// Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Module:
// volcano/dll/lattice-lm.cpp
// Description:
// Interface between the recognizer and IFELang3. Unlike the rest of
// the recognizer this is written in C++ because IFELang3 uses a COM
// interface.
// Author:
// hrowley
// Conditional define for use of IFELang3, so it can be turned off for WinCE
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
// Make sure the GUIDs defined in imlang.h actually get instantiated
#define INITGUID
// Uncomment to dump out the lattice fed to the language model
// Uncomment to append all the lattices into one file rather than overwriting.
#define LM_LATTICE_FILENAME L"c:/temp/cht-lm-log.txt"
// Uncomment this to get the dumped lattice in the form expected by the CHS test program
//#define LM_LATTICE_CHS
#if defined(HWX_TUNE) || defined(DUMP_LM_LATTICE)
#include <stdio.h>
#include "volcanop.h"
// Japanese and IFELang3 generic stuff
#include "imlang.h"
// Simplified and traditional Chinese
#include "fel3user.h"
#include "lattice-bigram.h"
// A global pointer to the IIMLanguage interface object
static IIMLanguage *g_pIFELang3=NULL;
// Each language has its own set of GUIDs used as command codes, so that the IIMLanguage interface can direct requests to
// the appropriate language model.
static int SetLanguageModelCommands(IMLANGUAGE_LM aLMITEM[3], IMLANGUAGE_LM_PARAM *sTuneParam, SImeLMParam *sHWTip1Param) { int nLMITEM = 0;
// Japanese
if (wcsicmp(g_szRecognizerLanguage,L"JPN")==0) { /* aLMITEM[nLMITEM].guid = CLSID_MakeLatticeForChar;
// For now, disable the use of the Chinese and Korean language models, since
// at least the Chinese language models currently are hurting accuracy.
// Simplified Chinese
if (wcsicmp(g_szRecognizerLanguage,L"CHS")==0) { sHWTip1Param->dwLicenseId = CHINESE_IMELM_LICENSEID; sHWTip1Param->flWeight = (float)(1.0); sTuneParam->guid = GUID_CHINESE_IMELM_PARAM; sTuneParam->dwSize = sizeof(SImeLMParam); sTuneParam->pbData = (BYTE*)sHWTip1Param; aLMITEM[nLMITEM].guid = CLSID_CHS_IMELM_BBO_OS; aLMITEM[nLMITEM].pParam = sTuneParam; nLMITEM++; }
#if 0
// Traditional Chinese
if (wcsicmp(g_szRecognizerLanguage,L"CHT")==0) { sHWTip1Param->dwLicenseId = CHINESE_IMELM_LICENSEID; sHWTip1Param->flWeight = (float)(1.0); sTuneParam->guid = GUID_CHINESE_IMELM_PARAM; sTuneParam->dwSize = sizeof(SImeLMParam); sTuneParam->pbData = (BYTE*)sHWTip1Param; aLMITEM[nLMITEM].guid = CLSID_CHT_IMELM_BBO_OS; aLMITEM[nLMITEM].pParam = sTuneParam; nLMITEM++; }
// Korean
if (wcsicmp(g_szRecognizerLanguage,L"KOR")==0) { aLMITEM[nLMITEM].guid = CLSID_KOR_IMELM_BBO_OS; aLMITEM[nLMITEM].pParam = NULL; nLMITEM++; } #endif
// Return the number of command codes, or 0 if there was no match for the current language
return nLMITEM; }
// This function tests the IIMLanguage interface to see if the appropriate language model is
// installed.
