// A realtime audio glitch detector.
// This will be used to make measurements of audio glitches.
// Author: Joseph Ballantyne
// Date: 11/17/99
// This will first work with DMA based devices.
// I will add PCI support as well once the DMA glitch detection is working
// properly.
#ifdef UNDER_NT
#include <nthal.h>
#include <ntmmapi.h>
HANDLE IoGetCurrentProcess(VOID); #else
#include <wdm.h>
#include <windef.h>
#include <winerror.h>
#include "common.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <rt.h>
#include "glitch.h"
#ifdef UNDER_NT
#include "mapview.h"
#include <vmm.h>
#include <vwin32.h>
#pragma intrinsic ( strcpy )
// Everything we touch HAS to be locked down.
// This header file has CODE and DATA in it. It MUST be included after above pragmas.
// The code and data in the following header MUST be LOCKED.
#include "dma.h"
#pragma warning ( disable : 4035 )
#define rdtsc __asm _emit 0x0f __asm _emit 0x31
#define rdprf __asm _emit 0x0f __asm _emit 0x33
LONGLONG __inline ReadCycleCounter ( VOID ) {
__asm { rdtsc }
ULONGLONG __inline ReadPerformanceCounter ( ULONG index ) {
__asm { mov ecx,index rdprf }
__asm mov eax, cr3;
ULONG InB ( ULONG address ) {
__asm { mov edx,address xor eax,eax in al,dx }
PVOID MapPhysicalToLinear ( VOID *physicaladdress, ULONG numbytes, ULONG flags ) {
#ifndef UNDER_NT
__asm push flags __asm push numbytes __asm push physicaladdress
VMMCall( _MapPhysToLinear );
__asm add esp,12
PHYSICAL_ADDRESS Address; Address.QuadPart=(ULONG_PTR)physicaladdress; return (PVOID)MmMapIoSpace(Address, numbytes, FALSE);
PVOID __cdecl ReservePages ( ULONG page, ULONG npages, ULONG flags )
Routine Description:
Return Value:
#ifndef UNDER_NT
__asm {
push flags push npages push page
VMMCall( _PageReserve )
__asm add esp, 12
return ExAllocatePool( NonPagedPool, npages*PROCPAGESIZE );
ULONG __cdecl FreePages ( PVOID hmem, ULONG flags )
Routine Description:
Return Value:
#ifndef UNDER_NT
__asm {
push flags push hmem
VMMCall( _PageFree )
__asm add esp, 8
ExFreePool( hmem );
return TRUE;
#ifndef UNDER_NT
PVOID __cdecl LockPages ( ULONG page, ULONG npages, ULONG pageoffset, ULONG flags ) {
__asm {
push flags push pageoffset push npages push page
VMMCall( _PageLock )
__asm add esp, 16
#pragma warning( default : 4035 )
#ifndef UNDER_NT
DWORD __stdcall GlitchWin32API(PDIOCPARAMETERS p) {
switch (p->dwIoControlCode) {
case CHECKLOADED: break;
case GETVERSION: // Get version.
if (!p->lpvOutBuffer || p->cbOutBuffer<4) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
if (p->lpcbBytesReturned) *(PDWORD)p->lpcbBytesReturned=4;
case GETBASEADDRESS: // Get base address.
if (!p->lpvOutBuffer || p->cbOutBuffer<4) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
if (p->lpcbBytesReturned) *(PDWORD)p->lpcbBytesReturned=4;
return 0;
PVOID MappedBuffer=NULL;
pIrp->IoStatus.Status = Status; pIrp->IoStatus.Information = 0; IoCompleteRequest(pIrp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);
return Status; }
// Make sure that we release our mapped buffer view when the user mode
// app that opened our section handle closes its handle or goes away.
