// Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Module:
// volcano/dll/FreeApi.c
// Description:
// Implement external free input API for DLL.
// Author:
// hrowley
#include "volcanop.h"
#include "factoid.h"
#include "recdefs.h"
#include "brknet.h"
* Definitions from penwin.h needed for inksets. We can't include it because * it has conflicts with recog.h */
// inkset returns:
#define ISR_ERROR (-1) // Memory or other error
#define ISR_BADINKSET (-2) // bad source inkset
#define ISR_BADINDEX (-3) // bad inkset index
#define IX_END 0xFFFF // to or past last available index
#ifdef HWX_TUNE
#include <stdio.h>
//#define DEBUG_LOG_API
#include <stdio.h>
static void LogMessage(char *format, ...) { FILE *f=fopen("c:/log.txt","a"); va_list marker; va_start(marker,format); vfprintf(f,format,marker); va_end(marker); fclose(f); } #else
static void LogMessage(char *format, ...) { va_list marker; va_start(marker,format); va_end(marker); } #endif
HRC CreateCompatibleHRC(HRC hrctemplate, HREC hrec) { VRC *pVRC;
hrec = hrec;
// Alloc the VRC.
pVRC = ExternAlloc(sizeof(VRC)); if (!pVRC) { goto error1; }
// Initialize it.
pVRC->fBoxedInput = FALSE; pVRC->fHaveInput = FALSE; pVRC->fEndInput = FALSE; pVRC->fBeginProcess = FALSE; pVRC->pLatticePath = (LATTICE_PATH *)0;
if (!hrctemplate) { pVRC->pLattice = AllocateLattice(); if (!pVRC->pLattice) { goto error2; } } else { VRC *pVRCTemplate = (VRC *)hrctemplate;
pVRC->pLattice = CreateCompatibleLattice( pVRCTemplate->pLattice ); if (!pVRC->pLattice) { goto error2; } }
// Success, cast to HRC and return it.
return (HRC)pVRC;
error2: ExternFree(pVRC);
error1: return (HRC)0; }
int DestroyHRC(HRC hrc) { VRC *pVRC = (VRC *)hrc;
// Did we get a handle? Is if a free input handle?
if (!hrc || pVRC->fBoxedInput) { return HRCR_ERROR; }
// Free the lattice. Should it be an error if there is not one?
if (pVRC->pLattice) { FreeLattice(pVRC->pLattice); } else { ASSERT(pVRC->pLattice); }
// Free the lattice path.
if (pVRC->pLatticePath) { FreeLatticePath(pVRC->pLatticePath); }
// Free the VRC itself.
return HRCR_OK; }
int AddPenInputHRC( HRC hrc, POINT *ppnt, void *pvOem, UINT oemdatatype, STROKEINFO *psi ) { VRC *pVRC = (VRC *)hrc; int retVal;
pvOem = pvOem; oemdatatype = oemdatatype;
// Did we get a handle? Does it have a lattice?
if (!hrc || pVRC->fBoxedInput || !pVRC->pLattice || pVRC->fEndInput ) { return HRCR_ERROR; }
// Do we have valid ink?
if (psi->cPnt == 0 || !ppnt) { return HRCR_ERROR; } if (!(psi->wPdk & PDK_DOWN)) { return HRCR_OK; }
// Add stroke to the lattice.
retVal = AddStrokeToLattice(pVRC->pLattice, psi->cPnt, ppnt, psi->dwTick);
// Mark as having input.
pVRC->fHaveInput = TRUE;
return(retVal ? HRCR_OK : HRCR_MEMERR); }
int EndPenInputHRC(HRC hrc) { VRC *pVRC = (VRC *)hrc;
// Did we get a handle? Is it free input?
// Does it have a lattice?
// JBENN: Should it be an error if we have no strokes?
if (!hrc || pVRC->fBoxedInput || !pVRC->pLattice) { return HRCR_ERROR; }
pVRC->fEndInput = TRUE;
return HRCR_OK; }
int ProcessHRC(HRC hrc, DWORD timeout) { VRC *pVRC = (VRC *)hrc;
timeout = timeout;
// Did we get a handle? Is it free input?
// Does it have a lattice?
// JBENN: Should it be an error if we have no strokes?
if (!hrc || pVRC->fBoxedInput || !pVRC->pLattice) { return HRCR_ERROR; }
// Have we already finished all processing?
