// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1998
// All rights reserved
// util.cxx
#include "fdeploy.hxx"
// Member: CCopyFailData::CCopyFailData
// Synopsis: constructor for the object that contains data about
// copy failures.
// Arguments: none.
// Returns: nothing.
// History: 1/25/2000 RahulTh created
// Notes:
CCopyFailData::CCopyFailData () : m_bCopyFailed (FALSE), m_dwSourceBufLen (0), m_pwszSourceName (NULL), m_dwDestBufLen (0), m_pwszDestName (NULL) { }
// Member: CCopyFailData::~CCopyFailData
// Synopsis: destructor for the object that contains data about the last
// copy failure
// Arguments: none.
// Returns: nothing.
// History: 1/25/2000 RahulTh created
// Notes:
CCopyFailData::~CCopyFailData () { if (m_dwSourceBufLen) delete [] m_pwszSourceName;
if (m_dwDestBufLen) delete [] m_pwszDestName; }
// Member: CCopyFailData::RegisterFailure
// Synopsis: registers information about a failed copy.
// Arguments: [in] pwszSource : the source file for the copy.
// [in] pwszDest : the destination file for the copy.
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS : on succesful registration.
// an error code otherwise.
// History: 1/25/2000 RahulTh created
// Notes: if another failure has already been registered in this
// object, it is not overwritten with the new info. We only
// keep track of the first failure. Since folder redirection
// anyway bails out on the first copy failure, we don't really
// expect this function to be called more than once.
DWORD CCopyFailData::RegisterFailure (LPCTSTR pwszSource, LPCTSTR pwszDest) { DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwFromLen = 0; DWORD dwToLen = 0;
//bail out if another copy failure has already been registered.
if (m_bCopyFailed) return dwStatus;
//first copy the source info.
dwFromLen = wcslen (pwszSource); if (dwFromLen >= m_dwSourceBufLen) { //we need a bigger buffer.
delete [] m_pwszSourceName; m_dwSourceBufLen = 0; m_pwszSourceName = new WCHAR [dwFromLen + 1]; if (m_pwszSourceName) m_dwSourceBufLen = dwFromLen + 1; else dwStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; } if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus) wcscpy (m_pwszSourceName, pwszSource);
//now copy the destination info.
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus) { dwToLen = wcslen (pwszDest); if (dwToLen >= m_dwDestBufLen) { //we need a bigger buffer
delete [] m_pwszDestName; m_dwDestBufLen = 0; m_pwszDestName = new WCHAR [dwToLen + 1]; if (m_pwszDestName) m_dwDestBufLen = dwToLen + 1; else dwStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus) wcscpy (m_pwszDestName, pwszDest);
//register the fact that the copy fail data has been
//successfully incorporated into the object
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus) m_bCopyFailed = TRUE;
return dwStatus; }
// Member: CCopyFailData::IsCopyFailure
// Synopsis: indicates if copy failure data exists within the object.
// Arguments: none.
// Returns: TRUE / FALSE : self-explanatory
// History: 1/25/2000 RahulTh created
// Notes:
BOOL CCopyFailData::IsCopyFailure (void) { return m_bCopyFailed; }
// Member: CCopyFailData::GetSourceName
// Synopsis: gets the name of the source file of the failed copy.
// Arguments: none.
// Returns: name of the source file of the failed copy.
// History: 1/25/2000 RahulTh created
// Notes: returns NULL if the data does not exist or if a
// copy failure has not been incorporated into the object
LPCTSTR CCopyFailData::GetSourceName (void) { if (! m_bCopyFailed) return NULL;
if (! m_dwSourceBufLen) return NULL;
return m_pwszSourceName; }
// Member: CCopyFailData::GetDestName
// Synopsis: gets the name of the destination file of the failed copy.
// Arguments: none.
// Returns: name of the destination file of the failed copy.
// History: 1/25/2000 RahulTh created
// Notes: returns NULL if the data does not exist or if a copy failure
// has not been incorporated into the object.
LPCTSTR CCopyFailData::GetDestName (void) { if (! m_bCopyFailed) return NULL;
if (! m_dwDestBufLen) return NULL;
return m_pwszDestName; }
// Function: IsOnNTFS
// Synopsis: this function determines whether a given file/folder lies
// on an NTFS volume or not.
// Arguments: [in] pwszPath : the full pathname of the file.
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS : if it is on NTFS
// other error codes if something goes wrong
// History: 9/4/1998 RahulTh created
// Notes:
// 1. the full pathname is required in order to determine
// if the file/folder is on an NTFS volume
// 2. If the file/folder lies on a network share, then the
// share must be online when this function is executed.
// if it is offline and CSC is turned on, then even NTFS
// volumes will show up as FAT volumes.
DWORD IsOnNTFS (const WCHAR* pwszPath) { WCHAR* szName = 0; DWORD Status; size_t len; BOOL bAddSlash = FALSE; BOOL bStatus; DWORD dwFlags; WCHAR* szLastSlash; WCHAR* pwszSuccess = NULL;
// Basic sanity checks
if (NULL == pwszPath || L'\0' == *pwszPath) { return ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME; } //GetVolumeInformation requires its 1st argument to be terminated by a slash
//so we first make sure that this is the case.
len = wcslen (pwszPath); if ('\\' != pwszPath[len-1]) { len++; bAddSlash = TRUE; }
szName = (WCHAR*) alloca ((len + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); if (0 == szName) return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY;
//obtain the absolute path
pwszSuccess = _wfullpath (szName, pwszPath, len + 1);
if (!pwszSuccess) { return ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME; //_wfullpath will very rarely fail, but
//never hurts to take precautions
if (bAddSlash) { szName[len] = '\0'; szName[len-1] = '\\'; } //now our path name is terminated by a slash, and we have the absolute path
//too, so we don't have to worry about errors generating from weird paths
//like \\server\share\hello\..\.\ etc...
for (szLastSlash = szName + len - 1;;) { bStatus = GetVolumeInformation (szName, 0, 0, 0, 0, &dwFlags, 0, 0); if (!bStatus) { Status = GetLastError(); if (ERROR_DIR_NOT_ROOT != Status) { return Status; }
//GetVolumeInformation requires that the path provided to it be
//the root of the volume. So if we are here, it means that the
//function returned ERROR_DIR_NOT_ROOT. So we remove the last
//component from the path and try with the smaller path. We repeat
//this until we either succeed or end up with no path in which
//case we return ERROR_INVALID_NAME
*szLastSlash = '\0'; szLastSlash = wcsrchr (szName, '\\'); if (NULL == szLastSlash) return ERROR_INVALID_NAME; //we have run out of components
else szLastSlash[1] = '\0'; //get rid of the last component.
} else break; }
if (dwFlags & FS_PERSISTENT_ACLS) return ERROR_SUCCESS; //NTFS supports persistent ACLs
//if we are here, then GetVolumeInformation succeeded, but the volume
//does not support persistent ACLs. So it must be a FAT volume.
// Function: ModifyAccessAllowedAceCounts
// Synopsis: given an ace, this function determines if the rights of this
// ace apply to the object itself, propogates to its container
// descendants and propogates to its non-container (or object)
// descendants. It increments one or more of the provided counts
// based on this.
// Arguments: [in] pAceHeader : pointer to the ACE header structure
// [in,out] pCount : pointer to count which is incremented if the
// ACE applies to the object on whose ACL it is
// found
// [in,out] pContainerCount : pointer to count which is incremented
// if the ACE propagates to all
// container descendants
// [in,out] pObjectCount : pointer to count which is incremented if
// the ACE propagates to all non-container
// descendants
// Returns: nothing
// History: 9/4/1998 RahulTh created
// Notes: inheritance of the ace is not counted if the
// NO_PROPAGATE_INHERIT_ACE flag is present.
void ModifyAccessAllowedAceCounts ( PACE_HEADER pAceHeader, LONG* pCount, LONG* pContainerCount, LONG* pObjectCount ) { if (! (INHERIT_ONLY_ACE & pAceHeader->AceFlags)) (*pCount)++;
if (NO_PROPAGATE_INHERIT_ACE & pAceHeader->AceFlags) return; //the rights of this Ace will not be propagated all the way
if (CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE & pAceHeader->AceFlags) (*pContainerCount)++;
if (OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE & pAceHeader->AceFlags) (*pObjectCount)++;
return; }
// Function: RestrictMyDocsRedirection
// Synopsis: Disables/Enables the ability of users to redirect the
// "My Documents" folder
// Arguments: [in] fRestrict : Disable if TRUE, Enable if FALSE
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS : on success
// *OR* other Win32 error codes based on the error that occurred
// History: 8/25/1998 RahulTh created
// Notes:
DWORD RestrictMyDocsRedirection ( HANDLE hToken, HKEY hKeyRoot, BOOL fRestrict ) { HKEY hkRoot; HANDLE hUserToken; HKEY hkPolicies; HKEY hkExplorer; DWORD Status;
hkRoot = hKeyRoot; hUserToken = hToken;
// This policies key is secured, so we must do this as LocalSystem.
Status = RegCreateKeyEx( hkRoot, L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies", 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hkPolicies, NULL );
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == Status ) { Status = RegCreateKeyEx( hkPolicies, L"Explorer", 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hkExplorer, NULL );
RegCloseKey( hkPolicies ); }
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == Status ) { if ( fRestrict ) { Status = RegSetValueEx( hkExplorer, L"DisablePersonalDirChange", 0, REG_DWORD, (PBYTE) &fRestrict, sizeof(fRestrict) ); } else { RegDeleteValue( hkExplorer, L"DisablePersonalDirChange" ); }
RegCloseKey( hkExplorer ); }
//now that the keys have been modified, return to impersonation.
