// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996
// File: dump.cxx
// Contents: Reads the schema for objects and dumps them
// History: 07-09-96 ramv created
// 08-05-96 t-danal add to oledscmd
#include "main.hxx"
#include "macro.hxx"
#include "sconv.hxx"
#include "proputil.hxx"
// Local functions
HRESULT ListProperties( LPWSTR szADsPath );
HRESULT DumpObject( IADs * pADs );
// Local function definitions
HRESULT ListProperties( LPWSTR szADsPath ) { HRESULT hr; IADs * pADs = NULL;
hr = ADsGetObject( szADsPath, IID_IADs, (void **)&pADs ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
hr = DumpObject(pADs);
error: if (pADs) pADs->Release(); return hr; }
HRESULT DumpObject( IADs * pADs ) { HRESULT hr; IADs * pADsProp = NULL; VARIANT * pVariantArray = NULL; VARIANT varProperty;
DWORD dwNumProperties = 0; BSTR bstrPropName = NULL; DWORD i = 0; IDispatch * pDispatch = NULL;
hr = GetPropertyList( pADs, &pVariantArray, &dwNumProperties ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// printf("GetPropertyList here\n");
hr = pADs->GetInfo(); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
// printf("GetInfo succeeded \n");
for (i = 0; i < dwNumProperties; i++ ) {
pDispatch = (pVariantArray + i)->pdispVal; hr = pDispatch->QueryInterface( IID_IADs, (void **)&pADsProp ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr);
pDispatch->Release(); // NEW
hr = pADsProp->get_Name(&bstrPropName); pADsProp->Release(); // NEW
hr = pADs->Get( bstrPropName, &varProperty );
PrintProperty( bstrPropName, hr, varProperty );
// printf("PrintProperty succeeded \n");
if (bstrPropName) { SysFreeString(bstrPropName); } }
error: free(pVariantArray); return(hr); }
// Exec function definitions
int ExecDump(char *szProgName, char *szAction, int argc, char * argv[]) { HRESULT hr; LPWSTR szADsPath = NULL;
if (argc != 1) { PrintUsage(szProgName, szAction, "<ADsPath>"); return 1; }
szADsPath = AllocateUnicodeString(argv[0]);
hr = ListProperties( szADsPath );
FreeUnicodeString(szADsPath); if (FAILED(hr)) return 1; return 0; }
int ExecListTransient(char *szProgName, char *szAction, int argc, char * argv[]) { HRESULT hr; LPWSTR szADsPath = NULL; LPWSTR szObjectType = NULL;
if (argc != 2) { PrintUsage(szProgName, szAction, "<ADsPath> [ job | session | resource ]"); return (1); }
szADsPath = AllocateUnicodeString(argv[0]); szObjectType = AllocateUnicodeString(argv[1]);
hr = EnumTransientObjects( szADsPath, szObjectType, TRUE );
error: FreeUnicodeString(szADsPath); FreeUnicodeString(szObjectType); if (FAILED(hr)) { printf("Enumerate transient objects failed\n"); return(1); } printf("Enumerate transient objects succeeded\n"); return(0); } */