// if (pVRC->pLatticePath) {
// return HRCR_OK;
// }
// Do any processing we can.
if (!ProcessLattice(pVRC->pLattice, pVRC->fEndInput)) { return HRCR_ERROR; }
pVRC->fBeginProcess = TRUE;
// in free mode, run the brknet to update the lattice
// we only call this if end input had been called
if (!pVRC->pLattice->fUseGuide && pVRC->fEndInput && !pVRC->pLattice->fSepMode && !pVRC->pLattice->fWordMode #ifdef HWX_TUNE
&& g_pTuneFile == NULL #endif
) { UpdateLattice(pVRC->pLattice); }
// Do we have all the input? Also, make sure we are not in separator mode
if (pVRC->fEndInput && !pVRC->pLattice->fSepMode) { // Apply the language model.
#ifdef HWX_TUNE
// If we have tuning enabled, then never call IFELang3 directly.
if (g_pTuneFile == NULL) #endif
{ ApplyLanguageModel(pVRC->pLattice, NULL); } } #endif
// Free the old path, in case we got called before
if (pVRC->pLatticePath != NULL) { FreeLatticePath(pVRC->pLatticePath); pVRC->pLatticePath = NULL; }
// Get our final path. Note that the path may get changed
// if ProcessHRC is called again, particularly after
// EndPenInputHRC is called, because the language model will
// be applied.
if (!GetCurrentPath(pVRC->pLattice, &pVRC->pLatticePath)) { return HRCR_ERROR; }
return HRCR_OK; }
// Hacked free input results call.
int GetResultsHRC( HRC hrc, UINT uType, HRCRESULT *pHRCResults, UINT cResults ) { VRC *pVRC = (VRC *)hrc; VRCRESULT *pVRCResults;
// Check parameters.
if (!hrc || pVRC->fBoxedInput || !pVRC->pLattice || !pHRCResults) { ASSERT(("Bad lattice\n",0)); return HRCR_ERROR; } if (!pVRC->pLatticePath) { ASSERT(("Haven't processed input\n",0)); return HRCR_ERROR; } if (uType == GRH_GESTURE || cResults == 0) { ASSERT(("Requested zero alternates\n",0)); return 0; } // if (GetLatticeStrokeCount(pVRC->pLattice) < 1) {
// ASSERT(("No strokes\n",0));
// return 0;
// }
// Allocate space to hold results.
pVRCResults = ExternAlloc(sizeof(VRCRESULT)); if (!pVRCResults) { ASSERT(("No memory\n",0)); return HRCR_ERROR; }
// OK we have results. We always return a special code to indicate
// return top one for everything.
pVRCResults->pVRC = pVRC; pVRCResults->wch = ALL_TOP_ONE; *pHRCResults = (HRCRESULT)pVRCResults;
return 1; }
// The other hacked free input results call.
int GetAlternateWordsHRCRESULT( HRCRESULT hrcResult, UINT iChar, UINT cChar, HRCRESULT *pHRCResults, UINT cHRCResults ) { VRCRESULT *pVRCResult = (VRCRESULT *)hrcResult; VRC *pVRC; UINT ii; UINT maxAlts, cAlts; UINT iCorrect; HRCRESULT hCorrect; wchar_t aAlts[MAX_ALTERNATES];
// Check parameters.
if (!hrcResult || !pHRCResults) { return HRCR_ERROR; } pVRC = pVRCResult->pVRC; if (!pVRC || pVRC->fBoxedInput || !pVRC->pLatticePath) { ASSERT(("Bad lattice or haven't processed input",0)); return HRCR_ERROR; } if (pVRCResult->wch != ALL_TOP_ONE || cChar != 1) { return HRCR_UNSUPPORTED; } if (iChar >= (UINT)pVRC->pLatticePath->nChars) { return HRCR_UNSUPPORTED; }
// Compute limit on alternates to return.
maxAlts = min(MAX_ALTERNATES, cHRCResults);
// Get the alternates.
cAlts = GetAlternatesForCharacterInCurrentPath( pVRC->pLattice, pVRC->pLatticePath, iChar, maxAlts, aAlts );
// Now build up array of results structures.
iCorrect = (UINT)-1; for (ii = 0; ii < cAlts; ++ii) { VRCRESULT *pNew;
// Allocate space to hold results.
