Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: frsthrd.c
Abstract: Simple thread management in addition to the queue management.
Author: Billy J. Fuller 26-Mar-1997
Revised: David Orbits - May 2000 : Revised naming.
Environment User mode winnt
#include <ntreppch.h>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <frs.h>
#include <perrepsr.h>
#define THSUP_THREAD_TOMBSTONE (5 * 1000)
// Global list of threads
LIST_ENTRY FrsThreadList;
// Protects FrsThreadList
CRITICAL_SECTION FrsThreadCriticalSection;
// Exiting threads can queue a "wait" request
#if _MSC_FULL_VER >= 13008827
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4715) // Not all control paths return (due to infinite loop)
DWORD ThSupMainCs( PVOID Arg ) /*++
Routine Description: Entry point for thread command server thread. This thread is needed for abort and exit processing; hence this command server is never aborted and the thread never exits!
Arguments: Arg - thread
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "ThSupMainCs:"
Cs = FrsThread->Data; FRS_ASSERT(Cs == &ThCs);
// Our exit routine sets Data to non-NULL as a exit flag
while (TRUE) { Cmd = FrsGetCommandServer(&ThCs); if (Cmd == NULL) { continue; } FRS_ASSERT(Cmd->Command == CMD_WAIT); FRS_ASSERT(ThThread(Cmd));
// Any thread using the CMD_WAIT must get a thread reference the thread
// before enqueueing the command to protect against multiple waiters.
// Wait for the thread to terminate. The assumption is that the thread
// associated with the FrsThread struct will soon be terminating, ending the wait.
FrsThread = ThThread(Cmd); ThSupWaitThread(FrsThread, INFINITE); //
// When the last ref is dropped the FrsThread struct is freed.
ThSupReleaseRef(FrsThread); FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); }
#if _MSC_FULL_VER >= 13008827
#pragma warning(pop)
DWORD ThSupExitWithTombstone( PFRS_THREAD FrsThread ) /*++
Routine Description:
Mark the thread as tombstoned. If this thread does not exit within that time, any calls to ThSupWaitThread() return a timeout error.
Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "ThSupExitWithTombstone:"
// If this thread does not exit within the THSUP_THREAD_TOMBSTONE interval then
// don't wait on it and count it as an exit timeout.
FrsThread->ExitTombstone = GetTickCount(); if (FrsThread->ExitTombstone == 0) { FrsThread->ExitTombstone = 1; }
DWORD ThSupExitThreadNOP( PVOID Arg ) /*++
Routine Description: Use this exit function when you don't want the cleanup code to kill the thread but you have no exit processing to do. E.g., a command server.
Arguments: None.
Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "ThSupExitThreadNOP:"
VOID ThSupInitialize( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description: Initialize the FRS thread subsystem. Must be called before any other thread function and must be called only once.
Arguments: None.
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "ThSupInitialize:"
FrsInitializeCommandServer(&ThCs, 1, L"ThCs: Wait on threads.", ThSupMainCs); }
PVOID ThSupGetThreadData( PFRS_THREAD FrsThread ) /*++
Routine Description: Return the thread specific data portion of the thread context.
Arguments: FrsThread - thread context.
Return Value: Thread specific data --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "ThSupGetThreadData:"
return (FrsThread->Data); }
PFRS_THREAD ThSupAllocThread( PWCHAR Name, PVOID Param, DWORD (*Main)(PVOID), DWORD (*Exit)(PVOID) ) /*++
Routine Description: Allocate a thread context and call its Init routine.
Arguments: Param - parameter to the thread Main - entry point Exit - called to force thread to exit
Return Value: Thread context. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "ThSupAllocThread:"
ULONG Status; PFRS_THREAD FrsThread;
// Create a thread context for a soon-to-be-running thread
FrsThread = FrsAllocType(THREAD_TYPE);
FrsThread->Name = Name; FrsThread->Running = TRUE; FrsThread->Ref = 1; FrsThread->Main = Main; FrsThread->Exit = Exit; FrsThread->Data = Param;
// Add to global list of threads (Unless this is our command server)
if (Main != ThSupMainCs) { EnterCriticalSection(&FrsThreadCriticalSection); InsertTailList(&FrsThreadList, &FrsThread->List); LeaveCriticalSection(&FrsThreadCriticalSection); }
return FrsThread; }
VOID ThSupReleaseRef( PFRS_THREAD FrsThread ) /*++
Routine Description: Dec the thread's reference count. If the count goes to 0, free the thread context.