if (!ImpersonateLoggedOnUser( hUserToken )) Status = GetLastError();
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == Status ) { if ( fRestrict ) { DebugMsg((DM_VERBOSE, IDS_MYDOCSRESTRICT_ON)); } else { DebugMsg((DM_VERBOSE, IDS_MYDOCSRESTRICT_OFF)); } }
return Status; }
// Function: GroupInList
// Synopsis: given a group sid in string format, and a list of group sids
// in PTOKEN_GROUPS format, this function figures out if the
// give sid belongs to that list
// Arguments: [in] pwszSid : the given sid in string format
// [in] PTOKEN_GROUPS : a list of group sids
// Returns: TRUE : if the group is found in the list
// FALSE : otherwise. FALSE is also returned if an error occurs
// History: 10/6/1998 RahulTh created
// Notes:
BOOL GroupInList (WCHAR * pwszSid, PTOKEN_GROUPS pGroups) { ASSERT (pwszSid);
PSID pSid = 0; DWORD Status; BOOL bStatus = FALSE; DWORD i;
//optimization for the basic case
if (0 == lstrcmpi (pwszSid, L"s-1-1-0")) //if the user is an earthling
{ bStatus = TRUE; goto GroupInListEnd; }
Status = AllocateAndInitSidFromString (pwszSid, &pSid);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != Status) goto GroupInListEnd;
for (i = 0, bStatus = FALSE; i < pGroups->GroupCount && !bStatus; i++ ) { bStatus = RtlEqualSid (pSid, pGroups->Groups[i].Sid); }
GroupInListEnd: if (pSid) RtlFreeSid (pSid); return bStatus; }
// Function: AllocateAndInitSidFromString
// Synopsis: given the string representation of a SID, this function
// allocate and initializes a SID which the string represents
// For more information on the string representation of SIDs
// refer to ntseapi.h & ntrtl.h
// Arguments: [in] lpszSidStr : the string representation of the SID
// [out] pSID : the actual SID structure created from the string
// Returns: STATUS_SUCCESS : if the sid structure was successfully created
// or an error code based on errors that might occur
// History: 10/6/1998 RahulTh created
// Notes:
NTSTATUS AllocateAndInitSidFromString (const WCHAR* lpszSidStr, PSID* ppSid) { WCHAR * pSidStr = 0; WCHAR* pString = 0; NTSTATUS Status; WCHAR* pEnd = 0; int count; BYTE SubAuthCount; DWORD SubAuths[8] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; ULONG n; SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY Auth;
pSidStr = new WCHAR [lstrlen (lpszSidStr) + 1]; if (!pSidStr) { Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; goto AllocAndInitSidFromStr_End; }
lstrcpy (pSidStr, lpszSidStr); pString = pSidStr; *ppSid = NULL;
count = 0; do { pString = wcschr (pString, '-'); if (NULL == pString) break; count++; pString++; } while (1);
SubAuthCount = (BYTE)(count - 2); if (0 > SubAuthCount || 8 < SubAuthCount) { Status = ERROR_INVALID_SID; goto AllocAndInitSidFromStr_End; }
pString = wcschr (pSidStr, L'-'); pString++; pString = wcschr (pString, L'-'); //ignore the revision #
pString++; pEnd = wcschr (pString, L'-'); //go to the beginning of subauths.
if (NULL != pEnd) *pEnd = L'\0';
Status = LoadSidAuthFromString (pString, &Auth);
if (STATUS_SUCCESS != Status) goto AllocAndInitSidFromStr_End;
for (count = 0; count < SubAuthCount; count++) { pString = pEnd + 1; pEnd = wcschr (pString, L'-'); if (pEnd) *pEnd = L'\0'; Status = GetIntFromUnicodeString (pString, 10, &n); if (STATUS_SUCCESS != Status) goto AllocAndInitSidFromStr_End; SubAuths[count] = n; }
Status = RtlAllocateAndInitializeSid (&Auth, SubAuthCount, SubAuths[0], SubAuths[1], SubAuths[2], SubAuths[3], SubAuths[4], SubAuths[5], SubAuths[6], SubAuths[7], ppSid);
AllocAndInitSidFromStr_End: if (pSidStr) delete [] pSidStr; return Status; }
// Function: LoadSidAuthFromString
// Synopsis: given a string representing the SID authority (as it is
// normally represented in string format, fill the SID_AUTH..
// structure. For more details on the format of the string
// representation of the sid authority, refer to ntseapi.h and
// ntrtl.h
// Arguments: [in] pString : pointer to the unicode string
// [out] pSidAuth : pointer to the SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTH.. that is
// desired
// Returns: STATUS_SUCCESS if it succeeds
// or an error code
// History: 9/29/1998 RahulTh created
// Notes:
NTSTATUS LoadSidAuthFromString (const WCHAR* pString, PSID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY pSidAuth) { size_t len; int i; NTSTATUS Status; const ULONG LowByteMask = 0xFF; ULONG n;
len = wcslen (pString);
if (len > 2 && 'x' == pString[1]) { //this is in hex.
//so we must have exactly 14 characters
//(2 each for each of the 6 bytes) + 2 for the leading 0x
if (14 != len) { Status = ERROR_INVALID_SID; goto LoadAuthEnd; }
for (i=0; i < 6; i++) { pString += 2; //we need to skip the leading 0x
pSidAuth->Value[i] = (UCHAR)(((pString[0] - L'0') << 4) + (pString[1] - L'0')); } } else { //this is in decimal
Status = GetIntFromUnicodeString (pString, 10, &n); if (Status != STATUS_SUCCESS) goto LoadAuthEnd;
pSidAuth->Value[0] = pSidAuth->Value[1] = 0; for (i = 5; i >=2; i--, n>>=8) pSidAuth->Value[i] = (UCHAR)(n & LowByteMask); }
LoadAuthEnd: return Status; }
// Function: GetIntfromUnicodeString
// Synopsis: converts a unicode string into an integer
// Arguments: [in] szNum : the number represented as a unicode string
// [in] Base : the base in which the resultant int is desired
// [out] pValue : pointer to the integer representation of the
// number
// Returns: STATUS_SUCCESS if successful.
// or some other error code
// History: 9/29/1998 RahulTh created
// Notes:
NTSTATUS GetIntFromUnicodeString (const WCHAR* szNum, ULONG Base, PULONG pValue) { WCHAR * pwszNumStr = 0; UNICODE_STRING StringW; size_t len; NTSTATUS Status;
len = lstrlen (szNum); pwszNumStr = new WCHAR [len + 1];
if (!pwszNumStr) { Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; goto GetNumEnd; }
lstrcpy (pwszNumStr, szNum); StringW.Length = len * sizeof(WCHAR); StringW.MaximumLength = StringW.Length + sizeof (WCHAR); StringW.Buffer = pwszNumStr;
Status = RtlUnicodeStringToInteger (&StringW, Base, pValue);
GetNumEnd: if (pwszNumStr) delete [] pwszNumStr; return Status; }
// Function: CopyProgressRoutine
// Synopsis: this is a callback function for PrivCopyFileExW. It is used
// to track errors that are considered fatal by the folder
// redirection client. In many cases, PrivCopyFileExW will succeed
// even if a certain operation like encryption fails. The only
// way a calling prgram can find out about this is through this
// callback function by looking at the reason for the callback.
// currently, the only 3 reasons that are considered fatal for
// either not occur, or can be safely ignored.
// The data passed via lpData is actually a pointer to a DWORD
// that this callback function uses to store an error code if one
// occurs.
// Arguments: see sdk help on CopyProgressRoutine
// Returns: see sdk help on CopyProgressRoutine
// History: 10/21/1998 RahulTh created
// Notes:
DWORD CALLBACK CopyProgressRoutine ( LARGE_INTEGER TotalFileSize, LARGE_INTEGER TotalBytesTransferred, LARGE_INTEGER StreamSize, LARGE_INTEGER StreamBytesTransferred, DWORD dwStreamNumber, DWORD dwCallbackReason, HANDLE hSourceFile, HANDLE hDestinationFile, LPVOID lpData ) { LPDWORD lpStatus = (LPDWORD) lpData;
//an error condition has already been registered. No need to invoke
//this callback again
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != *lpStatus) return PROGRESS_QUIET;
switch (dwCallbackReason) { case PRIVCALLBACK_ENCRYPTION_FAILED: *lpStatus = ERROR_ENCRYPTION_FAILED; return PROGRESS_CANCEL; //no point continuing. we have already failed
case PRIVCALLBACK_OWNER_GROUP_ACCESS_DENIED: *lpStatus = ERROR_INVALID_OWNER; return PROGRESS_CANCEL; default: return PROGRESS_CONTINUE; //all other conditions can be safely ignored
} }
// Function: FullFileCopyW
// Synopsis: this function makes use of the internal API PrivCopyFileExW
// to copy not only the contents of a file but also metadata
// like encryption, compression and DACL
// This function also imposes limits on the lengths of the files
// that can be copied. Anything longer than MAX_PATH is disallowed
// because the shell cannot gracefully handle such paths and we
// don't want to create problems for the user by redirecting their
// files to paths that explorer cannot get to.
// Arguments: [in] wszSource : the path of the source file.
// [in] wszDest : the path of the destination file.
// [in] bFailIfExists : whether the function should fail if
// the destination exists
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS : if successful
// ERROR_ENCRYPTION_FAILED : if the source is encrypted and
// the destination cannot be encrypted
// ERROR_INVALID_SECURITY_DESCR: if the DACL of the source cannot
// be copied over to the destination
// exists and bFailIfExists is TRUE
// ERROR_INVALID_OWNER : if the owner info. cannot be copied
// or other error codes.
// ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE : if the filename is longer than MAX_PATH.
// History: 10/22/1998 RahulTh created
// 12/13/2000 RahulTh added length limitations
// Notes:
DWORD FullFileCopyW ( const WCHAR* wszSource, const WCHAR* wszDest, BOOL bFailIfExists ) { DWORD Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwFlags = PRIVCOPY_FILE_METADATA | PRIVCOPY_FILE_OWNER_GROUP; BOOL bCancel = FALSE; BOOL bStatus; int lenSource = 0; int lenDest = 0; if (bFailIfExists) dwFlags |= COPY_FILE_FAIL_IF_EXISTS;
if (! wszSource) lenSource = wcslen (wszSource); if (! wszDest) lenDest = wcslen (wszDest); //
// Prevent copying of files longer than MAX_PATH characters. This limitation
// needs to be added because the shell cannot handle paths longer than
// MAX_PATH gracefully and we don't want to land the users into trouble by
// creating files / folder that they cannot get to via explorer.
if (lenDest >= MAX_PATH || lenSource >= MAX_PATH) return ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE;
bStatus = PrivCopyFileExW (wszSource, wszDest, (LPPROGRESS_ROUTINE) CopyProgressRoutine, (LPVOID) &Status, &bCancel, dwFlags );
//get the last error if PrivCopyFileExW failed
//and the callback function has not already registered a fatal error
if ((ERROR_SUCCESS == Status) && (!bStatus)) Status = GetLastError();
return Status; }
// Function: FullDirCopyW
// Synopsis: creates a directory using the new PrivCopyFileExW so that
// all the file metadata and ownership information is retained
// This function also imposes limits on the lengths of the folders
// that can be copied. Anything longer than MAX_PATH is disallowed
// because the shell cannot gracefully handle such paths and we
// don't want to create problems for the user by redirecting their
// files to paths that explorer cannot get to.
// Arguments: [in] pwszSource : the full path of the source directory
// [in] pwszDest : the full path of the destination directory
// [in] bSkipDacl : Skip DACL copying.
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS : if the copy was successful
// ERROR_INVALID_SECURITY_DESCR : if the DACL could not be applied
// ERROR_INVALID_OWNER : if the owner information could not be copied
// ERROR_ENCRYPTION_FAILED : if the encryption info. could not be copied
// or other error codes if some other error occurs
// ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE : if the filename is longer than MAX_PATH.
// History: 11/5/1998 RahulTh created
// 12/13/2000 RahulTh added length limitations
// 5/2/2002 RahulTh added the skip DACL flag
// Notes: Essentially the same as FullFileCopyW, but we have an extra
// attribute to indicate that we are trying to copy a directory
// Also, the FAIL_IF_EXSTS flag doesn't have any significance
// when we are trying to copy directories, so that is something
// we do not need here.
