// Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Module:
// volcano/dll/BoxApi.c
// Description:
// Implement external Box input API for DLL.
// Author:
// hrowley
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "volcanop.h"
#include "zillap.h"
#include "fugu.h"
#if defined(USE_HOUND) || defined(USE_ZILLAHOUND)
# include "math16.h"
# include "hound.h"
#include "tpgHandle.h"
// Sanity check limits on guide structures.
#define GUIDE_MIN_COORD ((INT)0xC0000000)
#define GUIDE_MAX_BOXES (32 * 1024)
#define GUIDE_MIN_SIZE 8
#define GUIDE_MAX_SIZE (256 * 1024)
// iUseCount tells if we have successfully loaded and is incremented to 1 when that happens.
static int g_iUseCount = 0;
// COM code for IFELang3
# include <windows.h>
# include <ole2.h>
# include <objbase.h>
// Make sure the GUIDs defined in imlang.h actually get instantiated
# define INITGUID
# include "imlang.h"
// g_hInstanceDll is refered to to load resources.
HINSTANCE g_hInstanceDll;
// g_hInstanceDllCode is refered to to find the code DLL..
HINSTANCE g_hInstanceDllCode;
// Global data loaded by LoadCharRec.
LOCRUN_INFO g_locRunInfo;
// What language the recognizer is recognizing
wchar_t *g_szRecognizerLanguage=NULL;
//#define DEBUG_LOG_API
#include <stdio.h>
static void LogMessage(char *format, ...) { FILE *f=fopen("c:/log.txt","a"); va_list marker; va_start(marker,format); vfprintf(f,format,marker); va_end(marker); fclose(f); } #else
static void LogMessage(char *format, ...) { va_list marker; va_start(marker,format); va_end(marker); } #endif
// Forward declaration for function to unload the recognizer
// Unload the recognizer. The flag indicates whether we should try to unload IFELang3
// as well. This flag should usually be TRUE, but must be FALSE during a call from DllMain(),
// because it is not safe to do COM operations inside DllMain().
BOOL HwxUnconfig(BOOL fCanUnloadIFELang3);
static CRITICAL_SECTION g_csRecognizer = {0}; static BOOL g_bInitializedRecognizerCS = FALSE;
// Capture the dll handle, also handle unloading.
BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HANDLE hDll, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved) { if (dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) { // If we are using resources and they are in another DLL, we need to load that DLL.
# if defined(USE_RESOURCES)
wchar_t aFileName[_MAX_PATH]; int length;
// Build up name of data DLL from the name of this DLL. We replace .DLL with R.DLL.
length = GetModuleFileName(hDll, aFileName, _MAX_PATH); if (length < 5 || _MAX_PATH - 1 < length) { ASSERT(length >= 5); return FALSE; } wcscpy(aFileName + length - 4, L"R.DLL");
// Load the data library.
g_hInstanceDll = LoadLibraryEx(aFileName, NULL, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE); ASSERT(g_hInstanceDll);
// If we can't find our resources, just give up. Nothing will work.
if (!g_hInstanceDll) { return FALSE; }
if (!InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount(&g_csRecognizer, 4000)) { return FALSE; } else { g_bInitializedRecognizerCS = TRUE; } # else
g_hInstanceDll = hDll; # endif
// init the handle manager
if (FALSE == initTpgHandleManager()) { return FALSE; }
// Always let the Wisp code know where the code DLL is.
g_hInstanceDllCode = hDll; } else if (dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH) { BOOL fRet;
// If we haven't cleaned up.
// In the future, we should force g_iUseCount to be zero, to make
// sure the client has cleaned us up properly. Until everyone is
// using the WISP API we cannot enforce this, because the old API
// has no "clean up" call.