pNew = ExternAlloc(sizeof(VRCRESULT)); if (!pNew) { UINT jj;
// Clean up any allocated results
for (jj = 0 ; jj < ii; ++jj) { ExternFree(pHRCResults[jj]); } return HRCR_ERROR; }
// Fill in this alternate.
pNew->pVRC = pVRC; pNew->wch = aAlts[ii]; pNew->iChar = (short)iChar; pHRCResults[ii] = (HRCRESULT)pNew;
if (pVRC->pLatticePath->pElem[iChar].wChar == aAlts[ii]) { iCorrect = ii; } }
// If answer in path is not in list, over-write the last entry.
if (iCorrect == (UINT)-1) { iCorrect = cAlts - 1; ((VRCRESULT *)(pHRCResults[iCorrect]))->wch = pVRC->pLatticePath->pElem[iChar].wChar; }
// Now do the reorder as needed.
hCorrect = pHRCResults[iCorrect]; for (ii = iCorrect; ii > 0 ; --ii) { pHRCResults[ii] = pHRCResults[ii - 1]; } pHRCResults[0] = hCorrect;
// For debug version, be paranoid, and zero any unused elements in
// the output array.
# ifdef DBG
for (ii = cAlts ; ii < cHRCResults; ++ii) { pHRCResults[ii] = (HRCRESULT)0; } # endif
return cAlts; }
// This does NOT include a null symbol at the end.
int GetSymbolCountHRCRESULT(HRCRESULT hrcResult) { VRCRESULT *pVRCResult = (VRCRESULT *)hrcResult; VRC *pVRC;
if (!hrcResult) { return HRCR_ERROR; } pVRC = pVRCResult->pVRC; if (!pVRC || pVRC->fBoxedInput || !pVRC->pLatticePath ) { return HRCR_ERROR; }
// Terminal HRCResults reflect only one character.
if (pVRCResult->wch != ALL_TOP_ONE) { return 1; }
// The path tells us how many character there are.
LogMessage(" %d chars\n",pVRC->pLatticePath->nChars); return pVRC->pLatticePath->nChars; }
// Convert an HRCRESULT into the correct character(s).
int GetSymbolsHRCRESULT( HRCRESULT hrcResult, UINT iSyv, SYV *pSyv, UINT cSyv ) { VRCRESULT *pVRCResult = (VRCRESULT *)hrcResult; VRC *pVRC;
if (!hrcResult) { return HRCR_ERROR; } pVRC = pVRCResult->pVRC; if (!pVRC || pVRC->fBoxedInput || pVRC->fBoxedInput || !pVRC->pLatticePath ) { return HRCR_ERROR; }
// Did they really ask for anything.
if (cSyv == 0 || iSyv >= (UINT)pVRC->pLatticePath->nChars) { return 0; }
// Are we getting the full string, or just an alternate.
if (pVRCResult->wch != ALL_TOP_ONE) { // Just one alternate.
pSyv[0] = MAKELONG(pVRCResult->wch, SYVHI_UNICODE); LogMessage(" result U+%04X\n",pVRCResult->wch); return 1; } else { // Getting a full string.
UINT ii; UINT cValid;
// Characters available from requested starting position.
cValid = pVRC->pLatticePath->nChars - iSyv;
// Does the caller want fewer than we have available.
if (cValid > cSyv) { cValid = cSyv; }
// OK, copy over what we have.
for (ii = 0; ii < cValid; ++ii) { wchar_t wch;
wch = pVRC->pLatticePath->pElem[ii + iSyv].wChar; //wch = LocRunDense2Unicode(&g_locRunInfo, wch);
LogMessage(" char %d is U+%04X\n",ii,wch); // Convert to SYV and put in output array.
pSyv[ii] = MAKELONG(wch, SYVHI_UNICODE); }
return cValid; }
return 0; }
// Translates an array of symbols into a Unicode string.
// Code copied from \hwx\common, probably should be shared.
BOOL SymbolToCharacterW(SYV *pSyv, int cSyv, WCHAR *wsz, int *pCount) { int c = 0; int ret = 1;
for (; cSyv; pSyv++, wsz++, cSyv--, c++) { if (HIWORD(*pSyv) == SYVHI_UNICODE) { *wsz = LOWORD(*pSyv); } else if (HIWORD(*pSyv) == SYVHI_ANSI) { // No support for ANSI in EA recognizer.
