Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Client side CryptXXXData calls.
Client funcs are preceeded by "CS" == Client Side Server functions are preceeded by "SS" == Server Side
Scott Field (sfield) 14-Aug-97
Todds 04-Sep-97 Ported to .dll Matt Thomlinson (mattt) 09-Oct-97 Moved to common area for link by crypt32 philh 03-Dec-97 Added I_CertProtectFunction philh 29-Sep-98 Renamed I_CertProtectFunction to I_CertCltProtectFunction. I_CertProtectFunction was moved to ..\ispu\pki\certstor\protroot.cpp
#ifndef _CRYPT32_
#define _CRYPT32_ // use correct Dll Linkage
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <wincrypt.h>
#include <cryptui.h>
#include <sha.h>
#include "crypt.h"
#include <lm.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include "unicode.h"
#include "certprot.h"
// midl generated files
#include "dprpc.h"
#include "dpapiprv.h"
// fwds
RPC_STATUS BindBackupKeyW( LPCWSTR szComputerName, WCHAR **pszBinding, RPC_BINDING_HANDLE *phBind );
RPC_STATUS UnbindW( WCHAR **pszBinding, RPC_BINDING_HANDLE *phBind );
BOOL WINAPI CryptProtectData( DATA_BLOB* pDataIn, LPCWSTR szDataDescr, DATA_BLOB* pOptionalEntropy, PVOID pvReserved, CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT* pPromptStruct, DWORD dwFlags, DATA_BLOB* pDataOut) { RPC_BINDING_HANDLE h = NULL; LPWSTR pszBinding; RPC_STATUS RpcStatus;
BYTE rgbPasswordHash[ A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN ]; LPCWSTR wszDescription = szDataDescr?szDataDescr:L""; LPWSTR szAlternateDataDescription = (LPWSTR)wszDescription; DWORD dwRetVal = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
// check params
if ((pDataOut == NULL) || (pDataIn == NULL) || (pDataIn->pbData == NULL)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
RpcStatus = BindW(&pszBinding, &h); if(RpcStatus != RPC_S_OK) { SetLastError(RpcStatus); return FALSE; }
__try { PBYTE pbOptionalPassword = NULL; DWORD cbOptionalPassword = 0; SSCRYPTPROTECTDATA_PROMPTSTRUCT PromptStruct; SSCRYPTPROTECTDATA_PROMPTSTRUCT *pLocalPromptStruct = NULL;
// zero so client stub allocates
ZeroMemory(pDataOut, sizeof(DATA_BLOB));
// only call UI function if prompt flags dictate, because we don't
// want to bring in cryptui.dll unless necessary.
if( (pPromptStruct != NULL) && ((pPromptStruct->dwPromptFlags & CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPT_ON_UNPROTECT) || (pPromptStruct->dwPromptFlags & CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPT_ON_PROTECT)) ) {
dwRetVal = I_CryptUIProtect( pDataIn, pPromptStruct, dwFlags, (PVOID*)&szAlternateDataDescription, TRUE, rgbPasswordHash );
// If UI dictated strong security, then supply the hash.