DWORD FullDirCopyW (const WCHAR* pwszSource, const WCHAR* pwszDest, BOOL bSkipDacl) { DWORD Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwFlags = PRIVCOPY_FILE_METADATA | PRIVCOPY_FILE_OWNER_GROUP | PRIVCOPY_FILE_DIRECTORY; BOOL bCancel = FALSE; BOOL bStatus = TRUE; int lenSource = 0; int lenDest = 0; if (! pwszSource) lenSource = wcslen (pwszSource); if (! pwszDest) lenDest = wcslen (pwszDest); //
// Prevent copying of files longer than MAX_PATH characters. This limitation
// needs to be added because the shell cannot handle paths longer than
// MAX_PATH gracefully and we don't want to land the users into trouble by
// creating files / folder that they cannot get to via explorer.
if (lenDest >= MAX_PATH || lenSource >= MAX_PATH) return ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE;
if (bSkipDacl) dwFlags |= PRIVCOPY_FILE_SKIP_DACL;
bStatus = PrivCopyFileExW (pwszSource, pwszDest, (LPPROGRESS_ROUTINE) CopyProgressRoutine, (LPVOID) &Status, &bCancel, dwFlags );
//get the last error if PrivCopyFileExW failed
//and the callback function has not already registered a fatal error
if ((ERROR_SUCCESS == Status) && (!bStatus)) Status = GetLastError();
return Status; }
// Function: FileInDir
// Synopsis: given a file and a directory, this function determines if
// a file with the same name exists in the given directory.
// Arguments: [in] pwszFile : the name of the file : it can be the full path
// [in] pwszDir : the directory for which the check needs to be
// performed
// [out] pExists : if the function succeeds, this will contain
// the result. TRUE if the file is present in the
// directory. FALSE otherwise.
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS : if it is successful
// ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY : if it runs out of memory
// ERROR_BAD_NETPATH : if the network path for the given directory
// cannot be found
// History: 10/28/1998 RahulTh created
// Notes: pwszDir MUST BE \ terminated
DWORD FileInDir (LPCWSTR pwszFile, LPCWSTR pwszDir, BOOL* pExists) { const WCHAR* pwszFileName = NULL; WCHAR* pwszDestName = NULL; int len;
//first get the display name of the source file
pwszFileName = wcsrchr (pwszFile, L'\\'); if (!pwszFileName) pwszFileName = pwszFile; else pwszFileName++; //go past the slash
//the dir should be \ terminated
len = wcslen (pwszFile) + wcslen (pwszDir) + 1; pwszDestName = (WCHAR*) alloca (sizeof (WCHAR) * len); if (!pwszDestName) return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY;
wcscpy (pwszDestName, pwszDir); wcscat (pwszDestName, pwszFileName);
if (0xFFFFFFFF == GetFileAttributes(pwszDestName)) { //return an error if it is a bad network name. Saves us the trouble
//of trying to redirect to a non-existent location later
if (ERROR_BAD_NETPATH == GetLastError()) return ERROR_BAD_NETPATH; else *pExists = FALSE; } else *pExists = TRUE;
// Function: ComparePaths
// Synopsis: given 2 paths, this function compares them to check if
// they are identical or if one is a descendant of the other
// or if no such relationship can be deduced
// Arguments: [in] pwszSource : the first path
// [in] pwszDest : the second path
// [out] pResult : the result of the comparison if the function
// succeeds in comparing the paths.
// value of pResult may contain the following values upon
// successful completion.
// 0 : if the 2 paths are identical
// -1 : if the second path is a descendant of the first
// 1 : if no such relationship can be deduced
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS : if the function succeeds in comparing the paths
// other error codes depending on the failure
// History: 10/28/1998 RahulTh created
// Notes: the result of the comparison is unreliable if the paths are
// expressed in different formats, e.g. TCP/IP, UNC, NetBios etc.
DWORD ComparePaths (LPCWSTR pwszSource, LPCWSTR pwszDest, int* pResult) { DWORD Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; BOOL bStatus; WCHAR* pwszAbsSource = NULL; WCHAR* pwszAbsDest = NULL; int lSource, lDest; WCHAR* pwszSuccess = NULL;
ASSERT (pResult); //first allocate memory for the absolute paths.
//since the arguments to this function are full pathnames
//the lengths of the absolute paths cannot exceed the length of
//the parameters
//add an extra character because we will add a \ to the end of the abs. path
lSource = wcslen (pwszSource) + 2; pwszAbsSource = (WCHAR*) alloca (sizeof(WCHAR) * lSource); if (!pwszAbsSource) { Status = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto ComparePathsEnd; } //add an extra character because we will add a \ to the end of the abs. path
lDest = wcslen (pwszDest) + 2; pwszAbsDest = (WCHAR*) alloca (sizeof(WCHAR) * lDest); if (!pwszAbsDest) { Status = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto ComparePathsEnd; }
//first get the absolute paths. after that we will just work with the
//absolute paths.
//note: we need the absolute paths so that we can can check if one path
//is a descendant of the other path by just using wcsncmp. without absolute
//paths, wcsncmp cannot be used because we can have 2 paths like
//\\server\share\hello\there and \\server\share\hello\..\hello\there\hi
//in this case the second path is actually a descendant of the first, but
//wcsncmp cannot detect that. getting the absolute paths will eliminate
//the .., . etc.
//also we must terminate the absolute paths with \, so that wcsncmp does
//not mistakenly think that \\server\share\hellofubar is a descendant
//of \\server\share\hello
pwszSuccess = _wfullpath (pwszAbsSource, pwszSource, lSource); if (!pwszSuccess) { Status = ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME; goto ComparePathsEnd; } pwszSuccess = _wfullpath (pwszAbsDest, pwszDest, lDest); if (!pwszSuccess) { Status = ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME; goto ComparePathsEnd; }
//update the lengths with the actual lengths of the absolute paths
//not including the terminating null character
lSource = wcslen (pwszAbsSource); lDest = wcslen (pwszAbsDest);
//terminate the absolute paths with '\' if necessary. also make
//the appropriate changes to the lengths
if (L'\\' != pwszAbsSource[lSource - 1]) { wcscat (pwszAbsSource, L"\\"); //we won't run out of space here
//because of the extra character allocation
lSource++; } if (L'\\' != pwszAbsDest[lDest - 1]) { wcscat (pwszAbsDest, L"\\"); //won't run out of space here because
//of the extra allocation above
lDest++; }
//now we are all set (finally!) to perform the comparisons
//first do a simple check of whether the paths are identical
if ((lSource == lDest) && (0 == _wcsicmp (pwszAbsSource, pwszAbsDest))) { *pResult = 0; goto ComparePathsSuccess; }
//check for recursion
if ((lDest > lSource) && (0 == _wcsnicmp (pwszAbsSource, pwszAbsDest, lSource))) { *pResult = -1; goto ComparePathsSuccess; }
//if we are here, these paths are not identical...
*pResult = 1;
ComparePathsSuccess: Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto ComparePathsEnd;
ComparePathsEnd: return Status; }
// Function: CheckIdenticalSpecial
// Synopsis: given 2 paths, this function determines if they are actually
// the same path expressed in 2 different formats
// Arguments: [in] pwszSource : path #1
// [in] pwszDest : path #2
// [out] pResult : result of the comparison
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS if the function could perform the comparison
// in this case *pResult will contain the result of comparison
// Other win32 errors, in which case *pResult should not be used
// by the calling function
// History: 12/1/1998 RahulTh created
// Notes: this function expects both pwszSource and pwszDest to exist and
// be online when it is called.
DWORD CheckIdenticalSpecial (LPCWSTR pwszSource, LPCWSTR pwszDest, int* pResult) { ASSERT (pResult);
BOOL bStatus; DWORD Status; BOOL bTempFileCreated = FALSE; WCHAR * pwszTempPath; UINT lUnique = 0; BOOL bFileExists; WCHAR * pwszSlashTerminatedDest; int lDest;
//first append a \ to pwszDest if it is not already \ terminated
//allocate an extra characted just in case we need it
pwszSlashTerminatedDest = (WCHAR *) alloca (sizeof (WCHAR) * ((lDest = wcslen(pwszDest)) + 2));
if (!pwszSlashTerminatedDest) { Status = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto CheckIdenticalEnd; }
wcscpy (pwszSlashTerminatedDest, pwszDest); if (L'\\' != pwszSlashTerminatedDest[lDest - 1]) { wcscat (pwszSlashTerminatedDest, L"\\"); lDest++; }
pwszTempPath = (WCHAR*) alloca (sizeof (WCHAR) * (MAX_PATH + wcslen(pwszSource) + 2)); if (!pwszTempPath) { Status = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto CheckIdenticalEnd; }
if (0 == (lUnique = GetTempFileName(pwszSource, L"fde", 0, pwszTempPath))) { //a failure to create the temporary file would mean that the source
//and destination paths are different...
*pResult = 1; goto CheckIdenticalSuccess; }
//now we have created a temporary file,
bTempFileCreated = TRUE;
//check if it exists on the destination
//note: FileInDir requires that the path in the second parameter is
// slash terminated.
Status = FileInDir (pwszTempPath, pwszSlashTerminatedDest, &bFileExists);
if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto CheckIdenticalEnd;
//if the file does not exist at the destination, we know that these 2 paths
//are different. However, if the file does exist at the destination, we
//need to watch out for the rare case that the file existed even before we
//we created the temp file at the source. To do this, we must delete the
//temp file from the source and make sure that it has indeed disappeared
//from the destination
if (!bFileExists) { *pResult = 1; } else { if (!DeleteFile(pwszTempPath)) goto CheckIdenticalErr;
//the file has been deleted
bTempFileCreated = FALSE; //make sure that it has disappeared from the destination
Status = FileInDir (pwszTempPath, pwszSlashTerminatedDest, &bFileExists);
if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto CheckIdenticalEnd;
if (bFileExists) { *pResult = 1; //by some quirk of fate, a file by the same name as
//the tempfile preexisted on the destination, so
//in reality they are not the same share.
} else { //the file has disappeared from the dest. this means that it was
//indeed the same share
*pResult = 0; } }
CheckIdenticalSuccess: Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto CheckIdenticalEnd;
CheckIdenticalErr: Status = GetLastError();
CheckIdenticalEnd: if (bTempFileCreated) DeleteFile (pwszTempPath); //ignore any errors here.
return Status; }
// CheckSlash()
// Purpose: Checks for an ending slash and adds one if
// it is missing.
// Parameters: lpDir - directory
// Return: Pointer to the end of the string
// Comments:
// History: Date Author Comment
// 6/19/95 ericflo Created
LPTSTR CheckSlash (LPTSTR lpDir) { LPTSTR lpEnd;
lpEnd = lpDir + lstrlen(lpDir);
if (*(lpEnd - 1) != TEXT('\\')) { *lpEnd = TEXT('\\'); lpEnd++; *lpEnd = TEXT('\0'); }
return lpEnd; }
// RegDelnodeRecurse()
// Purpose: Deletes a registry key and all it's subkeys / values.
