAT_STRING) &" ); pStream->Write( FORMAT_STRING_STRUCT_NAME ); sprintf( Buf, ".Format[%d] );", FormatStringOffset ); pStream->Write( Buf ); pStream->NewLine(); }
void Out_NdrFreeCall( CCB * pCCB, char * pRoutineName, char * pParamName, long FormatStringOffset, BOOL fTakeAddress, BOOL fDereference ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Outputs a call to an Ndr unmarshalling routine.
pStream - the stream to write the output to pRoutineName - the routine name (without the trailing "Free") pParamName - the name of the parameter/variable being freed FormatStringOffset - the offset into the format string where this parameter's/variable's description begins
Return Value:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); unsigned short Spaces; char Buf[80];
Spaces = (unsigned short)(strlen(pRoutineName) + 6); // strlen("Free( ");
pStream->Write( pRoutineName ); pStream->Write( "Free( &"STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME"," ); pStream->NewLine();
pStream->Spaces( Spaces ); pStream->Write( "(unsigned char *)" ); if ( fTakeAddress ) pStream->Write( '&' ); if ( fDereference ) pStream->Write( '*' ); pStream->Write( pParamName ); pStream->Write( ',' ); pStream->NewLine();
pStream->Spaces( Spaces ); pStream->Write( '&' ); pStream->Write( FORMAT_STRING_STRUCT_NAME ); sprintf( Buf, ".Format[%d] );", FormatStringOffset ); pStream->Write( Buf ); pStream->NewLine(); }
void Out_NdrConvert( CCB * pCCB, long FormatStringOffset, long ParamTotal, unsigned short ProcOptimFlags ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Outputs a call to NdrConvert().
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); char Buf[80];
pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( "if ( (" ); pStream->Write( (pCCB->GetCodeGenSide() == CGSIDE_CLIENT) ? RPC_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME"." : PRPC_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME"->" ); pStream->Write( "DataRepresentation & 0X0000FFFFUL) != " "NDR_LOCAL_DATA_REPRESENTATION )" ); pStream->IndentInc(); pStream->NewLine();
if ( ProcOptimFlags & OPTIMIZE_NON_NT351 ) pStream->Write( NDR_CONVERT_RTN_NAME_V2 ); else pStream->Write( NDR_CONVERT_RTN_NAME ); pStream->Write( "( (PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE) &" ); pStream->Write( STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME ", " );
pStream->Write( "(PFORMAT_STRING) &" ); pStream->Write( PROC_FORMAT_STRING_STRING_FIELD ); sprintf( Buf, "[%d]", FormatStringOffset ); pStream->Write( Buf );
// NdrConvert2 takes a third parameter.
if ( ProcOptimFlags & OPTIMIZE_NON_NT351 ) { sprintf( Buf, ", %d", ParamTotal ); pStream->Write( Buf ); }
pStream->Write( " );" );
pStream->IndentDec(); pStream->NewLine(); }
void Out_NdrNsGetBuffer( CCB * pCCB ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Outputs a call to NdrNsGetBuffer().
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( AUTO_NDR_GB_RTN_NAME ); pStream->Write( "( (PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE) &" ); pStream->Write( STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME ", " ); pStream->Write( STUB_MSG_LENGTH_VAR_NAME ", " );
if( pCCB->GetCodeGenSide() == CGSIDE_CLIENT ) { pStream->Write( pCCB->GetInterfaceName() ); pStream->Write( AUTO_BH_VAR_NAME ); } else pStream->Write( '0' );
pStream->Write( " );" ); pStream->NewLine(); }
void Out_NdrGetBuffer( CCB * pCCB ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Outputs a call to NdrGetBuffer().
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); unsigned short Env;
Env = pCommand->GetEnv();
if (pCCB->GetCodeGenSide() == CGSIDE_CLIENT) { pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( DEFAULT_NDR_GB_RTN_NAME ); pStream->Write( "( (PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE) &" ); pStream->Write( STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME ", " ); pStream->Write( STUB_MSG_LENGTH_VAR_NAME ", " );
if( pCCB->GetCodeGenSide() == CGSIDE_CLIENT ) pStream->Write( BH_LOCAL_VAR_NAME ); else pStream->Write( '0' );
pStream->Write( " );" ); pStream->NewLine(); } else { //
// This saves us at least 15 instructions on an x86 server.
pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( PRPC_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME "->BufferLength = " STUB_MSG_LENGTH_VAR_NAME ";" ); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->NewLine();
pStream->Write( RPC_STATUS_VAR_NAME" = I_RpcGetBuffer( " PRPC_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME " ); "); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( "if ( "RPC_STATUS_VAR_NAME" )" ); pStream->IndentInc(); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( "RpcRaiseException( "RPC_STATUS_VAR_NAME" );" ); pStream->IndentDec(); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->NewLine();
pStream->Write( STUB_MSG_BUFFER_VAR_NAME " = (unsigned char *) " PRPC_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME "->Buffer;" ); pStream->NewLine(); } }
void Out_NdrNsSendReceive( CCB * pCCB ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Outputs a call to NdrNsSendReceive().
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( AUTO_NDR_SR_RTN_NAME ); pStream->Write( "( (PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE) &" ); pStream->Write( STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME ", " ); pStream->Write( "(unsigned char *) "STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME ".Buffer, " ); pStream->Write( "(RPC_BINDING_HANDLE *) ""&" ); pStream->Write( pCCB->GetInterfaceName() ); pStream->Write( AUTO_BH_VAR_NAME ); pStream->Write( " );" ); pStream->NewLine(); }
void Out_NdrSendReceive( CCB * pCCB ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Outputs a call to NdrSendReceive().
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( DEFAULT_NDR_SR_RTN_NAME ); pStream->Write( "( (PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE) &" ); pStream->Write( STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME ", " ); pStream->Write( "(unsigned char *) "STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME ".Buffer" ); pStream->Write( " );" ); pStream->NewLine(); }
void Out_FreeParamInline( CCB * pCCB ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Frees a top level param using the current stub message deallocator.
