Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: replica.c
Abstract: Replica Control Command Server (Replica).
The Ds Poller periodically pulls the configuration from the DS, checks it for consistency, and then merges it with the current local configuration. The Ds Poller then makes copies of each replica for this machine and sends the copy to this replica control command server.
Author: Billy J. Fuller 23-May-1997
Revised: David A. Orbits 24-Jan-1998, added locking and interfaced with INLOG. Restructured Connection JOIN sequence. Jul-1999 Registry code rewrite
Environment User mode winnt
#include <ntreppch.h>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <frs.h>
#include <ntdsapi.h>
#include <tablefcn.h>
#include <ntfrsapi.h>
#include <perrepsr.h>
// Connection flags.
FLAG_NAME_TABLE CxtionFlagNameTable[] = { {CXTION_FLAGS_CONSISTENT , "Consistent " }, {CXTION_FLAGS_SCHEDULE_OFF , "SchedOff " }, {CXTION_FLAGS_VOLATILE , "Volatile " }, {CXTION_FLAGS_DEFERRED_JOIN , "DeferredJoin " },
{0, NULL} };
// Directory and file filter lists from registry.
extern PWCHAR RegistryFileExclFilterList; extern PWCHAR RegistryDirExclFilterList;
extern ULONGLONG ActiveChange;
BOOL CurrentSysvolReadyIsValid; DWORD CurrentSysvolReady;
// Replica tombstone in days
DWORD ReplicaTombstone; ULONGLONG ReplicaTombstoneInFileTime;
// Retry a join every MinJoinRetry milliseconds, increasing by
// MinJoinRetry every retry (but no longer than MaxJoinRetry).
#define JOIN_RETRY_EVENT (5) // record event every 5 join retries
LONG MinJoinRetry; LONG MaxJoinRetry;
extern DWORD CommTimeoutInMilliSeconds;
// Start replication even if the DS could not be accessed
DWORD ReplicaStartTimeout;
// Struct for the Replica Control Command Server
// Contains info about the queues and the threads
COMMAND_SERVER ReplicaCmdServer;
// Table of active replicas
PGEN_TABLE ReplicasByGuid; PGEN_TABLE ReplicasByNumber;
// Table of deleted replicas discovered at startup. These replicas
// never make it into the active tables, ever.
PGEN_TABLE DeletedReplicas;
// Table of cxtions deleted during runtime. They are eventually
// freed at shutdown.
PGEN_TABLE DeletedCxtions;
PGEN_TABLE ReplicasNotInTheDs;
// Partners are not allowed to join if their clocks are out-of-sync
ULONGLONG MaxPartnerClockSkew; DWORD PartnerClockSkew;
#define ReplicaCmdSetInitialTimeOut(_Cmd_, _Init_) \
if (RsTimeout(Cmd) == 0) { \ RsTimeout(Cmd) = (_Init_); \ }
#define SET_JOINED(_Replica_, _Cxtion_, _S_) \
{ \ SetCxtionState(_Cxtion_, CxtionStateJoined); \ PM_INC_CTR_REPSET((_Replica_), Joins, 1); \ PM_INC_CTR_CXTION((_Cxtion_), Joins, 1); \ \ DPRINT3(0, ":X: ***** %s CxtG %08x "FORMAT_CXTION_PATH2"\n", \ _S_, \ ((_Cxtion_) != NULL) ? ((PCXTION)(_Cxtion_))->Name->Guid->Data1 : 0,\ PRINT_CXTION_PATH2(_Replica_, _Cxtion_)); \ if (_Cxtion_->JoinCmd && \ (LONG)RsTimeout(_Cxtion_->JoinCmd) > (JOIN_RETRY_EVENT * MinJoinRetry)) { \ if (_Cxtion_->Inbound) { \ EPRINT3(EVENT_FRS_LONG_JOIN_DONE, \ _Cxtion_->Partner->Name, ComputerName, _Replica_->Root); \ } else { \ EPRINT3(EVENT_FRS_LONG_JOIN_DONE, \ ComputerName, _Cxtion_->Partner->Name, _Replica_->Root); \ } \ } \ }
// Unidle the change order process queue if it is blocked.
#define UNIDLE_CO_PROCESS_QUEUE(_Replica_, _Cxtion_, _CoProcessQueue_) \
{ \ if (_CoProcessQueue_ != NULL) { \ CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, _Cxtion_, _Replica_, 0, "CO Process Q Unblock"); \ FrsRtlUnIdledQueue(_CoProcessQueue_); \ _CoProcessQueue_ = NULL; \ } \ }
// Trigger an unjoin after N co's on *ONE* cxtion *ONE* time.
#if DBG
#define PULL_UNJOIN_TRIGGER(_Cxtion_, _Cmd_) \
{ \ if (_Cxtion_->UnjoinTrigger && (--_Cxtion_->UnjoinTrigger == 0)) { \ DPRINT1(0, ":X: UNJOIN TRIGGER FIRED FOR %ws\n", _Cxtion_->Name->Name); \ FrsCompleteCommand(_Cmd_, ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED); \ return; \ } \ }
#define SET_UNJOIN_TRIGGER(_Cxtion_) \
{ \ if (DebugInfo.UnjoinTrigger) { \ _Cxtion_->UnjoinReset = DebugInfo.UnjoinTrigger; \ DebugInfo.UnjoinTrigger = 0; \ } \ _Cxtion_->UnjoinTrigger = _Cxtion_->UnjoinReset; \ _Cxtion_->UnjoinReset <<= 1; \ _Cxtion_->UnjoinReset = 0; \ } #else DBG
#define SET_UNJOIN_TRIGGER(_Cxtion_)
#define PULL_UNJOIN_TRIGGER(_Cxtion_, _Cmd_)
#endif DBG
// Flags for RcsCheckCmd.
#define CHECK_CMD_PARTNERCOC (0x00000001)
#define CHECK_CMD_REPLICA (0x00000002)
#define CHECK_CMD_CXTION (0x00000004)
#define CHECK_CMD_JOINGUID (0x00000008)
#define CHECK_CMD_COE (0x00000010)
#define CHECK_CMD_COGUID (0x00000020)
#define CHECK_CMD_NOT_EXPIRED (0x00000040)
#define CHECK_CMD_JOINTIME (0x00000080)
// Flags for RcsCheckCxtion
#define CHECK_CXTION_EXISTS (0x00000001)
#define CHECK_CXTION_INBOUND (0x00000002)
#define CHECK_CXTION_OUTBOUND (0x00000004)
#define CHECK_CXTION_JRNLCXTION (0x00000008)
#define CHECK_CXTION_JOINGUID (0x00000010)
#define CHECK_CXTION_JOINED (0x00000020)
#define CHECK_CXTION_VVECTOR (0x00000040)
#define CHECK_CXTION_PARTNER (0x00000080)
#define CHECK_CXTION_AUTH (0x00000100)
#define CHECK_CXTION_FIXJOINED (0x00000200)
#define CHECK_CXTION_UNJOINGUID (0x00000400)
VOID ChgOrdStartJoinRequest( IN PREPLICA Replica, IN PCXTION Cxtion );
ULONG OutLogRetireCo( PREPLICA Replica, ULONG COx, PCXTION PartnerCxtion );
ULONG OutLogInitPartner( PREPLICA Replica, PCXTION PartnerInfo );
ULONG RcsForceUnjoin( IN PREPLICA Replica, IN PCXTION Cxtion );
VOID RcsCreatePerfmonCxtionName( PREPLICA Replica, PCXTION Cxtion );
DWORD SndCsAssignCommQueue( VOID );
VOID SndCsCreateCxtion( IN OUT PCXTION Cxtion );
VOID SndCsDestroyCxtion( IN PCXTION Cxtion, IN DWORD CxtionFlags );
VOID SndCsSubmitCommPkt( IN PREPLICA Replica, IN PCXTION Cxtion, IN PCHANGE_ORDER_ENTRY Coe, IN GUID *JoinGuid, IN BOOL SetTimeout, IN PCOMM_PACKET CommPkt, IN DWORD CommQueueIndex );
VOID ChgOrdInjectControlCo( IN PREPLICA Replica, IN PCXTION Cxtion, IN ULONG ContentCmd );
VOID RcsUpdateReplicaSetMember( IN PREPLICA Replica );
VOID RcsReplicaSetRegistry( IN PREPLICA Replica );
VOID CfgFilesNotToBackup( IN PGEN_TABLE Replicas );
DWORD NtFrsApi_Rpc_BindEx( IN PWCHAR MachineName, OUT PWCHAR *OutPrincName, OUT handle_t *OutHandle, OUT ULONG *OutParentAuthLevel );
PWCHAR FrsDsConvertName( IN HANDLE Handle, IN PWCHAR InputName, IN DWORD InputFormat, IN PWCHAR DomainDnsName, IN DWORD DesiredFormat );
DWORD UtilRpcServerHandleToAuthSidString( IN handle_t ServerHandle, IN PWCHAR AuthClient, OUT PWCHAR *ClientSid );
VOID RcsCloseReplicaSetmember( IN PREPLICA Replica );
VOID RcsCloseReplicaCxtions( IN PREPLICA Replica );
ULONG DbsProcessReplicaFaultList( PDWORD pReplicaSetsDeleted );
ULONG DbsCheckForOverlapErrors( IN PREPLICA Replica );
BOOL RcsAreAuthNamesEqual( IN PWCHAR AuthName1, IN PWCHAR AuthName2 ) /*++
Routine Description: Are the two auth names equal?
The principle name comes from an rpc server handle or from DsCrackName(NT4 ACCOUNT NAME). The formats are slightly different so this isn't a simple wcsicmp().
The principle name from the server handle has the format DNS-Domain-Name\ComputerName$.
The principle name from DsCrackName has the format NetBIOS-Domain-Name\ComputerName$.
The principle name from RpcMgmtInqServerPrincName() has the format ComputerName$@DNS-Domain-Name
The names may be stringized sids.
Arguments: AuthName1 - from rpc server handle or DsCrackName() AuthName2 - from rpc server handle or DsCrackName()
Return Value: TRUE - the princnames are effectively equal FALSE - not --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsAreAuthNamesEqual:"
BOOL AreEqual = FALSE; PWCHAR c; PWCHAR Sam1Begin; PWCHAR Sam2Begin; PWCHAR Sam1End; PWCHAR Sam2End; PWCHAR Dom1Begin; PWCHAR Dom2Begin; PWCHAR Dom1End; PWCHAR Dom2End;
// NULL Param
if (!AuthName1 || !AuthName2) { if (!AuthName1 && !AuthName2) { AreEqual = TRUE; goto CLEANUP; } goto CLEANUP; }
// principal names are usually in the format domain\samaccount
// or stringized SID
if (WSTR_EQ(AuthName1, AuthName2)) { AreEqual = TRUE; goto CLEANUP; }
// Find the sam account name and the domain name
for (c = AuthName1; *c && *c != L'\\' && *c != L'@'; ++c); if (*c) { //
// domain\samaccount
if (*c == L'\\') { Dom1Begin = AuthName1; Dom1End = c; Sam1Begin = c + 1; Sam1End = &AuthName1[wcslen(AuthName1)]; } //
// samaccount@dnsdomain
else { Sam1Begin = AuthName1; Sam1End = c; Dom1Begin = c + 1; for (; *c && *c != L'.'; ++c); Dom1End = c; } } //
// Unknown format
else { goto CLEANUP; }
for (c = AuthName2; *c && *c != L'\\' && *c != L'@'; ++c); if (*c) { //
// domain\samaccount
if (*c == L'\\') { Dom2Begin = AuthName2; Dom2End = c; Sam2Begin = c + 1; Sam2End = &AuthName2[wcslen(AuthName2)]; } //
// samaccount@dnsdomain
else { Sam2Begin = AuthName2; Sam2End = c; Dom2Begin = c + 1; for (; *c && *c != L'.'; ++c); Dom2End = c; } } //
// Unknown format
else { goto CLEANUP; }
// Compare samaccount
while (Sam1Begin != Sam1End && Sam2Begin != Sam2End) { if (towlower(*Sam1Begin) != towlower(*Sam2Begin)) { goto CLEANUP; } ++Sam1Begin; ++Sam2Begin; }
// compare domain
while (Dom1Begin != Dom1End && Dom2Begin != Dom2End) { if (towlower(*Dom1Begin) != towlower(*Dom2Begin)) { goto CLEANUP; } ++Dom1Begin; ++Dom2Begin; }
AreEqual = (Sam1Begin == Sam1End && Sam2Begin == Sam2End && Dom1Begin == Dom1End && Dom2Begin == Dom2End); CLEANUP:
DPRINT3(4, "Auth names %ws %s %ws\n", AuthName1, (AreEqual) ? "==" : "!=", AuthName2);
return AreEqual; }
PREPLICA RcsFindReplicaByNumber( IN ULONG ReplicaNumber ) /*++
Routine Description: Find the replica by internal number
Arguments: ReplicaNumber
Return Value: Address of the replica or NULL. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsFindReplicaByNumber:"
// Find the replica by internal replica number (used in the Jet Table names)
return GTabLookup(ReplicasByNumber, &ReplicaNumber, NULL); }
PREPLICA RcsFindReplicaByGuid( IN GUID *Guid ) /*++
Routine Description: Find a replica by Guid
Arguments: Guid - Replica->ReplicaName->Guid
Return Value: Address of the replica or NULL. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsFindReplicaByGuid:"
// Find the replica by guid
return GTabLookup(ReplicasByGuid, Guid, NULL); }
PREPLICA RcsFindReplicaById( IN ULONG Id ) /*++
Routine Description:
Find a replica given the internal ID.
Id - Internal Replica ID.
Return Value: Address of the replica or NULL. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsFindReplicaById:"
ForEachListEntry( &ReplicaListHead, REPLICA, ReplicaList, if (pE->ReplicaNumber == Id) { RetVal = pE; break; } );
return RetVal; }
BOOL RcsCheckCmd( IN PCOMMAND_PACKET Cmd, IN PCHAR Debsub, IN ULONG Flags ) /*++
Routine Description: Check the command packet for the specified fields.
Arguments: Cmd Hdr Flags
Return Value: TRUE - packet is ok FALSE - not --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsCheckCmd:"
BOOL Ret = TRUE; PREPLICA Replica = RsReplica(Cmd); CHAR Tstr1[128];
// Replica
if ((Flags & CHECK_CMD_REPLICA) && !RsReplica(Cmd)) { DPRINT(0, "WARN - No replica in command packet\n"); FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Partner change order command
if ((Flags & CHECK_CMD_PARTNERCOC) && !RsPartnerCoc(Cmd)) { _snprintf(Tstr1, sizeof(Tstr1), "W, %s CHECK_CMD_PARTNERCOC failed", Debsub); Ret = FALSE; }
// Replica has been (or may be) deleted
if ((Flags & CHECK_CMD_NOT_EXPIRED) && !IS_TIME_ZERO(RsReplica(Cmd)->MembershipExpires)) { _snprintf(Tstr1, sizeof(Tstr1), "W, %s CHECK_CMD_NOT_EXPIRED failed", Debsub); Ret = FALSE; }
// Cxtion
if ((Flags & CHECK_CMD_CXTION) && !(RsCxtion(Cmd) && RsCxtion(Cmd)->Guid)) { _snprintf(Tstr1, sizeof(Tstr1), "W, %s CHECK_CMD_CXTION failed", Debsub); Ret = FALSE; }
// Join guid
if ((Flags & CHECK_CMD_JOINGUID) && !RsJoinGuid(Cmd)) { _snprintf(Tstr1, sizeof(Tstr1), "W, %s CHECK_CMD_JOINGUID failed", Debsub); Ret = FALSE; }
// Replica Version Guid
if ((Flags & CHECK_CMD_REPLICA_VERSION_GUID) && !RsReplicaVersionGuid(Cmd)) { _snprintf(Tstr1, sizeof(Tstr1), "W, %s CHECK_CMD_REPLICA_VERSION_GUID failed", Debsub); Ret = FALSE; }
// Change order entry
if ((Flags & CHECK_CMD_COE) && !RsCoe(Cmd)) { _snprintf(Tstr1, sizeof(Tstr1), "W, %s CHECK_CMD_COE failed", Debsub); Ret = FALSE; }
// Change order guid
if ((Flags & CHECK_CMD_COGUID) && !RsCoGuid(Cmd)) { _snprintf(Tstr1, sizeof(Tstr1), "W, %s CHECK_CMD_COGUID failed", Debsub); Ret = FALSE; }
// Join time
if ((Flags & CHECK_CMD_JOINTIME) && !RsJoinTime(Cmd)) { _snprintf(Tstr1, sizeof(Tstr1), "W, %s CHECK_CMD_JOINTIME failed", Debsub); Ret = FALSE; }
if (!Ret) { Tstr1[sizeof(Tstr1)-1] = '\0'; REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, Tstr1); FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); }
return Ret; }
ULONG RcsCheckCxtionCommon( IN PCOMMAND_PACKET Cmd, IN PCXTION Cxtion, IN PCHAR Debsub, IN ULONG Flags, OUT PFRS_QUEUE *CoProcessQueue ) /*++
Routine Description: find the in/outbound cxtion referenced by a command received from a remote machine.
The caller should have used RcsCheckCmd() with CHECK_CMD_REPLICA CHECK_CMD_CXTION CHECK_CMD_JOINGUID (if CHECK_CXTION_JOINGUID) before calling this function.
Arguments: Cmd -- Command packet Cxtion -- connection struct to be checked. Debsub Flags CoProcessQueue -- return the pointer to the process queue to unidle.
Return Value: Error status code.
--*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsCheckCxtionCommon:"
PREPLICA Replica = RsReplica(Cmd);
// Cxtion exists
if ((Flags & CHECK_CXTION_EXISTS) && ((Cxtion == NULL) || CxtionStateIs(Cxtion, CxtionStateInit))) { DPRINT2(1, "++ WARN - %s no cxtion for %08x\n", Debsub, Cmd); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } //
// Not much purpose in continuing
if (!Cxtion) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// Inbound cxtion
if ((Flags & CHECK_CXTION_INBOUND) && !Cxtion->Inbound) { DPRINT2(1, "++ WARN - %s cxtion is not inbound for %08x\n", Debsub, Cmd); //
// Change order accept better not be waiting for this cxtion.
FRS_ASSERT(Cxtion->CoProcessQueue == NULL); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// Outbound cxtion
if ((Flags & CHECK_CXTION_OUTBOUND) && Cxtion->Inbound) { DPRINT2(1, "++ WARN - %s cxtion is not outbound for %08x\n", Debsub, Cmd); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// Jrnl cxtion
if ((Flags & CHECK_CXTION_JRNLCXTION) && !Cxtion->JrnlCxtion) { DPRINT2(1, "++ WARN - %s cxtion is not jrnlcxtion for %08x\n", Debsub, Cmd); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// Version vector
if ((Flags & CHECK_CXTION_VVECTOR) && !Cxtion->VVector) { DPRINT2(1, "++ WARN - %s no version vector for %08x\n", Debsub, Cmd); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// Authenticate Partner
// Increment the Authentications counter for
// both the replica set and connection objects
PM_INC_CTR_CXTION(Cxtion, Authentications, 1); PM_INC_CTR_REPSET(Replica, Authentications, 1);
if ( #if DBG
// We don't enable authentication when emulating machines
!ServerGuid && #endif DBG
(Cxtion->PartnerAuthLevel == CXTION_AUTH_KERBEROS_FULL) && RunningAsAService && (!RcsAreAuthNamesEqual(Cxtion->PartnerSid, RsAuthSid(Cmd)) && !RcsAreAuthNamesEqual(Cxtion->PartnerPrincName, RsAuthClient(Cmd)))) {
DPRINT4(1, "++ WARN - %s %08x: PrincName %ws != %ws\n", Debsub, Cmd, RsAuthClient(Cmd), Cxtion->PartnerPrincName);
DPRINT4(1, "++ WARN - %s %08x: AuthSid %ws != %ws\n", Debsub, Cmd, RsAuthSid(Cmd), Cxtion->PartnerSid);
return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { //
// Increment the Authentications in error counter for
// both the replica set and connection objects
PM_INC_CTR_CXTION(Cxtion, AuthenticationsError, 1); PM_INC_CTR_REPSET(Replica, AuthenticationsError, 1); } }
// Authentication info
if ((Flags & CHECK_CXTION_AUTH)) {
// Increment the Authentications counter for
// both the replica set and connection objects
PM_INC_CTR_CXTION(Cxtion, Authentications, 1); PM_INC_CTR_REPSET(Replica, Authentications, 1);
if ( #if DBG
// We don't enable authentication when emulating machines
!ServerGuid && #endif DBG
(Cxtion->PartnerAuthLevel == CXTION_AUTH_KERBEROS_FULL) && (RsAuthLevel(Cmd) != RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_PRIVACY || (RsAuthN(Cmd) != RPC_C_AUTHN_GSS_KERBEROS && RsAuthN(Cmd) != RPC_C_AUTHN_GSS_NEGOTIATE))) { DPRINT2(1, "++ WARN - %s bad authentication for %08x\n", Debsub, Cmd); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { //
// Increment the Authentications in error counter for
// both the replica set and connection objects
PM_INC_CTR_CXTION(Cxtion, AuthenticationsError, 1); PM_INC_CTR_REPSET(Replica, AuthenticationsError, 1); } }
// Fix Join
// We may receive change orders after a successful join but
// before we receive the JOINED packet from our inbound
// partner. Fix the JOINED flag if so.
if ((Flags & CHECK_CXTION_FIXJOINED) && CxtionStateIs(Cxtion, CxtionStateWaitJoin) && RsJoinGuid(Cmd) && Replica && GUIDS_EQUAL(&Cxtion->JoinGuid, RsJoinGuid(Cmd)) && CxtionFlagIs(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_JOIN_GUID_VALID)) { SET_JOINED(Replica, Cxtion, "OOJOINED"); //
// Return the pointer to the process queue to the caller so that the caller
// can unidle the queue after releasing the cxtion lock.
// Never try to lock the process queue when you have the cxtion lock. It will
// result in a deadlock.
*CoProcessQueue = Cxtion->CoProcessQueue; Cxtion->CoProcessQueue = NULL; SET_UNJOIN_TRIGGER(Cxtion); }
// Joined
if ((Flags & CHECK_CXTION_JOINED) && !CxtionStateIs(Cxtion, CxtionStateJoined)) { DPRINT2(1, "++ WARN - %s cxtion is not joined for %08x\n", Debsub, Cmd); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// Join guid
if ((Flags & CHECK_CXTION_JOINGUID) && (!RsJoinGuid(Cmd) || !GUIDS_EQUAL(&Cxtion->JoinGuid, RsJoinGuid(Cmd)) || !CxtionFlagIs(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_JOIN_GUID_VALID))) { DPRINT2(1, "++ WARN - %s wrong join guid for %08x\n", Debsub, Cmd); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// UnJoin guid
if ((Flags & CHECK_CXTION_UNJOINGUID) && (!RsJoinGuid(Cmd) || !GUIDS_EQUAL(&Cxtion->JoinGuid, RsJoinGuid(Cmd)) || !CxtionFlagIs(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_UNJOIN_GUID_VALID))) { DPRINT2(1, "++ WARN - %s wrong unjoin guid for %08x\n", Debsub, Cmd); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
PCXTION RcsCheckCxtion( IN PCOMMAND_PACKET Cmd, IN PCHAR Debsub, IN ULONG Flags ) /*++
Routine Description: find the in/outbound cxtion referenced by a command received from a remote machine.
The caller should have used RcsCheckCmd() with CHECK_CMD_REPLICA CHECK_CMD_CXTION CHECK_CMD_JOINGUID (if CHECK_CXTION_JOINGUID) before calling this function.
Complete the command with an error if a specified check fails.
Arguments: Cmd Debsub Flags
Return Value: Address of the cxtion or NULL. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsCheckCxtion:"
PCXTION Cxtion; PREPLICA Replica = RsReplica(Cmd); ULONG WStatus; CHAR Tstr1[64]; PFRS_QUEUE CoProcessQueue = NULL;
// Lock the connection table to sync with INLOG and OUTLOG access.
// Find the cxtion and check it.
Cxtion = GTabLookupNoLock(Replica->Cxtions, RsCxtion(Cmd)->Guid, NULL);
WStatus = RcsCheckCxtionCommon(Cmd, Cxtion, Debsub, Flags, &CoProcessQueue);
// If RcsCheckCxtionCommon wanted us to unidle the process queue then do it here
// after releasing the cxtion lock.
UNIDLE_CO_PROCESS_QUEUE(Replica, Cxtion, CoProcessQueue);
// If check not successfull then complete the command with an error.
if (!WIN_SUCCESS(WStatus)) { //
// The join command packet is being rejected; Clear the reference.
_snprintf(Tstr1, sizeof(Tstr1), "W, %s CheckCxtion failed", Debsub); Tstr1[sizeof(Tstr1)-1] = '\0';
REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, WStatus, Tstr1);
if (Cxtion && Cxtion->JoinCmd == Cmd) { Cxtion->JoinCmd = NULL; } FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, WStatus); return NULL; }
// Check is successful. Return the Cxtion.
return Cxtion; }
VOID RcsJoinCxtionLater( IN PREPLICA Replica, IN PCXTION Cxtion, IN PCOMMAND_PACKET Cmd ) /*++
Routine Description: Check on the join status of the cxtion occasionally. Restart the join process if needed. The cxtion contains the retry timeout.
Cmd contains enough info to get back to the replica\cxtion.
Arguments: Replica Cxtion Cmd
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsJoinCxtionLater:"
ULONG Timeout;
// There is already a join command packet in the works; done
if (Cxtion->JoinCmd) { FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); return; } Cxtion->JoinCmd = Cmd; Cmd->Command = CMD_JOIN_CXTION;
// Stop retrying after a while, but not too long or too short.
RsTimeout(Cmd) += MinJoinRetry;
if ((LONG)RsTimeout(Cmd) < MinJoinRetry) { RsTimeout(Cmd) = MinJoinRetry; }
if ((LONG)RsTimeout(Cmd) > MaxJoinRetry) { RsTimeout(Cmd) = MaxJoinRetry; }
// Add in the penalty from failed rpc calls, but not too long or too short.
Timeout = RsTimeout(Cmd) + Cxtion->Penalty;
if ((LONG)Timeout < MinJoinRetry) { Timeout = MinJoinRetry; }
if ((LONG)Timeout > MaxJoinRetry) { Timeout = MaxJoinRetry; }
// Inform the user that the join is taking a long time.
// The user receives no notification if a join occurs in
// a short time.
// A trigger scheduled cxtion will stop retrying once the
// trigger interval goes off (usually in 15 minutes).
if (!(RsTimeout(Cmd) % (JOIN_RETRY_EVENT * MinJoinRetry))) { if (Cxtion->Inbound) { EPRINT4(EVENT_FRS_LONG_JOIN, Cxtion->Partner->Name, ComputerName, Replica->Root, Cxtion->PartnerDnsName); } else { EPRINT4(EVENT_FRS_LONG_JOIN, ComputerName, Cxtion->Partner->Name, Replica->Root, Cxtion->PartnerDnsName); } }
// This command will come back to us in a bit
FrsDelCsSubmitSubmit(&ReplicaCmdServer, Cmd, Timeout); }
VOID RcsJoinCxtion( IN PCOMMAND_PACKET Cmd ) /*++
Routine Description: Kick off the commands needed to join with our in/outbound partners.
Joining an inbound partner is a two step process. First, we pass a command to the inbound log process to allow it to scan the inbound log for any change orders from this connection. These change orders are inserted on the CO process queue so we preserve ordering with new change orders that arrive after the Join completes. In addtion we extract the the sequence number and change order ID of the last change order we have pending from this inbound partner. Second, we send the join request to the inbound partner. This same path is taken whether this is a clean startup or a startup after a crash.
JOINING: UNJOINED -> UNJOINED ask our partner if it is alive UNJOINED -> START our partner responded START -> STARTING call ChgOrdStartJoinRequest() STARTING -> SCANNING (when chgord starts inlog scan) SCANNING -> SENDJOIN (when chgord completes inlog scan) SENDJOIN -> WAITJOIN (when join sent to partner) WAITJOIN -> JOINED (when partner responds)
UNJOINING STARTING | SCANNING | SENDJOIN | WAITJOIN -> UNJOINING (wait for remote change orders to retry) UNJOINING -> UNJOINED (no more remote change orders) UNJOINED -> DELETED (cxtion has been deleted)
Replica -- ptr to the Replica struct Cxtion -- ptr to the connection struct we are talking to.
Return Value: True if if ReJoin is needed.
--*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsJoinCxtion:"
// Check the command packet
if (!RcsCheckCmd(Cmd, DEBSUB, CHECK_CMD_CXTION_OK)) { return; } Replica = RsReplica(Cmd); REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, RcsJoinCxtion entry1");
// Find and check the cxtion
Cxtion = RcsCheckCxtion(Cmd, DEBSUB, CHECK_CXTION_EXISTS); if (!Cxtion) { return; }
CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, Cxtion, Replica, 0, "F, RcsJoinCxtion entry2");
// This is our periodic join command packet
// - clear the reference
// - Ignore if the cxtion has successfully joined;
// our partner will inform us if there is a state change.
// - ignore if the replica set is in seeding state and this
// connection has been paused by the initial sync command server.
if (Cxtion->JoinCmd == Cmd) { Cxtion->JoinCmd = NULL; if ((CxtionStateIs(Cxtion, CxtionStateJoined) && !CxtionFlagIs(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_DEFERRED_UNJOIN)) || (BooleanFlagOn(Replica->CnfFlags,CONFIG_FLAG_SEEDING) && CxtionFlagIs(Cxtion,CXTION_FLAGS_PAUSED))) { FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); return; } }
// Don't bother joining if the service is shutting down
if (FrsIsShuttingDown) { FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); return; }
// Get lock to sync with change order accept
switch (GetCxtionState(Cxtion)) { case CxtionStateInit: //
// Not setup, yet. Ignore
DPRINT1(4, ":X: Cxtion isn't inited at join: "FORMAT_CXTION_PATH2"\n", PRINT_CXTION_PATH2(Replica, Cxtion)); ClearCxtionFlag(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_DEFERRED_JOIN); ClearCxtionFlag(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_DEFERRED_UNJOIN); if (CxtionFlagIs(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_DEFERRED_DELETE)) { SetCxtionState(Cxtion, CxtionStateDeleted); } FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); break;
case CxtionStateUnjoined: ClearCxtionFlag(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_DEFERRED_UNJOIN);
// Cxtion is deleted; nevermind
if (CxtionFlagIs(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_DEFERRED_DELETE)) { SetCxtionState(Cxtion, CxtionStateDeleted); FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); break; }
// Schedule is off; nevermind
if (CxtionFlagIs(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_SCHEDULE_OFF)) { DPRINT1(4, ":X: Schedule is off at join: "FORMAT_CXTION_PATH2"\n", PRINT_CXTION_PATH2(Replica, Cxtion)); FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); break; }
// Replica is deleted; nevermind
if (!IS_TIME_ZERO(Replica->MembershipExpires)) { DPRINT1(4, ":S: Replica deleted at join: "FORMAT_CXTION_PATH2"\n", PRINT_CXTION_PATH2(Replica, Cxtion)); FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); break; }
// Send our join info to our inbound partner or request an outbound
// partner to start a join. Don't send anything if this is the
// journal cxtion.
// Do not join with a downstream partner if this replica is still
// seeding and is not online.
if (Cxtion->Inbound) { if (Cxtion->JrnlCxtion) { DPRINT1(4, "DO NOT Send CMD_START_JOIN to jrnl cxtion: "FORMAT_CXTION_PATH2"\n", PRINT_CXTION_PATH2(Replica, Cxtion)); } else { DPRINT1(4, ":X: Send CMD_NEED_JOIN to inbound: "FORMAT_CXTION_PATH2"\n", PRINT_CXTION_PATH2(Replica, Cxtion)); } } else { if ((BooleanFlagOn(Replica->CnfFlags, CONFIG_FLAG_SEEDING) || Replica->IsSeeding) && !BooleanFlagOn(Replica->CnfFlags, CONFIG_FLAG_ONLINE)) { DPRINT1(4, ":X: DO NOT Send CMD_START_JOIN until we are Online: "FORMAT_CXTION_PATH2"\n", PRINT_CXTION_PATH2(Replica, Cxtion)); } else { DPRINT1(4, ":X: Send CMD_START_JOIN to outbound: "FORMAT_CXTION_PATH2"\n", PRINT_CXTION_PATH2(Replica, Cxtion)); } }
// Journal cxtions transition from unjoined to joined w/o
// any intervening states UNLESS someone adds code at
// this point to activate the journal for this set. But
// that would require a rewrite of the journal startup
// subsystem. Which may happen...
if (Cxtion->JrnlCxtion) { DPRINT1(0, ":X: ***** JOINED "FORMAT_CXTION_PATH2"\n", PRINT_CXTION_PATH2(Replica, Cxtion)); CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, Cxtion, Replica, 0, "F, JOINED"); SetCxtionState(Cxtion, CxtionStateJoined); SndCsCreateCxtion(Cxtion); FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); break; } //
// Do not join with a downstream partner if this replica is still
// seeding and is not online. Do not send a join if this
// is a journal cxtion. Do not join if there is already an
// active join request outstanding.
// The SndCs and the ReplicaCs cooperate to limit the
// number of active join "pings" so that the Snd threads
// are not hung waiting for pings to dead servers to
// time out.
if (!Cxtion->ActiveJoinCommPkt && !Cxtion->JrnlCxtion && (Cxtion->Inbound || BooleanFlagOn(Replica->CnfFlags, CONFIG_FLAG_ONLINE) || (!BooleanFlagOn(Replica->CnfFlags, CONFIG_FLAG_SEEDING) && !Replica->IsSeeding))) {
// Increment the Join Notifications sent counter for
// both the replica set and connection objects
PM_INC_CTR_CXTION(Cxtion, JoinNSent, 1); PM_INC_CTR_REPSET(Replica, JoinNSent, 1);
// Assign a comm queue if none has been assigned. A cxtion
// must use the same comm queue for a given session (join guid)
// to maintain packet order. Old packets have an invalid join
// guid and are either not sent or ignored on the receiving side.
if (!Cxtion->CommQueueIndex) { Cxtion->CommQueueIndex = SndCsAssignCommQueue(); } //
// Partner is considered slow-to-respond if the last
// rpc calls are erroring off and their cumulative
// timeouts are greater than MinJoinRetry.
// BUT, Don't reassign the cxtion's queue index because,
// if this is an outbound cxtion, the flush-at-join
// logic needs to know the old queue index so that it
// flushes the correct queue.
CQIndex = Cxtion->CommQueueIndex; if ((LONG)Cxtion->Penalty > MinJoinRetry) { CQIndex = 0; } CmdCode = (Cxtion->Inbound) ? CMD_NEED_JOIN : CMD_START_JOIN; CPkt = CommBuildCommPkt(Replica, Cxtion, CmdCode, NULL, NULL, NULL); //
// The SndCs and the ReplicaCs cooperate to limit the
// number of active join "pings" so that the Snd threads
// are not hung waiting for pings to dead servers to
// time out.
