Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
NdsApi32 routines specific for Win95. Routines will call into the Windows95 NWAPI32.DLL directly.
Felix Wong [t-felixw] 23-Sept-1996
#include <procs.h>
#include <nw95.h>
#include <msnwapi.h>
#include <utils95.h>
#include <nwatch95.h>
// Ported from WIN95
void MadeDSTreeNameDisplayableHack( LPSTR lpszDSName ) { int i; LPSTR lpszStartTail = NULL;
if (!lpszDSName) return;
// Tree name is padded by 0x5f looks rather ugly if displayed
// So we cut off tail of underscores, but being careful with
// DBCS characters
while (*lpszDSName && i--) { if (*lpszDSName == 0x5f) { if (!lpszStartTail) { lpszStartTail = lpszDSName; } } else { lpszStartTail = NULL; } lpszDSName = CharNextA(lpszDSName); }
if (lpszStartTail) { *lpszStartTail = '\0'; } }
// Ported from WIN95
BOOL GetCurrentTree(LPSTR szPrefTree) { NW_STATUS NWStatus;
NWStatus = NetWGetPreferredName(NETW_DirectoryServer,szPrefTree); if (NWStatus != NWSC_SUCCESS) return FALSE;
MadeDSTreeNameDisplayableHack(szPrefTree); return TRUE; };
NTSTATUS NwNdsResolveNameWin95 ( IN HANDLE hNdsTree, IN PUNICODE_STRING puObjectName, OUT DWORD *pdwObjectId, OUT HANDLE *pConn, OUT PBYTE pbRawResponse, IN DWORD dwResponseBufferLen ) { NTSTATUS NtStatus = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; LPSTR ParentName; ParentName = AllocateAnsiString((LPWSTR)(puObjectName->Buffer)); if (ParentName) { NW_STATUS NwStatus;
// puObjectName->Buffer is a wide string but might not be necessarily
// terminating at the right place. So, we need the following to null
// terminaite the string correctly.
ParentName[(puObjectName->Length)/2] = '\0'; NwStatus = ResolveNameA(ParentName, RSLV_DEREF_ALIASES|RSLV_WALK_TREE|RSLV_WRITABLE, pdwObjectId, pConn); NtStatus = MapNwToNtStatus(NwStatus); FreeAnsiString(ParentName); }; return NtStatus; }
NTSTATUS NwOpenHandleWithSupplementalCredentials( IN PUNICODE_STRING puResourceName, IN PUNICODE_STRING puUserName, IN PUNICODE_STRING puPassword, OUT LPDWORD lpdwHandleType, OUT PHANDLE phNwHandle ) { return NwNdsOpenTreeHandle( puResourceName, phNwHandle); }
szTree = AllocateAnsiString((LPWSTR)(puNdsTree->Buffer)); if (szTree) { NW_STATUS NwStatus;
// puObjectName->Buffer is a wide string but might not be necessarily
// terminating at the right place. So, we need the following to null
// terminaite the string correctly.
szTree[(puNdsTree->Length)/2] = '\0';
if (GetCurrentTree(szPrefTree) && (lstrcmpiA(szTree,szPrefTree) == 0 )) { NwStatus = NetWGetPreferredConnID(NETW_DirectoryServer, phNwRdrHandle); NtStatus = MapNwToNtStatus(NwStatus); } FreeAnsiString(szTree); } return NtStatus; }
int _cdecl CalculateBuf( const char *format, va_list args );
NTSTATUS _cdecl FragExWithWait( IN HANDLE hNdsServer, IN DWORD NdsVerb, IN BYTE *pReplyBuffer, IN DWORD ReplyBufferLen, IN OUT DWORD *pdwReplyLen, IN BYTE *NdsRequestStr, ... ) /*
Routine Description:
Exchanges an NDS request in fragments and collects the fragments of the response and writes them to the reply buffer.
Routine Arguments:
hNdsServer - A handle to the server you want to talk to. NdsVerb - The verb for that indicates the request.
pReplyBuffer - The reply buffer. ReplyBufferLen - The length of the reply buffer.
NdsReqestStr - The format string for the arguments to this NDS request. Arguments - The arguments that satisfy the NDS format string.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - Status of the exchange, but not the result code in the packet.
*/ { NTSTATUS NtStatus; NW_STATUS NwStatus; BYTE *NdsRequestBuf; DWORD NdsRequestLen; PNWR_NDS_REQUEST_PACKET RawRequest; int bufferSize = 0;
va_list Arguments;
// Allocate a request buffer.
// Calculate needed buffer size . . .
if ( NdsRequestStr != NULL ) { va_start( Arguments, NdsRequestStr ); bufferSize = CalculateBuf( NdsRequestStr, Arguments ); va_end( Arguments );
if ( bufferSize == 0 ) { NtStatus = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto ExitWithCleanup; } }
bufferSize += sizeof( NWR_NDS_REQUEST_PACKET ) + 50;
RawRequest = LocalAlloc( LMEM_ZEROINIT, bufferSize );
if ( !RawRequest ) { return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; }
// Build the request in our local buffer. The first DWORD
// is the verb and the rest is the formatted request.
NdsRequestBuf = &RawRequest->Parameters.RawRequest.Request[0];
if ( NdsRequestStr != NULL ) {
va_start( Arguments, NdsRequestStr );
NdsRequestLen = FormatBuf( NdsRequestBuf, bufferSize - sizeof( NWR_NDS_REQUEST_PACKET ), NdsRequestStr, Arguments );
if ( !NdsRequestLen ) {
NtStatus = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto ExitWithCleanup;
va_end( Arguments );
} else {
NdsRequestLen = 0; }
*pdwReplyLen = ReplyBufferLen;
NwStatus = NDSRequest(hNdsServer, NdsVerb, NdsRequestBuf, NdsRequestLen, pReplyBuffer, pdwReplyLen );
NtStatus = MapNwToNtStatus(NwStatus); ExitWithCleanup:
if ( RawRequest ) { LocalFree( RawRequest ); }
return NtStatus; }