BOOL TryDummyLattice() { IMLANGUAGE_LM_PARAM sTuneParam; SImeLMParam sHWTip1Param; IMLANGUAGE_LM aLMITEM[3]; int nLMITEM = 0; HRESULT rc;
// Set return code to look like an error
rc = E_FAIL;
// Set up the language specific commands
nLMITEM = SetLanguageModelCommands(aLMITEM, &sTuneParam, &sHWTip1Param);
if (nLMITEM>0) { // If there are any commands for that language, then apply them to the lattice.
rc = g_pIFELang3->GetLatticeMorphResult(nLMITEM, aLMITEM, 0, NULL, 0, NULL); }
return (SUCCEEDED(rc)); }
// Load up IIMLanguage and check if it has a language model for this recognizer's language.
// If successful, returns TRUE, otherwise returns FALSE.
BOOL LatticeConfigIFELang3() { if (g_pIFELang3 != NULL) { return FALSE; } HRESULT res = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_IMLanguage_OS, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IMLanguage, (void**)&g_pIFELang3); // TPDBG_DMSG2("%08X: CoCreate(CLSID_IMLanguage_OS) -> %08X\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), res);
if (SUCCEEDED(res)) { if (TryDummyLattice()) { // TPDBG_DMSG1("%08X: TryDummyLattice() -> TRUE\n", GetCurrentThreadId());
return TRUE; } } // Clean up if things didn't work.
// TPDBG_DMSG1("%08X: TryDummyLattice() -> FALSE\n", GetCurrentThreadId());
LatticeUnconfigIFELang3(); return FALSE; }
// Check whether IIMLanguage is loaded.
BOOL LatticeIFELang3Available() { return (g_pIFELang3!=NULL); }
// Unload IIMLanguage if it is loaded.
BOOL LatticeUnconfigIFELang3() { if (g_pIFELang3!=NULL) { // TPDBG_DMSG1("%08X: g_pIFELang3->Release()\n", GetCurrentThreadId());
g_pIFELang3->Release(); g_pIFELang3=NULL; } return TRUE; }
// qsort: compare the start time of element
int __cdecl CompareElemTime(const void *ps1, const void *ps2) { return ((IMLANGUAGE_ELEMENT*)ps1)->dwFrameStart - ((IMLANGUAGE_ELEMENT*)ps2)->dwFrameStart; }
BOOL ProbIsBad(LATTICE *lat, float flProb) { if (lat->fUseGuide) { return (flProb < g_vtuneInfo.pTune->flStringHwxThreshold); } else { return (flProb < g_vtuneInfo.pTune->flFreeHwxThreshold); } }
// Figure out which strokes are valid end of character in paths that span the
// whole lattice.
static BOOL CheckIfValid(LATTICE *lat, int iStroke, BYTE *pValidEnd) { LATTICE_ALT_LIST *pAlts; int ii; BOOL fValidPath;
// Have we already checked this position?
if (pValidEnd[iStroke] == LCF_INVALID) { return FALSE; } else if (pValidEnd[iStroke] == LCF_VALID) { return TRUE; }
// Assume no valid path, until proved otherwise.
fValidPath = FALSE;
// Process each element ending at this position in lattice.
pAlts = lat->pAltList + iStroke; for (ii = 0; ii < pAlts->nUsed; ++ii) { LATTICE_ELEMENT *pElem; int prevEnd;
pElem = pAlts->alts + ii; prevEnd = iStroke - pElem->nStrokes; ASSERT(prevEnd >= -1); if (ProbIsBad(lat, pElem->logProb)) { // Pretend that the really bad scores don't exist!
// This test MUST match code building up lattice to use!
} else if (prevEnd < 0) { // Reached start.
fValidPath = TRUE; } else if (CheckIfValid(lat, prevEnd, pValidEnd)) { // Have path to start.
fValidPath = TRUE; } }
// Did one (or more) paths reach the start?