// Called by RegDelnode
// Parameters: hKeyRoot - Root key
// lpSubKey - SubKey to delete
// Return: TRUE if successful
// FALSE if an error occurs
// Comments:
// History: Date Author Comment
// 10/3/95 EricFlo Created
// 11/5/98 RahulTh Copied from EricFlo's code
BOOL RegDelnodeRecurse (HKEY hKeyRoot, LPTSTR lpSubKey) { LPTSTR lpEnd; LONG lResult; DWORD dwSize; TCHAR szName[MAX_PATH]; HKEY hKey; FILETIME ftWrite;
// First, see if we can delete the key without having
// to recurse.
lResult = RegDeleteKey(hKeyRoot, lpSubKey);
if (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) { return TRUE; }
lResult = RegOpenKeyEx (hKeyRoot, lpSubKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey);
if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return FALSE; }
lpEnd = CheckSlash(lpSubKey);
// Enumerate the keys
dwSize = MAX_PATH; lResult = RegEnumKeyEx(hKey, 0, szName, &dwSize, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ftWrite);
if (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
do {
lstrcpy (lpEnd, szName);
if (!RegDelnodeRecurse(hKeyRoot, lpSubKey)) { break; }
// Enumerate again
dwSize = MAX_PATH;
lResult = RegEnumKeyEx(hKey, 0, szName, &dwSize, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ftWrite);
} while (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS); }
lpEnd--; *lpEnd = TEXT('\0');
RegCloseKey (hKey);
// Try again to delete the key
lResult = RegDeleteKey(hKeyRoot, lpSubKey);
if (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) { return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// RegDelnode()
// Purpose: Deletes a registry key and all it's subkeys / values
// Parameters: hKeyRoot - Root key
// lpSubKey - SubKey to delete
// Return: TRUE if successful
// FALSE if an error occurs
// Comments:
// History: Date Author Comment
// 10/3/95 ericflo Created
// 11/8/98 RahulTh Copied from EricFlo's code
BOOL RegDelnode (HKEY hKeyRoot, LPTSTR lpSubKey) { TCHAR szDelKey[2 * MAX_PATH];
lstrcpy (szDelKey, lpSubKey);
return RegDelnodeRecurse(hKeyRoot, szDelKey);
// Function: GetSetOwnerPrivileges
// Synopsis: tries to get privileges to set ownership
// Arguments: [in] hToken : handle to the token for which we are trying to
// obtain the privileges
// Returns: nothing
// History: 11/6/1998 RahulTh created
// Notes: this function never fails. It just tries its best to get all
// NT privileges. It is not guaranteed that it will get all of
// them, as it depends on the user's rights
void GetSetOwnerPrivileges (HANDLE hToken) { BOOL bStatus; DWORD Status; DWORD Size = 0; DWORD i; DWORD privCount; PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES pPrivs = NULL;
//try to get all the windows NT privileges.
for (i=0, privCount=0; *NTPrivs[i]; i++) privCount++;
Size = sizeof (LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES) * (privCount - 1) + sizeof (TOKEN_PRIVILEGES);
pPrivs = (PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES) alloca (Size);
if (NULL == pPrivs) goto GetAllPrivsEnd;
for (i=0, privCount = 0; *NTPrivs[i]; i++) { bStatus = LookupPrivilegeValue (NULL, NTPrivs[i], &(pPrivs->Privileges[privCount].Luid)); if (!bStatus) continue;
pPrivs->Privileges[privCount++].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; } pPrivs->PrivilegeCount = privCount;
AdjustTokenPrivileges (hToken, FALSE, pPrivs, NULL, NULL, NULL );
GetAllPrivsEnd: return; }
// Function: SafeGetPrivateProfileStringW
// Synopsis: a wrapper for GetPrivateProfileString which takes care of
// all the error checks etc. so that functions that call
// this routine won't have to do it.
// Arguments: very similar to GetPrivateProfileStringW
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS if successful. An error code otherwise
// Also, upon successful return *pSize contains the size of
// the data copied -- not including the terminating NULL
// probably the only Error code this will ever return is
// History: 11/19/1998 RahulTh created
// 12/13/2000 RahulTh made prefix happy by initializing vars.
// which anyway get set by GetPrivateProfileString
// Notes: if *ppwszReturnedString has been allocated memory, it might
// get freed by this function
// this function also allocates memory for the data
DWORD SafeGetPrivateProfileStringW ( const WCHAR * pwszSection, const WCHAR * pwszKey, const WCHAR * pwszDefault, WCHAR ** ppwszReturnedString, DWORD * pSize, const WCHAR * pwszIniFile ) { DWORD Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD retVal;
*pSize = MAX_PATH; do { if (*ppwszReturnedString) delete [] *ppwszReturnedString;
*ppwszReturnedString = new WCHAR [*pSize];
if (!(*ppwszReturnedString)) { Status = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; *pSize = 0; goto SafeGetEnd; } (*ppwszReturnedString)[0] = L'*'; (*ppwszReturnedString)[1] = L'\0';
retVal = GetPrivateProfileString ( pwszSection, pwszKey, pwszDefault, *ppwszReturnedString, *pSize, pwszIniFile );
if (*pSize - 1 != retVal) { *pSize = retVal; break; }
//if we are here, we need more memory
//try with twice of what we had
*pSize = (*pSize) * 2;
} while ( TRUE );
SafeGetEnd: return Status; }
// Function: MySidCopy
// Synopsis: copies sids and also allocates memory for the destination Sid
// Arguments: [out] ppDestSid : pointer the destination Sid;
// [in] pSourceSid : the source Sid
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS if successful. an error code otherwise
// History: 11/20/1998 RahulTh created
// Notes:
DWORD MySidCopy (PSID * ppDestSid, PSID pSourceSid) { DWORD Status; ULONG Size = 0;
*ppDestSid = 0;
if (!pSourceSid) return ERROR_SUCCESS;
Size = RtlLengthSid (pSourceSid);
if (!Size) return ERROR_SUCCESS;
*ppDestSid = (PSID) new BYTE [Size];
if (! (*ppDestSid)) return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY;
return RtlCopySid (Size, *ppDestSid, pSourceSid); }
// Function: GetShareStatus
// Synopsis: this function is a wrapper for CSCQueryFileStatus.
// basically CSCQueryFileStatus can fail if there was never a net
// use to a share. So this function tries to create a net use to
// the share if CSCQueryFileStatus fails and then re-queries the
// file status
// Arguments: [in] pwszShare : the share name
// [out] pdwStatus : the share Status
// [out] pdwPinCount : the pin count
// [out] pdwHints : the hints
// Returns: TRUE : if everything was successful.
// FALSE : if there was an error. In this case, it GetLastError()
// will contain the specific error code.
// History: 5/11/1999 RahulTh created
// Notes: it is very important that this function be passed a share name
// it does not do any parameter validation. So under no
// circumstance should this function be passed a filename.
BOOL GetShareStatus (const WCHAR * pwszShare, DWORD * pdwStatus, DWORD * pdwPinCount, DWORD * pdwHints) { NETRESOURCE nr; DWORD dwResult; DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR; BOOL bStatus;
bStatus = CSCQueryFileStatus(pwszShare, pdwStatus, pdwPinCount, pdwHints);
if (!bStatus) { //try to connect to the share
ZeroMemory ((PVOID) (&nr), sizeof (NETRESOURCE)); nr.dwType = RESOURCETYPE_DISK; nr.lpLocalName = NULL; nr.lpRemoteName = (LPTSTR) pwszShare; nr.lpProvider = NULL;
dwErr = WNetUseConnection(NULL, &nr, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, &dwResult);
if (NO_ERROR == dwErr) { bStatus = CSCQueryFileStatus (pwszShare, pdwStatus, pdwPinCount, pdwHints); if (!bStatus) dwErr = GetLastError(); else dwErr = NO_ERROR;
WNetCancelConnection2 (pwszShare, 0, FALSE); } else { bStatus = FALSE; }
SetLastError(dwErr); return bStatus; }
// Function: GetCSCStatus
// Synopsis: given a path, finds out if it is local and if it is not
// whether it is online or offline.
// Arguments: [in] pwszPath : the path to the file
// Returns: Local/Online/Offline
// History: 11/20/1998 RahulTh created
// Notes: it is important that the path passed to this function is a
// a full path and not a relative path
// this function will return offline if the share is not live or
// if the share is live but CSC thinks that it is offline
// it will return PathLocal if the path is local or if the path
// is a network path that cannot be handled by CSC e.g. a network
// share with a pathname longer than what csc can handle or if it
// is a netware share. in this case it makes sense to return
// PathLocal because CSC won't maintain a database for these shares
// -- same as for a local path. so as far as CSC is concerned, this
// is as good as a local path.
SHARESTATUS GetCSCStatus (const WCHAR * pwszPath) { WCHAR * pwszAbsPath = NULL; WCHAR * pwszCurr = NULL; int len; BOOL bRetVal; DWORD Status; DWORD dwPinCount; DWORD dwHints;
if (!pwszPath) return ShareOffline; //a path must be provided
len = wcslen (pwszPath);
pwszAbsPath = (WCHAR *) alloca (sizeof (WCHAR) * (len + 1));
if (!pwszAbsPath) { //we are out of memory, so it is safest to return ShareOffline
//so that we can bail out of redirection.
return ShareOffline; }
//get the absolute path
pwszCurr = _wfullpath (pwszAbsPath, pwszPath, len + 1);
if (!pwszCurr) { //in order for _wfullpath to fail, something really bad has to happen
//so it is best to return ShareOffline so that we can bail out of
return ShareOffline; }
len = wcslen (pwszAbsPath);
if (! ( (2 <= len) && (L'\\' == pwszAbsPath[0]) && (L'\\' == pwszAbsPath[1]) ) ) { //it is a local path if it does not begin with 2 backslashes
return PathLocal; }
//this is a UNC path; so extract the \\server\share part
pwszCurr = wcschr ( & (pwszAbsPath[2]), L'\\');
//first make sure that it is at least of the form \\server\share
//watch out for the \\server\ case
if (!pwszCurr || !pwszCurr[1]) return ShareOffline; //it is an invalid path (no share name)
//the path is of the form \\server\share
//note: the use _wfullpath automatically protects us against the \\server\\ case
pwszCurr = wcschr (&(pwszCurr[1]), L'\\'); if (pwszCurr) //if it is of the form \\server\share\...
*pwszCurr = L'\0';
//now pwszAbsPath is a share name
bRetVal = CSCCheckShareOnline (pwszAbsPath);
if (!bRetVal) { if (!g_bCSCEnabled) { //CSC has not been enabled on this machine, so the fact that
//CSC check share online failed means that the share is indeed
return ShareOffline; } if (ERROR_SUCCESS != GetLastError()) { //either there is really a problem (e.g. invalid share name) or
//it is just a share that is not handled by CSC e.g. a netware share
//or a share with a name that is longer than can be handled by CSC
//so check if the share actually exists
if (0xFFFFFFFF != GetFileAttributes(pwszAbsPath)) { //this can still be a share that is offline since GetFileAttributes
//will return the attributes stored in the cache
Status = 0; bRetVal = GetShareStatus (pwszAbsPath, &Status, &dwPinCount, &dwHints); if (! bRetVal || (! (FLAG_CSC_SHARE_STATUS_DISCONNECTED_OP & Status))) return PathLocal; //this is simply a valid path that CSC cannot handle
else if (bRetVal && (FLAG_CSC_SHARE_STATUS_NO_CACHING == (FLAG_CSC_SHARE_STATUS_CACHING_MASK & Status))) return PathLocal; //CSC caching is not turned on for the share.