// ASSERT(g_iUseCount == 0);
if (g_iUseCount > 0) { // Set the use count to 1 to force a cleanup
g_iUseCount = 1; // Clean up, but don't do COM calls to discard IFELang3,
// because we can't make COM calls inside DllMain.
fRet = HwxUnconfig(FALSE); } else { // If we have already cleaned up, return
fRet = TRUE; }
# if defined(USE_RESOURCES)
if (!FreeLibrary(g_hInstanceDll)) { fRet = FALSE; } if (g_bInitializedRecognizerCS) { DeleteCriticalSection(&g_csRecognizer); g_bInitializedRecognizerCS = FALSE; } # endif
// close the handle manager
return fRet; }
return TRUE; }
// HwxConfig
// Initialize the recognizer when it loads.
#include "res.h"
BOOL HwxConfig() { const ZILLADB_HEADER *pHeader;
if (g_iUseCount > 0) { goto exitSuccess; }
// Load the Locale database.
if (!LocRunLoadRes( &g_locRunInfo, g_hInstanceDll, RESID_LOCRUN, VOLCANO_RES )) { ASSERT(("Error in LocRunLoadRes", FALSE)); goto exitFailure; }
// Load the recognizer databases.
if (!LoadCharRec(g_hInstanceDll)) { ASSERT(("Error in LoadCharRec", FALSE)); goto exitFailure; }
pHeader = (ZILLADB_HEADER*)DoLoadResource(NULL, g_hInstanceDll, RESID_ZILLA, VOLCANO_RES); if (pHeader == NULL) { ASSERT(("Couldn't load zilla database", FALSE)); goto exitFailure; } g_szRecognizerLanguage = ExternAlloc(sizeof(wchar_t) * (wcslen(pHeader->locale) + 1)); if (g_szRecognizerLanguage == NULL) { ASSERT(("Couldn't generate recognizer language string", FALSE)); goto exitFailure; } wcscpy(g_szRecognizerLanguage, pHeader->locale);
// Configure the factoid table
if (!FactoidTableConfig(&g_locRunInfo, g_szRecognizerLanguage)) { goto exitFailure; }
// Configure the lattice code.
if (!LatticeConfig(g_hInstanceDll)) { ASSERT(("Error in LatticeConfig", FALSE)); goto exitFailure; }
exitSuccess: g_iUseCount++; LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csRecognizer); return TRUE;
exitFailure: LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csRecognizer); return FALSE; }
// Unload the recognizer. The flag indicates whether we should try to unload IFELang3
// as well. This flag should usually be TRUE, but must be FALSE during a call from DllMain(),
// because it is not safe to do COM operations inside DllMain().
BOOL HwxUnconfig(BOOL fCanUnloadIFELang3) { BOOL ok = TRUE;
if (g_iUseCount == 0) { ASSERT(("HwxUnconfig() called more times that HwxConfig()\n", 0)); LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csRecognizer); return FALSE; } g_iUseCount--; if (g_iUseCount == 0) { if (g_szRecognizerLanguage != NULL) { ExternFree(g_szRecognizerLanguage); } if (!UnloadCharRec()) ok = FALSE; if (!LatticeUnconfig()) ok = FALSE; #ifdef USE_IFELANG3
if (fCanUnloadIFELang3 && !LatticeUnconfigIFELang3()) ok = FALSE; #endif
FactoidTableUnconfig(); } LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csRecognizer); return ok; }
# else
BOOL HwxConfigEx(wchar_t *pLocale, wchar_t *pLocaleDir, wchar_t *pRecogDir) { LogMessage("HwxConfigEx()\n");
if (g_iUseCount > 0) { g_iUseCount++; return(TRUE); }
g_szRecognizerLanguage = ExternAlloc(sizeof(wchar_t) * (wcslen(pLocale) + 1)); if (g_szRecognizerLanguage==NULL) { ASSERT(("Out of memory copying recognizer language", FALSE)); return FALSE; } wcscpy(g_szRecognizerLanguage, pLocale);
// Load the Locale database.
if (!LocRunLoadFile(&g_locRunInfo, pRecogDir)) { ASSERT(("Error in LocRunLoadFile", FALSE)); return FALSE; }
// Configure the factoid table
if (!FactoidTableConfig(&g_locRunInfo, g_szRecognizerLanguage)) { return FALSE; }
// Load the recognizer databases.