// We screen these calls based on the handle we get to the process that
// sucessfully opened a section handle. We only make the unmap call
// if we are being called by the same process that made the map call.
if (IoGetCurrentProcess()==Process) { if ((Pointer=InterlockedExchangePointer(&MappedBuffer, NULL))!=NULL && UnMapContiguousBufferFromUserModeProcess(Pointer)!=STATUS_SUCCESS) { Trap(); } }
pIrp->IoStatus.Status = Status; pIrp->IoStatus.Information = 0; IoCompleteRequest(pIrp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);
return Status; }
NTSTATUS DeviceIoControl( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP pIrp ) {
pIrpStack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(pIrp);
switch (pIrpStack->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode) {
case 2:
if (!pIrp->MdlAddress || pIrp->MdlAddress->ByteCount!=4) { Status=STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; }
Status=MapContiguousBufferToUserModeProcess(GlitchInfo, &BaseAddress);
// Remember the address of the mapped buffer.
// We depend on the fact that BaseAddress will be NULL for requests
// to map the buffer when it is already mapped.
if (BaseAddress) { MappedBuffer=BaseAddress; }
default: Status=STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; break;
pIrp->IoStatus.Status = Status; pIrp->IoStatus.Information = 0; IoCompleteRequest(pIrp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);
return Status;
// All the rest of the code in this file MUST be locked as it is all called from within
// the realtime thread.
VOID OutB ( ULONG address, ULONG data ) {
__asm { mov edx,address mov eax,data out dx,al }
// This function loads the DMA buffer just played with our starvation fill pattern.
// Which is 0xffffffff. This is a nice pattern because for signed 16 bit data it
// is a DC value close to zero. Moreover, it is DC for both stereo 16 bit, mono 16
// bit, stereo 8 bit and mono 8 bit. For 8 bit data it is at the max of the data
// range - so is pegged to max volume - for most cards. Since most cards do unsigned
// 8 bit samples. This value MUST be different from the KMIXER starvation pattern
// which is zero.
// Note that this routine assumes that CurrentDmaPosition and LastDmaPosition are
// multiples of 4 on entry. It also assumes that the DmaBufferSize is a
// power of 2 and that DmaBufferSize is greater than 4 bytes.
VOID FillDmaBuffer ( ULONG CurrentDmaPosition, ULONG LastDmaPosition, PDMAINFO Context ) {
// Make positions relative to start of dma buffer.
CurrentDmaPosition-=Context->PhysicalDmaBufferStart; LastDmaPosition-=Context->PhysicalDmaBufferStart;
while (LastDmaPosition!=CurrentDmaPosition) { Context->pDmaBuffer[LastDmaPosition/4]=0xffffffff; LastDmaPosition+=4; LastDmaPosition&=Context->DmaBufferSize-1; }
// Glitches start whenever all of the samples in the buffer since we last checked
// match our starvation fill pattern. This will happen whenever there is at least
// 1 ms of starvation assuming that we run our starvation detection with a 1ms period.
// This means that we WILL miss glitches that are for less than 1ms, but it also
// means that we won't be prone to false positives.
// Note that this routine assumes that CurrentDmaPosition and LastDmaPosition are
// multiples of 4 on entry. It also assumes that the DmaBufferSize is a
// power of 2 and that DmaBufferSize is greater than 4 bytes.
BOOLEAN GlitchStarted ( ULONG CurrentDmaPosition, ULONG LastDmaPosition, PDMAINFO Context ) {
if (CurrentDmaPosition==LastDmaPosition) { return FALSE; }
// Make positions relative to start of dma buffer.
CurrentDmaPosition-=Context->PhysicalDmaBufferStart; LastDmaPosition-=Context->PhysicalDmaBufferStart;
while (LastDmaPosition!=CurrentDmaPosition) { if (Context->pDmaBuffer[LastDmaPosition/4]!=0xffffffff) { return FALSE; } LastDmaPosition+=4; LastDmaPosition&=Context->DmaBufferSize-1; }
return TRUE;
// Glitches end as soon as any value in the buffer does not match
// our starvation fill pattern.
// Note that this routine assumes that CurrentDmaPosition and LastDmaPosition are
// multiples of 4 on entry. It also assumes that the DmaBufferSize is a
// power of 2 and that DmaBufferSize is greater than 4 bytes.