Cxtion->ActiveJoinCommPkt = CPkt; SndCsSubmitCommPkt(Replica, Cxtion, NULL, NULL, FALSE, CPkt, CQIndex); }
// Keep trying an inbound cxtion but try the outbound connection
// only once. The outbound partner will keep trying the join and
// the connection will eventually join.
if (Cxtion->Inbound) { RcsJoinCxtionLater(Replica, Cxtion, Cmd); } else { FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); }
case CxtionStateStart: //
// Unjoined and our partner has responed; start the join
// Cxtion is deleted; nevermind
if (CxtionFlagIs(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_DEFERRED_DELETE)) { SetCxtionState(Cxtion, CxtionStateDeleted); FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); break; }
// Schedule is off; nevermind
if (CxtionFlagIs(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_SCHEDULE_OFF)) { DPRINT1(4, ":X: Schedule is off at join: "FORMAT_CXTION_PATH2"\n", PRINT_CXTION_PATH2(Replica, Cxtion)); FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); break; }
// Replica is deleted; nevermind
if (!IS_TIME_ZERO(Replica->MembershipExpires)) { DPRINT1(4, ":X: Replica deleted at join: "FORMAT_CXTION_PATH2"\n", PRINT_CXTION_PATH2(Replica, Cxtion)); FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); break; }
if (Cxtion->Inbound) { //
// Tell the inbound log subsystem to initialize for a Join with
// an inbound partner. When it begins processing the request it
// sets the state to STARTING. When it completes it sets the
// state to SENDJOIN and sends a CMD_JOIN_CXTION command.
// We need our join guid at this time because the change
// orders are stamped with the join guid during change order
// accept. Mismatched joinguids result in a unjoin-with-
// retry call so that old change orders can drain out
// of change order accept and into the replica command
// server after a cxtion is unjoined and joined again.
SetCxtionState(Cxtion, CxtionStateStarting); SndCsCreateCxtion(Cxtion);
// The connection table lock must be unlocked before the request is
// put on the change order process queue. This is because the
// change order accept thread locks the process queue while it is
// considering the issue state of the head entry. If the CO it is
// trying to issue is for a connection being restarted it will wait
// until the cxtion starts otherwise the subsequent fetch request by
// the CO would just fail. While change_order_accept has the queue
// lock it then acquires the cxtion table lock. Thus two threads
// are acquiring two locks in different orders causing deadlock.
UNLOCK_CXTION_TABLE(Replica); ChgOrdStartJoinRequest(Replica, Cxtion); LOCK_CXTION_TABLE(Replica); ClearCxtionFlag(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_DEFERRED_JOIN); } FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); break;
case CxtionStateStarting: case CxtionStateScanning: //
// Join in process; our inbound partner will be informed later
DPRINT1(4, ":X: Scanning at join: "FORMAT_CXTION_PATH2"\n", PRINT_CXTION_PATH2(Replica, Cxtion)); ClearCxtionFlag(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_DEFERRED_JOIN); FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); break;
case CxtionStateSendJoin: case CxtionStateWaitJoin: ClearCxtionFlag(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_DEFERRED_JOIN); //
// Replica is deleted,
// The cxtion needs to be unjoined, or
// The cxtion needs to be deleted
// Unjoin
if (!IS_TIME_ZERO(Replica->MembershipExpires) || CxtionFlagIs(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_DEFERRED_UNJOIN) || CxtionFlagIs(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_DEFERRED_DELETE)) { RcsSubmitTransferToRcs(Cmd, CMD_UNJOIN); break; }
// Send our join info to our inbound partner
// This request times out if our partner doesn't answer.
DPRINT1(4, ":X: Send join info at send/wait join: "FORMAT_CXTION_PATH2"\n", PRINT_CXTION_PATH2(Replica, Cxtion)); SetCxtionState(Cxtion, CxtionStateWaitJoin);
// Increment the Join Notifications sent counter for
// both the replica set and connection objects
PM_INC_CTR_CXTION(Cxtion, JoinNSent, 1); PM_INC_CTR_REPSET(Replica, JoinNSent, 1);
CPkt = CommBuildCommPkt(Replica, Cxtion, CMD_JOINING, Replica->VVector, NULL, NULL); SndCsSubmitCommPkt2(Replica, Cxtion, NULL, TRUE, CPkt); FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); break;
case CxtionStateJoined: ClearCxtionFlag(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_DEFERRED_JOIN); //
// Replica is deleted,
// The cxtion needs to be unjoined, or
// The cxtion needs to be deleted
// Unjoin
if (!IS_TIME_ZERO(Replica->MembershipExpires) || CxtionFlagIs(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_DEFERRED_UNJOIN) || CxtionFlagIs(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_DEFERRED_DELETE)) { RcsSubmitTransferToRcs(Cmd, CMD_UNJOIN); break; }
// Refresh our inbound partner's join state (with timeout)
if (Cxtion->Inbound && !Cxtion->JrnlCxtion) { DPRINT1(4, ":X: send join info at join: "FORMAT_CXTION_PATH2"\n", PRINT_CXTION_PATH2(Replica, Cxtion));
// Increment the Join Notifications sent counter for
// both the replica set and connection objects
PM_INC_CTR_CXTION(Cxtion, JoinNSent, 1); PM_INC_CTR_REPSET(Replica, JoinNSent, 1);
CPkt = CommBuildCommPkt(Replica, Cxtion, CMD_JOINING, Replica->VVector, NULL, NULL); SndCsSubmitCommPkt2(Replica, Cxtion, NULL, TRUE, CPkt); } //
// Already joined; nothing to do
DPRINT1(4, ":X: Joined at join: "FORMAT_CXTION_PATH2"\n", PRINT_CXTION_PATH2(Replica, Cxtion)); FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); break;
case CxtionStateUnjoining: //
// Ignore requests to join while unjoining so that we don't
// end up with multiple inbound log scans. If this join
// request originated from our partner then the caller
// will set the CXTION_FLAGS_DEFERRED_JOIN and the join
// will start at the transition from UNJOINING to UNJOINED.
DPRINT1(4, ":X: Unjoining at join: "FORMAT_CXTION_PATH2"\n", PRINT_CXTION_PATH2(Replica, Cxtion)); ClearCxtionFlag(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_DEFERRED_UNJOIN); FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); break;
case CxtionStateDeleted: //
// Deleted; nothing to do
DPRINT1(4, ":X: Cxtion is deleted at join: "FORMAT_CXTION_PATH2"\n", PRINT_CXTION_PATH2(Replica, Cxtion)); ClearCxtionFlag(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_DEFERRED_JOIN); ClearCxtionFlag(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_DEFERRED_UNJOIN); FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); break;
default: //
// ?
DPRINT2(0, ":X: ERROR - bad state %d for "FORMAT_CXTION_PATH2"\n", GetCxtionState(Cxtion), PRINT_CXTION_PATH2(Replica, Cxtion)); FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); break; } UNLOCK_CXTION_TABLE(Replica); }
VOID RcsEmptyPreExistingDir( IN PREPLICA Replica ) /*++
Routine Description:
Delete empty directories in the preexisting directory, inclusive.
WARN: The replica set must be filtering the preexisting directory.
Replica - The replica is filtering the preexisting directory.
Return Value:
--*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsEmptyPreExistingDir:"
ULONG WStatus; PWCHAR PreExistingPath = NULL;
REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, NULL, Replica, 0, "F, RcsEmptyPreExistingDir entry");
// Not if the set isn't open
if (!Replica->IsOpen) { REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, NULL, Replica, 0, "F, RcsEmptyPreExistingDir: not open"); return; } //
// Not if the set isn't journaling
if (!Replica->IsJournaling) { REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, NULL, Replica, 0, "F, RcsEmptyPreExistingDir: not journaling"); return; }
// Empty the preexisting directory (continue on error)
PreExistingPath = FrsWcsPath(Replica->Root, NTFRS_PREEXISTING_DIRECTORY); WStatus = FrsDeletePath(PreExistingPath, ENUMERATE_DIRECTORY_FLAGS_ERROR_CONTINUE | ENUMERATE_DIRECTORY_FLAGS_DIRECTORIES_ONLY); DPRINT1_WS(3, "++ ERROR - FrsDeletePath(%ws) (IGNORED);", PreExistingPath, WStatus);
REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, NULL, Replica, WStatus, "W, RcsEmptyPreExistingDir: done"); FrsFree(PreExistingPath); }
VOID RcsOpenReplicaSetMember( IN PREPLICA Replica ) /*++
Routine Description:
Open a replica set.
Replica -- ptr to a REPLICA struct
Return Value:
--*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsOpenReplicaSetMember:"
Replica->FStatus = FrsErrorSuccess;
if (Replica->IsOpen) { REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, NULL, Replica, 0, "F, Replica already open"); return; }
// Submit an open
Cmd = DbsPrepareCmdPkt(NULL, // Cmd,
Replica, // Replica,
NULL, // TableCtx,
NULL, // CallContext,
0, // TableType,
0, // AccessRequest,
0, // IndexType,
NULL, // KeyValue,
0, // KeyValueLength,
FALSE); // Submit
// Don't free the packet when the command completes.
FrsSetCompletionRoutine(Cmd, FrsCompleteKeepPkt, NULL);
// SUBMIT DB Cmd and wait for completion.
WStatus = FrsSubmitCommandServerAndWait(&DBServiceCmdServer, Cmd, INFINITE); Replica->FStatus = Cmd->Parameters.DbsRequest.FStatus;
REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, Replica->FStatus, "F, OPEN_REPLICA_SET_MEMBER return");
// If wait or database op failed
if (!WIN_SUCCESS(WStatus) || !FRS_SUCCESS(Replica->FStatus)) { //
// If wait / submit failed then let caller know cmd srv submit failed.
if (FRS_SUCCESS(Replica->FStatus)) { Replica->FStatus = FrsErrorCmdSrvFailed; }
DPRINT2_FS(0, ":S: ERROR - %ws\\%ws: Open Replica failed;", Replica->SetName->Name, Replica->MemberName->Name, Replica->FStatus);
DPRINT_WS(0, "ERROR: Open Replica DB Command failed", WStatus);
goto out; }
Replica->IsOpen = FRS_SUCCESS(Replica->FStatus);
out: if (Cmd) { FrsFreeCommand(Cmd, NULL); } }
VOID RcsInitOneReplicaSet( IN PREPLICA Replica ) /*++
Routine Description: Open a replica set.
Arguments: Replica -- ptr to a REPLICA struct
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsInitOneReplicaSet:"
ULONG FStatus;
// Already journaling; done
if (Replica->IsJournaling) { REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, NULL, Replica, 0, "F, IsJournaling True"); return; }
if (!Replica->IsOpen) { REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, NULL, Replica, 0, "F, IsOpen False"); return; }
// Don't retry if in journal wrap error state error
if (Replica->ServiceState == REPLICA_STATE_JRNL_WRAP_ERROR) { REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, NULL, Replica, 0, "F, In Jrnl Wrap Error State"); return; }
// Otherwise set it to the initializing state.
if (REPLICA_IN_ERROR_STATE(Replica->ServiceState)) { JrnlSetReplicaState(Replica, REPLICA_STATE_INITIALIZING); }
// Don't start journaling if the preinstall directory is unavailable
if (!HANDLE_IS_VALID(Replica->PreInstallHandle)) { REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, NULL, Replica, 0, "F, No PreInstallHandle"); return; }
// Initialize the DB and Journal subsystems for this replica set.
REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, NULL, Replica, 0, "F, DbsInitOneReplicaSet call");
FStatus = DbsInitOneReplicaSet(Replica);
REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, NULL, Replica, FStatus, "F, DbsInitOneReplicaSet return");
VOID RcsJoiningAfterFlush( IN PCOMMAND_PACKET Cmd ) /*++
Routine Description:
A downstream partner (X) sent this JOINING request to us. We are its inbound partner. We should have a corresponding outbound connection for X. If we do and the replication schedule allows we activate the outbound log partner and ack the Joining request with CMD_JOINED.
This command packet was first placed on the SndCs's queue by RcsJoining() so that all of the old comm packets with the old join guid have been discarded. This protocol is needed because this function may REJOIN and revalidate the old join guid. Packets still on the send queue would then be sent out of order.
Activating the OUTLOG partner before sending the JOINED cmd to the partner can cause COs to be sent to the partner before it sees the JOINED cmd. Since the JoinGuid matches in the sent change orders the partner accepts them and queues them to the change order process queue. If this CO gets to the head of the process queue the issue logic in ChgOrdAccept will block the queue waiting for the connection to go to the JOINED state. When the JOINED cmd arrives it is processed by RcsInboundJoined() which sets the connection state to JOINED and unblocks the change order process queue.
We can't send the JOINED cmd first because the partner may then send back a fetch request before we think it has joined. The JOINED cmd must always be sent so the partner knows it can start sending fetch cmds because we may have no outbound COs to send. In addtion the JOINED command contains the new value for LastJoinedTime that is saved in the connection record for the next join request.
Cxtion activation should always come from the downstream partner. Only they know if a VVJoin is required because of a database re-init or restore. Otherwise we will just continue sending from the last unacked CO in the log. At best we can notify outbound partners we are now available to provide change orders (via CMD_JOIN_RESEND)
Return Value:
None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsJoiningAfterFlush:"
WCHAR CxtionStr[CXTION_STR_MAX]; WCHAR WSkew[15], WDelta[15];
// Check the command packet
if (!RcsCheckCmd(Cmd, DEBSUB, CHECK_CMD_CXTION_AND_JOINGUID_OK | CHECK_CMD_REPLICA_VERSION_GUID | CHECK_CMD_JOINTIME | CHECK_CMD_NOT_EXPIRED)) { return; } Replica = RsReplica(Cmd); REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, RcsJoiningAfterFlush entry");
// Find and check the cxtion
// Shutting down; ignore join request
if (FrsIsShuttingDown) { CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, OutCxtion, Replica, 0, "F, FrsIsShuttingDown"); FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED); return; }
// Do not join with a downstream partner if this replica is still
// seeding and is not online.
if ((BooleanFlagOn(Replica->CnfFlags, CONFIG_FLAG_SEEDING) || Replica->IsSeeding) && !BooleanFlagOn(Replica->CnfFlags, CONFIG_FLAG_ONLINE)) { CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, OutCxtion, Replica, 0, "F, Seeding and Offline"); FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_RETRY); return; }
// Already joined; should we rejoin?
if (CxtionStateIs(OutCxtion, CxtionStateJoined)) { //
// Don't rejoin if this is a retry by our outbound partner
if (GUIDS_EQUAL(&OutCxtion->JoinGuid, RsJoinGuid(Cmd)) && CxtionFlagIs(OutCxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_JOIN_GUID_VALID)) { //
// Tell our outbound partner that we have rejoined successfully
// Increment the Joins counter for
// both the replica set and connection objects
PM_INC_CTR_CXTION(OutCxtion, Joins, 1); PM_INC_CTR_REPSET(Replica, Joins, 1);
CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, OutCxtion, Replica, 0, "F, REJOINED"); DPRINT1(0, ":X: ***** REJOINED "FORMAT_CXTION_PATH2"\n", PRINT_CXTION_PATH2(Replica, OutCxtion));
CPkt = CommBuildCommPkt(Replica, OutCxtion, CMD_JOINED, NULL, NULL, NULL); SndCsSubmitCommPkt2(Replica, OutCxtion, NULL, FALSE, CPkt);
FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); return; }
// Unjoin and rejoin. Partner may have restarted.
// WARN: forcing an unjoin of an outbound cxtion works
// because outbound cxtions transition from Joined to
// Unjoined with no intervening states.
FStatus = RcsForceUnjoin(Replica, OutCxtion); CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, OutCxtion, Replica, FStatus, "F, RcsForceUnjoin return");
if (!FRS_SUCCESS(FStatus)) { DPRINT_FS(0, ":X: ERROR - return from RcsForceUnjoin:", FStatus); FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_REQUEST_ABORTED); return; } } //
// Machines can't join if their times are badly out of sync
// UNLESS this is a VOLATILE cxtion (I.e., sysvol seeding).
// Time in 100nsec tics since Jan 1, 1601
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&FileTime); COPY_TIME(&Now, &FileTime);
if (Now > *RsJoinTime(Cmd)) { Delta = Now - *RsJoinTime(Cmd); } else { Delta = *RsJoinTime(Cmd) - Now; }
// Ignore out-of-sync times if this is a volatile cxtion. Volatile
// cxtions are only used for sysvol seeding where times don't matter.
if (!CxtionFlagIs(OutCxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_VOLATILE) && (Delta > MaxPartnerClockSkew)) { Delta = Delta / CONVERT_FILETIME_TO_MINUTES; DPRINT1(0, ":X: ERROR - Joining Now is %08x %08x\n", PRINTQUAD(Now)); Now = *RsJoinTime(Cmd); DPRINT1(0, ":X: ERROR - Joining RsNow is %08x %08x\n", PRINTQUAD(Now));
_itow(PartnerClockSkew, WSkew, 10); _itow((LONG)Delta, WDelta, 10);
DPRINT2(0, ":X: ERROR - Cannot join (%ws) clocks are out of sync by %d minutes\n", CxtionStr, (LONG)Delta);
DPRINT(0, ":X: Note: If this time difference is close to a multiple of 60 minutes then it\n"); DPRINT(0, ":X: is likely that either this computer or its partner computer was set to the\n"); DPRINT(0, ":X: incorrect time zone when the computer time was initially set. Check that both \n"); DPRINT(0, ":X: the time zones and the time is set correctly on both computers.\n");
FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION); return; }
// Grab the new version vector. Initialize an empty version vector
// if our outbound partner did not send a version vector. Our partner
// simply does not yet have any entries in his version vector.
OutCxtion->VVector = (RsVVector(Cmd) != NULL) ? RsVVector(Cmd) : GTabAllocTable(); RsVVector(Cmd) = NULL;
// Grab the compression table from the outbound partner.
// This table is a list of guids 1 for each compression format that
// the partner supports.
OutCxtion->CompressionTable = (RsCompressionTable(Cmd) != NULL) ? RsCompressionTable(Cmd) : GTabAllocTable();
DPRINT1(4, "Received following compression table from %ws.\n", OutCxtion->PartnerDnsName);
GTabLockTable(OutCxtion->CompressionTable); Key = NULL; while (Entry = GTabNextEntryNoLock(OutCxtion->CompressionTable, &Key)) {
FrsPrintGuid(Entry->Key1); } GTabUnLockTable(OutCxtion->CompressionTable);
RsCompressionTable(Cmd) = NULL;
// Assign the join guid and comm queue to this cxtion.
DPRINT1(4, ":X: %ws: Assigning join guid.\n", OutCxtion->Name->Name); COPY_GUID(&OutCxtion->JoinGuid, RsJoinGuid(Cmd));
// Assign a comm queue. A cxtion must use the same comm queue
// for a given session (join guid) to maintain packet order.
// Old packets have an invalid join guid and are either not
// sent or ignored on the receiving side.
OutCxtion->CommQueueIndex = SndCsAssignCommQueue();
VV_PRINT_OUTBOUND(4, OutCxtion->Partner->Name, OutCxtion->VVector);
// Check for match on last join time or we were already in vvjoin mode.
// If no match then either the database at our end or the database at
// the other end has changed. Force a VV join in this case.
if (RsLastJoinTime(Cmd) != OutCxtion->LastJoinTime) { CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, OutCxtion, Replica, 0, "F, LastJoinTime Mismatch, force VVJoin"); SetCxtionFlag(OutCxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_PERFORM_VVJOIN); }
// Our partner's replica version guid (aka originator guid) used
// for dampening requests to our partner.
COPY_GUID(&OutCxtion->ReplicaVersionGuid, RsReplicaVersionGuid(Cmd));
SetCxtionState(OutCxtion, CxtionStateJoined);
// Inform the user that a long join has finally completed.
// The user receives no notification if a join occurs in a short time.
if (OutCxtion->JoinCmd && (LONG)RsTimeout(OutCxtion->JoinCmd) > (JOIN_RETRY_EVENT * MinJoinRetry)) { if (OutCxtion->Inbound) { EPRINT3(EVENT_FRS_LONG_JOIN_DONE, OutCxtion->Partner->Name, ComputerName, Replica->Root); } else { EPRINT3(EVENT_FRS_LONG_JOIN_DONE, ComputerName, OutCxtion->Partner->Name, Replica->Root); } }
// Tell the Outbound Log that this partner has joined. This call is synchronous.
#if DBG
// Always VvJoin
if (DebugInfo.ForceVvJoin) { SetCxtionFlag(OutCxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_PERFORM_VVJOIN); } #endif DBG
FStatus = OutLogSubmit(Replica, OutCxtion, CMD_OUTLOG_ACTIVATE_PARTNER);
CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, OutCxtion, Replica, 0, "F, OUTLOG_ACTIVATE_PARTNER return");
if (!FRS_SUCCESS(FStatus)) { //
// Could not enable outbound log processing for this cxtion
DPRINT_FS(0, "++ ERROR - return from CMD_OUTLOG_ACTIVATE_PARTNER:", FStatus); RcsForceUnjoin(Replica, OutCxtion); FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION); return; } //
// Tell our outbound partner that we are ready to go.
// WARN: comm packets may have already been sent to our partner once we
// activated outlog processing above. In that case, our partner treated
// the packet as an implicit CMD_JOINED and completed the join. This
// packet is then ignored as an extraneous join request except that it
// causes our partner to update the last joined time to match ours.
// Increment the Joins counter for
// both the replica set and connection objects
PM_INC_CTR_CXTION(OutCxtion, Joins, 1); PM_INC_CTR_REPSET(Replica, Joins, 1);
DPRINT1(0, ":X: ***** JOINED "FORMAT_CXTION_PATH2"\n", PRINT_CXTION_PATH2(Replica, OutCxtion));
CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, OutCxtion, Replica, 0, "F, JOINED"); //
// Update the DB cxtion table record with the new Join Time.
// *NOTE* The following call is synchronous. If we have the Cxtion
// table lock then a hang is possible.
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime((PFILETIME)&OutCxtion->LastJoinTime); InterlockedIncrement(&Replica->OutLogCxtionsJoined); DPRINT1(4, "TEMP: OutLogCxtionsJoined %d\n", Replica->OutLogCxtionsJoined);
FStatus = OutLogSubmit(Replica, OutCxtion, CMD_OUTLOG_UPDATE_PARTNER); CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, OutCxtion, Replica, FStatus, "F, OUTLOG_UPDATE_PARTNER return"); if (!FRS_SUCCESS(FStatus)) { DPRINT3(0, "++ WARN changes to cxtion %ws (to %ws, %ws) not updated in database\n", OutCxtion->Name->Name, OutCxtion->Partner->Name, Replica->ReplicaName->Name); }
CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, OutCxtion, Replica, 0, "F, Cxtion JOINED, xmit resp");
CPkt = CommBuildCommPkt(Replica, OutCxtion, CMD_JOINED, NULL, NULL, NULL); SndCsSubmitCommPkt2(Replica, OutCxtion, NULL, FALSE, CPkt); FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS);
// Inject a end-of-join control co if this cxtion is using a trigger
// schedule. Note that the EndOfJoin Co may have been processed by
// the time this call returns.
if (CxtionFlagIs(OutCxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_TRIGGER_SCHEDULE)) { OutLogAcquireLock(Replica); if (OutCxtion->OLCtx && !InVVJoinMode(OutCxtion->OLCtx) && CxtionStateIs(OutCxtion, CxtionStateJoined)) { ChgOrdInjectControlCo(Replica, OutCxtion, FCN_CO_END_OF_JOIN); } OutLogReleaseLock(Replica); } }
VOID RcsJoining( IN PCOMMAND_PACKET Cmd ) /*++
Routine Description:
A downstream partner (X) sent this JOINING request to us. We are its inbound partner. We should have a corresponding outbound connection for X. If we do and the replication schedule allows we activate the outbound log partner and ack the Joining request with CMD_JOINED.
This command packet is first put on the SndCs's(Send Command Server) queue so that all of the old comm packets with the old join guid will have been discarded. This protocol is needed because this function may REJOIN and revalidate the old join guid. Packets still on the send queue would then be sent out of order.
The command packet is sent to RcsJoiningAfterFlush() after bubbling up to the top of the send queue.
Return Value:
None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsJoining:"
// Check the command packet
// Find and check the cxtion
// Increment the Join Notifications Received counter for
// both the replica set and connection objects
PM_INC_CTR_CXTION(OutCxtion, JoinNRcvd, 1); PM_INC_CTR_REPSET(Replica, JoinNRcvd, 1);
// Shutting down; ignore join request
if (FrsIsShuttingDown) { FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED); return; }
// Do not join with a downstream partner if this replica is still
// seeding and is not online.
if ((BooleanFlagOn(Replica->CnfFlags, CONFIG_FLAG_SEEDING) || Replica->IsSeeding) && !BooleanFlagOn(Replica->CnfFlags, CONFIG_FLAG_ONLINE)) { FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_RETRY); return; } //
// Put this command packet at the end of this cxtion's send queue. Once it
// bubbles up to the top the command packet will be sent back to this
// command server with the ccommand CMD_JOINING_AFTER_FLUSH and will be
// given to RcsJoiningAfterFlush() for processing.
Cmd->Command = CMD_JOINING_AFTER_FLUSH; SndCsSubmitCmd(Replica, OutCxtion, &ReplicaCmdServer, Cmd, OutCxtion->CommQueueIndex); }
Routine Description: Our outbound partner has sent this packet to see if we are alive. Respond with a start-your-join packet.
Arguments: Cmd
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsNeedJoin:"
// Check the command packet
if (!RcsCheckCmd(Cmd, DEBSUB, CHECK_CMD_REPLICA | CHECK_CMD_CXTION | CHECK_CMD_NOT_EXPIRED)) { return; } Replica = RsReplica(Cmd); REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, RcsNeedJoin entry");
// Find and check the cxtion
// Increment the Join Notifications Received counter for
// both the replica set and connection objects
PM_INC_CTR_CXTION(OutCxtion, JoinNRcvd, 1); PM_INC_CTR_REPSET(Replica, JoinNRcvd, 1);
// Do not join with a downstream partner if this replica is still
// seeding and is not online.
if ((!BooleanFlagOn(Replica->CnfFlags, CONFIG_FLAG_SEEDING) && !Replica->IsSeeding) || BooleanFlagOn(Replica->CnfFlags, CONFIG_FLAG_ONLINE)) {
CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, OutCxtion, Replica, 0, "F, Xmit START_JOIN req");
CPkt = CommBuildCommPkt(Replica, OutCxtion, CMD_START_JOIN, NULL, NULL, NULL); CQIndex = OutCxtion->CommQueueIndex; SndCsSubmitCommPkt(Replica, OutCxtion, NULL, NULL, FALSE, CPkt, CQIndex); }
FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); }
VOID RcsStartJoin( IN PCOMMAND_PACKET Cmd ) /*++
Routine Description: Our inbound partner has sent this packet to tell us it is alive and that the join can be started.
Arguments: Cmd
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsStartJoin:"
// Check the command packet
if (!RcsCheckCmd(Cmd, DEBSUB, CHECK_CMD_REPLICA | CHECK_CMD_CXTION | CHECK_CMD_NOT_EXPIRED)) { return; } Replica = RsReplica(Cmd); REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, RcsStartJoin entry");
// Find and check the cxtion
// Increment the Join Notifications Received counter for
// both the replica set and connection objects
PM_INC_CTR_CXTION(InCxtion, JoinNRcvd, 1); PM_INC_CTR_REPSET(Replica, JoinNRcvd, 1);
// If this replica set is in seeding state and this connection is in
// initial sync state then let the initial sync command server decide
// how to respond to this START_JOIN. It will respond to one START_JOIN
// at a time.
if (BooleanFlagOn(Replica->CnfFlags,CONFIG_FLAG_SEEDING) && CxtionFlagIs(InCxtion,CXTION_FLAGS_INIT_SYNC)) {
InitSyncCsSubmitTransfer(Cmd, CMD_INITSYNC_START_JOIN); return; }
// If we were waiting for our partner to respond or think we
// have already joined then either start the join process or
// resend our join info.
// Otherwise, let the normal join flow take over. If there are
// problems then the join will timeout and retry.
if (CxtionStateIs(InCxtion, CxtionStateUnjoined) || CxtionStateIs(InCxtion, CxtionStateJoined)) { if (CxtionStateIs(InCxtion, CxtionStateUnjoined)) { SetCxtionState(InCxtion, CxtionStateStart); } //
// Start the join process or resend the join info
CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, InCxtion, Replica, 0, "F, RcsJoinCxtion call"); RcsJoinCxtion(Cmd); } else { UNLOCK_CXTION_TABLE(Replica);
CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, InCxtion, Replica, 0, "F, Cannot start join"); FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); } }
VOID RcsSubmitReplicaCxtionJoin( IN PREPLICA Replica, IN PCXTION Cxtion, IN BOOL Later ) /*++
Routine Description: Submit a join command to a replica\cxtion.
Build cmd pkt with Cxtion GName and replica ptr. Submit to Replica cmd server. Calls dispatch function and translates cxtion GName to cxtion ptr
SYNCHRONIZATION -- Only called from the context of the Replica Command Server. No locks needed.
Arguments: Replica - existing replica Cxtion - existing cxtion Later - Delayed submission
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsSubmitReplicaCxtionJoin:"
// The cxtion already has a join command outstanding; don't flood the
// queue with extraneous requests.
if (Cxtion->JoinCmd) { return; }
// Not scheduled to run
if (CxtionFlagIs(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_SCHEDULE_OFF)) { return; }
// Already joined; done
if (CxtionStateIs(Cxtion, CxtionStateJoined) && !CxtionFlagIs(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_DEFERRED_UNJOIN)) { return; }
// Trigger schedules are managed by RcsCheckSchedules()
if (CxtionFlagIs(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_TRIGGER_SCHEDULE)) { return; }
// Allocate a command packet
Cmd = FrsAllocCommand(Replica->Queue, CMD_JOIN_CXTION); FrsSetCompletionRoutine(Cmd, RcsCmdPktCompletionRoutine, NULL);
// Address of replica set and new replica set
RsReplica(Cmd) = Replica; RsCxtion(Cmd) = FrsDupGName(Cxtion->Name);
CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, Cxtion, Replica, 0, "F, RcsSubmitReplicaCxtionJoin entry");
// Cxtion should have just one join command outstanding
if (Later) { DPRINT5(4, "++ Submit LATER %08x for Cmd %08x %ws\\%ws\\%ws\n", Cmd->Command, Cmd, Replica->SetName->Name, Replica->MemberName->Name, Cxtion->Name->Name);
CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, Cxtion, Replica, 0, "F, RcsJoinCxtionLater call"); RcsJoinCxtionLater(Replica, Cxtion, Cmd); } else { Cxtion->JoinCmd = Cmd; DPRINT5(4, "++ Submit %08x for Cmd %08x %ws\\%ws\\%ws\n", Cmd->Command, Cmd, Replica->SetName->Name, Replica->MemberName->Name, Cxtion->Name->Name);
CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, Cxtion, Replica, 0, "F, Submit JOIN_CXTION req"); FrsSubmitCommandServer(&ReplicaCmdServer, Cmd); } }
ULONG RcsDrainActiveCOsOnCxtion( IN PREPLICA Replica, IN PCXTION Cxtion ) /*++
Routine Description: Remove the active change orders from this connection and send them thru retry.
Assumes: Caller has acquired the CXTION_TABLE lock.
Arguments: Replica - ptr to replica struct for this replica set. Cxtion - ptr to connection struct being unjoined.
Return Value: FrsErrorStatus
--*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsDrainActiveCOsOnCxtion:"
PVOID Key; PCHANGE_ORDER_ENTRY Coe; ULONG FStatus = FrsErrorSuccess;
// Take idle change orders through retry
Key = NULL; while (Coe = GTabNextDatumNoLock(Cxtion->CoeTable, &Key)) { Key = NULL; GTabDeleteNoLock(Cxtion->CoeTable, &Coe->Cmd.ChangeOrderGuid, NULL, NULL);
if (Cxtion->JrnlCxtion) { CHANGE_ORDER_TRACE(3, Coe, "Submit CO to stage gen retry"); ChgOrdInboundRetry(Coe, IBCO_STAGING_RETRY); } else { CHANGE_ORDER_TRACE(3, Coe, "Submit CO to fetch retry"); ChgOrdInboundRetry(Coe, IBCO_FETCH_RETRY); } }
// If there are no outstanding change orders that need to be taken through the
// retry path, unjoin complete. Otherwise, the unjoin will complete once
// the count reaches 0. Until then, further attempts to join will be
// ignored.
if (Cxtion->ChangeOrderCount == 0) { SndCsDestroyCxtion(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_UNJOIN_GUID_VALID); SetCxtionState(Cxtion, CxtionStateUnjoined);
// Increment the Unjoins counter for
// both the replica set and connection objects
PM_INC_CTR_CXTION(Cxtion, Unjoins, 1); PM_INC_CTR_REPSET(Replica, Unjoins, 1);
DPRINT1(0, ":X: ***** UNJOINED "FORMAT_CXTION_PATH2"\n", PRINT_CXTION_PATH2(Replica, Cxtion)); //
// Deleted cxtion
if (CxtionFlagIs(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_DEFERRED_DELETE)) { SetCxtionState(Cxtion, CxtionStateDeleted); //
// Rejoin if requested.
} else if (CxtionFlagIs(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_DEFERRED_JOIN)) { ClearCxtionFlag(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_DEFERRED_JOIN); RcsSubmitReplicaCxtionJoin(Replica, Cxtion, TRUE); } } else { FStatus = FrsErrorUnjoining; DPRINT2(0, ":X: ***** UNJOINING "FORMAT_CXTION_PATH2" (%d cos)\n", PRINT_CXTION_PATH2(Replica, Cxtion), Cxtion->ChangeOrderCount); }
return FStatus; }
ULONG RcsForceUnjoin( IN PREPLICA Replica, IN PCXTION Cxtion ) /*++
Routine Description: Unjoin this connection.
Arguments: Replica - ptr to replica struct for this replica set. Cxtion - ptr to connection struct being unjoined.
Return Value: FrsErrorStatus
--*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsForceUnjoin:"
ULONG FStatus = FrsErrorSuccess; CHAR GuidStr[GUID_CHAR_LEN + 1]; PFRS_QUEUE CoProcessQueue = NULL;
// Get the table lock to sync with change order accept and the
// inbound log scanner. The outbound log process uses different
// state to control its own processing.
LOCK_CXTION_TABLE(Replica); CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, Cxtion, Replica, Cxtion->Flags, "Flags, RcsForceUnjoin entry");
switch (GetCxtionState(Cxtion)) {
case CxtionStateInit: //
// ?
// Deleted cxtion
SetCxtionState(Cxtion, CxtionStateUnjoined); if (CxtionFlagIs(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_DEFERRED_DELETE)) { SetCxtionState(Cxtion, CxtionStateDeleted); } break;
case CxtionStateUnjoined: //
// Unidle the change order process queue if it is blocked.