// They are loaded in this order: otter, zilla, crane/prob or hawk,
if (!LoadCharRec(pRecogDir)) { ASSERT(("Error in LoadCharRec", FALSE)); return FALSE; }
// Configure the lattice code.
// Loads the following databases: unigrams, bigrams, class bigrams, tuning, centipede, free input
if (!LatticeConfigFile(pRecogDir)) { ASSERT(("Error in LatticeConfig", FALSE)); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
// Initialize the recognizer partially.
// When iLevel is set to 0, only the locale database, tuning database,
// otter and zilla (and other core recognizers) are loaded.
// When iLevel is set to 1, all the above databases are loaded, as well as
// unigrams and crane/hawk.
BOOL HwxConfigExPartial(wchar_t *pLocale, wchar_t *pRecogDir, int iLevel) { extern OTTER_LOAD_INFO g_OtterLoadInfo; extern FUGU_LOAD_INFO g_FuguLoadInfo; extern JAWS_LOAD_INFO g_JawsLoadInfo; extern SOLE_LOAD_INFO g_SoleLoadInfo; #if defined(USE_HOUND) || defined(USE_ZILLAHOUND)
extern LOAD_INFO g_HoundLoadInfo; #endif
extern CRANE_LOAD_INFO g_CraneLoadInfo; #else
extern LOAD_INFO g_HawkLoadInfo; #endif
if (g_iUseCount > 0) { g_iUseCount++; return(TRUE); }
g_szRecognizerLanguage = ExternAlloc(sizeof(wchar_t) * (wcslen(pLocale) + 1)); if (g_szRecognizerLanguage==NULL) { ASSERT(("Out of memory copying recognizer language", FALSE)); return FALSE; } wcscpy(g_szRecognizerLanguage, pLocale);
if (iLevel >= 0) { // Load the Locale database.
if (!LocRunLoadFile(&g_locRunInfo, pRecogDir)) { ASSERT(("Error in LocRunLoadFile", FALSE)); return FALSE; }
// Configure the factoid table
if (!FactoidTableConfig(&g_locRunInfo, g_szRecognizerLanguage)) { return FALSE; }
// Load the tuning info
if (!VTuneLoadFile(&g_vtuneInfo, pRecogDir)) { ASSERT(("Error in VTuneLoadFile", FALSE)); return FALSE; }
// Load the tuning info
if (!TTuneLoadFile(&g_ttuneInfo, pRecogDir)) { ASSERT(("Error in TTuneLoadFile", FALSE)); return FALSE; }
if (JawsLoadFile(&g_JawsLoadInfo, pRecogDir)) { // Load the Fugu database
if (!FuguLoadFile(&g_FuguLoadInfo, pRecogDir, &g_locRunInfo)) { ASSERT(("Error in FuguLoadFile", FALSE)); return FALSE; } // Load the Sole database
if (!SoleLoadFile(&g_SoleLoadInfo, pRecogDir, &g_locRunInfo)) { ASSERT(("Error in SoleLoadFile", FALSE)); return FALSE; } g_fUseJaws = TRUE; } else { // Load the Otter database
if (!OtterLoadFile(&g_locRunInfo, &g_OtterLoadInfo, pRecogDir)) { ASSERT(("Error in OtterLoadFile", FALSE)); return FALSE; } g_fUseJaws = FALSE; }
#if defined(USE_ZILLA) || defined(USE_ZILLAHOUND)
// Load the Zilla database
if (!ZillaLoadFile(&g_locRunInfo, pRecogDir, TRUE)) { ASSERT(("Error in ZillaLoadFile", FALSE)); return FALSE; } #endif
#if defined(USE_HOUND)
// Load the Hound database
if (!HoundLoadFile(&g_locRunInfo, &g_HoundLoadInfo, pRecogDir)) { ASSERT(("Error in HoundLoadFile", FALSE)); return FALSE; } #endif
g_fUseZillaHound = FALSE; #if defined(USE_ZILLAHOUND)
// Load the Hound & Hound-Zilla databases (This is optional).