ASSERT(0); ret = 0; } else if (*pSyv == SYV_NULL) { *wsz = '\0'; } else { *wsz = '\0'; ret = 0; }
if (*wsz!=0) LogMessage(" result=U+%04X\n",*wsz);
// Break on NULL done here rather than at SYV_NULL check above,
// because an ANSI or UNICODE char might also be NULL.
if (!*wsz) { break; } }
if (pCount) *pCount = c;
return ret; }
// Free memory allocated for hrcResult.
int DestroyHRCRESULT(HRCRESULT hrcResult) { LogMessage("DestroyHRCRESULT()\n");
if (!hrcResult) { return HRCR_ERROR; }
ExternFree(hrcResult); return HRCR_OK; }
int SetGuideHRC(HRC hrc, LPGUIDE lpguide, UINT nFirstVisible) { VRC *pVRC = (VRC *)hrc;
// Check parameters.
if (!hrc || pVRC->fBoxedInput || !pVRC->pLattice) { ASSERT(("Invalid lattice or boxed mode",0)); return HRCR_ERROR; }
// The following condition should really be: fHaveInput || fEndInput || pLatticePath
// but this was remove to get the free input UI working.
if (pVRC->fBeginProcess || pVRC->pLatticePath) { ASSERT(("Already processed some strokes in SetGuideHRC",0)); return HRCR_ERROR; }
// We only work with no guide.
if (lpguide!=NULL && (lpguide->cHorzBox != 0 || lpguide->cVertBox != 0)) { ASSERT(("Wrong kind of guide",0)); return HRCR_ERROR; }
return HRCR_OK; }
int SetAlphabetHRC(HRC hrc, ALC alc, LPBYTE rgbfAlc) { VRC *pVRC = (VRC *)hrc;
rgbfAlc = rgbfAlc;
// Check parameters.
if (!hrc || pVRC->fBoxedInput || !pVRC->pLattice) { return HRCR_ERROR; }
// The following condition should really be: fHaveInput || fEndInput || pLatticePath
// but this was remove to get the free input UI working.
if (pVRC->fBeginProcess || pVRC->pLatticePath) { return HRCR_ERROR; }
// Pass the ALC on to the lattice.
SetLatticeALCValid(pVRC->pLattice, alc);
return HRCR_OK; }
HINKSET CreateInksetHRCRESULT( HRCRESULT hrcResult, unsigned int iChar, unsigned int cChar ) { VRCRESULT *pVRCResult = (VRCRESULT *)hrcResult; VRC *pVRC; VINKSET *pVInkSet; DWORD begin, end;
// Check parameters.
if (!hrcResult) { return NULL; } pVRC = pVRCResult->pVRC; if (!pVRC || pVRC->fBoxedInput || !pVRC->pLatticePath ) { return NULL; } if (pVRCResult->wch != 0xFFFF) { return NULL; // Not top level result.
} if (cChar < 1 || (iChar + cChar) > (UINT)pVRC->pLatticePath->nChars) { return NULL; // Not one or more characters in valid range.
// Allocate an inkset structure.
pVInkSet = ExternAlloc(sizeof(VINKSET)); if (!pVInkSet) { return NULL; }
// Fill it in.
pVInkSet->pVRC = pVRC; pVInkSet->cChar = cChar; pVInkSet->iChar = iChar;
// Get the tick counts.
if (GetCharacterTimeRange( pVRC->pLattice, pVRC->pLatticePath, pVInkSet->iChar, pVInkSet->iChar + pVInkSet->cChar, &begin, &end)) { pVInkSet->cIntervals = 1; } else { pVInkSet->cIntervals = 0; }
// Return it.
return (HINKSET)pVInkSet; }
BOOL DestroyInkset(HINKSET hInkset) { LogMessage("DestroyInkset()\n");
if (!hInkset) { return FALSE; }
ExternFree(hInkset); return TRUE; }
int GetInksetInterval( HINKSET hInkset, unsigned int uIndex, INTERVAL *pI ) { VINKSET *pVInkSet = (VINKSET *)hInkset; VRC *pVRC; DWORD begin, end;
// Check parameters
if (!hInkset || !pVInkSet->pVRC) { return ISR_ERROR; } pVRC = pVInkSet->pVRC; if (!pVRC || pVRC->fBoxedInput || !pVRC->pLatticePath ) { return ISR_ERROR; }
// Only one range per string.
if (pVInkSet->cIntervals == 0 || (uIndex != 0 && uIndex != IX_END)) { return ISR_BADINDEX; }
// Get the tick counts.
