// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1995.
// File: neglsa.cxx
// Contents: General (both win9x and nt) functions
// Classes:
// Functions:
// History: 02-09-00 RichardW Created - split from negotiat.cxx
#include <lsapch.hxx>
#ifdef WIN32_CHICAGO
#include <kerb.hxx>
#endif // WIN32_CHICAGO
extern "C" { #include <align.h>
#include <lm.h>
#include <dsgetdc.h>
#include <cryptdll.h>
#include <netlib.h>
#include <spmgr.h>
#include "sesmgr.h"
#include "spinit.h"
#include "negotiat.hxx"
#include <stdio.h>
GUID GUID_NULL = {0L, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; TOKEN_SOURCE LsapTokenSource = {"LSA", 0};
// Hardcoded english strings for LocalService and NetworkService
// since the account names may come from the registry (which isn't
// localized).
#define LOCALSERVICE_NAME L"LocalService"
#define NETWORKSERVICE_NAME L"NetworkService"
UNICODE_STRING NTAuthorityName = { sizeof(NTAUTHORITY_NAME) - 2, sizeof(NTAUTHORITY_NAME), NTAUTHORITY_NAME }; HANDLE NegEventLogHandle = NULL ; ULONG NegEventLogLevel = 3 ;
// RELOCATE_ONE - Relocate a single pointer in a client buffer.
// Note: this macro is dependent on parameter names as indicated in the
// description below. On error, this macro goes to 'Cleanup' with
// 'Status' set to the NT Status code.
// The MaximumLength is forced to be Length.
// Define a macro to relocate a pointer in the buffer the client passed in
// to be relative to 'ProtocolSubmitBuffer' rather than being relative to
// 'ClientBufferBase'. The result is checked to ensure the pointer and
// the data pointed to is within the first 'SubmitBufferSize' of the
// 'ProtocolSubmitBuffer'.
// The relocated field must be aligned to a WCHAR boundary.
// _q - Address of UNICODE_STRING structure which points to data to be
// relocated
#define RELOCATE_ONE( _q ) \
{ \ ULONG_PTR Offset; \ \ Offset = (((PUCHAR)((_q)->Buffer)) - ((PUCHAR)ClientBufferBase)); \ if ( Offset >= SubmitBufferSize || \ Offset + (_q)->Length > SubmitBufferSize || \ !COUNT_IS_ALIGNED( Offset, ALIGN_WCHAR) ) { \ \ Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; \ goto Cleanup; \ } \ \ (_q)->Buffer = (PWSTR)(((PUCHAR)ProtocolSubmitBuffer) + Offset); \ (_q)->MaximumLength = (_q)->Length ; \ }
// NULL_RELOCATE_ONE - Relocate a single (possibly NULL) pointer in a client
// buffer.
// This macro special cases a NULL pointer then calls RELOCATE_ONE. Hence
// it has all the restrictions of RELOCATE_ONE.
// _q - Address of UNICODE_STRING structure which points to data to be
// relocated
#define NULL_RELOCATE_ONE( _q ) \
{ \ if ( (_q)->Buffer == NULL ) { \ if ( (_q)->Length != 0 ) { \ Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; \ goto Cleanup; \ } \ } else if ( (_q)->Length == 0 ) { \ (_q)->Buffer = NULL; \ } else { \ RELOCATE_ONE( _q ); \ } \ }
extern SECPKG_PRIMARY_CRED NegPrimarySystemCredentials;
// Local function prototypes
NTSTATUS NegpMakeServiceToken( IN ULONG ulAccountId, OUT PLUID pLogonId, OUT PVOID *ProfileBuffer, OUT PULONG ProfileBufferLength, OUT PNTSTATUS ApiSubStatus, OUT PLSA_TOKEN_INFORMATION_TYPE TokenInformationType, OUT PVOID *TokenInformation, OUT PUNICODE_STRING *AccountName, OUT PUNICODE_STRING *AuthenticatingAuthority, OUT PUNICODE_STRING *MachineName, OUT PSECPKG_PRIMARY_CRED PrimaryCredentials, OUT PSECPKG_SUPPLEMENTAL_CRED_ARRAY * CachedCredentials );
BOOL NegpIsLocalOrNetworkService( IN PVOID ProtocolSubmitBuffer, IN PVOID ClientBufferBase, IN ULONG SubmitBufferSize, OUT PUNICODE_STRING *AccountName, OUT PUNICODE_STRING *AuthenticatingAuthority, OUT PUNICODE_STRING *MachineName, OUT PULONG pulAccountId );
VOID NegpReportEvent( IN WORD EventType, IN DWORD EventId, IN DWORD Category, IN NTSTATUS Status, IN DWORD NumberOfStrings, ... ) { va_list arglist; ULONG i; PWSTR Strings[ MAX_EVENT_STRINGS ]; BOOLEAN Allocated[ MAX_EVENT_STRINGS ] = { 0 }; WCHAR StatusString[ MAX_PATH ]; WCHAR FinalStatus[ MAX_PATH ]; HANDLE Dll ; BOOL FreeDll = FALSE ; DWORD rv;
if (NegEventLogHandle == NULL ) { //
// only log identical event once per hour.
// note that LSA doesn't cleanup this 'handle' during shutdown,
// to avoid preventing log failures during shutdown.
NegEventLogHandle = NetpEventlogOpen( L"LSASRV", 60000*60 );
if ( NegEventLogHandle == NULL ) { return ; }
// We're not supposed to be logging this, so nuke it
if ((NegEventLogLevel & (1 << EventType)) == 0) { return ; }
// Look at the strings, if they were provided
va_start( arglist, NumberOfStrings );
if (NumberOfStrings > MAX_EVENT_STRINGS) { NumberOfStrings = MAX_EVENT_STRINGS; }
for (i=0; i<NumberOfStrings; i++) {
PUNICODE_STRING String = va_arg( arglist, PUNICODE_STRING );
// Make sure strings are NULL-terminated. Do it in place for
// those strings whose buffers can accomodate an additional character,
// and allocate memory for the rest.
if ( String->MaximumLength > String->Length ) {
Strings[i] = String->Buffer;
} else {
Strings[i] = ( PWSTR )LsapAllocatePrivateHeap( String->Length + sizeof( WCHAR ));
if ( Strings[i] == NULL ) {
goto Cleanup; }
Allocated[i] = TRUE;
RtlCopyMemory( Strings[i], String->Buffer, String->Length ); }
Strings[i][String->Length / sizeof( WCHAR )] = L'\0';
if ( Status != 0 ) { static HMODULE NtDll; static HMODULE Kernel32;
// Map the status code:
// The value "type" is not known. Try and figure out what it
// is.
if ( (Status & 0xC0000000) == 0xC0000000 ) { //
// Easy: NTSTATUS failure case
if( NtDll == NULL ) { NtDll = GetModuleHandleW( L"NTDLL.DLL" ); }
Dll = NtDll;
} else if ( ( Status & 0xF0000000 ) == 0xD0000000 ) { //
if( NtDll == NULL ) { NtDll = GetModuleHandleW( L"NTDLL.DLL" ); }
Dll = NtDll;
Status &= 0xCFFFFFFF ;
} else if ( ( Status & 0x80000000 ) == 0x80000000 ) { //
// Note, this can overlap with NTSTATUS warning area. In that
// case, force the NTSTATUS.
if( Kernel32 == NULL ) { Kernel32 = GetModuleHandleW( L"KERNEL32.DLL" ); }
Dll = Kernel32;
} else { //
// Sign bit is off. Explore some known ranges:
if ( (Status >= WSABASEERR) && (Status <= WSABASEERR + 1000 )) { Dll = LoadLibraryW( L"ws2_32.dll" );
FreeDll = TRUE ;
} else if ( ( Status >= NERR_BASE ) && ( Status <= MAX_NERR ) ) { Dll = LoadLibraryW( L"netmsg.dll" );
FreeDll = TRUE ;
} else { if( Kernel32 == NULL ) { Kernel32 = GetModuleHandleW( L"KERNEL32.DLL" ); }
Dll = Kernel32;
if (!FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE, Dll, Status, 0, StatusString, MAX_PATH, NULL ) ) { StatusString[0] = L' '; StatusString[1] = L'\0'; }
if ( Status < 0 ) { _snwprintf( FinalStatus, MAX_PATH, L"\"%ws (%#x)\"", StatusString, Status ); } else { _snwprintf( FinalStatus, MAX_PATH, L"\"%ws (%#x, %d)\"", StatusString, Status, Status ); }
if ( NumberOfStrings < MAX_EVENT_STRINGS ) { Strings[ NumberOfStrings++ ] = FinalStatus ; }
// Report the event to the eventlog service
NetpEventlogWriteEx( NegEventLogHandle, EventType, Category, EventId, NumberOfStrings, 0, Strings, NULL );
for ( i = 0 ; i < NumberOfStrings ; i++ ) {
if ( Allocated[i] ) {
LsapFreePrivateHeap( Strings[i] ); } } } //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: NegLsaPolicyChangeCallback
// Synopsis: Called by the policy engine in the LSA when local policy changes,
// allowing us to update our state about the machine account, etc.