if (HoundLoadFile(&g_locRunInfo, &g_HoundLoadInfo, pRecogDir)) { if (ZillaHoundLoadFile(pRecogDir)) { g_fUseZillaHound = TRUE; } else { HoundUnLoadFile(&g_HoundLoadInfo); } } #endif
if (iLevel >= 1) { // Load unigrams
if (!UnigramLoadFile(&g_locRunInfo, &g_unigramInfo, pRecogDir)) { ASSERT(("Error in UnigramLoadFile", FALSE)); return FALSE; }
// Load the Hawk database.
if (!HawkLoadFile(&g_locRunInfo, &g_HawkLoadInfo, pRecogDir)) { ASSERT(("Error in HawkLoadFile", FALSE)); return FALSE; } #else
// Load Crane
if (!CraneLoadFile(&g_locRunInfo,&g_CraneLoadInfo, pRecogDir)) { ASSERT(("Error in CraneLoadFile", FALSE)); return FALSE; } #endif
return TRUE; }
// Unload the recognizer. The flag indicates whether we should try to unload IFELang3
// as well. This flag should usually be TRUE, but must be FALSE during a call from DllMain(),
// because it is not safe to do COM operations inside DllMain().
BOOL HwxUnconfig(BOOL fCanUnloadIFELang3) { BOOL ok = TRUE; if (g_iUseCount == 0) { ASSERT(("HwxUnconfig() called more times that HwxConfig()\n", 0)); return FALSE; } g_iUseCount--; if (g_iUseCount > 0) return TRUE; if (g_szRecognizerLanguage != NULL) { ExternFree(g_szRecognizerLanguage); } if (!LocRunUnloadFile(&g_locRunInfo)) ok = FALSE; if (!UnloadCharRec()) ok = FALSE; if (!LatticeUnconfigFile()) ok = FALSE; #ifdef USE_IFELANG3
if (fCanUnloadIFELang3 && !LatticeUnconfigIFELang3()) ok = FALSE; #endif
FactoidTableUnconfig(); return ok; }
# endif
// HwxCreate
// Create an HRC.
HRC HwxCreate(HRC hrcTemplate) { VRC *pVRC;
// Alloc the VRC.
pVRC = ExternAlloc(sizeof(VRC)); if (!pVRC) { SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); goto error1; }
// Initialize it.
pVRC->fBoxedInput = TRUE; pVRC->fHaveInput = FALSE; pVRC->fEndInput = FALSE; pVRC->fBeginProcess = FALSE; pVRC->pLatticePath = (LATTICE_PATH *)0;
if (!hrcTemplate) { pVRC->pLattice = AllocateLattice(); if (!pVRC->pLattice) { SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); goto error2; } } else { VRC *pVRCTemplate = (VRC *)hrcTemplate;
if (!pVRCTemplate->pLattice || !pVRCTemplate->fBoxedInput) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); }
pVRC->pLattice = CreateCompatibleLattice( pVRCTemplate->pLattice ); if (!pVRC->pLattice) { SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); goto error2; } }
LogMessage("HwxCreate(%08X) -> %08X\n", hrcTemplate, pVRC); // Success, cast to HRC and return it.
return (HRC)pVRC;
error2: ExternFree(pVRC);
error1: return (HRC)0; }
// HwxDestroy
// Destroy an HRC.