if( pPromptStruct->dwPromptFlags & CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPT_STRONG ) { cbOptionalPassword = sizeof(rgbPasswordHash); pbOptionalPassword = rgbPasswordHash; }
} else {
if( dwRetVal == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if(pPromptStruct != NULL) { ZeroMemory(&PromptStruct, sizeof(PromptStruct)); PromptStruct.cbSize = sizeof(PromptStruct); PromptStruct.dwPromptFlags = pPromptStruct->dwPromptFlags; pLocalPromptStruct = &PromptStruct; }
dwRetVal = SSCryptProtectData( h, &pDataOut->pbData, &pDataOut->cbData, pDataIn->pbData, pDataIn->cbData, szAlternateDataDescription, (pOptionalEntropy) ? pOptionalEntropy->pbData : NULL, (pOptionalEntropy) ? pOptionalEntropy->cbData : 0, (GUID*)pvReserved, pLocalPromptStruct, dwFlags, pbOptionalPassword, cbOptionalPassword ); }
} __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { dwRetVal = GetExceptionCode(); }
UnbindW(&pszBinding, &h);
ZeroMemory( rgbPasswordHash, sizeof(rgbPasswordHash) );
if( szAlternateDataDescription && szAlternateDataDescription != wszDescription ) { LocalFree( szAlternateDataDescription ); }
if(dwRetVal != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(dwRetVal);
return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL WINAPI CryptUnprotectData( DATA_BLOB* pDataIn, // in encr blob
LPWSTR* ppszDataDescr, // out
DATA_BLOB* pOptionalEntropy, PVOID pvReserved, CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT* pPromptStruct, DWORD dwFlags, DATA_BLOB* pDataOut) { RPC_BINDING_HANDLE h = NULL; LPWSTR pszBinding; RPC_STATUS RpcStatus;
BYTE rgbPasswordHash[ A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN ]; DWORD dwRetVal; DWORD dwRetryCount = 0;
// check params
if ((pDataOut == NULL) || (pDataIn == NULL) || (pDataIn->pbData == NULL)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
RpcStatus = BindW(&pszBinding, &h); if(RpcStatus != RPC_S_OK) { SetLastError(RpcStatus); return FALSE; }
__try { CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT DerivedPromptStruct; PBYTE pbOptionalPassword = NULL; DWORD cbOptionalPassword = 0; LPCWSTR szDataDescr; LPUWSTR szDataDescrUnaligned; SSCRYPTPROTECTDATA_PROMPTSTRUCT PromptStruct; SSCRYPTPROTECTDATA_PROMPTSTRUCT *pLocalPromptStruct = NULL;
// define outer+inner wrapper for security blob.
// this won't be necessary once SAS support is provided by the OS.
typedef struct { DWORD dwOuterVersion; GUID guidProvider;
DWORD dwVersion; GUID guidMK; DWORD dwPromptFlags; DWORD cbDataDescr; WCHAR szDataDescr[1]; } sec_blob, *psec_blob;
sec_blob UNALIGNED *SecurityBlob = (sec_blob*)(pDataIn->pbData);
// zero so client stub allocates
ZeroMemory(pDataOut, sizeof(DATA_BLOB));
if (ppszDataDescr) *ppszDataDescr = NULL;
// recreate the promptstruct and DataDescr from the security blob.
DerivedPromptStruct.cbSize = sizeof(DerivedPromptStruct); DerivedPromptStruct.dwPromptFlags = SecurityBlob->dwPromptFlags;
// SecurityBlob may be unaligned. Set szDataDescr to reference
// an aligned copy.
szDataDescrUnaligned = (SecurityBlob->szDataDescr); WSTR_ALIGNED_STACK_COPY(&szDataDescr,szDataDescrUnaligned);
if( pPromptStruct ) { DerivedPromptStruct.hwndApp = pPromptStruct->hwndApp; DerivedPromptStruct.szPrompt = pPromptStruct->szPrompt; } else { DerivedPromptStruct.szPrompt = NULL; DerivedPromptStruct.hwndApp = NULL; }
// determine if UI is to be raised, and what type.
// only call UI function if prompt flags dictate, because we don't
// want to bring in cryptui.dll unless necessary.
if( ((DerivedPromptStruct.dwPromptFlags & CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPT_ON_UNPROTECT) || (DerivedPromptStruct.dwPromptFlags & CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPT_ON_PROTECT)) ) {
dwRetVal = I_CryptUIProtect( pDataIn, &DerivedPromptStruct, dwFlags, (PVOID*)&szDataDescr, FALSE, rgbPasswordHash );
// If UI dictated strong security, then supply the hash.