// Arguments: ChangedInfoClass - Class of policy that changed
// History: 2-9-00 RichardW Created
// Notes:
// Right now, only domain information is interesting
if ( ChangedInfoClass != PolicyNotifyDnsDomainInformation ) { return ; }
DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "Domain change, updating state\n" ));
// Reset the trust list. The next time someone asks for the trust
// list, it will have expired and they will get a fresh one.
NegTrustTime.QuadPart = 0 ;
// Obtain the new policy settings
Status = LsaIQueryInformationPolicyTrusted( PolicyDnsDomainInformation, &Policy );
if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { //
// If the domain has a GUID, then it is an uplevel domain
if ( Policy->PolicyDnsDomainInfo.DomainGuid == GuidNull ) { Uplevel = FALSE ; } else { Uplevel = TRUE ;
// Done with the policy info
LsaIFree_LSAPR_POLICY_INFORMATION( PolicyDnsDomainInformation, Policy );
NegUplevelDomain = Uplevel ;
// Update the package ID for the local system logon session
// Note, any additional special logon sessions will need to be
// updated as well.
LogonSession = LsapLocateLogonSession( &SystemLogonId );
if ( LogonSession ) { if ( Uplevel ) { LogonSession->CreatingPackage = NegPackageId ; } else { LogonSession->CreatingPackage = NtlmPackageId ; } LsapReleaseLogonSession( LogonSession ); }
{ ULONG Size;
static WCHAR NegNetbiosComputerName[ MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1 ]; static WCHAR NegDnsComputerName[ DNS_MAX_NAME_BUFFER_LENGTH + 1 ];
// refresh the computer names.
// note we could avoid taking the lock around these calls if we dyna-alloc'd
// and freed the existing buffers. We don't expect this path to be hit often,
// so avoid the hassle.
Size = sizeof(NegDnsComputerName) / sizeof(WCHAR);
// Note, if this fails, it's ok. We just won't be able to make
// some optimizations later.
if(!GetComputerNameExW( ComputerNamePhysicalDnsFullyQualified, NegDnsComputerName, &Size )) { NegDnsComputerName[ 0 ] = L'\0'; }
RtlInitUnicodeString( &NegDnsComputerName_U, NegDnsComputerName );
Size = sizeof(NegNetbiosComputerName) / sizeof(WCHAR);
if(!GetComputerNameExW( ComputerNamePhysicalNetBIOS, NegNetbiosComputerName, &Size )) { NegNetbiosComputerName[ 0 ] = L'\0'; }
RtlInitUnicodeString( &NegNetbiosComputerName_U, NegNetbiosComputerName );
// Function: NegParamChange
// Synopsis: Called by LSA whenever the LSA registry key changes
// Arguments: [p] --
// History: 5-11-00 RichardW Created
// Notes:
if ( Notify->EventClass != NOTIFY_CLASS_REGISTRY_CHANGE ) { return( 0 ); }
if ( RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Lsa"), 0, KEY_READ, &LsaKey ) == 0 ) { NegpReadRegistryParameters( LsaKey );
RegCloseKey( LsaKey ); }
return 0 ;
// Function: NegEnumPackagePrefixesCall
// Synopsis: LsaCallPackage routine to identify the prefxes (or OIDs) for
// all the packages, for SASL support.
// Arguments:
// History:
// Notes:
NTSTATUS NegEnumPackagePrefixesCall( IN PLSA_CLIENT_REQUEST ClientRequest, IN PVOID ProtocolSubmitBuffer, IN PVOID ClientBufferBase, IN ULONG SubmitBufferLength, OUT PVOID *ProtocolReturnBuffer, OUT PULONG ReturnBufferLength, OUT PNTSTATUS ProtocolStatus ) { UCHAR PrefixBuffer[ NEGOTIATE_MAX_PREFIX ]; NTSTATUS Status ; PNEGOTIATE_PACKAGE_PREFIXES Prefixes ; PNEGOTIATE_PACKAGE_PREFIX Prefix ; PNEGOTIATE_PACKAGE_PREFIX_WOW PrefixWow ; ULONG PackageCount ; BOOL WowClient = FALSE ; PNEG_PACKAGE Package ; PLIST_ENTRY Scan ; SECPKG_CALL_INFO CallInfo ; ULONG Size ;
LsapGetCallInfo( &CallInfo );
if ( CallInfo.Attributes & SECPKG_CALL_WOWCLIENT ) { WowClient = TRUE; }
Size = sizeof( NEGOTIATE_PACKAGE_PREFIXES ) + sizeof( NEGOTIATE_PACKAGE_PREFIX ) * ( NegPackageCount + 1 );
Prefixes = (PNEGOTIATE_PACKAGE_PREFIXES) LsapAllocatePrivateHeap( Size );
if ( !Prefixes ) { NegUnlockList();
Prefixes->MessageType = NegEnumPackagePrefixes ; Prefixes->Offset = sizeof( NEGOTIATE_PACKAGE_PREFIXES );
// We're going to do one or the other, but initializing them both
// makes the compiler happier.
Prefix = (PNEGOTIATE_PACKAGE_PREFIX) ( Prefixes + 1 );
PrefixWow = (PNEGOTIATE_PACKAGE_PREFIX_WOW) ( Prefixes + 1);
if ( WowClient ) { PrefixWow->PackageId = (ULONG) NegPackageId ; PrefixWow->PrefixLen = sizeof( NegSpnegoMechEncodedOid ); PrefixWow->PackageDataA = NULL ; PrefixWow->PackageDataW = NULL ; RtlCopyMemory( PrefixWow->Prefix, NegSpnegoMechEncodedOid, sizeof( NegSpnegoMechEncodedOid ) );
PrefixWow++ ;
} else { Prefix->PackageId = NegPackageId ; Prefix->PrefixLen = sizeof( NegSpnegoMechEncodedOid ); Prefix->PackageDataA = NULL ; Prefix->PackageDataW = NULL ; RtlCopyMemory( Prefix->Prefix, NegSpnegoMechEncodedOid, sizeof( NegSpnegoMechEncodedOid ) );
Prefix++ ;
PackageCount = 1 ; Scan = NegPackageList.Flink ;
while ( Scan != &NegPackageList ) { Package = CONTAINING_RECORD( Scan, NEG_PACKAGE, List );
if ( !WowClient ) { Prefix->PackageId = Package->LsaPackage->dwPackageID ; Prefix->PrefixLen = Package->PrefixLen ; Prefix->PackageDataA = NULL ; Prefix->PackageDataW = NULL ; RtlCopyMemory( Prefix->Prefix, Package->Prefix, Package->PrefixLen );
Prefix++ ; PackageCount++ ; } else { if ( Package->LsaPackage->fPackage & SP_WOW_SUPPORT ) { PrefixWow->PackageId = (ULONG) Package->LsaPackage->dwPackageID ; PrefixWow->PrefixLen = Package->PrefixLen ; PrefixWow->PackageDataA = NULL ; PrefixWow->PackageDataW = NULL ; RtlCopyMemory( PrefixWow->Prefix, Package->Prefix, Package->PrefixLen );
PrefixWow++ ; PackageCount++ ;
} }
Scan = Scan->Flink ; }
// Set the final count of packages:
Prefixes->PrefixCount = PackageCount ;
Status = LsapAllocateClientBuffer( NULL, Size, ProtocolReturnBuffer );
if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { Status = LsapCopyToClient( Prefixes, *ProtocolReturnBuffer, Size );
*ReturnBufferLength = Size ; }
LsapFreePrivateHeap( Prefixes );
return Status ; }
NTSTATUS NegGetCallerNameCall( IN PLSA_CLIENT_REQUEST ClientRequest, IN PVOID ProtocolSubmitBuffer, IN PVOID ClientBufferBase, IN ULONG SubmitBufferLength, OUT PVOID *ProtocolReturnBuffer, OUT PULONG ReturnBufferLength, OUT PNTSTATUS ProtocolStatus ) { PNEGOTIATE_CALLER_NAME_REQUEST Request ; PNEGOTIATE_CALLER_NAME_RESPONSE Response ; PNEGOTIATE_CALLER_NAME_RESPONSE_WOW ResponseWow ; SECPKG_CLIENT_INFO ClientInfo ; SECPKG_CALL_INFO CallInfo ; NTSTATUS Status ; PNEG_LOGON_SESSION LogonSession ; ULONG ClientSize ; PUCHAR Where ; PVOID ClientBuffer ; BOOL ReCheckAccess = FALSE ;
*ProtocolReturnBuffer = NULL ; *ReturnBufferLength = 0 ; *ProtocolStatus = 0 ;
if ( SubmitBufferLength != sizeof( NEGOTIATE_CALLER_NAME_REQUEST ) ) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER ; }
Request = (PNEGOTIATE_CALLER_NAME_REQUEST) ProtocolSubmitBuffer ;
Status = LsapGetClientInfo( &ClientInfo );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { return Status ; }
LsapGetCallInfo( &CallInfo );
if ( RtlIsZeroLuid( &Request->LogonId ) ) { Request->LogonId = ClientInfo.LogonId ; } else { if ( !RtlEqualLuid( &ClientInfo.LogonId, &Request->LogonId ) ) { ReCheckAccess = TRUE ; } }
LogonSession = NegpLocateLogonSession( &Request->LogonId );
if ( LogonSession ) {
if ( ReCheckAccess ) { if ( !RtlEqualLuid( &ClientInfo.LogonId, &LogonSession->ParentLogonId ) ) { Status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED ;
goto AccessDeniedError ; } }
if ( LogonSession->AlternateName.Buffer == NULL ) { //
// No alternate ID
goto AccessDeniedError ; }
ClientSize = sizeof( NEGOTIATE_CALLER_NAME_RESPONSE ) + LogonSession->AlternateName.Length + sizeof( WCHAR );
Response = (PNEGOTIATE_CALLER_NAME_RESPONSE) LsapAllocatePrivateHeap( ClientSize );
if ( Response ) { ClientBuffer = LsapClientAllocate( ClientSize );
if ( ClientBuffer ) { Where = (PUCHAR) ClientBuffer + sizeof( NEGOTIATE_CALLER_NAME_RESPONSE ) ;
// If a WOW client, copy these to the 32bit locations. Note
// that this will leave a "hole," but that's ok.