BOOL HwxDestroy(HRC hrc) { VRC *pVRC = (VRC *)hrc;
// Did we get a handle? Is if a free input handle?
if (!hrc || !pVRC->fBoxedInput) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return FALSE; } // Free the lattice. Should it be an error if there is not one?
if (pVRC->pLattice) { FreeLattice(pVRC->pLattice); } else { ASSERT(pVRC->pLattice); }
// Free the lattice path.
if (pVRC->pLatticePath) { FreeLatticePath(pVRC->pLatticePath); }
// Free the VRC itself.
return TRUE; }
// HwxSetGuide
// Sets the guide structure to use.
BOOL HwxSetGuide(HRC hrc, HWXGUIDE *pGuide) { VRC *pVRC = (VRC *)hrc;
LogMessage("HwxSetGuide(%08X,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d)\n", hrc, pGuide->cHorzBox, pGuide->cVertBox, pGuide->xOrigin, pGuide->yOrigin, pGuide->cxBox, pGuide->cyBox, pGuide->cxOffset, pGuide->cyOffset, pGuide->cxWriting, pGuide->cyWriting, pGuide->cyMid, pGuide->cyBase, pGuide->nDir);
// Did we get a handle? Does it have a lattice?
if (!hrc || !pVRC->pLattice || !pVRC->fBoxedInput) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return FALSE; }
// Make sure that we haven't begun receiving input
if (pVRC->fHaveInput || pVRC->fEndInput) { SetLastError(ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE); return FALSE; }
// Validate the individual GUIDE values are not totally out of bounds.
if ((pGuide == (HWXGUIDE *)NULL) || (pGuide->cHorzBox < GUIDE_MIN_BOXES) || (GUIDE_MAX_BOXES < pGuide->cHorzBox) || (pGuide->cVertBox < GUIDE_MIN_BOXES) || (GUIDE_MAX_BOXES < pGuide->cVertBox) || (pGuide->xOrigin < GUIDE_MIN_COORD) || (GUIDE_MAX_COORD < pGuide->xOrigin) || (pGuide->yOrigin < GUIDE_MIN_COORD) || (GUIDE_MAX_COORD < pGuide->yOrigin) || (GUIDE_MAX_SIZE < pGuide->cxOffset) || (GUIDE_MAX_SIZE < pGuide->cyOffset) || (pGuide->cxBox < GUIDE_MIN_SIZE) || (GUIDE_MAX_SIZE < pGuide->cxBox) || (pGuide->cyBox < GUIDE_MIN_SIZE) || (GUIDE_MAX_SIZE < pGuide->cyBox) || (pGuide->cxWriting < GUIDE_MIN_SIZE) || (GUIDE_MAX_SIZE < pGuide->cxWriting) || (pGuide->cyWriting < GUIDE_MIN_SIZE) || (GUIDE_MAX_SIZE < pGuide->cyWriting) || (GUIDE_MAX_SIZE < pGuide->cyMid) || (GUIDE_MAX_SIZE < pGuide->cyBase) || (pGuide->nDir != HWX_HORIZONTAL) ) { SetLastError(ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE); return FALSE; }
// Now that we know the values make some sense, we can check for internal consistancy.
if ((((GUIDE_MAX_COORD - pGuide->xOrigin) / pGuide->cHorzBox) < pGuide->cxBox) || (((GUIDE_MAX_COORD - pGuide->yOrigin) / pGuide->cVertBox) < pGuide->cyBox) || ((pGuide->cxOffset + pGuide->cxWriting) > pGuide->cxBox) || ((pGuide->cyOffset + pGuide->cyWriting) > pGuide->cyBox) || // By spec. cyMid and cyBase should be zero, but old code still sets them,
// so we must allow plausable values.
// (pGuide->cyMid != 0 || pGuide->cyBase != 0)
(pGuide->cyMid > pGuide->cyBase || pGuide->cyBase > pGuide->cyWriting) ) { SetLastError(ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE); return FALSE; }
SetLatticeGuide(pVRC->pLattice, pGuide);
return TRUE; }
// HwxALCValid
// Tells what character sets to select.