CoProcessQueue = Cxtion->CoProcessQueue; Cxtion->CoProcessQueue = NULL;
// Unjoined; nothing to do
// Deleted cxtion
if (CxtionFlagIs(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_DEFERRED_DELETE)) { SetCxtionState(Cxtion, CxtionStateDeleted); } break;
case CxtionStateStart: //
// Unidle the change order process queue if it is blocked.
CoProcessQueue = Cxtion->CoProcessQueue; Cxtion->CoProcessQueue = NULL;
// Haven't had a chance to start; nothing to do
SetCxtionState(Cxtion, CxtionStateUnjoined); ClearCxtionFlag(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_DEFERRED_UNJOIN);
// Deleted cxtion
if (CxtionFlagIs(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_DEFERRED_DELETE)) { SetCxtionState(Cxtion, CxtionStateDeleted); } break;
case CxtionStateUnjoining: ClearCxtionFlag(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_DEFERRED_UNJOIN); //
// Take idle change orders through retry
CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, Cxtion, Replica, Cxtion->ChangeOrderCount, "COs, A-Send Idle COs to retry"); //
// Unidle the change order process queue if it is blocked.
CoProcessQueue = Cxtion->CoProcessQueue; Cxtion->CoProcessQueue = NULL;
RcsDrainActiveCOsOnCxtion(Replica, Cxtion);
case CxtionStateStarting: case CxtionStateScanning: //
// Wait for the inbound scan to finish. The change order retry
// thread or the change order accept thread will eventually unjoin us.
SetCxtionFlag(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_DEFERRED_UNJOIN); FStatus = FrsErrorUnjoining; break;
case CxtionStateSendJoin: case CxtionStateWaitJoin: case CxtionStateJoined: //
// Once we destroy our join guid, future remote change
// orders will be discarded by the replica command server
// before they show up on the change order process queue.
// This works because the replica command server is
// single threaded per replica; any packets received during
// this function have been enqueued for later processing.
// The outlog process may attempt to send change orders
// if this is an outbound cxtion but they will bounce
// because the join guid is incorrect.
// Invalidate our join guid
SndCsDestroyCxtion(Cxtion, 0); SetCxtionState(Cxtion, CxtionStateUnjoining); ClearCxtionFlag(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_DEFERRED_UNJOIN);
if (Cxtion->Inbound) { CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, Cxtion, Replica, Cxtion->ChangeOrderCount, "COs, B-Send Idle COs to retry"); //
// Unidle the change order process queue if it is blocked.
CoProcessQueue = Cxtion->CoProcessQueue; Cxtion->CoProcessQueue = NULL;
RcsDrainActiveCOsOnCxtion(Replica, Cxtion);
} else { //
// Tell the vvjoin command server to stop
// Tell outlog process to Unjoin from this partner.
// The call is synchronous so drop the lock around the call.
if (Cxtion->OLCtx != NULL) { UNLOCK_CXTION_TABLE(Replica); SubmitVvJoinSync(Replica, Cxtion, CMD_VVJOIN_DONE_UNJOIN); FStatus = OutLogSubmit(Replica, Cxtion, CMD_OUTLOG_DEACTIVATE_PARTNER); if (!FRS_SUCCESS(FStatus)) { DPRINT1_FS(0, ":X: ERROR - %ws: Can't deactivate at unjoin;", Cxtion->Name->Name, FStatus); } LOCK_CXTION_TABLE(Replica); } //
// Free the outbound version vector, if present
Cxtion->VVector = VVFreeOutbound(Cxtion->VVector);
// Invalidate the un/join guid
SndCsDestroyCxtion(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_UNJOIN_GUID_VALID); SetCxtionState(Cxtion, CxtionStateUnjoined);
// Increment the Unjoins counter for
// both the replica set and connection objects
PM_INC_CTR_CXTION(Cxtion, Unjoins, 1); PM_INC_CTR_REPSET(Replica, Unjoins, 1);
DPRINT1(0, ":X: ***** UNJOINED "FORMAT_CXTION_PATH2"\n", PRINT_CXTION_PATH2(Replica, Cxtion)); //
// :SP1: Volatile connection cleanup.
// Deleted cxtion or outbound volatile connection. Volatile
// connection gets deleted after the first time it UNJOINS.
if (CxtionFlagIs(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_DEFERRED_DELETE) || VOLATILE_OUTBOUND_CXTION(Cxtion)) { SetCxtionState(Cxtion, CxtionStateDeleted); //
// Rejoin
} else if (CxtionFlagIs(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_DEFERRED_JOIN)) { ClearCxtionFlag(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_DEFERRED_JOIN); RcsSubmitReplicaCxtionJoin(Replica, Cxtion, TRUE); } } break;
case CxtionStateDeleted: //
// Unidle the change order process queue if it is blocked.
CoProcessQueue = Cxtion->CoProcessQueue; Cxtion->CoProcessQueue = NULL;
// Deleted; nothing to do
ClearCxtionFlag(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_DEFERRED_UNJOIN); break;
default: //
// ?
DPRINT2(0, ":X: ERROR - bad state %d for "FORMAT_CXTION_PATH2"\n", GetCxtionState(Cxtion), PRINT_CXTION_PATH2(Replica, Cxtion)); break; }
// The process queue should be unidled here after releasing the cxtion
// lock to prevent deadlock. Never lock the process queue when you have the
// cxtion lock.
UNIDLE_CO_PROCESS_QUEUE(Replica, Cxtion, CoProcessQueue);
return FStatus; }
BOOL RcsSetSysvolReady( IN DWORD NewSysvolReady ) /*++
Routine Description: Set the registry value for ...\netlogon\parameters\SysvolReady to the specified value. Do nothing if the SysvolReady value is set accordingly.
Arguments: None.
Return Value: TRUE - SysvolReady is set to TRUE FALSE - State of SysvolReady is unknown --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsSetSysvolReady:"
DWORD WStatus;
DPRINT1(4, ":S: Setting SysvolReady to %d\n", NewSysvolReady);
// Restrict values to 0 or 1
if (NewSysvolReady) { NewSysvolReady = 1; }
if (CurrentSysvolReadyIsValid && CurrentSysvolReady == NewSysvolReady) { DPRINT1(4, ":S: SysvolReady is already set to %d\n", NewSysvolReady); return TRUE; }
// Access the netlogon\parameters key to tell NetLogon to share the sysvol
WStatus = CfgRegWriteDWord(FKC_SYSVOL_READY, NULL, 0, NewSysvolReady); CLEANUP3_WS(0, "++ ERROR - writing %ws\\%ws to %d;", NETLOGON_SECTION, SYSVOL_READY, NewSysvolReady, WStatus, RETURN_ERROR);
CurrentSysvolReady = NewSysvolReady; CurrentSysvolReadyIsValid = TRUE; DPRINT1(3, ":S: SysvolReady is set to %d\n", NewSysvolReady);
// Report event if transitioning from 0 to 1
if (NewSysvolReady) { EPRINT1(EVENT_FRS_SYSVOL_READY, ComputerName); }
return TRUE;
VOID RcsVvJoinDoneUnJoin( IN PCOMMAND_PACKET Cmd ) /*++
Routine Description: From: Myself The VvJoin hack has declared victory and told our inbound partner to unjoin from us. That was VVJOIN_HACK_TIMEOUT seconds ago. By now, our inbound partner should have unjoined from us and we can tell dcpromo that the sysvol has been promoted.
Arguments: Cmd
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsVvJoinDoneUnJoin:"
// Check the command packet
if (!RcsCheckCmd(Cmd, DEBSUB, CHECK_CMD_CXTION_AND_JOINGUID_OK )) { return; } Replica = RsReplica(Cmd); REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, ReplicaVvJoinDoneUnjoin entry");
// Find and check the cxtion
InCxtion = RcsCheckCxtion(Cmd, DEBSUB, CHECK_CXTION_JOIN_OK | CHECK_CXTION_INBOUND); if (!InCxtion) { return; }
Replica->NtFrsApi_ServiceState = NTFRSAPI_SERVICE_DONE; FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); }
VOID RcsCheckPromotion( IN PCOMMAND_PACKET Cmd ) /*++
Routine Description: From: Delayed command server Check on the process of the sysvol promotion. If there has been no activity since the last time we checked, set the replica's promotion state to "done with error".
Arguments: Cmd
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsCheckPromotion:"
PREPLICA Replica; PCXTION InCxtion; ULONG Timeout;
// Check the command packet
if (!RcsCheckCmd(Cmd, DEBSUB, CHECK_CMD_REPLICA)) { return; } Replica = RsReplica(Cmd); REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, RcsCheckPromotion entry");
// Promotion is done; ignore
if (Replica->NtFrsApi_ServiceState != NTFRSAPI_SERVICE_PROMOTING) { REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, Replica not promoting"); FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); return; }
// No activity in awhile, declare failure
if (Replica->NtFrsApi_HackCount == RsTimeout(Cmd)) { REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, FRS_ERR_SYSVOL_POPULATE_TIMEOUT, "W, Replica promotion timed out"); Replica->NtFrsApi_ServiceWStatus = FRS_ERR_SYSVOL_POPULATE_TIMEOUT; Replica->NtFrsApi_ServiceState = NTFRSAPI_SERVICE_DONE; FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SERVICE_SPECIFIC_ERROR); return; } //
// There has been activity. Wait awhile and check again
CfgRegReadDWord(FKC_PROMOTION_TIMEOUT, NULL, 0, &Timeout);
RsTimeout(Cmd) = Replica->NtFrsApi_HackCount; FrsDelCsSubmitSubmit(&ReplicaCmdServer, Cmd, Timeout); }
#define VVJOIN_HACK_TIMEOUT (5 * 1000)
Routine Description: From: Inbound partner The VvJoin thread has initiated all of the change orders. This doesn't mean that the change orders have been installed, or even received.
At this second, we are trying to get sysvols to work; we don't really care if the vvjoin is done or not except in the case of sysvols. Hence, the hack below.
Use the sysvol seeding hack to initiate the deleting of empty directories in the preexisting directory.
Arguments: Cmd
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsVvJoinDone:"
PREPLICA Replica; PCXTION InCxtion; ULONG FStatus;
// Check the command packet
if (!RcsCheckCmd(Cmd, DEBSUB, CHECK_CMD_CXTION_AND_JOINGUID_OK)) { return; } Replica = RsReplica(Cmd); REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, RcsVvJoinDone entry");
// Find and check the cxtion
InCxtion = RcsCheckCxtion(Cmd, DEBSUB, CHECK_CXTION_JOIN_OK | CHECK_CXTION_INBOUND); if (!InCxtion) { return; }
// Seeding has pretty much completed. We go ahead and hammer
// the configrecord in the DB in the hopes we don't lose this
// once-in-replica-lifetime state transition. The state is lost
// if this service restarts and none of the upstream partners
// vvjoins again.
// Set the incore BOOL that lets this code know the replica
// set is still seeding even though the CONFIG_FLAG_SEEDING
// bit is off. And yes, this is by design. The incore flag
// is enabled iff the DB state was updated successfully.
if (BooleanFlagOn(Replica->CnfFlags, CONFIG_FLAG_SEEDING)) {
ClearCxtionFlag(InCxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_INIT_SYNC);
FStatus = OutLogSubmit(Replica, InCxtion, CMD_OUTLOG_UPDATE_PARTNER); CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, InCxtion, Replica, FStatus, "F, OUTLOG_UPDATE_PARTNER return"); if (!FRS_SUCCESS(FStatus)) { DPRINT3(0, "++ WARN changes to cxtion %ws (to %ws, %ws) not updated in database\n", InCxtion->Name->Name, InCxtion->Partner->Name, Replica->ReplicaName->Name); } }
// First time; wait a bit and retry
if (!RsTimeout(Cmd)) { Replica->NtFrsApi_HackCount++; // != 0
RsTimeout(Cmd) = Replica->NtFrsApi_HackCount; FrsDelCsSubmitSubmit(&ReplicaCmdServer, Cmd, VVJOIN_HACK_TIMEOUT); return; }
// There as been no activity on this cxtion for awhile after the
// vvjoin done was received. Declare success. Tell our upstream
// partner to discard the volatile cxtion. Update the database
// if it hasn't already been updated. If updated successfully,
// inform NetLogon that it is time to share the sysvol.
if (RsTimeout(Cmd) == Replica->NtFrsApi_HackCount) { //
// Send this command to the initial sync command server for further
// processing if we are in seeding state.
if (BooleanFlagOn(Replica->CnfFlags, CONFIG_FLAG_SEEDING)) {
InitSyncCsSubmitTransfer(Cmd, CMD_INITSYNC_VVJOIN_DONE); } else { Cmd->Command = CMD_VVJOIN_DONE_UNJOIN; FrsSubmitCommandServer(&ReplicaCmdServer, Cmd); } } else { //
RsTimeout(Cmd) = Replica->NtFrsApi_HackCount; FrsDelCsSubmitSubmit(&ReplicaCmdServer, Cmd, VVJOIN_HACK_TIMEOUT); }
VOID RcsVvJoinSuccess( IN PCOMMAND_PACKET Cmd ) /*++
Routine Description: Type: Local From: VvJoin Thread Change the state of the oubound cxtion from VVJOINING to JOINED and tell the outbound partner that the vvjoin thread is done.
Arguments: Cmd
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsVvJoinSuccess:"
// Check the command packet
if (!RcsCheckCmd(Cmd, DEBSUB, CHECK_CMD_CXTION_AND_JOINGUID_OK)) { return; } Replica = RsReplica(Cmd); REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, RcsVvJoinSuccess entry");
// Find and check the cxtion
OutCxtion = RcsCheckCxtion(Cmd, DEBSUB, CHECK_CXTION_JOIN_OK | CHECK_CXTION_OUTBOUND); if (!OutCxtion) { return; }
CPkt = CommBuildCommPkt(Replica, OutCxtion, CMD_VVJOIN_DONE, NULL, NULL, NULL); SndCsSubmitCommPkt2(Replica, OutCxtion, NULL, FALSE, CPkt);
FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); }
VOID RcsHungCxtion( IN PCOMMAND_PACKET Cmd ) /*++
Routine Description: From: Local OutLog Command Server
The outlog command server has detected a wrapped ack vector. This may have been caused by a lost ack. In any case, check the progress of the change orders by examining the the ack vector, the trailing index, and the count of comm packets.
A cxtion is hung if it is wrapped and both the trailing index and the number of comm packets received remains unchanged for CommTimeoutInMilliSeconds (~5 minutes). In that case, the cxtion is unjoined.
If the trailing index remains unchanged but comm packets are being received then the timeout is reset to another CommTimeoutInMilliSeconds interval.
If the cxtion appears un-hung, the command packet is completed.
Arguments: Cmd
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsHungCxtion:"
PREPLICA Replica; PCXTION OutCxtion;
// Check the command packet
if (!RcsCheckCmd(Cmd, DEBSUB, CHECK_CMD_CXTION_AND_JOINGUID_OK)) { return; } Replica = RsReplica(Cmd); REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, RcsHungCxtion entry");
// Find and check the cxtion
OutCxtion = RcsCheckCxtion(Cmd, DEBSUB, CHECK_CXTION_JOIN_OK | CHECK_CXTION_OUTBOUND); if (!OutCxtion) { return; }
DPRINT1(4, ":X: Check Hung Cxtion for "FORMAT_CXTION_PATH2"\n", PRINT_CXTION_PATH2(Replica, OutCxtion));
// No out log context; can't be hung
if (!OutCxtion->OLCtx) { DPRINT1(4, "++ No partner context for "FORMAT_CXTION_PATH2"\n", PRINT_CXTION_PATH2(Replica, OutCxtion)); FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return; }
// No longer wrapped; not hung
if (!AVWrapped(OutCxtion->OLCtx)) { DPRINT1(4, "++ No longer wrapped for "FORMAT_CXTION_PATH2"\n", PRINT_CXTION_PATH2(Replica, OutCxtion)); FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); return; }
// AV is not wrapped at the same trailing index; not hung
if (OutCxtion->OLCtx->COTx != RsCOTx(Cmd)) { DPRINT3(4, "++ COTx is %d; not %d for "FORMAT_CXTION_PATH2"\n", OutCxtion->OLCtx->COTx, RsCOTx(Cmd), PRINT_CXTION_PATH2(Replica, OutCxtion)); FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); return; }
// Some comm pkts have shown up from the downstream partner,
// may not be hung. Check again later.
if (OutCxtion->CommPkts != RsCommPkts(Cmd)) { DPRINT3(4, "++ CommPkts is %d; not %d for "FORMAT_CXTION_PATH2"\n", OutCxtion->CommPkts, RsCommPkts(Cmd), PRINT_CXTION_PATH2(Replica, OutCxtion)); RsCommPkts(Cmd) = OutCxtion->CommPkts; FrsDelCsSubmitSubmit(&ReplicaCmdServer, Cmd, CommTimeoutInMilliSeconds); } else { DPRINT1(4, "++ WARN - Unjoin; cxtion is hung "FORMAT_CXTION_PATH2"\n", PRINT_CXTION_PATH2(Replica, OutCxtion)); RcsSubmitTransferToRcs(Cmd, CMD_UNJOIN); } return; }
VOID RcsDeleteCxtionFromReplica( IN PREPLICA Replica, IN PCXTION Cxtion ) /*++
Routine Description: Common subroutine that synchronously deletes the cxtion from the database and then removes it from the replica's table of cxtions.
The caller is responsible for insuring that this operation is appropriate (cxtion exists, appropriate locks are held, ...)
Arguments: Replica Cxtion
Return Value: TRUE - replica set was altered FALSE - replica is unaltered --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsDeleteCxtionFromReplica:"
ULONG FStatus;
// Delete the cxtion from the database and then remove it from
// the replica's table of cxtions. Keep it in the table of
// deleted cxtions because change orders may contain the address
// of this cxtion.
DPRINT1(4, ":X: Deleting cxtion from Db: "FORMAT_CXTION_PATH2"\n", PRINT_CXTION_PATH2(Replica, Cxtion)); CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, Cxtion, Replica, 0, "F, Deleting cxtion from Db");
// Must be in the deleted state to be deleted
if (!CxtionStateIs(Cxtion, CxtionStateDeleted)) { CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, Cxtion, Replica, 0, "F, ERROR Cxtion state not deleted"); return; }
FStatus = OutLogSubmit(Replica, Cxtion, CMD_OUTLOG_REMOVE_PARTNER); if (!FRS_SUCCESS(FStatus)) { CXTION_STATE_TRACE(0, Cxtion, Replica, FStatus, "F, Warn: Del cxtion failed"); DPRINT1(0, "++ WARN Could not delete cxtion: "FORMAT_CXTION_PATH2"\n", PRINT_CXTION_PATH2(Replica, Cxtion)); }
if (FRS_SUCCESS(FStatus)) { DPRINT1(4, "++ Deleting cxtion from table: "FORMAT_CXTION_PATH2"\n", PRINT_CXTION_PATH2(Replica, Cxtion));
CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, Cxtion, Replica, 0, "F, Deleting cxtion GenTab"); GTabDelete(Replica->Cxtions, Cxtion->Name->Guid, NULL, NULL);
// Remove the connection from the perfmon tables so we stop returning
// data and allow a new connection with the same name to be established.
DeletePerfmonInstance(REPLICACONN, Cxtion->PerfRepConnData);
GTabInsertEntry(DeletedCxtions, Cxtion, Cxtion->Name->Guid, NULL); } }
VOID RcsUnJoinCxtion( IN PCOMMAND_PACKET Cmd, IN BOOL RemoteUnJoin ) /*++
Routine Description: A comm pkt could not be sent to a cxtion's partner. Unjoin the cxtion and periodically retry the join unless the cxtion is joined and volatile. In that case, delete the cxtion because our partner is unlikely to be able to rejoin with us (volatile cxtions are lost at restart).
Arguments: Cmd RemoteUnJoin - Check authentication if remote
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsUnJoinCxtion:"
ULONG FStatus; PREPLICA Replica; PCXTION Cxtion; BOOL CxtionWasJoined;
// Check the command packet
if (!RcsCheckCmd(Cmd, DEBSUB, CHECK_CMD_CXTION_AND_JOINGUID_OK)) { return; } Replica = RsReplica(Cmd); REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, RcsUnJoinCxtion entry");
// Abort promotion; if any
// We no longer seed during dcpromo so a unjoin during seeding means that the
// volatile connection has timed out (on upstream) because of no activity for
// some time (default 30 minutes). The vvjoin will finish over the new connection
// or the volatile connection will be re-established when the seeding downstream
// partner comes back up.
if (Replica->NtFrsApi_ServiceState == NTFRSAPI_SERVICE_PROMOTING) { DPRINT1(4, ":X: Promotion aborted: unjoin for %ws.\n", Replica->SetName->Name); Replica->NtFrsApi_ServiceWStatus = FRS_ERR_SYSVOL_POPULATE; Replica->NtFrsApi_ServiceState = NTFRSAPI_SERVICE_DONE; } //
// Find and check the cxtion
Cxtion = RcsCheckCxtion(Cmd, DEBSUB, CHECK_CXTION_EXISTS | CHECK_CXTION_UNJOINGUID | ((RemoteUnJoin) ? CHECK_CXTION_AUTH : 0) | ((RemoteUnJoin) ? CHECK_CXTION_PARTNER : 0)); if (!Cxtion) { return; }
CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, Cxtion, Replica, Cxtion->Flags, "Flags, RcsUnJoinCxtion entry"); //
// The call to RcsForceUnjoin may alter the cxtion state.
// Retry the join later. Don't retry if the cxtion isn't
// joined because there are other retry mechanisms covering
// that case.
CxtionWasJoined = CxtionStateIs(Cxtion, CxtionStateJoined); if (!FrsIsShuttingDown && CxtionWasJoined && !CxtionFlagIs(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_VOLATILE) && !CxtionFlagIs(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_TRIGGER_SCHEDULE) && !RemoteUnJoin && IS_TIME_ZERO(Replica->MembershipExpires)) {
SetCxtionFlag(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_DEFERRED_JOIN); CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, Cxtion, Replica, 0, "F, Cxtion is DEFERRED_JOIN"); } UNLOCK_CXTION_TABLE(Replica);
FStatus = RcsForceUnjoin(Replica, Cxtion); CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, Cxtion, Replica, FStatus, "F, RcsForceUnjoin return"); if (!FRS_SUCCESS(FStatus)) { FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_REQUEST_ABORTED); return; } //
// Delete the volatile cxtion if it was previously joined because
// there is no recovery for a failed sysvol seeding operation. Or
// if our downstream partner requested the unjoin.
if (!FrsIsShuttingDown && CxtionFlagIs(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_VOLATILE) && (CxtionWasJoined || RemoteUnJoin)) { RcsDeleteCxtionFromReplica(Replica, Cxtion); }
FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); }
VOID RcsInboundJoined( IN PCOMMAND_PACKET Cmd ) /*++
Routine Description:
An inbound partner sent a JOINED command as a response to our join request.
JoinGuid may not match because we are seeing an old response after a timeout on our end caused us to retry the join request (so the Guid changed).
The cxtion state should be JOINING but it could be JOINED if this is a duplicate response. If we timed out and gave up and/or restarted the entire Join sequence from the REQUEST_START state when a join response finally arrives the JoinGuid won't match and the response is ignored.
Arguments: Cmd
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsInboundJoined:"
PCXTION InCxtion; ULONG FStatus; PREPLICA Replica; PFRS_QUEUE CoProcessQueue = NULL;
// Check the command packet
if (!RcsCheckCmd(Cmd, DEBSUB, CHECK_CMD_CXTION_AND_JOINGUID_OK)) { return; } Replica = RsReplica(Cmd); REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, RcsInboundJoined entry");
// Shutting down; ignore join request
if (FrsIsShuttingDown) { CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, InCxtion, Replica, 0, "F, FrsIsShuttingDown"); FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED); return; }
CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, InCxtion, Replica, 0, "F, RcsInboundJoined entry");
// Increment the Join Notifications Received counter for
// both the replica set and connection objects
PM_INC_CTR_CXTION(InCxtion, JoinNRcvd, 1); PM_INC_CTR_REPSET(Replica, JoinNRcvd, 1);
// Update the LastJoinedTime in our connection record for use in the next
// Join request. The following call is synchronous. Can't hold the
// cxtion table lock across this call.
if (RsLastJoinTime(Cmd) != InCxtion->LastJoinTime) { InCxtion->LastJoinTime = RsLastJoinTime(Cmd); FStatus = OutLogSubmit(Replica, InCxtion, CMD_OUTLOG_UPDATE_PARTNER); if (!FRS_SUCCESS(FStatus)) { DPRINT3(0, ":X: WARN changes to cxtion %ws (to %ws, %ws) not updated in database\n", InCxtion->Name->Name, InCxtion->Partner->Name, Replica->ReplicaName->Name); } }
// Join complete; unidle the change order process queue
if (CxtionStateIs(InCxtion, CxtionStateWaitJoin)) { CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, InCxtion, Replica, 0, "F, JOINED"); LOCK_CXTION_TABLE(Replica); SET_JOINED(Replica, InCxtion, "JOINED "); CoProcessQueue = InCxtion->CoProcessQueue; InCxtion->CoProcessQueue = NULL; SET_UNJOIN_TRIGGER(InCxtion); UNLOCK_CXTION_TABLE(Replica); //
// The process queue should be unidled here after releasing the cxtion
// lock to prevent deadlock. Never lock the process queue when you have the
// cxtion lock.
UNIDLE_CO_PROCESS_QUEUE(Replica, InCxtion, CoProcessQueue); } else { //
// Increment the Joins counter for both the replica set and cxtion objects
PM_INC_CTR_CXTION(InCxtion, Joins, 1); PM_INC_CTR_REPSET(Replica, Joins, 1);
DPRINT1(0, ":X: ***** REJOINED "FORMAT_CXTION_PATH2"\n", PRINT_CXTION_PATH2(Replica, InCxtion)); CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, InCxtion, Replica, 0, "F, REJOINED"); }
FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); }
VOID RcsRemoteCoDoneRvcd( IN PCOMMAND_PACKET Cmd ) /*++
Routine Description: Our outbound partner has completed processing this change order.
Arguments: Cmd
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsRemoteCoDoneRvcd:"
// Check the command packet
if (!RcsCheckCmd(Cmd, DEBSUB, CHECK_CMD_CXTION_OK | CHECK_CMD_PARTNERCOC)) { return; } Replica = RsReplica(Cmd); REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, RcsRemoteCoDoneRvcd entry"); CHANGE_ORDER_COMMAND_TRACE(3, RsPartnerCoc(Cmd), "Command Remote CO Done");
// Find and check the cxtion
FRS_CO_COMM_PROGRESS(3, RsPartnerCoc(Cmd), RsCoSn(Cmd), OutCxtion->PartSrvName, "Remote Co Done");
CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, OutCxtion, Replica, 0, "F, Remote Co Done");
// Update the outbound cxtion's version vector with the
// version (guid, vsn) supplied by the outbound partner
VVUpdateOutbound(OutCxtion->VVector, RsGVsn(Cmd)); RsGVsn(Cmd) = NULL;
// Check if this Ack is for a previous generation of the the Ack Vector
// and if it is just ignore it. Test for zero means that this is an old
// rev CO that was not sent with an AckVersion so skip the test.
// If we accept an ACK for a CO sent out with an old version of the Ack
// vector the effect will be to either accept an Ack for the wrong CO or
// mark the ack vector for a CO that has not yet been sent. The latter
// can later lead to an assert if the connection is now out of the
// VVJoin state.
OutLogPartner = OutCxtion->OLCtx;
AckVersion = RsPartnerCoc(Cmd)->AckVersion; if ((AckVersion != 0) && (AckVersion != OutLogPartner->AckVersion)) {
CHANGE_ORDER_COMMAND_TRACE(3, RsPartnerCoc(Cmd), "Stale AckVersion - ignore"); return; }
// Tell Outbound Log this CO for this connection is retired.
OutLogRetireCo(Replica, RsCoSn(Cmd), OutCxtion);
FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); }
Routine Description: Tell our inbound partner that the change order is done
Arguments: Replica Coc
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsSendRemoteCoDone:"
Replica->NtFrsApi_HackCount++; #endif NOVVJOINHACK
// Return the (guid,vsn) and the co guid for this change order
Cmd = FrsAllocCommand(NULL, CMD_REMOTE_CO_DONE); FrsSetCompletionRoutine(Cmd, RcsCmdPktCompletionRoutine, NULL);
RsGVsn(Cmd) = VVGetGVsn(Replica->VVector, &Coc->OriginatorGuid); RsCoGuid(Cmd) = FrsDupGuid(&Coc->ChangeOrderGuid); RsCoSn(Cmd) = Coc->PartnerAckSeqNumber;
// Find and check the cxtion
RsReplica(Cmd) = Replica; RsCxtion(Cmd) = FrsBuildGName(FrsDupGuid(&Coc->CxtionGuid), NULL); InCxtion = RcsCheckCxtion(Cmd, DEBSUB, CHECK_CXTION_EXISTS | CHECK_CXTION_INBOUND | CHECK_CXTION_JOINED); if (!InCxtion) { return; } //
// Only needed for the call to RcsCheckCxtion above.
RsCxtion(Cmd) = FrsFreeGName(RsCxtion(Cmd)); RsReplica(Cmd) = NULL;
// Tell our inbound partner that the remote CO is done
CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, InCxtion, Replica, 0, "F, Send REMOTE_CO_DONE");
CPkt = CommBuildCommPkt(Replica, InCxtion, CMD_REMOTE_CO_DONE, NULL, Cmd, Coc);
SndCsSubmitCommPkt2(Replica, InCxtion, NULL, FALSE, CPkt);
FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); }
VOID RcsInboundCommitOk( IN PREPLICA Replica, IN PCHANGE_ORDER_ENTRY Coe ) /*++
Routine Description: The change order has been retired; inform our inbound partner
Arguments: Replica Coe
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsInboundCommitOk:"
Replica->NtFrsApi_HackCount++; #endif NOVVJOINHACK
DPRINT2(4, "++ Commit the retire on %s co for %ws\n", CO_FLAG_ON(Coe, CO_FLAG_LOCALCO) ? "Local" : "Remote", Coc->FileName);
// Tell our inbound partner that we are done with the change order
if (!CO_FLAG_ON(Coe, CO_FLAG_LOCALCO)) { RcsSendRemoteCoDone(Replica, Coc); } }
Routine Description: Send the change order to one outbound cxtion
Arguments: Replica Cxtion Coc
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsSendCoToOneOutbound:"
ULONG OrigFlags; PCOMM_PACKET CPkt; BOOL RestoreOldParent = FALSE; BOOL RestoreNewParent = FALSE;
// Must be a joined, outbound cxtion
// Don't send a change order our outbound partner has seen
if (VVHasVsn(Cxtion->VVector, Coc)) { CHANGE_ORDER_COMMAND_TRACE(3, Coc, "Dampen Send VV"); return FALSE; }
// Don't send a change order to its originator unless
// this is a vvjoin change order that isn't in the
// originator's version vector.
if ((!COC_FLAG_ON(Coc, CO_FLAG_VVJOIN_TO_ORIG)) && GUIDS_EQUAL(&Cxtion->ReplicaVersionGuid, &Coc->OriginatorGuid)) { CHANGE_ORDER_COMMAND_TRACE(3, Coc, "Dampen Send Originator"); return FALSE; }
// Send the change order to our outbound partner
// We don't know the value of our partner's root guid. Instead,
// we substitute the value of our partner's guid. Our partner
// will substitute the correct value for its root guid when
// our partner detects our substitution.
if (GUIDS_EQUAL(&Coc->OldParentGuid, Replica->ReplicaRootGuid)) { RestoreOldParent = TRUE; COPY_GUID(&Coc->OldParentGuid, Cxtion->Partner->Guid); } if (GUIDS_EQUAL(&Coc->NewParentGuid, Replica->ReplicaRootGuid)) { RestoreNewParent = TRUE; COPY_GUID(&Coc->NewParentGuid, Cxtion->Partner->Guid); }
// A change order can be directed to only one outbound cxtion. Once
// the change order goes across the wire it is no longer "directed"
// to an outbound cxtion. So, turn off the flag before it is sent.
CPkt = CommBuildCommPkt(Replica, Cxtion, CMD_REMOTE_CO, NULL, NULL, Coc);
// Restore the root guids substituted above
if (RestoreOldParent) { COPY_GUID(&Coc->OldParentGuid, Replica->ReplicaRootGuid); } if (RestoreNewParent) { COPY_GUID(&Coc->NewParentGuid, Replica->ReplicaRootGuid); } //
// Restore the flags
SET_COC_FLAG(Coc, OrigFlags);
SndCsSubmitCommPkt2(Replica, Cxtion, NULL, FALSE, CPkt); return TRUE; }
VOID RcsReceivedStageFile( IN PCOMMAND_PACKET Cmd, IN ULONG AdditionalCxtionChecks ) /*++
Routine Description: An outbound partner is sending a staging file to this inbound cxtion. Request more if needed.
Arguments: Cmd AdditionalReplicaChecks
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsReceivedStageFile:"
// Check the command packet
if (!RcsCheckCmd(Cmd, DEBSUB, CHECK_CMD_CXTION_OK | CHECK_CMD_COE)) { return; } Replica = RsReplica(Cmd); Coe = RsCoe(Cmd); Coc = RsCoc(Cmd);
REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, RcsReceivedStageFile entry"); CHANGE_ORDER_TRACEXP(3, Coe, "Replica received stage", Cmd);
Replica->NtFrsApi_HackCount++; #endif NOVVJOINHACK
// *Note*
// Perf: Clean this up when the whole RCS, FETCS, STAGE_GEN_CS design is redone - Davidor.
// This bypass is needed because some of the callers want to make an
// authentication check on the received data fetch packet. In the case of an
// MD5 match where the MD5 checksum is supplied with the Change Order
// there is no authentication info to check so this check fails and causes
// the connection to unjoin and sends the CO thru retry. This makes the
// VVJoin real slow. This also skips over the perfmon fetch counters which
// is good since there was no fetch.
// We can't skip the below because we need to check the staging
// file flags for STAGE_FLAG_DATA_PRESENT. If that is clear we need
// to pass this friggen cmd pkt to the FetchCs to do the final stage file
// reanme. So instead clear the CHECK_CXTION_AUTH flag to avoid bogus
// cxtion unjoins. This stinks.
ClearFlag(AdditionalCxtionChecks, CHECK_CXTION_AUTH); // goto FETCH_IS_DONE;
// Find and check the cxtion
InCxtion = RcsCheckCxtion(Cmd, DEBSUB, CHECK_CXTION_JOIN_OK | CHECK_CXTION_INBOUND | AdditionalCxtionChecks); if (!InCxtion) { return; }
CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, InCxtion, Replica, 0, "F, RcsReceivedStageFile entry");
// If there is more staging file to fetch, go fetch it!
if (RsFileOffset(Cmd).QuadPart < RsFileSize(Cmd).QuadPart) { CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, InCxtion, Replica, 0, "F, Send more stage");
CPkt = CommBuildCommPkt(Replica, InCxtion, CMD_SEND_STAGE, NULL, Cmd, Coc); SndCsSubmitCommPkt2(Replica, InCxtion, Coe, TRUE, CPkt); RsCoe(Cmd) = NULL; FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); return;
} else {
if (FrsDoesCoNeedStage(Coc)) { //
// Even though all the data has been delivered the staging file rename
// may not have completed. E.g. a sharing violation on final rename.