pCCB - Code control block.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { CG_PARAM * pParam; ISTREAM * pStream;
pParam = (CG_PARAM *) pCCB->GetLastPlaceholderClass();
pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( "if ( " ); pStream->Write( pParam->GetResource()->GetResourceName() ); pStream->Write( " )" ); pStream->IndentInc(); pStream->NewLine();
pStream->Write( STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME ".pfnFree( " ); pStream->Write( pParam->GetResource()->GetResourceName() ); pStream->Write( " );" );
pStream->IndentDec(); pStream->NewLine(); }
void Out_CContextHandleMarshall( CCB * pCCB, char * pName, BOOL IsPointer ) { ISTREAM * pStream; expr_proc_call * pCall; expr_node * pHandle; expr_node * pExpr;
pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
pCall = new expr_proc_call( "NdrClientContextMarshall" );
pExpr = new expr_u_address( new expr_variable( STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME )); pExpr = MakeExpressionOfCastToTypeName( PSTUB_MESSAGE_TYPE_NAME , pExpr );
pCall->SetParam( new expr_param( pExpr ) );
pHandle = new expr_variable( pName );
if ( IsPointer ) pHandle = new expr_u_deref( pHandle );
pHandle = MakeExpressionOfCastToTypeName( CTXT_HDL_C_CONTEXT_TYPE_NAME, pHandle );
pCall->SetParam( new expr_param( pHandle ) );
pCall->SetParam( new expr_param( new expr_variable( IsPointer ? "0" : "1" ) ) );
pCall->PrintCall( pStream, 0, 0 ); }
void Out_SContextHandleMarshall( CCB * pCCB, char * pName, char * pRundownRoutineName ) { ISTREAM * pStream; expr_proc_call * pCall; expr_node * pHandle; expr_node * pRoutine; expr_node * pExpr;
pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
pCall = new expr_proc_call( "NdrServerContextMarshall" );
pExpr = new expr_u_address( new expr_variable( STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME )); pExpr = MakeExpressionOfCastToTypeName( PSTUB_MESSAGE_TYPE_NAME , pExpr );
pCall->SetParam( new expr_param( pExpr ) );
pHandle = new expr_variable( pName );
pHandle = MakeExpressionOfCastToTypeName( CTXT_HDL_S_CONTEXT_TYPE_NAME, pHandle );
pCall->SetParam( new expr_param( pHandle ) );
pRoutine = new expr_variable( pRundownRoutineName );
pRoutine = MakeExpressionOfCastToTypeName( CTXT_HDL_RUNDOWN_TYPE_NAME, pRoutine );
pCall->SetParam( new expr_param( pRoutine ) );
pCall->PrintCall( pStream, 0, 0 );
pStream->NewLine(); }
void Out_SContextHandleNewMarshall( CCB * pCCB, char * pName, char * pRundownRoutineName, long TypeOffset ) { ISTREAM * pStream; unsigned short Spaces; char Buf[80];
pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
pStream->Write( "NdrServerContextNewMarshall(" ); pStream->NewLine(); Spaces = 20; pStream->Spaces( Spaces ); pStream->Write( "( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE )& "STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME"," ); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Spaces( Spaces ); pStream->Write( "( " CTXT_HDL_S_CONTEXT_TYPE_NAME " ) " ); pStream->Write( pName ); pStream->Write( "," ); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Spaces( Spaces ); pStream->Write( "( " CTXT_HDL_RUNDOWN_TYPE_NAME " ) " ); pStream->Write( pRundownRoutineName ); pStream->Write( "," ); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Spaces( Spaces ); pStream->Write( "(PFORMAT_STRING) &" ); pStream->Write( FORMAT_STRING_STRUCT_NAME ); sprintf( Buf, ".Format[%d] );", TypeOffset ); pStream->Write( Buf );
pStream->NewLine(); }
void Out_CContextHandleUnmarshall( CCB * pCCB, char * pName, BOOL IsPointer, BOOL IsReturn ) { ISTREAM * pStream; expr_proc_call * pCall; expr_node * pHandle; expr_node * pExpr;
pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
if ( IsPointer ) { pStream->Write( '*' ); pStream->Write( pName ); pStream->Write( " = (void *)0;" ); pStream->NewLine(); } else if ( IsReturn ) { pStream->Write( pName ); pStream->Write( " = 0;" ); pStream->NewLine(); }
pCall = new expr_proc_call( "NdrClientContextUnmarshall" );
pExpr = new expr_u_address( new expr_variable( STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME )); pExpr = MakeExpressionOfCastToTypeName( PSTUB_MESSAGE_TYPE_NAME , pExpr );
pCall->SetParam( new expr_param( pExpr ) );
pHandle = new expr_variable( pName );
if ( ! IsPointer && IsReturn ) pHandle = new expr_u_address( pHandle );
pHandle = MakeExpressionOfCastPtrToType( (node_skl *) new node_def(CTXT_HDL_C_CONTEXT_TYPE_NAME), pHandle );
pCall->SetParam( new expr_param( pHandle ) );
CG_PROC * pProc;
pProc = (CG_PROC *)pCCB->GetCGNodeContext();
char * FullAutoHandleName = NULL;
if ( pProc->IsAutoHandle() ) { FullAutoHandleName = new char[ strlen( pCCB->GetInterfaceName()) + strlen( AUTO_BH_VAR_NAME ) + 1 ]; strcpy( FullAutoHandleName, pCCB->GetInterfaceName() ); strcat( FullAutoHandleName, AUTO_BH_VAR_NAME ); }
pCall->SetParam( new expr_param( new expr_variable( pProc->IsAutoHandle() ? FullAutoHandleName : BH_LOCAL_VAR_NAME ) ) );
pCall->PrintCall( pStream, 0, 0 );
pStream->NewLine(); }
void Out_SContextHandleUnmarshall( CCB * pCCB, char * pName, BOOL IsOutOnly ) { ISTREAM * pStream; expr_proc_call * pCall; expr_node * pExpr;
pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
if ( IsOutOnly ) { CSzBuffer Buffer;
Buffer.Set( pName ); Buffer.Append( " = NDRSContextUnmarshall( (uchar *)0, " ); Buffer.Append( PRPC_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME "->DataRepresentation" ); Buffer.Append( " );" );
pStream->Write(Buffer); pStream->NewLine();
return; }
pCall = new expr_proc_call( "NdrServerContextUnmarshall" );
pExpr = new expr_u_address( new expr_variable( STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME )); pExpr = MakeExpressionOfCastToTypeName( PSTUB_MESSAGE_TYPE_NAME , pExpr );
pCall->SetParam( new expr_param( pExpr ) );
pExpr = new expr_variable( pName );
pExpr = new expr_assign( pExpr, pCall );
pExpr->PrintCall( pStream, 0, 0 );
pStream->NewLine(); }
void Out_SContextHandleNewUnmarshall( CCB * pCCB, char * pName, BOOL IsOutOnly, long TypeOffset ) { ISTREAM * pStream; unsigned short Spaces; char Buf[80];
if ( IsOutOnly ) return;
pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
pStream->Write( pName ); pStream->Write( " = " ); pStream->Write( "NdrServerContextNewUnmarshall(" ); pStream->NewLine(); Spaces = (unsigned short)(strlen( pName ) + 7); pStream->Spaces( Spaces ); pStream->Write( "( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE )& "STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME"," ); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Spaces( Spaces ); pStream->Write( "( PFORMAT_STRING )& " ); pStream->Write( FORMAT_STRING_STRUCT_NAME ); sprintf( Buf, ".Format[%d] );", TypeOffset ); pStream->Write( Buf );
pStream->NewLine(); }
void Out_NdrFreeBuffer( CCB * pCCB ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Outputs a call to NdrFreeBuffer().