GetCharacterTimeRange( pVRC->pLattice, pVRC->pLatticePath, pVInkSet->iChar, pVInkSet->iChar + pVInkSet->cChar, &begin, &end );
// OK convert from ms to ABSTIME.
MakeAbsTime(&pI->atBegin, 0, begin); MakeAbsTime(&pI->atEnd, 0, end);
LogMessage(" interval %d to %d\n",begin,end);
return 1; }
int GetInksetIntervalCount(HINKSET hInkset) { VINKSET *pVInkSet = (VINKSET *)hInkset; LogMessage("GetInksetIntervalCount()\n");
if (!hInkset) { return ISR_ERROR; }
return pVInkSet->cIntervals; }
// Given a character, make a guess at what the bounding box around it would have been.
int GetBaselineHRCRESULT( HRCRESULT hrcResult, RECT *pRect, BOOL *pfBaselineValid, BOOL *pfMidlineValid) { VRCRESULT *pVRCResult = (VRCRESULT *)hrcResult; VRC *pVRC;
// Check parameters.
if (!hrcResult) { return HRCR_ERROR; } pVRC = pVRCResult->pVRC; if (!pVRC || pVRC->fBoxedInput || !pVRC->pLatticePath) { return HRCR_ERROR; }
if (pVRCResult->wch == ALL_TOP_ONE) { // They want a bbox for the whole ink... just
// return an error in this case, since it isn't
// meaningful.
return HRCR_ERROR; } else { if (!GetBoxOfAlternateInCurrentPath(pVRC->pLattice, pVRC->pLatticePath, pVRCResult->iChar, pRect)) { *pfBaselineValid = FALSE; *pfMidlineValid = FALSE; } else { *pfBaselineValid = TRUE; *pfMidlineValid = TRUE; } }
LogMessage(" result left,right=%d,%d top,bottom=%d,%d valid=%d,%d\n", pRect->left,pRect->right,pRect->top,pRect->bottom, *pfBaselineValid,*pfMidlineValid);
return HRCR_OK; }
// Set the context for the ink that is being recognized.
// wszBefore and wszAfter can both be NULL. The function
// return TRUE on success, and FALSE on a memory allocation
// error.
BOOL SetHwxCorrectionContext(HRC hrc, wchar_t *wszBefore, wchar_t *wszAfter) { VRC *pVRC = (VRC *)hrc; int iDest, i;
LogMessage("SetHwxCorrectionContext(%d,%d)\n", (wszBefore == NULL ? 0 : wcslen(wszBefore)), (wszAfter == NULL ? 0 : wcslen(wszAfter)));
// Check parameters.
if (!hrc || !pVRC->pLattice) { return FALSE; }
// Make sure we do this before any input
if (pVRC->fHaveInput || pVRC->fEndInput || pVRC->pLatticePath) { return FALSE; }
// Free up previous context settings
ExternFree(pVRC->pLattice->wszBefore); ExternFree(pVRC->pLattice->wszAfter); pVRC->pLattice->wszBefore = NULL; pVRC->pLattice->wszAfter = NULL;
// If we are given any pre-context
if (wszBefore != NULL && wcslen(wszBefore) > 0) { // Make a space for the context and check for allocation failure
pVRC->pLattice->wszBefore = ExternAlloc(sizeof(wchar_t) * (wcslen(wszBefore) + 1)); if (pVRC->pLattice->wszBefore == NULL) { return FALSE; } // Translate the string to dense codes, reversing the order of the
// characters and stopping at the first one not supported by the recognizer.
iDest = 0; for (i = wcslen(wszBefore) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { wchar_t dch = LocRunUnicode2Dense(&g_locRunInfo, wszBefore[i]); pVRC->pLattice->wszBefore[iDest] = dch; if (dch == LOC_TRAIN_NO_DENSE_CODE) { break; } iDest++; } pVRC->pLattice->wszBefore[iDest] = 0; // If the context was zero length after translation, set it to NULL.