if ( CallInfo.Attributes & SECPKG_CALL_WOWCLIENT ) { ResponseWow = (PNEGOTIATE_CALLER_NAME_RESPONSE_WOW) Response ; ResponseWow->MessageType = NegGetCallerName ; ResponseWow->CallerName = PtrToUlong(Where) ; } else { Response->MessageType = NegGetCallerName ; Response->CallerName = (PWSTR) Where ; } RtlCopyMemory( (Response + 1), LogonSession->AlternateName.Buffer, LogonSession->AlternateName.Length );
*ProtocolReturnBuffer = ClientBuffer ; *ReturnBufferLength = ClientSize ; *ProtocolStatus = 0 ; Status = LsapCopyToClient( Response, ClientBuffer, ClientSize ) ; } else { Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY ; }
LsapFreePrivateHeap( Response );
NegpDerefLogonSession( LogonSession );
} else {
*ProtocolStatus = Status ;
PNEG_LOGON_SESSION NegpBuildLogonSession( PLUID LogonId, ULONG_PTR LogonPackage, ULONG_PTR DefaultPackage ) { PNEG_LOGON_SESSION LogonSession ;
LogonSession = (PNEG_LOGON_SESSION) LsapAllocatePrivateHeap( sizeof( NEG_LOGON_SESSION ) );
if ( LogonSession ) { LogonSession->LogonId = *LogonId ; LogonSession->CreatingPackage = LogonPackage ; LogonSession->DefaultPackage = DefaultPackage ; LogonSession->RefCount = 2 ;
RtlEnterCriticalSection( &NegLogonSessionListLock );
InsertHeadList( &NegLogonSessionList, &LogonSession->List );
RtlLeaveCriticalSection( &NegLogonSessionListLock );
return LogonSession ; }
VOID NegpDerefLogonSession( PNEG_LOGON_SESSION LogonSession ) { BOOL FreeIt = FALSE ;
RtlEnterCriticalSection( &NegLogonSessionListLock );
LogonSession->RefCount-- ;
if ( LogonSession->RefCount == 0 ) { RemoveEntryList( &LogonSession->List );
FreeIt = TRUE ; }
RtlLeaveCriticalSection( &NegLogonSessionListLock );
if ( FreeIt ) { if ( LogonSession->AlternateName.Buffer ) { LsapFreePrivateHeap( LogonSession->AlternateName.Buffer ); }
LsapFreePrivateHeap( LogonSession ); }
VOID NegpDerefLogonSessionById( PLUID LogonId ) { BOOL FreeIt = FALSE ; PLIST_ENTRY Scan ; PNEG_LOGON_SESSION LogonSession = NULL;
RtlEnterCriticalSection( &NegLogonSessionListLock );
Scan = NegLogonSessionList.Flink ;
while ( Scan != &NegLogonSessionList ) { LogonSession = CONTAINING_RECORD( Scan, NEG_LOGON_SESSION, List );
if ( RtlEqualLuid( LogonId, &LogonSession->LogonId ) ) { LogonSession->RefCount -- ;
if ( LogonSession->RefCount == 0 ) { RemoveEntryList( &LogonSession->List );
FreeIt = TRUE ;
break; }
LogonSession = NULL ;
Scan = Scan->Flink ; }
RtlLeaveCriticalSection( &NegLogonSessionListLock );
if ( FreeIt ) { DsysAssert( LogonSession != NULL );
if ( LogonSession->AlternateName.Buffer ) { LsapFreePrivateHeap( LogonSession->AlternateName.Buffer ); }
LsapFreePrivateHeap( LogonSession ); }
RtlEnterCriticalSection( &NegLogonSessionListLock );
Scan = NegLogonSessionList.Flink ;
while ( Scan != &NegLogonSessionList ) { LogonSession = CONTAINING_RECORD( Scan, NEG_LOGON_SESSION, List );
if ( RtlEqualLuid( LogonId, &LogonSession->LogonId ) ) { break; }
LogonSession = NULL ;
Scan = Scan->Flink ; }
if ( LogonSession ) { LogonSession->RefCount++ ; }
RtlLeaveCriticalSection( &NegLogonSessionListLock );
return LogonSession ; }
NTSTATUS NTAPI NegpMapLogonRequest( IN PVOID ProtocolSubmitBuffer, IN PVOID ClientBufferBase, IN ULONG SubmitBufferSize, OUT PMSV1_0_INTERACTIVE_LOGON * LogonInfo ) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS ; PMSV1_0_INTERACTIVE_LOGON Authentication = NULL; PSECURITY_SEED_AND_LENGTH SeedAndLength; UCHAR Seed;
// Ensure this is really an interactive logon.
Authentication = (PMSV1_0_INTERACTIVE_LOGON) ProtocolSubmitBuffer;
if ( Authentication->MessageType != MsV1_0InteractiveLogon ) { DebugLog(( DEB_ERROR, "Neg: Bad Validation Class %d\n", Authentication->MessageType)); Status = STATUS_BAD_VALIDATION_CLASS; goto Cleanup; }
// If the password length is greater than 255 (i.e., the
// upper byte of the length is non-zero) then the password
// has been run-encoded for privacy reasons. Get the
// run-encode seed out of the upper-byte of the length
// for later use.
SeedAndLength = (PSECURITY_SEED_AND_LENGTH) &Authentication->Password.Length; Seed = SeedAndLength->Seed; SeedAndLength->Seed = 0;
// Enforce length restrictions on username and password.