if (fValidPath) { pValidEnd[iStroke] = LCF_VALID; return TRUE; } else { pValidEnd[iStroke] = LCF_INVALID; return FALSE; } }
// Apply language model to produce a better current path
void ApplyLanguageModel(LATTICE *lat, wchar_t *wszCorrectAnswer) { DWORD dwNeutralSize; IMLANGUAGE_ELEMENT *pLattice; IMLANGUAGE_INFO *pDataList; #ifdef USE_IFELANG3_BIGRAMS
DWORD dwBigramSize; LATTICE_BIGRAM_INFO_LIST *pBigramInfo; #endif
int cElem, cData; int cLattice; DWORD cElemOut; IMLANGUAGE_ELEMENT *pElemOut; IMLANGUAGE_LM_PARAM sTuneParam; SImeLMParam sHWTip1Param; IMLANGUAGE_LM aLMITEM[3]; IMLANGUAGE_INFO_NEUTRAL1 *pNeutral; BYTE *pValidEnd; int size; int nLMITEM;
FILE *f; #endif
int iStroke, iAlt;
int cPreContext = 0, cPostContext = 0; // DebugBreak();
// return;
// fprintf(stderr,"ApplyLanguageModel() fUseIFELang3=%d\n", lat->fUseIFELang3);
ASSERT(lat!=NULL); if (!LatticeIFELang3Available()) return; if (!lat->fUseLM || !lat->fUseIFELang3) return; if (lat->nStrokes==0) return;
// Check if there are any alphabetic characters in the best path. If so, skip IFELang3
for (iStroke = 0; iStroke < lat->nStrokes; iStroke++) { for (iAlt = 0; iAlt < lat->pAltList[iStroke].nUsed; iAlt++) { if (lat->pAltList[iStroke].alts[iAlt].fCurrentPath) { wchar_t dch = lat->pAltList[iStroke].alts[iAlt].wChar; if (dch != SYM_UNKNOWN) { wchar_t wch = LocRunDense2Unicode(&g_locRunInfo, dch); if ((wch >= L'a' && wch <= L'z') || (wch >= L'A' && wch <= L'Z')) { return; } } } } }
// Check if we have a character of context that needs to be included in the lattice
if (lat->wszBefore != NULL) cPreContext = wcslen(lat->wszBefore); if (lat->wszAfter != NULL) cPostContext = wcslen(lat->wszAfter);
// How big does each lattice element need to be? The structure includes space for
// one character, and it needs to be followed by 2 NUL characters.
dwNeutralSize = sizeof(IMLANGUAGE_INFO_NEUTRAL1) + sizeof(wchar_t)*2;
// Figure out valid character transition points by stroke. We don't wan't to include
// pieces of lattice that don't actually connect up for the full run. This uses
// a recursive algorithm to find valid paths. Since it marks the paths as it
// finds them, it can quickly test and not redo work.
size = sizeof(BYTE) * lat->nStrokes; pValidEnd = (BYTE *)ExternAlloc(size); // If we failed to allocate memory, just return
if (pValidEnd==NULL) return;
memset(pValidEnd, 0, size); if (!CheckIfValid(lat, lat->nStrokes - 1, pValidEnd)) { // No valid paths found?!?!
// This can happen... so clean up and return.
// We'll just get the best path selected by the HWX engine.
goto allocated_valid; }
// First allocate space to build the lattice up in.
cElem = lat->nStrokes * MaxAltsPerStroke + (cPreContext + cPostContext); cData = cElem; #ifdef USE_IFELANG3_BIGRAMS
cData += lat->nStrokes*MaxAltsPerStroke; #endif
pDataList = (IMLANGUAGE_INFO*)ExternAlloc(sizeof(IMLANGUAGE_INFO)*cData); if (pDataList==NULL) goto allocated_valid; pLattice = (IMLANGUAGE_ELEMENT*)ExternAlloc(sizeof(IMLANGUAGE_ELEMENT)*cElem); if (pLattice==NULL) goto allocated_data;
f=_wfopen(LM_LATTICE_FILENAME,L"ab"); #else
f=_wfopen(LM_LATTICE_FILENAME,L"wb"); #endif
fwprintf(f, L"<S>\r\n\r\n"); #endif
#ifdef HWX_TUNE
if (g_pTuneFile != NULL) { for (int i = 0; i < (int) wcslen(wszCorrectAnswer); i++) { if (i > 0) { fprintf(g_pTuneFile, " "); } fprintf(g_pTuneFile, "%04X", wszCorrectAnswer[i]); } fprintf(g_pTuneFile, "\n"); } #endif
cLattice = 0; cData = 0; if (lat->wszBefore != NULL) { int iSrc; int iFrame = 1; for (iSrc = wcslen(lat->wszBefore) - 1; iSrc >= 0; iSrc--) { // If we have a context character, then create a lattice element for it.
