// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1991 - 1992
// File: spmgr.c
// Contents: Main file of the SPMgr component
// Functions: SetKsecEvent -- Sets the event exported by DD
// ServerMain -- Main startup
// History: 27 May 92, RichardW Commented
#include <lsapch.hxx>
extern "C" { #include "spinit.h"
// Global "Variables"
// Most of these variables are set during initialization, and are used
// in a read-only fashion afterwards.
PWSTR pszPackageList; // Not really needed
LUID SystemLogonId = SYSTEM_LUID; // Logon Session for the system (should be 999:0)
DWORD dwSession; // TLS: Thread Session ptr
DWORD dwLastError; // TLS: Thread last error
DWORD dwExceptionInfo; // TLS: Thread exception info
DWORD dwCallInfo; // TLS: Thread LPC message ptr
DWORD dwThreadPackage; // TLS: Thread Package ID
DWORD dwThreadHeap; // TLS: Thread Heap
BOOLEAN SetupPhase;
HANDLE hShutdownEvent; // Shutdown synch event
HANDLE hStateChangeEvent; // State change event
PWSTR * ppszPackages; // Contains a null terminated array of dll names
PWSTR * ppszOldPkgs; // Contains a null terminated array of old pkgs
LsaState lsState; // State of the process, for relay to the dll
LSA_TUNING_PARAMETERS LsaTuningParameters ; BOOL ShutdownBegun ;
// Name of event which says that the LSA RPC server is ready
extern FILE * pMemoryFile; extern DWORD dwTotalHeap; extern DWORD dwHeapHW; #endif
HANDLE hPrelimShutdownEvent;
DWORD ShutdownWorker( PVOID Ignored ) { NTSTATUS Status ; PLSAP_SECURITY_PACKAGE pAuxPackage; ULONG_PTR iPackage ; DWORD Tick ; DWORD TickMax ;
// Stop any new calls from getting through
ShutdownBegun = TRUE ;
if ( LsaTuningParameters.Options & TUNE_SRV_HIGH_PRIORITY ) { TickMax = 100 ; } else { TickMax = 10 ; }
pAuxPackage = SpmpIteratePackagesByRequest( NULL, SP_ORDINAL_SHUTDOWN );
while (pAuxPackage) { iPackage = pAuxPackage->dwPackageID; pAuxPackage->fPackage |= SP_SHUTDOWN_PENDING | SP_SHUTDOWN ;
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "Shutting down package %ws\n", pAuxPackage->Name.Buffer ));
// Spin wait for the calls in progress to complete
Tick = 0 ;
while ( (pAuxPackage->CallsInProgress > 0) && ( Tick < TickMax ) ) { Sleep( 100 );
Tick++ ; }
if ( Tick == TickMax ) { DebugLog(( DEB_ERROR, "Package %ws did not respond in %d seconds for shutdown\n", pAuxPackage->Name.Buffer, Tick / 10 ));
pAuxPackage = SpmpIteratePackagesByRequest( pAuxPackage, SP_ORDINAL_SHUTDOWN );
continue; }
SetCurrentPackageId( iPackage );
__try { Status = pAuxPackage->FunctionTable.Shutdown(); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = (NTSTATUS) GetExceptionCode(); }
pAuxPackage->fPackage &= ~SP_SHUTDOWN_PENDING ;
pAuxPackage = SpmpIteratePackagesByRequest( pAuxPackage, SP_ORDINAL_SHUTDOWN );
SetCurrentPackageId( SPMGR_ID );
SetEvent( hShutdownEvent );
return 0;
// Function: ServerStop
// Synopsis: Stop the SPM. Clean shutdown
HRESULT ServerStop(void) { // First, see if we are already in the middle of a shutdown. The
// hShutdownEvent handle will be non-null.
if (hShutdownEvent) { return(0); }
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "LSA shutdown:\n"));
hShutdownEvent = SpmCreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, L"\\SpmShutdownEvent");
if (hPrelimShutdownEvent) { SetEvent(hPrelimShutdownEvent); }
QueueUserWorkItem( ShutdownWorker, NULL, FALSE );
return(S_OK); }
#if DBG
void SpmpThreadStartupEx(void) { PSpmExceptDbg pExcept;
pExcept = (PSpmExceptDbg) LsapAllocateLsaHeap(sizeof(SpmExceptDbg)); MarkPermanent(pExcept); TlsSetValue(dwExceptionInfo, pExcept);
void SpmpThreadExitEx(void) { PSpmExceptDbg pExcept;
pExcept = (PSpmExceptDbg) TlsGetValue(dwExceptionInfo); if (pExcept) { UnmarkPermanent(pExcept); LsapFreeLsaHeap(pExcept); } } #endif // DBG
// Function: SpControlHandler
// Synopsis: Console Control Function handler
// Effects: Handles system shutdown
// Arguments:
// Requires:
// Returns:
// Notes:
BOOL SpConsoleHandler(DWORD dwCtrlType) { SpmpThreadStartup();
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "Entered SpConsoleHandler(%d)\n", dwCtrlType)); switch (dwCtrlType) { case CTRL_C_EVENT: case CTRL_BREAK_EVENT: SpmpThreadExit(); return(FALSE); break;
case CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT: case CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT: DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "Shutdown event received\n"));
LsapState.SystemShutdownPending = TRUE; (void) ServerStop(); (void) WaitForSingleObject(hShutdownEvent, 10000L);
DebugLog((DEB_TRACE, "Shutdown complete\n"));
// Fall through to:
default: SpmpThreadExit(); return(FALSE);
} }