if ( Authentication->UserName.Length > UNLEN || Authentication->Password.Length > PWLEN ) { DebugLog(( DEB_ERROR, "Neg: Name or password too long\n")); Status = STATUS_NAME_TOO_LONG; goto Cleanup; }
// Relocate any pointers to be relative to 'Authentication'
NULL_RELOCATE_ONE( &Authentication->LogonDomainName );
RELOCATE_ONE( &Authentication->UserName );
NULL_RELOCATE_ONE( &Authentication->Password );
// Now decode the password, if necessary
if (Seed != 0 ) { __try { RtlRunDecodeUnicodeString( Seed, &Authentication->Password); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = STATUS_ILL_FORMED_PASSWORD; goto Cleanup; } }
*LogonInfo = Authentication ;
return Status ;
VOID NegpDerefTrustList( PNEG_TRUST_LIST TrustList ) { RtlEnterCriticalSection( &NegTrustListLock );
TrustList->RefCount-- ;
if ( TrustList->RefCount == 0 ) { if( NegTrustList == TrustList ) { NegTrustList = NULL; }
RtlLeaveCriticalSection( &NegTrustListLock );
NetApiBufferFree( TrustList->Trusts );
LsapFreePrivateHeap( TrustList );
return; }
RtlLeaveCriticalSection( &NegTrustListLock );
BOOLEAN TrustListLocked = TRUE;
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( (LPFILETIME) &Now );
RtlEnterCriticalSection( &NegTrustListLock );
if ( Now.QuadPart > NegTrustTime.QuadPart + FIFTEEN_MINUTES ) { if( NegTrustList != NULL && NegTrustList->RefCount == 1 ) { NegpDerefTrustList( NegTrustList ); NegTrustList = NULL; } }
if( NegTrustList != NULL ) { TrustList = NegTrustList ; TrustList->RefCount++ ; goto Cleanup; }
RtlLeaveCriticalSection( &NegTrustListLock ); TrustListLocked = FALSE;
NetStatus = DsEnumerateDomainTrustsW( NULL, DS_DOMAIN_IN_FOREST | DS_DOMAIN_PRIMARY, &Trusts, &TrustCount );
if ( NetStatus != 0 ) { goto Cleanup; }
TrustList = (PNEG_TRUST_LIST) LsapAllocatePrivateHeap( sizeof( NEG_TRUST_LIST ) );
if( TrustList == NULL ) { goto Cleanup; }
TrustList->RefCount = 2 ; TrustList->TrustCount = TrustCount ; TrustList->Trusts = Trusts ;
RtlEnterCriticalSection( &NegTrustListLock ); TrustListLocked = TRUE;
if( NegTrustList != NULL ) { PNEG_TRUST_LIST FreeTrustList = TrustList;
TrustList = NegTrustList ; TrustList->RefCount++ ;
RtlLeaveCriticalSection( &NegTrustListLock ); TrustListLocked = FALSE;
LsapFreePrivateHeap( FreeTrustList ); goto Cleanup; }
Trusts = NULL;
NegTrustList = TrustList ; NegTrustTime = Now ;
if( TrustListLocked ) { RtlLeaveCriticalSection( &NegTrustListLock ); }
if( Trusts != NULL ) { NetApiBufferFree( Trusts ); }
return TrustList ; }
// Case #1. Local logons are not uplevel, and should be allowed to
// use NTLM right off the bat. Therefore, return false
if ( RtlEqualUnicodeString( Domain, &MachineName, TRUE ) ) { return NegLocalDomain; }
if ( LogonType == CachedInteractive ) { return NegUpLevelDomain; }
// Case #2. We logged on to a domain, but we need to check if it is
// an uplevel domain in our forest. If it is, then return true, otherwise
// it's not an uplevel domain and NTLM is acceptable. If we can't obtain the
// trust list, assume downlevel.
TrustList = NegpGetTrustList();
if ( TrustList ) { for ( i = 0 ; i < TrustList->TrustCount ; i++ ) { RtlInitUnicodeString( &String, TrustList->Trusts[i].NetbiosDomainName );
if ( RtlEqualUnicodeString( Domain, &String, TRUE ) ) { //
// Hit, check it
if ( ( TrustList->Trusts[i].DnsDomainName != NULL ) && ( TrustList->Trusts[i].Flags & DS_DOMAIN_IN_FOREST ) ) { IsUplevel = TRUE ; break; }
} }
NegpDerefTrustList( TrustList );
if ( IsUplevel ) { return NegUpLevelDomain ; }
// Case #3 - if this is an uplevel domain we live in, then the answer returned
// by netlogon is authoritative:
if ( NegUplevelDomain ) { return NegDownLevelDomain ; }
// Case #4 - if we are living in a downlevel domain, netlogon won't know if the domain
// we just talked to is uplevel or downlevel. So, we need to figure out directly.
Error = DsGetDcNameW( NULL, Domain->Buffer, NULL, NULL, DS_DIRECTORY_SERVICE_REQUIRED, &Info );
if ( Error == 0 ) { IsUplevel = TRUE ; NetApiBufferFree( Info ); } else { IsUplevel = FALSE ; }
return ( IsUplevel ? NegUpLevelTrustedDomain : NegDownLevelDomain );
// Function: NegpCloneLogonSession
// Synopsis: Handles a NewCredentials type of logon.
// Effects:
// Arguments:
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Notes:
NTSTATUS NTAPI NegpCloneLogonSession( IN PVOID ProtocolSubmitBuffer, IN PVOID ClientBufferBase, IN ULONG SubmitBufferSize, OUT PVOID *ProfileBuffer, OUT PULONG ProfileBufferLength, OUT PLUID NewLogonId, OUT PNTSTATUS ApiSubStatus, OUT PLSA_TOKEN_INFORMATION_TYPE TokenInformationType, OUT PVOID *TokenInformation, OUT PUNICODE_STRING *AccountName, OUT PUNICODE_STRING *AuthenticatingAuthority, OUT PUNICODE_STRING *MachineName, OUT PSECPKG_PRIMARY_CRED PrimaryCredentials, OUT PSECPKG_SUPPLEMENTAL_CRED_ARRAY * CachedCredentials ) { NTSTATUS Status ; HANDLE hToken ; UCHAR SmallBuffer[ 128 ]; PLSA_TOKEN_INFORMATION_V1 TokenInfo = NULL ; PTOKEN_USER User = NULL ; PTOKEN_GROUPS Groups = NULL ; PTOKEN_GROUPS FinalGroups = NULL ; PTOKEN_PRIMARY_GROUP PrimaryGroup = NULL ; TOKEN_STATISTICS TokenStats ; PLSAP_LOGON_SESSION LogonSession ; PNEG_LOGON_SESSION NegLogonSession ; LUID LogonId ; LUID LocalServiceLuid = LOCALSERVICE_LUID; LUID NetworkServiceLuid = NETWORKSERVICE_LUID; LUID LocalSystemLuid = SYSTEM_LUID; BOOL fFilterGroups; PMSV1_0_INTERACTIVE_LOGON Authentication = NULL; DWORD Size ; ULONG i ; ULONG j ; PWSTR AltName, AltNameScan ;
Status = LsapImpersonateClient();
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { return Status ; }
// Open the token for the lifetime of this call. This makes sure that the
// client doesn't die on us, taking out the logon session (potentially).
Status = NtOpenThreadToken( NtCurrentThread(), TOKEN_QUERY, TRUE, &hToken );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { return Status ; }
// Grovel the token, and build up a list of groups that we will use for
// the new token. Only non-builtin groups will be used.
TokenInfo = (PLSA_TOKEN_INFORMATION_V1) LsapAllocateLsaHeap( sizeof( LSA_TOKEN_INFORMATION_V1) );
if ( !TokenInfo ) { Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY ;
goto Clone_Exit ; }
Status = NtQueryInformationToken( hToken, TokenStatistics, &TokenStats, sizeof( TokenStats ), &Size );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { goto Clone_Exit ; }
TokenInfo->ExpirationTime = TokenStats.ExpirationTime ;
User = (PTOKEN_USER) SmallBuffer ; Size = sizeof( SmallBuffer );
Status = NtQueryInformationToken( hToken, TokenUser, User, Size, &Size );
if ( ( Status == STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW ) || ( Status == STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL ) ) { User = (PTOKEN_USER) LsapAllocatePrivateHeap( Size );
if ( User ) { Status = NtQueryInformationToken( hToken, TokenUser, User, Size, &Size ); } else { Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY ; }
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { goto Clone_Exit ; }
TokenInfo->User.User.Attributes = 0 ; TokenInfo->User.User.Sid = LsapAllocateLsaHeap( RtlLengthSid( User->User.Sid ) );
if ( TokenInfo->User.User.Sid ) { RtlCopyMemory( TokenInfo->User.User.Sid, User->User.Sid, RtlLengthSid( User->User.Sid ) ); } else { Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY ;
goto Clone_Exit ; }
if ( User != (PTOKEN_USER) SmallBuffer ) { LsapFreePrivateHeap( User ); }
User = NULL ;
Status = NtQueryInformationToken( hToken, TokenGroups, NULL, 0, &Size );
if ( ( Status != STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW ) && ( Status != STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL ) ) { goto Clone_Exit ; }
Groups = (PTOKEN_GROUPS) LsapAllocatePrivateHeap( Size );
if ( !Groups ) { Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY ;
goto Clone_Exit ; }
Status = NtQueryInformationToken( hToken, TokenGroups, Groups, Size, &Size );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { goto Clone_Exit ; }
// Grovel through the group list, and ditch those we don't care about.
// i always travels ahead of j. Skip groups that have one or two RIDs,
// because those are the builtin ones.