pNeutral = (IMLANGUAGE_INFO_NEUTRAL1*)ExternAlloc(dwNeutralSize); if (pNeutral == NULL) goto allocated_elements; pNeutral->dwUnigram = 0; pNeutral->fHypothesis = FALSE; pNeutral->wsz[0] = LocRunDense2Unicode(&g_locRunInfo, lat->wszBefore[iSrc]); pNeutral->wsz[1] = 0; pNeutral->wsz[2] = 0;
pDataList[cData].guid = GUID_IMLANGUAGE_INFO_NEUTRAL1; pDataList[cData].dwSize = dwNeutralSize; pDataList[cData].pbData = (BYTE*)pNeutral;
pLattice[cLattice].dwFrameStart = iFrame++; pLattice[cLattice].dwFrameLen = 1; pLattice[cLattice].dwTotalInfo = 1; pLattice[cLattice].pInfo = pDataList + cLattice;
#ifdef HWX_TUNE
if (g_pTuneFile != NULL) { fprintf(g_pTuneFile, "%04X %d %d %f\n", pNeutral->wsz[0], pLattice[cLattice].dwFrameStart, pLattice[cLattice].dwFrameLen, 0.0); } #endif
if (f!=NULL) { char sz[256]; ZeroMemory( sz, 256 ); #if defined(LM_LATTICE_CHS)
WideCharToMultiByte( 936, 0, pNeutral->wsz, -1, sz, 256, 0, 0 ); #elif defined(LM_LATTICE_CHT)
WideCharToMultiByte( 950, 0, pNeutral->wsz, -1, sz, 256, 0, 0 ); #elif defined(LM_LATTICE_JPN)
WideCharToMultiByte( 932, 0, pNeutral->wsz, -1, sz, 256, 0, 0 ); #endif
#if defined(LM_LATTICE_CHS) || defined(LM_LATTICE_CHT)
fwprintf(f, L"%s, %d, %d, %d\r\n", pNeutral->wsz, pLattice[cLattice].dwFrameStart, pLattice[cLattice].dwFrameLen, pNeutral->dwUnigram); #elif defined(LM_LATTICE_UNICODE)
fwprintf(f, L"%3d %2d %10d %s U+%04X\r\n", pLattice[cLattice].dwFrameStart, pLattice[cLattice].dwFrameLen, pNeutral->dwUnigram, pNeutral->wsz, pNeutral->wsz[0] ); #endif
} #endif
cData++; cLattice++; } }
// Now process each position.
for (iStroke=0; iStroke<lat->nStrokes; iStroke++) { // Do we actually want any paths that end at this location?
if (pValidEnd[iStroke] != LCF_VALID) { continue; }
// int max=5;
// if (iStroke==0) max=2;
for (iAlt=0; iAlt<lat->pAltList[iStroke].nUsed; iAlt++) if (1 /*iAlt<max || lat->pAltList[iStroke].alts[iAlt].fCurrentPath*/) { wchar_t unicode; float flScore;
// Prune really bad scores. This MUST match test in path
// checking code!