Arguments: FrsThread - thread context
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "ThSupReleaseRef:"
if (FrsThread == NULL) { return; }
FRS_ASSERT(FrsThread->Main != ThSupMainCs || FrsThread->Running);
// If the ref count goes to 0 and the thread isn't running, free the context
EnterCriticalSection(&FrsThreadCriticalSection); FRS_ASSERT(FrsThread->Ref > 0);
if (--FrsThread->Ref == 0 && !FrsThread->Running) { FrsRemoveEntryList(&FrsThread->List); } else { FrsThread = NULL; }
// ref count is not 0 or the thread is still running
if (FrsThread == NULL) { return; }
// Ref count is 0; Close the thread's handle.
FrsThread = FrsFreeType(FrsThread); }
PFRS_THREAD ThSupEnumThreads( PFRS_THREAD FrsThread ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine scans the list of threads. If FrsThread is NULL, the current head is returned. Otherwise, the next entry is returned. If FrsThead is non-Null its ref count is decremented.
Arguments: FrsThread - thread context or NULL
Return Value: The next thread context or NULL if we hit the end of the list. A reference is taken on the returned thread.
--*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "ThSupEnumThreads:"
// Get the next thread context (the head of the list if FrsThread is NULL)
Entry = (FrsThread != NULL) ? GetListNext(&FrsThread->List) : GetListNext(&FrsThreadList);
if (Entry == &FrsThreadList) { //
// back at the head of the list
NextFrsThread = NULL; } else { //
// Increment the ref count
NextFrsThread = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry, FRS_THREAD, List); NextFrsThread->Ref++; }
// Release the reference on the old thread context.
if (FrsThread != NULL) { ThSupReleaseRef(FrsThread); }
return NextFrsThread; }
BOOL ThSupCreateThread( PWCHAR Name, PVOID Param, DWORD (*Main)(PVOID), DWORD (*Exit)(PVOID) ) /*++
Routine Description: Kick off the thread and return its context.
Note: The caller must release thread reference when done
Arguments: Param - parameter to the thread Main - entry point Exit - called to force thread to exit
Return Value: Thread context. Caller must call ThSupReleaseRef() to release it. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "ThSupCreateThread:"
// Allocate a thread context
FrsThread = ThSupAllocThread(Name, Param, Main, Exit); if (FrsThread == NULL) { return FALSE; } //
// Kick off the thread
FrsThread->Handle = (HANDLE) CreateThread(NULL, 10000, Main, (PVOID)FrsThread, 0, &FrsThread->Id); //
// thread is not running. The following ThSupReleaseRef will clean up.
if (!HANDLE_IS_VALID(FrsThread->Handle)) { DPRINT_WS(0, "Can't start thread; ",GetLastError()); FrsThread->Running = FALSE; ThSupReleaseRef(FrsThread); return FALSE; } else { //
// Increment the Threads started counter
PM_INC_CTR_SERVICE(PMTotalInst, ThreadsStarted, 1);
DPRINT3(4, ":S: Starting thread %ws: Id %d (%08x)\n", Name, FrsThread->Id, FrsThread->Id);
DbgCaptureThreadInfo2(Name, Main, FrsThread->Id); return TRUE; } }
DWORD ThSupWaitThread( PFRS_THREAD FrsThread, DWORD Millisec ) /*++
Routine Description:
Wait at most MilliSeconds for the thread to exit. If the thread has set a wait tombstone (i.e. it is terminating) then don't wait longer than the time remaining on the tombstone.
Arguments: FrsThread - thread context Millisec - Time to wait. Use INFINITE if no timeout desired.
