Copyright (c) 1991-1993 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
RxpConvertDataStructures routine which converts 16- to 32-bit arrays of structures and vice versa.
Richard Firth (rfirth) 03-Jul-1991
Revision History:
03-Jul-1991 rfirth created 15-Jul-1991 JohnRo Align each structure (e.g. in an array) if necessary. This will, for instance, help print dest info level 1 handling. Changed RxpConvertDataStructures to allow ERROR_MORE_DATA, e.g. for print APIs. Also, use DBG instead of DEBUG equate. 17-Jul-1991 JohnRo Extracted RxpDebug.h from Rxp.h. 07-Sep-1991 JohnRo Made changes suggested by PC-LINT. 20-Nov-1991 JohnRo Clarify which routine an error message is from. 21-Nov-1991 JohnRo Removed NT dependencies to reduce recompiles. 18-May-1993 JohnRo DosPrintQGetInfoW underestimates number of bytes needed. Made changes suggested by PC-LINT 5.0 21-Jun-1993 JohnRo RAID 14180: NetServerEnum never returns (alignment bug in RxpConvertDataStructures).
#include <windef.h>
#include <align.h>
#include <lmerr.h>
#include <rxp.h> // My prototype.
#include <rxpdebug.h> // IF_DEBUG().
#include <rap.h>
#include <netdebug.h>
NET_API_STATUS RxpConvertDataStructures( IN LPDESC InputDescriptor, IN LPDESC OutputDescriptor, IN LPDESC InputAuxDescriptor OPTIONAL, IN LPDESC OutputAuxDescriptor OPTIONAL, IN LPBYTE InputBuffer, OUT LPBYTE OutputBuffer, IN DWORD OutputBufferSize, IN DWORD PrimaryCount, OUT LPDWORD EntriesConverted OPTIONAL, IN RAP_TRANSMISSION_MODE TransmissionMode, IN RAP_CONVERSION_MODE ConversionMode )
Routine Description:
A buffer containing 16- or 32-bit structures is converted to 32- or 16-bit structures resp. in a separate buffer. The structures may or may not have associated auxiliary structures. The output buffer is expected to be large enough to contain all the input data structures plus any variable length data items. Therefore, in the worst case, there must be enough space to convert all 16-bit items to 32-bits and convert ASCII strings to UNICODE.
There may not be any auxiliary structures associated with the primaries, in which case the auxiliary descriptor pointers should BOTH BE NULL.
IMPORTANT: The input buffer is assumed to have MEANINGFUL pointers.
InputDescriptor - Pointer to string describing input primary data structure.
OutputDescriptor - Pointer to string describing output primary data structure.
InputAuxDescriptor - Pointer to string describing input auxiliary data structure. May be NULL.
OutputAuxDescriptor - Pointer to string describing output auxiliary data structure. May be NULL.
InputBuffer - Pointer to data area containing input structures.
OutputBuffer - Pointer to data area where output structures will be placed. If the OutputBufferSize is too small, the contents of the output area is undefined.
OutputBufferSize - Size of output buffer.
PrimaryCount - Number of primary structures in InputBuffer.
EntriesConverted - optionally points to a DWORD which will be filled-in with the number of entries actually converted. This will be the same as PrimaryCount if we return NO_ERROR, but will be less if we return ERROR_MORE_DATA.
TransmissionMode - Parameter to RapConvertSingleEntry.
ConversionMode - Which 16- to 32-bit conversion to use.
Return Value:
NET_API_STATUS - NERR_Success or ERROR_MORE_DATA. ( The callers of this routine assume these are the only two error codes.)
{ NET_API_STATUS status; DWORD input_structure_size; DWORD output_structure_size; DWORD input_aux_structure_size = 0; DWORD output_aux_structure_size = 0; DWORD input_alignment; DWORD output_alignment; DWORD input_aux_alignment = 0; DWORD output_aux_alignment = 0; LPBYTE aligned_input_buffer_start; LPBYTE aligned_output_buffer_start; BOOL auxiliaries = (InputAuxDescriptor != NULL); DWORD aux_count_offset = 0; DWORD aux_count = 0; DWORD entries_fully_converted = 0; LPBYTE next_input_structure; LPBYTE next_output_structure;
// These next two variables are used by RapConvertSingleEntry which copies
// stuff to the output buffer and informs us of the amount of space used or
// required, depending on whether it has enough space to write the data; we
// assume it will. RapConvertSingleEntry stores the fixed structures at the
// head of the buffer and starts writing the variable parts (strings) at the
// bottom. It uses variable_data_pointer as the next writable location for
// the strings, and updates this variable as it writes to the area pointed to
LPBYTE variable_data_pointer; DWORD space_occupied = 0;
// if the conversion mode is NativeToRap or NativeToNative then the input
// data is 32-bit. Same for output data
BOOL input_is_32_bit = ConversionMode == NativeToRap || ConversionMode == NativeToNative; BOOL output_is_32_bit = ConversionMode == RapToNative || ConversionMode == NativeToNative;
#if DBG
// the auxiliary data descriptors must be both NULL or both non-NULL
BOOL aux_in, aux_out;
aux_in = (InputAuxDescriptor != NULL); aux_out = (OutputAuxDescriptor != NULL);
if (aux_in ^ aux_out) { NetpKdPrint(("RxpConvertDataStructures: " "InputAuxDescriptor & OutputAuxDescriptor out of sync\n")); NetpAssert(FALSE); } #endif
input_structure_size = RapStructureSize(InputDescriptor, TransmissionMode, input_is_32_bit ); output_structure_size = RapStructureSize(OutputDescriptor, TransmissionMode, output_is_32_bit ); input_alignment = RapStructureAlignment(InputDescriptor, TransmissionMode, input_is_32_bit ); output_alignment = RapStructureAlignment(OutputDescriptor, TransmissionMode, output_is_32_bit );
if (auxiliaries) { input_aux_structure_size = RapStructureSize(InputAuxDescriptor, TransmissionMode, input_is_32_bit ); output_aux_structure_size = RapStructureSize(OutputAuxDescriptor, TransmissionMode, output_is_32_bit ); input_aux_alignment = RapStructureAlignment(InputAuxDescriptor, TransmissionMode, input_is_32_bit ); output_aux_alignment = RapStructureAlignment(OutputAuxDescriptor, TransmissionMode, output_is_32_bit ); aux_count_offset = RapAuxDataCountOffset(InputDescriptor, TransmissionMode, input_is_32_bit ); }
// Make sure first (only?) input and output structures are aligned. (This
// won't do anything for the RAP formats, but is critical for native.)