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( DEFAULT_NDR_FB_RTN_NAME ); pStream->Write( "( (PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE) &" ); pStream->Write( STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME ); pStream->Write( " );" ); pStream->NewLine(); }
void Out_FullPointerInit( CCB * pCCB ) { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); expr_proc_call * pProc; expr_node * pExpr;
pProc = new expr_proc_call( FULL_POINTER_INIT_RTN_NAME );
pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( new expr_constant( (long) 0 ) ) );
pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( new expr_variable( (pCCB->GetCodeGenSide() == CGSIDE_SERVER) ? "XLAT_SERVER" : "XLAT_CLIENT" ) ) );
pExpr = new expr_variable( STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME ".FullPtrXlatTables" );
pExpr = new expr_assign( pExpr, pProc );
pExpr->PrintCall( pStream, 0, 0 );
pStream->NewLine(); }
void Out_FullPointerFree( CCB * pCCB ) { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); expr_proc_call * pProc;
pProc = new expr_proc_call( FULL_POINTER_FREE_RTN_NAME );
pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( new expr_variable( STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME ".FullPtrXlatTables" ) ) );
pProc->PrintCall( pStream, 0, 0 );
pStream->NewLine(); }
void Out_NdrInitStackTop( CCB * pCCB ) { ISTREAM * pStream;
pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME ".StackTop = 0;" ); pStream->NewLine(); }
void Out_DispatchTableTypedef( CCB * pCCB, PNAME pInterfaceName, ITERATOR& ProcNodeList, int flag ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Output the dispatch table typedef.
pCCB - A pointer to the code gen controller block. pInterfacename - The base interface name. ProcNodeList - The list of procedure node_proc nodes. flag - 0 : normal, 1 : callback
Return Value:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); CSzBuffer Buffer; node_skl * pNode; node_pointer * pPtr; node_id * pID; unsigned short M, m; DISPATCH_TABLE_ENTRY * pDEntry;
if( flag == 1 ) return;
pCCB->GetVersion( &M, &m );
if( flag == 0 ) { Buffer.Set( "typedef struct _" ); Buffer.Append( pInterfaceName ); Buffer.Append( pCCB->GenMangledName() ); Buffer.Append( "_" ); Buffer.Append( pCCB->IsOldNames() ? "SERVER_EPV" : "epv_t" );
pStream->Write( Buffer ); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->IndentInc(); pStream->Write('{'); pStream->NewLine(); } #if 0
else { Buffer.Set( "typedef struct _" ); Buffer.Append( pInterfaceName ); Buffer.Append( pCCB->GenMangledName() ); Buffer.Append( "_CLIENT_EPV" ); } #endif // 0
ITERATOR_INIT( ProcNodeList ); while( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( ProcNodeList, pDEntry ) ) { pNode = pDEntry->pNode; pID = new node_id( pNode->GetSymName() ); pPtr = new node_pointer( pNode ); pID->SetBasicType( pPtr ); pPtr->SetBasicType( pNode ); pID->SetEdgeType( EDGE_DEF ); pPtr->SetEdgeType( EDGE_USE );
pID->PrintType( PRT_PROC_PTR_PROTOTYPE, pStream, (node_skl *)0 ); }
pStream->NewLine(); pStream->IndentDec();
if( flag == 0 ) { Buffer.Set( "} " ); Buffer.Append( pInterfaceName ); Buffer.Append( pCCB->GenMangledName() ); Buffer.Append( "_" ); Buffer.Append( pCCB->IsOldNames() ?"SERVER_EPV" : "epv_t" ); Buffer.Append( ";" ); } else { Buffer.Set( "} " ); Buffer.Append( pInterfaceName ); Buffer.Append( pCCB->GenMangledName() ); Buffer.Append( "_" ); Buffer.Append( (flag == 0) ?"SERVER" : "CLIENT" ); Buffer.Append( "_EPV;" ); } pStream->Write( Buffer ); pStream->NewLine();
void Out_ManagerEpv( CCB * pCCB, PNAME pInterfaceName, ITERATOR& ProcNodeList, short Count ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Output the manager epv table.
pCCB - A pointer to the code gen controller block. pInterfacename - The base interface name. ProcNodeList - The list of procedure node_proc nodes. Count - Count of procs.
Return Value:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { if ( !pCommand->IsFinalProtocolRun() ) return;
ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); CSzBuffer Buffer; unsigned short M, m; DISPATCH_TABLE_ENTRY * pDEntry;
pCCB->GetVersion( &M, &m );
Buffer.Set( "static " ); Buffer.Append( pInterfaceName ); Buffer.Append( pCCB->GenMangledName() ); Buffer.Append( "_" ); Buffer.Append( pCCB->IsOldNames() ? "SERVER_EPV" : "epv_t" ); Buffer.Append( " DEFAULT_EPV = " );
pStream->Write( Buffer ); pStream->IndentInc(); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write('{'); pStream->NewLine();
ITERATOR_INIT( ProcNodeList ); while( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( ProcNodeList, pDEntry ) ) { char * pPrefix = pCommand->GetUserPrefix( PREFIX_SERVER_MGR ); if ( pPrefix ) pStream->Write( pPrefix );
pStream->Write( pDEntry->pNode->GetSymName() ); if( --Count != 0 ) { pStream->Write( ',' ); pStream->NewLine(); } }
pStream->IndentDec(); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( "};" ); pStream->NewLine(); }
void Out_GenHdlPrototypes( CCB * pCCB, ITERATOR& List ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Output a list of generic handle prototypes.
pCCB - A pointer to the code gen controller block. List - List of type nodes.
Return Value:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); CSzBuffer Buffer; node_skl* pN;
while( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( List, pN ) ) { PNAME pName = pN->GetSymName();
Buffer.Set( "handle_t __RPC_USER " ); Buffer.Append( pName ); Buffer.Append( "_bind ( " ); Buffer.Append( pName ); Buffer.Append( " );" ); pStream->Write( Buffer ); pStream->NewLine();
Buffer.Set( "void __RPC_USER " ); Buffer.Append( pName ); Buffer.Append( "_unbind( " ); Buffer.Append( pName ); Buffer.Append( ", handle_t );" ); pStream->Write( Buffer ); pStream->NewLine(); } }
void Out_CtxtHdlPrototypes( CCB * pCCB, ITERATOR& List ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Output a list of context handle prototypes.
pCCB - A pointer to the code gen controller block. List - List of type nodes.
Return Value:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); CSzBuffer Buffer; node_skl* pN;
while( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( List, pN ) ) { PNAME pName = pN->GetSymName();
// A name can be a "" (an empty string).
if ( strlen(pName) ) { Buffer.Set( "void __RPC_USER " ); Buffer.Append( pName ); Buffer.Append( "_rundown( " ); Buffer.Append( pName ); Buffer.Append( " );" ); pStream->Write( Buffer ); pStream->NewLine(); } } }
void Out_TransmitAsPrototypes( CCB * pCCB, ITERATOR& ListOfPresentedTypes ) { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); ISTREAM * pMemoryStream = new ISTREAM; CSzBuffer Buffer; node_skl * pXmittedType; node_skl * pPresentedType;
char * pMemBufferStart = pMemoryStream->GetCurrentPtr();
while( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( ListOfPresentedTypes, pPresentedType ) ) { // we reuse the same memory stream.
pMemoryStream->SetCurrentPtr( pMemBufferStart );
pXmittedType = ((node_def *)pPresentedType)->GetTransmittedType();
PNAME pPresentedTypeName = pPresentedType->GetSymName(); PNAME pTransmittedTypeName= pXmittedType->GetSymName();
pXmittedType->PrintType( PRT_TYPE_SPECIFIER, pMemoryStream, // into stream
(node_skl *)0 // no parent.