FinalGroups = (PTOKEN_GROUPS) LsapAllocatePrivateHeap( sizeof( TOKEN_GROUPS ) + Groups->GroupCount * sizeof( SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES ) );
if ( !FinalGroups ) { goto Clone_Exit ; }
// Don't filter out groups for tokens where the LSA has hardcoded info on
// how to build the token. If we filter in those cases, we strip out SIDs
// that won't be replaced by the LSA policy/filter routines later on.
fFilterGroups = !RtlEqualLuid(&TokenStats.AuthenticationId, &LocalSystemLuid) && !RtlEqualLuid(&TokenStats.AuthenticationId, &LocalServiceLuid) && !RtlEqualLuid(&TokenStats.AuthenticationId, &NetworkServiceLuid);
for ( i = 0, j = 0 ; i < Groups->GroupCount ; i++ ) { if ( !fFilterGroups || *RtlSubAuthorityCountSid( Groups->Groups[ i ].Sid ) > 2 ) { FinalGroups->Groups[ j ].Attributes = Groups->Groups[ i ].Attributes ; Status = LsapDuplicateSid2( &FinalGroups->Groups[ j ].Sid, Groups->Groups[ i ].Sid ); j++ ;
if( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { break; } }
FinalGroups->GroupCount = j ;
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { goto Clone_Exit ; }
// whew. Set this in the token info, and null out the other pointer
// so we don't free it inadvertantly.
TokenInfo->Groups = FinalGroups ;
FinalGroups = NULL ;
// Determine the primary group:
PrimaryGroup = (PTOKEN_PRIMARY_GROUP) SmallBuffer ; Size = sizeof( SmallBuffer );
Status = NtQueryInformationToken( hToken, TokenPrimaryGroup, PrimaryGroup, Size, &Size );
if ( ( Status == STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW ) || ( Status == STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL ) ) { PrimaryGroup = (PTOKEN_PRIMARY_GROUP) LsapAllocatePrivateHeap( Size );
Status = NtQueryInformationToken( hToken, TokenPrimaryGroup, PrimaryGroup, Size, &Size ); }
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { goto Clone_Exit ; }
TokenInfo->PrimaryGroup.PrimaryGroup = LsapAllocateLsaHeap( RtlLengthSid( PrimaryGroup->PrimaryGroup ) );
if ( TokenInfo->PrimaryGroup.PrimaryGroup ) { RtlCopyMemory( TokenInfo->PrimaryGroup.PrimaryGroup, PrimaryGroup->PrimaryGroup, RtlLengthSid( PrimaryGroup->PrimaryGroup ) ); } else { Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY ;
goto Clone_Exit ; }
if ( PrimaryGroup != (PTOKEN_PRIMARY_GROUP) SmallBuffer ) { LsapFreePrivateHeap( PrimaryGroup ); }
PrimaryGroup = NULL ;
// Almost there -- now dupe the privileges
TokenInfo->Privileges = NULL ;
Size = 0;
Status = NtQueryInformationToken( hToken, TokenPrivileges, TokenInfo->Privileges, Size, &Size );
if ( ( Status == STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW ) || ( Status == STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL ) ) { TokenInfo->Privileges = (PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES) LsapAllocateLsaHeap(Size);
if (TokenInfo->Privileges == NULL) { Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } else { Status = NtQueryInformationToken( hToken, TokenPrivileges, TokenInfo->Privileges, Size, &Size); } }
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { goto Clone_Exit; }
// Ok, we have completed the Token Information. Now, we need to parse
// the supplied buffer to come up with creds for the other packages, since
// that's what this is all about
Status = NegpMapLogonRequest( ProtocolSubmitBuffer, ClientBufferBase, SubmitBufferSize, &Authentication );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { goto Clone_Exit ; }
// Stuff the names:
*AccountName = (PUNICODE_STRING) LsapAllocateLsaHeap( sizeof( UNICODE_STRING ) );
if ( ! ( *AccountName ) ) { Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY ;
goto Clone_Exit ; }
*AuthenticatingAuthority = (PUNICODE_STRING) LsapAllocateLsaHeap( sizeof( UNICODE_STRING ) );
if ( ! ( *AuthenticatingAuthority ) ) { Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY ;
goto Clone_Exit ; }
*MachineName = (PUNICODE_STRING) LsapAllocateLsaHeap( sizeof( UNICODE_STRING ) );
if ( ! ( *MachineName ) ) { Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY ;
goto Clone_Exit ; }
// Tokens that the LSA normally constructs (SYSTEM, LocalService, NetworkService)
// have special names for returned as part of SID --> name lookups that don't
// necessarily match what's in the token as the account/authority names. Cruft
// up the new token with these special names instead of the standard ones.
if (fFilterGroups) { Status = LsapGetLogonSessionAccountInfo( &TokenStats.AuthenticationId, (*AccountName), (*AuthenticatingAuthority) ); } else { LSAP_WELL_KNOWN_SID_INDEX dwIndex = LsapLocalSystemSidIndex;
if (RtlEqualLuid(&TokenStats.AuthenticationId, &LocalServiceLuid)) { dwIndex = LsapLocalServiceSidIndex; } else if (RtlEqualLuid(&TokenStats.AuthenticationId, &NetworkServiceLuid)) { dwIndex = LsapNetworkServiceSidIndex; }
Status = LsapDuplicateString(*AccountName, LsapDbWellKnownSidName(dwIndex));
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { goto Clone_Exit ; }
Status = LsapDuplicateString(*AuthenticatingAuthority, LsapDbWellKnownSidDescription(dwIndex)); }
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { goto Clone_Exit ; }
// Construct the credential data to pass on to the other packages:
Status = LsapDuplicateString( &PrimaryCredentials->DomainName, &Authentication->LogonDomainName );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { goto Clone_Exit ; }
Status = LsapDuplicateString( &PrimaryCredentials->DownlevelName, &Authentication->UserName );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { goto Clone_Exit ; }
Status = LsapDuplicateString( &PrimaryCredentials->Password, &Authentication->Password );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { goto Clone_Exit ; }
Status = LsapDuplicateSid( &PrimaryCredentials->UserSid, TokenInfo->User.User.Sid );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { goto Clone_Exit ; }
PrimaryCredentials->Flags = PRIMARY_CRED_CLEAR_PASSWORD ;
// Let the LSA do the rest:
NtAllocateLocallyUniqueId( &LogonId );
Status = LsapCreateLogonSession( &LogonId );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { goto Clone_Exit ; }
NegLogonSession = NegpBuildLogonSession( &LogonId, NegPackageId, NegPackageId );
if ( !NegLogonSession ) { Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY ; goto Clone_Exit; }
AltName = (PWSTR) LsapAllocatePrivateHeap( Authentication->UserName.Length + Authentication->LogonDomainName.Length + 2 * sizeof( WCHAR ) );
if ( AltName ) { AltNameScan = AltName ; RtlCopyMemory( AltNameScan, Authentication->LogonDomainName.Buffer, Authentication->LogonDomainName.Length );
AltNameScan += Authentication->LogonDomainName.Length / sizeof(WCHAR) ;
*AltNameScan++ = L'\\';
RtlCopyMemory( AltNameScan, Authentication->UserName.Buffer, Authentication->UserName.Length );
AltNameScan += Authentication->UserName.Length / sizeof( WCHAR ) ;
*AltNameScan++ = L'\0';
RtlInitUnicodeString( &NegLogonSession->AlternateName, AltName ); }
NegLogonSession->ParentLogonId = TokenStats.AuthenticationId ;
NegpDerefLogonSession( NegLogonSession );
PrimaryCredentials->LogonId = LogonId ;
*ProfileBuffer = NULL ;
*ProfileBufferLength = 0 ;
*NewLogonId = LogonId ;
*ApiSubStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS ;
*TokenInformationType = LsaTokenInformationV1 ;
*TokenInformation = TokenInfo ;
TokenInfo = NULL ;
*CachedCredentials = NULL ;
if ( Groups ) { LsapFreePrivateHeap( Groups ); }
if ( FinalGroups ) { LsapFreeTokenGroups( FinalGroups ); }
if ( TokenInfo ) { if ( TokenInfo->User.User.Sid ) { LsapFreeLsaHeap( TokenInfo->User.User.Sid ); }
if ( TokenInfo->Groups ) { LsapFreeTokenGroups( TokenInfo->Groups ); }
if ( TokenInfo->Privileges ) { LsapFreeLsaHeap( TokenInfo->Privileges ); }
LsapFreeLsaHeap( TokenInfo ); }
if ( (User != NULL) && (User != (PTOKEN_USER) SmallBuffer ) ) { LsapFreePrivateHeap( User ); }
if ( hToken != NULL ) { NtClose( hToken ); }
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { if ( *AuthenticatingAuthority ) { if ( (*AuthenticatingAuthority)->Buffer ) { LsapFreeLsaHeap( (*AuthenticatingAuthority)->Buffer ); }
LsapFreeLsaHeap( *AuthenticatingAuthority ); *AuthenticatingAuthority = NULL; }
if ( *AccountName ) { if ( (*AccountName)->Buffer ) { LsapFreeLsaHeap( (*AccountName)->Buffer ); }
LsapFreeLsaHeap( *AccountName ); *AccountName = NULL; }
if ( *MachineName ) { if ( (*MachineName)->Buffer ) { LsapFreeLsaHeap( (*MachineName)->Buffer ); }
LsapFreeLsaHeap( *MachineName ); *MachineName = NULL; } }
return Status ; }
// Function: NegLogonUserEx2
// Synopsis: Handles service, batch, and interactive logons
// Effects:
// Arguments:
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Notes:
NTSTATUS NTAPI NegLogonUserEx2( IN PLSA_CLIENT_REQUEST ClientRequest, IN SECURITY_LOGON_TYPE LogonType, IN PVOID ProtocolSubmitBuffer, IN PVOID ClientBufferBase, IN ULONG SubmitBufferSize, OUT PVOID *ProfileBuffer, OUT PULONG ProfileBufferLength, OUT PLUID NewLogonId, OUT PNTSTATUS ApiSubStatus, OUT PLSA_TOKEN_INFORMATION_TYPE TokenInformationType, OUT PVOID *TokenInformation, OUT PUNICODE_STRING *AccountName, OUT PUNICODE_STRING *AuthenticatingAuthority, OUT PUNICODE_STRING *MachineName, OUT PSECPKG_PRIMARY_CRED PrimaryCredentials, OUT PSECPKG_SUPPLEMENTAL_CRED_ARRAY * CachedCredentials ) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_NO_LOGON_SERVERS; PNEG_PACKAGE Package; PVOID LocalSubmitBuffer = NULL; ULONG_PTR CurrentPackageId = GetCurrentPackageId(); PLSAP_SECURITY_PACKAGE * LogonPackages = NULL; PNEG_LOGON_SESSION LogonSession ; PWSTR AltName, AltNameScan ; NEG_DOMAIN_TYPES DomainType ;
ULONG LogonPackageCount = 0; ULONG Index;
if ( LogonType == NewCredentials ) { return NegpCloneLogonSession( ProtocolSubmitBuffer, ClientBufferBase, SubmitBufferSize, ProfileBuffer, ProfileBufferLength, NewLogonId, ApiSubStatus, TokenInformationType, TokenInformation, AccountName, AuthenticatingAuthority, MachineName, PrimaryCredentials, CachedCredentials ); }
// Allocate a local copy of the submit buffer so each package can
// mark it up.