if (ProbIsBad(lat, lat->pAltList[iStroke].alts[iAlt].logProb)) { continue; }
// Fill in lattice element
pNeutral = (IMLANGUAGE_INFO_NEUTRAL1*)ExternAlloc(dwNeutralSize); if (pNeutral==NULL) goto allocated_elements; flScore = -lat->pAltList[iStroke].alts[iAlt].logProb; if (lat->fUseGuide) { flScore *= g_vtuneInfo.pTune->flStringHwxWeight; } else { flScore *= g_vtuneInfo.pTune->flFreeHwxWeight * lat->pAltList[iStroke].alts[iAlt].nStrokes; } if (flScore < 0) flScore = (float)0; if (flScore > INT_MAX) flScore = (float)INT_MAX; pNeutral->dwUnigram = (DWORD)(flScore); if (lat->pAltList[iStroke].alts[iAlt].wChar==SYM_UNKNOWN) { unicode=L' '; } else { unicode = LocRunDense2Unicode( &g_locRunInfo, lat->pAltList[iStroke].alts[iAlt].wChar ); } pNeutral->fHypothesis = FALSE; pNeutral->wsz[0] = unicode; pNeutral->wsz[1] = 0; pNeutral->wsz[2] = 0; // Check for EUDC codes, which we shouldn't be generating (for debugging)
// if (pNeutral->wsz[0]>=0xE000 && pNeutral->wsz[0]<0xF900) {
// fprintf(stderr,"EUDC code in lattice (stroke %d alt %d): U+%04X\n",iStroke,iAlt,pNeutral->wsz[0]);
// }
pLattice[cLattice].dwFrameStart = (iStroke - lat->pAltList[iStroke].alts[iAlt].nStrokes) + 2 + cPreContext; pLattice[cLattice].dwFrameLen=lat->pAltList[iStroke].alts[iAlt].nStrokes; pLattice[cLattice].dwTotalInfo = 1; pLattice[cLattice].pInfo = pDataList + cData;
pDataList[cData].guid = GUID_IMLANGUAGE_INFO_NEUTRAL1; pDataList[cData].dwSize = dwNeutralSize; pDataList[cData].pbData = (BYTE*)pNeutral; cData++;
#ifdef HWX_TUNE
if (g_pTuneFile != NULL) { fprintf(g_pTuneFile, "%04X %d %d %f\n", pNeutral->wsz[0], pLattice[cLattice].dwFrameStart, pLattice[cLattice].dwFrameLen, lat->pAltList[iStroke].alts[iAlt].logProb); } #endif
lat->pAltList[iStroke].alts[iAlt].indexIFELang3=cLattice; if (lat->pAltList[iStroke].alts[iAlt].nBigrams>0) { dwBigramSize=sizeof(LATTICE_BIGRAM_INFO_LIST)+ sizeof(LATTICE_BIGRAM_INFO)*(lat->pAltList[iStroke].alts[iAlt].nBigrams-1); pBigramInfo = (LATTICE_BIGRAM_INFO_LIST*)ExternAlloc(dwBigramSize); if (pBigramInfo==NULL) goto allocated_elements;
int iPrevStart=iStroke-lat->pAltList[iStroke].alts[iAlt].nStrokes; for (int i=0; i<lat->pAltList[iStroke].alts[iAlt].nBigrams; i++) { pBigramInfo->bigrams[i].dwBigram=(DWORD)(lat->pAltList[iStroke].alts[iAlt].bigramLogProbs[i]); pBigramInfo->bigrams[i].dwPrevElement= lat->pAltList[iPrevStart].alts[lat->pAltList[iStroke].alts[iAlt].bigramAlts[i]].indexIFELang3; }
pDataList[cData].guid = GUID_LATTICE_BIGRAM_INFO_LIST; pDataList[cData].dwSize = dwBigramSize; pDataList[cData].pbData = (BYTE*)pBigramInfo; cData++; pLattice[cLattice].dwTotalInfo++; } #endif
if (f!=NULL) { char sz[256]; ZeroMemory( sz, 256 ); #if defined(LM_LATTICE_CHS)