); //
// The type spec is in the stream, except that it needs a terminating
// null to use it as a string.
pTransmittedTypeName = pMemBufferStart; *(pMemoryStream->GetCurrentPtr()) = 0;
pStream->NewLine(); Buffer.Set( "void __RPC_USER " ); Buffer.Append( pPresentedTypeName ); Buffer.Append( "_to_xmit( " ); Buffer.Append( pPresentedTypeName ); Buffer.Append( " *, " ); Buffer.Append( pTransmittedTypeName ); Buffer.Append( " * * );" ); pStream->Write( Buffer );
pStream->NewLine(); Buffer.Set( "void __RPC_USER " ); Buffer.Append( pPresentedTypeName ); Buffer.Append( "_from_xmit( " ); Buffer.Append( pTransmittedTypeName ); Buffer.Append( " *, " ); Buffer.Append( pPresentedTypeName ); Buffer.Append( " * );" ); pStream->Write( Buffer );
pStream->NewLine(); Buffer.Set( "void __RPC_USER " ); Buffer.Append( pPresentedTypeName ); Buffer.Append( "_free_inst( " ); Buffer.Append( pPresentedTypeName ); Buffer.Append( " * );" ); pStream->Write( Buffer );
pStream->NewLine(); Buffer.Set( "void __RPC_USER " ); Buffer.Append( pPresentedTypeName ); Buffer.Append( "_free_xmit( " ); Buffer.Append( pTransmittedTypeName ); Buffer.Append( " * );" ); pStream->Write( Buffer );
pStream->NewLine(); }
delete pMemoryStream; }
void Out_RepAsPrototypes( CCB * pCCB, ITERATOR& ListOfRepAsWireTypes ) { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); CSzBuffer Buffer; node_skl * pWireType;
while( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( ListOfRepAsWireTypes, pWireType ) ) { PNAME pRepAsTypeName = ((node_def *)pWireType)->GetRepresentationName(); PNAME pTransmittedTypeName= pWireType->GetSymName();
pStream->NewLine(); Buffer.Set( "void __RPC_USER " ); Buffer.Append( pTransmittedTypeName ); Buffer.Append( "_from_local( " ); Buffer.Append( pRepAsTypeName ); Buffer.Append( " *, " ); Buffer.Append( pTransmittedTypeName ); Buffer.Append( " * * );" ); pStream->Write( Buffer );
pStream->NewLine(); Buffer.Set( "void __RPC_USER "); Buffer.Append( pTransmittedTypeName ); Buffer.Append( "_to_local( " ); Buffer.Append( pTransmittedTypeName ); Buffer.Append( " *, " ); Buffer.Append( pRepAsTypeName ); Buffer.Append( " * );" ); pStream->Write( Buffer );
pStream->NewLine(); Buffer.Set(" void __RPC_USER " ); Buffer.Append( pTransmittedTypeName ); Buffer.Append( "_free_inst( " ); Buffer.Append( pTransmittedTypeName ); Buffer.Append( " * );" ); pStream->Write( Buffer );
pStream->NewLine(); Buffer.Set( "void __RPC_USER " ); Buffer.Append( pTransmittedTypeName ); Buffer.Append( "_free_local( " ); Buffer.Append( pRepAsTypeName ); Buffer.Append( " * );" ); pStream->Write( Buffer );
pStream->NewLine(); } }
#define USRM_SIZE 0
#define USRM_FREE 3
void Out_UserMarshalSingleProto( ISTREAM * pStream, char * pTypeName, int fProto, SYNTAX_ENUM SyntaxType ) { switch ( fProto ) { case USRM_SIZE: pStream->Write( "unsigned long __RPC_USER " ); break; case USRM_FREE: pStream->Write( "void __RPC_USER " ); break; default: pStream->Write( "unsigned char * __RPC_USER " ); break; } pStream->Write( pTypeName ); if ( SyntaxType == SYNTAX_NDR64 ) pStream->Write( NDR64_UserMProtoName[ fProto ] ); else pStream->Write( UserMProtoName[ fProto ] ); pStream->Write( "unsigned long *, " ); // flags
switch ( fProto ) { case USRM_SIZE: pStream->Write( "unsigned long , " ); break; case USRM_FREE: break; default: pStream->Write( "unsigned char *, " ); break; } pStream->Write( pTypeName ); pStream->Write( " * ); " ); pStream->NewLine(); }
void Out_OneUserMarshalProtoTypes( CCB * pCCB, ITERATOR& ListOfPresentedTypes, SYNTAX_ENUM SyntaxType ) { USER_MARSHAL_CONTEXT * pUsrContext;
ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
ITERATOR_INIT( ListOfPresentedTypes ); while( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( ListOfPresentedTypes, pUsrContext ) ) { pStream->NewLine();
for (int i=0; i < 4; i++) Out_UserMarshalSingleProto( pStream, pUsrContext->pTypeName, i, SyntaxType ); }
void Out_UserMarshalPrototypes( CCB * pCCB, ITERATOR& ListOfPresentedTypes ) { if ( pCommand->NeedsNDRRun() ) Out_OneUserMarshalProtoTypes( pCCB, ListOfPresentedTypes, SYNTAX_DCE );
if ( pCommand->NeedsNDR64Run() || pCommand->NeedsNDR64Header() ) Out_OneUserMarshalProtoTypes( pCCB, ListOfPresentedTypes, SYNTAX_NDR64 ); }
char CsNetSizePrototype[] = "_net_size(\n" " RPC_BINDING_HANDLE hBinding,\n" " unsigned long ulNetworkCodeSet,\n" " unsigned long ulLocalBufferSize,\n" " IDL_CS_CONVERT * conversionType,\n" " unsigned long * pulNetworkBufferSize,\n" " error_status_t * pStatus);\n\n";
char CsLocalSizePrototype[] = "_local_size(\n" " RPC_BINDING_HANDLE hBinding,\n" " unsigned long ulNetworkCodeSet,\n" " unsigned long ulNetworkBufferSize,\n" " IDL_CS_CONVERT * conversionType,\n" " unsigned long * pulLocalBufferSize,\n" " error_status_t * pStatus);\n\n"; char CsToNetCsPrototype[] = "_to_netcs(\n" " RPC_BINDING_HANDLE hBinding,\n" " unsigned long ulNetworkCodeSet,\n" " void * pLocalData,\n" " unsigned long ulLocalDataLength,\n" " byte * pNetworkData,\n" " unsigned long * pulNetworkDataLength,\n" " error_status_t * pStatus);\n\n";
char CsFromNetCsPrototype[] = "_from_netcs(\n" " RPC_BINDING_HANDLE hBinding,\n" " unsigned long ulNetworkCodeSet,\n" " byte * pNetworkData,\n" " unsigned long ulNetworkDataLength,\n" " unsigned long ulLocalBufferSize,\n" " void * pLocalData,\n" " unsigned long * pulLocalDataLength,\n" " error_status_t * pStatus);\n\n";
void Out_CSSizingAndConversionPrototypes( CCB * pCCB, ITERATOR & types ) { PNAME pTypeName; ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
while ( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( types, pTypeName ) ) { pStream->Write( "void __RPC_USER " ); pStream->Write( pTypeName ); pStream->Write( CsNetSizePrototype ); pStream->Write( "void __RPC_USER " ); pStream->Write( pTypeName ); pStream->Write( CsLocalSizePrototype ); pStream->Write( "void __RPC_USER " ); pStream->Write( pTypeName ); pStream->Write( CsToNetCsPrototype ); pStream->Write( "void __RPC_USER " ); pStream->Write( pTypeName ); pStream->Write( CsFromNetCsPrototype ); } }
void Out_CallAsServerPrototypes( CCB * pCCB, ITERATOR& ListOfCallAsRoutines ) { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); node_proc * pProc;
while( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( ListOfCallAsRoutines, pProc ) ) { // keep these on the stack...