BOOLEAN GlitchEnded ( ULONG CurrentDmaPosition, ULONG LastDmaPosition, PDMAINFO Context ) {
// Make positions relative to start of dma buffer.
CurrentDmaPosition-=Context->PhysicalDmaBufferStart; LastDmaPosition-=Context->PhysicalDmaBufferStart;
while (LastDmaPosition!=CurrentDmaPosition) { if (Context->pDmaBuffer[LastDmaPosition/4]!=0xffffffff) { return TRUE; } LastDmaPosition+=4; LastDmaPosition&=Context->DmaBufferSize-1; }
return FALSE;
ULONG UnmaskedChannels=0; ULONG DmaBufferRemapCount=0; ULONG gCurrentDmaPosition=0; ULONG gCurrentDmaCount=0;
NTSTATUS MapDmaBuffer(PDMAINFO Context, ULONG CurrentDmaPosition, ULONG CurrentDmaCount) {
// Whenever I get a non zero DMA position AND a non zero count, I have to
// make sure that I have that location properly mapped.
if (CurrentDmaPosition!=0 && CurrentDmaCount!=0) {
// Check if this position and count are properly mapped.
// If not, then we must remap the buffer.
if (CurrentDmaPosition<Context->PhysicalDmaBufferStart || CurrentDmaPosition>=Context->PhysicalDmaBufferStart+Context->DmaBufferSize || CurrentDmaPosition+CurrentDmaCount<Context->PhysicalDmaBufferStart || CurrentDmaPosition+CurrentDmaCount>Context->PhysicalDmaBufferStart+Context->DmaBufferSize ) {
// Position or size is outside current mapping. Remap the buffer.
// Recalculate start and size of where the buffer should be.
// WARNING: We ASSUME all buffers we map are multiples of 4k bytes in size.
// For WDM audio drivers this assumption is currently valid.
Context->PhysicalDmaBufferStart=CurrentDmaPosition&(~(PROCPAGESIZE-1)); Context->DmaBufferSize=(CurrentDmaCount+PROCPAGESIZE-1)&(~(PROCPAGESIZE-1));
if (Context->DmaBufferSize>MAXDMABUFFERSIZE) { // Clear start and size since we cannot map them anyway.
// Even more important, we must clear them so we will try to remap
// again the next time this routine is called.
Context->PhysicalDmaBufferStart=0; Context->DmaBufferSize=0; return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; }
// Walk the pages we have for mapping the DMA buffer and remap them
// to our DMA channel buffer.
for (i=0; i<(Context->DmaBufferSize/PROCPAGESIZE); i++) { Context->PageTable[i+(((ULONG)(Context->pDmaBuffer)>>12)&1023)]= (Context->PhysicalDmaBufferStart+(i*PROCPAGESIZE))|(PRESENT|WRITABLE|USER|CACHEDISABLED); }
// Now flush the TLBs.
// If cr3 changes - which it DOES on NT, then I MUST make
// sure that we don't get thread switched between the 2
// assembly instructions - otherwise we will corrupt cr3.
// Not a good thing.
while (((LONG)ReadPerformanceCounter(0)+50)>0) { Trap(); RtYield(0, 0); } __asm mov eax, cr3; __asm mov cr3, eax;
} }
ULONG GetNextPrintPosition ( PDMAINFO Context )
ULONG PrintLocation, NextLocation;
do {
NextLocation=InterlockedCompareExchange((PULONG)Context->pPrintLoad, PrintLocation+PACKETSIZE, PrintLocation);
} while (PrintLocation!=NextLocation);
// Now we clear out the opposite half of the print buffer. We do this all in kernel mode.
// This means that we have data only in 1/2 of the buffer. As we add new data, we
// delete the old data. We do the deletion of data in kernel mode so that we only
// need to read data from user mode. I do NOT want user mode code to be writing to
// this buffer. User mode code can read out of the output buffer, but NOT write into
// it. This means we MUST both fill and clear this buffer ourselves. Since user
// mode code is dependent on the fact that all slots will be marked as having
// NODATA in them until they have been completely loaded with data, at which point
// they will be marked with something other than NODATA. We guarantee that
// every slot we are loading starts as NODATA by simply clearing the print slots
// in kernel mode before we fill them. The easiest way to do this is to start
// by marking all entries in the buffer as NODATA, and then by continuing to make
// sure that for every print slot we are going to fill with data, we clear the corresponding
// print slot halfway around the buffer.