WideCharToMultiByte( 936, 0, pNeutral->wsz, -1, sz, 256, 0, 0 ); #elif defined(LM_LATTICE_CHT)
WideCharToMultiByte( 950, 0, pNeutral->wsz, -1, sz, 256, 0, 0 ); #elif defined(LM_LATTICE_JPN)
WideCharToMultiByte( 932, 0, pNeutral->wsz, -1, sz, 256, 0, 0 ); #endif
// fprintf(f,"%3d %2d %10d %s\n",pLattice[cLattice].dwFrameStart,pLattice[cLattice].dwFrameLen,pNeutral->dwUnigram,sz);
// fprintf(f,"%3d %2d %10d %s U+%04X\n",pLattice[cLattice].dwFrameStart,pLattice[cLattice].dwFrameLen,pNeutral->dwUnigram,sz,pNeutral->wsz[0]);
#if defined(LM_LATTICE_CHS) || defined(LM_LATTICE_CHT)
fwprintf(f, L"%s, %d, %d, %d\r\n", pNeutral->wsz, pLattice[cLattice].dwFrameStart, pLattice[cLattice].dwFrameLen, pNeutral->dwUnigram); #elif defined(LM_LATTICE_UNICODE)
fwprintf(f, L"%3d %2d %10d %s U+%04X\r\n", pLattice[cLattice].dwFrameStart, pLattice[cLattice].dwFrameLen, pNeutral->dwUnigram, pNeutral->wsz, pNeutral->wsz[0] ); #endif
fprintf(f,"%d",lat->pAltList[iStroke].alts[iAlt].nBigrams); int iPrevStart=iStroke-lat->pAltList[iStroke].alts[iAlt].nStrokes; for (int i=0; i<lat->pAltList[iStroke].alts[iAlt].nBigrams; i++) { fprintf(f," %d %d\n", lat->pAltList[iPrevStart].alts[lat->pAltList[iStroke].alts[iAlt].bigramAlts[i]].indexIFELang3, lat->pAltList[iStroke].alts[iAlt].bigramLogProbs); } fprintf(f,"\n"); #endif
} #endif
cLattice++; } }
if (lat->wszAfter != NULL) { int iFrame = pLattice[cLattice].dwFrameStart = (lat->nStrokes - 1) + 2 + cPreContext; for (int iSrc = 0; iSrc < (int) wcslen(lat->wszAfter); iSrc++) { // If we have a context character, then create a lattice element for it.
pNeutral = (IMLANGUAGE_INFO_NEUTRAL1*)ExternAlloc(dwNeutralSize); if (pNeutral == NULL) goto allocated_elements; pNeutral->dwUnigram = 0; pNeutral->fHypothesis = FALSE; pNeutral->wsz[0] = LocRunDense2Unicode(&g_locRunInfo, lat->wszAfter[iSrc]); pNeutral->wsz[1] = 0; pNeutral->wsz[2] = 0;
pDataList[cData].guid = GUID_IMLANGUAGE_INFO_NEUTRAL1; pDataList[cData].dwSize = dwNeutralSize; pDataList[cData].pbData = (BYTE*)pNeutral;
pLattice[cLattice].dwFrameStart = iFrame++; pLattice[cLattice].dwFrameLen = 1; pLattice[cLattice].dwTotalInfo = 1; pLattice[cLattice].pInfo = pDataList + cLattice;
#ifdef HWX_TUNE
if (g_pTuneFile != NULL) { fprintf(g_pTuneFile, "%04X %d %d %f\n", pNeutral->wsz[0], pLattice[cLattice].dwFrameStart, pLattice[cLattice].dwFrameLen, 0.0); } #endif
if (f!=NULL) { char sz[256]; ZeroMemory( sz, 256 ); #if defined(LM_LATTICE_CHS)
WideCharToMultiByte( 936, 0, pNeutral->wsz, -1, sz, 256, 0, 0 ); #elif defined(LM_LATTICE_CHT)
WideCharToMultiByte( 950, 0, pNeutral->wsz, -1, sz, 256, 0, 0 ); #elif defined(LM_LATTICE_JPN)
WideCharToMultiByte( 932, 0, pNeutral->wsz, -1, sz, 256, 0, 0 ); #endif