} }
//it is indeed an inaccessble share
return ShareOffline; //for all other cases, treat this as offline
} else { if (!g_bCSCEnabled) { //CSC has not been enabled on this machine, so the fact that
//CSCCheckShareOnline succeed means that the share is indeed
//accessible. Since nothing can be cached, we must return
//PathLocal here.
return PathLocal; } //if we are here, it means that the share is live, but CSC might still
//think that it is offline.
Status = 0; bRetVal = GetShareStatus (pwszAbsPath, &Status, &dwPinCount, &dwHints); if (bRetVal && (FLAG_CSC_SHARE_STATUS_DISCONNECTED_OP & Status)) return ShareOffline; //CSC thinks that the share is offline
else if (bRetVal && (FLAG_CSC_SHARE_STATUS_NO_CACHING == (FLAG_CSC_SHARE_STATUS_CACHING_MASK & Status))) return PathLocal; //CSC caching is not turned on for the share
else if (!bRetVal) return ShareOffline;
//in all other cases, consider the share as online since
//CSCCheckShareOnline has already returned TRUE
return ShareOnline; } }
// Function: MoveDirInCSC
// Synopsis: this function moves a directory within the CSC cache without
// prejudice. If the destination is a local path, it just deletes
// the source tree from the cache
// Arguments: [in] pwszSource : the source path
// [in] pwszDest : the dest path
// [in] pwszSkipSubdir : the directory to skip while moving
// [in] StatusFrom : the CSC status of the source path
// [in] StatusTo : the CSC status of the dest. path
// [in] bAllowRdrTimeout : if stuff needs to be deleted from the
// cache, we may not succeed immediately since
// the rdr keeps the handles to recently opened
// files open. This paramaters tells the function
// whether it needs to wait and retry
// Returns: nothing. it just tries its best.
// History: 11/21/1998 RahulTh created
// Notes: the value of bAllowRdrTimeout is always ignored for the
// in-cache rename operation. we always want to wait for
// the timeout.
void MoveDirInCSC (const WCHAR * pwszSource, const WCHAR * pwszDest, const WCHAR * pwszSkipSubdir, SHARESTATUS StatusFrom, SHARESTATUS StatusTo, BOOL bAllowRdrTimeoutForDel, BOOL bAllowRdrTimeoutForRen) { WIN32_FIND_DATA findData; DWORD dwFileStatus; DWORD dwPinCount; HANDLE hCSCFind; DWORD dwHintFlags; FILETIME origTime; WCHAR * pwszPath; WCHAR * pwszEnd; int len; DWORD StatusCSCRen = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if (!g_bCSCEnabled || PathLocal == StatusFrom) return; //there is nothing to do. nothing was cached.
if (PathLocal == StatusTo) { //the destination is a local path, so we should just delete the
//files from the source
DeleteCSCFileTree (pwszSource, pwszSkipSubdir, bAllowRdrTimeoutForDel); } else { pwszPath = (WCHAR *) alloca (sizeof (WCHAR) * ((len = wcslen (pwszSource)) + MAX_PATH + 2)); if (!pwszPath || len <= 0) return; wcscpy (pwszPath, pwszSource); pwszEnd = pwszPath + len; if (L'\\' != pwszEnd[-1]) { *pwszEnd++ = L'\\'; } hCSCFind = CSCFindFirstFile (pwszSource, &findData, &dwFileStatus, &dwPinCount, &dwHintFlags, &origTime);
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hCSCFind) { do { if (0 != _wcsicmp (L".", findData.cFileName) && 0 != _wcsicmp (L"..", findData.cFileName) && (!pwszSkipSubdir || (0 != _wcsicmp (findData.cFileName, pwszSkipSubdir)))) { wcscpy (pwszEnd, findData.cFileName); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == StatusCSCRen) { StatusCSCRen = DoCSCRename (pwszPath, pwszDest, TRUE, bAllowRdrTimeoutForRen); } else { //here we ignore the return value since an error has already occurred.
//and we do not wish to spend any more time in timeouts in any subsequent
//rename operation.
DoCSCRename (pwszPath, pwszDest, TRUE, FALSE); } }
} while ( CSCFindNextFile (hCSCFind, &findData, &dwFileStatus, &dwPinCount, &dwHintFlags, &origTime) );
CSCFindClose (hCSCFind); }
//merge the pin info. at the top level folder
MergePinInfo (pwszSource, pwszDest, StatusFrom, StatusTo); }
return; }
// Function: DoCSCRename
// Synopsis: does a file rename within the CSC cache.
// Arguments: [in] pwszSource : full source path
// [in] pwszDest : full path to destination directory
// [in] bOverwrite : overwrite if the file/folder exists at
// the destination
// [in] bAllowRdrTimeout : if TRUE, retry for 10 seconds on failure
// so that rdr and mem. mgr. get enough time to
// release the handles.
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS if the rename was successful.
// an error code otherwise.
// History: 5/26/1999 RahulTh created
// Notes: no validation of parameters is done. The caller is responsible
// for that
DWORD DoCSCRename (const WCHAR * pwszSource, const WCHAR * pwszDest, BOOL bOverwrite, BOOL bAllowRdrTimeout) { DWORD Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; BOOL bStatus; int i;
bStatus = CSCDoLocalRename (pwszSource, pwszDest, bOverwrite); if (!bStatus) { Status = GetLastError(); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != Status && ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND != Status && ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND != Status && ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER != Status && ERROR_BAD_NETPATH != Status) { if (bAllowRdrTimeout) { if (!bOverwrite && ERROR_FILE_EXISTS == Status) { Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { for (i = 0; i < 11; i++) { Sleep (1000); //wait for the handle to be released
bStatus = CSCDoLocalRename (pwszSource, pwszDest, bOverwrite); if (bStatus) { Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; break; } } } } } else { Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; } }
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != Status) { DebugMsg ((DM_VERBOSE, IDS_CSCRENAME_FAIL, pwszSource, pwszDest, Status)); }
return Status; }
// Function: DeleteCSCFileTree
// Synopsis: deletes a file tree from the CSC
// Arguments: [in] pwszSource : the path to the folder whose contents should
// be deleted
// [in] pwszSkipSubdir : name of the subdirectory to be skipped.
// [in] bAllowRdrTimeout : if true, makes multiple attempts to
// delete the file since the rdr may have left
// the handle open for sometime which can result
// in an ACCESS_DENIED message.
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS if the deletion was successful. An error code
// otherwise.
// History: 11/21/1998 RahulTh created
// Notes:
DWORD DeleteCSCFileTree (const WCHAR * pwszSource, const WCHAR * pwszSkipSubdir, BOOL bAllowRdrTimeout) { WIN32_FIND_DATA findData; DWORD dwFileStatus; DWORD dwPinCount; HANDLE hCSCFind; DWORD dwHintFlags; FILETIME origTime; WCHAR * pwszPath; WCHAR * pwszEnd; int len; DWORD Status = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if (! g_bCSCEnabled) return ERROR_SUCCESS;
pwszPath = (WCHAR *) alloca (sizeof(WCHAR) * ((len = wcslen(pwszSource)) + MAX_PATH + 2)); if (!pwszPath) return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; //nothing much we can do if we run out of memory
if (len <= 0) return ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME;
wcscpy (pwszPath, pwszSource); pwszEnd = pwszPath + len; if (L'\\' != pwszEnd[-1]) { *pwszEnd++ = L'\\'; }
hCSCFind = CSCFindFirstFile (pwszSource, &findData, &dwFileStatus, &dwPinCount, &dwHintFlags, &origTime);
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hCSCFind) { do { if (0 != _wcsicmp (L".", findData.cFileName) && 0 != _wcsicmp (L"..", findData.cFileName) && (!pwszSkipSubdir || (0 != _wcsicmp (pwszSkipSubdir, findData.cFileName)))) { wcscpy (pwszEnd, findData.cFileName);
if (findData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS != Status) { //no point delaying the deletes since a delete has already
DeleteCSCFileTree (pwszPath, NULL, FALSE); } else { Status = DeleteCSCFileTree (pwszPath, NULL, bAllowRdrTimeout); } } else { if (ERROR_SUCCESS != Status) { //no point delaying the delete if we have already failed.
DeleteCSCFile (pwszPath, FALSE); } else { Status = DeleteCSCFile (pwszPath, bAllowRdrTimeout); } } }
} while ( CSCFindNextFile (hCSCFind, &findData, &dwFileStatus, &dwPinCount, &dwHintFlags, &origTime) );
CSCFindClose (hCSCFind); }
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != Status) { //no point in delaying the delete if we have already failed.
DeleteCSCFile (pwszSource, FALSE); } else { Status = DeleteCSCFile (pwszSource, bAllowRdrTimeout); }
return Status; }
// Function: DeleteCSCFile
// Synopsis: deletes the given path. but might make repeated attempts to
// make sure that the rdr has enough time to release any handles
// that it holds.
// Arguments: [in] pwszPath : the path to delete.
// [in] bAllowRdrTimeout : make multiple attempts to delete the
// file with waits in between so that the rdr has
// enough time to release any held handles.
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCES if the delete was successful. An error code
// otherwise.
// History: 5/26/1999 RahulTh created
// Notes:
DWORD DeleteCSCFile (const WCHAR * pwszPath, BOOL bAllowRdrTimeout) { BOOL bStatus; DWORD Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; int i;
bStatus = CSCDelete (pwszPath); if (!bStatus) { Status = GetLastError(); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != Status && ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND != Status && ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND != Status && ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER != Status) { //this is a valid error.
//so based on the value of bAllowRdrTimeout and based
//on whether we have already failed in deleting something
//we will try repeatedly to delete the file for 10 seconds
//note: there is no point in repeatedly trying if the deletion
//failed because this was a directory which was not empty
if (bAllowRdrTimeout && ERROR_DIR_NOT_EMPTY != Status) { for (i = 0; i < 11; i++) { Sleep (1000); //wait for 1 second and try again
bStatus = CSCDelete (pwszPath); if (bStatus) { Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; break; } } } } else { Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; } }
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != Status) { DebugMsg ((DM_VERBOSE, IDS_CSCDELETE_FAIL, pwszPath, Status)); }
return Status; }
// Function: DisplayStatusMessage
// Synopsis: displays the status message in the UI when the verbose status
// is on.
// Arguments: resource id of the message to be displayed.
// Returns: nothing
// History: 2/25/1999 RahulTh created
// Notes: failures are ignored.
void DisplayStatusMessage (UINT rid) { WCHAR pwszMessage [MAX_PATH];
if (!gpStatusCallback) return;
if (!LoadString (ghDllInstance, rid, pwszMessage, MAX_PATH)) return;
gpStatusCallback (TRUE, pwszMessage); }
// Function: DeleteCSCShareIfEmpty
// Synopsis: given a file name, this function deletes from the local cache
// the share to which the file belongs if the local cache for that
// share is empty
// Arguments: [in] pwszFileName : the full file name -- must be UNC
// [in] shStatus : the share status - online, offline, local etc.