CSzBuffer NewName; char TempBuf[40]; node_call_as * pCallAs = (node_call_as *) pProc->GetAttribute( ATTR_CALL_AS ); unsigned short M, m; node_interface * pIntf = pProc->GetMyInterfaceNode(); // don't emit the server prototype for object routines
if ( pIntf->FInSummary( ATTR_OBJECT ) ) continue;
// local stub routine, with remote param list
node_proc NewStubProc( pProc );
pIntf->GetVersionDetails( &M, &m ); sprintf( TempBuf, "_v%d_%d", M, m ); NewName.Set( pIntf->GetSymName() ); NewName.Append( TempBuf ); NewName.Append( "_" ); NewName.Append( pCallAs->GetCallAsName() );
NewStubProc.SetSymName( NewName );
NewStubProc.PrintType( PRT_PROC_PROTOTYPE_WITH_SEMI, pCCB->GetStream(), NULL , pIntf );
} }
void Out_NotifyPrototypes( CCB * pCCB, ITERATOR& ListOfNotifyProcedures) /*
We generate void <proc_name>_notify( void ); void <proc_name>_notify_flag( boolean );
*/ { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); CG_PROC * pProcCG; node_proc * pProc; node_skl * pRet; BOOL fHasFlag;
while( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( ListOfNotifyProcedures, pProcCG ) ) { // keep these on the stack...
CSzBuffer NewName; node_proc NewStubProc( 0, 0 ); node_param FlagParam;
fHasFlag = pProcCG->HasNotifyFlag(); pProc = (node_proc *) pProcCG->GetType();
NewStubProc.SetChild( pRet );
if ( fHasFlag ) { node_skl * pParamType;
FlagParam.SetChild( pParamType ); FlagParam.SetSymName( NOTIFY_FLAG_VAR_NAME ); NewStubProc.SetFirstMember( & FlagParam ); }
NewName.Set( pProc->GetSymName() ); NewName.Append( (fHasFlag ? NOTIFY_FLAG_SUFFIX : NOTIFY_SUFFIX ) ); NewStubProc.SetSymName( NewName );
NewStubProc.PrintType( PRT_PROC_PROTOTYPE_WITH_SEMI, pStream, NULL );
} }
void Out_PatchReference( CCB * pCCB, expr_node * pDest, expr_node * pSrc, BOOL fIncr ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Output a patch of a pointer to the source pointer.
pCCB - The cg cont. block. pDest - The destination expression pSrc - The source expression. fIncr - Should we increment the ptr ?
Return Value:
Both the expressions must be pointers. Cast the source expression to the destination. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
node_skl * pType = pDest->GetType(); NODE_T NT = pType->NodeKind(); expr_node * pCast; expr_node * pAss;
if( (NT == NODE_ID) || (NT == NODE_PARAM) || (NT == NODE_FIELD) ) { pType = pType->GetBasicType(); }
pCast = (expr_node *) new expr_cast( pType, pSrc ); if( fIncr ) pCast = (expr_node *) new expr_post_incr( pCast ); pAss = (expr_node *) new expr_assign( pDest, pCast ); pStream->NewLine();
pAss->Print( pStream ); pStream->Write(';');
void Out_Endif( CCB * pCCB ) { pCCB->GetStream()->NewLine(); pCCB->GetStream()->Write( '}' ); Out_IndentDec( pCCB ); }
void Out_If( CCB * pCCB, expr_node * pExpr ) { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( "if(" ); pExpr->Print( pStream ); pStream->Write( ')' ); Out_IndentInc( pCCB ); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( '{' ); } void Out_Else( CCB * pCCB ) { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( "else" ); Out_IndentInc( pCCB ); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( '{' ); } void Out_UniquePtrMarshall( CCB * pCCB, expr_node * pDestExpr, expr_node * pSrcExpr ) {
ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); expr_proc_call * pProc;
pProc = new expr_proc_call( MARSHALL_UNIQUE_PTR_RTN_NAME );
pProc->SetParam(new expr_param( pDestExpr )); pProc->SetParam(new expr_param( pSrcExpr ));
pProc->PrintCall( pStream, 0, 0 ); } void Out_IfUniquePtrInBuffer( CCB * pCCB, expr_node * pSrc ) //
// This appears to be a fossil. Ryszard 3/30/98.
// However, the routine above appears to be used.
expr_proc_call * pProc = new expr_proc_call( CHECK_UNIQUE_PTR_IN_BUFFER ); ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pSrc ) );
pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( "if(" ); pProc->Print( pStream ); pStream->Write( ')' ); Out_IndentInc( pCCB ); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( '{' ); }
void Out_Assign( CCB * pCCB, expr_node * pDest, expr_node * pSrc ) { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
pStream->NewLine(); pDest->Print( pStream ); pStream->Write( " = " ); pSrc->Print( pStream ); pStream->Write( ';' ); }
void Out_Memcopy( CCB * pCCB, expr_node * pDest, expr_node * pSource, expr_node * pLength ) { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); expr_proc_call * pCall = new expr_proc_call( "memcpy" );
pStream->NewLine(); pCall->SetParam( new expr_param( pDest ) ); pCall->SetParam( new expr_param( pSource ) ); pCall->SetParam( new expr_param( pLength ) ); pCall->PrintCall( pStream, 0, 0 );
} void Out_strlen( CCB * pCCB, expr_node * pDest, expr_node * pSource, unsigned short Size ) { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); PNAME pName = (Size == 1) ? "strlen" : "MIDL_wchar_strlen"; expr_proc_call * pCall = new expr_proc_call( pName ); expr_node * pExpr;
pStream->NewLine(); pCall->SetParam( new expr_param( pSource ) ); if( pDest ) pExpr = new expr_assign( pDest, pCall ); else pExpr = pCall;
pExpr->PrintCall( pStream, 0, 0 );
} void Out_For( CCB * pCCB, expr_node * pIndexExpr, expr_node * pInitialValue, expr_node * pFinalValue, expr_node * pIncrExpr ) {
ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); expr_node * pExpr;
pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( "for( " );
pExpr = new expr_assign( pIndexExpr, pInitialValue ); pExpr->Print( pStream ); pStream->Write( ';' );
pExpr = new expr_op_binary( OP_LESS, pIndexExpr, pFinalValue ); pExpr->Print( pStream ); pStream->Write( ';' );
pExpr = new expr_op_binary( OP_PLUS, pIndexExpr, pIncrExpr ); pExpr = new expr_assign( pIndexExpr, pExpr ); pExpr->Print( pStream ); pStream->Write( ')' ); pStream->IndentInc(); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( '{' ); }
void Out_EndFor( CCB * pCCB ) { pCCB->GetStream()->NewLine(); pCCB->GetStream()->Write( '}' ); Out_IndentDec( pCCB ); }
void Out_PlusEquals( CCB * pCCB, expr_node *pL, expr_node *pR ) { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
pStream->NewLine(); pL->Print( pStream ); pStream->Write( " += " ); pR->Print( pStream ); pStream->Write(';');
void Out_Comment( CCB * pCCB, char * pComment ) { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( "/* " ); pStream->Write( pComment ); pStream->Write( " */" );
void Out_RpcSSEnableAllocate( CCB * pCCB ) { expr_proc_call * pCall = new expr_proc_call( RPC_SS_ENABLE_ALLOCATE_RTN_NAME );
pCall->SetParam( new expr_param ( new expr_u_address ( new expr_variable( STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME ) ) ) );
pCCB->GetStream()->NewLine(); pCall->PrintCall( pCCB->GetStream(), 0, 0 ); }
void Out_RpcSSSetClientToOsf( CCB * pCCB ) { expr_proc_call * pCall = new expr_proc_call( RPC_SM_SET_CLIENT_TO_OSF_RTN_NAME );
pCall->SetParam( new expr_param ( new expr_u_address ( new expr_variable( STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME ) ) ) );
pCCB->GetStream()->NewLine(); pCall->PrintCall( pCCB->GetStream(), 0, 0 ); }
void Out_RpcSSDisableAllocate( CCB * pCCB ) { expr_proc_call * pCall = new expr_proc_call( RPC_SS_DISABLE_ALLOCATE_RTN_NAME );
pCall->SetParam( new expr_param ( new expr_u_address ( new expr_variable( STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME ) ) ) );
pCCB->GetStream()->NewLine(); pCall->PrintCall( pCCB->GetStream(), 0, 0 ); }
void Out_MemsetToZero( CCB * pCCB, expr_node * pDest, expr_node * pSize ) { expr_proc_call * pProc = new expr_proc_call( (PNAME) MIDL_MEMSET_RTN_NAME );
pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pDest ) ); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( new expr_constant(0L) ) ); pProc->SetParam( new expr_param( pSize ) );
pCCB->GetStream()->NewLine(); pProc->PrintCall( pCCB->GetStream(), 0, 0 ); }
void Out_CallAsProxyPrototypes( CCB * pCCB, ITERATOR& ListOfCallAsRoutines ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine generates the call_as function prototypes.