#if defined(LM_LATTICE_CHS) || defined(LM_LATTICE_CHT)
fwprintf(f, L"%s, %d, %d, %d\r\n", pNeutral->wsz, pLattice[cLattice].dwFrameStart, pLattice[cLattice].dwFrameLen, pNeutral->dwUnigram); #elif defined(LM_LATTICE_UNICODE)
fwprintf(f, L"%3d %2d %10d %s U+%04X\r\n", pLattice[cLattice].dwFrameStart, pLattice[cLattice].dwFrameLen, pNeutral->dwUnigram, pNeutral->wsz, pNeutral->wsz[0] ); #endif
} #endif
cData++; cLattice++; } }
if (f!=NULL) { fwprintf(f, L"</S>\r\n"); fclose(f); } #endif
#ifdef HWX_TUNE
if (g_pTuneFile != NULL) { fprintf(g_pTuneFile, "\n"); fflush(g_pTuneFile); } #endif
// define "batch" for IIMLanguage
nLMITEM = SetLanguageModelCommands(aLMITEM, &sTuneParam, &sHWTip1Param);
// Apply IIMLanguage
rc = g_pIFELang3->GetLatticeMorphResult( nLMITEM, aLMITEM, cLattice, pLattice, &cElemOut, &pElemOut );
// TPDBG_DMSG2("%08X: GetLatticeMorphResult -> %08X\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), rc);
if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { // Let's validate what came back from IFELang3. The main array of
// results must be writable, so we can sort it later.
if (cElemOut <= 0 || IsBadWritePtr(pElemOut, cElemOut * sizeof(*pElemOut))) { ASSERT(("IFELang3 pElemOut not readable and writable", FALSE)); goto free_lattice; } // Then validate each of the pointers in the above array
for (ii = 0; ii < cElemOut; ii++) { IMLANGUAGE_ELEMENT *pElem = pElemOut + ii; // If the element doesn't have any info items in it, then skip it.
if (pElem->dwTotalInfo <= 0) continue; // Otherwise validate the array of info items
if (IsBadReadPtr(pElem->pInfo, pElem->dwTotalInfo * sizeof(*(pElem->pInfo)))) { ASSERT(("IFELang3 pElemOut->pInfo not readable", FALSE)); goto free_lattice; } for (jj = 0; jj < pElem->dwTotalInfo; jj++) { // Make sure the info is readable and the size it is supposed to be
if (IsBadReadPtr(pElem->pInfo[jj].pbData, pElem->pInfo[jj].dwSize)) { ASSERT(("IFELang3 pElemOut->pInfo->pbData not readable", FALSE)); goto free_lattice; } // We only care about info of this type
if (pElem->pInfo[jj].guid == GUID_IMLANGUAGE_INFO_NEUTRAL1) { // Get the pointer to the actual info.
pNeutral = (IMLANGUAGE_INFO_NEUTRAL1 *) pElem->pInfo[jj].pbData; // cLattice + 1 is a very loose upper bound on the number of characters
// which should be returned; then use the string length to check that
// the specified size is correct.
if (IsBadStringPtrW(pNeutral->wsz, cLattice + 1) || sizeof(IMLANGUAGE_INFO_NEUTRAL1) + sizeof(WCHAR) * (wcslen(pNeutral->wsz) + 1) > pElem->pInfo[jj].dwSize) { ASSERT(("IFELang3 pElemOut->pInfo->pbData->wsz not readable", FALSE)); goto free_lattice; } } } }
// If the language model worked,
// trace the path that came back from the model.