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS : if successful
// a win32 error code if something goes wrong
// History: 4/22/1999 RahulTh created
// Notes: we do not have to explicitly check if the share is empty
// because if it is not, then the delete will fail anyway
DWORD DeleteCSCShareIfEmpty (LPCTSTR pwszFileName, SHARESTATUS shStatus) { DWORD Status; WCHAR * pwszFullPath = NULL; WCHAR * pwszCurr = NULL; int len; WCHAR * pwszShrEnd;
if (PathLocal == shStatus || NoCSC == shStatus) return ERROR_SUCCESS;
if (ShareOffline == shStatus) return ERROR_CSCSHARE_OFFLINE;
len = wcslen (pwszFileName);
if (len <= 2) return ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME;
if (pwszFileName[0] != L'\\' || pwszFileName[1] != L'\\') return ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME;
pwszFullPath = (WCHAR *) alloca (sizeof (WCHAR) * (len + 1)); if (NULL == pwszFullPath) return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY;
if (NULL == _wfullpath(pwszFullPath, pwszFileName, len + 1)) return ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME; //canonicalization was unsuccessful.
// -- rarely happens
pwszShrEnd = wcschr (pwszFullPath + 2, L'\\');
if (NULL == pwszShrEnd) return ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME; //the path does not have the share component
pwszShrEnd = wcschr (pwszShrEnd, L'\\');
if (NULL == pwszShrEnd) { //we already have the path in \\server\share form, so just try to
//delete the share.
return DeleteCSCFile (pwszFullPath, TRUE); }
//if we are here, then we have a path longer than just \\server\share.
//so try to delete all the way up to the share name. This is necessary
//because a user might be redirected to something like
// \\server\share\folder\%username% and we wouldn't want only \\server\share
// and \\server\share\folder to be cached.
Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; do { pwszCurr = wcsrchr (pwszFullPath, L'\\'); if (NULL == pwszCurr) break; *pwszCurr = L'\0'; Status = DeleteCSCFile (pwszFullPath, TRUE); //no point trying to delete the parent if deletion of this directory
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != Status) break; } while ( pwszCurr > pwszShrEnd );
return Status; }
// Function: MergePinInfo
// Synopsis: merges the pin info. from the source to destination
// Arguments: [in] pwszSource : the full path to the source
// [in] pwszDest : the full path to the destination
// [in] StatusFrom : CSC status of the source share
// [in] StatusTo : CSC status of the destination share
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS : if it was successful
// a Win32 error code otherwise
// History: 4/23/1999 RahulTh created
// Notes: the hint flags are a union of the source hint flags and
// destination hint flags. The pin count is the greater of the
// source and destination pin count
// Usually this function should only be called for folders. The
// CSC rename API handles files well. But this function will work
// for files as well.
DWORD MergePinInfo (LPCTSTR pwszSource, LPCTSTR pwszDest, SHARESTATUS StatusFrom, SHARESTATUS StatusTo) { BOOL bStatus; DWORD dwSourceStat, dwDestStat; DWORD dwSourcePinCount, dwDestPinCount; DWORD dwSourceHints, dwDestHints; DWORD Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD i;
if (ShareOffline == StatusFrom || ShareOffline == StatusTo) return ERROR_CSCSHARE_OFFLINE;
if (ShareOnline != StatusFrom || ShareOnline != StatusTo) return ERROR_SUCCESS; //there is nothing to do if one of the shares
//is local.
if (!pwszSource || !pwszDest || 0 == wcslen(pwszSource) || 0 == wcslen(pwszDest)) return ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME;
bStatus = CSCQueryFileStatus (pwszSource, &dwSourceStat, &dwSourcePinCount, &dwSourceHints); if (!bStatus) return GetLastError();
bStatus = CSCQueryFileStatus (pwszDest, &dwDestStat, &dwDestPinCount, &dwDestHints); if (!bStatus) return GetLastError();
//first set the hint flags on the destination
if (dwDestHints != dwSourceHints) { bStatus = CSCPinFile (pwszDest, dwSourceHints, &dwDestStat, &dwDestPinCount, &dwDestHints); if (!bStatus) Status = GetLastError(); //note: we do not bail out here. we try
//to at least merge the pin count before
//now merge the pin count : there is nothing to be done if the destination
//pin count is greater than or equal to the source pin count
if (dwDestPinCount < dwSourcePinCount) { for (i = 0, bStatus = TRUE; i < (dwSourcePinCount - dwDestPinCount) && bStatus; i++) { bStatus = CSCPinFile( pwszDest, FLAG_CSC_HINT_COMMAND_ALTER_PIN_COUNT, NULL, NULL, NULL ); }
if (!bStatus && ERROR_SUCCESS == Status) Status = GetLastError(); }
return Status; }
// Function: PinIfNecessary
// Synopsis: this function pins a file if necessary.
// Arguments: [in] pwszPath : full path of the file/folder to be pinned
// [in] shStatus : CSC status of the share.
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS if it was successful. An error code otherwise.
// History: 5/27/1999 RahulTh created
// Notes:
DWORD PinIfNecessary (const WCHAR * pwszPath, SHARESTATUS shStatus) { DWORD Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; BOOL bStatus; DWORD dwStatus; DWORD dwPinCount; DWORD dwHints;
if (!pwszPath || !pwszPath[0]) return ERROR_BAD_NETPATH;
if (! g_bCSCEnabled) return ERROR_SUCCESS;
if (ShareOffline == shStatus) return ERROR_CSCSHARE_OFFLINE; else if (PathLocal == shStatus || NoCSC == shStatus) return ERROR_SUCCESS;
bStatus = CSCQueryFileStatus (pwszPath, &dwStatus, &dwPinCount, &dwHints); if (!bStatus || dwPinCount <= 0) { bStatus = CSCPinFile (pwszPath, FLAG_CSC_HINT_COMMAND_ALTER_PIN_COUNT, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (!bStatus) Status = GetLastError(); }
return Status; }
// Function: CacheDesktopIni
// Synopsis: some special folders use the desktop.ini file to present
// special views in explorer (e.g. My Pictures). If a folder is
// redirected to a network share and a user goes offline without
// ever looking at the folder in explorer, the desktop.ini file
// is not in the cache and therefore the special views are lost
// This function tries to cache the desktop.ini file as soon as
// the folder is pinned so that special views are not lost even
// if the user goes offline
// When the folder is unpinned, this function merely unpins the
// dekstop.ini file
// Arguments: [in] pwszPath : the path to the folder
// [in] shStatus : the CSC status of the share
// [in] uCommand : Pin/Unpin
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS if everything is successful.
// a win32 error code otherwise.
// History: 4/25/1999 RahulTh created
// Notes: this function should only be called after the folder has been
// successfully redirected.
// if desktop.ini is already pinned, this function does not try
// to pin it again.
DWORD CacheDesktopIni (LPCTSTR pwszPath, SHARESTATUS shStatus, CSCPINCOMMAND uCommand) { int len; WCHAR szDesktopIniName[] = L"desktop.ini"; WCHAR * pwszDesktopIni = NULL; BOOL bStatus; DWORD Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwStatus; DWORD dwPinCount; DWORD dwHints;
if (PathLocal == shStatus) return ERROR_SUCCESS; //nothing to be done.
if (ShareOffline == shStatus) return ERROR_CSCSHARE_OFFLINE;
if (!pwszPath || 0 == (len = wcslen (pwszPath))) return ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME;
pwszDesktopIni = (WCHAR *) alloca (sizeof (WCHAR) * (len + wcslen(szDesktopIniName) + 2)); //extra char for backslash
if (NULL == pwszDesktopIni) return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY;
wcscpy (pwszDesktopIni, pwszPath); if (L'\\' != pwszDesktopIni[len - 1]) { pwszDesktopIni[len] = L'\\'; pwszDesktopIni[len + 1] = L'\0'; } wcscat (pwszDesktopIni, szDesktopIniName);
if (PinFile == uCommand) { bStatus = CSCQueryFileStatus (pwszDesktopIni, &dwStatus, &dwPinCount, &dwHints); //pin only if it has not already been pinned.
if (!bStatus || dwPinCount <= 0) { if (bStatus = CSCPinFile(pwszDesktopIni, FLAG_CSC_HINT_COMMAND_ALTER_PIN_COUNT, NULL, NULL, NULL) ) { bStatus = CSCFillSparseFiles(pwszDesktopIni, FALSE, CSCCallbackProc, 0); } if (!bStatus) Status = GetLastError(); } } else if (UnpinFile == uCommand) { if (! CSCUnpinFile (pwszDesktopIni, FLAG_CSC_HINT_COMMAND_ALTER_PIN_COUNT, NULL, NULL, NULL)) Status = GetLastError(); }
return Status;
// Function: CSCCallbackProc
// Synopsis: callback function for CSCFillSparseFiles
// Arguments: see docs
// Returns: see docs
// History: 4/26/1999 RahulTh created
// Notes: just returns a default value for all...
DWORD WINAPI CSCCallbackProc(LPCTSTR pszName, DWORD dwStatus, DWORD dwHintFlags, DWORD dwPinCount, LPWIN32_FIND_DATA pFind32, DWORD dwReason, DWORD dwParam1, DWORD dwParam2, DWORD_PTR dwContext) { return CSCPROC_RETURN_CONTINUE; }
// Function: UpdateMyPicsShellLink
// Synopsis: there is no easy way to get to My Pictures if it is redirected
// independently of My Documents since the shell does not really
// address this issue. Therefore, this function is required to
// make sure that if My Pictures is not located directly under
// My Documents, there is at least a shell link pointing to the
// location of My Pictures. This function also makes sure that
// the shell link is cached in case My Documents is on a network
// share. This way, if the share were to go offline before the user
// had a chance to access My Documents, then the shell link would
// still be accessible.
// Also, if My Pictures is a direct descendant of My Documents,
// this function gets rid of the shell link to minimize user
// confusion.
// Arguments: [in] pwszMyPicsLocName : localized display name of My Pictures.
// Returns: S_OK : if everything went smoothly.
// an HRESULT derived from the error if there is one.
// History: 5/2/1999 RahulTh created
// 2/14/2001 RahulTh Fixed shortcut creation problem in free
// threaded COM by using SHCoCreateInstance
// to short-circuit COM.
// Notes: This function shall not be required if the shell comes up with
// an easy way to get to My Pictures even when it does not lie
// directly under My Documents.
HRESULT UpdateMyPicsShellLinks (HANDLE hUserToken, const WCHAR * pwszMyPicsLocName) { WCHAR szMyDocsPath [TARGETPATHLIMIT]; WCHAR szMyPicsPath [TARGETPATHLIMIT]; WCHAR * pwszMyPicsLink = NULL; int MyDocsLen; int MyPicsLen; HRESULT hr = S_OK; SHARESTATUS MyDocsCSCStatus; BOOL fMyPicsFollows = TRUE; BOOL bStatus; DWORD Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; IShellLink * psl = NULL; IPersistFile * ppf = NULL; DWORD dwPinCount; DWORD dwHints; DWORD dwCSCState; BOOL bComInitialized = FALSE;
//make sure that we have the user token.
if (!hUserToken) { hr = E_FAIL; goto UpdateMyPicsLink_End; }
//now get the path to My Documents
hr = SHGetFolderPath(0, CSIDL_PERSONAL | CSIDL_FLAG_DONT_VERIFY, hUserToken, 0, szMyDocsPath); if (S_OK != hr) goto UpdateMyPicsLink_End;
//now make sure that we can get enough memory to store the path to the
//shell link.