One for the proxy( with local param list ) One for the stub( with remote param list )
pCCB - a pointer to the code generation control block.
--*/ { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); node_proc * pProc;
while( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( ListOfCallAsRoutines, pProc ) ) { node_interface * pIntf = pProc->GetMyInterfaceNode();
// skip for non-object routines
if ( !pIntf->FInSummary( ATTR_OBJECT ) ) continue;
// keep these on the stack...
CSzBuffer NewName; node_call_as * pCallAs = (node_call_as *) pProc->GetAttribute( ATTR_CALL_AS ); node_proc NewProc( pCallAs->GetCallAsType() );
// local proxy routine with local param list
NewName.Set( pIntf->GetSymName() ); NewName.Append( "_" ); NewName.Append( pCallAs->GetCallAsName() ); NewName.Append( "_Proxy" );
NewProc.SetSymName( NewName );
NewProc.PrintType( PRT_PROC_PROTOTYPE_WITH_SEMI | PRT_THIS_POINTER | PRT_FORCE_CALL_CONV, pCCB->GetStream(), NULL , pIntf ); pStream->NewLine();
// local stub routine, with remote param list
node_proc NewStubProc( pProc ); NewName.Set( pIntf->GetSymName() ); NewName.Append( "_" ); NewName.Append( pCallAs->GetCallAsName() ); NewName.Append( "_Stub" );
NewStubProc.SetSymName( NewName );
pStream->NewLine(); NewStubProc.PrintType( PRT_PROC_PROTOTYPE_WITH_SEMI | PRT_THIS_POINTER | PRT_FORCE_CALL_CONV, pStream, NULL , pIntf ); pStream->NewLine();
} }
void CG_OBJECT_PROC::Out_ProxyFunctionPrototype(CCB *pCCB, PRTFLAGS F ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine generates a proxy function prototype.
pCCB - a pointer to the code generation control block.
--*/ { // keep these on the stack...
CSzBuffer NewName; node_proc * pProc = (node_proc *)GetType(); node_proc NewProc( pProc );
NewName.Set( pCCB->GetInterfaceName() ); NewName.Append( "_" ); NewName.Append( pProc->GetSymName() ); NewName.Append( "_Proxy" );
NewProc.SetSymName( NewName );
pCCB->GetStream()->NewLine(); NewProc.PrintType( PRT_PROC_PROTOTYPE | PRT_THIS_POINTER | F | PRT_FORCE_CALL_CONV, pCCB->GetStream(), NULL , pCCB->GetInterfaceCG()->GetType() );
void Out_IID(CCB *pCCB) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine generates an IID declaration for the current interface.
pCCB - a pointer to the code generation control block.
--*/ { ISTREAM *pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
pStream->NewLine(); if (pCommand->IsSwitchDefined(SWITCH_MKTYPLIB)) { node_guid * pGuid = (node_guid *) ((node_interface *)pCCB->GetInterfaceCG()->GetType())->GetAttribute(ATTR_GUID); if (pGuid) Out_MKTYPLIB_Guid(pCCB, pGuid->GetStrs(), "IID_", pCCB->GetInterfaceName()); } else { pStream->Write("EXTERN_C const IID IID_"); pStream->Write(pCCB->GetInterfaceName()); pStream->Write(';'); pStream->NewLine(); } }
void Out_CLSID(CCB *pCCB) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine generates an CLSID declaration for the current com class.
pCCB - a pointer to the code generation control block.
--*/ { ISTREAM *pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write("EXTERN_C const CLSID CLSID_"); pStream->Write(pCCB->GetInterfaceName()); pStream->Write(';'); pStream->NewLine(); }
void CG_OBJECT_PROC::Out_StubFunctionPrototype(CCB *pCCB) { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); CSzBuffer TempBuffer;
TempBuffer.Set( "void __RPC_STUB " ); TempBuffer.Append( pCCB->GetInterfaceName() ); TempBuffer.Append( "_" ); TempBuffer.Append( GetType()->GetSymName() ); TempBuffer.Append( "_Stub(" );
pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( TempBuffer ); pStream->IndentInc(); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write("IRpcStubBuffer *This,"); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write("IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer,"); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write("PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage,"); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write("DWORD *_pdwStubPhase)"); pStream->IndentDec(); }
void CG_OBJECT_PROC::Out_ServerStubProlog( CCB * pCCB, ITERATOR& LocalsList, ITERATOR& TransientList ) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Generate the server side procedure prolog.
pCCB - A pointer to the code generation controller block. LocalsList - A list of local resources. TransientList- A list of temp variables.
Return Value:
The server side procedure prolog generation cannot use the normal printtype method on the procedure node, since the server stub signature looks different.
Also the name of the server side stub is mangled with the interface name.
All server side procs are void returns.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); RESOURCE* pRes;
// Write out the opening brace for the server proc and all that.
pStream->NewLine(); pStream->Write( '{' ); pStream->IndentInc(); pStream->NewLine();
// This is where we get off for /Oi. We have a special routine
// for local variable declaration for /Oi.
if ( pCCB->GetOptimOption() & OPTIMIZE_INTERPRETER ) return;
// Print out declarations for the locals.
if( ITERATOR_GETCOUNT( LocalsList ) ) { ITERATOR_INIT( LocalsList );
while( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( LocalsList, pRes ) ) { pRes->GetType()->PrintType( PRT_ID_DECLARATION, // print decl
pStream, // into stream
(node_skl *)0 // no parent.
); } }
if( ITERATOR_GETCOUNT( TransientList ) ) { ITERATOR_INIT( TransientList );
while( ITERATOR_GETNEXT( TransientList, pRes ) ) { pStream->IndentInc(); pRes->GetType()->PrintType( PRT_ID_DECLARATION, // print decl
pStream, // into stream
(node_skl *)0 // no parent.