Return Value:
Status of the wait if timeout or the exit code of the thread. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "ThSupWaitThread:"
ULONGLONG CreateTime, ExitTime, KernelTime, UserTime;
DWORD WStatus, Status, ExitCode; DWORD Beg, End, TimeSinceTombstone;
// No problems waiting for this one!
if (!FrsThread || !HANDLE_IS_VALID(FrsThread->Handle)) { return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
// Wait awhile for the thread to exit
DPRINT1(1, ":S: %ws: Waiting\n", FrsThread->Name);
Beg = GetTickCount(); if (FrsThread->ExitTombstone != 0) { //
// The thread has registered an exit tombstone so don't wait past that
// time. Simply return a timeout error. Note: GetTickCount has a
// period of 49.7 days so the unsigned difference handles the wrap problem.
TimeSinceTombstone = Beg - FrsThread->ExitTombstone; if (TimeSinceTombstone >= THSUP_THREAD_TOMBSTONE) { //
// Tombstone expired
DPRINT1(1, ":S: %ws: Tombstone expired\n", FrsThread->Name); Status = WAIT_TIMEOUT; } else { //
// Tombstone has a ways to go; wait only up to the tombstone time.
DPRINT1(1, ":S: %ws: Tombstone expiring\n", FrsThread->Name); Status = WaitForSingleObject(FrsThread->Handle, THSUP_THREAD_TOMBSTONE - TimeSinceTombstone); } } else { //
// no tombstone; wait the requested time
DPRINT1(1, ":S: %ws: normal wait\n", FrsThread->Name); Status = WaitForSingleObject(FrsThread->Handle, Millisec); }
// Adjust the error status based on the outcome
if ((Status == WAIT_OBJECT_0) || (Status == WAIT_ABANDONED)) { DPRINT1_WS(1, ":S: %ws: wait successful. ", FrsThread->Name, Status); WStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { if (Status == WAIT_FAILED) { WStatus = GetLastError(); DPRINT1_WS(1, ":S: %ws: wait failed;", FrsThread->Name, WStatus); } else { DPRINT1_WS(1, ":S: %ws: wait timed out. ", FrsThread->Name, Status); WStatus = ERROR_TIMEOUT; } }
// Wait over
End = GetTickCount(); DPRINT2_WS(1, ":S: Done waiting for thread %ws (%d ms); ", FrsThread->Name, End - Beg, WStatus);
// Thread has exited. Get exit status and set thread struct as "not running".
if (WIN_SUCCESS(WStatus)) { FrsThread->Running = FALSE;
if (GetExitCodeThread(FrsThread->Handle, &ExitCode)) { WStatus = ExitCode; DPRINT1_WS(1, ":S: %ws: exit code - \n", FrsThread->Name, WStatus); } }
if (GetThreadTimes(FrsThread->Handle, (PFILETIME)&CreateTime, (PFILETIME)&ExitTime, (PFILETIME)&KernelTime, (PFILETIME)&UserTime)) { //
// Hasn't exited, yet
if (ExitTime < CreateTime) { ExitTime = CreateTime; } DPRINT4(4, ":S: %-15ws: %8d CPU Seconds (%d kernel, %d elapsed)\n", FrsThread->Name, (DWORD)((KernelTime + UserTime) / (10 * 1000 * 1000)), (DWORD)((KernelTime) / (10 * 1000 * 1000)), (DWORD)((ExitTime - CreateTime) / (10 * 1000 * 1000))); }
return WStatus; }
DWORD ThSupExitThreadGroup( IN DWORD (*Main)(PVOID) ) /*++
Routine Description:
Force the group of threads with the given Main function to exit by calling their exit routine. Wait for the threads to exit.