// That simple algorithm guarantees that every slot starts out marked as NODATA and
// then transitions to some other state after it is filled.
((ULONG *)Context->pPrintBuffer)[((PrintLocation+Context->PrintBufferSize/2)%Context->PrintBufferSize)/sizeof(ULONG)]=NODATA;
return PrintLocation;
VOID GlitchDetect ( PDMAINFO Context, ThreadStats *Statistics ) {
ULONG DmaMask, LastDmaMask; KIRQL OldIrql; ULONG LastDmaPosition; ULONG CurrentDmaPosition; ULONG CurrentDmaCount; ULONGLONG GlitchStart; ULONGLONG LastGlitchStart; ULONG GlitchLength; ULONG PrintLocation; ULONGLONG LastTimesliceStartTime; ULONG Owner;
GlitchStart=0; GlitchLength=0; LastDmaMask=0; LastDmaPosition=0; LastGlitchStart=0; LastTimesliceStartTime=0;
while (TRUE) {
// If any other channels are unmasked. Punt.
// Until I figure out what is broken, we only support tracking 1 channel
// at a time.
if (UnmaskedChannels&(~(1<<Context->Channel))) { goto ReleaseCurrentTimeslice; }
if (LastTimesliceStartTime) { LastTimesliceStartTime=Statistics->ThisTimesliceStartTime-LastTimesliceStartTime; // At this point LastTimesliceStartTime is really the time between the
// last timeslice start time, and the current timeslice start time.
// CR3 DOES change under NT! However, although there are multiple
// page directories, they alias the same page tables - at least the
// system non paged page tables. (They have to since otherwise the
// kernel mode locked code would not work.)
#ifndef UNDER_NT
if (GetCR3()!=Context->CR3) { Trap(); break; }
// Grab the DMA master adapter spinlock.
KeAcquireSpinLock(Context->pMasterAdapterSpinLock, &OldIrql);
// Check mask state of our channel.
// Unmasked.
if ((~DmaMask)&(1<<Context->Channel)) {
// Lock out glitch tracking on other channels. If this fails, then
// someone else is already doing glitch tracking, so release the
// spinlock and release the current timeslice.
Owner=InterlockedCompareExchange(&UnmaskedChannels, 1<<Context->Channel, 0); if (!(Owner==(1<<Context->Channel) || Owner==0)) { // Release the DMA master adapter spinlock.
KeReleaseSpinLock(Context->pMasterAdapterSpinLock, OldIrql);
goto ReleaseCurrentTimeslice;
// Mask the DMA channel.
// Read the position.
ReadDmaPosition(Context->Channel, &CurrentDmaPosition);
// Align it.
// Read the count.
ReadDmaCount(Context->Channel, &CurrentDmaCount);
// Align it.
CurrentDmaCount+=3; CurrentDmaCount&=~3;
// Unmask the DMA channel.
// Masked.
else {
#if 0
// Read the position.
ReadDmaPosition(Context->Channel, &CurrentDmaPosition);
// Align it.
// Read the count.
ReadDmaCount(Context->Channel, &CurrentDmaCount);
// Align it.
CurrentDmaCount+=3; CurrentDmaCount&=~3;
CurrentDmaPosition=0; CurrentDmaCount=0; LastDmaPosition=0;
// Release our lockout of glitch tracking on other channels.
InterlockedCompareExchange(&UnmaskedChannels, 0, 1<<Context->Channel);
// Release the DMA master adapter spinlock.
KeReleaseSpinLock(Context->pMasterAdapterSpinLock, OldIrql);
// Load globals - so I can see what they are.
gCurrentDmaPosition=CurrentDmaPosition; gCurrentDmaCount=CurrentDmaCount;
// Now find and map the physical DMA buffer.