BOOL HwxALCValid(HRC hrc, ALC alc) { VRC *pVRC = (VRC *)hrc;
// Check parameters.
if (!hrc || !pVRC->fBoxedInput || !pVRC->pLattice) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return FALSE; } if (pVRC->fHaveInput || pVRC->fEndInput || pVRC->pLatticePath) { SetLastError(ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE); return FALSE; }
// Pass the ALC on to the lattice.
SetLatticeALCValid(pVRC->pLattice, alc);
return TRUE; }
// HwxALCPriority
// Tells what character sets to move to the top of the alt list..
BOOL HwxALCPriority(HRC hrc, ALC alc) { VRC *pVRC = (VRC *)hrc;
// Check parameters.
if (!hrc || !pVRC->fBoxedInput || !pVRC->pLattice) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return FALSE; } if (pVRC->fHaveInput || pVRC->fEndInput || pVRC->pLatticePath) { SetLastError(ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE); return FALSE; }
// Pass the ALC on to the lattice.
SetLatticeALCPriority(pVRC->pLattice, alc);
return TRUE; }
// HwxProcess
// Process the ink and return the results.
BOOL HwxProcess(HRC hrc) { VRC *pVRC = (VRC *)hrc;
// Did we get a handle? Is it free input?
// Does it have a lattice?
// JBENN: Should it be an error if we have no strokes?
if (!hrc || !pVRC->fBoxedInput || !pVRC->pLattice) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return FALSE; }
// Do any processing we can.
if (!ProcessLattice(pVRC->pLattice, pVRC->fEndInput)) { return FALSE; }
// Do we have all the input? Also, make sure we are not in separator mode
if (pVRC->fEndInput && !pVRC->pLattice->fSepMode) { // Apply the language model.
#ifdef HWX_TUNE
// If we have tuning enabled, then never call IFELang3 directly.
if (g_pTuneFile == NULL) #endif
{ ApplyLanguageModel(pVRC->pLattice, NULL); } } #endif
// Free up any previous path
if (pVRC->pLatticePath != NULL) { FreeLatticePath(pVRC->pLatticePath); }
// Get path (which may be partial if we have not reached the end of input)
if (!GetCurrentPath(pVRC->pLattice,&pVRC->pLatticePath)) { SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
// HwxEndInput
// No more ink is coming (or can be added) once this is called.
BOOL HwxEndInput(HRC hrc) { VRC *pVRC = (VRC *)hrc;
// Did we get a handle? Is it free input?
// Does it have a lattice?
// JBENN: Should it be an error if we have no strokes?
if (!hrc || !pVRC->fBoxedInput || !pVRC->pLattice) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return FALSE; }
pVRC->fEndInput = TRUE;
return TRUE; }
// HwxInput
// Add Ink to the HRC.
BOOL HwxInput(HRC hrc, POINT *pPnt, UINT cPnt, DWORD dwTick) { VRC *pVRC = (VRC *)hrc;
int i; LogMessage("HwxInput(%08X,%d,%d)\n",hrc,cPnt,dwTick); for (i = 0; i < (int) cPnt; i++) LogMessage(" xy[%i]=%d,%d\n", i, pPnt[i].x, pPnt[i].y); #endif
// Did we get a handle? Does it have a lattice?
if (!hrc || !pVRC->fBoxedInput || !pVRC->pLattice) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return FALSE; } else if (pVRC->fEndInput) { SetLastError(ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE); return FALSE; } else if (!cPnt || pPnt==NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE); return FALSE; }
// Mark as having input.
pVRC->fHaveInput = TRUE;
// Add stroke to the lattice.
if (AddStrokeToLattice(pVRC->pLattice, cPnt, pPnt, dwTick) >= 0) { return TRUE; } else { // JRB: FIXME: Is this always the correct error code?
SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); return FALSE; } }
// HwxGetResults
// Returns the results from the recognizer.
int HwxGetResults( HRC hrc, // HRC containing results
UINT cAlt, // number of alternates
UINT iFirst, // index of first character to return
UINT cBoxRes, // number of characters to return
HWXRESULTS *rgBoxResults // array of cBoxRes ranked lists
) { UINT ii, jj; VRC *pVRC = (VRC *)hrc; LATTICE_PATH *pLP; UINT iBNFirst, iBNLast; HWXRESULTS *pResults; int sizeResults;
// Check parameters.
if (!hrc || !pVRC->fBoxedInput || !pVRC->pLattice) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); LogMessage(" invalid handle\n"); return -1; } else if (!rgBoxResults) { SetLastError(ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE); LogMessage(" bad rgBoxResults\n"); return -1; // } else if (!pVRC->fEndInput) {
// LogMessage(" not at end of input\n");
// return -1;
} else if (GetLatticeStrokeCount(pVRC->pLattice) < 1) { // No ink to process.
LogMessage(" no strokes\n"); return 0; } else if (!pVRC->pLatticePath) { SetLastError(ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE); LogMessage(" no path\n"); return -1; } else if (rgBoxResults == NULL || 0 == cAlt) { // Asked for nothing.
LogMessage(" no results requested\n"); return 0; }
// JBENN: WARNING: This code assumes that the lattice sorts
// the strokes by the box order, so that the box numbers are
// in acending order.
// Find the first box in the requested range.
pLP = pVRC->pLatticePath; for (iBNFirst = 0; iBNFirst < (UINT)pLP->nChars; ++iBNFirst) { ASSERT(iBNFirst == 0 || pLP->pElem[iBNFirst - 1].iBoxNum < pLP->pElem[iBNFirst].iBoxNum); if ((UINT)pLP->pElem[iBNFirst].iBoxNum >= iFirst) { break; } } if (iBNFirst >= (UINT)pLP->nChars) { // Nothing found.
LogMessage(" not enough results %d vs %d\n",iBNFirst,pLP->nChars); return 0; }
// Compute last box.
iBNLast = iBNFirst + cBoxRes; if (iBNLast > (UINT)pLP->nChars) { iBNLast = (UINT)pLP->nChars; }
// Copy out the results.
pResults = rgBoxResults; sizeResults = sizeof(HWXRESULTS) + (cAlt - 1) * sizeof(pResults->rgChar[0]); for (ii = iBNFirst; ii < iBNLast; ++ii) { UINT cAltUsed; wchar_t oldTemp, newTemp;
// Retyrn what box was this in.
pResults->indxBox = (short)pLP->pElem[ii].iBoxNum;
// Get the alternates.
cAltUsed = GetAlternatesForCharacterInCurrentPath( pVRC->pLattice, pVRC->pLatticePath, ii, cAlt, pResults->rgChar );
// Move top choice to top of list, if it is not already there.
// We slide everything above it down.
oldTemp = pLP->pElem[ii].wChar; for (jj = 0; jj < cAltUsed; ++jj) { newTemp = pResults->rgChar[jj]; pResults->rgChar[jj] = oldTemp; if (newTemp == pLP->pElem[ii].wChar) { break; } oldTemp = newTemp; }
// Zero any unused slots.
for (jj = cAltUsed; jj < cAlt; ++jj) { pResults->rgChar[jj] = L'\0'; } #if 0
{ /*
FILE *f=_wfopen(L"c:/box-results.utf",L"ab"); if (ftell(f)==0) fwprintf(f,L"%c",0xfeff); for (jj=0; jj<cAltUsed; jj++) fwprintf(f,L"%c U+%04X ",pResults->rgChar[jj],pResults->rgChar[jj]); fwprintf(f,L"\r\n"); fclose(f); */ FILE *f=fopen("c:/box-results.utf","a"); for (jj=0; jj<cAltUsed; jj++) fprintf(f,"U+%04X ",pResults->rgChar[jj]); fprintf(f,"\n"); fclose(f); } #endif
for (jj=0; jj<cAlt; jj++) { LogMessage(" Box %d alt %d wch U+%04X\n",ii,jj,pResults->rgChar[jj]); }
// Sequence to next results structure.
