Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 1999
Module Name:
This header file describes the miscellaneous services of the Calais Library.
Doug Barlow (dbarlow) 7/16/1996
Win32, C++ w/ Exceptions
#ifndef _CLBMISC_H_
#define _CLBMISC_H_
#define PLATFORM_WIN95 ((VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS << 16) + (4 << 8))
#define PLATFORM_WIN98 ((VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS << 16) + (4 << 8)) + 10
#define PLATFORM_WINNT40 ((VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT << 16) + (4 << 8))
#define PLATFORM_WINNT50 ((VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT << 16) + (5 << 8))
#define IsWinNT (VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT == (GetPlatform() >> 16))
// Miscellaneous definitions.
extern DWORD GetPlatform( // Get the current operating system.
extern int MemCompare( // Non CRTL memory compare routine.
extern DWORD MStrAdd( // Add an ANSI string to a multistring.
IN OUT CBuffer &bfMsz, IN LPCSTR szAdd); extern DWORD MStrAdd( // Add a wide string to a multistring.
IN OUT CBuffer &bfMsz, IN LPCWSTR szAdd);
extern DWORD MStrLen( // Return the length of an ANSI Multistring, in chars.
LPCSTR mszString); extern DWORD MStrLen( // Return the length of a wide Multistring, in chars.
LPCWSTR mszString);
extern LPCTSTR FirstString( // Return first string segment in a multistring.
IN LPCTSTR szMultiString);
extern LPCTSTR NextString( // Return next string segment in a multistring.
IN LPCTSTR szMultiString);
extern LPCTSTR StringIndex( // Return n'th string segment in a multistring.
IN LPCTSTR szMultiString, IN DWORD dwIndex);
extern DWORD MStringCount( LPCTSTR mszInString); // count strings in multistring
extern DWORD MStringSort( // Sort multistring, removing duplicates.
LPCTSTR mszInString, CBuffer &bfOutString);
extern DWORD MStringMerge( // Merge two multistrings, eliminating duplicates.
LPCTSTR mszOne, LPCTSTR mszTwo, CBuffer &bfOutString);
extern DWORD MStringCommon( // Get the intersection of two multistrings.
LPCTSTR mszOne, LPCTSTR mszTwo, CBuffer &bfOutString);
extern DWORD MStringRemove( // Remove 2nd string entries from 1st string.
LPCTSTR mszOne, LPCTSTR mszTwo, CBuffer &bfOutString);
extern BOOL ParseAtr( // Parse a smartcard ATR string.
LPCBYTE pbAtr, LPDWORD pdwAtrLen = NULL, LPDWORD pdwHistOffset = NULL, LPDWORD pcbHistory = NULL, DWORD cbMaxLen = 33);
extern BOOL AtrCompare( // Compare an ATR to an ATR/Mask pair.
LPCBYTE pbAtr1, LPCBYTE pbAtr2, LPCBYTE pbMask, // = NULL
DWORD cbAtr2); // = 0
extern DWORD MoveString( // Move an ANSI string into a buffer, converting to
CBuffer &bfDst, // TCHARs.
LPCSTR szSrc, DWORD dwLength = (DWORD)(-1));
extern DWORD MoveString( // Move a UNICODE string into a buffer, converting to
CBuffer &bfDst, // TCHARs.
LPCWSTR szSrc, DWORD dwLength = (DWORD)(-1));
extern DWORD MoveToAnsiString( // Move a string into a UNICODE buffer, converting from
LPSTR szDst, // TCHARs.
LPCTSTR szSrc, DWORD cchLength);
extern DWORD MoveToUnicodeString( // Move a string into an ANSI buffer, converting from
LPWSTR szDst, // TCHARs.
LPCTSTR szSrc, DWORD cchLength);
extern DWORD MoveToAnsiMultiString( // Move a multistring into an ANSI buffer, converting
LPSTR mszDst, // from TCHARs.
LPCTSTR mszSrc, DWORD cchLength);
extern DWORD MoveToUnicodeMultiString( // Move a multistring into a UNICODE buffer,
LPWSTR mszDst, // converting from TCHARs.
LPCTSTR mszSrc, DWORD cchLength);
extern LPCTSTR ErrorString( // Convert an error code into a string.
DWORD dwErrorCode);
extern void FreeErrorString( // Free the string returned from ErrorString.
LPCTSTR szErrorString);
extern DWORD SelectString( // Index a given string against a list of possible
LPCTSTR szSource, // strings. Last parameter is NULL.
extern void StringFromGuid( IN LPCGUID pguidResult, // GUID to convert to text
OUT LPTSTR szGuid); // 39+ character buffer to receive GUID as text.
// CErrorString
// A trivial class to simplify the use of the ErrorString service.
class CErrorString { public:
// Constructors & Destructor
CErrorString(DWORD dwError = 0) { m_szErrorString = NULL; SetError(dwError); };
~CErrorString() { FreeErrorString(m_szErrorString); };
// Properties
// Methods
void SetError(DWORD dwError) { m_dwError = dwError; };
LPCTSTR Value(void) { FreeErrorString(m_szErrorString); m_szErrorString = ErrorString(m_dwError); return m_szErrorString; };
// Operators
operator LPCTSTR(void) { return Value(); };
protected: // Properties
DWORD m_dwError; LPCTSTR m_szErrorString;
// Methods
#endif // _CLBMISC_H_