// If so then send the cmd back to the Fetch CS to finish up.
Flags = STAGE_FLAG_EXCLUSIVE; WStatus = StageAcquire(&Coc->ChangeOrderGuid, Coc->FileName, Coc->FileSize, &Flags, NULL);
if (WIN_RETRY_FETCH(WStatus)) { //
// Retriable problem
CHANGE_ORDER_TRACEW(3, Coe, "Send to Fetch Retry", WStatus); FrsFetchCsSubmitTransfer(Cmd, CMD_RETRY_FETCH); return; }
if (!WIN_SUCCESS(WStatus)) { //
// Unrecoverable error; abort
CHANGE_ORDER_TRACEW(0, Coe, "Send to fetch abort", WStatus); FrsFetchCsSubmitTransfer(Cmd, CMD_ABORT_FETCH); return; }
StageRelease(&Coc->ChangeOrderGuid, Coc->FileName, 0, NULL, NULL);
// Now check if we still need to finish the rename.
if (!(Flags & STAGE_FLAG_DATA_PRESENT)) { FrsFetchCsSubmitTransfer(Cmd, CMD_RECEIVING_STAGE); return; } }
// Increment the staging files fetched counter for the replica set.
PM_INC_CTR_REPSET(Replica, SFFetched, 1); CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, InCxtion, Replica, 0, "F, Stage fetch complete"); }
// Increment the Fetch Requests Files Received counter for
// both the replica set and connection objects
PM_INC_CTR_CXTION(InCxtion, FetRReceived, 1); PM_INC_CTR_REPSET(Replica, FetRReceived, 1);
// Display info for dcpromo during sysvol seeding.
// We don't seed during dcpromo anymore so we don't need to
// display any progress information.
// if (!Replica->NtFrsApi_ServiceDisplay) {
// Replica->NtFrsApi_ServiceDisplay = FrsWcsDup(Coc->FileName);
// }
// Installing the fetched staging file
// Install the staging file.
FrsInstallCsSubmitTransfer(Cmd, CMD_INSTALL_STAGE); }
VOID RcsRetryFetch( IN PCOMMAND_PACKET Cmd ) /*++
Routine Description: Our inbound partner has requested that we retry fetching the staging file at a later time.
Arguments: Cmd
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsRetryFetch:"
// Check the command packet
if (!RcsCheckCmd(Cmd, DEBSUB, CHECK_CMD_CXTION_AND_COGUID_OK | CHECK_CMD_COE)) { return; } Replica = RsReplica(Cmd); REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, RcsRetryFetch entry"); CHANGE_ORDER_TRACEXP(3, RsCoe(Cmd), "Replica retry fetch", Cmd);
RsReplica(Cmd)->NtFrsApi_HackCount++; #endif NOVVJOINHACK
// Find and check the cxtion
InCxtion = RcsCheckCxtion(Cmd, DEBSUB, CHECK_CXTION_JOIN_OK | CHECK_CXTION_INBOUND | CHECK_CXTION_AUTH); if (!InCxtion) { return; }
CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, InCxtion, Replica, 0, "F, submit cmd CMD_RETRY_FETCH");
FrsFetchCsSubmitTransfer(Cmd, CMD_RETRY_FETCH); }
VOID RcsAbortFetch( IN PCOMMAND_PACKET Cmd ) /*++
Routine Description: Our inbound partner has requested that we abort the fetch. It could be out of disk space, out of disk quota or it may not have the original file to create the staging file.
Arguments: Cmd
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsAbortFetch:"
// Check the command packet
if (!RcsCheckCmd(Cmd, DEBSUB, CHECK_CMD_CXTION_AND_COGUID_OK | CHECK_CMD_COE)) { return; } Replica = RsReplica(Cmd); Coe = RsCoe(Cmd); REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, RcsAbortFetch entry"); CHANGE_ORDER_TRACEXP(3, Coe, "Replica abort fetch", Cmd);
// Abort promotion; if any
// We no longer seed during dcpromo so aborting a fetch during seeding is same as
// aborting it at any other time. If we abort a dir create then it will trigger a unjoin
// of the volatile connection. The vvjoin will finish over the new connection
// or the volatile connection will be re-established when the seeding downstream
// partner comes back up.
if (Replica->NtFrsApi_ServiceState == NTFRSAPI_SERVICE_PROMOTING) { DPRINT1(4, "++ Promotion aborted: abort fetch for %ws.\n", Replica->SetName->Name); Replica->NtFrsApi_ServiceWStatus = FRS_ERR_SYSVOL_POPULATE; Replica->NtFrsApi_ServiceState = NTFRSAPI_SERVICE_DONE; }
// Find and check the cxtion
// Note: Can we come thru here on any retryable cases?
// If we can then we should do the following instead of aborting the CO.
// CHANGE_ORDER_TRACE(3, Coe, "Submit CO to fetch retry");
// ChgOrdInboundRetry(Coe, IBCO_FETCH_RETRY);
// Aborting a DIR create will trigger a unjoin on the connection.
ChgOrdInboundRetired(Coe); RsCoe(Cmd) = NULL; FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED); return; } FrsFetchCsSubmitTransfer(Cmd, CMD_ABORT_FETCH); }
VOID RcsReceivingStageFile( IN PCOMMAND_PACKET Cmd ) /*++
Routine Description: Received this data from our inbound partner. Give it to the fetcher so he can put it into the staging file.
Arguments: Cmd
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsReceivingStageFile:"
// Check the command packet
if (!RcsCheckCmd(Cmd, DEBSUB, CHECK_CMD_CXTION_AND_COGUID_OK | CHECK_CMD_COE)) { return; } Replica = RsReplica(Cmd); REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, RcsReceivingStageFile entry"); CHANGE_ORDER_TRACEXP(3, RsCoe(Cmd), "Replica receiving stage", Cmd);
RsReplica(Cmd)->NtFrsApi_HackCount++; #endif NOVVJOINHACK
// Find and check the cxtion
// Note: If auth check fails we might consider aborting the CO instead.
// Need to first try it and see if the CO would be aborted
// elsewhere first.
return; } //
// Display info for dcpromo during sysvol seeding
// We don't seed during dcpromo anymore so we don't need to
// display any progress information.
// if (!Replica->NtFrsApi_ServiceDisplay) {
// Replica->NtFrsApi_ServiceDisplay = FrsWcsDup(RsCoc(Cmd)->FileName);
// }
CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, InCxtion, Replica, 0, "F, submit cmd CMD_RECEIVING_STAGE");
// Increment the Fetch Requests Bytes Received counter for
// both the replica set and connection objects
PM_INC_CTR_CXTION(InCxtion, FetBRcvd, 1); PM_INC_CTR_REPSET(Replica, FetBRcvd, 1); PM_INC_CTR_CXTION(InCxtion, FetBRcvdBytes, RsBlockSize(Cmd)); PM_INC_CTR_REPSET(Replica, FetBRcvdBytes, RsBlockSize(Cmd));
FrsFetchCsSubmitTransfer(Cmd, CMD_RECEIVING_STAGE); }
VOID RcsSendRetryFetch( IN PCOMMAND_PACKET Cmd ) /*++
Routine Description: Received from the local staging file fetcher. Tell our outbound partner to retry the fetch at a later time.
Arguments: Cmd
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsSendRetryFetch:"
// Check the command packet
if (!RcsCheckCmd(Cmd, DEBSUB, CHECK_CMD_CXTION_AND_COGUID_OK)) { return; } Replica = RsReplica(Cmd); REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, RcsSendRetryFetch entry");
RsReplica(Cmd)->NtFrsApi_HackCount++; #endif NOVVJOINHACK
// Find and check the cxtion
OutCxtion = RcsCheckCxtion(Cmd, DEBSUB, CHECK_CXTION_JOIN_OK | CHECK_CXTION_OUTBOUND); if (!OutCxtion) { return; }
CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, OutCxtion, Replica, 0, "F, submit cmd CMD_RETRY_FETCH");
CPkt = CommBuildCommPkt(Replica, OutCxtion, CMD_RETRY_FETCH, NULL, Cmd, NULL);
SndCsSubmitCommPkt2(Replica, OutCxtion, NULL, FALSE, CPkt);
FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); }
VOID RcsSendAbortFetch( IN PCOMMAND_PACKET Cmd ) /*++
Routine Description: Received from the local staging file fetcher. Tell our outbound partner to abort the fetch.
Arguments: Cmd
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsSendAbortFetch:"
// Check the command packet
if (!RcsCheckCmd(Cmd, DEBSUB, CHECK_CMD_CXTION_AND_COGUID_OK)) { return; } Replica = RsReplica(Cmd); REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, RcsSendAbortFetch entry");
// Find and check the cxtion
OutCxtion = RcsCheckCxtion(Cmd, DEBSUB, CHECK_CXTION_JOIN_OK | CHECK_CXTION_OUTBOUND); if (!OutCxtion) { return; }
// Tell our outbound partner that the file has been sent
CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, OutCxtion, Replica, 0, "F, submit cmd CMD_ABORT_FETCH");
CPkt = CommBuildCommPkt(Replica, OutCxtion, CMD_ABORT_FETCH, NULL, Cmd, NULL);
SndCsSubmitCommPkt2(Replica, OutCxtion, NULL, FALSE, CPkt);
FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); }
VOID RcsSendingStageFile( IN PCOMMAND_PACKET Cmd ) /*++
Routine Description: Received from the local staging file fetcher. Push this data to our outbound partner.
Arguments: Cmd
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsSendingStageFile:"
// Check the command packet
if (!RcsCheckCmd(Cmd, DEBSUB, CHECK_CMD_CXTION_AND_COGUID_OK)) { return; } Replica = RsReplica(Cmd); REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, RcsSendingStageFile entry");
// Find and check the cxtion
if (!OutCxtion) { return; }
// Increment the Fetch Blocks sent and Fetch Bytes sent counter for
// both the replica set and connection objects
PM_INC_CTR_CXTION(OutCxtion, FetBSent, 1); PM_INC_CTR_REPSET(Replica, FetBSent, 1); PM_INC_CTR_CXTION(OutCxtion, FetBSentBytes, RsBlockSize(Cmd)); PM_INC_CTR_REPSET(Replica, FetBSentBytes, RsBlockSize(Cmd));
// Send the next block of the file to the outbound partner.
CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, OutCxtion, Replica, 0, "F, submit cmd CMD_RECEIVING_STAGE");
CPkt = CommBuildCommPkt(Replica, OutCxtion, CMD_RECEIVING_STAGE, NULL, Cmd, NULL);
SndCsSubmitCommPkt2(Replica, OutCxtion, NULL, FALSE, CPkt);
FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); }
VOID RcsSendStageFile( IN PCOMMAND_PACKET Cmd ) /*++
Routine Description: Received a request to send the staging control file to our outbound partner. Tell the staging fetcher to send it on.
Arguments: Cmd
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsSendStageFile:"
PCXTION OutCxtion; PREPLICA Replica;
// Check the command packet
if (!RcsCheckCmd(Cmd, DEBSUB, CHECK_CMD_CXTION_AND_COGUID_OK | CHECK_CMD_PARTNERCOC )) { return; } Replica = RsReplica(Cmd); REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, RcsSendStageFile entry"); CHANGE_ORDER_COMMAND_TRACE(3, RsPartnerCoc(Cmd), "Command send stage");
// Find and check the cxtion
OutCxtion = RcsCheckCxtion(Cmd, DEBSUB, CHECK_CXTION_JOIN_OK | CHECK_CXTION_OUTBOUND); if (!OutCxtion) { return; }
// Tell the staging file generator to send the file
CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, OutCxtion, Replica, 0, "F, submit cmd CMD_SEND_STAGE"); FrsFetchCsSubmitTransfer(Cmd, CMD_SEND_STAGE); }
VOID RcsRemoteCoAccepted( IN PCOMMAND_PACKET Cmd ) /*++
Routine Description: We have accepted the remote change order, fetch the staging file
Arguments: Cmd
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsRemoteCoAccepted:"
// Check the command packet
if (!RcsCheckCmd(Cmd, DEBSUB, CHECK_CMD_CXTION_OK | CHECK_CMD_COE)) { return; } Replica = RsReplica(Cmd); Coe = RsCoe(Cmd); Coc = RsCoc(Cmd); REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, RcsRemoteCoAccepted entry"); CHANGE_ORDER_TRACEXP(3, Coe, "Replica remote co accepted", Cmd);
Replica->NtFrsApi_HackCount++; #endif NOVVJOINHACK
// Find and check the cxtion
// We don't need auth check here because this cmd hasn't arrived
// from a partner. It is submitted by RcsSubmitRemoteCoAccepted()
InCxtion = RcsCheckCxtion(Cmd, DEBSUB, CHECK_CXTION_EXISTS | CHECK_CXTION_INBOUND | CHECK_CXTION_JOINED); if (!InCxtion) { return; }
FRS_CO_COMM_PROGRESS(3, Coc, (ULONG)(Coc->SequenceNumber), InCxtion->PartSrvName, "Remote Co Accepted");
if (VVHasVsn(Replica->VVector, Coc)) { CHANGE_ORDER_TRACE(3, Coe, "Dampen Accepted Remote Co"); }
// Don't fetch a non-existent staging file
if (!FrsDoesCoNeedStage(Coc)) {
// Allocate or update the Join Guid.
if (RsJoinGuid(Cmd) == NULL) { RsJoinGuid(Cmd) = FrsDupGuid(&InCxtion->JoinGuid); } else { COPY_GUID(RsJoinGuid(Cmd), &InCxtion->JoinGuid); }
RcsReceivedStageFile(Cmd, 0); return; }
// Don't refetch a recovered staging file
Flags = 0; WStatus = StageAcquire(&Coc->ChangeOrderGuid, Coc->FileName, QUADZERO, &Flags, NULL);
if (WIN_SUCCESS(WStatus)) { StageRelease(&Coc->ChangeOrderGuid, Coc->FileName, Flags, NULL, NULL); if (Flags & STAGE_FLAG_CREATED) { //
// File has been fetched
RsFileOffset(Cmd).QuadPart = RsFileSize(Cmd).QuadPart;
// Allocate or update the Join Guid.
if (RsJoinGuid(Cmd) == NULL) { RsJoinGuid(Cmd) = FrsDupGuid(&InCxtion->JoinGuid); } else { COPY_GUID(RsJoinGuid(Cmd), &InCxtion->JoinGuid); }
RcsReceivedStageFile(Cmd, 0); return; } }
// Attempt to use a preexisting file if this is the first block of the
// staging file, is a vvjoin co, and there is a preinstall file.
if (InCxtion->PartnerMinor >= NTFRS_COMM_MINOR_1 && (RsFileOffset(Cmd).QuadPart == QUADZERO) && CO_FLAG_ON(Coe, CO_FLAG_VVJOIN_TO_ORIG) && COE_FLAG_ON(Coe, COE_FLAG_PREINSTALL_CRE)) {
FrsStageCsSubmitTransfer(Cmd, CMD_CREATE_EXISTING); return; }
// fetching the staging file
// Increment the Fetch Requests Files Requested counter for
// both the replica set and connection objects
PM_INC_CTR_CXTION(InCxtion, FetRSent, 1); PM_INC_CTR_REPSET(Replica, FetRSent, 1);
// Tell our inbound partner to send the staging file
CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, InCxtion, Replica, 0, "F, submit cmd CMD_SEND_STAGE");
CPkt = CommBuildCommPkt(Replica, InCxtion, CMD_SEND_STAGE, NULL, Cmd, Coc); SndCsSubmitCommPkt2(Replica, InCxtion, RsCoe(Cmd), TRUE, CPkt);
RsCoe(Cmd) = NULL; FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); }
VOID RcsSendStageFileRequest( IN PCOMMAND_PACKET Cmd ) /*++
Routine Description: Generated staging file (maybe) from preexisting file. Request stage file from upstream partner. If MD5Digest matches on Upstream partner's stage file then our pre-existing stage file (if any) is good.
Arguments: Cmd
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsSendStageFileRequest:"
// Check the command packet
if (!RcsCheckCmd(Cmd, DEBSUB, CHECK_CMD_CXTION_OK | CHECK_CMD_COE)) { return; }
Replica = RsReplica(Cmd); Coe = RsCoe(Cmd); Coc = RsCoc(Cmd);
REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, RcsSendStageFileRequest entry"); CHANGE_ORDER_TRACEXP(3, Coe, "Replica created existing", Cmd);
Replica->NtFrsApi_HackCount++; #endif NOVVJOINHACK
if (RsMd5Digest(Cmd)) { PDATA_EXTENSION_CHECKSUM CocDataChkSum;
// We have an existing file and the checksum has been created.
// See if we have a checksum in the changeorder from our inbound
// partner. If so and they match then we can move on to the install.
CHANGE_ORDER_TRACE(3, Coe, "Created Existing"); CocDataChkSum = DbsDataExtensionFind(Coc->Extension, DataExtend_MD5_CheckSum);
if ((CocDataChkSum != NULL) && !IS_MD5_CHKSUM_ZERO(CocDataChkSum->Data) && MD5_EQUAL(CocDataChkSum->Data, RsMd5Digest(Cmd))) {
// MD5 digest from CO matches so our file is good and we can
// avoid having the inbound partner recompute the checksum.
CHANGE_ORDER_COMMAND_TRACE(3, Coc, "Md5 matches preexisting, no fetch"); SET_COE_FLAG(Coe, COE_FLAG_PRE_EXIST_MD5_MATCH);
DPRINT1(4, "++ RsFileSize(Cmd).QuadPart: %08x %08x\n", PRINTQUAD(RsFileSize(Cmd).QuadPart)); DPRINT1(4, "++ Coc->FileSize: %08x %08x\n", PRINTQUAD(Coc->FileSize));
// Even if the file is 0 bytes in length, the staging file will
// always have at least the header. There are some retry paths
// that will incorrectly think the staging file has been fetched
// if RsFileSize(Cmd) is 0. So make sure it isn't.
if (RsFileSize(Cmd).QuadPart == QUADZERO) { RsFileSize(Cmd).QuadPart = Coc->FileSize;
if (RsFileSize(Cmd).QuadPart == QUADZERO) { RsFileSize(Cmd).QuadPart = sizeof(STAGE_HEADER); } }
DPRINT1(4, "++ RsFileSize(Cmd).QuadPart: %08x %08x\n", PRINTQUAD(RsFileSize(Cmd).QuadPart));
// Set the offset to the size of the stage file so we don't request
// any data.
RsFileOffset(Cmd).QuadPart = RsFileSize(Cmd).QuadPart; RsBlockSize(Cmd) = QUADZERO;
// Find and check the cxtion
InCxtion = RcsCheckCxtion(Cmd, DEBSUB, CHECK_CXTION_EXISTS | CHECK_CXTION_INBOUND | CHECK_CXTION_JOINED); if (!InCxtion) { return; }
// Allocate or update the Join Guid.
if (RsJoinGuid(Cmd) == NULL) { RsJoinGuid(Cmd) = FrsDupGuid(&InCxtion->JoinGuid); } else { COPY_GUID(RsJoinGuid(Cmd), &InCxtion->JoinGuid); }
RcsReceivedStageFile(Cmd, 0);
//RcsSubmitTransferToRcs(Cmd, CMD_RECEIVED_STAGE);
return; }
} else { CHANGE_ORDER_TRACE(3, Coe, "Could not create existing"); }
// Find and check the cxtion
InCxtion = RcsCheckCxtion(Cmd, DEBSUB, CHECK_CXTION_EXISTS | CHECK_CXTION_INBOUND | CHECK_CXTION_JOINED); if (!InCxtion) { return; }
// Tell our inbound partner to send the staging file
CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, InCxtion, Replica, 0, "F, submit cmd CMD_SEND_STAGE");
CPkt = CommBuildCommPkt(Replica, InCxtion, CMD_SEND_STAGE, NULL, Cmd, Coc); SndCsSubmitCommPkt2(Replica, InCxtion, RsCoe(Cmd), TRUE, CPkt);
RsCoe(Cmd) = NULL; FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); }
VOID RcsRemoteCoReceived( IN PCOMMAND_PACKET Cmd ) /*++
Routine Description: Remote CO has arrived.
Translate guid of our root dir if necc.
Attach the Change Order extension if provided.
Check version vector dampening and provide immediate Ack if we have already seen this CO.
Finally, pass the change order on to the change order subsystem.
Arguments: Cmd
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsRemoteCoReceived:"
// Check the command packet
if (!RcsCheckCmd(Cmd, DEBSUB, CHECK_CMD_CXTION_OK | CHECK_CMD_PARTNERCOC )) { return; } Replica = RsReplica(Cmd); Coc = RsPartnerCoc(Cmd); REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, RcsRemoteCoReceived entry");
RsReplica(Cmd)->NtFrsApi_HackCount++; #endif NOVVJOINHACK
// Find and check the cxtion
// Remember which cxtion this change order was directed at
COPY_GUID(&Coc->CxtionGuid, RsCxtion(Cmd)->Guid); CHANGE_ORDER_COMMAND_TRACE(3, Coc, "Replica Received Remote Co");
// Our partner doesn't know the correct value for our root guid and
// so substituted our ReplicaName->Guid (its Cxtion->Partner->Guid)
// for its own root guids when sending the change order to us.
// We substitute our own root guids once we receive the change order
// and detect the substitution.
if (GUIDS_EQUAL(&Coc->OldParentGuid, RsReplica(Cmd)->ReplicaName->Guid)) { COPY_GUID(&Coc->OldParentGuid, RsReplica(Cmd)->ReplicaRootGuid); } if (GUIDS_EQUAL(&Coc->NewParentGuid, RsReplica(Cmd)->ReplicaName->Guid)) { COPY_GUID(&Coc->NewParentGuid, RsReplica(Cmd)->ReplicaRootGuid); }
// Init the Coc pointer to the CO Data Extension. Down Rev partners
// won't have one so supply an empty field. Do this here in case VV
// Dampening short circuits the CO and sends back the RemoteCoDone ACK here.
CocExt = RsPartnerCocExt(Cmd);
if (CocExt == NULL) { CocExt = FrsAlloc(sizeof(CHANGE_ORDER_RECORD_EXTENSION)); DbsDataInitCocExtension(CocExt); DPRINT(4, "Allocating initial Coc Extension\n"); }
Coc->Extension = CocExt;
pULong = (PULONG) CocExt; DPRINT5(5, "Extension Buffer: (%08x) %08x %08x %08x %08x\n", pULong, *(pULong+0), *(pULong+1), *(pULong+2), *(pULong+3)); DPRINT5(5, "Extension Buffer: (%08x) %08x %08x %08x %08x\n", (PCHAR)pULong+16, *(pULong+4), *(pULong+5), *(pULong+6), *(pULong+7));
// Don't redo a change order
if (VVHasVsn(RsReplica(Cmd)->VVector, Coc)) { //
// Increment the Inbound CO dampned counter for
// both the replica set and connection objects
PM_INC_CTR_CXTION(InCxtion, InCODampned, 1); PM_INC_CTR_REPSET(RsReplica(Cmd), InCODampned, 1); CHANGE_ORDER_COMMAND_TRACE(3, Coc, "Dampen Received Remote Co");
RcsSendRemoteCoDone(RsReplica(Cmd), Coc); FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); return; }
// Put the change order on the inbound queue for this replica.
ChgOrdInsertRemoteCo(Cmd, InCxtion);
// Done
FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); }
VOID RcsRetryStageFileCreate( IN PCOMMAND_PACKET Cmd ) /*++
Routine Description: Retry generating the staging file.
Arguments: Cmd
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsRetryStageFileCreate:"
// Check the command packet
if (!RcsCheckCmd(Cmd, DEBSUB, CHECK_CMD_REPLICA | CHECK_CMD_COE)) { return; } Replica = RsReplica(Cmd); REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, RcsRetryStageFileCreate entry"); CHANGE_ORDER_TRACEXP(3, RsCoe(Cmd), "Replica retry stage", Cmd);
// Find and check the cxtion
// Ignore local change order if there are no outbound cxtions
Key = NULL; while (OutCxtion = GTabNextDatum(Replica->Cxtions, &Key)) { if (!OutCxtion->Inbound) { break; } } if (OutCxtion == NULL) { //
// Make sure a user hasn't altered our object id on the file
// and then retire the change order without propagating to the
// outbound log. The stager is responsible for hammering the
// object id because it knows how to handle sharing violations
// and file-not-found errors.
CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, InCxtion, Replica, 0, "F, submit cmd CMD_CHECK_OID"); FrsStageCsSubmitTransfer(Cmd, CMD_CHECK_OID); } else { //
// Generate the staging file
CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, InCxtion, Replica, 0, "F, submit cmd CMD_CREATE_STAGE"); FrsStageCsSubmitTransfer(Cmd, CMD_CREATE_STAGE); } }
VOID RcsLocalCoAccepted( IN PCOMMAND_PACKET Cmd ) /*++
Routine Description: Process the accepted, local change order. Either retire it if there are no outbound cxtions or send it own to the staging file generator.
Arguments: Cmd
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsLocalCoAccepted:"
// Check the command packet
if (!RcsCheckCmd(Cmd, DEBSUB, CHECK_CMD_REPLICA | CHECK_CMD_COE)) { return; } Replica = RsReplica(Cmd); Coe = RsCoe(Cmd); REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, RcsLocalCoAccepted entry"); CHANGE_ORDER_TRACEXP(3, Coe, "Replica local co accepted", Cmd);
// Find and check the cxtion
FRS_CO_COMM_PROGRESS(3, &Coe->Cmd, Coe->Cmd.SequenceNumber, InCxtion->PartSrvName, "Local Co Accepted");
// Ignore local change order if there are no outbound cxtions
Key = NULL; while (OutCxtion = GTabNextDatum(Replica->Cxtions, &Key)) { if (!OutCxtion->Inbound) { break; } } if (OutCxtion == NULL) { //
// Make sure a user hasn't altered our object id on the file
// and then retire the change order without propagating to the
// outbound log. The stager is responsible for hammering the
// object id because it knows how to handle sharing violations
// and file-not-found errors.
CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, InCxtion, Replica, 0, "F, submit cmd CMD_CHECK_OID"); FrsStageCsSubmitTransfer(Cmd, CMD_CHECK_OID); } else { //
// Generate the staging file
CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, InCxtion, Replica, 0, "F, submit cmd CMD_CREATE_STAGE"); FrsStageCsSubmitTransfer(Cmd, CMD_CREATE_STAGE); } }
VOID RcsBeginMergeWithDs( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description: The DS has been polled and now has replicas to merge into the active replicas initially retrieved from the database or merged into the active replicas by a previous poll.
Each active replica is marked as "not merged with ds". Any replica that remains in this state after the merge is done is a deleted replica. See RcsEndMergeWithDs().
Arguments: None.
Return Value: TRUE - Continue with merge FALSE - Abort merge --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsBeginMergeWithDs:"
PVOID Key; PREPLICA Replica; extern CRITICAL_SECTION MergingReplicasWithDs;
// Wait for the replica command server to start up. The shutdown
// code will set this event so we don't sleep forever.
WaitForSingleObject(ReplicaEvent, INFINITE);
// Synchronize with sysvol seeding
// Snapshot a copy of the replica table. Anything left in the table
// after the merge should be deleted because a corresponding entry
// no longer exists in the DS. This code is not multithread!
FRS_ASSERT(ReplicasNotInTheDs == NULL); ReplicasNotInTheDs = GTabAllocTable();
Key = NULL; while (Replica = GTabNextDatum(ReplicasByGuid, &Key)) { REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, NULL, Replica, 0, "F, Insert ReplicasNotInTheDs"); GTabInsertEntry(ReplicasNotInTheDs, Replica, Replica->ReplicaName->Guid, NULL); } }
VOID RcsSubmitReplica( IN PREPLICA Replica, IN PREPLICA NewReplica, OPTIONAL IN USHORT Command ) /*++
Routine Description: Submit a command to a replica.
Arguments: Replica - existing replica NewReplica - Changes to Replica (may be NULL) Command
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsSubmitReplica:"
// Allocate a command packet
Cmd = FrsAllocCommand(Replica->Queue, Command); FrsSetCompletionRoutine(Cmd, RcsCmdPktCompletionRoutine, NULL);
// Address of replica set and new replica set
RsReplica(Cmd) = Replica; RsNewReplica(Cmd) = NewReplica;
REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, RcsSubmitReplica cmd"); FrsSubmitCommandServer(&ReplicaCmdServer, Cmd); }
VOID RcsSubmitReplicaCxtion( IN PREPLICA Replica, IN PCXTION Cxtion, IN USHORT Command ) /*++
Routine Description: Submit a command to a replica\cxtion.
Build cmd pkt with Cxtion GName, replica ptr, Join Guid and supplied command. Submit to Replica cmd server. Calls dispatch function and translates cxtion GName to cxtion ptr Builds Comm pkt for cxtion and calls SndCsSubmit() to send it.
Arguments: Replica - existing replica Cxtion - existing cxtion Command
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsSubmitReplicaCxtion:"
// Allocate a command packet
Cmd = FrsAllocCommand(Replica->Queue, Command); FrsSetCompletionRoutine(Cmd, RcsCmdPktCompletionRoutine, NULL);
// Address of replica set and new replica set
RsReplica(Cmd) = Replica; RsCxtion(Cmd) = FrsDupGName(Cxtion->Name); RsJoinGuid(Cmd) = FrsDupGuid(&Cxtion->JoinGuid); //
// OLCtx and CommPkts are used for CMD_HUNG_CXTION.
// They are used to detect a hung outbound cxtion that
// is probably hung because of a dropped ack.
if (Cxtion->OLCtx) { RsCOTx(Cmd) = Cxtion->OLCtx->COTx; } RsCommPkts(Cmd) = Cxtion->CommPkts - 1;
DPRINT5(5, "Submit %08x for Cmd %08x %ws\\%ws\\%ws\n", Cmd->Command, Cmd, Replica->SetName->Name, Replica->MemberName->Name, Cxtion->Name->Name);
CXTION_STATE_TRACE(5, Cxtion, Replica, 0, "F, RcsSubmitReplicaCxtion cmd"); FrsSubmitCommandServer(&ReplicaCmdServer, Cmd); }
DWORD RcsSubmitReplicaSync( IN PREPLICA Replica, IN PREPLICA NewReplica, IN PCXTION VolatileCxtion, IN USHORT Command ) /*++
Routine Description: Submit a command to a replica and wait for it to finish.
Arguments: Replica - existing replica NewReplica - Changes to Replica (may be NULL) VolatileCxtion - New cxtion (currently used for seeding sysvols) Command
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsSubmitReplicaSync:"
// Allocate a command packet
Cmd = FrsAllocCommand(Replica->Queue, Command); FrsSetCompletionRoutine(Cmd, RcsCmdPktCompletionRoutine, NULL);
// Address of replica set and new replica set
RsReplica(Cmd) = Replica; RsNewReplica(Cmd) = NewReplica; RsNewCxtion(Cmd) = VolatileCxtion; RsCompletionEvent(Cmd) = FrsCreateEvent(TRUE, FALSE);
DPRINT3(5, "Submit Sync %08x for Cmd %08x %ws\n", Cmd->Command, Cmd, RsReplica(Cmd)->ReplicaName->Name);
CXTION_STATE_TRACE(5, VolatileCxtion, Replica, 0, "F, RcsSubmitReplicaSync cmd");
FrsSubmitCommandServer(&ReplicaCmdServer, Cmd);
// Wait for the command to finish
WaitForSingleObject(RsCompletionEvent(Cmd), INFINITE); FRS_CLOSE(RsCompletionEvent(Cmd));
WStatus = Cmd->ErrorStatus; FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, Cmd->ErrorStatus); return WStatus; }
VOID RcsEndMergeWithDs( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description: The DS has been polled and the replicas have been merged into the active replicas.
Each active replica was initially included in a temporary table. Any replica still left in the table is a deleted replica because its corresponding entry in the DS was not found.
Arguments: None.
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsEndMergeWithDs:"
PVOID Key; PREPLICA Replica; DWORD ReplicaSetsDeleted; extern BOOL DsIsShuttingDown; extern CRITICAL_SECTION MergingReplicasWithDs; extern ULONG DsPollingInterval; extern ULONG DsPollingShortInterval;
// Any replica that is in the state "not merged" should be deleted
// unless the Ds is shutting down; in which case do not process
// deletes because a sysvol seeding operation may be in progress.
// We do not want to delete the sysvol we are currently trying to
// create.
Key = NULL; while (!DsIsShuttingDown && (Replica = GTabNextDatum(ReplicasNotInTheDs, &Key))) { REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, NULL, Replica, 0, "F, submit replica CMD_DELETE"); RcsSubmitReplica(Replica, NULL, CMD_DELETE); }
// If any replica sets were deleted while processing the fault list then we should
// trigger the next poll sooner so we can start the non-auth restore on the
// deleted replica sets.
if (ReplicaSetsDeleted) { DsPollingInterval = DsPollingShortInterval; }
GTabFreeTable(ReplicasNotInTheDs, NULL); ReplicasNotInTheDs = NULL;
// Synchronize with sysvol seeding
LeaveCriticalSection(&MergingReplicasWithDs); }
VOID RcsReplicaSetRegistry( IN PREPLICA Replica ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function stores information about the replica set into the registry for use by ntfrsupg /restore (non-authoritative restore).
Return Value:
--*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsReplicaSetRegistry:"
DWORD WStatus; PWCHAR ReplicaSetTypeW; DWORD NumberOfPartners; DWORD BurFlags; DWORD ReplicaSetTombstoned; HKEY HSeedingsKey = 0; WCHAR GuidW[GUID_CHAR_LEN + 1];
// Sanity check
if (!Replica || !Replica->SetName || !Replica->SetName->Name || !Replica->MemberName || !Replica->MemberName->Guid) { DPRINT(4, ":S: WARN - Partial replica set ignored\n"); return; }
// Working path to jet Database dir.
// Create the subkey for this set
GuidToStrW(Replica->MemberName->Guid, GuidW);
// Replica set name
// Replica set root path
// Replica set stage path
CfgRegWriteString(FKC_SET_N_REPLICA_SET_NAME, GuidW, FRS_RKF_CREATE_KEY, Replica->SetName->Name);
CfgRegWriteString(FKC_SET_N_REPLICA_SET_ROOT, GuidW, FRS_RKF_CREATE_KEY, Replica->Root);
CfgRegWriteString(FKC_SET_N_REPLICA_SET_STAGE, GuidW, FRS_RKF_CREATE_KEY, Replica->Stage);
// Replica set type
// Replica Set Tombstoned
ReplicaSetTombstoned = (!IS_TIME_ZERO(Replica->MembershipExpires)) ? 1 : 0;
// Update the registry state under Cumulative Replica Sets for this set.
NumberOfPartners = GTabNumberInTable(Replica->Cxtions); //
// If NumberOfPartners is non zero, subtract the Journal
// Cxtion entry since its not a real connection
if (NumberOfPartners > 0) { NumberOfPartners -= 1; }
// Init Backup / Restore flags.