MyDocsLen = wcslen (szMyDocsPath); if (0 == MyDocsLen) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME); goto UpdateMyPicsLink_End; }
pwszMyPicsLink = (WCHAR *) alloca (sizeof(WCHAR) * (MyDocsLen + wcslen(pwszMyPicsLocName) + 6)); if (NULL == pwszMyPicsLink) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto UpdateMyPicsLink_End; }
//now make sure that the share on which My Docs exists is not offline
MyDocsCSCStatus = GetCSCStatus (szMyDocsPath); if (ShareOffline == MyDocsCSCStatus) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (ERROR_CSCSHARE_OFFLINE); goto UpdateMyPicsLink_End; }
//now construct the path to the shell link to MyPics in the MyDocs folder
wcscpy (pwszMyPicsLink, szMyDocsPath); if (L'\\' != szMyDocsPath[MyDocsLen - 1]) { pwszMyPicsLink[MyDocsLen] = L'\\'; pwszMyPicsLink[MyDocsLen+1] = L'\0'; } wcscat (pwszMyPicsLink, pwszMyPicsLocName); wcscat (pwszMyPicsLink, L".lnk");
//now obtain the path to My Pictures
hr = SHGetFolderPath (0, CSIDL_MYPICTURES | CSIDL_FLAG_DONT_VERIFY, hUserToken, 0, szMyPicsPath); if (S_OK != hr) goto UpdateMyPicsLink_End;
//now find out if MyPics is a descendant of My Docs.
MyPicsLen = wcslen (szMyPicsPath); if (0 == MyPicsLen) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME); goto UpdateMyPicsLink_End; }
if (MyPicsLen <= MyDocsLen || 0 != _wcsnicmp (szMyPicsPath, szMyDocsPath, MyDocsLen) ) { fMyPicsFollows = FALSE; }
//delete the shell link if MyPics is supposed to follow MyDocs.
if (fMyPicsFollows) { Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (!DeleteFile (pwszMyPicsLink)) { Status = GetLastError(); if (ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND == Status || ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND == Status) Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; } hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (Status); goto UpdateMyPicsLink_End; }
//if we are here, we need to create/update the shell link.
// Note: We need to use SHCoCreateInstance. This is because the GP engine
// is now freethreaded whereas the threading model for CLSID_ShellLink is
// still Apartment. This means that if we use CoCreateInstance, it will
// create the object on a COM thread in its own apartment. This means that
// it will run as LocalSystem and not impersonated as the logged on user.
// This is not what we want, especially when we are creating shortcuts on
// a network share and we need to go across the wire as the logged on user
// rather than the machine account in order to authenticate successfully.
// To get around this problem, we use SHCoCreateInstance() which is an
// internal shell API that completely short-circuits COM and calls into
// shell32's DllGetClassObject directly thus creating the objects on the
// same thread. This API is primarily for shell user *ONLY* to handle crufty
// compat stuff so use this *VERY* *VERY *SPARINGLY*. If you want to do
// anything remotely fancy with IShellLink, check with the shell team to
// make sure that it is still okay to use the SHCoCreateInstance API.
hr = CoInitialize (NULL); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) bComInitialized = TRUE; if (SUCCEEDED (hr) || RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE == hr) // If we successfully initialized COM or if it was already initialized.
{ hr = SHCoCreateInstance(NULL, &CLSID_ShellLink, NULL, IID_IShellLink, (LPVOID*)&psl); if (FAILED(hr)) psl = NULL; // For safety.
} if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = psl->SetPath (szMyPicsPath); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = psl->SetDescription (pwszMyPicsLocName); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = psl->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistFile, (LPVOID*)&ppf); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = ppf->Save(pwszMyPicsLink, TRUE); ppf->Release(); } // Release IShellLink if necessary.
if (psl) psl->Release(); // Uninitialize COM if necessary.
if (bComInitialized) { CoUninitialize(); bComInitialized = FALSE; }
//also cache the shell link if MyDocs is redirected to a cacheable
//network share
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && ShareOnline == MyDocsCSCStatus) { Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; bStatus = TRUE; bStatus = CSCQueryFileStatus (pwszMyPicsLink, &dwCSCState, &dwPinCount, &dwHints); if (bStatus) { if (0 == dwPinCount && (!(dwHints & FLAG_CSC_HINT_PIN_USER))) { if (bStatus = CSCPinFile(pwszMyPicsLink, FLAG_CSC_HINT_COMMAND_ALTER_PIN_COUNT, NULL, NULL, NULL) ) { bStatus = CSCFillSparseFiles(pwszMyPicsLink, FALSE, CSCCallbackProc, 0); } } }
if (!bStatus) { Status = GetLastError(); }
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (Status); }
UpdateMyPicsLink_End: if (FAILED(hr)) { DebugMsg ((DM_VERBOSE, IDS_MYPICSLINK_FAILED, GetWin32ErrFromHResult(hr))); } else { DebugMsg ((DM_VERBOSE, IDS_MYPICSLINK_SUCCEEDED, szMyDocsPath)); } return hr; }
// Function: LoadLocalizedFolderNames
// Synopsis: loads the localized folder names into global objects of
// CRedirectInfo class.
// Arguments: none.
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS if everything was successful.
// an error code otherwise.
// History: 5/6/1999 RahulTh created
// Notes: the function bails out at the first failure. Also see notes
// on CRedirectInfo::LoadLocalizedNames.
DWORD LoadLocalizedFolderNames (void) { DWORD i; DWORD Status;
for (i = 0, Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; i < (DWORD)EndRedirectable; i++) { Status = gPolicyResultant[i].LoadLocalizedNames(); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == Status) Status = gAddedPolicyResultant[i].LoadLocalizedNames(); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == Status) Status = gDeletedPolicyResultant[i].LoadLocalizedNames(); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != Status) break; }
return Status; }
// Function: DeleteCachedConfigFiles
// Synopsis: deletes the locally cached copies of fdeploy.ini for GPOs
// in a list of GPOs.
// Arguments: [in] pGPOList : the list of GPOs
// [in] pFileDB : a filedb object containing info. about the
// location of the files etc.
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS if all the files were successfully deleted.
// an error code otherwise.
// History: 5/27/1999 RahulTh created
// Notes: this function tries its best to delete as many files as
// possible
DWORD DeleteCachedConfigFiles (const PGROUP_POLICY_OBJECT pGPOList, CFileDB * pFileDB) { DWORD Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; WCHAR * pwszPath = NULL; WCHAR * pwszEnd = NULL; int len; PGROUP_POLICY_OBJECT pGPO;
pwszPath = (WCHAR *) alloca (sizeof (WCHAR) * ((len = wcslen (pFileDB->GetLocalStoragePath())) + MAX_PATH + 2)); if (!pwszPath) return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY;
wcscpy (pwszPath, pFileDB->GetLocalStoragePath()); wcscat (pwszPath, L"\\"); pwszEnd = pwszPath + len + 1;
for (pGPO = pGPOList; pGPO; pGPO = pGPO->pNext) { wcscpy (pwszEnd, pGPO->szGPOName); wcscat (pwszEnd, L".ini"); if (!DeleteFile (pwszPath) && ERROR_SUCCESS == Status) { Status = GetLastError(); if (ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND == Status || ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND == Status) { Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; } } }
return Status; }
// Function: SimplifyPath
// Synopsis: given a path, this function tries to simplify it by
// canonicalizing it and removing extra slashes by calling
// _wfullpath
// Arguments: [in/out] pwszPath : the given path
// Returns: nothing
// History: 5/27/1999 RahulTh created
// Notes: the function tries its best to simplify the path. If it fails,
// it simply returns the path supplied originally.
void SimplifyPath (WCHAR * pwszPath) { size_t len; WCHAR * pwszAbsPath;
if (!pwszPath || !pwszPath[0]) return;
len = wcslen (pwszPath);
pwszAbsPath = (WCHAR *) alloca (sizeof (WCHAR) * (len + 1));
if (!pwszAbsPath) return;
if (NULL != _wfullpath (pwszAbsPath, pwszPath, len + 1) && wcslen (pwszAbsPath) <= len) { wcscpy (pwszPath, pwszAbsPath); }
return; }
// Function: PrecreateUnicodeIniFile
// Synopsis: The WritePrivateProfile* functions do not write in unicode
// unless the file already exists in unicode format. Therefore,
// this function is used to precreate a unicode file so that
// the WritePrivateProfile* functions can preserve the unicodeness.
// Arguments: [in] lpszFilePath : the full path of the ini file.
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS if successful.
// an error code otherwise.
// History: 7/9/1999 RahulTh created
// Notes:
DWORD PrecreateUnicodeIniFile (LPCTSTR lpszFilePath) { HANDLE hFile; WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA fad; DWORD Status = ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS; DWORD dwWritten;
if (!GetFileAttributesEx (lpszFilePath, GetFileExInfoStandard, &fad)) { if (ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND == (Status = GetLastError())) { hFile = CreateFile(lpszFilePath, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_NEW, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN, NULL);
if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { //add the unicode mask to the beginning of the file so that
//ReadPrivate* APIs do not accidentally think that this an ANSI
WriteFile(hFile, L"\xfeff\r\n", 3 * sizeof(WCHAR), &dwWritten, NULL); //add a few unicode characters just to be safe.
WriteFile(hFile, L" \r\n", 7 * sizeof(WCHAR), &dwWritten, NULL); CloseHandle(hFile); Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { Status = GetLastError(); } } }
return Status; }
// Function: IsPathLocal
// Synopsis: this function determines if a given path is a local path
// or a UNC path.
// Arguments: pwszPath : the full path of the file.
// Returns: FALSE : if it is a UNC path.
// TRUE : otherwise
// History: 7/30/1999 RahulTh created
// Notes: this function basically returns TRUE unless the first
// characters of the supplied path are '\'.
BOOL IsPathLocal (LPCWSTR pwszPath) { if (NULL == pwszPath || 2 > wcslen (pwszPath)) return TRUE; //assume local
if (L'\\' == pwszPath[0] && L'\\' == pwszPath[1]) return FALSE;
return TRUE; //local in all other cases.
// Function: ExpandPathSpecial
// Synopsis: expands a path using a given user name.
// Arguments: [in] pFileDB : pointer to the CFileDB object
// [in] pwszPath : pointer to the path to be expanded.
// [in] pwszUserName : the user name to be used in expansion
// [out] wszExpandedPath : the expanded path.
// [in, out] pDesiredBufferSize (optional) : on input, the size
// of the wszExpandedPath buffer. On output, the size needed
// to expand the path to that buffer. This may be NULL, in which
// case the buffer is assumed to be TARGETPATHLIMIT size.
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS : if the expanded path was successfully obtained.
// STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL : if the expanded path was too large
// to fit in the supplied buffer.