); pStream->IndentDec(); } }
pStream->IndentDec(); pStream->NewLine();
// Done.
void Out_CallMemberFunction( CCB * pCCB, expr_proc_call * pProcExpr, expr_node * pRet, BOOL fThunk) /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Routine Description:
Generate a call to the manager routine.
pCCB - A pointer to the code generation controller block. pProcExpr - A pointer to the complete procedure expression. pRet - An optional pointer to ther return variable. fThunk - flag for "this call is in a thunk with a param struct"
Return Value:
//call server
_RetVal = (((IClassFactory *) ((CStdStubBuffer*)This)->pvServerObject)->lpVtbl) -> LockServer((IClassFactory *) ((CStdStubBuffer *)This)->pvServerObject,fLock);
----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { expr_node * pAss = pProcExpr; expr_node * pExpr; CSzBuffer Buffer; ISTREAM * pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); char * pTemp;
if ( fThunk ) { // ((IFoo*) ((CStdStubBuffer*)pParamStruct->This)->lpVtbl)->Bar();
Buffer.Set( "((" ); Buffer.Append( pCCB->GetInterfaceName() ); Buffer.Append( "*) ((CStdStubBuffer*)pParamStruct->This)->lpVtbl)" ); } else { // (((IFoo*) ((CStdStubBuffer *)This)->pvServerObject)->lpVtbl)->Bar();
Buffer.Set( "(((" ); Buffer.Append( pCCB->GetInterfaceName() ); Buffer.Append( "*) ((CStdStubBuffer *)This)->pvServerObject)->lpVtbl)" ); }
pTemp = new char [ strlen( Buffer ) + 1 ]; strcpy( pTemp, Buffer );
pExpr = new expr_variable( pTemp );//this has the rhs expr for the
// manager epv call. Sneaky !
pExpr = new expr_pointsto( pExpr, pProcExpr ); pAss = pExpr; if( pRet ) { pAss = new expr_assign( pRet, pExpr ); }
pAss->PrintCall( pStream, 0, 0 );
void OutputNdrAlignment( CCB * pCCB, unsigned short Alignment ) { ISTREAM * pStream; unsigned long Align = Alignment - 1; CSzBuffer Buffer;
pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
Buffer.Set( STUB_MSG_BUFFER_VAR_NAME ); Buffer.Append( " = (unsigned char *)(((" ); Buffer.Append( (pCommand->Is64BitEnv() ? "__int64" : "long" )); Buffer.Append( ")" STUB_MSG_BUFFER_VAR_NAME " + " ); Buffer.Append( Align ); char sz[100]; sprintf( sz, ") & ~ %#x);", Align); Buffer.Append( sz );
pStream->Write( Buffer ); pStream->NewLine(); }
CG_NDR * GetFirstMulti( CG_NDR * pNdr ) { // Skip pointers leading to a multi-dimensional object.
while ( pNdr->GetCGID() == ID_CG_GENERIC_HDL || pNdr->GetCGID() == ID_CG_PTR ) { pNdr = (CG_NDR *) pNdr->GetChild(); }
return pNdr; }
void Out_MultiDimVars( CCB * pCCB, CG_PARAM * pParam ) /*
Output local resources related to multi-dimensional conf or varying arrays. Note that the parameter may be a pointer to multidimensional object. */ { ISTREAM * pStream; CG_NDR * pNdr; char * pParamName; long dim; CSzBuffer Buffer;
pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
pParamName = pParam->GetType()->GetSymName();
pNdr = (CG_NDR *) pParam->GetChild();
pNdr = GetFirstMulti( pNdr );
if ( pNdr->IsArray() ) dim = ((CG_ARRAY *)pNdr)->GetDimensions(); else // pNdr->IsPointer()
dim = ((CG_POINTER *)pNdr)->SizedDimensions();
Buffer.Set( "unsigned long _maxcount_" ); Buffer.Append( pParamName ); Buffer.Append( "[" ); Buffer.Append( dim ); Buffer.Append( "]" );
pStream->Write( Buffer ); pStream->Write( ";" ); pStream->NewLine( 2 );
Buffer.Set( "unsigned long _offset_" ); Buffer.Append( pParamName ); Buffer.Append( "[" ); Buffer.Append( dim ); Buffer.Append( "]" ); pStream->Write( Buffer ); pStream->Write( ';' ); pStream->NewLine();
Buffer.Set( "unsigned long _length_" ); Buffer.Append( pParamName ); Buffer.Append( "[" ); Buffer.Append( dim ); Buffer.Append( "]" ); pStream->Write( Buffer ); pStream->Write( ';' ); pStream->NewLine(); }
void Out_MultiDimVarsInit( CCB * pCCB, CG_PARAM * pParam ) /*
Output local resources related to multi-dimensional conf or varying arrays. Note that the parameter may be a pointer to multidimensional object. */ { ISTREAM * pStream; CG_NDR * pNdr; char * pParamName; long i, dim; CSzBuffer Buffer;
pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
pParamName = pParam->GetType()->GetSymName();
pNdr = (CG_NDR *) pParam->GetChild(); pNdr = GetFirstMulti( pNdr );
if ( pNdr->IsArray() ) dim = ((CG_ARRAY *)pNdr)->GetDimensions(); else // pNdr->IsPointer()
dim = ((CG_POINTER *)pNdr)->SizedDimensions();
// Max count var.
if ( (pNdr->GetCGID() == ID_CG_CONF_ARRAY) || (pNdr->GetCGID() == ID_CG_CONF_VAR_ARRAY) || (pNdr->GetCGID() == ID_CG_SIZE_PTR) || (pNdr->GetCGID() == ID_CG_SIZE_LENGTH_PTR) ) */ { expr_node * pSizeIsExpr = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < dim; pNdr = (CG_NDR *) pNdr->GetChild(), i++ ) { Buffer.Set( "_maxcount_" ); Buffer.Append( pParamName ); Buffer.Append( "[" ); Buffer.Append( i ); Buffer.Append( "] = " );
pStream->Write( Buffer );
switch ( pNdr->GetCGID() ) { case ID_CG_CONF_ARRAY : case ID_CG_CONF_VAR_ARRAY : case ID_CG_CONF_STRING_ARRAY : case ID_CG_STRING_ARRAY : pSizeIsExpr = ((CG_ARRAY *)pNdr)->GetSizeIsExpr(); break; case ID_CG_SIZE_PTR : pSizeIsExpr = ((CG_SIZE_POINTER *)pNdr)->GetSizeIsExpr(); break; case ID_CG_SIZE_LENGTH_PTR : pSizeIsExpr = ((CG_SIZE_LENGTH_POINTER *)pNdr)->GetSizeIsExpr(); break; case ID_CG_SIZE_STRING_PTR : pSizeIsExpr = ((CG_SIZE_STRING_POINTER *)pNdr)->GetSizeIsExpr(); break; }
if ( pSizeIsExpr ) pSizeIsExpr->Print( pStream ); else pStream->Write( '0' );
pStream->Write( ';' ); pStream->NewLine(); } }
pNdr = (CG_NDR *) pParam->GetChild(); pNdr = GetFirstMulti( pNdr );
// Offset and Length vars.