aligned_input_buffer_start = RapPossiblyAlignPointer( InputBuffer, input_alignment, input_is_32_bit); aligned_output_buffer_start = RapPossiblyAlignPointer( OutputBuffer, output_alignment, output_is_32_bit);
// We can't use the space we just skipped over, so update size accordingly.
OutputBufferSize -= (DWORD)(aligned_output_buffer_start - OutputBuffer); NetpAssert( OutputBufferSize >= 1 );
// Initialize roving pointers.
next_input_structure = aligned_input_buffer_start; next_output_structure = aligned_output_buffer_start; variable_data_pointer = aligned_output_buffer_start + OutputBufferSize;
// For each primary structure, copy the input primary to the output buffer,
// changing format as we go; copy any associated variable data at the end
// of the output buffer. Then, if there is an aux count associated with
// the primary, do the same action for the auxiliary structures and
// associated strings/variable data
while (PrimaryCount--) { //
// Convert the data for this instance of the primary structure.
status = RapConvertSingleEntryEx( next_input_structure, InputDescriptor, // input desc
FALSE, // input ptrs NOT meaningless
aligned_output_buffer_start, next_output_structure, OutputDescriptor, FALSE, // don't set offsets (want ptrs)
&variable_data_pointer, &space_occupied, TransmissionMode, // as supplied in parameters
ConversionMode, // as supplied in parameters
(ULONG_PTR)InputBuffer ); NetpAssert( status == NERR_Success );
if (space_occupied > OutputBufferSize) { IF_DEBUG(CONVDATA) { NetpKdPrint(("RxpConvertDataStructures: " "output buffer size blown by primary\n")); } status = ERROR_MORE_DATA; goto Cleanup; }
// if we have auxiliary structs, pull out the number associated
// with this primary struct from the primary struct itself
// before pointing to the next copy location (this allows us to
// handle the case where there are a variable number of aux
// structs per each primary. There may not be such a case, but
// this is defensive programming)
if (auxiliaries) { if (input_is_32_bit) { aux_count = *(LPDWORD)(next_input_structure + aux_count_offset); } else { aux_count = *(LPWORD)(next_input_structure + aux_count_offset); } }
// Bump to next element of each array (or just beyond end, if we're
// done).
next_input_structure += input_structure_size; next_output_structure += output_structure_size;
// Make sure each primary structure is aligned. (This won't do anything
// for the RAP formats, but is critical for native.)
next_input_structure = RapPossiblyAlignPointer( next_input_structure, input_alignment, input_is_32_bit);
{ DWORD NextOutputAlignment = (DWORD)((LPBYTE) (RapPossiblyAlignPointer( next_output_structure, output_alignment, output_is_32_bit)) - next_output_structure);
NetpAssert( NextOutputAlignment < ALIGN_WORST ); if (NextOutputAlignment > 0) { next_output_structure += NextOutputAlignment; space_occupied += NextOutputAlignment; } }
// use aux_count to determine whether loop should be performed
while (aux_count) { //
// Convert the data for this instance of the secondary structure.
status = RapConvertSingleEntryEx( next_input_structure, InputAuxDescriptor, FALSE, // input ptrs NOT meaningless
aligned_output_buffer_start, next_output_structure, OutputAuxDescriptor, FALSE, // don't set offsets (want ptrs)
&variable_data_pointer, &space_occupied, TransmissionMode, // as supplied in parameters
ConversionMode, // as supplied in parameters
(ULONG_PTR)InputBuffer ); NetpAssert( status == NERR_Success );
if (space_occupied > OutputBufferSize) { IF_DEBUG(CONVDATA) { NetpKdPrint(("RxpConvertDataStructures: " "output buffer size blown by secondary\n")); } status = ERROR_MORE_DATA; goto Cleanup; }
next_input_structure += input_aux_structure_size; next_output_structure += output_aux_structure_size; --aux_count;
// Make sure next structure (if any) is aligned. (This won't do
// anything for the RAP formats, but is critical for native.)
next_input_structure = RapPossiblyAlignPointer( next_input_structure, input_aux_alignment, input_is_32_bit); next_output_structure = RapPossiblyAlignPointer( next_output_structure, output_aux_alignment, output_is_32_bit); space_occupied = RapPossiblyAlignCount( space_occupied, output_aux_alignment, output_is_32_bit);
} // while (aux_count)
} // while (primary_count--)
status = NERR_Success;
if (EntriesConverted != NULL) { *EntriesConverted = entries_fully_converted; }
return (status); }