#include <stdlib.h>
#include "common.h"
#include "score.h"
#include "runnet.h"
#include "jaws.h"
#include "fugu.h"
#include "sole.h"
#include "nnet.h"
extern LOCRUN_INFO g_locRunInfo;
// validates the header of the Jaws net
BOOL CheckJawsNetHeader (void *pData) { NNET_HEADER *pHeader = (NNET_HEADER *)pData;
// wrong magic number
ASSERT (pHeader->dwFileType == JAWS_FILE_TYPE);
if (pHeader->dwFileType != JAWS_FILE_TYPE) { return FALSE; }
// check version
ASSERT ( !memcmp ( pHeader->adwSignature, g_locRunInfo.adwSignature, sizeof (pHeader->adwSignature) ) );
ASSERT (pHeader->cSpace == 1);
if ( pHeader->iFileVer >= JAWS_OLD_FILE_VERSION && pHeader->iMinCodeVer <= JAWS_CUR_FILE_VERSION && !memcmp ( pHeader->adwSignature, g_locRunInfo.adwSignature, sizeof (pHeader->adwSignature) ) && pHeader->cSpace == 1 ) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } }
BOOL JawsLoadPointer(JAWS_LOAD_INFO *pJaws) { NNET_SPACE_HEADER *pSpaceHeader;
if (!CheckJawsNetHeader (pJaws->info.pbMapping)) return FALSE;
// point to the one and only space header
pSpaceHeader = (NNET_SPACE_HEADER *)(pJaws->info.pbMapping + sizeof (NNET_HEADER));
if ( restoreLocalConnectNet ( pJaws->info.pbMapping + pSpaceHeader->iDataOffset, 0, &pJaws->net ) == NULL ) { return FALSE; }
pJaws->iNetSize = getRunTimeNetMemoryRequirements (pJaws->info.pbMapping + pSpaceHeader->iDataOffset);
if (pJaws->iNetSize <= 0) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
// JawsLoadFile
// Load otter/fugu/sole combiner from file
// Parameters:
// pInfo: [out] Information about the mapped file
// wszPath: [in] Path to load from
// Return values:
// TRUE on successful, FALSE otherwise.
BOOL JawsLoadFile(JAWS_LOAD_INFO *pJaws, wchar_t *wszPath) { wchar_t wszFile[_MAX_PATH];
// Generate path to file.
FormatPath(wszFile, wszPath, (wchar_t *)0, (wchar_t *)0, (wchar_t *)0, L"jaws.bin");
if (!DoOpenFile(&pJaws->info, wszFile)) { return FALSE; } return JawsLoadPointer(pJaws); }
// JawsUnloadFile
// Load otter/fugu/sole combiner from file
// Parameters:
// pInfo: [out] File to unmap
// Return values:
// TRUE on successful, FALSE otherwise.
BOOL JawsUnloadFile(JAWS_LOAD_INFO *pJaws) { return DoCloseFile(&pJaws->info); }
BOOL JawsLoadRes(JAWS_LOAD_INFO *pJaws, HINSTANCE hInst, int nResID, int nType) { if (DoLoadResource(&pJaws->info, hInst, nResID, nType) == NULL) { return FALSE; } return JawsLoadPointer(pJaws); }
// describe the codepoint
RREAL *CodePointFlags(ALC alc, RREAL *pFeat) { *(pFeat++) = ((alc & ALC_NUMERIC) ? 65535 : 0); *(pFeat++) = ((alc & ALC_ALPHA) ? 65535 : 0); *(pFeat++) = ((alc & (ALC_PUNC | ALC_NUMERIC_PUNC | ALC_OTHER)) ? 65535 : 0); *(pFeat++) = ((alc & (ALC_HIRAGANA | ALC_JAMO | ALC_BOPOMOFO)) ? 65535 : 0); *(pFeat++) = ((alc & (ALC_KATAKANA | ALC_HANGUL_ALL)) ? 65535 : 0); *(pFeat++) = ((alc & (ALC_KANJI_ALL)) ? 65535 : 0); return pFeat; }
// Given an alt list with dense and possibly folded codes in it, run through it
// and expand the folded lists. The unfolded alt list is returned in place.
// This function assumes that the list begins with better alternates, as those
// later in the list will get dropped if we run out of space.
static void UnfoldCodes(ALT_LIST *pAltList, LOCRUN_INFO *pLocRunInfo, CHARSET *cs) { int i, cOut=0; ALT_LIST newAltList; // This will be where the new alt list is constructed.
// For each alternate in the input list and while we have space in the output list
for (i=0; i<(int)pAltList->cAlt && (int)cOut<MAX_ALT_LIST; i++) {
// Check if the alternate is a folded coded
if (LocRunIsFoldedCode(pLocRunInfo,pAltList->awchList[i])) { int kndex; // If it is a folded code, look up the folding set
wchar_t *pFoldingSet = LocRunFolded2FoldingSet(pLocRunInfo, pAltList->awchList[i]);
// Run through the folding set, adding non-NUL items to the output list
// (until the output list is full)
for (kndex = 0; kndex < LOCRUN_FOLD_MAX_ALTERNATES && pFoldingSet[kndex] != 0 && (int)cOut<MAX_ALT_LIST; kndex++) { if (IsAllowedChar(pLocRunInfo, cs, pFoldingSet[kndex])) { newAltList.awchList[cOut]=pFoldingSet[kndex]; newAltList.aeScore[cOut]=pAltList->aeScore[i]; cOut++; #ifdef DISABLE_UNFOLDING
// If unfolding is disabled, then stop after producing one unfolded code.