LocalSubmitBuffer = LsapAllocateLsaHeap(SubmitBufferSize); if (LocalSubmitBuffer == NULL) { return(STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES); }
if ( LogonType == Service ) { ULONG ulAccountId;
// Copy the submit buffer for the package to mark up
RtlCopyMemory( LocalSubmitBuffer, ProtocolSubmitBuffer, SubmitBufferSize );
if (NegpIsLocalOrNetworkService( LocalSubmitBuffer, ClientBufferBase, SubmitBufferSize, AccountName, AuthenticatingAuthority, MachineName, &ulAccountId)) { Status = NegpMakeServiceToken( ulAccountId, NewLogonId, ProfileBuffer, ProfileBufferLength, ApiSubStatus, TokenInformationType, TokenInformation, AccountName, AuthenticatingAuthority, MachineName, PrimaryCredentials, CachedCredentials );
goto Cleanup; } }
LogonPackages = (PLSAP_SECURITY_PACKAGE *) LsapAllocateLsaHeap( NegPackageCount * sizeof(PLSAP_SECURITY_PACKAGE)); if (LogonPackages == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto Cleanup; }
Package = (PNEG_PACKAGE) NegPackageList.Flink ; while ( (PVOID) Package != (PVOID) &NegPackageList ) { if (((Package->LsaPackage->fCapabilities & SECPKG_FLAG_LOGON) != 0) && ((Package->Flags & NEG_PACKAGE_EXTRA_OID ) == 0 ) && (Package->LsaPackage->FunctionTable.LogonUserEx2 != NULL)) { LogonPackages[LogonPackageCount++] = Package->LsaPackage; } Package = (PNEG_PACKAGE) Package->List.Flink ; } NegUnlockList();
for (Index = 0; Index < LogonPackageCount; Index++) {
// Cleanup the old audit strings so they don't get leaked
// when the package re-allocates them.
if ((*MachineName) != NULL) { if ((*MachineName)->Buffer != NULL) { LsapFreeLsaHeap( (*MachineName)->Buffer ); } LsapFreeLsaHeap( (*MachineName) ); (*MachineName) = NULL; } if ((*AccountName) != NULL) { if ((*AccountName)->Buffer != NULL) { LsapFreeLsaHeap( (*AccountName)->Buffer ); } LsapFreeLsaHeap( (*AccountName) ); (*AccountName) = NULL ; }
if ((*AuthenticatingAuthority) != NULL) { if ((*AuthenticatingAuthority)->Buffer != NULL) { LsapFreeLsaHeap( (*AuthenticatingAuthority)->Buffer ); } LsapFreeLsaHeap( (*AuthenticatingAuthority) ); (*AuthenticatingAuthority) = NULL ; }
// Copy the submit buffer for the package to mark up
RtlCopyMemory( LocalSubmitBuffer, ProtocolSubmitBuffer, SubmitBufferSize );
Status = LogonPackages[Index]->FunctionTable.LogonUserEx2( ClientRequest, LogonType, LocalSubmitBuffer, ClientBufferBase, SubmitBufferSize, ProfileBuffer, ProfileBufferLength, NewLogonId, ApiSubStatus, TokenInformationType, TokenInformation, AccountName, AuthenticatingAuthority, MachineName, PrimaryCredentials, CachedCredentials ); SetCurrentPackageId(CurrentPackageId);
// Bug 226401 If the local machine secret is different from the
// machine account password, kerberos can't decrpyt the workstation
// ticket and returns STATUS_TRUSTED_RELATIONSHIP_FAILURE (used to
// return STATUS_TRUST_FAILURE). If this is a DC, we
// should fall back to NTLM.
if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { LogonSession = NegpBuildLogonSession( NewLogonId, LogonPackages[ Index ]->dwPackageID, LogonPackages[ Index ]->dwPackageID );
if ( LogonSession ) { if ( LogonPackages[ Index ]->dwRPCID == NTLMSP_RPCID ) { DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "NTLM Logon\n" ));
// Check if this is an uplevel or downlevel domain
DomainType = NegpIsUplevelDomain( NewLogonId, LogonType, *AuthenticatingAuthority );
if( DomainType == NegLocalDomain ) { //
// change from Win2k:
// allow full negotiation range by default for local logons.
// Kerberos now quickly fails local account originated operations.
LogonSession->DefaultPackage = NegPackageId ; }
if ( DomainType == NegUpLevelDomain ) { if( (LogonType == CachedInteractive) && ((PrimaryCredentials->Flags >> PRIMARY_CRED_LOGON_PACKAGE_SHIFT) == NTLMSP_RPCID) ) { //
// leave the package as NTLM.
} else { LogonSession->DefaultPackage = NEG_INVALID_PACKAGE ; } } else if ( DomainType == NegUpLevelTrustedDomain ) { LogonSession->DefaultPackage = NegPackageId ; } else { //
// leave the DefaultPackage as NTLM.
// Create the name:
AltName = (PWSTR) LsapAllocatePrivateHeap( (*AccountName)->Length + (*AuthenticatingAuthority)->Length + 2 * sizeof( WCHAR ) );
if ( AltName ) { AltNameScan = AltName ; RtlCopyMemory( AltNameScan, (*AuthenticatingAuthority)->Buffer, (*AuthenticatingAuthority)->Length );
AltNameScan += (*AuthenticatingAuthority)->Length / sizeof(WCHAR) ;
*AltNameScan++ = L'\\';
RtlCopyMemory( AltNameScan, (*AccountName)->Buffer, (*AccountName)->Length );
AltNameScan += (*AccountName)->Length / sizeof( WCHAR ) ;
*AltNameScan++ = L'\0';
RtlInitUnicodeString( &LogonSession->AlternateName, AltName ); }
NegpDerefLogonSession( LogonSession ); }
if( LogonPackages ) { LsapFreeLsaHeap(LogonPackages); }
if( LocalSubmitBuffer ) { ZeroMemory(LocalSubmitBuffer, SubmitBufferSize); LsapFreeLsaHeap(LocalSubmitBuffer); }
// Function: NegpMakeServiceToken
// Synopsis: Handles the logon for LocalService and NetworkService
// Effects:
// Arguments:
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Notes: On error, this routine frees the buffers allocated by
// the prior call to NegpIsLocalOrNetworkService
NTSTATUS NegpMakeServiceToken( IN ULONG ulAccountId, OUT PLUID pLogonId, OUT PVOID *ProfileBuffer, OUT PULONG ProfileBufferLength, OUT PNTSTATUS ApiSubStatus, OUT PLSA_TOKEN_INFORMATION_TYPE TokenInformationType, OUT PVOID *TokenInformation, OUT PUNICODE_STRING *AccountName, OUT PUNICODE_STRING *AuthenticatingAuthority, OUT PUNICODE_STRING *MachineName, OUT PSECPKG_PRIMARY_CRED PrimaryCredentials, OUT PSECPKG_SUPPLEMENTAL_CRED_ARRAY * CachedCredentials ) { NTSTATUS Status; LPBYTE pBuffer; ULONG ulTokenLength; PSID Owner; PSID UserSid; ULONG DaclLength; PACL pDacl; DWORD dwSidLen; HMODULE hStringsResource; LUID SystemId = SYSTEM_LUID;
// Don't allow untrusted clients to call this API.