if (wcslen(pVRC->pLattice->wszBefore) == 0) { ExternFree(pVRC->pLattice->wszBefore); pVRC->pLattice->wszBefore = NULL; } }
// If we are given any post-context
if (wszAfter != NULL && wcslen(wszAfter) > 0) { // Make a space for the context and check for allocation failure
pVRC->pLattice->wszAfter = ExternAlloc(sizeof(wchar_t) * (wcslen(wszAfter) + 1)); if (pVRC->pLattice->wszAfter == NULL) { ExternFree(pVRC->pLattice->wszBefore); pVRC->pLattice->wszBefore = NULL; return FALSE; }
// Translate the string to dense codes, stopping at the first character
// not supported by the recognizer.
for (i = 0; i < (int) wcslen(wszAfter); i++) { wchar_t dch = LocRunUnicode2Dense(&g_locRunInfo, wszAfter[i]); pVRC->pLattice->wszAfter[i] = dch; if (dch == LOC_TRAIN_NO_DENSE_CODE) break; } pVRC->pLattice->wszAfter[i] = 0; // If the context was zero length after translation, set it to NULL
if (wcslen(pVRC->pLattice->wszAfter) == 0) { ExternFree(pVRC->pLattice->wszAfter); pVRC->pLattice->wszAfter = NULL; } }
// Return success
return TRUE; }
// The three functions below are private APIs
// They are only defined in the multi-language version of the recognizer,
// not the ones that get shipped.
#ifdef HWX_TUNE
FILE *g_pTuneFile = NULL; int g_iTuneMode = 0; #endif
// Configures the lattice to record tuning information. Must be called before
// any strokes are added to the lattice.
int RecordTuningInformation(wchar_t *wszTuneFile) { LogMessage("RecordTuningInformation()\n");
#ifdef HWX_TUNE
if (g_pTuneFile != NULL) { g_iTuneMode = 0; if (fclose(g_pTuneFile) < 0) { g_pTuneFile = NULL; return HRCR_ERROR; } g_pTuneFile = NULL; }
if (wszTuneFile != NULL) { BOOL fBinary = FALSE; // Get the tuning mode based on a file name component
if (wcsstr(wszTuneFile, L".lintuneV.") != NULL) { g_iTuneMode = 1; fBinary = TRUE; } if (wcsstr(wszTuneFile, L".threshold.") != NULL) { g_iTuneMode = 2; } if (wcsstr(wszTuneFile, L".lattice.") != NULL) { g_iTuneMode = 3; } g_pTuneFile = _wfopen(wszTuneFile, (fBinary ? L"wb" : L"w")); if (g_pTuneFile == NULL) { g_iTuneMode = 0; return HRCR_ERROR; } } return HRCR_OK; #else
return HRCR_ERROR; #endif
// Given a lattice and a string of unicode characters, find the best path through the lattice
// which gives that sequence of characters. Baring that, it will find the most likely path
// through the lattice with the same number of characters and the minimum number of mismatches
// to the prompt. In case no such path can be found, the current path becomes empty.
// The function returns the number of substitutions used, or -1 if there is no path with
// the desired number of characters, -2 if a memory allocation error occurs, or -3 if a
// file write error occurs.
int SearchForTargetResult(HRC hrc, wchar_t *wsz) { int nSubs = 0; VRC *pVRC = (VRC *)hrc;
// Check parameters.
if (hrc == NULL || pVRC->pLattice == NULL) { ASSERT(("Bad lattice\n",0)); return HRCR_ERROR; }
// Processing done?
if (!(pVRC->fEndInput && pVRC->pLatticePath != NULL)) { ASSERT(("Lattice not processed yet\n",0)); return HRCR_ERROR; }
// Free the old path, in case we got called before
if (pVRC->pLatticePath != NULL) { FreeLatticePath(pVRC->pLatticePath); pVRC->pLatticePath = NULL; }
if (g_iTuneMode == 3) { // Tuning mode 3 means dump out the IFELang3 lattices and correct answers.