// If done seeding then cleanup the sysvol seeding key.
if (!BooleanFlagOn(Replica->CnfFlags, CONFIG_FLAG_SEEDING)) {
WStatus = CfgRegOpenKey(FKC_SYSVOL_SEEDING_SECTION_KEY, NULL, FRS_RKF_CREATE_KEY, &HSeedingsKey); CLEANUP1_WS(4, ":S: WARN - Cannot create sysvol seedings key for %ws;", Replica->SetName->Name, WStatus, CLEANUP);
// Seeding is over so delete sysvol seeding key using replica set Name.
WStatus = RegDeleteKey(HSeedingsKey, Replica->ReplicaName->Name); DPRINT1_WS(4, ":S: WARN - Cannot delete seeding key for %ws;", Replica->SetName->Name, WStatus); }
if (HSeedingsKey) { RegCloseKey(HSeedingsKey); } }
BOOL RcsReplicaIsRestored( IN PREPLICA Replica ) /*++
Routine Description:
Check if the replica set should be deleted because it has been restored. Only called from RcsInitKnownReplicaSetMembers() at startup. The BurFlags will be wiped after the replica set is recreated (if ever).
Return Value:
--*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsReplicaIsRestored:"
DWORD WStatus; DWORD BurFlags; BOOL IsRestored = FALSE; WCHAR GuidW[GUID_CHAR_LEN + 1];
// Sanity check
if (!Replica || !Replica->MemberName || !Replica->MemberName->Guid) { DPRINT(0, ":S: WARN - Partial replica set ignored\n"); return IsRestored; }
// Get BurFlags
// FRS_CONFIG_SECTION\Cumulative Replica Sets\Replica Sets\<guid>\BurFlags
GuidToStrW(Replica->MemberName->Guid, GuidW);
IsRestored = TRUE; DPRINT1(4, ":S: %ws has been restored\n", Replica->SetName->Name); } else { //
DPRINT1(4, ":S: %ws has not been restored\n", Replica->SetName->Name); }
CLEANUP: // if (HCumuKey) {
// RegCloseKey(HCumuKey);
// }
// FrsFree(CumuPath);
return IsRestored; }
VOID RcsReplicaDeleteRegistry ( IN PREPLICA Replica ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function deletes the information about the replica set from the registry.
Return Value:
--*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsReplicaDeleteRegistry:"
DWORD WStatus; HKEY HKey = 0; HKEY HAllSetsKey = 0; HKEY HCumusKey = 0; WCHAR GuidW[GUID_CHAR_LEN + 1];
// Sanity check
if (!Replica || !Replica->SetName || !Replica->SetName->Name || !Replica->MemberName || !Replica->MemberName->Guid) { DPRINT(0, ":S: WARN - Partial replica set ignored\n"); return; }
// Delete old state from the registry
WStatus = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, FRS_CONFIG_SECTION, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &HKey); CLEANUP1_WS(0, ":S: WARN - Cannot open parameters for %ws;", Replica->SetName->Name, WStatus, CLEANUP);
// Create the subkey for all sets
WStatus = RegCreateKey(HKey, FRS_SETS_KEY, &HAllSetsKey); CLEANUP1_WS(0, ":S: WARN - Cannot create sets key for %ws;", Replica->SetName->Name, WStatus, CLEANUP);
// Delete the subkey for this set
GuidToStrW(Replica->MemberName->Guid, GuidW); WStatus = RegDeleteKey(HAllSetsKey, GuidW); CLEANUP1_WS(0, ":S: WARN - Cannot delete set key for %ws;", Replica->SetName->Name, WStatus, CLEANUP);
// Cumulative Replica Sets
// Create the subkey for all sets
WStatus = RegCreateKey(HKey, FRS_CUMULATIVE_SETS_KEY, &HCumusKey); CLEANUP1_WS(0, ":S: WARN - Cannot create cumulative sets key for %ws;", Replica->SetName->Name, WStatus, CLEANUP);
// Delete the subkey for this set
WStatus = RegDeleteKey(HCumusKey, GuidW); CLEANUP1_WS(0, ":S: WARN - Cannot delete cumulative key for %ws;", Replica->SetName->Name, WStatus, CLEANUP);
CLEANUP: if (HKey) { RegCloseKey(HKey); } if (HAllSetsKey) { RegCloseKey(HAllSetsKey); } if (HCumusKey) { RegCloseKey(HCumusKey); } }
VOID RcsReplicaClearRegistry( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function deletes all of the replica set information in the registry. This function should only be called after enumerating the configrecords.
Return Value:
--*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsReplicaClearRegistry:"
DWORD WStatus; HKEY HKey = 0; HKEY HAllSetsKey = 0; WCHAR KeyBuf[MAX_PATH + 1];
// Empty the replica set info out of the registry
// Set new state in the registry
WStatus = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, FRS_CONFIG_SECTION, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &HKey); CLEANUP_WS(0, "WARN - Cannot open parameters for delete sets", WStatus, CLEANUP);
// Create the subkey for all sets
WStatus = RegCreateKey(HKey, FRS_SETS_KEY, &HAllSetsKey); CLEANUP_WS(0, "WARN - Cannot create sets key for delete sets", WStatus, CLEANUP);
// Delete the subkeys
do { WStatus = RegEnumKey(HAllSetsKey, 0, KeyBuf, MAX_PATH + 1); if (WIN_SUCCESS(WStatus)) { WStatus = RegDeleteKey(HAllSetsKey, KeyBuf); } } while (WIN_SUCCESS(WStatus));
if (WStatus != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { CLEANUP_WS(0, "WARN - Cannot delete all keys", WStatus, CLEANUP); }
CLEANUP: if (HKey) { RegCloseKey(HKey); } if (HAllSetsKey) { RegCloseKey(HAllSetsKey); } }
DWORD RcsCreateReplicaSetMember( IN PREPLICA Replica ) /*++
Routine Description: Create a database record for Replica.
Arguments: Replica
Return Value: An Frs Error status --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsCreateReplicaSetMember:"
ULONG Status; ULONG FStatus; ULONG WStatus; ULONG RootLen; ULONG i, Rest;
#define CXTION_STR_MAX 256
extern ULONGLONG ActiveChange;
Replica->FStatus = FrsErrorSuccess;
// We are creating a new replica set member. Set the Cnf flag to CONFIG_FLAG_SEEDING.
// This will trigger a serialvvjoin for this replica set.
if (!BooleanFlagOn(Replica->CnfFlags, CONFIG_FLAG_PRIMARY)) { SetFlag(Replica->CnfFlags, CONFIG_FLAG_SEEDING); }
// Table context?
TableCtx = DbsCreateTableContext(ConfigTablex);
// Submitted to the db command server
Cmd = DbsPrepareCmdPkt(NULL, // Cmd,
Replica, // Replica,
TableCtx, // TableCtx,
NULL, // CallContext,
0, // TableType,
0, // AccessRequest,
0, // IndexType,
NULL, // KeyValue,
0, // KeyValueLength,
FALSE); // Submit
// Don't free the packet when the command completes.
FrsSetCompletionRoutine(Cmd, FrsCompleteKeepPkt, NULL);
// SUBMIT DB Cmd and wait for completion.
WStatus = FrsSubmitCommandServerAndWait(&DBServiceCmdServer, Cmd, INFINITE); Replica->FStatus = Cmd->Parameters.DbsRequest.FStatus; //
// If wait or database op failed
if (!WIN_SUCCESS(WStatus) || !FRS_SUCCESS(Replica->FStatus)) { //
// If wait / submit failed then let caller know cmd srv submit failed.
if (FRS_SUCCESS(Replica->FStatus)) { Replica->FStatus = FrsErrorCmdSrvFailed; }
DPRINT2_FS(0, ":S: ERROR - %ws\\%ws: Create Replica failed;", Replica->SetName->Name, Replica->MemberName->Name, Replica->FStatus);
DPRINT_WS(0, "ERROR: Create Replica DB Command failed", WStatus);
// Post the failure in the event log.
WStatusUStr = FrsAtoW(ErrLabelW32(WStatus)); FStatusUStr = FrsAtoW(ErrLabelFrs(Replica->FStatus));
EPRINT8(EVENT_FRS_REPLICA_SET_CREATE_FAIL, Replica->SetName->Name, ComputerDnsName, Replica->MemberName->Name, Replica->Root, Replica->Stage, JetPath, WStatusUStr, FStatusUStr);
FrsFree(WStatusUStr); FrsFree(FStatusUStr);
goto out; }
// Post the success in the event log.
EPRINT6(EVENT_FRS_REPLICA_SET_CREATE_OK, Replica->SetName->Name, ComputerDnsName, Replica->MemberName->Name, Replica->Root, Replica->Stage, JetPath);
// Increment the Replica Sets Created Counter
PM_INC_CTR_SERVICE(PMTotalInst, RSCreated, 1);
InWStr = FrsGetResourceStr(IDS_INBOUND); OutWStr = FrsGetResourceStr(IDS_OUTBOUND); i = 0;
// Create the cxtions
Key = NULL; while (Cxtion = GTabNextDatum(Replica->Cxtions, &Key)) { Key = NULL;
// Skip inconsistent cxtions and journal cxtions
if ((!Cxtion->JrnlCxtion) && CxtionFlagIs(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_CONSISTENT)) { CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, Cxtion, Replica, 0, "F, submit cmd CMD_OUTLOG_ADD_NEW_PARTNER"); FStatus = OutLogSubmit(Replica, Cxtion, CMD_OUTLOG_ADD_NEW_PARTNER);
CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, Cxtion, Replica, FStatus, "F, CMD_OUTLOG_ADD_NEW_PARTNER return"); //
// Build a string for the event log.
if (Cxtion->PartnerDnsName != NULL) { _snwprintf(CxtionStr, CXTION_STR_MAX, L"%ws \"%ws\"", Cxtion->Inbound ? InWStr : OutWStr, Cxtion->PartnerDnsName);
WStrArray[i++] = FrsWcsDup(CxtionStr);
EPRINT9(EVENT_FRS_REPLICA_SET_CXTIONS, Replica->SetName->Name, WStrArray[0], WStrArray[1], WStrArray[2], WStrArray[3], WStrArray[4], WStrArray[5], WStrArray[6], WStrArray[7]);
for (i = 0; i < CXTION_EVENT_RPT_MAX; i++) { WStrArray[i] = FrsFree(WStrArray[i]); }
i = 0; } } } //
// Done with this cxtion
GTabDelete(Replica->Cxtions, Cxtion->Name->Guid, NULL, FrsFreeType); }
if (i > 0) { //
// print any left over.
Rest = i; for (i = Rest; i < CXTION_EVENT_RPT_MAX; i++) { WStrArray[i] = L" "; }
EPRINT9(EVENT_FRS_REPLICA_SET_CXTIONS, Replica->SetName->Name, WStrArray[0], WStrArray[1], WStrArray[2], WStrArray[3], WStrArray[4], WStrArray[5], WStrArray[6], WStrArray[7]);
for (i = 0; i < Rest; i++) { WStrArray[i] = FrsFree(WStrArray[i]); } }
FrsFree(InWStr); FrsFree(OutWStr);
// Set the OID data structure which is a part of the
// counter data structure stored in the hash table
// Add ReplicaSet Instance to the registry
if (Replica->Root != NULL) { DPRINT(5, "PERFMON:Adding Set:REPLICA.C:1\n"); AddPerfmonInstance(REPLICASET, Replica->PerfRepSetData, Replica->Root); }
// Add to the replica tables (by guid and by number)
Replica->Queue = FrsAlloc(sizeof(FRS_QUEUE)); FrsInitializeQueue(Replica->Queue, &ReplicaCmdServer.Control);
GTabInsertEntry(ReplicasByGuid, Replica, Replica->ReplicaName->Guid, NULL); GTabInsertEntry(ReplicasByNumber, Replica, &Replica->ReplicaNumber, NULL);
// WARNING: NO Failure return is allowed after this point because the
// Replica struct is pointed at by a number of other data structs like the
// Three above. A Failure return here causes our caller to free the replica
// struct but of course it does that without first pulling it out of any of
// the above or calling the DB Service to tell it that the replica struct is
// going away This is unfortunate but its 7/8/99 and too late to clean this up.
// Set registry value "FilesNotToBackup"
// Open the replica set
// See comment above.
Replica->FStatus = FrsErrorSuccess;
//if (Replica->FStatus != FrsErrorSuccess) {
// goto out;
// Insert replica information into the registry
out: if (Cmd) { FrsFreeCommand(Cmd, NULL); } if (TableCtx) { DbsFreeTableContext(TableCtx, 0); } if (!FRS_SUCCESS(Replica->FStatus)) { //
// Ds poll thread will restart the replica during the next
// polling cycle if ActiveChange is set to 0.
ActiveChange = 0; }
return Replica->FStatus; }
BOOL RcsReplicaHasExpired( IN PREPLICA Replica ) /*++
Routine Description: Has this replica's tombstone expired?
Arguments: Replica
Return Value: TRUE - Tombstone has expired. FALSE - Not tombstoned or tombstone has not expired. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsReplicaHasExpired:"
// Is it tombstoned?
if (!IS_TIME_ZERO(Replica->MembershipExpires)) { GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&FileTime); COPY_TIME(&Now, &FileTime); //
// Has it expired?
if (Now > Replica->MembershipExpires) { REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, NULL, Replica, 0, "F, Replica has expired"); return TRUE; } } //
// Not expired
return FALSE; }
PREPLICA RcsFindSysVolByType( IN DWORD ReplicaSetType ) /*++
Routine Description: Find the sysvol with the indicated type.
Arguments: ReplicaSetType
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsFindSysVolByType:"
// Find a match for the sysvol by name
Key = NULL; while (Replica = GTabNextDatum(ReplicasByGuid, &Key)) { if (!FRS_RSTYPE_IS_SYSVOL(Replica->ReplicaSetType)) { continue; } //
// SysVol types match
if (Replica->ReplicaSetType == ReplicaSetType) { //
// Don't return expired replicas
if (RcsReplicaHasExpired(Replica)) { DPRINT2(4, ":S: %ws\\%ws: IGNORING, tombstoned expired.\n", Replica->SetName->Name, Replica->MemberName->Name); continue; } return Replica; } } return NULL; }
PREPLICA RcsFindSysVolByName( IN PWCHAR ReplicaSetName ) /*++
Routine Description: The replica set from the Ds could not be located by its Ds-object guid. This may be a sysvol that has been seeded but hasn't picked up its guids from its Ds objects. Try to find the sysvol by name.
Arguments: ReplicaSetName
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsFindSysVolByName:"
// Find a match for the sysvol by name
Key = NULL; while (Replica = GTabNextDatum(ReplicasByGuid, &Key)) { if (!FRS_RSTYPE_IS_SYSVOL(Replica->ReplicaSetType)) { continue; } if (WSTR_EQ(ReplicaSetName, Replica->ReplicaName->Name)) { //
// Don't return expired replicas
if (RcsReplicaHasExpired(Replica)) { DPRINT2(4, ":S: %ws\\%ws: IGNORING, tombstoned expired.\n", Replica->SetName->Name, Replica->MemberName->Name); continue; } return Replica; } } return NULL; }
PREPLICA RcsFindNextReplica( IN PVOID *Key ) /*++
Routine Description: Return the next replica in the active replication subsystem.
Arguments: Key
Return Value: Replica or NULL. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsFindNextReplica:"
// Next replica
return GTabNextDatum(ReplicasByGuid, Key); }
VOID RcsMergeReplicaFromDs( IN PREPLICA DsReplica ) /*++
Routine Description: Merge this replica from the DS with the active replicas.
Arguments: DsReplica
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsMergeReplicaFromDs:"
DPRINT(4, ":S: Merge Replica from the DS\n"); FRS_PRINT_TYPE(4, DsReplica);
// If the replica is not in the table, create it
Replica = GTabLookup(ReplicasByGuid, DsReplica->ReplicaName->Guid, NULL);
if (Replica && REPLICA_STATE_NEEDS_RESTORE(Replica->ServiceState)) { //
// This replica is on the fault list and will be deleted at the end
// of poll when we process the fault list. We should not try to
// do anything with this replica. Just remove it from ReplicasNotInTheDs
// table and free the DsReplica structure.
GTabDelete(ReplicasNotInTheDs, Replica->ReplicaName->Guid, NULL, NULL); FrsFreeType(DsReplica); return; } //
// Might be a sysvol that has been seeded but hasn't picked up
// its final guids from its Ds objects. Try to find it by name.
if (!Replica && FRS_RSTYPE_IS_SYSVOL(DsReplica->ReplicaSetType)) { //
// Pretend there isn't a match if the replica has already
// been merged with the info in the DS. We only want to merge once.
// We deduce that the merge hasn't occured if the replica set
// guid and the root guid are the same. They should be different
// since the replica set guid wasn't available when the root
// guid was created.
// Otherwise, we could end up with a sysvol replica that
// claims its root path is an old sysvol root instead of a new
// sysvol root (assuming ntfrsupg was run twice).
// The old sysvol will be tombstoned and will eventually
// be deleted.
// Note: seeding during dcpromo is now broken since root guid
// is created when set is created in the db and so
// never matches the set guid. fix if seeding during
// dcpromo is resurrected (with CnfFlag)
Replica = RcsFindSysVolByName(DsReplica->ReplicaName->Name); if (Replica && !GUIDS_EQUAL(Replica->SetName->Guid, Replica->ReplicaRootGuid)) { Replica = NULL; } } if (Replica) { //
// Replica still exists in the DS; don't delete it
GTabDelete(ReplicasNotInTheDs, Replica->ReplicaName->Guid, NULL, NULL); //
// Tell the replica to merge with the information from the DS
// and to retry any failed or new startup operations like
// starting the journal and joining new connections.
if (DsReplica->Consistent) { (VOID) RcsSubmitReplicaSync(Replica, DsReplica, NULL, CMD_START); } else { //
// WARN: it looks like it gets freed here but still lives in the
// ReplicasByGuid table --- AV later if table enumed.
// RcsBeginMergeWithDs() does an enum of this table.
FrsFreeType(DsReplica); } } else { //
// Insert the replica into the database and add it to the table
// of active replicas. Comm packets will continue to be discarded
// because the replica is not yet "accepting" remote change orders
// Replica sets for sysvols must exist in the database prior to
// the entries in the Ds. If the opposite is true then the entry
// in the Ds is bogus; probably the result of the Ds polling thread
// being unabled to delete the Ds objects after a dcdemote. In
// any case, ignore the Ds.
if (DsReplica->Consistent && FRS_SUCCESS(RcsCreateReplicaSetMember(DsReplica))) { RcsSubmitReplicaSync(DsReplica, NULL, NULL, CMD_START); } else { //
// WARN: The above could happen here too if Consistent is false
// and DsReplica is in a table.
// Also happens if RcsCreateReplicaSetMember() fails.
// since it can fail after DsReplica is added to.
// the ReplicasByGuid and ReplicasByNumber tables. Sigh.
FrsFreeType(DsReplica); } } }
VOID RcsMergeReplicaGName( IN PREPLICA Replica, IN PWCHAR Tag, IN PGNAME GName, IN PGNAME NewGName ) /*++
Routine Description: Update the Replica with new information from NewReplica.
Arguments: Replica GName NewGName
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsMergeReplicaGName:"
// Name
if (WSTR_NE(GName->Name, NewGName->Name)) { DPRINT5(0, "++ %ws\\%ws - Changing %ws name from %ws to %ws.\n", Replica->ReplicaName->Name, Replica->MemberName->Name, Tag, GName->Name, NewGName->Name);
FrsDsSwapPtrs(&GName->Name, &NewGName->Name); Replica->NeedsUpdate = TRUE; } //
// Guid
if (!GUIDS_EQUAL(GName->Guid, NewGName->Guid)) { DPRINT3(0, "++ %ws\\%ws - Changing guid for %ws.\n", Replica->ReplicaName->Name, Replica->MemberName->Name, Tag);
FrsDsSwapPtrs(&GName->Guid, &NewGName->Guid); Replica->NeedsUpdate = TRUE; } }
VOID RcsMergeReplicaFields( IN PREPLICA Replica, IN PREPLICA NewReplica ) /*++
Routine Description: Update the Replica with new information from NewReplica.
Arguments: Replica - active replica NewReplica
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsMergeReplicaFields:"
if (NewReplica == NULL) { return; } //
// Replica type
if (Replica->ReplicaSetType != NewReplica->ReplicaSetType) { DPRINT4(0, "++ ERROR - %ws\\%ws - Changing replica type from %d to %d is not allowed.\n", Replica->ReplicaName->Name, Replica->MemberName->Name, Replica->ReplicaSetType, NewReplica->ReplicaSetType); NewReplica->Consistent = FALSE; return; }
// ReplicaName Guid
IsSysVol = FRS_RSTYPE_IS_SYSVOL(Replica->ReplicaSetType); if (!GUIDS_EQUAL(Replica->ReplicaName->Guid, NewReplica->ReplicaName->Guid)) { if (!IsSysVol) { DPRINT2(0, "++ ERROR - %ws\\%ws - Changing replica guid is not allowed.\n", Replica->ReplicaName->Name, Replica->MemberName->Name); return; } }
// Set Guid
if (!GUIDS_EQUAL(Replica->SetName->Guid, NewReplica->SetName->Guid)) { if (!IsSysVol) { DPRINT2(0, "++ ERROR - %ws\\%ws - Changing set guid is not allowed.\n", Replica->ReplicaName->Name, Replica->MemberName->Name); return; } }
// Root Guid
// Cannot be changed because it is created whenever the set
// is created in the DB. The root guid from the DS is always
// ignored.
// if (!GUIDS_EQUAL(Replica->ReplicaRootGuid, NewReplica->ReplicaRootGuid)) {
// if (!IsSysVol) {
// DPRINT2(0, "++ ERROR - %ws\\%ws - Changing root guid "
// "is not allowed.\n",
// Replica->ReplicaName->Name,
// Replica->MemberName->Name);
// return;
// }
// }
// Stage Path.
if (WSTR_NE(Replica->Stage, NewReplica->Stage)) {
DPRINT3(3, "The staging path for the replica set (%ws) has changed from (%ws) to (%ws).\n", Replica->SetName->Name, Replica->Stage, NewReplica->Stage);
EPRINT3(EVENT_FRS_STAGE_HAS_CHANGED, Replica->SetName->Name, Replica->Stage, NewReplica->Stage);
FrsFree(Replica->NewStage); Replica->NewStage = FrsWcsDup(NewReplica->Stage); Replica->NeedsUpdate = TRUE; }
// Updating the replica's guid is tricky since the guid is
// used by the other subsystems, like RPC, to find a replica
// set. Both the old and new guid are temporarily in the
// lookup table. Once the guid is updated, the old entry is
// deleted.
if (!GUIDS_EQUAL(Replica->ReplicaName->Guid, NewReplica->ReplicaName->Guid)) { DPRINT2(0, "++ %ws\\%ws - Changing guid for Replica.\n", Replica->ReplicaName->Name, Replica->MemberName->Name);
GTabInsertEntry(ReplicasByGuid, Replica, NewReplica->ReplicaName->Guid, NULL); FrsDsSwapPtrs(&Replica->ReplicaName->Guid, &NewReplica->ReplicaName->Guid);
GTabDelete(ReplicasByGuid, NewReplica->ReplicaName->Guid, NULL, NULL); COPY_GUID(NewReplica->ReplicaName->Guid, Replica->ReplicaName->Guid); Replica->NeedsUpdate = TRUE; }
// ReplicaName (note that the guid was handled above)
RcsMergeReplicaGName(Replica, L"Replica", Replica->ReplicaName, NewReplica->ReplicaName);
// MemberName
RcsMergeReplicaGName(Replica, L"Member", Replica->MemberName, NewReplica->MemberName); //
// SetName
RcsMergeReplicaGName(Replica, L"Set", Replica->SetName, NewReplica->SetName); //
// Schedule
if (Replica->Schedule || NewReplica->Schedule) { if ((Replica->Schedule && !NewReplica->Schedule) || (!Replica->Schedule && NewReplica->Schedule) || (Replica->Schedule->Size != NewReplica->Schedule->Size) || (memcmp(Replica->Schedule, NewReplica->Schedule, Replica->Schedule->Size))) { DPRINT2(0, "++ %ws\\%ws - Changing replica schedule.\n", Replica->ReplicaName->Name, Replica->MemberName->Name);
FrsDsSwapPtrs(&Replica->Schedule, &NewReplica->Schedule); Replica->NeedsUpdate = TRUE; } }
// File Exclusion Filter
if (Replica->FileFilterList || NewReplica->FileFilterList) { if ((Replica->FileFilterList && !NewReplica->FileFilterList) || (!Replica->FileFilterList && NewReplica->FileFilterList) || WSTR_NE(Replica->FileFilterList, NewReplica->FileFilterList)) {
DPRINT4(0, "++ %ws\\%ws - Changing file filter from %ws to %ws.\n", Replica->ReplicaName->Name, Replica->MemberName->Name, Replica->FileFilterList, NewReplica->FileFilterList);
FrsDsSwapPtrs(&Replica->FileFilterList, &NewReplica->FileFilterList); if (!Replica->FileFilterList) { Replica->FileFilterList = FRS_DS_COMPOSE_FILTER_LIST( NULL, RegistryFileExclFilterList, DEFAULT_FILE_FILTER_LIST); } RtlInitUnicodeString(&TempUStr, Replica->FileFilterList); LOCK_REPLICA(Replica); FrsLoadNameFilter(&TempUStr, &Replica->FileNameFilterHead); UNLOCK_REPLICA(Replica); Replica->NeedsUpdate = TRUE; } }
// File Inclusion Filter (Registry only)
if (Replica->FileInclFilterList || NewReplica->FileInclFilterList) { if ((Replica->FileInclFilterList && !NewReplica->FileInclFilterList) || (!Replica->FileInclFilterList && NewReplica->FileInclFilterList) || WSTR_NE(Replica->FileInclFilterList, NewReplica->FileInclFilterList)) {
DPRINT4(0, "++ %ws\\%ws - Changing file Inclusion filter from %ws to %ws.\n", Replica->ReplicaName->Name, Replica->MemberName->Name, Replica->FileInclFilterList, NewReplica->FileInclFilterList);
FrsDsSwapPtrs(&Replica->FileInclFilterList, &NewReplica->FileInclFilterList);
RtlInitUnicodeString(&TempUStr, Replica->FileInclFilterList); LOCK_REPLICA(Replica); FrsLoadNameFilter(&TempUStr, &Replica->FileNameInclFilterHead); UNLOCK_REPLICA(Replica); Replica->NeedsUpdate = TRUE; } }
// Directory Filter
if (Replica->DirFilterList || NewReplica->DirFilterList) { if ((Replica->DirFilterList && !NewReplica->DirFilterList) || (!Replica->DirFilterList && NewReplica->DirFilterList) || WSTR_NE(Replica->DirFilterList, NewReplica->DirFilterList)) {
DPRINT4(0, "++ %ws\\%ws - Changing dir filter from %ws to %ws.\n", Replica->ReplicaName->Name, Replica->MemberName->Name, Replica->DirFilterList, NewReplica->DirFilterList);
FrsDsSwapPtrs(&Replica->DirFilterList, &NewReplica->DirFilterList);
if (!Replica->DirFilterList) { Replica->DirFilterList = FRS_DS_COMPOSE_FILTER_LIST( NULL, RegistryDirExclFilterList, DEFAULT_DIR_FILTER_LIST); }
// Add the pre-install dir, the pre-existing dir and the
// replication suppression prefix name to the dir filter list.
DirFilterList = FrsWcsCat3(NTFRS_PREINSTALL_DIRECTORY, L",", Replica->DirFilterList);
TmpList = FrsWcsCat3(NTFRS_PREEXISTING_DIRECTORY, L",", DirFilterList); FrsFree(DirFilterList); DirFilterList = TmpList;
#if 0
// This workaround did not solve the DFS dir create problem because the
// later rename of the dir to the final target name is treated like
// a movein operation so the dir replicates which was what we were trying
// to avoid since that led to name morph collisions on other DFS alternates
// which were doing the same thing.
TmpList = FrsWcsCat3(NTFRS_REPL_SUPPRESS_PREFIX, L"*,", DirFilterList); FrsFree(DirFilterList); DirFilterList = TmpList; #endif
DPRINT3(0, "++ %ws\\%ws - New dir filter: %ws\n", Replica->ReplicaName->Name, Replica->MemberName->Name, DirFilterList);
RtlInitUnicodeString(&TempUStr, DirFilterList);
LOCK_REPLICA(Replica); FrsLoadNameFilter(&TempUStr, &Replica->DirNameFilterHead); UNLOCK_REPLICA(Replica);
FrsFree(DirFilterList); Replica->NeedsUpdate = TRUE; } }
// Directory Inclusion Filter (Registry only)
if (Replica->DirInclFilterList || NewReplica->DirInclFilterList) { if ((Replica->DirInclFilterList && !NewReplica->DirInclFilterList) || (!Replica->DirInclFilterList && NewReplica->DirInclFilterList) || WSTR_NE(Replica->DirInclFilterList, NewReplica->DirInclFilterList)) {
DPRINT4(0, "++ %ws\\%ws - Changing dir inclusion filter from %ws to %ws.\n", Replica->ReplicaName->Name, Replica->MemberName->Name, Replica->DirInclFilterList, NewReplica->DirInclFilterList);
FrsDsSwapPtrs(&Replica->DirInclFilterList, &NewReplica->DirInclFilterList);
RtlInitUnicodeString(&TempUStr, Replica->DirInclFilterList); LOCK_REPLICA(Replica); FrsLoadNameFilter(&TempUStr, &Replica->DirNameInclFilterHead); UNLOCK_REPLICA(Replica); Replica->NeedsUpdate = TRUE; } }
// The Replica->CnfFlags are only valid when the replica is created.
// They are ignored thereafter.
PCXTION RcsCreateSeedingCxtion( IN PREPLICA Replica, IN PCXTION SeedingCxtion ) /*++
Routine Description: Create a seeding cxtion if needed.
This function may open and read the registry. This function may RPC to another computer.
Arguments: Replica - active replica SeedingCxtion - seeding cxtion
Return Value: NULL - no seeding cxtion needed (or possible) Otherwise, a seeding cxtion with a matching cxtion on another computer (specified by the registry). --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsCreateSeedingCxtion:"
DWORD WStatus; PVOID Key; ULONG ParentAuthLevel; PWCHAR KeyName = NULL; PWCHAR ParentComputer = NULL; PWCHAR ParentPrincName = NULL; PWCHAR ParentNT4Name = NULL; handle_t ParentHandle = NULL; PWCHAR LocalServerName = NULL; GUID SeedingGuid; GUID ParentGuid; extern ULONGLONG ActiveChange;
// This operation is non-critical. The sysvol will eventually seed
// after the FRS and KCC information converges on the appropriate
// DCs. Hence, trap exceptions and ignore them.
try {
// Already created. Seeding during dcpromo.
if (SeedingCxtion) { goto CLEANUP_OK; }
// No seeding cxtion is needed
if (!BooleanFlagOn(Replica->CnfFlags, CONFIG_FLAG_SEEDING)) { goto CLEANUP_OK; }
// Do not create another seeding cxtion. The sysvol will eventually
// be seeded from a KCC generated cxtion (from the DS). But it may
// take awhile because both the FRS objects and the KCC must converge
// after the KCC has run. And then the FRS service has to notice the
// convergence.
Key = NULL; while (SeedingCxtion = GTabNextDatum(Replica->Cxtions, &Key)) { if (CxtionFlagIs(SeedingCxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_VOLATILE)) { break; } } if (SeedingCxtion) { SeedingCxtion = NULL; goto CLEANUP_OK; } //
// Retrieve the parent computer's name
WStatus = CfgRegReadString(FKC_SYSVOL_SEEDING_N_PARENT, Replica->ReplicaName->Name, 0, &ParentComputer);
CLEANUP1_WS(0, ":X: ERROR - no parent computer for %ws :", Replica->ReplicaName->Name, WStatus, CLEANUP_OK);
// Bind to the parent
WStatus = NtFrsApi_Rpc_BindEx(ParentComputer, &ParentPrincName, &ParentHandle, &ParentAuthLevel); CLEANUP_WS(0, "ERROR - binding", WStatus, CLEANUP);
DPRINT3(4, ":X: Seeding cxtion has bound to %ws (princ name is %ws) auth level %d\n", ParentComputer, ParentPrincName, ParentAuthLevel);
// Placeholder guid for the cxtion
// Updated once the Ds objects are created
// Get local computer's NT4 style name. Send ServerPrincName if
// conversion fails.
LocalServerName = FrsDsConvertName(DsHandle, ServerPrincName, DS_USER_PRINCIPAL_NAME, NULL, DS_NT4_ACCOUNT_NAME);
if (LocalServerName == NULL) { LocalServerName = FrsWcsDup(ServerPrincName); }
// Create volatile cxtion on the parent
try { WStatus = FrsRpcStartPromotionParent(ParentHandle, NULL, NULL, Replica->SetName->Name, NTFRSAPI_REPLICA_SET_TYPE_DOMAIN, ParentComputer, // Change the following to ComputerName for old DNS behavior
ComputerDnsName, LocalServerName, // NT$ style name or user principal name.
ParentAuthLevel, sizeof(GUID), (PUCHAR)&SeedingGuid, (PUCHAR)Replica->MemberName->Guid, (PUCHAR)&ParentGuid); } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { GET_EXCEPTION_CODE(WStatus); } CLEANUP1_WS(0, ":X: ERROR - Can't create seeding cxtion on parent %ws;", ParentComputer, WStatus, CLEANUP);
DPRINT3(4, ":X: Seeding cxtion has been created on %ws (princ name is %ws) auth level %d\n", ParentComputer, ParentPrincName, ParentAuthLevel);
ParentNT4Name = FrsDsConvertName(DsHandle, ParentPrincName, DS_USER_PRINCIPAL_NAME, NULL, DS_NT4_ACCOUNT_NAME);
if (ParentNT4Name == NULL) { ParentNT4Name = FrsWcsDup(ParentPrincName); }
// Create local seeding cxtion
SeedingCxtion = FrsAllocType(CXTION_TYPE); SeedingCxtion->Inbound = TRUE; SetCxtionFlag(SeedingCxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_CONSISTENT | CXTION_FLAGS_VOLATILE);
SeedingCxtion->Name = FrsBuildGName(FrsDupGuid(&SeedingGuid), FrsWcsDup(ParentComputer));
SeedingCxtion->Partner = FrsBuildGName(FrsDupGuid(&ParentGuid), FrsWcsDup(ParentComputer));
SeedingCxtion->PartnerDnsName = FrsWcsDup(ParentComputer); SeedingCxtion->PartnerSid = FrsWcsDup(L"<unknown>"); SeedingCxtion->PartnerPrincName = FrsWcsDup(ParentNT4Name); SeedingCxtion->PartSrvName = FrsWcsDup(ParentComputer); SeedingCxtion->PartnerAuthLevel = ParentAuthLevel; SetCxtionState(SeedingCxtion, CxtionStateUnjoined);
CLEANUP:; } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { GET_EXCEPTION_CODE(WStatus); DPRINT_WS(0, "ERROR - Exception", WStatus); } try { if (ParentHandle) { RpcBindingFree(&ParentHandle); } FrsFree(KeyName); FrsFree(ParentComputer); FrsFree(ParentPrincName); FrsFree(ParentNT4Name); FrsFree(LocalServerName); } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { GET_EXCEPTION_CODE(WStatus); DPRINT_WS(0, "ERROR - Cleanup Exception", WStatus); } //
// Retry later. ERROR_SUCCESS means don't retry; there may have
// been errors that retrying is unlikely to fix.
if (!WIN_SUCCESS(WStatus)) { //
// Ds poll thread will restart the replica during the next
// polling cycle if ActiveChange is set to 0.