Arguments: Main - Main function or NULL
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "ThSupExitThreadGroup:"
// call the threads exit function (forcibly terminate if none)
FrsThread = NULL; while (FrsThread = ThSupEnumThreads(FrsThread)) { if (Main == NULL || Main == FrsThread->Main) { ThSupExitSingleThread(FrsThread); } } //
// wait for the threads to exit
RetWStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; FrsThread = NULL; while (FrsThread = ThSupEnumThreads(FrsThread)) { if (Main == NULL || Main == FrsThread->Main) { WStatus = ThSupWaitThread(FrsThread, INFINITE); if (!WIN_SUCCESS(WStatus)) { RetWStatus = WStatus; } } } if (GetThreadTimes(GetCurrentThread(), (PFILETIME)&CreateTime, (PFILETIME)&ExitTime, (PFILETIME)&KernelTime, (PFILETIME)&UserTime)) { //
// Hasn't exited, yet
if (ExitTime < CreateTime) { ExitTime = CreateTime; } DPRINT4(4, ":S: %-15ws: %8d CPU Seconds (%d kernel, %d elapsed)\n", L"SHUTDOWN", (DWORD)((KernelTime + UserTime) / (10 * 1000 * 1000)), (DWORD)((KernelTime) / (10 * 1000 * 1000)), (DWORD)((ExitTime - CreateTime) / (10 * 1000 * 1000))); } if (GetProcessTimes(ProcessHandle, (PFILETIME)&CreateTime, (PFILETIME)&ExitTime, (PFILETIME)&KernelTime, (PFILETIME)&UserTime)) { //
// Hasn't exited, yet
if (ExitTime < CreateTime) { ExitTime = CreateTime; } DPRINT4(0, ":S: %-15ws: %8d CPU Seconds (%d kernel, %d elapsed)\n", L"PROCESS", (DWORD)((KernelTime + UserTime) / (10 * 1000 * 1000)), (DWORD)((KernelTime) / (10 * 1000 * 1000)), (DWORD)((ExitTime - CreateTime) / (10 * 1000 * 1000))); }
return RetWStatus; }
VOID ThSupExitSingleThread( PFRS_THREAD FrsThread ) /*++
Routine Description:
Force the thread to exit
Arguments: None.
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "ThSupExitSingleThread:"
// call the thread's exit function (forcibly terminate if none)
if (FrsThread->Exit != NULL) { (*FrsThread->Exit)(FrsThread); } else { //
// No exit function; forcibly terminate
if (HANDLE_IS_VALID(FrsThread->Handle)) { TerminateThread(FrsThread->Handle, STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); } }
// Increment the Threads exited counter
PM_INC_CTR_SERVICE(PMTotalInst, ThreadsExited, 1); }
PFRS_THREAD ThSupGetThread( DWORD (*Main)(PVOID) ) /*++
Routine Description: Locate a thread whose entry point is Main.
Arguments: Main - entry point to search for.
Return Value: thread context --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "ThSupGetThread:"
// Scan the list of threads looking for one whose entry point is Main
FrsThread = NULL; while (FrsThread = ThSupEnumThreads(FrsThread)) { if (FrsThread->Main == Main) { return FrsThread; } }
return NULL; }
VOID ThSupAcquireRef( PFRS_THREAD FrsThread ) /*++
Routine Description: Inc the thread's reference count.
Arguments: FrsThread - thread context
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "ThSupAcquireRef:"
FRS_ASSERT(FrsThread); FRS_ASSERT(FrsThread->Running);
// If the ref count goes to 0 and the thread isn't running, free the context
EnterCriticalSection(&FrsThreadCriticalSection); ++FrsThread->Ref; LeaveCriticalSection(&FrsThreadCriticalSection); }
VOID ThSupSubmitThreadExitCleanup( PFRS_THREAD FrsThread ) /*++
Routine Description:
Submit a wait command for this thread to the thread command server.
The thread command server (ThQs) will do an infinte wait on this thread's exit and drop the reference on its thread struct so it can be cleaned up.
The assumption is that the thread associated with the FrsThread struct will soon be terminating.
Arguments: FrsThread - thread context
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "ThSupSubmitThreadExitCleanup:"
// Reference the thread until after the wait has completed to guard
// against the case of multiple waiters
// Allocate a command packet and send the command off to the
// thread command server.
Cmd = FrsAllocCommand(&ThCs.Queue, CMD_WAIT); ThThread(Cmd) = FrsThread; FrsSubmitCommandServer(&ThCs, Cmd); }