int cChars = 0; wchar_t *wszBestPath = NULL;
// Sort the output lattice elements into time order
qsort(pElemOut, cElemOut, sizeof(IMLANGUAGE_ELEMENT), CompareElemTime); // Count the number of characters in the path
for (ii=0; ii<cElemOut; ii++) { IMLANGUAGE_ELEMENT *pElem = pElemOut + ii; for (jj = 0; jj < pElem->dwTotalInfo; jj++ ) { pNeutral = (IMLANGUAGE_INFO_NEUTRAL1 *) pElem->pInfo[jj].pbData; if (pElem->pInfo[jj].guid==GUID_IMLANGUAGE_INFO_NEUTRAL1) { /* FILE *f=fopen("/log.txt","a+");
fprintf(f,"element %d has %d chars hypothesis %d\n",cChars,wcslen(pNeutral->wsz),pNeutral->fHypothesis); fclose(f); */ cChars += wcslen(pNeutral->wsz); } } }
// Allocate space for the path
wszBestPath = (wchar_t*)ExternAlloc(sizeof(wchar_t)*(cChars+1));
// If we failed, then just don't update the path
if (wszBestPath != NULL) { // Copy the path out of the lattice
wszBestPath[0] = 0; for (ii=0; ii<cElemOut; ii++) { IMLANGUAGE_ELEMENT *pElem = pElemOut + ii; for (jj = 0; jj < pElem->dwTotalInfo; jj++ ) { pNeutral = (IMLANGUAGE_INFO_NEUTRAL1 *) pElem->pInfo[jj].pbData; if (pElem->pInfo[jj].guid==GUID_IMLANGUAGE_INFO_NEUTRAL1) wcscat(wszBestPath, pNeutral->wsz); } } // Wipe out the post-context character(s)
wszBestPath[wcslen(wszBestPath) - cPostContext] = 0; // Skip the pre-context character(s)
wszBestPath += cPreContext;
// Trace the string through the original lattice, using the
// same code that is used for the separator.
int nSubs=SearchForTargetResultInternal(lat, wszBestPath); // fprintf(stderr, "Searching for target, nSubs=%d\n", nSubs);
// Put the context character(s) back
wszBestPath -= cPreContext; if (nSubs!=0) { // FILE *f = fopen("c:/log.txt", "a");
// fprintf(f, "Lost path with %d/%d/%d chars\n",
// cPreContext, wcslen(wszBestPath) - cPreContext, cPostContext);
// fclose(f);
} else { // FILE *f = fopen("c:/log.txt", "a");
// fprintf(f, "Found path with %d/%d/%d chars\n",
// cPreContext, wcslen(wszBestPath) - cPreContext, cPostContext);
// fclose(f);
} ExternFree(wszBestPath); }
free_lattice: // And free the memory allocated for us by IIMLanguage.
if (cElemOut > 0 && !IsBadReadPtr(pElemOut, cElemOut * sizeof(*pElemOut))) { for (ii=0; ii < cElemOut; ii++) { IMLANGUAGE_ELEMENT *pElem = pElemOut + ii; if (!IsBadReadPtr(pElem->pInfo, sizeof(*(pElem->pInfo)) * pElem->dwTotalInfo)) { // Free each data item in the element.
for (jj = 0; jj < pElem->dwTotalInfo; jj++) { if (!IsBadReadPtr(pElem->pInfo[jj].pbData, pElem->pInfo[jj].dwSize)) { CoTaskMemFree(pElem->pInfo[jj].pbData); } } // Free the element array itself.
CoTaskMemFree(pElem->pInfo); } } CoTaskMemFree(pElemOut); } }
// Free all the memory we allocated.
allocated_elements: for (ii = 0; ii < (DWORD)cData; ++ii) { if (pDataList[ii].pbData!=NULL) ExternFree(pDataList[ii].pbData); } ExternFree(pLattice); allocated_data: ExternFree(pDataList); allocated_valid: ExternFree(pValidEnd); }