ActiveChange = 0; } return SeedingCxtion; }
VOID RcsSetCxtionSchedule( IN PREPLICA Replica, IN PCXTION Cxtion, IN DWORD ScheduleIndex, IN DWORD ScheduleShift ) /*++
Routine Description: Set or clear the CXTION_FLAGS_SCHEDULE_OFF bit in the cxtion depending on whether the 15min interval identified by (ScheduleIndex, ScheduleShift) is set.
Trigger schedules use the bit differently. A triggered cxtion may actually be joined and running even if the schedule is OFF because the current set of cos haven't been received/sent, yet.
So, be careful. The interpretation of CXTION_FLAGS_SCHEDULE_OFF varies with the type of schedule.
Arguments: Replica
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsSetCxtionSchedule:"
// Inbound connection AND In seeding state AND option is set to
// ignore schedule.
if (Cxtion->Inbound && ((BooleanFlagOn(Replica->CnfFlags, CONFIG_FLAG_SEEDING) || Replica->IsSeeding) && NTDSCONN_IGNORE_SCHEDULE(Cxtion->Options)) ) {
Schedule = NULL;
// Outbound connection AND (In vvjoin mode OR never joined) AND option is set to
// ignore schedule.
} else if (!Cxtion->Inbound && ((Cxtion->OLCtx == NULL) || WaitingToVVJoin(Cxtion->OLCtx) || InVVJoinMode(Cxtion->OLCtx)) && NTDSCONN_IGNORE_SCHEDULE(Cxtion->Options) ) {
Schedule = NULL;
} else { //
// No schedule == always on
Schedule = Cxtion->Schedule; if (!Schedule) { Schedule = Replica->Schedule; } }
// Is this 15minute interval ON or OFF?
On = TRUE; if (Schedule) { //
// Find the interval schedule
for (i = 0; i < Schedule->NumberOfSchedules; ++i) { if (Schedule->Schedules[i].Type == SCHEDULE_INTERVAL) { On = ((*(((PUCHAR)Schedule) + Schedule->Schedules[i].Offset + ScheduleIndex)) >> ScheduleShift) & 1; break; } } } if (On) { DPRINT1(0, ":X: %08x, schedule is on\n", (Cxtion->Name && Cxtion->Name->Guid) ? Cxtion->Name->Guid->Data1 : 0); ClearCxtionFlag(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_SCHEDULE_OFF);
} else { DPRINT1(0, ":X: %08x, schedule is off.\n", (Cxtion->Name && Cxtion->Name->Guid) ? Cxtion->Name->Guid->Data1 : 0); SetCxtionFlag(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_SCHEDULE_OFF); } }
VOID RcsCheckCxtionSchedule( IN PREPLICA Replica, IN PCXTION Cxtion ) /*++
Routine Description: Call the function to set or clear CXTION_FLAGS_SCHEDULE_OFF once the current interval has been determined and the appropriate locks acquired.
Called when a replica is "opened" (read from the DB) and when a cxtion is created or its schedule altered in RcsMergeReplicaCxtions().
Arguments: Cmd
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsCheckCxtionSchedule:"
DWORD ScheduleIndex; DWORD ScheduleShift; SYSTEMTIME SystemTime; DWORD ScheduleHour; BOOL On;
// Find the current interval
GetSystemTime(&SystemTime); ScheduleHour = (SystemTime.wDayOfWeek * 24) + SystemTime.wHour; ScheduleShift = SystemTime.wMinute / MINUTES_IN_INTERVAL; ScheduleIndex = ScheduleHour; FRS_ASSERT(ScheduleIndex < SCHEDULE_DATA_BYTES);
LOCK_CXTION_TABLE(Replica); RcsSetCxtionSchedule(Replica, Cxtion, ScheduleIndex, ScheduleShift); UNLOCK_CXTION_TABLE(Replica); }
VOID RcsCheckSchedules( IN PCOMMAND_PACKET Cmd ) /*++
Routine Description: Check all schedules every so often.
There are three schedule protocols: Sysvol cxtion within a site --------------------------- The cxtion is always on; any schedule is ignored. Normal join retries apply. The normal join retry is to increase the timeout by MinJoinTimeout every retry until the join succeeds. A successful unjoin is followed by an immediate join. Normal cxtion ------------- The schedule is treated as a 15 minute interval stop/start schedule. Normal join retries apply.
Sysvol cxtion between sites --------------------------- The cxtion is treated as a 15-minute interval trigger schedule. The downstream partner initiates the join. The upstream partner ignores its schedule and responds to any request by the downstream partner. The upstream partner unjoins the cxtion when the current contents of the outlog at the time of join have been sent and acked.
For interoperability, the minor comm version was bumped and the outbound trigger cxtion is not unjoined when the end-of-join control co is encountered if the partner is downrev.
I.e., B2 <-> B3 systems behave like B2 systems wrt trigger scheduled cxtions.
Arguments: Cmd
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsCheckSchedules:"
PVOID ReplicaKey; PVOID CxtionKey; PREPLICA Replica; PCXTION Cxtion; DWORD ScheduleIndex; DWORD ScheduleShift; SYSTEMTIME BeginSystemTime; SYSTEMTIME EndSystemTime; DWORD ScheduleHour; DWORD MilliSeconds; BOOL On;
DPRINT1(5, ":X: Command check schedules %08x\n", Cmd);
// Loop if the interval changes during processing
// Current 15min interval
GetSystemTime(&BeginSystemTime); ScheduleHour = (BeginSystemTime.wDayOfWeek * 24) + BeginSystemTime.wHour; ScheduleShift = BeginSystemTime.wMinute / MINUTES_IN_INTERVAL; ScheduleIndex = ScheduleHour; FRS_ASSERT(ScheduleIndex < SCHEDULE_DATA_BYTES);
// For each replica (while not shutting down)
LOCK_REPLICA_TABLE(ReplicasByGuid); ReplicaKey = NULL; while ((!FrsIsShuttingDown) && (Replica = GTabNextDatumNoLock(ReplicasByGuid, &ReplicaKey))) { //
// Replica hasn't been started or is deleted; ignore for now
if (!Replica->IsAccepting) { continue; }
// Don't bother; replica has been deleted
if (!IS_TIME_ZERO(Replica->MembershipExpires)) { continue; }
// For each cxtion (while not shutting down)
LOCK_CXTION_TABLE(Replica); CxtionKey = NULL; while ((!FrsIsShuttingDown) && (Cxtion = GTabNextDatumNoLock(Replica->Cxtions, &CxtionKey))) { //
// Ignore the (local) journal connection.
if (Cxtion->JrnlCxtion) { continue; } //
// Set the cxtion flags related to schedules
RcsSetCxtionSchedule(Replica, Cxtion, ScheduleIndex, ScheduleShift); //
// Schedule is off. Unjoin the cxtion UNLESS this is
// a trigger schedule, in which case the cxtion will
// turn itself off once the current set of changes
// have been sent.
if (CxtionFlagIs(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_SCHEDULE_OFF)) { if (!CxtionStateIs(Cxtion, CxtionStateUnjoined) && !CxtionStateIs(Cxtion, CxtionStateDeleted) && !CxtionStateIs(Cxtion, CxtionStateStart) && !CxtionFlagIs(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_TRIGGER_SCHEDULE)) { RcsSubmitReplicaCxtion(Replica, Cxtion, CMD_UNJOIN); } //
// Schedule is on. Join the cxtion unless it is already
// joined or is controlled by a trigger schedule. The
// join is needed for a trigger scheduled cxtion in case
// the upstream partner has sent its cos and is now
// unjoined.
// Do not send a CMD_JOIN if this replica set is still seeding and
// connection is in INIT_SYNC state and marked paused.
// Initial sync command server will unpause it when it is ready to join.
} else { if ((!CxtionStateIs(Cxtion, CxtionStateJoined) || CxtionFlagIs(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_TRIGGER_SCHEDULE)) && (!CxtionFlagIs(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_PAUSED) || (!BooleanFlagOn(Replica->CnfFlags, CONFIG_FLAG_SEEDING) || !CxtionFlagIs(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_INIT_SYNC))) ) {
RcsSubmitReplicaCxtion(Replica, Cxtion, CMD_JOIN_CXTION); } } } UNLOCK_CXTION_TABLE(Replica); } UNLOCK_REPLICA_TABLE(ReplicasByGuid); //
// Has the clock ticked into the next interval? If so, check again
GetSystemTime(&EndSystemTime); if (EndSystemTime.wDayOfWeek != BeginSystemTime.wDayOfWeek || EndSystemTime.wHour != BeginSystemTime.wHour || (EndSystemTime.wMinute / MINUTES_IN_INTERVAL) != (BeginSystemTime.wMinute / MINUTES_IN_INTERVAL)) { goto AGAIN; } //
// Time until the beginning of the next 15 minute interval
MilliSeconds = ((((EndSystemTime.wMinute + MINUTES_IN_INTERVAL) / MINUTES_IN_INTERVAL) * MINUTES_IN_INTERVAL) - EndSystemTime.wMinute); DPRINT1(5, ":X: Check schedules in %d minutes\n", MilliSeconds); MilliSeconds *= (60 * 1000); FrsDelCsSubmitSubmit(&ReplicaCmdServer, Cmd, MilliSeconds); }
VOID RcsMergeReplicaCxtions( IN PREPLICA Replica, IN PREPLICA NewReplica, IN PCXTION VolatileCxtion ) /*++
Routine Description: Update the Replica's cxtions with information from NewReplica.
Arguments: Replica - active replica NewReplica VolatileCxtion -- Ptr to a cxtion struct created for temporary connections. Hence the name Volatile. Currently used for Sysvol Seeding.
Return Value: TRUE - replica set was altered FALSE - replica is unaltered --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsMergeReplicaCxtions:"
ULONG FStatus; PVOID Key; PCXTION Cxtion; PCXTION NextCxtion; BOOL UpdateNeeded; PCXTION NewCxtion;
// Note: Review - There needs to be a lock on the table or the cxtion
// since the outlog, chgorder, and replica code may
// reference the cxtion struct in parallel.
// The cxtions are enumerated when the replica is opened. If the
// replica isn't opened then we don't know the state of the existing
// cxtions.
if (!Replica->IsOpen) { return; }
// The replica's config record can't be updated; ignore cxtion changes
if (Replica->NeedsUpdate) { return; }
// Add the seeding cxtion
// The seeding cxtion is created by the caller when the
// sysvol is seeded after dcpromo. Otherwise, it is created
// at this time.
// WARN - The function may open and read the registry and may
// RPC to another computer.
VolatileCxtion = RcsCreateSeedingCxtion(Replica, VolatileCxtion); if (VolatileCxtion) { //
// Update the cxtion table
// *NOTE* The following call is synchronous. If we have the Cxtion
// table lock then a hang is possible.
FStatus = OutLogSubmit(Replica, VolatileCxtion, CMD_OUTLOG_ADD_NEW_PARTNER); if (FRS_SUCCESS(FStatus)) { //
// Update the incore cxtion table
GTabInsertEntry(Replica->Cxtions, VolatileCxtion, VolatileCxtion->Name->Guid, NULL); OutLogInitPartner(Replica, VolatileCxtion); } else { //
// Chuck the cxtion. We will retry the create during the
// next ds polling cycle.
FrsFreeType(VolatileCxtion); } }
// Done
if (!NewReplica) { return; }
// Check for altered or deleted cxtions
Key = NULL; for (Cxtion = GTabNextDatum(Replica->Cxtions, &Key); Cxtion; Cxtion = NextCxtion) { NextCxtion = GTabNextDatum(Replica->Cxtions, &Key); //
// Ignore the (local) journal connection.
if (Cxtion->JrnlCxtion) { continue; } //
// This cxtion is volatile, it will disappear after the sysvol is seeded.
// NOTE: the cxtion flags are not stored in the database so, at
// restart, this cxtion will not have the flag, CXTION_FLAGS_VOLATILE,
// set. The cxtion is deleted at restart because there isn't a
// corresponding DS entry.
if (CxtionFlagIs(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_VOLATILE)) { continue; }
NewCxtion = GTabLookup(NewReplica->Cxtions, Cxtion->Name->Guid, NULL);
// Delete the cxtion after unjoining
if (NewCxtion == NULL) { //
// Unjoin the cxtion after setting the deferred delete bit.
// The deferred delete bit will keep the cxtion from re-joining
// before it can be deleted during the next pass of the ds
// polling thread. Warning - cxtion may reappear at any time!
if (!CxtionStateIs(Cxtion, CxtionStateDeleted)) { LOCK_CXTION_TABLE(Replica); ClearCxtionFlag(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_DEFERRED_JOIN); ClearCxtionFlag(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_DEFERRED_UNJOIN); SetCxtionFlag(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_DEFERRED_DELETE); UNLOCK_CXTION_TABLE(Replica); RcsForceUnjoin(Replica, Cxtion); } //
// If successfully unjoined; move to the deleted-cxtion table
if (CxtionStateIs(Cxtion, CxtionStateDeleted)) { RcsDeleteCxtionFromReplica(Replica, Cxtion); } continue; //
// Deleted cxtion reappeared; reanimate it
// if the cxtion is deleted or marked for delete
// and new cxtion is consistent
// and partner's guid's match
// then reanimate
// Don't attempt to reanimate a cxtion if the info in the DS
// is inconsistent or the cxtion's partner has changed. The
// cxtion is deleted when its partner changes because the
// state kept per cxtion is partner specific.
} else if ((CxtionStateIs(Cxtion, CxtionStateDeleted) || CxtionFlagIs(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_DEFERRED_DELETE)) && CxtionFlagIs(NewCxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_CONSISTENT) && GUIDS_EQUAL(Cxtion->Partner->Guid, NewCxtion->Partner->Guid)) { LOCK_CXTION_TABLE(Replica); ClearCxtionFlag(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_DEFERRED_DELETE); if (CxtionStateIs(Cxtion, CxtionStateDeleted)) { SetCxtionState(Cxtion, CxtionStateUnjoined); } UNLOCK_CXTION_TABLE(Replica); }
// Check for altered fields; Ignore if not consistent
if (CxtionFlagIs(NewCxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_CONSISTENT)) { //
// No changes, yet
UpdateNeeded = FALSE;
// Ignore all change is a field changed that isn't allowed
// to change.
// Cxtion Guid
if (!GUIDS_EQUAL(Cxtion->Name->Guid, NewCxtion->Name->Guid)) { DPRINT2(0, ":X: ERROR - %ws\\%ws - Changing cxtion guid is not allowed.\n", Replica->MemberName->Name, Cxtion->Name->Name); goto DELETE_AND_CONTINUE; }
// Partner Guid
// The cxtion is deleted when its partner changes because the
// state kept per cxtion is partner specific. If the cxtion
// has been newly altered so that its previous mismatched
// partner guid now matches then the check in the previous
// basic block would have reanimated the cxtion before getting
// to this code. Hence, the lack of an "else" clause.
if (!GUIDS_EQUAL(Cxtion->Partner->Guid, NewCxtion->Partner->Guid)) { DPRINT2(0, ":X: ERROR - %ws\\%ws - Changing cxtion's partner guid " "is not allowed. DELETING CURRENT CXTION!\n", Replica->MemberName->Name, Cxtion->Name->Name); //
// Unjoin the cxtion after setting the deferred delete bit.
// The deferred delete bit will keep the cxtion from re-joining
// before it can be deleted during the next pass of the ds
// polling thread. Warning - cxtion may reappear at any time!
if (!CxtionStateIs(Cxtion, CxtionStateDeleted)) { LOCK_CXTION_TABLE(Replica); ClearCxtionFlag(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_DEFERRED_JOIN); ClearCxtionFlag(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_DEFERRED_UNJOIN); SetCxtionFlag(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_DEFERRED_DELETE); UNLOCK_CXTION_TABLE(Replica); RcsForceUnjoin(Replica, Cxtion); } //
// If successfully unjoined; move to the deleted-cxtion table
if (CxtionStateIs(Cxtion, CxtionStateDeleted)) { RcsDeleteCxtionFromReplica(Replica, Cxtion); } goto DELETE_AND_CONTINUE; }
// Partner Name
if (WSTR_NE(Cxtion->Partner->Name, NewCxtion->Partner->Name)) { DPRINT4(4, ":X: %ws\\%ws - Changing cxtion's partner name from %ws to %ws.\n", Replica->MemberName->Name, Cxtion->Name->Name, Cxtion->Partner->Name, NewCxtion->Partner->Name); FrsDsSwapPtrs(&Cxtion->Partner->Name, &NewCxtion->Partner->Name); UpdateNeeded = TRUE; }
// Partner PrincName
if (WSTR_NE(Cxtion->PartnerPrincName, NewCxtion->PartnerPrincName)) { DPRINT4(4, ":X: %ws\\%ws - Changing cxtion's partner princname from %ws to %ws.\n", Replica->MemberName->Name, Cxtion->Name->Name, Cxtion->PartnerPrincName, NewCxtion->PartnerPrincName); FrsDsSwapPtrs(&Cxtion->PartnerPrincName, &NewCxtion->PartnerPrincName); UpdateNeeded = TRUE; }
// Partner Dns Name
if (WSTR_NE(Cxtion->PartnerDnsName, NewCxtion->PartnerDnsName)) { DPRINT4(4, ":X: %ws\\%ws - Changing cxtion's partner DNS name from %ws to %ws.\n", Replica->MemberName->Name, Cxtion->Name->Name, Cxtion->PartnerDnsName, NewCxtion->PartnerDnsName); FrsDsSwapPtrs(&Cxtion->PartnerDnsName, &NewCxtion->PartnerDnsName); UpdateNeeded = TRUE; }
// Partner SID
if (WSTR_NE(Cxtion->PartnerSid, NewCxtion->PartnerSid)) { DPRINT4(4, ":X: %ws\\%ws - Changing cxtion's partner SID from %ws to %ws.\n", Replica->MemberName->Name, Cxtion->Name->Name, Cxtion->PartnerSid, NewCxtion->PartnerSid); FrsDsSwapPtrs(&Cxtion->PartnerSid, &NewCxtion->PartnerSid); UpdateNeeded = TRUE; }
// Cxtion Schedule
if (Cxtion->Schedule || NewCxtion->Schedule) { if ((Cxtion->Schedule && !NewCxtion->Schedule) || (!Cxtion->Schedule && NewCxtion->Schedule) || (Cxtion->Schedule->Size != NewCxtion->Schedule->Size) || (memcmp(Cxtion->Schedule, NewCxtion->Schedule, Cxtion->Schedule->Size))) { DPRINT2(4, ":X: %ws\\%ws - Changing cxtion schedule.\n", Replica->MemberName->Name, Cxtion->Name->Name); FrsDsSwapPtrs(&Cxtion->Schedule, &NewCxtion->Schedule); RcsCheckCxtionSchedule(Replica, Cxtion); UpdateNeeded = TRUE; } }
// Partner Server Name
if (WSTR_NE(Cxtion->PartSrvName, NewCxtion->PartSrvName)) { DPRINT4(4, ":X: %ws\\%ws - Changing partner's server name from %ws to %ws.\n", Replica->MemberName->Name, Cxtion->Name->Name, Cxtion->PartSrvName, NewCxtion->PartSrvName); FrsDsSwapPtrs(&Cxtion->PartSrvName, &NewCxtion->PartSrvName); UpdateNeeded = TRUE; }
// Cxtion options.
if (Cxtion->Options != NewCxtion->Options) { DPRINT4(4, ":X: %ws\\%ws - Changing Cxtion's options from 0x%08x to 0x%08x.\n", Replica->MemberName->Name, Cxtion->Name->Name, Cxtion->Options, NewCxtion->Options); Cxtion->Options = NewCxtion->Options; Cxtion->Priority = FRSCONN_GET_PRIORITY(Cxtion->Options); UpdateNeeded = TRUE; }
// Schedule type
DPRINT4(4, ":X: %ws\\%ws - Changing schedule type from %s to %s.\n", Replica->MemberName->Name, Cxtion->Name->Name, CxtionFlagIs(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_TRIGGER_SCHEDULE) ? "Trigger" : "Stop/Start", CxtionFlagIs(NewCxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_TRIGGER_SCHEDULE) ? "Trigger" : "Stop/Start");
if (CxtionFlagIs(NewCxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_TRIGGER_SCHEDULE)) { SetCxtionFlag(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_TRIGGER_SCHEDULE); } else { ClearCxtionFlag(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_TRIGGER_SCHEDULE); } UpdateNeeded = TRUE; }
// No changes, done
if (!UpdateNeeded) { goto DELETE_AND_CONTINUE; } //
// Update the cxtion table in the DB
// *NOTE* The following call is synchronous. If we have the Cxtion
// table lock then a hang is possible.
FStatus = OutLogSubmit(Replica, Cxtion, CMD_OUTLOG_UPDATE_PARTNER); if (!FRS_SUCCESS(FStatus)) { DPRINT3(0, ":X: WARN changes to cxtion %ws (to %ws, %ws) not updated in database\n", Cxtion->Name->Name, Cxtion->Partner->Name, Replica->ReplicaName->Name); //
// Ds poll thread will restart the replica during the next
// polling cycle if ActiveChange is set to 0.
ActiveChange = 0; } } DELETE_AND_CONTINUE: //
// Remove the cxtion from the new replica set. Anything left
// after this loop must be a new cxtion. Free the partner
// so that FrsFreeType() will not attempt to unbind our
// partner's handles.
NewCxtion->Partner = FrsFreeGName(NewCxtion->Partner); GTabDelete(NewReplica->Cxtions, Cxtion->Name->Guid, NULL, FrsFreeType); }
// New cxtions
for (Key = NULL; NewCxtion = GTabNextDatum(NewReplica->Cxtions, &Key); Key = NULL) {
// Remove the cxtion from the new replica
GTabDelete(NewReplica->Cxtions, NewCxtion->Name->Guid, NULL, NULL);
// Inconsistent cxtion; ignore
if (NewCxtion->JrnlCxtion || !CxtionFlagIs(NewCxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_CONSISTENT)) { FrsFreeType(NewCxtion); continue; } RcsCheckCxtionSchedule(Replica, NewCxtion);
// Update the cxtion table
// *NOTE* The following call is synchronous. If we have the Cxtion
// table lock then a hang is possible.
FStatus = OutLogSubmit(Replica, NewCxtion, CMD_OUTLOG_ADD_NEW_PARTNER); if (FRS_SUCCESS(FStatus)) { DPRINT2(4, ":X: %ws\\%ws - Created cxtion.\n", Replica->MemberName->Name, NewCxtion->Name->Name); //
// Update the incore cxtion table
GTabInsertEntry(Replica->Cxtions, NewCxtion, NewCxtion->Name->Guid, NULL);
DPRINT(5, ":X: PERFMON:Adding Connection:REPLICA.C:2\n"); RcsCreatePerfmonCxtionName(Replica, NewCxtion);
OutLogInitPartner(Replica, NewCxtion);
} else { DPRINT2_FS(0, ":X: %ws\\%ws - ERROR creating cxtion;", Replica->MemberName->Name, NewCxtion->Name->Name, FStatus); //
// Chuck the cxtion. We will retry the create during the
// next ds polling cycle.
FrsFreeType(NewCxtion); //
// Ds poll thread will restart the replica during the next
// polling cycle if ActiveChange is set to 0.
ActiveChange = 0; } } }
VOID RcsCreatePerfmonCxtionName( PREPLICA Replica, PCXTION Cxtion ) /*++
Routine Description:
Set the OID data structure which is a part of the counter data structure stored in the hash table.
Add ReplicaConn Instance to the registry
Arguments: Replica - active replica Cxtion - Connection being added.
Return Value: None.
--*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsCreatePerfmonCxtionName:"
if ((Cxtion->PartSrvName != NULL) && (Replica->Root != NULL)) { //
// The oid name used in the HT_REPLICA_CONN_DATA is of the form
// Replica->Root::FROM:Cxtion->PartSrvName or
// Replica->Root::TO:Cxtion->PartSrvName
WCHAR Tstr[256]; _snwprintf(Tstr, ARRAY_SZ(Tstr), L"%ws%ws%ws", Replica->Root, (Cxtion->Inbound) ? (L"::FROM:") : (L"::TO:"), Cxtion->PartSrvName);
// Finally, add the REPLICACONN instance to the Registry
AddPerfmonInstance(REPLICACONN, Cxtion->PerfRepConnData, Tstr); } }
VOID RcsSubmitStopReplicaToDb( IN PREPLICA Replica ) /*++
Routine Description: Release the replica's journal state and outbound log state. This will also close the replica set if it was open. The close happens after the Journaling on the replica has stopped so we save the correct Journal restart USN.
Arguments: None.
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsSubmitStopReplicaToDb:"
Replica->FStatus = FrsErrorSuccess;
// Abort promotion; if any
if (Replica->NtFrsApi_ServiceState == NTFRSAPI_SERVICE_PROMOTING) { DPRINT1(4, ":S: Promotion aborted: stop for %ws.\n", Replica->SetName->Name); Replica->NtFrsApi_ServiceWStatus = FRS_ERR_SYSVOL_POPULATE; Replica->NtFrsApi_ServiceState = NTFRSAPI_SERVICE_DONE; }
// Attempt to stop journaling even if "IsJournaling" is false because
// may have journal state even if it isn't journaling. The journal
// is kept in pVme.
if (Replica->pVme == NULL) { REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, Replica->pVme == NULL"); //
// Close replica is OK here as long as the Journal has not
// been started on this replica set.
RcsCloseReplicaSetmember(Replica); RcsCloseReplicaCxtions(Replica); return; }
// Submitted to the db command server
Cmd = DbsPrepareCmdPkt(NULL, // Cmd,
Replica, // Replica,
NULL, // TableCtx,
NULL, // CallContext,
0, // TableType,
0, // AccessRequest,
0, // IndexType,
NULL, // KeyValue,
0, // KeyValueLength,
FALSE); // Submit
// Don't free the packet when the command completes.
FrsSetCompletionRoutine(Cmd, FrsCompleteKeepPkt, NULL);
// SUBMIT DB Cmd and wait for completion.
REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, Submit DB CMD_STOP_REPLICATION_SINGLE_REPLICA"); WStatus = FrsSubmitCommandServerAndWait(&DBServiceCmdServer, Cmd, INFINITE); Replica->FStatus = Cmd->Parameters.DbsRequest.FStatus; //
// If wait or database op failed
if (!WIN_SUCCESS(WStatus) || !FRS_SUCCESS(Replica->FStatus)) { //
// If wait / submit failed then let caller know cmd srv submit failed.
if (FRS_SUCCESS(Replica->FStatus)) { Replica->FStatus = FrsErrorCmdSrvFailed; }
DPRINT2_FS(0, ":S: ERROR - %ws\\%ws: Stop Replica failed;", Replica->SetName->Name, Replica->MemberName->Name, Replica->FStatus);
DPRINT_WS(0, "ERROR: Stop Replica DB Command failed", WStatus); goto out; }
Replica->IsOpen = FALSE;
out: if (Cmd) { FrsFreeCommand(Cmd, NULL); }
VOID RcsCloseReplicaCxtions( IN PREPLICA Replica ) /*++
Routine Description: "Delete" the cxtions from active processing. RcsOpenReplicaSetMember() will generate new cxtion structs before active processing (aka joining) occurs. The cxtions remain in the DeletedCxtions table so that other threads that may have been time sliced just after acquiring the cxtion pointer but before making use of it will not AV. We could have put in locks but then there would be deadlock and perf considerations; all for the sake of this seldom occuring operation.
Arguments: Replica
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsCloseReplicaCxtions:"
// Open; ignore request
if (Replica->IsOpen) { REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, NULL, Replica, 0, "F, Replica open at close cxtions"); return; }
// "Delete" the cxtions from active processing. RcsOpenReplicaSetMember() will
// generate new cxtion structs before active processing (aka joining)
// occurs. The cxtions remain in the DeletedCxtions table so that
// other threads that may have been time sliced just after acquiring
// the cxtion pointer but before making use of it will not AV. We
// could have put in locks but then there would be deadlock and
// perf considerations; all for the sake of this seldom occuring
// operation.
if (Replica->Cxtions) { Key = NULL; while (Cxtion = GTabNextDatum(Replica->Cxtions, &Key)) { Key = NULL; CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, Cxtion, Replica, 0, "F, GenTable Cxtion deleted"); GTabDelete(Replica->Cxtions, Cxtion->Name->Guid, NULL, NULL);
// Remove the connection from the perfmon tables so we stop returning
// data and allow a new connection with the same name to be established.
// Journal cxtion does not have a perfmon entry
if (!Cxtion->JrnlCxtion) { DeletePerfmonInstance(REPLICACONN, Cxtion->PerfRepConnData); } GTabInsertEntry(DeletedCxtions, Cxtion, Cxtion->Name->Guid, NULL); } } }
VOID RcsCloseReplicaSetmember( IN PREPLICA Replica ) /*++
Routine Description: Close an open replica
Arguments: Replica
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsCloseReplicaSetmember:"
Replica->FStatus = FrsErrorSuccess;
// Not open or still journaling; ignore request
if (!Replica->IsOpen) { REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, Replica not open"); return; }
// Submitted to the db command server
Cmd = DbsPrepareCmdPkt(NULL, // Cmd,
Replica, // Replica,
NULL, // TableCtx,
NULL, // CallContext,
0, // TableType,
0, // AccessRequest,
0, // IndexType,
NULL, // KeyValue,
0, // KeyValueLength,
FALSE); // Submit
// Don't free the packet when the command completes.
FrsSetCompletionRoutine(Cmd, FrsCompleteKeepPkt, NULL);
// SUBMIT DB Cmd and wait for completion.
WStatus = FrsSubmitCommandServerAndWait(&DBServiceCmdServer, Cmd, INFINITE); Replica->FStatus = Cmd->Parameters.DbsRequest.FStatus; //
// If wait or database op failed
if (!WIN_SUCCESS(WStatus) || !FRS_SUCCESS(Replica->FStatus)) { //
// If wait / submit failed then let caller know cmd srv submit failed.
if (FRS_SUCCESS(Replica->FStatus)) { Replica->FStatus = FrsErrorCmdSrvFailed; }
DPRINT2_FS(0, ":S: ERROR - %ws\\%ws: Close Replica failed;", Replica->SetName->Name, Replica->MemberName->Name, Replica->FStatus);
DPRINT_WS(0, "ERROR: Close Replica DB Command failed", WStatus); goto out; }
Replica->IsOpen = FALSE;
out: if (Cmd) { FrsFreeCommand(Cmd, NULL); } }
VOID RcsDeleteReplicaFromDb( IN PREPLICA Replica ) /*++
Routine Description: Delete the replica from the database
Arguments: Replica
Return Value: winerror --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsDeleteReplicaFromDb:"
Replica->FStatus = FrsErrorSuccess;
// Replica must be opened to delete
if (Replica->IsOpen) { REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, Replica not open"); return; }
// Submitted to the db command server
Cmd = DbsPrepareCmdPkt(NULL, // Cmd,
Replica, // Replica,
NULL, // TableCtx,
NULL, // CallContext,
0, // TableType,
0, // AccessRequest,
0, // IndexType,
NULL, // KeyValue,
0, // KeyValueLength,
FALSE); // Submit
// Don't free the packet when the command completes.
FrsSetCompletionRoutine(Cmd, FrsCompleteKeepPkt, NULL);
// SUBMIT DB Cmd and wait for completion.
REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, NULL, Replica, 0, "F, Submit DB CMD_DELETE_REPLICA_SET_MEMBER"); WStatus = FrsSubmitCommandServerAndWait(&DBServiceCmdServer, Cmd, INFINITE); Replica->FStatus = Cmd->Parameters.DbsRequest.FStatus; //
// If wait or database op failed
if (!WIN_SUCCESS(WStatus) || !FRS_SUCCESS(Replica->FStatus)) { //
// If wait / submit failed then let caller know cmd srv submit failed.
if (FRS_SUCCESS(Replica->FStatus)) { Replica->FStatus = FrsErrorCmdSrvFailed; }
DPRINT2_FS(0, ":S: ERROR - %ws\\%ws: Delete Replica failed;", Replica->SetName->Name, Replica->MemberName->Name, Replica->FStatus);
DPRINT_WS(0, "ERROR: Delete Replica DB Command failed", WStatus); goto out; }
out: if (Cmd) { FrsFreeCommand(Cmd, NULL); } }
VOID RcsUpdateReplicaSetMember( IN PREPLICA Replica ) /*++
Routine Description: Update the database record for Replica.
*Note* Perf: RcsUpdateReplicaSetMember() should return status as part of the function call not use some side-effect flag(NeedsUpdate) in the Replica struct.
Arguments: Replica
Return Value: winerror --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsUpdateReplicaSetMember:"
Replica->FStatus = FrsErrorSuccess;
// Replica is not dirty
if (!Replica->NeedsUpdate || !Replica->IsOpen) { REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, Replica not open or not dirty"); return; }
// Command packet
Cmd = DbsPrepareCmdPkt(NULL, // Cmd,
Replica, // Replica,
NULL, // TableCtx,
NULL, // CallContext,
0, // TableType,
0, // AccessRequest,
0, // IndexType,
NULL, // KeyValue,
0, // KeyValueLength,
FALSE); // Submit
// Don't free the packet when the command completes.
FrsSetCompletionRoutine(Cmd, FrsCompleteKeepPkt, NULL);
// SUBMIT DB Cmd and wait for completion.
REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, Submit DB CMD_UPDATE_REPLICA_SET_MEMBER"); WStatus = FrsSubmitCommandServerAndWait(&DBServiceCmdServer, Cmd, INFINITE); Replica->FStatus = Cmd->Parameters.DbsRequest.FStatus; //
// If wait or database op failed
if (!WIN_SUCCESS(WStatus) || !FRS_SUCCESS(Replica->FStatus)) { //
// If wait / submit failed then let caller know cmd srv submit failed.
if (FRS_SUCCESS(Replica->FStatus)) { Replica->FStatus = FrsErrorCmdSrvFailed; }
DPRINT2_FS(0, ":S: ERROR - %ws\\%ws: Update Replica failed;", Replica->SetName->Name, Replica->MemberName->Name, Replica->FStatus);
DPRINT_WS(0, "ERROR: Update Replica DB Command failed", WStatus); goto out; }
Replica->NeedsUpdate = !FRS_SUCCESS(Replica->FStatus);
out: if (Cmd) { FrsFreeCommand(Cmd, NULL); } }
BOOL RcsHasReplicaRootPathMoved( IN PREPLICA Replica, IN PREPLICA NewReplica, OUT PDWORD ReplicaState ) /*++
Routine Description: Check if the replica root path has moved. Called at each poll.