// Punt and exit thread if we cannot map the buffer.
if (MapDmaBuffer(Context, CurrentDmaPosition, CurrentDmaCount)!=STATUS_SUCCESS) { Trap(); break; }
// If LastDmaPosition and CurrentDmaPosition are valid and different,
// then look for glitches.
if (CurrentDmaPosition!=0 && LastDmaPosition!=0 && CurrentDmaPosition!=LastDmaPosition) {
// Make sure our position is within our mapped buffer. If not, log that
// info and exit. That will kill this thread.
if (CurrentDmaPosition<Context->PhysicalDmaBufferStart || CurrentDmaPosition>=(Context->PhysicalDmaBufferStart+Context->DmaBufferSize)) { Trap(); break; }
// Make sure both current and last dma positions are DWORD aligned. Punt if not.
if ((CurrentDmaPosition|LastDmaPosition)&3) { Trap(); break; }
// Make sure the dma buffer size is a power of 2. Punt if not.
if (Context->DmaBufferSize&(Context->DmaBufferSize-1)) { Trap(); break; }
// Check if we see our FLAG value in the DMA buffer. Log glitch start time if so.
if (!GlitchStart) { if (GlitchStarted(CurrentDmaPosition, LastDmaPosition, Context)) { GlitchStart=Statistics->PeriodIndex; } } // If we are tracking a glitch, then see if there is valid data now. Log glitch
// stop time if so.
else { if (GlitchEnded(CurrentDmaPosition, LastDmaPosition, Context)) { GlitchLength=(ULONG)(Statistics->PeriodIndex-GlitchStart); } }
// Fill in with our flag value behind the DMA pointer back to previous DMA pointer.
FillDmaBuffer(CurrentDmaPosition, LastDmaPosition, Context);
// Print interrupt holdoff time if we have been held off.
// We do this only for channels that are unmasked.
if ((~DmaMask)&(1<<Context->Channel) && LastTimesliceStartTime>=2000*USEC) {
// Load the packet type last. When the ring 3 code see's a packet
// type that is not NODATA it assumes the rest of the packet has already
// been written.
((ULONGLONG *)Context->pPrintBuffer)[1+PrintLocation/sizeof(ULONGLONG)]=LastTimesliceStartTime-MSEC; ((ULONG *)Context->pPrintBuffer)[PrintLocation/sizeof(ULONG)]=HELDOFF|(Context->Channel<<8);
// Print glitch information if any.
if (GlitchLength) {
// Load the packet type last. When the ring 3 code see's a packet
// type that is not NODATA it assumes the rest of the packet has already
// been written.
// We put the DMA channel in byte 1 of the packet type.
((ULONGLONG *)Context->pPrintBuffer)[1+PrintLocation/sizeof(ULONGLONG)]=GlitchStart-LastGlitchStart; ((ULONG *)Context->pPrintBuffer)[1+PrintLocation/sizeof(ULONG)]=GlitchLength; ((ULONG *)Context->pPrintBuffer)[PrintLocation/sizeof(ULONG)]=GLITCHED|(Context->Channel<<8);
GlitchStart=0; GlitchLength=0;
// Print pause/running state changes.
if ((LastDmaMask^DmaMask)&(1<<Context->Channel)) { if (DmaMask&(1<<Context->Channel)) {
// Load the packet type last. When the ring 3 code see's a packet
// type that is not NODATA it assumes the rest of the packet has already
// been written.
// We put the DMA channel in byte 1 of the packet type.
((ULONG *)Context->pPrintBuffer)[PrintLocation/sizeof(ULONG)]=MASKED|(Context->Channel<<8);
} else {
// Load the packet type last. When the ring 3 code see's a packet
// type that is not NODATA it assumes the rest of the packet has already
// been written.
// We put the DMA channel in byte 1 of the packet type.
((ULONG *)Context->pPrintBuffer)[PrintLocation/sizeof(ULONG)]=UNMASKED|(Context->Channel<<8);
} }
// Update LastDmaPosition;
// Yield till next ms.
RtYield(0, 0);