ApplyLanguageModel(pVRC->pLattice, wsz); } else { nSubs = SearchForTargetResultInternal(pVRC->pLattice, wsz); }
// Get the final path.
if (!GetCurrentPath(pVRC->pLattice, &pVRC->pLatticePath)) { return -2; }
return nSubs; }
// Accessor macros for the bitmask above
#define SetAllowedChar(bpMask, dch) (bpMask)[(dch) / 8] |= 1 << ((dch) % 8)
BOOL HwxSetAnswerW(HRC hrc, wchar_t *wsz, int iMode) { VRC *pVRC = (VRC *)hrc;
// Check parameters.
if (hrc == NULL || pVRC->pLattice == NULL) { ASSERT(("Bad lattice\n",0)); return FALSE; }
pVRC->pLattice->wszAnswer = ExternAlloc((wcslen(wsz) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)); if (pVRC->pLattice->wszAnswer == NULL) { ASSERT(("Out of memory allocating space.\n", 0)); return FALSE; } wcscpy(pVRC->pLattice->wszAnswer, wsz);
// Mode one means running the separator
if (iMode == 1) { pVRC->pLattice->fSepMode = TRUE; }
// Mode 1 means we limit the characters that can be returned to those
// in the answer.
if (iMode == 1) { int iChar;
// Allocate a bit mask which holds all the folded and dense codes
int iMaskSize = (g_locRunInfo.cCodePoints + g_locRunInfo.cFoldingSets + 7) / 8; BYTE *pbMask = ExternAlloc(iMaskSize); if (pbMask == NULL) { ASSERT(("Out of memory allocating space.\n", 0)); return FALSE; }
// Fill in the mask based on the prompt
memset(pbMask, 0, iMaskSize); for (iChar = 0; iChar < (int) wcslen(wsz); iChar++) { wchar_t dch = LocRunUnicode2Dense(&g_locRunInfo, wsz[iChar]); if (dch != LOC_TRAIN_NO_DENSE_CODE) { // Try folding the character
wchar_t fdch = LocRunDense2Folded(&g_locRunInfo, dch); if (fdch != 0) { // Set the mask allowing this folding set
SetAllowedChar(pbMask, fdch); } // Set the mask allowing the unfolded character
SetAllowedChar(pbMask, dch); } }
// Store the mask in the recog settings.
pVRC->pLattice->recogSettings.pbAllowedChars = pbMask; pVRC->pLattice->recogSettings.alcValid = 0; }
return TRUE; }
#endif // !USE_RESOURCES
BOOL SetHwxFlags(HRC hrc, DWORD dwFlags) { VRC *pVRC = (VRC *)hrc;
LogMessage("SetHwxFlags(%08X,%08X)\n", hrc, dwFlags);
// Check parameters.
if (hrc == NULL || pVRC->pLattice == NULL) { ASSERT(("Bad lattice\n",0)); return FALSE; }
if (pVRC->fBeginProcess) { // ASSERT(("Already started processing in SetHwxFlags", 0));
return FALSE; }
if (dwFlags & ~(RECOFLAG_WORDMODE | RECOFLAG_SINGLESEG | RECOFLAG_COERCE)) { // ASSERT(("Unknown flag set\n",0));
return FALSE; }
pVRC->pLattice->fWordMode = ((dwFlags & RECOFLAG_WORDMODE) != 0); pVRC->pLattice->fCoerceMode = ((dwFlags & RECOFLAG_COERCE) != 0); pVRC->pLattice->fSingleSeg = ((dwFlags & RECOFLAG_SINGLESEG) != 0); return TRUE; }
#define MAX_FACTOIDS 10
* SetHwxFactoid * * New API for factoids. * * Return values: * HRCR_OK success * HRCR_ERROR failure * HRCR_CONFLICT ProcessHRC has already been called, cannot call me now * HRCR_UNSUPPORTED don't support this factoid string \**************************************************************************/ int SetHwxFactoid(HRC hrc, wchar_t *wszFactoid) { VRC *pVRC = (VRC *)hrc; int nFactoids, i; DWORD aFactoids[MAX_FACTOIDS]; BYTE *pbOldFactoidChars; ALC alcOldFactoid;
LogMessage("SetHwxFactoid(%08X,%S)\n", hrc, wszFactoid);
// Check parameters.