The following checks are made to make sure that the volume and journal info is not changed while the service was not running.
VOLUME SERIAL NUMBER MISMATCH CHECK: In case of a mismatch the replica set is marked to be deleted.
REPLICA ROOT DIR OBJECTID MISMATCH CHECK: In case of a mismatch the replica set is marked to be deleted.
REPLICA ROOT DIR FID MISMATCH CHECK: In case of a mismatch the replica set is marked to be deleted.
Arguments: Replica - Existing replica structure. NewReplica - New replica structure from DS. ReplicaState - Error state to move to if root has moved.
Return Value: BOOL. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsHasReplicaRootPathMoved:"
// If this is the first time we are starting this replica set.
// Nothing to compare with.
if (NewReplica == NULL) { goto RETURN; }
ConfigRecord = (PCONFIG_TABLE_RECORD)Replica->ConfigTable.pDataRecord;
// Always open the path by masking off the FILE_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT flag
// because we want to open the destination dir not the junction if the root
// happens to be a mount point.
WStatus = FrsOpenSourceFileW(&NewRootHandle, NewReplica->Root, GENERIC_READ, FILE_OPEN_FOR_BACKUP_INTENT); if (!WIN_SUCCESS(WStatus)) { DPRINT1_WS(0, "ERROR - Unable to open root path %ws. Retry as next poll.", NewReplica->Root, WStatus); goto RETURN; }
// Get the volume information.
VolumeInfo = FrsAlloc(VolumeInfoLength);
Status = NtQueryVolumeInformationFile(NewRootHandle, &Iosb, VolumeInfo, VolumeInfoLength, FileFsVolumeInformation); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {
DPRINT2(0,"ERROR - Getting NtQueryVolumeInformationFile for %ws. NtStatus = %08x\n", NewReplica->Root, Status);
goto RETURN; }
// If LastShutdown is 0 then this is the very first time we have started
// replication on this replica set so save the volumeinformation in
// the config record. Even if Lastshutdown is not 0 CnfUsnJournalID could
// be 0 because it was not getting correctly updated in Win2K.. For sysvol replica sets the
// JournalID was getting updated correctly but not the volume information.
if ((ConfigRecord->LastShutdown == (ULONGLONG)0) || (ConfigRecord->ServiceState == CNF_SERVICE_STATE_CREATING) || (ConfigRecord->CnfUsnJournalID == (ULONGLONG)0) || ( (ConfigRecord->FSVolInfo != NULL) && (ConfigRecord->FSVolInfo->VolumeSerialNumber == 0) )) {
CopyMemory(ConfigRecord->FSVolInfo,VolumeInfo,sizeof(FILE_FS_VOLUME_INFORMATION) + MAXIMUM_VOLUME_LABEL_LENGTH); Replica->NeedsUpdate = TRUE;
} else //
// Check if the VolumeSerialNumber for New Replica matches with the
// VolumeSerialNumber from the config record for this replica set. If
// it does not then it means that this replica set has been moved.
// Returning error here will trigger a deletion of the replica set. The set will
// be recreated at the next poll cycle and it will either be primary or non-auth
// depending on the case.
if (VolumeInfo->VolumeSerialNumber != ConfigRecord->FSVolInfo->VolumeSerialNumber) { DPRINT1(0,"ERROR - VolumeSerialNumber mismatch for Replica Set (%ws)\n",Replica->ReplicaName->Name); DPRINT2(0,"ERROR - VolumeSerialNumber %x(FS) != %x(DB)\n", VolumeInfo->VolumeSerialNumber,ConfigRecord->FSVolInfo->VolumeSerialNumber); DPRINT1(0,"ERROR - Replica Set (%ws) is marked to be deleted\n",Replica->ReplicaName->Name); Replica->FStatus = FrsErrorMismatchedVolumeSerialNumber; *ReplicaState = REPLICA_STATE_MISMATCHED_VOLUME_SERIAL_NO; Result = TRUE; goto RETURN; }
VolumeInfo = FrsFree(VolumeInfo);
// Get the FID for the replica root.
// zero the buffer in case the data that comes back is short.
ZeroMemory(&InternalFileInfo, sizeof(FILE_INTERNAL_INFORMATION));
Status = NtQueryInformationFile(NewRootHandle, &Iosb, &InternalFileInfo, sizeof(FILE_INTERNAL_INFORMATION), FileInternalInformation);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1(0, "ERROR getting FID for %ws\n", NewReplica->Root); goto RETURN; }
// zero the buffer in case the data that comes back is short.
ZeroMemory(&ObjectIdBuffer, sizeof(FILE_OBJECTID_BUFFER));
// Get the Object ID from the replica root.
Status = NtFsControlFile( NewRootHandle, // file handle
NULL, // event
NULL, // apc routine
NULL, // apc context
&Iosb, // iosb
&NewRootHandle, // input buffer
sizeof(HANDLE), // input buffer length
&ObjectIdBuffer, // OutputBuffer for data from the FS
sizeof(FILE_OBJECTID_BUFFER)); // OutputBuffer Length
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { GuidToStr((GUID *)ObjectIdBuffer.ObjectId, GuidStr); DPRINT1(4, ":S: Oid for replica root is %s\n", GuidStr ); } else if (Status == STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) { DPRINT1(0, ":S: ERROR - FSCTL_GET_OBJECT_ID failed on file %ws. Object IDs are not enabled on the volume.\n", NewReplica->Root);
DisplayNTStatus(Status); } FRS_CLOSE(NewRootHandle);
// If LastShutdown is 0 then this is the very first time we have started replication on this replica set
// in that case skip this check.
if (ConfigRecord->LastShutdown != (ULONGLONG)0 && ConfigRecord->ServiceState != CNF_SERVICE_STATE_CREATING && ConfigRecord->CnfUsnJournalID != (ULONGLONG)0) {
// The replica root might have been recreated in which case it will might
// have a object ID. In that vase we want to recreate the replica set.
// Check if the ReplicaRootGuid from config record matches with the ReplicaRootGuid
// from the FileSystem. If it does not then it means that
// this replica set has been moved. Returning error here will trigger
// a deletion of the replica set. The set will be recreated at the next
// poll cycle and it will either be primary or non-auth depending on the
// case.
if (Status == STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND || Status == STATUS_OBJECTID_NOT_FOUND || !GUIDS_EQUAL(&(ObjectIdBuffer.ObjectId), &(ConfigRecord->ReplicaRootGuid))) {
DPRINT1(0,"ERROR - Replica root guid mismatch for Replica Set (%ws)\n",Replica->ReplicaName->Name);
GuidToStr((GUID *)ObjectIdBuffer.ObjectId, GuidStr); DPRINT1(0,"ERROR - Replica root guid (FS) (%s)\n",GuidStr);
GuidToStr((GUID *)&(ConfigRecord->ReplicaRootGuid), GuidStr); DPRINT1(0,"ERROR - Replica root guid (DB) (%s)\n",GuidStr);
DPRINT1(0,"ERROR - Replica Set (%ws) is marked to be deleted\n",Replica->ReplicaName->Name);
Replica->FStatus = FrsErrorMismatchedReplicaRootObjectId; *ReplicaState = REPLICA_STATE_MISMATCHED_REPLICA_ROOT_OBJECT_ID; Result = TRUE; goto RETURN; } }
// If LastShutdown is 0 then this is the very first time we have started replication on this replica set
// in that case skip this check.
if (ConfigRecord->LastShutdown != (ULONGLONG)0 && ConfigRecord->ServiceState != CNF_SERVICE_STATE_CREATING && ConfigRecord->CnfUsnJournalID != (ULONGLONG)0) { //
// Open the ID table.
RtCtx = FrsAllocType(REPLICA_THREAD_TYPE); IDTableCtx = &RtCtx->IDTable;
AccessRequest = DBS_ACCESS_BYKEY | DBS_ACCESS_CLOSE; pKey = (PVOID)&(ConfigRecord->ReplicaRootGuid);
CmdPkt = DbsPrepareCmdPkt(CmdPkt, // CmdPkt,
Replica, // Replica,
IDTableCtx, // TableCtx,
NULL, // CallContext,
IDTablex, // TableType,
AccessRequest, // AccessRequest,
GuidIndexx, // IndexType,
pKey, // KeyValue,
sizeof(GUID), // KeyValueLength,
FALSE); // Submit
if (CmdPkt == NULL) { DPRINT(0, "ERROR - Failed to init the cmd pkt\n"); RtCtx = FrsFreeType(RtCtx); goto RETURN;; } FrsSetCompletionRoutine(CmdPkt, FrsCompleteKeepPkt, NULL);
Status = FrsSubmitCommandServerAndWait(&DBServiceCmdServer, CmdPkt, INFINITE);
DbsRequest = &CmdPkt->Parameters.DbsRequest; IDTableCtx = DBS_GET_TABLECTX(DbsRequest); IDTableRec = IDTableCtx->pDataRecord; if (DbsRequest == NULL || DbsRequest->FStatus != FrsErrorSuccess) {
RtCtx = FrsFreeType(RtCtx); FrsFreeCommand(CmdPkt, NULL); goto RETURN; }
// The replica root might have been recreated by a restore operation in which case
// it will have the same object ID but a different FID. In that case we want
// to recreate the replica set. Check if the FID from IDTable matches with the FID
// from the FileSystem. If it does not then it means that this replica set has been
// moved. Returning error here will trigger a deletion of the replica set. The set
// will be recreated at the next poll cycle and it will either be primary or non-auth
// depending on the case.
// This can also happen when a junction point is present in the initial path to the replica
// root. At a later time the junction points destination is changed and the replica rpot
// has been moved.
if (IDTableRec->FileID != InternalFileInfo.IndexNumber.QuadPart) {
DPRINT1(0,"ERROR - Replica root fid mismatch for Replica Set (%ws)\n",Replica->ReplicaName->Name);
DPRINT1(0,"ERROR - Replica root fid (FS) (%08x %08x)\n",PRINTQUAD(InternalFileInfo.IndexNumber.QuadPart));
DPRINT1(0,"ERROR - Replica root fid (DB) (%08x %08x)\n",PRINTQUAD(IDTableRec->FileID));
DPRINT1(0,"ERROR - Replica Set (%ws) is marked to be deleted\n",Replica->ReplicaName->Name);
RtCtx = FrsFreeType(RtCtx); FrsFreeCommand(CmdPkt, NULL); Replica->FStatus = FrsErrorMismatchedReplicaRootFileId; *ReplicaState = REPLICA_STATE_MISMATCHED_REPLICA_ROOT_FILE_ID; Result = TRUE; goto RETURN; } RtCtx = FrsFreeType(RtCtx); FrsFreeCommand(CmdPkt, NULL); }
VolumeInfo = FrsFree(VolumeInfo); FRS_CLOSE(NewRootHandle); return Result; }
VOID RcsStartReplicaSetMember( IN PCOMMAND_PACKET Cmd ) /*++
Routine Description: Bring the replica up to joined, active status.
Arguments: Cmd.
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsStartReplicaSetMember:"
PREPLICA Replica; PCXTION Cxtion; ULONGLONG MembershipExpires; PVOID Key; DWORD NumberOfCxtions; DWORD ReplicaState; ULONG FStatus; PWCHAR CmdFile = NULL; ULONG FileAttributes; extern ULONGLONG ActiveChange; extern ULONG DsPollingInterval; WCHAR DsPollingIntervalStr[7]; // Max interval is NTFRSAPI_MAX_INTERVAL.
// Check the command packet
if (!RcsCheckCmd(Cmd, DEBSUB, CHECK_CMD_REPLICA)) { return; } Replica = RsReplica(Cmd); REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, RcsStartReplicaSetMember entry"); FRS_PRINT_TYPE(4, Replica);
// Increment the Replica Sets started counter
PM_INC_CTR_SERVICE(PMTotalInst, RSStarted, 1);
// Someone is trying to start a deleted replica. This is either part
// of startup and we are simply trying to start replication on all
// replicas or a deleted replica has actually reappeared.
if (!IS_TIME_ZERO(Replica->MembershipExpires)) { REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, Replica Tombstoned");
// The deletion hasn't completed processing. The jrnlcxtion cannot
// be restarted without restarting the entire replica set. The
// set needs to be "closed" and then "opened". Let the tombstoning
// finish before attempting to re-open. A completely closed
// replica set has IsOpen set to FALSE and no cxtions.
if (Replica->IsOpen || GTabNumberInTable(Replica->Cxtions)) { REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, Replica tombstone in progress"); RcsSubmitTransferToRcs(Cmd, CMD_DELETE); return; }
// Don't start a deleted replica unless it has magically reappeared.
if (RsNewReplica(Cmd) == NULL) { FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_RETRY); return; } //
// Don't reanimate if the tombstone has expired
if (RcsReplicaHasExpired(Replica)) { //
// Remove registry entry
RcsReplicaDeleteRegistry(Replica); REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, Replica Expired"); FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_RETRY); return; }
// A deleted replica has reappeared; undelete the replica
REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, Replica Reanimating"); RcsOpenReplicaSetMember(Replica); MembershipExpires = Replica->MembershipExpires; Replica->MembershipExpires = 0; Replica->NeedsUpdate = TRUE; RcsUpdateReplicaSetMember(Replica); //
// The above friggen call set NeedsUpdate to false if the update succeeded.
// Replica cannot be marked as "undeleted" in the DB; retry later
// and *don't* start. We wouldn't want to start replication only
// to have the replica disappear from the database at the next
// reboot or service startup because its timeout expired.
FStatus = DbsCheckForOverlapErrors(Replica);
if (Replica->NeedsUpdate || !FRS_SUCCESS(FStatus)) { REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, Replica Reanimation failed"); Replica->MembershipExpires = MembershipExpires; FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_RETRY); //
// Ds poll thread will restart the replica during the next
// polling cycle if ActiveChange is set to 0.
ActiveChange = 0; //
// Note: Does there need to be a replica set close here?
// Need to check all use of Replica->IsOpen to figure this out.
return; }
// The open above returned success so Replica->IsOpen would be set
// as expected but since the replica set was marked expired the actual
// service state for the replica set is STOPPED and the handles to
// The pre-install dir was never opened. The call to reopen later
// will fail if Replica->IsOpen is still TRUE. So close it for now.
// *Note*
// Perf: Get rid of the friggen Replica->IsOpen flag and use the service
// state as originally intended.
// No longer tombstoned; update the registry
// Set registry value "FilesNotToBackup"
CfgFilesNotToBackup(ReplicasByGuid); }
// If this replica is in the error state then first make sure it is closed.
// and reset its state to initializing.
if (REPLICA_IN_ERROR_STATE(Replica->ServiceState)) { RcsCloseReplicaSetmember(Replica); JrnlSetReplicaState(Replica, REPLICA_STATE_INITIALIZING); }
// Check if the replica root path has moved between two polls.
if (RcsHasReplicaRootPathMoved(Replica, RsNewReplica(Cmd), &ReplicaState)) { //
// Save the FStatus. We need the correct FStatus to report in the
// eventlog written in JrnlSetReplicaState(). FStatus set by
// RcsHasReplicaRootPathMoved() is overwritten when we stop and
// close the replica set.
SavedFStatus = Replica->FStatus;
// The replica root has moved. This could be a intentional move or
// it could be caused by change of drive letter. In any case we need a
// confirmation from the user to go ahead and trigger a non-auth restore
// of the replica set. We will look for a special file "NTFRS_CMD_FILE_MOVE_ROOT"
// under the new replica root. If this file is present we will go ahead and delete
// the replica set which will trigger a non-auth restore at the next poll.
// The command file is deleted when the replica set is initialized.
CmdFile = FrsWcsCat3((RsNewReplica(Cmd))->Root, L"\\", NTFRS_CMD_FILE_MOVE_ROOT);
FileAttributes = GetFileAttributes(CmdFile);
if ((FileAttributes == 0xffffffff) || (FileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { //
// Get the DsPollingInteval in minutes.
_itow(DsPollingInterval / (60 * 1000), DsPollingIntervalStr, 10);
EPRINT4(EVENT_FRS_ROOT_HAS_MOVED, Replica->SetName->Name, Replica->Root, (RsNewReplica(Cmd))->Root, DsPollingIntervalStr);
DPRINT1(0,"ERROR Command file not found at the new root %ws. Can not move root.\n",CmdFile); //
// This replica state will not trigger a delete but it will still put it on
// the fault list.
CmdFile = FrsFree(CmdFile); RcsSubmitStopReplicaToDb(Replica); RcsCloseReplicaSetmember(Replica); RcsCloseReplicaCxtions(Replica);
// Write the saved FStatus back so we can write it to the eventlog.
Replica->FStatus = SavedFStatus; JrnlSetReplicaState(Replica, ReplicaState);
FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_RETRY); ActiveChange = 0; return; } //
// Retry the open
RcsOpenReplicaSetMember(Replica); REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, Replica->IsOpen, "B, Replica opened");
// Pre-Install Dir should now be open.
if (!HANDLE_IS_VALID(Replica->PreInstallHandle) || !FRS_SUCCESS(Replica->FStatus)) { FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_RETRY); ActiveChange = 0; return; }
// Retry the journal
RcsInitOneReplicaSet(Replica); REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, Replica->IsJournaling, "B, Journal opened");
// Update the database iff fields have changed
RcsMergeReplicaFields(Replica, RsNewReplica(Cmd));
// If needed, update the replica in the database
RcsUpdateReplicaSetMember(Replica); //
// The above friggen call set Replica->NeedsUpdate to false if the update succeeded.
// Update the database iff cxtions have changed
REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, Merge Replica Cxtions"); NumberOfCxtions = GTabNumberInTable(Replica->Cxtions); RcsMergeReplicaCxtions(Replica, RsNewReplica(Cmd), RsNewCxtion(Cmd)); RsNewCxtion(Cmd) = NULL; if (NumberOfCxtions != GTabNumberInTable(Replica->Cxtions)) { RcsReplicaSetRegistry(Replica); }
// Accept remote change orders and join outbound connections.
if (Replica->IsOpen && Replica->IsJournaling) { Replica->IsAccepting = TRUE; REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, Replica->IsAccepting, "B, Is Accepting"); }
// Retry the join
if (Replica->IsOpen && Replica->IsJournaling) { REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, Replica accepting, Starting cxtions");
// If we are in the seeding state then let the Initial Sync command server
// control the joining.
if (BooleanFlagOn(Replica->CnfFlags, CONFIG_FLAG_SEEDING)) {
if (Replica->InitSyncQueue == NULL) { //
// Initialize the queue for the InitSync Command server.
Replica->InitSyncQueue = FrsAlloc(sizeof(FRS_QUEUE)); FrsInitializeQueue(Replica->InitSyncQueue, &InitSyncCs.Control); REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, submit CMD_INITSYNC_START_SYNC"); InitSyncSubmitToInitSyncCs(Replica, CMD_INITSYNC_START_SYNC); } else { //
// Initial Sync command server is already working on this replica set.
REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, Replica in initial sync state"); } }
// Process all the connections in the table by putting a command
// packet for each cxtion on this replica's command queue.
Key = NULL; while (Cxtion = GTabNextDatum(Replica->Cxtions, &Key)) {
// If replica is in seeding state then skip the connections that have
// not completed their initial join. (CXTION_FLAGS_INIT_SYNC)
// These connections will be joined by the initial sync command server.
if (BooleanFlagOn(Replica->CnfFlags, CONFIG_FLAG_SEEDING) && CxtionFlagIs(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_INIT_SYNC)) { CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, Cxtion, Replica, 0, "F, skip cxtion join"); continue; }
CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, Cxtion, Replica, 0, "F, submit cxtion join"); RcsSubmitReplicaCxtionJoin(Replica, Cxtion, FALSE); }
} else { REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, Replica is NOT accepting"); //
// Ds poll thread will restart the replica during the next
// polling cycle if ActiveChange is set to 0.
ActiveChange = 0; }
// Check if this replica set is journaling and is not seeding or is online.
if (Replica->IsJournaling && ((!BooleanFlagOn(Replica->CnfFlags, CONFIG_FLAG_SEEDING) && !Replica->IsSeeding) || BooleanFlagOn(Replica->CnfFlags, CONFIG_FLAG_ONLINE))){
// If this is a sysvol replica set then set sysvol ready if not already set.
if (FRS_RSTYPE_IS_SYSVOL(Replica->ReplicaSetType) && !Replica->IsSysvolReady) {
Replica->IsSysvolReady = RcsSetSysvolReady(1); if (!Replica->IsSysvolReady) { //
// Ds poll thread will restart the replica during the next
// polling cycle if ActiveChange is set to 0.
ActiveChange = 0; REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, Replica sysvol not ready"); } else { RcsReplicaSetRegistry(Replica); REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, Replica sysvol is ready"); } }
// Also make this set online if not already set.
if (!BooleanFlagOn(Replica->CnfFlags, CONFIG_FLAG_ONLINE)) { SetFlag(Replica->CnfFlags, CONFIG_FLAG_ONLINE); REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, Replica is Online"); Replica->NeedsUpdate = TRUE; } }
if (Replica->NeedsUpdate) { //
// Ds poll thread will restart the replica during the next
// polling cycle if ActiveChange is set to 0.
ActiveChange = 0; } FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); }
VOID RcsDeleteReplicaRetry( IN PCOMMAND_PACKET Cmd ) /*++
Routine Description: Retry bringing the replica down to an unjoined, idle status.
Arguments: Cmd.
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsDeleteReplicaRetry:"
// Check the command packet
if (!RcsCheckCmd(Cmd, DEBSUB, CHECK_CMD_REPLICA)) { return; } Replica = RsReplica(Cmd); REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, RcsDeleteReplicaRetry entry");
// No longer tombstoned; done
if (IS_TIME_ZERO(Replica->MembershipExpires)) { FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); return; }
// Start the unjoin process on all cxtions
CxtionKey = NULL; while ((!FrsIsShuttingDown) && (Cxtion = GTabNextDatum(Replica->Cxtions, &CxtionKey))) { CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, Cxtion, Replica, 0, "F, Force unjoin cxtion"); RcsForceUnjoin(Replica, Cxtion); }
// Are all cxtions unjoined?
CxtionKey = NULL; Cxtion = NULL; while ((!FrsIsShuttingDown) && (Cxtion = GTabNextDatum(Replica->Cxtions, &CxtionKey))) { if (!CxtionStateIs(Cxtion, CxtionStateUnjoined) && !CxtionStateIs(Cxtion, CxtionStateDeleted)) { break; } }
// Not all cxtions are unjoined (or deleted). Retry this command
// in a bit if the replica set ramains tombstoned.
if (Cxtion) { CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, Cxtion, Replica, 0, "F, Retry delete later, again"); FrsDelCsSubmitSubmit(&ReplicaCmdServer, Cmd, CMD_DELETE_RETRY_LONG_TIMEOUT); return; }
// All of the cxtions were successfully unjoined. Shut down the replica.
// Stop accepting comm packets. Errors are returned to our partner.
// IsAccepting will become TRUE again in RcsStartReplicaSetMember() before
// any cxtion rejoins.
Replica->IsAccepting = FALSE; REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, Replica is NOT Accepting");
// Stop journal processing and close the replica.
RcsSubmitStopReplicaToDb(Replica); REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, Replica->IsOpen, "IsOpen, Replica closed"); if (Replica->IsOpen) { REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, Replica->FStatus, "F, Replica still open"); FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); return; } else { REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, Replica closed"); }
// "Delete" the cxtions from active processing. RcsOpenReplicaSetMember() will
// generate new cxtion structs before active processing (aka joining)
// occurs. The cxtions remain in the DeletedCxtions table so that
// other threads that may have been time sliced just after acquiring
// the cxtion pointer but before making use of it will not AV. We
// could have put in locks but then there would be deadlock and
// perf considerations; all for the sake of this seldom occuring
// operation.
// Increment the Replica Sets deleted counter
PM_INC_CTR_SERVICE(PMTotalInst, RSDeleted, 1);
// Has the tombstone expired?
if (RcsReplicaHasExpired(Replica)) { RcsSubmitTransferToRcs(Cmd, CMD_DELETE_NOW); } else { FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); } return; }
VOID RcsDeleteReplicaSetMember( IN PCOMMAND_PACKET Cmd ) /*++
Routine Description: Bring the replica down to an unjoined, idle status.
Arguments: Cmd.
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsDeleteReplicaSetMember:"
// Check the command packet
if (!RcsCheckCmd(Cmd, DEBSUB, CHECK_CMD_REPLICA)) { return; } Replica = RsReplica(Cmd); REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, RcsDeleteReplicaSetMember entry");
// Time in 100nsec tics since Jan 1, 1601
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&FileTime); COPY_TIME(&Now, &FileTime);
if (IS_TIME_ZERO(Replica->MembershipExpires)) {
// Set the timeout
Replica->MembershipExpires = Now + ReplicaTombstoneInFileTime;
// Update the database record
Replica->NeedsUpdate = TRUE; RcsUpdateReplicaSetMember(Replica); //
// The above friggen call set NeedsUpdate to false if the update succeeded.
// Couldn't update; reset the timeout and retry at the next ds poll
if (Replica->NeedsUpdate) { Replica->MembershipExpires = 0; FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_RETRY); return; } }
// Set registry value "FilesNotToBackup"
// Tombstoned; update the registry
// Start the unjoin process on all cxtions
CxtionKey = NULL; while ((!FrsIsShuttingDown) && (Cxtion = GTabNextDatum(Replica->Cxtions, &CxtionKey))) { CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, Cxtion, Replica, 0, "F, Force unjoin cxtion"); RcsForceUnjoin(Replica, Cxtion); }
// Are all cxtions unjoined?
CxtionKey = NULL; Cxtion = NULL; while ((!FrsIsShuttingDown) && (Cxtion = GTabNextDatum(Replica->Cxtions, &CxtionKey))) { if (!CxtionStateIs(Cxtion, CxtionStateUnjoined) && !CxtionStateIs(Cxtion, CxtionStateDeleted)) { break; } }
// Not all cxtions are unjoined (or deleted). Try again at the
// next ds polling cycle IFF the set is still deleted. Return
// success since the set has been successfully marked as
// tombstoned.
if (Cxtion) { //
// Complete the old command packet in case another thread
// is waiting on it (like FrsDsStartDemotion()).
CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, Cxtion, Replica, 0, "F, Retry delete later"); FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS);
// Allocate a new command packet that will retry the delete
// as long as the replica set remains tombstoned.
Cmd = FrsAllocCommand(Replica->Queue, CMD_DELETE_RETRY); FrsSetCompletionRoutine(Cmd, RcsCmdPktCompletionRoutine, NULL); RsReplica(Cmd) = Replica; FrsDelCsSubmitSubmit(&ReplicaCmdServer, Cmd, CMD_DELETE_RETRY_SHORT_TIMEOUT); return; }
// All of the cxtions were successfully unjoined. Shut down the replica.
// Stop accepting comm packets. Errors are returned to our partner.
// IsAccepting will become TRUE again in RcsStartReplicaSetMember() before
// any cxtion rejoins.
Replica->IsAccepting = FALSE; REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, Replica is NOT Accepting");
// Stop journal processing and close the replica.
RcsSubmitStopReplicaToDb(Replica); REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, Replica->IsOpen, "IsOpen, Replica closed"); if (Replica->IsOpen) { REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, Replica->FStatus, "F, Replica still open"); FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); return; } else { REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, Replica closed"); }
// "Delete" the cxtions from active processing. RcsOpenReplicaSetMember() will
// generate new cxtion structs before active processing (aka joining)
// occurs. The cxtions remain in the DeletedCxtions table so that
// other threads that may have been time sliced just after acquiring
// the cxtion pointer but before making use of it will not AV. We
// could have put in locks but then there would be deadlock and
// perf considerations; all for the sake of this seldom occuring
// operation.
// Increment the Replica Sets deleted counter
PM_INC_CTR_SERVICE(PMTotalInst, RSDeleted, 1);
// Has the tombstone expired?
if (RcsReplicaHasExpired(Replica)) { RcsSubmitTransferToRcs(Cmd, CMD_DELETE_NOW); } else { FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); } return; }
VOID RcsDeleteReplicaSetMemberNow( IN PCOMMAND_PACKET Cmd ) /*++
Routine Description: Bring the replica down to an unjoined, idle status. Don't reanimate.
Arguments: Cmd.
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsDeleteReplicaSetMemberNow:"
FILETIME FileTime; ULONGLONG Now; PREPLICA Replica; PVOID CxtionKey; PCXTION Cxtion; ULONGLONG OldMembershipExpires;
// Check the command packet
if (!RcsCheckCmd(Cmd, DEBSUB, CHECK_CMD_REPLICA)) { return; } Replica = RsReplica(Cmd); REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, RcsDeleteReplicaSetMemberNow entry");
// Time in 100nsec tics since Jan 1, 1601
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&FileTime); COPY_TIME(&Now, &FileTime);
if (IS_TIME_ZERO(Replica->MembershipExpires) || Replica->MembershipExpires >= Now) {
// Never reanimate this replica.
REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, Marking Replica expired"); RcsOpenReplicaSetMember(Replica); OldMembershipExpires = Replica->MembershipExpires; Replica->MembershipExpires = Now - ONEDAY; Replica->NeedsUpdate = TRUE; RcsUpdateReplicaSetMember(Replica); //
// The above friggen call set NeedsUpdate to false if the update succeeded.
// Replica cannot be updated in the DB. Give up.
if (Replica->NeedsUpdate) { Replica->MembershipExpires = OldMembershipExpires; FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_RETRY); return; } } //
// Set registry value "FilesNotToBackup"
// Remove registry entry
// Start the unjoin process on all cxtions
CxtionKey = NULL; while ((!FrsIsShuttingDown) && (Cxtion = GTabNextDatum(Replica->Cxtions, &CxtionKey))) { CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, Cxtion, Replica, 0, "F, Force unjoin cxtion"); RcsForceUnjoin(Replica, Cxtion); }
// Are all cxtions unjoined?
CxtionKey = NULL; Cxtion = NULL; while ((!FrsIsShuttingDown) && (Cxtion = GTabNextDatum(Replica->Cxtions, &CxtionKey))) { if (!CxtionStateIs(Cxtion, CxtionStateUnjoined) && !CxtionStateIs(Cxtion, CxtionStateDeleted)) { break; } }
// Not all cxtions are unjoined (or deleted). Try again at the
// next ds polling cycle IFF the set is still deleted. Return
// success since the set has been successfully marked as
// do-not-animate.
if (Cxtion) { //
// Complete the old command packet in case another thread
// is waiting on it (like FrsDsStartDemotion()).
CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, Cxtion, Replica, 0, "F, Retry delete later"); FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS);
// Allocate a new command packet that will retry the delete
// as long as the replica set remains tombstoned.
Cmd = FrsAllocCommand(Replica->Queue, CMD_DELETE_RETRY); FrsSetCompletionRoutine(Cmd, RcsCmdPktCompletionRoutine, NULL); RsReplica(Cmd) = Replica; FrsDelCsSubmitSubmit(&ReplicaCmdServer, Cmd, CMD_DELETE_RETRY_SHORT_TIMEOUT); return; } //
// All of the cxtions were successfully unjoined. Shut down the replica.
// Stop accepting comm packets. Errors are returned to our partner.
Replica->IsAccepting = FALSE; REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, Replica is NOT Accepting");
// Stop journal processing and close the replica.
RcsSubmitStopReplicaToDb(Replica); REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, Replica->IsOpen, "IsOpen, Replica closed"); if (Replica->IsOpen) { REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, Replica->FStatus, "F, Replica still open"); FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); return; } else { REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, Replica closed"); }
// "Delete" the cxtions from active processing. RcsOpenReplicaSetMember() will
// generate new cxtion structs before active processing (aka joining)
// occurs. The cxtions remain in the DeletedCxtions table so that
// other threads that may have been time sliced just after acquiring
// the cxtion pointer but before making use of it will not AV. We
// could have put in locks but then there would be deadlock and
// perf considerations; all for the sake of this seldom occuring
// operation.
// Increment the Replica Sets removed counter
PM_INC_CTR_SERVICE(PMTotalInst, RSRemoved, 1);
FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); return; }
VOID RcsStartValidReplicaSetMembers( IN PCOMMAND_PACKET Cmd ) /*++
Routine Description: Tell the replicas to bring themselves up to joined, active status. This includes the journal and joining with inbound partners.
This routine is run once at service startup and then once an hour to check the schedule.
Arguments: None.
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsStartValidReplicaSetMembers:"
DPRINT1(4, ":S: Command start replicas waiting %08x\n", Cmd); WaitForSingleObject(ReplicaEvent, INFINITE); DPRINT1(4, ":S: Command start replicas %08x\n", Cmd);
// Send a start command to each replica. Replicas that are already
// started or starting will ignore the command. The replicas will
// check their join status and rejoin if needed.
Key = NULL; while (Replica = GTabNextDatum(ReplicasByGuid, &Key)) { REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, Submit Start Replica"); RcsSubmitReplica(Replica, NULL, CMD_START); }
// Milliseconds till the next hour
GetSystemTime(&SystemTime); TimeOut = ((60 - SystemTime.wMinute) * 60000) + ((60 - SystemTime.wSecond) * 1000) + (1000 - SystemTime.wMilliseconds); DPRINT1(4, "Check schedules in %d seconds\n", TimeOut / 1000); #if DBG
if (DebugInfo.Interval) { TimeOut = DebugInfo.Interval * 1000; DPRINT1(0, ":X: DEBUG - toggle schedules in %d seconds\n", TimeOut / 1000); } #endif DBG
FrsDelCsSubmitSubmit(&ReplicaCmdServer, Cmd, TimeOut); }
ULONG RcsSubmitCommPktToRcsQueue( IN handle_t ServerHandle, IN PCOMM_PACKET CommPkt, IN PWCHAR AuthClient, IN PWCHAR AuthName, IN DWORD AuthLevel, IN DWORD AuthN, IN DWORD AuthZ ) /*++
Routine Description: Convert a comm packet into a command packet and send it to the correct replica set. NOTE - RPC owns the comm packet.