// This way we don't push results later in the alt list out of the alt
// list, while still allowing the recognizer to return unicodes for each
// alternate.
break; #endif
} } } else { // Dense codes that are not folded get added directly
newAltList.awchList[cOut]=pAltList->awchList[i]; newAltList.aeScore[cOut]=pAltList->aeScore[i]; cOut++; } } // Store the length of the output list
// Copy the output list over the input.
*pAltList=newAltList; }
int JawsFeaturize(FUGU_LOAD_INFO *pFugu, SOLE_LOAD_INFO *pSole, LOCRUN_INFO *pLocRunInfo, GLYPH *pGlyph, RECT *pGuide, CHARSET *pCharSet, RREAL *pFeat, ALT_LIST *pAltList, BOOL *pfAgree) { int i; ALT_LIST altListFugu; ALT_LIST altListSole;
wchar_t wchSoleTop1; float flSoleTop1; if (FuguMatch(&pFugu->fugu, &altListFugu, MAX_ALT_LIST, pGlyph, NULL, pCharSet, pLocRunInfo) < 0) { return -1; }
UnfoldCodes(&altListFugu, pLocRunInfo, pCharSet); altListSole = altListFugu;
if (SoleMatchRescore(pSole, &wchSoleTop1, &flSoleTop1, &altListSole, MAX_ALT_LIST, pGlyph, pGuide, pCharSet, pLocRunInfo) < 0) { return -1; }
*pAltList = altListSole;
if (altListFugu.cAlt > 0 && wchSoleTop1 == altListFugu.awchList[0]) { *pfAgree = TRUE; } else { *pfAgree = FALSE; if (altListFugu.cAlt > JAWS_NUM_ALTERNATES) { pAltList->cAlt = JAWS_NUM_ALTERNATES; } for (i = 0; i < JAWS_NUM_ALTERNATES; i++) { extern UNIGRAM_INFO g_unigramInfo; if (i < (int) altListFugu.cAlt) { *(pFeat++) = (int) (altListFugu.aeScore[i] * 65535); *(pFeat++) = (int) (altListSole.aeScore[i] * 65535); *(pFeat++) = (int) (-UnigramCost(&g_unigramInfo, altListFugu.awchList[i]) * 100 * 256); pFeat = CodePointFlags(LocRun2ALC(pLocRunInfo, altListFugu.awchList[i]), pFeat); } else { *(pFeat++) = 0; *(pFeat++) = 0; *(pFeat++) = (int) (-UnigramCost(&g_unigramInfo, 0xFFFE) * 100 * 256); pFeat = CodePointFlags(0, pFeat); } } *(pFeat++) = (CframeGLYPH(pGlyph) - 1) * 65535; } return pAltList->cAlt; }
// JawsMatch
// Invoke Fugu/Otter/Sole combiner on a character.
// Parameters:
// pFugu: [in] Fugu database to use
// pAltList: [in/out] Alt list to rewrite the scores of
// cAlt: [in] The maximum number of alternates to return
// pGlyph: [in] The ink to recognize
// pGuide: [in] Guide to scale ink to
// pCharSet: [in] Filter for the characters to be returned
// pLocRunInfo: [in] Pointer to the locale database
// Return values:
// Returned the number of items in the alt list, or -1 if there is an error
int JawsMatch(JAWS_LOAD_INFO *pJaws, FUGU_LOAD_INFO *pFugu, SOLE_LOAD_INFO *pSole, ALT_LIST *pAltList, int cAlt, GLYPH *pGlyph, RECT *pGuide, CHARSET *pCharSet, LOCRUN_INFO *pLocRunInfo) { int i; RREAL *pNetOut; int iWinner, cOut; BOOL fAgree; RREAL *pFeat = (RREAL *) ExternAlloc(pJaws->iNetSize * sizeof(RREAL)); if (pFeat == NULL) { return -1; }
if (JawsFeaturize(pFugu, pSole, pLocRunInfo, pGlyph, pGuide, pCharSet, pFeat, pAltList, &fAgree) < 0) { ExternFree(pFeat); return -1; }
if (!fAgree) { pNetOut = runLocalConnectNet(&pJaws->net, pFeat, &iWinner, &cOut); if (cOut < (int) pAltList->cAlt) { pAltList->cAlt = cOut; } for (i = 0; i < (int) pAltList->cAlt; i++) { pAltList->aeScore[i] = (float) *(pNetOut++) / (float) SOFT_MAX_UNITY; } }
for (i = 0; i < (int) pAltList->cAlt; i++) { pAltList->aeScore[i] = ((float) -ProbToScore(pAltList->aeScore[i])) / (float) 256.0; }
ExternFree(pFeat); return pAltList->cAlt; }