if( DerivedPromptStruct.dwPromptFlags & CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPT_STRONG ) { cbOptionalPassword = sizeof(rgbPasswordHash); pbOptionalPassword = rgbPasswordHash; }
} else { if( DerivedPromptStruct.dwPromptFlags & CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPT_STRONG ) { dwRetVal = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { dwRetVal = ERROR_SUCCESS; } }
// make the RPC call to attempt to unprotect the data.
if( dwRetVal == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if(pPromptStruct != NULL) { ZeroMemory(&PromptStruct, sizeof(PromptStruct)); PromptStruct.cbSize = sizeof(PromptStruct); PromptStruct.dwPromptFlags = pPromptStruct->dwPromptFlags; pLocalPromptStruct = &PromptStruct; }
dwRetVal = SSCryptUnprotectData( h, &pDataOut->pbData, &pDataOut->cbData, pDataIn->pbData, pDataIn->cbData, ppszDataDescr, (pOptionalEntropy) ? pOptionalEntropy->pbData : NULL, (pOptionalEntropy) ? pOptionalEntropy->cbData : 0, (GUID*)pvReserved, pLocalPromptStruct, dwFlags, pbOptionalPassword, cbOptionalPassword );
if( dwRetVal == ERROR_INVALID_DATA && DerivedPromptStruct.dwPromptFlags & CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPT_STRONG ) { //
// The data did not decrypt correctly, so warn the user that
// the password might have been entered incorrectly and let them
// try it again up to 3 times.
I_CryptUIProtectFailure( &DerivedPromptStruct, dwFlags, (PVOID*)&szDataDescr);
if( dwRetryCount++ < 3 ) { goto retry; } }
if(dwRetVal == ERROR_SUCCESS || dwRetVal == CRYPT_I_NEW_PROTECTION_REQUIRED) { if(pDataOut->cbData > 0) { NTSTATUS Status; DWORD cbPadding;
// Decrypt output buffer.
Status = RtlDecryptMemory(pDataOut->pbData, pDataOut->cbData, RTL_ENCRYPT_OPTION_SAME_LOGON); if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { dwRetVal = ERROR_DECRYPTION_FAILED; }
// Remove padding
if(dwRetVal == ERROR_SUCCESS) { cbPadding = pDataOut->pbData[pDataOut->cbData - 1];
if((cbPadding <= pDataOut->cbData) && (cbPadding <= RTL_ENCRYPT_MEMORY_SIZE)) { pDataOut->cbData -= cbPadding; } else { dwRetVal = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } } } } }
} __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { dwRetVal = GetExceptionCode(); }
ZeroMemory( rgbPasswordHash, sizeof(rgbPasswordHash) );
UnbindW(&pszBinding, &h);
if((dwFlags & CRYPTPROTECT_VERIFY_PROTECTION ) && ((CRYPT_I_NEW_PROTECTION_REQUIRED == dwRetVal) || (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwRetVal))) { SetLastError(dwRetVal); return TRUE; }
if(dwRetVal != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(dwRetVal); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
// on WinNT5, go to the shared services.exe RPC server
status = RpcStringBindingComposeW( NULL, (unsigned short*)DPAPI_LOCAL_PROT_SEQ, NULL, (unsigned short*)DPAPI_LOCAL_ENDPOINT, NULL, (unsigned short * *)pszBinding );
if (status) { return(status); }
status = RpcBindingFromStringBindingW((unsigned short *)*pszBinding, phBind);
return status; }
RPC_STATUS UnbindW(WCHAR **pszBinding, RPC_BINDING_HANDLE *phBind) { RPC_STATUS status;
status = RpcStringFreeW((unsigned short **)pszBinding);
if (status) { return(status); }
return RPC_S_OK; }
void __RPC_FAR * __RPC_API midl_user_allocate(size_t len) { return LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, len); }
void __RPC_API midl_user_free(void __RPC_FAR * ptr) { ZeroMemory(ptr, LocalSize( ptr )); LocalFree(ptr); }