Status = LsapGetClientInfo(&ClientInfo);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto ErrorExit; }
if (!RtlEqualLuid(&ClientInfo.LogonId, &SystemId)) { Status = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; goto ErrorExit; }
UserSid = LsapLocalServiceSid; PrimaryCredentials->LogonId = LocalServiceId; *pLogonId = LocalServiceId;
Status = LsapDuplicateSid(&PrimaryCredentials->UserSid, UserSid);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto ErrorExit; }
Status = LsapDuplicateString(&PrimaryCredentials->DomainName, &EmptyString);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto ErrorExit; }
Status = LsapDuplicateString(&PrimaryCredentials->DownlevelName, &EmptyString);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto ErrorExit; }
Status = LsapDuplicateString(&PrimaryCredentials->Password, &EmptyString);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto ErrorExit; } } else { LUID NetworkServiceId = NETWORKSERVICE_LUID;
UserSid = LsapNetworkServiceSid;
Status = NegpCopyCredsToBuffer(&NegPrimarySystemCredentials, NULL, PrimaryCredentials, NULL);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto ErrorExit; }
PrimaryCredentials->LogonId = NetworkServiceId; *pLogonId = NetworkServiceId;
Status = LsapDuplicateSid(&PrimaryCredentials->UserSid, UserSid);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto ErrorExit; } }
*CachedCredentials = NULL;
ASSERT(UserSid != NULL);
// Make sure there's a logon session for this account
pLogonSession = LsapLocateLogonSession(pLogonId);
if (pLogonSession == NULL) { Status = LsapCreateLogonSession(pLogonId);
pLogonSession = LsapLocateLogonSession(pLogonId);
if( pLogonSession == NULL ) { if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto ErrorExit; }
ASSERT(pLogonSession != NULL); Status = STATUS_NO_SUCH_LOGON_SESSION; goto ErrorExit; }
// Compute the length of the default DACL for the token
DaclLength = (ULONG) sizeof(ACL) + 2 * ((ULONG) sizeof(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) - sizeof(ULONG)) + RtlLengthSid( LsapLocalSystemSid ) + RtlLengthSid( UserSid );
// The SIDs are 4-byte aligned so this shouldn't cause problems
// with unaligned accesses (as long as the DACL stays at the
// end of the buffer).
ulTokenLength = sizeof(LSA_TOKEN_INFORMATION_V2) + RtlLengthSid( UserSid ) // User
+ sizeof(TOKEN_GROUPS) + (NUM_TOKEN_GROUPS - 1) * sizeof(SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES) + RtlLengthSid( UserSid ) // Primary group
+ RtlLengthSid( LsapWorldSid ) // Groups
+ RtlLengthSid( LsapAuthenticatedUserSid ) + RtlLengthSid( LsapLocalSid ) + RtlLengthSid( LsapAliasUsersSid ) + RtlLengthSid( UserSid ) // Owner
+ DaclLength; // DefaultDacl
pTokenInfo = (PLSA_TOKEN_INFORMATION_V2) LsapAllocateLsaHeap(ulTokenLength);
if (pTokenInfo == NULL) { Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; goto ErrorExit; }
// Set up expiration time
TimeFields.Year = 3000; TimeFields.Month = 1; TimeFields.Day = 1; TimeFields.Hour = 1; TimeFields.Minute = 1; TimeFields.Second = 1; TimeFields.Milliseconds = 1; TimeFields.Weekday = 1;
RtlTimeFieldsToTime( &TimeFields, &pTokenInfo->ExpirationTime );
// Set up the groups -- do this first so the nested pointers
// don't cause 64-bit alignment faults
pGroups = (PTOKEN_GROUPS) (pTokenInfo + 1); pSidAndAttrs = pGroups->Groups; pBuffer = (LPBYTE) (pSidAndAttrs + NUM_TOKEN_GROUPS);
pGroups->GroupCount = NUM_TOKEN_GROUPS;
// Set up the attributes to be assigned to groups
dwSidLen = RtlLengthSid(LsapWorldSid); RtlCopySid(dwSidLen, pBuffer, LsapWorldSid); pSidAndAttrs[0].Sid = (PSID) pBuffer; pBuffer += dwSidLen;
dwSidLen = RtlLengthSid(LsapAuthenticatedUserSid); RtlCopySid(dwSidLen, pBuffer, LsapAuthenticatedUserSid); pSidAndAttrs[1].Sid = (PSID) pBuffer; pBuffer += dwSidLen;
dwSidLen = RtlLengthSid(LsapLocalSid); RtlCopySid(dwSidLen, pBuffer, LsapLocalSid); pSidAndAttrs[2].Sid = (PSID) pBuffer; pBuffer += dwSidLen;
dwSidLen = RtlLengthSid(LsapAliasUsersSid); RtlCopySid(dwSidLen, pBuffer, LsapAliasUsersSid); pSidAndAttrs[3].Sid = (PSID) pBuffer; pBuffer += dwSidLen;
pSidAndAttrs[0].Attributes = NormalGroupAttributes; pSidAndAttrs[1].Attributes = NormalGroupAttributes; pSidAndAttrs[2].Attributes = NormalGroupAttributes; pSidAndAttrs[3].Attributes = NormalGroupAttributes;
pTokenInfo->Groups = pGroups;
// Set up the user ID
dwSidLen = RtlLengthSid(UserSid); RtlCopySid(dwSidLen, (PSID) pBuffer, UserSid); pTokenInfo->User.User.Sid = (PSID) pBuffer; pTokenInfo->User.User.Attributes = 0; pBuffer += dwSidLen;
// Establish the primary group
dwSidLen = RtlLengthSid(UserSid); RtlCopySid(dwSidLen, (PSID) pBuffer, UserSid); pTokenInfo->PrimaryGroup.PrimaryGroup = (PSID) pBuffer; pBuffer += dwSidLen;
// Set the default owner
dwSidLen = RtlLengthSid(UserSid); RtlCopySid(dwSidLen, (PSID) pBuffer, UserSid); pTokenInfo->Owner.Owner = (PSID) pBuffer; pBuffer += dwSidLen;
// Privileges -- none by default (set by policy)
pTokenInfo->Privileges = NULL;
// Set up the default DACL for token. Give system full reign of terror.
pDacl = (PACL) pBuffer;
Status = RtlCreateAcl(pDacl, DaclLength, ACL_REVISION2); ASSERT( NT_SUCCESS(Status) );
Status = RtlAddAccessAllowedAce(pDacl, ACL_REVISION2, GENERIC_ALL, LsapLocalSystemSid);
Status = RtlAddAccessAllowedAce(pDacl, ACL_REVISION2, GENERIC_ALL, UserSid);
RtlCopyMemory(pBuffer, pDacl, DaclLength);
pTokenInfo->DefaultDacl.DefaultDacl = (PACL) pBuffer;
pBuffer += DaclLength;
ASSERT( (ULONG)(ULONG_PTR)(pBuffer - (LPBYTE) pTokenInfo) == ulTokenLength );
// Now fill in the out parameters
// LocalService/NetworkService have no profile
*ProfileBuffer = NULL; *ProfileBufferLength = 0; *TokenInformationType = LsaTokenInformationV2; *TokenInformation = pTokenInfo;
if (*AuthenticatingAuthority) { LsapFreeLsaHeap((*AuthenticatingAuthority)->Buffer); LsapFreeLsaHeap(*AuthenticatingAuthority); *AuthenticatingAuthority = NULL; }
if (*AccountName) { LsapFreeLsaHeap((*AccountName)->Buffer); LsapFreeLsaHeap(*AccountName); *AccountName = NULL; }
if (*MachineName) { LsapFreeLsaHeap((*MachineName)->Buffer); LsapFreeLsaHeap(*MachineName); *MachineName = NULL; }
LsapFreeLsaHeap(PrimaryCredentials->UserSid); PrimaryCredentials->UserSid = NULL;
LsapFreeLsaHeap(PrimaryCredentials->DomainName.Buffer); RtlZeroMemory(&PrimaryCredentials->DomainName, sizeof(UNICODE_STRING));
LsapFreeLsaHeap(PrimaryCredentials->DownlevelName.Buffer); RtlZeroMemory(&PrimaryCredentials->DownlevelName, sizeof(UNICODE_STRING));
LsapFreeLsaHeap(PrimaryCredentials->Password.Buffer); RtlZeroMemory(&PrimaryCredentials->Password, sizeof(UNICODE_STRING));
if (pLogonSession) { LsapReleaseLogonSession(pLogonSession); }
*ApiSubStatus = Status; return Status; }
// Function: NegpIsLocalOrNetworkService
// Synopsis: Allocates memory for the account name, machine name,
// and authenticating authority for LocalService and
// NetworkService logons
// Effects:
// Arguments:
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Notes: The caller is responsible for freeing the allocated
// buffers if this routine succeeds
BOOL NegpIsLocalOrNetworkService( IN PVOID ProtocolSubmitBuffer, IN PVOID ClientBufferBase, IN ULONG SubmitBufferSize, OUT PUNICODE_STRING *AccountName, OUT PUNICODE_STRING *AuthenticatingAuthority, OUT PUNICODE_STRING *MachineName, OUT PULONG pulAccountId ) { NTSTATUS Status;
*AccountName = NULL; *AuthenticatingAuthority = NULL; *MachineName = NULL;
// Parse the supplied buffer to come up with creds
Status = NegpMapLogonRequest( ProtocolSubmitBuffer, ClientBufferBase, SubmitBufferSize, &Authentication);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto ErrorExit ; }
// Get the info to compare for LocalService first. Check both the
// localized version and the non-localized version (which could come
// from the registry).