if (hrc == NULL || pVRC->pLattice == NULL) { return HRCR_ERROR; }
if (pVRC->fBeginProcess) { return HRCR_CONFLICT; }
// Special case to reset back to the default
if (wszFactoid == NULL) { // Clear out any previous factoid settings
SetFactoidDefaultInternal(pVRC->pLattice); return HRCR_OK; }
// Parse the string
nFactoids = ParseFactoidString(wszFactoid, MAX_FACTOIDS, aFactoids); if (nFactoids <= 0) { return HRCR_UNSUPPORTED; }
// Check to see if all the factoids set are supported
for (i = 0; i < nFactoids; i++) { if (!IsSupportedFactoid(aFactoids[i])) { return HRCR_UNSUPPORTED; } }
// Reset to the empty set of chars and clear out any ALCs
alcOldFactoid = pVRC->pLattice->alcFactoid; pbOldFactoidChars = pVRC->pLattice->pbFactoidChars;
pVRC->pLattice->alcFactoid = 0; pVRC->pLattice->pbFactoidChars = NULL;
// For each factoid set
for (i = 0; i < nFactoids; i++) { if (!SetFactoidInternal(&g_locRunInfo, pVRC->pLattice, aFactoids[i])) { // Roll back to original settings
pVRC->pLattice->alcFactoid = alcOldFactoid; ExternFree(pVRC->pLattice->pbFactoidChars); pVRC->pLattice->pbFactoidChars = pbOldFactoidChars; return HRCR_ERROR; } }
pVRC->pLattice->fUseFactoid = TRUE;
// Turn off the default language model if an empty factoid is set.
// May want to add this to other factoids in the future, or just
// use a real language model.
if (nFactoids == 1 && aFactoids[0] == FACTOID_NONE) { pVRC->pLattice->fUseLM = FALSE; } else { pVRC->pLattice->fUseLM = TRUE; }
// Clear out the ALCs
pVRC->pLattice->recogSettings.alcValid = 0xFFFFFFFF; ExternFree(pVRC->pLattice->recogSettings.pbAllowedChars); pVRC->pLattice->recogSettings.pbAllowedChars = NULL;
pVRC->pLattice->recogSettings.alcPriority = 0; ExternFree(pVRC->pLattice->recogSettings.pbPriorityChars); pVRC->pLattice->recogSettings.pbPriorityChars = NULL; return HRCR_OK; }
// Note that for now this function only considers the factoid, and ignores
// any ALC settings.
BOOL IsWStringSupportedHRC(HRC hrc, wchar_t *wsz) { VRC *pVRC = (VRC *)hrc; BOOL fSupported = TRUE; CHARSET charset;
// Check parameters.
if (hrc == NULL || pVRC->pLattice == NULL) { ASSERT(("Bad lattice\n",0)); return FALSE; }
// If no factoid has been set yet, then use the default.
if (!pVRC->pLattice->fUseFactoid) { SetFactoidDefaultInternal(pVRC->pLattice); }
charset.recmask = pVRC->pLattice->alcFactoid; charset.pbAllowedChars = pVRC->pLattice->pbFactoidChars;
// Loop over the string
while (*wsz != 0 && fSupported) { // First check if it is supported in the dense codes
wchar_t dch = LocRunUnicode2Dense(&g_locRunInfo, *wsz); if (dch == LOC_TRAIN_NO_DENSE_CODE) { fSupported = FALSE; break; }
// Then check if it is allowed by the factoid
if (!IsAllowedChar(&g_locRunInfo, &charset, dch)) { fSupported = FALSE; break; } wsz++; } return fSupported; }
BOOL GetSupportedChars(HRC hrc, wchar_t wsz[65536]) { VRC *pVRC = (VRC *)hrc; CHARSET charset; int i, iDest;
// Check parameters.
if (hrc == NULL || pVRC->pLattice == NULL) { ASSERT(("Bad lattice\n",0)); return FALSE; }
// If no factoid has been set yet, then use the default.
if (!pVRC->pLattice->fUseFactoid) { SetFactoidDefaultInternal(pVRC->pLattice); }
charset.recmask = pVRC->pLattice->alcFactoid; charset.pbAllowedChars = pVRC->pLattice->pbFactoidChars;
iDest = 0; for (i = 1; i < g_locRunInfo.cCodePoints; i++) { if (IsAllowedChar(&g_locRunInfo, &charset, (wchar_t) i)) { wsz[iDest++] = LocRunDense2Unicode(&g_locRunInfo, (wchar_t) i); } } wsz[iDest] = 0; return TRUE; } #endif