Arguments: ServerHandle CommPkt AuthClient AuthName AuthLevel AuthN AuthZ
Return Value: Error status to be propagated to the sender --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsSubmitCommPktToRcsQueue:"
// Convert the comm packet into a command packet
Cmd = CommPktToCmd(CommPkt); if (Cmd == NULL) { COMMAND_RCV_TRACE(3, Cmd, Cxtion, ERROR_INVALID_DATA, "RcvFail - no cmd"); return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; }
// Must have the replica's name in order to queue the command
if (RsReplicaName(Cmd) == NULL || RsReplicaName(Cmd)->Name == NULL ) { COMMAND_RCV_TRACE(3, Cmd, Cxtion, ERROR_INVALID_NAME, "RcvFail - no replica name"); FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_INVALID_NAME); return ERROR_INVALID_NAME; } //
// Find the target replica
Replica = GTabLookup(ReplicasByGuid, RsReplicaName(Cmd)->Guid, NULL); if (Replica == NULL) { COMMAND_RCV_TRACE(4, Cmd, Cxtion, ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "RcvFail - replica not found"); FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); return ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; }
// The target replica may not be accepting comm packets
if (!Replica->IsAccepting) { COMMAND_RCV_TRACE(4, Cmd, Cxtion, ERROR_RETRY, "RcvFail - not accepting"); FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_RETRY); return ERROR_RETRY; }
// Find the cxtion
if (RsCxtion(Cmd)) { LOCK_CXTION_TABLE(Replica);
Cxtion = GTabLookupNoLock(Replica->Cxtions, RsCxtion(Cmd)->Guid, NULL); if (Cxtion != NULL) { Cxtion->PartnerMajor = CommPkt->Major; Cxtion->PartnerMinor = CommPkt->Minor;
// The count of comm packets is used to detect a hung outbound
// cxtion (See CMD_HUNG_CXTION). The hang is most likely caused by
// a dropped ack.
// This change order may already exist on this machine. If so,
// use its change order entry because we will need its database
// context for updates.
if (RsCoGuid(Cmd)) { RsCoe(Cmd) = GTabLookupNoLock(Cxtion->CoeTable, RsCoGuid(Cmd), NULL); //
// Note this command should be a response to a stage file
// fetch request. As such the Command code should be one of
// the following:
// If it is anything else then don't pull it out of the table.
// This check is needed because if we have just restarted this
// connection then this CO could be a resend of a CO that was
// already restarted from the Inbound log. Without the Command
// check we would incorrectly attach this Coe state to the wrong
// command packet and possibly cancel the timeout check.
if (RsCoe(Cmd) && ((Cmd->Command == CMD_RECEIVING_STAGE) || (Cmd->Command == CMD_RETRY_FETCH) || (Cmd->Command == CMD_ABORT_FETCH)) ) { GTabDeleteNoLock(Cxtion->CoeTable, RsCoGuid(Cmd), NULL, NULL); } else { RsCoe(Cmd) = NULL; } }
NumWaitingCOs = GTabNumberInTable(Cxtion->CoeTable); UNLOCK_CXTION_COE_TABLE(Replica, Cxtion);
// There is no need to keep a timeout pending if there are no
// idle change orders. Otherwise, bump the timeout since we
// have received something from our partner.
// Note: Need better filter for commands that aren't ACKs.
if (CxtionFlagIs(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_TIMEOUT_SET)) {
// :SP1: Volatile connection cleanup.
// A volatile connection is used to seed sysvols after dcpromo.
// If there is inactivity on a volatile outbound connection for
// connection is unjoined. An unjoin on a volatile outbound
// connection triggers a delete on that connection. This is to
// prevent the case where staging files are kept for ever on the
// parent for a volatile connection.
if (VOLATILE_OUTBOUND_CXTION(Cxtion)) { WaitSubmit(Cxtion->CommTimeoutCmd, WaitTime, CMD_DELAYED_COMPLETE); } else
if (NumWaitingCOs > 0) { if (RsCoe(Cmd) != NULL) { //
// Extend the timer since we still have outstanding
// change orders that need a response from our partner
// and the current comm packet is responding to one of
// those change orders.
WaitSubmit(Cxtion->CommTimeoutCmd, WaitTime, CMD_DELAYED_COMPLETE); } } else
if (Cmd->Command != CMD_START_JOIN) { //
// Not volatile outbound and no COs in CoeTable waiting for
// a response so disable the cxtion timer... but
// CMD_START_JOIN's do not disable the join timer because
// they aren't sent in response to a request by this
// service. Disabling the timer might hang the service as
// it waits for a response that never comes and a timeout
// that never hits.
ClearCxtionFlag(Cxtion, CXTION_FLAGS_TIMEOUT_SET); } }
} else { COMMAND_RCV_TRACE(4, Cmd, Cxtion, ERROR_SUCCESS, "RcvFail - cxtion not found"); }
if (Cxtion != NULL) { COMMAND_RCV_TRACE(4, Cmd, Cxtion, ERROR_SUCCESS, "RcvSuccess"); }
} else { COMMAND_RCV_TRACE(4, Cmd, Cxtion, ERROR_SUCCESS, "RcvFail - no cxtion"); }
// Update the command with the replica pointer and the change order
// command with the local the replica number.
if (RsPartnerCoc(Cmd)) { RsPartnerCoc(Cmd)->NewReplicaNum = ReplicaAddrToId(Replica); //
// We will never see a remotely generated MOVERS. We always
// see a delete to the old RS followed by a create in the
// new RS. So set both replica ptrs to our Replica struct.
RsPartnerCoc(Cmd)->OriginalReplicaNum = ReplicaAddrToId(Replica); } RsReplica(Cmd) = Replica;
// Authentication info
RsAuthClient(Cmd) = FrsWcsDup(AuthClient); RsAuthName(Cmd) = FrsWcsDup(AuthName); RsAuthLevel(Cmd) = AuthLevel; RsAuthN(Cmd) = AuthN; RsAuthZ(Cmd) = AuthZ;
switch(Cmd->Command) { case CMD_NEED_JOIN: case CMD_START_JOIN: case CMD_JOINED: case CMD_JOINING: case CMD_UNJOIN_REMOTE: //
// Extract user sid
WStatus = UtilRpcServerHandleToAuthSidString(ServerHandle, AuthClient, &RsAuthSid(Cmd)); if (!WIN_SUCCESS(WStatus)) { DPRINT1_WS(0, ":X: ERROR - UtilRpcServerHandleToAuthSidString(%ws);", AuthClient, WStatus); } else { COMMAND_RCV_AUTH_TRACE(4, CommPkt, ERROR_SUCCESS, AuthLevel, AuthN, AuthClient, RsAuthSid(Cmd), "RcvAuth - Sid"); } break; default: break; }
// Put the command on the replica's queue
Cmd->TargetQueue = Replica->Queue; FrsSubmitCommandServer(&ReplicaCmdServer, Cmd);
VOID RcsInitKnownReplicaSetMembers( IN PCOMMAND_PACKET Cmd ) /*++
Routine Description: Wait for the database to be initialized and then take the replicas that were retrieved from the database and put them into the table that the replica control command server uses. Open the replicas. The journal will be started when a replica successfully joins with an outbound partner.
Arguments: Cmd
Return Value: winerror --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsInitKnownReplicaSetMembers:"
FILETIME FileTime; ULONGLONG Now; GUID Record0Guid; PREPLICA Replica, NextReplica; PVOID Key; ULONG RootLen;
// Time in 100nsec tics since Jan 1, 1601
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&FileTime); COPY_TIME(&Now, &FileTime);
// A non-empty table implies multiple calls to this
// routine our an out-of-sequence call to this routine.
FRS_ASSERT(GTabNumberInTable(ReplicasByGuid) == 0); FRS_ASSERT(GTabNumberInTable(ReplicasByNumber) == 0);
// Wait for the database, journal, and comm subsystem to start up
WaitForSingleObject(CommEvent, INFINITE); WaitForSingleObject(DataBaseEvent, INFINITE); WaitForSingleObject(JournalEvent, INFINITE); WaitForSingleObject(ChgOrdEvent, INFINITE);
if (FrsIsShuttingDown) { FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED); return; }
// Delete the contents of the Replica Set key in the registry
// and refresh with the current info in the database.
// The database built a list of replicas. Insert them into the tables
ForEachListEntry(&ReplicaListHead, REPLICA, ReplicaList, // loop iterator pE is of type REPLICA
// Replica was opened as part of the database initialization
pE->IsOpen = TRUE; REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, pE, pE->IsOpen, "B, Replica opened");
// The timeout for the deleted replica has expired; attempt to
// delete the replica from the database. The delete will be
// retried at the next startup if this delete fails. In any case,
// the replica does not show up in the active set of replicas
// and so is ignored by all further processing except for shutdown.
if (RcsReplicaIsRestored(pE) || (!IS_TIME_ZERO(pE->MembershipExpires) && pE->MembershipExpires < Now)) { GTabInsertEntry(DeletedReplicas, pE, pE->ReplicaName->Guid, NULL); continue; } //
// Insert replica information into the registry
// Create a queue
pE->Queue = FrsAlloc(sizeof(FRS_QUEUE)); FrsInitializeQueue(pE->Queue, &ReplicaCmdServer.Control);
REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, pE, 0, "F, Replica added to GUID table"); //
// Table by guid
GTabInsertEntry(ReplicasByGuid, pE, pE->ReplicaName->Guid, NULL); //
// Add ReplicaSet Instance to the registry
if (pE->Root != NULL) { DPRINT(5, ":S: PERFMON:Adding Set:REPLICA.C:2\n"); AddPerfmonInstance(REPLICASET, pE->PerfRepSetData, pE->Root); }
// Table by number
GTabInsertEntry(ReplicasByNumber, pE, &pE->ReplicaNumber, NULL); );
// Now account for the replica sets that are on the fault list.
ForEachListEntry(&ReplicaFaultListHead, REPLICA, ReplicaList, // loop iterator pE is of type REPLICA
// Replica was opened as part of the database initialization
pE->IsOpen = FALSE; REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, pE, pE->IsOpen, "B, Replica not opened");
// The timeout for the deleted replica has expired; attempt to
// delete the replica from the database. The delete will be
// retried at the next startup if this delete fails. In any case,
// the replica does not show up in the active set of replicas
// and so is ignored by all further processing except for shutdown.
if (RcsReplicaIsRestored(pE) || (!IS_TIME_ZERO(pE->MembershipExpires) && pE->MembershipExpires < Now)) { GTabInsertEntry(DeletedReplicas, pE, pE->ReplicaName->Guid, NULL); continue; } //
// Insert replica information into the registry
// Create a queue
pE->Queue = FrsAlloc(sizeof(FRS_QUEUE)); FrsInitializeQueue(pE->Queue, &ReplicaCmdServer.Control);
REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, pE, 0, "F, Replica added to GUID table"); //
// Table by guid
GTabInsertEntry(ReplicasByGuid, pE, pE->ReplicaName->Guid, NULL);
// Table by number
GTabInsertEntry(ReplicasByNumber, pE, &pE->ReplicaNumber, NULL); );
// Set the registry value "FilesNotToBackup"
// Close the expired replica sets
Key = NULL; while (Replica = GTabNextDatum(ReplicasByGuid, &Key)) { if (!IS_TIME_ZERO(Replica->MembershipExpires)) { //
// Close replica is OK here as long as the Journal has not been started
// on this replica set.
RcsCloseReplicaSetmember(Replica); RcsCloseReplicaCxtions(Replica); } }
// Delete the replica sets with expired tombstones
Key = NULL; for (Replica = GTabNextDatum(DeletedReplicas, &Key); Replica; Replica = NextReplica) {
NextReplica = GTabNextDatum(DeletedReplicas, &Key);
// Replica number 0 is reserved for the template tables in post
// WIN2K but Databases built with Win2K can still use replica
// number 0.
// Record 0 contains the DB templates. Don't delete it but
// change its fields so that it won't interfere with the
// creation of other replica set.
// Note: New databases will not use replica number zero but old
// databases will. To avoid name conflicts with replica sets
// created in the future we still need to overwrite a few
// fields in config record zero.
if (Replica->ReplicaNumber == DBS_TEMPLATE_TABLE_NUMBER) {
if (WSTR_NE(Replica->ReplicaName->Name, NTFRS_RECORD_0)) { //
// Pull the entry out of the table since we are changing the
// replica guid below. (makes the saved guid ptr in the entry
// invalid and can lead to access violation).
GTabDelete(DeletedReplicas, Replica->ReplicaName->Guid, NULL, NULL);
FrsUuidCreate(&Record0Guid); //
// ReplicaName
FrsFreeGName(Replica->ReplicaName); Replica->ReplicaName = FrsBuildGName(FrsDupGuid(&Record0Guid), FrsWcsDup(NTFRS_RECORD_0)); //
// MemberName
FrsFreeGName(Replica->MemberName); Replica->MemberName = FrsBuildGName(FrsDupGuid(&Record0Guid), FrsWcsDup(NTFRS_RECORD_0)); //
// SetName
FrsFreeGName(Replica->SetName); Replica->SetName = FrsBuildGName(FrsDupGuid(&Record0Guid), FrsWcsDup(NTFRS_RECORD_0)); //
// SetType
Replica->ReplicaSetType = FRS_RSTYPE_OTHER;
// Root (to avoid failing a replica create because of
// overlapping roots)
FrsFree(Replica->Root); Replica->Root = FrsWcsDup(NTFRS_RECORD_0_ROOT);
// Stage (to avoid failing a replica create because of
// overlapping Stages)
FrsFree(Replica->Stage); Replica->Stage = FrsWcsDup(NTFRS_RECORD_0_STAGE);
// Update
Replica->NeedsUpdate = TRUE; RcsUpdateReplicaSetMember(Replica); //
// The above friggen call set NeedsUpdate to false if the update succeeded.
if (Replica->NeedsUpdate) { DPRINT(0, ":S: ERROR - Can't update record 0.\n"); }
// Insert the entry back into the table with the new Guid index.
GTabInsertEntry(DeletedReplicas, Replica, Replica->ReplicaName->Guid, NULL);
} RcsCloseReplicaSetmember(Replica); RcsCloseReplicaCxtions(Replica); } else { REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, Cmd, Replica, 0, "F, Deleting Tombstoned replica");
// Close replica is OK here as long as the Journal has not
// been started on this replica set.
RcsCloseReplicaSetmember(Replica); RcsCloseReplicaCxtions(Replica); RcsDeleteReplicaFromDb(Replica); } }
// Check the schedules every so often
Cmd->Command = CMD_CHECK_SCHEDULES; FrsSubmitCommandServer(&ReplicaCmdServer, Cmd);
// Free up memory by reducing our working set size
SetProcessWorkingSetSize(ProcessHandle, (SIZE_T)-1, (SIZE_T)-1); }
DWORD RcsExitThread( PFRS_THREAD FrsThread ) /*++
Routine Description:
Immediate cancel of all outstanding RPC calls for the thread identified by FrsThread. Set the tombstone to 5 seconds from now. If this thread does not exit within that time, any calls to ThSupWaitThread() will return a timeout error.
Arguments: FrsThread
Return Value: ERROR_SUCCESS --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsExitThread:"
ULONG WStatus;
if (HANDLE_IS_VALID(FrsThread->Handle)) { DPRINT1(4, ":S: Canceling RPC requests for thread %ws\n", FrsThread->Name); WStatus = RpcCancelThread(FrsThread->Handle); if (!RPC_SUCCESS(WStatus)) { DPRINT_WS(0, ":S: RpcCancelThread failed.", WStatus); } }
return ThSupExitWithTombstone(FrsThread); }
#if _MSC_FULL_VER >= 13008827
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4715) // Not all control paths return (due to infinite loop)
DWORD RcsMain( PVOID Arg ) /*++
Routine Description: Entry point for replica control command server thread
Arguments: Arg - thread
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsMain:"
FRS_ASSERT(FrsThread->Data == &ReplicaCmdServer); //
// Immediate cancel of outstanding RPC calls during shutdown
RpcMgmtSetCancelTimeout(0); FrsThread->Exit = RcsExitThread;
cant_exit_yet: //
// Replica Control Command Server
// Controls access to the database entries
while (Cmd = FrsGetCommandServerIdled(&ReplicaCmdServer, &IdledQueue)) { switch (Cmd->Command) { //
case CMD_INIT_SUBSYSTEM: DPRINT(0, ":S: Replica subsystem is starting.\n"); DPRINT1(4, ":S: Command init subsystem %08x\n", Cmd); RcsInitKnownReplicaSetMembers(Cmd); if (!FrsIsShuttingDown) { DPRINT(0, ":S: Replica subsystem has started.\n"); } break;
case CMD_CHECK_SCHEDULES: RcsCheckSchedules(Cmd); break;
case CMD_START_REPLICAS: RcsStartValidReplicaSetMembers(Cmd); break;
case CMD_START: RcsStartReplicaSetMember(Cmd); break;
case CMD_DELETE: RcsDeleteReplicaSetMember(Cmd); break;
case CMD_DELETE_RETRY: RcsDeleteReplicaRetry(Cmd); break;
case CMD_DELETE_NOW: RcsDeleteReplicaSetMemberNow(Cmd); break;
case CMD_LOCAL_CO_ACCEPTED: RcsLocalCoAccepted(Cmd); break;
case CMD_REMOTE_CO: RcsRemoteCoReceived(Cmd); break;
case CMD_REMOTE_CO_ACCEPTED: RcsRemoteCoAccepted(Cmd); break;
case CMD_SEND_STAGE: RcsSendStageFile(Cmd); break;
case CMD_SENDING_STAGE: RcsSendingStageFile(Cmd); break;
case CMD_RECEIVING_STAGE: RcsReceivingStageFile(Cmd); break;
case CMD_CREATED_EXISTING: RcsSendStageFileRequest(Cmd); break;
case CMD_RECEIVED_STAGE: RcsReceivedStageFile(Cmd, CHECK_CXTION_AUTH); break;
case CMD_REMOTE_CO_DONE: RcsRemoteCoDoneRvcd(Cmd); break;
case CMD_SEND_ABORT_FETCH: RcsSendAbortFetch(Cmd); break;
case CMD_ABORT_FETCH: RcsAbortFetch(Cmd); break;
case CMD_SEND_RETRY_FETCH: RcsSendRetryFetch(Cmd); break;
case CMD_RETRY_STAGE: RcsRetryStageFileCreate(Cmd); break;
case CMD_RETRY_FETCH: RcsRetryFetch(Cmd); break;
case CMD_NEED_JOIN: RcsNeedJoin(Cmd); break;
case CMD_START_JOIN: RcsStartJoin(Cmd); break;
case CMD_JOIN_CXTION: RcsJoinCxtion(Cmd); break;
case CMD_JOINING_AFTER_FLUSH: RcsJoiningAfterFlush(Cmd); break;
case CMD_JOINING: RcsJoining(Cmd); break;
case CMD_JOINED: RcsInboundJoined(Cmd); break;
case CMD_UNJOIN: RcsUnJoinCxtion(Cmd, FALSE); break;
case CMD_UNJOIN_REMOTE: RcsUnJoinCxtion(Cmd, TRUE); break;
case CMD_HUNG_CXTION: RcsHungCxtion(Cmd); break;
case CMD_VVJOIN_SUCCESS: RcsVvJoinSuccess(Cmd); break;
case CMD_VVJOIN_DONE: RcsVvJoinDone(Cmd); break;
case CMD_VVJOIN_DONE_UNJOIN: RcsVvJoinDoneUnJoin(Cmd); break;
case CMD_CHECK_PROMOTION: RcsCheckPromotion(Cmd); break;
default: DPRINT1(0, "Replica Control: unknown command 0x%x\n", Cmd->Command); FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION); break; } FrsRtlUnIdledQueue(IdledQueue); } //
// Exit
FrsExitCommandServer(&ReplicaCmdServer, FrsThread); goto cant_exit_yet; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } #if _MSC_FULL_VER >= 13008827
#pragma warning(pop)
VOID RcsInitializeReplicaCmdServer( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description: Initialize the replica set command server and idle it until the database is initialized.
Arguments: None.
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsInitializeReplicaCmdServer:"
// Retry a join every MinJoinRetry milliseconds, doubling the interval
// every retry. Stop retrying when the interval is greater than
// MaxJoinRetry.
CfgRegReadDWord(FKC_MIN_JOIN_RETRY, NULL, 0, &MinJoinRetry); DPRINT1(0, ":S: Min Join Retry : %d\n", MinJoinRetry);
CfgRegReadDWord(FKC_MAX_JOIN_RETRY, NULL, 0, &MaxJoinRetry); DPRINT1(0, ":S: Max Join Retry : %d\n", MaxJoinRetry);
// The replica command server services commands for configuration changes
CfgRegReadDWord(FKC_MAX_REPLICA_THREADS, NULL, 0, &MaxRepThreads); DPRINT1(0, ":S: Max Replica Threads : %d\n", MaxRepThreads);
// Start replication even if the DS could not be accessed
CfgRegReadDWord(FKC_REPLICA_START_TIMEOUT, NULL, 0, &ReplicaStartTimeout); DPRINT1(0, ":S: Replica Start Timeout: %d\n", ReplicaStartTimeout);
// Partners are not allowed to join if their clocks are out-of-sync
CfgRegReadDWord(FKC_PARTNER_CLOCK_SKEW, NULL, 0, &PartnerClockSkew); DPRINT1(0, ":S: Partner Clock Skew : %d\n", PartnerClockSkew);
MaxPartnerClockSkew = (ULONGLONG)PartnerClockSkew * CONVERT_FILETIME_TO_MINUTES; //
// Replica tombstone in days
CfgRegReadDWord(FKC_REPLICA_TOMBSTONE, NULL, 0, &ReplicaTombstone); DPRINT1(0, ":S: Replica Tombstone : %d\n", ReplicaTombstone);
ReplicaTombstoneInFileTime = (ULONGLONG)ReplicaTombstone * CONVERT_FILETIME_TO_DAYS;
// Start the Replica command server
FrsInitializeCommandServer(&ReplicaCmdServer, MaxRepThreads, L"ReplicaCs", RcsMain);
// Empty table of replicas. Existing replicas will be filled in after
// the database has started up.
DeletedReplicas = GTabAllocTable(); DeletedCxtions = GTabAllocTable(); ReplicasByNumber = GTabAllocNumberTable();
// Tell the replica command server to init.
Cmd = FrsAllocCommand(&ReplicaCmdServer.Queue, CMD_INIT_SUBSYSTEM); FrsSubmitCommandServer(&ReplicaCmdServer, Cmd);
// The DS may have changed while the service was down. In fact, the
// service may have been down because the DS was being changed. The
// current state of the configuration in the DS should be merged
// with the state in the database before replication begins. But
// the DS may not be reachable. We don't want to delay replication
// in the off chance that the DS changed, but we do want to pick
// up any changes before replication begins. Our compromise is to
// allow a few minutes for the DS to come online and then start
// replication anyway.
if (ReplicaStartTimeout) { Cmd = FrsAllocCommand(&ReplicaCmdServer.Queue, CMD_START_REPLICAS); FrsDelCsSubmitSubmit(&ReplicaCmdServer, Cmd, ReplicaStartTimeout); } }
VOID RcsFrsUnInitializeReplicaCmdServer( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description: Free up the RCS memory.
Arguments: None.
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsFrsUnInitializeReplicaCmdServer:"
GTabFreeTable(ReplicasByNumber, NULL); GTabFreeTable(ReplicasByGuid, FrsFreeType); GTabFreeTable(DeletedReplicas, FrsFreeType); GTabFreeTable(DeletedCxtions, FrsFreeType); }
VOID RcsShutDownReplicaCmdServer( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description: Abort the replica control command server
Arguments: None.
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsShutDownReplicaCmdServer:"
// Rundown all known queues. New queue entries will bounce.
Key = NULL; while (Replica = GTabNextDatum(ReplicasByGuid, &Key)) { REPLICA_STATE_TRACE(3, NULL, Replica, 0, "F, Rundown replica cmd srv"); FrsRunDownCommandServer(&ReplicaCmdServer, Replica->Queue);
SubKey = NULL; while (Cxtion = GTabNextDatum(Replica->Cxtions, &SubKey)) { if (Cxtion->VvJoinCs) { CXTION_STATE_TRACE(3, Cxtion, Replica, 0, "F, Rundown replica VVJoin srv"); FrsRunDownCommandServer(Cxtion->VvJoinCs, &Cxtion->VvJoinCs->Queue); } } }
FrsRunDownCommandServer(&ReplicaCmdServer, &ReplicaCmdServer.Queue); }
VOID RcsCmdPktCompletionRoutine( IN PCOMMAND_PACKET Cmd, IN PVOID Arg ) /*++
Routine Description: Completion routine for Replica. Free the replica set info and send the command on to the generic command packet completion routine for freeing.
Arguments: Cmd Arg - Cmd->CompletionArg
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsCmdPktCompletionRoutine:"
DPRINT1(5, "Replica completion %08x\n", Cmd);
// To preserve order among change orders all subsequent change orders
// from this connection are going to the Inbound log (as a consequence
// of the Unjoin below). We will retry them later when the connection
// is restarted.
if (RsCoe(Cmd)) { Coe = RsCoe(Cmd); RsCoe(Cmd) = NULL; //
// Unjoin if possible
// The unjoin will fail if there isn't a cxtion or
// the join guid is out-of-date. Which is what we
// want -- we don't want a lot of unjoins flooding
// the replica queue and wrecking havoc with future
// joins.
// WARN: Must happen before the call to ChgOrdInboundRetry below.
if (RsReplica(Cmd)) { CHANGE_ORDER_TRACE(3, Coe, "Retry/Unjoin"); RcsSubmitTransferToRcs(Cmd, CMD_UNJOIN); Cmd = NULL; } //
// Retry the change order. This must happen *AFTER* issueing
// the unjoin above so that any change orders kicked loose by
// the following retry will be pushed into the retry path because
// their join guid will be invalidated during the unjoin.
CHANGE_ORDER_TRACE(3, Coe, "Submit CO to staging retry"); ChgOrdInboundRetry(Coe, IBCO_STAGING_RETRY); } else if (CO_STATE_IS_LE(Coe, IBCO_FETCH_RETRY)) {
CHANGE_ORDER_TRACE(3, Coe, "Submit CO to fetch retry"); ChgOrdInboundRetry(Coe, IBCO_FETCH_RETRY); } else if (CO_STATE_IS_LE(Coe, IBCO_INSTALL_RETRY)) {
CHANGE_ORDER_TRACE(3, Coe, "Submit CO to install retry"); ChgOrdInboundRetry(Coe, IBCO_INSTALL_RETRY); } else {
CHANGE_ORDER_TRACE(3, Coe, "Submit CO to retry"); ChgOrdInboundRetry(Coe, CO_STATE(Coe)); }
// Command was transfered to the replica command server for unjoin
if (!Cmd) { return; } } //
// The originator owns the disposition of this command packet
if (HANDLE_IS_VALID(RsCompletionEvent(Cmd))) { SetEvent(RsCompletionEvent(Cmd)); return; }
// Free up the "address" portion of the command
FrsFreeGName(RsTo(Cmd)); FrsFreeGName(RsFrom(Cmd)); FrsFreeGName(RsReplicaName(Cmd)); FrsFreeGName(RsCxtion(Cmd));
FrsFree(RsBlock(Cmd)); FrsFree(RsGVsn(Cmd)); FrsFree(RsCoGuid(Cmd)); FrsFree(RsJoinGuid(Cmd)); FrsFree(RsJoinTime(Cmd)); FrsFree(RsReplicaVersionGuid(Cmd)); //
// Free the copy of our partner's change order command and the data extension.
if (RsPartnerCoc(Cmd) != NULL) { FrsFree(RsPartnerCocExt(Cmd)); FrsFree(RsPartnerCoc(Cmd)); }
// a replica (never free the RsReplica(Cmd) field; it addresses
// an active replica in the Replicas table).
// Seeding cxtion
// Delete the connection from the perfmon tables.
if (RsNewCxtion(Cmd) != NULL) { FrsFreeType(RsNewCxtion(Cmd)); }
// Free the compression table, if any.
if (RsCompressionTable(Cmd)) { GTabFreeTable(RsCompressionTable(Cmd), FrsFree); } //
// Free the version vector, if any
RsVVector(Cmd) = VVFreeOutbound(RsVVector(Cmd)); RsReplicaVv(Cmd) = VVFreeOutbound(RsReplicaVv(Cmd));
// Authentication info
FrsFree(RsAuthClient(Cmd)); FrsFree(RsAuthName(Cmd)); FrsFree(RsAuthSid(Cmd));
// Md5 Digest
// Send the packet on to the generic completion routine for freeing
FrsSetCompletionRoutine(Cmd, FrsFreeCommand, NULL); FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, Cmd->ErrorStatus); }
VOID RcsSubmitTransferToRcs( IN PCOMMAND_PACKET Cmd, IN USHORT Command ) /*++
Routine Description: Transfer a request to the replica command server
Arguments: Cmd Command
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsSubmitTransferToRcs:"
Cmd->TargetQueue = RsReplica(Cmd)->Queue; Cmd->Command = Command; RsTimeout(Cmd) = 0;
DPRINT3(5, "Transfer %08x (%08x) to %ws\n", Command, Cmd, RsReplica(Cmd)->SetName->Name);
FrsSubmitCommandServer(&ReplicaCmdServer, Cmd); }
VOID RcsSubmitRemoteCoInstallRetry( IN PCHANGE_ORDER_ENTRY Coe ) /*++
Routine Description: Submit a remote change order to retry the file install.
Arguments: Coe - Change order entry.
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsSubmitRemoteCoInstallRetry:"
Replica = Coe->NewReplica; Cmd = FrsAllocCommand(Replica->Queue, 0); FrsSetCompletionRoutine(Cmd, RcsCmdPktCompletionRoutine, NULL);
// Address of change order entry
RsCoe(Cmd) = Coe;
// Mask out the irrelevant usn reasons
RsCoc(Cmd)->ContentCmd &= CO_CONTENT_MASK;
// Guid of the change order entry
RsCoGuid(Cmd) = FrsDupGuid(&RsCoc(Cmd)->ChangeOrderGuid);
// Initialize the command packet for eventual transfer to
// the replica set command server
RsReplica(Cmd) = Replica;
// Cxtion's guid (note - we lose the printable name for now)
RsCxtion(Cmd) = FrsBuildGName(FrsDupGuid(&Coe->Cmd.CxtionGuid), NULL);
DPRINT3(5, "Submit %08x (%08x) to %ws\n", CMD_REMOTE_CO_ACCEPTED, Cmd, Replica->SetName->Name); FrsInstallCsSubmitTransfer(Cmd, CMD_INSTALL_STAGE); }
VOID RcsSubmitRemoteCoAccepted( IN PCHANGE_ORDER_ENTRY Coe ) /*++
Routine Description: Submit a remote change order to the staging file generator.
Arguments: Co
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsSubmitRemoteCoAccepted:"
Replica = Coe->NewReplica; Cmd = FrsAllocCommand(Replica->Queue, CMD_REMOTE_CO_ACCEPTED); FrsSetCompletionRoutine(Cmd, RcsCmdPktCompletionRoutine, NULL);
// Address of change order entry
RsCoe(Cmd) = Coe;
// Mask out the irrelevant usn reasons
RsCoc(Cmd)->ContentCmd &= CO_CONTENT_MASK;
// Guid of the change order entry
RsCoGuid(Cmd) = FrsDupGuid(&RsCoc(Cmd)->ChangeOrderGuid);
// Initialize the command packet for eventual transfer to
// the replica set command server
RsReplica(Cmd) = Replica;
// Cxtion's guid (note - we lose the printable name for now)
RsCxtion(Cmd) = FrsBuildGName(FrsDupGuid(&Coe->Cmd.CxtionGuid), NULL);
// Join guid
RsJoinGuid(Cmd) = FrsDupGuid(&Coe->JoinGuid);
DPRINT1(5, "Submit %08x\n", Cmd); FrsSubmitCommandServer(&ReplicaCmdServer, Cmd); }
VOID RcsSubmitLocalCoAccepted( IN PCHANGE_ORDER_ENTRY Coe ) /*++
Routine Description: Submit a local change order to the staging file generator.
Arguments: Coe
Return Value: None. --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsSubmitLocalCoAccepted:"
// NewReplica?
Replica = Coe->NewReplica; Cmd = FrsAllocCommand(Replica->Queue, CMD_LOCAL_CO_ACCEPTED); FrsSetCompletionRoutine(Cmd, RcsCmdPktCompletionRoutine, NULL);
// Address of the change order entry
RsCoe(Cmd) = Coe;
// Mask out the irrelevant usn reasons
RsCoc(Cmd)->ContentCmd &= CO_CONTENT_MASK;
// Guid of the change order entry
RsCoGuid(Cmd) = FrsDupGuid(&RsCoc(Cmd)->ChangeOrderGuid);
// Initialize the command packet for eventual transfer to
// the replica set command server
RsReplica(Cmd) = Replica;
// Cxtion's guid (note - we lose the printable name for now)
RsCxtion(Cmd) = FrsBuildGName(FrsDupGuid(&Coe->Cmd.CxtionGuid), NULL);
DPRINT1(5, "Submit %08x\n", Cmd); FrsSubmitCommandServer(&ReplicaCmdServer, Cmd); }
ULONG RcsSubmitCommPktWithErrorToRcs( IN PCOMM_PACKET CommPkt ) /*++
Routine Description: A comm packet could not be sent because of an error. If the comm packet was for a joined cxtion then the affected replica\cxtion is unjoined.
Arguments: CommPkt - Comm packet that couldn't be sent
Return Value: Error status to be propagated to the sender --*/ { #undef DEBSUB
#define DEBSUB "RcsSubmitCommPktWithErrorToRcs:"
// Convert the comm packet into a command packet
Cmd = CommPktToCmd(CommPkt);
FRS_ASSERT(Cmd != NULL); FRS_ASSERT(RsTo(Cmd)); FRS_ASSERT(RsFrom(Cmd)); FRS_ASSERT(RsReplicaName(Cmd));
// Rebuild the replica name to address the originating, or local, replica
TmpGName = RsReplicaName(Cmd); RsReplicaName(Cmd) = FrsBuildGName(FrsDupGuid(RsFrom(Cmd)->Guid), FrsWcsDup(RsReplicaName(Cmd)->Name)); FrsFreeGName(TmpGName);
// Adjust the "to" and "from" addresses
TmpGName = RsTo(Cmd); RsTo(Cmd) = RsFrom(Cmd); RsFrom(Cmd) = TmpGName;
// Find the target replica
Replica = GTabLookup(ReplicasByGuid, RsReplicaName(Cmd)->Guid, NULL); if (Replica == NULL) { DPRINT1(4, ":S: WARN - Submit comm pkt w/error: Replica not found: %ws\n", RsReplicaName(Cmd)->Name); FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); return ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } RsReplica(Cmd) = Replica;
// The target replica may not be accepting comm packets. The
// target replica will reset itself before accepting
// commpkts again.
if (!Replica->IsAccepting) { DPRINT1(4, ":S: WARN - Submit comm pkt w/error: Replica is not accepting: %ws\n", Replica->ReplicaName->Name); FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_RETRY); return ERROR_RETRY; } switch (Cmd->Command) { //
// There is other retry code in replica.c that will take care of these
case CMD_UNJOIN_REMOTE: case CMD_JOINED: case CMD_NEED_JOIN: case CMD_START_JOIN: DPRINT3(5, ":X: Ignore commpkt with error Command:%08x Cmd:%08x CommPkt:%08x\n", Cmd->Command, Cmd, CommPkt); FrsCompleteCommand(Cmd, ERROR_SUCCESS); break;
// Put the unjoin command on the replica's queue
DPRINT3(5, ":X: Submit commpkt with error Command:%08x Cmd:%08x CommPkt:%08x\n", Cmd->Command, Cmd, CommPkt); RcsSubmitTransferToRcs(Cmd, CMD_UNJOIN); break;
default: break; }