pResults = (HWXRESULTS *)(((BYTE *)pResults) + sizeResults);
// Return the number of character positions filled in.
return iBNLast - iBNFirst; }
// HwxSetContext
// Handwriting recognition performance can be improved if the recognizer has context
// information available during processing. Context information is added to an HRC
// via the HwxSetContext function which provides one character of prior context for
// the recognizer. This function should be called prior to using the HwxProcess
// function.
// Remarks
// If this function is not called, the recognizer will assume that no prior context
// is available. Performance of the recognizer is improved if context can be
// provided. Currently this function improves performance only for the first
// character in the HRC. If the HRC contains ink for multiple characters,
// the recognition process itself will provide context information for characters
// after the first character, but no context information is available for the first
// character in the HRC unless it is provided via the HwxSetContext function.
// This is especially important for situations where ink are recognized one
// character at a time.
BOOL HwxSetContext(HRC hrc, WCHAR wchContext) { VRC *pVRC = (VRC *)hrc; wchar_t wszBefore[2];
// Check parameters.
if (!hrc || !pVRC->fBoxedInput || !pVRC->pLattice) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return FALSE; } if (pVRC->fHaveInput || pVRC->fEndInput || pVRC->pLatticePath) { SetLastError(ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE); return FALSE; }
wszBefore[0] = wchContext; wszBefore[1] = 0; return SetHwxCorrectionContext(hrc, wszBefore, NULL); }
// HwxResultsAvailable
// FIXME: Make this work for partial results!
// Warnings: This assumes the writer can't go back and touch up previous
// characters.
// Returns the number of characters that can be gotten and displayed safely
// because the viterbi search has folded to one path at this point.
// Return the number of characters available in the
// path that are ready to get. This API looks at the viterbi search and
// any characters far enough back in the input that all the paths merge
// to 1 are done and can be displayed because nothing further out in the
// input will change the best path back once it's merged to a single path.
INT HwxResultsAvailable(HRC hrc) { VRC *pVRC = (VRC *)hrc;
// Check parameters.
if (!hrc || !pVRC->fBoxedInput || !pVRC->pLattice) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return -1; // } else if (!pVRC->fEndInput) {
// return -1;
} else if (GetLatticeStrokeCount(pVRC->pLattice) < 1) { // No ink to process.
return 0; }
// Currently, can't actually do partial results, so if we have
// not finished processing, we return zero!
if (!pVRC->pLatticePath) { return 0; }
// OK, we have results, so return the number available.
LogMessage(" %d results\n",pVRC->pLatticePath->nChars); return pVRC->pLatticePath->nChars; }
// HwxSetPartial
// Set parameters for recognition
BOOL HwxSetPartial(HRC hrc, UINT partialMode) { VRC *pVRC = (VRC *)hrc;
// Check parameters.
if (!hrc || !pVRC->fBoxedInput || !pVRC->pLattice) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return FALSE; } if (pVRC->fHaveInput || pVRC->fEndInput || pVRC->pLatticePath) { SetLastError(ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE); return FALSE; } if (partialMode > HWX_PARTIAL_FREE) { SetLastError(ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE); return FALSE; }
pVRC->pLattice->recogSettings.partialMode = partialMode;
return TRUE; }
// HwxSetAbort
// Set address for abort detection
BOOL HwxSetAbort(HRC hrc, UINT *pAbort) { VRC *pVRC = (VRC *)hrc;
// Check parameters.
if (!hrc || !pVRC->fBoxedInput || !pVRC->pLattice) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return FALSE; } if (pVRC->fHaveInput || pVRC->fEndInput || pVRC->pLatticePath) { SetLastError(ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE); return FALSE; }
pVRC->pLattice->recogSettings.pAbort = pAbort;
return TRUE; }