if ( (pNdr->GetCGID() == ID_CG_VAR_ARRAY) || (pNdr->GetCGID() == ID_CG_CONF_VAR_ARRAY) || (pNdr->GetCGID() == ID_CG_SIZE_LENGTH_PTR) ) */ { expr_node * pFirstIsExpr = 0; expr_node * pLengthIsExpr = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < dim; pNdr = (CG_NDR *) pNdr->GetChild(), i++ ) { Buffer.Set( "_offset_" ); Buffer.Append( pParamName ); Buffer.Append( "[" ); Buffer.Append( i ); Buffer.Append( "] = " );
pStream->Write( Buffer );
switch ( pNdr->GetCGID() ) { case ID_CG_VAR_ARRAY : pFirstIsExpr = ((CG_VARYING_ARRAY *)pNdr)-> GetFirstIsExpr(); break; case ID_CG_CONF_VAR_ARRAY : pFirstIsExpr = ((CG_CONFORMANT_VARYING_ARRAY *)pNdr)-> GetFirstIsExpr(); break; case ID_CG_CONF_STRING_ARRAY : case ID_CG_STRING_ARRAY : pFirstIsExpr = 0; break; case ID_CG_SIZE_LENGTH_PTR : pFirstIsExpr = ((CG_SIZE_LENGTH_POINTER *)pNdr)-> GetFirstIsExpr(); break; }
if ( pFirstIsExpr ) pFirstIsExpr->Print( pStream ); else pStream->Write( '0' );
pStream->Write( ';' ); pStream->NewLine(); }
pNdr = (CG_NDR *) pParam->GetChild(); pNdr = GetFirstMulti( pNdr );
for ( i = 0; i < dim; pNdr = (CG_NDR *) pNdr->GetChild(), i++ ) { Buffer.Set( "_length_" ); Buffer.Append( pParamName ); Buffer.Append( "[" ); Buffer.Append( i ); Buffer.Append( "] = " );
pStream->Write( Buffer );
switch ( pNdr->GetCGID() ) { case ID_CG_VAR_ARRAY : pLengthIsExpr = ((CG_VARYING_ARRAY *)pNdr)-> GetLengthIsExpr(); break; case ID_CG_CONF_VAR_ARRAY : pLengthIsExpr = ((CG_CONFORMANT_VARYING_ARRAY *)pNdr)-> GetLengthIsExpr(); break; case ID_CG_CONF_STRING_ARRAY : case ID_CG_STRING_ARRAY : pLengthIsExpr = 0; break; case ID_CG_SIZE_LENGTH_PTR : pLengthIsExpr = ((CG_SIZE_LENGTH_POINTER *)pNdr)-> GetLengthIsExpr(); break; }
if ( pLengthIsExpr ) pLengthIsExpr->Print( pStream ); else pStream->Write( '0' );
pStream->Write( ';' ); pStream->NewLine(); } } }
void Out_CheckUnMarshallPastBufferEnd( CCB * pCCB, ulong size ) { /*
This method will be called only within the try-except of unmarshalling on the server side.
Generate an expression of the form: if( (StubMessage.pBuffer + size) > StubMessage.BufferEnd ) RpcRaiseException( RPC_X_BAD_STUB_DATA ); */
expr_node * pBufferExpr = new expr_variable( STUB_MSG_BUFFER_VAR_NAME , 0);
if ( 0 != size ) { pBufferExpr = new expr_op_binary( OP_PLUS, pBufferExpr, new expr_constant( size ) ); }
expr_node * pBufferEndExpr = new expr_variable( STUB_MSG_BUFFER_END_VAR_NAME, 0); expr_node * pExpr = new expr_relational( OP_GREATER, pBufferExpr, pBufferEndExpr );
Out_If( pCCB, pExpr ); Out_RaiseException( pCCB, "RPC_X_BAD_STUB_DATA" ); Out_Endif( pCCB ); }
void Out_TypePicklingInfo( CCB * pCCB ) { ISTREAM * pStream; MIDL_TYPE_PICKLING_FLAGS Flags; unsigned long &intFlags = * (unsigned long *) &Flags; static const char *pFlagNames[] = { "Oicf " ,"NewCorrDesc " }; pStream = pCCB->GetStream();
if ( pCommand->NeedsNDR64Run() ) { pStream->WriteOnNewLine( "extern unsigned long * TypePicklingOffsetTable[]; " ); pStream->NewLine(); }
pStream->WriteOnNewLine("static " MIDL_TYPE_PICKLING_INFO_NAME " " PICKLING_INFO_STRUCT_NAME " ="); pStream->IndentInc(); pStream->WriteOnNewLine( "{" ); pStream->NewLine(); pStream->WriteNumber( "0x%x, /* Signature & version: TP 1 */", 0x33205054 );
intFlags = 0;
MIDL_ASSERT( pCCB->GetOptimOption() & OPTIMIZE_INTERPRETER_V2 ); Flags.Oicf = 1;
if ( pCommand->IsSwitchDefined( SWITCH_ROBUST ) ) Flags.HasNewCorrDesc = 1;
pStream->NewLine(); pStream->WriteNumber( "0x%x,", intFlags ); if ( 0 != intFlags ) { pStream->Write( " /* Flags: " ); for ( int i = 0; i < sizeof(pFlagNames)/sizeof(char*); i++ ) { if ( intFlags & ( 1 << i ) ) pStream->Write( pFlagNames[i] ); } pStream->Write( "*/" ); } pStream->WriteOnNewLine( "0," ); pStream->WriteOnNewLine( "0," ); pStream->WriteOnNewLine( "0," );
pStream->WriteOnNewLine( "};" ); pStream->IndentDec();
pStream->NewLine(); }
void Out_PartialIgnoreClientBufferSize( CCB *pCCB, char *pParamName );
void Out_PartialIgnoreClientMarshall( CCB *pCCB, char *pParamName ) { ISTREAM *pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); unsigned short Spaces = sizeof("NdrPartialIgnoreClientMarshall( ")-1;
pStream->WriteOnNewLine( "NdrPartialIgnoreClientMarshall( (PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE) &" STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME "," ); pStream->NewLine();
pStream->Spaces( Spaces ); pStream->Write( pParamName ); pStream->Write( " ); " ); pStream->NewLine();
void Out_PartialIgnoreServerUnmarshall( CCB *pCCB, char *pParamName ) { ISTREAM *pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); unsigned short Spaces = sizeof("NdrPartialIgnoreServerUnmarshall( ")-1;
pStream->WriteOnNewLine( "NdrPartialIgnoreServerUnmarshall( (PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE) &" STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME ", " ); pStream->NewLine();
pStream->Spaces( Spaces ); pStream->Write( "&" ); pStream->Write( pParamName ); pStream->Write( " ); " ); pStream->NewLine(); }
void Out_PartialIgnoreClientBufferSize( CCB *pCCB, char *pParamName ) { ISTREAM *pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); unsigned short Spaces = sizeof("NdrPartialIgnoreClientBufferSize( ")-1;
pStream->WriteOnNewLine( "NdrPartialIgnoreClientBufferSize( (PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE) &" STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME ", " ); pStream->NewLine();
pStream->Spaces( Spaces ); pStream->Write( pParamName ); pStream->Write( " ); " ); pStream->NewLine();
void Out_PartialIgnoreServerInitialize( CCB *pCCB, char *pParamName, long FormatStringOffset ) {
ISTREAM *pStream = pCCB->GetStream(); char Buffer[256]; unsigned short Spaces = sizeof("NdrPartialIgnoreServerInitialize( ")-1;
pStream->WriteOnNewLine( "NdrPartialIgnoreServerInitialize( (PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE) &" STUB_MESSAGE_VAR_NAME ", " ); pStream->NewLine();
pStream->Spaces( Spaces ); pStream->Write( "&" ); pStream->Write( pParamName ); pStream->Write( ", " ); pStream->NewLine();
pStream->Spaces( Spaces ); sprintf( Buffer, "(PFORMAT_STRING) &" FORMAT_STRING_STRUCT_NAME ".Format[%d] );", FormatStringOffset ); pStream->Write( Buffer ); pStream->NewLine();