pTempAuthority = &WellKnownSids[LsapLocalServiceSidIndex].DomainName; pTempAccount = &WellKnownSids[LsapLocalServiceSidIndex].Name;
if (RtlCompareUnicodeString(&NTAuthorityName, &Authentication->LogonDomainName, TRUE) == 0) { //
// Hardcoded "NT AUTHORITY" -- check hardcoded
// "LocalService" and "NetworkService" and
// localize it here on a match.
if (RtlCompareUnicodeString(&LocalServiceName, &Authentication->UserName, TRUE) == 0) { pTempAccount = &WellKnownSids[LsapLocalServiceSidIndex].Name; *pulAccountId = LSAP_SID_NAME_LOCALSERVICE; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else if (RtlCompareUnicodeString(&NetworkServiceName, &Authentication->UserName, TRUE) == 0) { pTempAccount = &WellKnownSids[LsapNetworkServiceSidIndex].Name; *pulAccountId = LSAP_SID_NAME_NETWORKSERVICE; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { Status = STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER; } } else { Status = STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER; }
// Hardcoded comparison failed -- try localized versions. Note that
// we have to check again (rather than using an "else" with the "if"
// above) since "NT AUTHORITY" may be both the hardcoded and the
// localized name (e.g., in English). Since Status is already a
// failure code, let the failure cases trickle through.
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (RtlCompareUnicodeString(pTempAuthority, &Authentication->LogonDomainName, TRUE) == 0) { //
// Localized "NT AUTHORITY" -- check localized
// "LocalService" and "NetworkService"
pTempAccount = &WellKnownSids[LsapLocalServiceSidIndex].Name;
if (RtlCompareUnicodeString(pTempAccount, &Authentication->UserName, TRUE) == 0) { *pulAccountId = LSAP_SID_NAME_LOCALSERVICE; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { pTempAccount = &WellKnownSids[LsapNetworkServiceSidIndex].Name;
if (RtlCompareUnicodeString(pTempAccount, &Authentication->UserName, TRUE) == 0) { *pulAccountId = LSAP_SID_NAME_NETWORKSERVICE; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { Status = STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER; } } } else { Status = STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER; } }
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto ErrorExit; }
// Stuff the names:
*AccountName = (PUNICODE_STRING) LsapAllocateLsaHeap(sizeof(UNICODE_STRING));
if (!(*AccountName)) { Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; goto ErrorExit; }
Status = LsapDuplicateString(*AccountName, pTempAccount);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto ErrorExit; }
*AuthenticatingAuthority = (PUNICODE_STRING) LsapAllocateLsaHeap(sizeof(UNICODE_STRING));
if (!(*AuthenticatingAuthority)) { Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; goto ErrorExit; }
Status = LsapDuplicateString(*AuthenticatingAuthority, pTempAuthority);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto ErrorExit; }
*MachineName = (PUNICODE_STRING) LsapAllocateLsaHeap(sizeof(UNICODE_STRING));
if (!(*MachineName)) { Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; goto ErrorExit ; }
return TRUE;
if (*AuthenticatingAuthority) { LsapFreeLsaHeap((*AuthenticatingAuthority)->Buffer); LsapFreeLsaHeap(*AuthenticatingAuthority); *AuthenticatingAuthority = NULL; }
if (*AccountName) { LsapFreeLsaHeap((*AccountName)->Buffer); LsapFreeLsaHeap(*AccountName); *AccountName = NULL; }
if (*MachineName) { LsapFreeLsaHeap((*MachineName)->Buffer); LsapFreeLsaHeap(*MachineName); *MachineName = NULL; }
return FALSE; }
BOOL NegpRearrangeMechsIfNeccessary( struct MechTypeList ** RealMechList, PSECURITY_STRING Target, PBOOL DirectPacket ) { PWSTR FirstSlash ; PWSTR SecondSlash = NULL; PNEG_TRUST_LIST TrustList = NULL ; UNICODE_STRING TargetHost ; UNICODE_STRING SpnPrefix; UNICODE_STRING HttpPrefix; struct MechTypeList * MechList ; struct MechTypeList * Reorder = NULL ; struct MechTypeList * Trailer ; BOOL Rearranged = FALSE ; BOOL HttpSpn = FALSE;
if ( Target == NULL ) { DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "Loopback detected for local target (no targetname)\n")); goto loopback; }
if ( Target->Length == 0 ) { DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "Loopback detected for local target (no targetname)\n")); goto loopback; }
// Now, examine the target and determine if it is referring to us
FirstSlash = wcschr( Target->Buffer, L'/' );
if ( !FirstSlash ) { //
// Not an SPN, we're out of here
return FALSE ; } else {
*FirstSlash = L'\0';
// HACK HACK HACK: We've got to call NTLM directly in
// the loopback case, or Wininet can't handle our "extra" nego trips....
RtlInitUnicodeString( &SpnPrefix, Target->Buffer );
RtlInitUnicodeString( &HttpPrefix, L"HTTP" );
if (RtlEqualUnicodeString( &SpnPrefix, &HttpPrefix, TRUE )) { HttpSpn = TRUE; DebugLog((DEB_TRACE_NEG, "Found HTTP SPN, about to force NTLM directly\n")); } *FirstSlash = L'/'; // END HACK END HACK
FirstSlash++ ;
// if this is a svc/instance/domain style SPN, ignore the trailer
// portion
SecondSlash = wcschr( Target->Buffer, L'/' );
if ( SecondSlash ) { *SecondSlash = L'\0'; }
RtlInitUnicodeString( &TargetHost, FirstSlash );
if (!RtlEqualUnicodeString( &TargetHost, &NegDnsComputerName_U, TRUE ) && !RtlEqualUnicodeString( &TargetHost, &NegNetbiosComputerName_U, TRUE ) && !RtlEqualUnicodeString( &TargetHost, &NegLocalHostName_U, TRUE ) ) { NegUnlockComputerNames(); goto Cleanup ; }
NegUnlockComputerNames(); //
// We have a loopback condition. The target we are going to is our own host
// name. So, scan through the mech list, and find the NTLM mech (if present)
// and bump it up.
#if DBG
if ( SecondSlash ) { //
// for debug builds, reset the string now for the dump message, so that
// we can make sure the right targets are being caught. Free builds will
// reset this at the cleanup stage.
*SecondSlash = L'/'; SecondSlash = NULL ; } #endif
DebugLog(( DEB_TRACE_NEG, "Loopback detected for target %ws\n", Target->Buffer ));
MechList = *RealMechList ; Trailer = NULL ;
while ( MechList ) { if ( (MechList->value != NULL) && (NegpCompareOid( MechList->value, NegNtlmMechOid ) == 0) ) { //
// Found NTLM. Unlink it and put it at the head of the new list
Reorder = MechList ; if ( Trailer ) { Trailer->next = MechList->next ; } else { // update original pointer
*RealMechList = MechList->next ; } MechList = MechList->next ; Reorder->next = NULL ; } else { Trailer = MechList ; MechList = MechList->next ; }
// Reorder points to the NTLM element, if there are NTLM creds. If not, this is NULL.
// Now, append the rest of the list
if ( Reorder ) { Reorder->next = *RealMechList ; *RealMechList = Reorder ; Rearranged = TRUE ; }
// Only set this if everything else went well
*DirectPacket = HttpSpn;
if ( SecondSlash ) { *SecondSlash = L'/'; }
return Rearranged ;