// other win32 error codes based on what goes wrong.
// History: 9/20/1999 RahulTh created
// Notes: wszExpandedPath is assumed to be a buffer containing
// TARGETPATHLIMIT characters, unlesss pDesiredBufferSize
// is specified. It is the caller's responsibility
// to allocate/free this memory. This function does not try to
// validate the memory that wszExpandedPath points to.
// This function is also not equipped to handle multiple
// occurrences of the %username% substring in the last path.
DWORD ExpandPathSpecial ( CFileDB * pFileDB, const WCHAR * pwszPath, const WCHAR * pwszUserName, WCHAR * wszExpandedPath, ULONG * pDesiredBufferSize ) { DWORD Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; UNICODE_STRING Path; UNICODE_STRING ExpandedPath; WCHAR wszLastPath [TARGETPATHLIMIT]; WCHAR * wszTemp = NULL; WCHAR wszSuffix [TARGETPATHLIMIT];
if (TARGETPATHLIMIT <= wcslen(pwszPath)) return STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
wszSuffix[0] = L'\0'; wszLastPath[0] = L'\0'; wcscpy (wszLastPath, pwszPath); //convert it to lower case. useful while searching for other strings
//within the string.
_wcslwr (wszLastPath);
// If the caller does not specify a user name, just use environment
// variable substitution to take care of %username% instead of
// doing it ourselves
if ( pwszUserName ) { //the username has changed since the last logon. must first substitute
//the occurence of %username% if any with the supplied user name
wszTemp = wcsstr (wszLastPath, L"%username%"); }
//if the %username% string is not present, nothing more needs to be
//done. we can just go ahead and expand what we've got.
if (NULL != wszTemp) { //the last path contains %username%
//get the parts that appear before and after the %username% string
//reuse wszLastPath for the prefix
*wszTemp = L'\0'; wcscpy (wszSuffix, wszTemp + 10); //go past %username%
//make sure that we are not running out of space.
if (TARGETPATHLIMIT <= wcslen (wszLastPath) + wcslen (pwszUserName) + wcslen (wszSuffix)) { return STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } wcscat (wszLastPath, pwszUserName); wcscat (wszLastPath, wszSuffix); }
// In planning mode, we are only interested in %username% --
// any other environment variables can remain unexpanded since
// they may depend on local state to which we do not have access
// in planning mode.
if ( pFileDB->GetRsopContext()->IsPlanningModeEnabled() ) { if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == Status ) { lstrcpy( wszExpandedPath, wszLastPath ); }
return Status; }
USHORT ExpandedBufferMax;
ExpandedBufferMax = (USHORT)(pDesiredBufferSize ? *pDesiredBufferSize : TARGETPATHLIMIT);
//now expand other variables in the path
Path.Length = (wcslen (wszLastPath) + 1) * sizeof (WCHAR); Path.MaximumLength = sizeof (wszLastPath); Path.Buffer = wszLastPath;
ExpandedPath.Length = 0; ExpandedPath.MaximumLength = ExpandedBufferMax * sizeof (WCHAR); ExpandedPath.Buffer = wszExpandedPath;
Status = RtlExpandEnvironmentStrings_U ( pFileDB->GetEnvBlock(), &Path, &ExpandedPath, pDesiredBufferSize );
return Status; }
// Function: ExpandHomeDir
// Synopsis: Expands the HOMEDIR component in the path.
// Arguments: [in] rID : the id of the folder
// [in] pwszPath : the unexpanded path
// [in] bAllowMyPics : allow expansion of homedir for MyPics
// [out] ppwszExpandedPath : the expanded result
// [in, optional] pwszHomedir : the value of homedir to be used in substitution
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS : if successful.
// a Win32 error code otherwise.
// History: 3/10/2000 RahulTh created
// Notes: This function has the following additional restrictions:
// (a) It is a no-op for all folders except MyDocs and MyPics.
// (b) It only acts on paths that begin with
// Also, if the function does not return ERROR_SUCCESS, then
// *ppwszExpandedPath can be null.
// if the caller does not supply the homedir value for
// substitution, the value is obtained from the user object.
DWORD ExpandHomeDir (IN REDIRECTABLE rID, IN const WCHAR * pwszPath, BOOL bAllowMyPics, OUT WCHAR ** ppwszExpandedPath, IN const WCHAR * pwszHomedir // = NULL
) { DWORD Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; int len; const WCHAR * wszSuffix; int expandedLen; int lenHomedir;
// First free the supplied buffer if necessary
if (*ppwszExpandedPath) { delete [] *ppwszExpandedPath; *ppwszExpandedPath = NULL; }
if (! pwszPath || L'\0' == *pwszPath) { Status = ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME; goto ExpandHomeDir_End; }
// Proceed only if the HOMEDIR component is in the right place.
if (! IsHomedirPath (rID, pwszPath, bAllowMyPics)) { if (! HasHomeVariables (pwszPath)) { goto ExpandHomeDir_ReturnSame; } else { // This is not a homedir path, so it is not supposed to have any home variables
Status = ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME; goto ExpandHomeDir_End; } }
// If we are here, then we need to substitute the HOMEDIR part
// with the actual home directory. We use the current homedir value
// only if the caller hasn't already supplied us with one.
len = lstrlen (HOMEDIR_STR); if (! pwszHomedir) pwszHomedir = gUserInfo.GetHomeDir(Status); //
// At this point, pwszHomeDir can be NULL even if Status is ERROR_SUCCESS
// This happens if the user object does not have a homedir set on it
// So we must fail even in that case.
if (! pwszHomedir || ERROR_SUCCESS != Status) { // Do not clobber status set by GetHomeDir if it had failed.
Status = (ERROR_SUCCESS == Status) ? ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME : Status; goto ExpandHomeDir_End; }
// Now we have everything we need to proceed.
// First allocate the required buffer.
lenHomedir = lstrlen (pwszHomedir); expandedLen = lenHomedir + lstrlen (&pwszPath[len]); *ppwszExpandedPath = new WCHAR [expandedLen + 1]; if (! *ppwszExpandedPath) { Status = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto ExpandHomeDir_End; } // Generate the new path.
lstrcpy (*ppwszExpandedPath, pwszHomedir);
// Append the suffix
wszSuffix = &pwszPath[len]; // Eliminate duplicate '\' characters
if (L'\\' == (*ppwszExpandedPath)[lenHomedir - 1] && L'\\' == pwszPath[len]) wszSuffix++; lstrcat (*ppwszExpandedPath, wszSuffix);
DebugMsg ((DM_VERBOSE, IDS_HOMEDIR_EXPANDED, pwszPath, *ppwszExpandedPath));
goto ExpandHomeDir_End;
// If we are here, then, there was no error, but no substitution was
// necessary either. So we just return the same path.
ExpandHomeDir_ReturnSame: len = lstrlen (pwszPath); *ppwszExpandedPath = new WCHAR [len + 1]; if (! *ppwszExpandedPath) { Status = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto ExpandHomeDir_End; }
// Copy the path.
lstrcpy (*ppwszExpandedPath, pwszPath); Status = ERROR_SUCCESS;
ExpandHomeDir_End: if (ERROR_SUCCESS != Status) { DebugMsg ((DM_VERBOSE, IDS_HOMEDIR_EXPAND_FAIL, pwszPath, Status)); } return Status; }
// Function: ExpandHomeDirPolicyPath
// Synopsis: Expands the HOMEDIR component in the path as specified in the
// ini file (ones that begin with \\%HOMESHARE%%HOMEPATH%)
// Arguments: [in] rID : the id of the folder
// [in] pwszPath : the unexpanded path
// [in] bAllowMyPics : allow expansion of homedir for MyPics
// [out] ppwszExpandedPath : the expanded result
// [in, optional] pwszHomedir : the value of homedir to be used in substitution
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS : if successful.
// a Win32 error code otherwise.
// History: 3/10/2000 RahulTh created
// Notes: This function has the following additional restrictions:
// (a) It is a no-op for all folders except MyDocs and MyPics.
// (b) It only acts on paths that begin with
// Also, if the function does not return ERROR_SUCCESS, then
// *ppwszExpandedPath can be null.
// if the caller does not supply the homedir value for
// substitution, the value is obtained from the user object.
DWORD ExpandHomeDirPolicyPath (IN REDIRECTABLE rID, IN const WCHAR * pwszPath, IN BOOL bAllowMyPics, OUT WCHAR ** ppwszExpandedPath, IN const WCHAR * pwszHomedir // = NULL
) { if (IsHomedirPolicyPath(rID, pwszPath, bAllowMyPics)) { return ExpandHomeDir (rID, &pwszPath[2], bAllowMyPics, ppwszExpandedPath, pwszHomedir ); } else { return ExpandHomeDir (rID, pwszPath, bAllowMyPics, ppwszExpandedPath, pwszHomedir ); } }
// Function: IsHomedirPath
// Synopsis: determines if a given redirection destination is in the homedir.
// This means all paths that begin with %HOMESHARE%%HOMEPATH
// Arguments: [in] rID : The folder identifier.
// [in] pwszPath : The path.
// [in] bAllowMyPics : allow homedir paths for MyPics folder
// Returns: TRUE : if it is a homedir path
// FALSE: otherwise.
// History: 3/12/2000 RahulTh created
// Notes: This function returns FALSE for all folders other than
// MyDocs because that is the only folder for which redirection
// to the home directory is permitted.
// See additional notes about bAllowMyPics in the comments above
// IsHomedirPolicyPath
BOOL IsHomedirPath (IN REDIRECTABLE rID, IN LPCWSTR pwszPath, BOOL bAllowMyPics) { int len;
if ((MyDocs != rID && (MyPics != rID || !bAllowMyPics)) || ! pwszPath || L'\0' == *pwszPath) { return FALSE; }
// Make sure that the length of the path is longer than that of
// %HOMESHARE%%HOMEPATH. If not, there is no way that this can be
// a homedir path
len = lstrlen (HOMEDIR_STR); if (lstrlen (pwszPath) < len) return FALSE;
// If we are here, we need to compare the two strings
if (0 == _wcsnicmp (HOMEDIR_STR, pwszPath, len) && (L'\0' == pwszPath[len] || L'\\' == pwszPath[len]) && NULL == wcschr (&pwszPath[len], L'%') // no other variable names allowed
) { // If all the conditions above are met, then this is indeed a homedir path
return TRUE; }
// If we are here, this cannot be a homedir path.
return FALSE; }
// Function: IsHomedirPolicyPath
// Synopsis: determines if a given redirection destination is in the homedir.
// This means all paths that begin with \\%HOMESHARE%%HOMEPATH
// Arguments: [in] rID : The folder identifier.
// [in] pwszPath : The path.
// [in] bAllowMyPics : Allow MyPics to have a homedir path
// Returns: TRUE : if it is a homedir path as specified in the ini file
// FALSE: otherwise.
// History: 3/12/2000 RahulTh created
// Notes: This function returns FALSE for all folders other than
// MyDocs & MyPics because that is the only folder for which
// redirection to the home directory is permitted.
// Note: redirection to HOMEDIR is permitted for MyPics only
// if it is set to follow MyDocs. Not otherwise. That is why
// we need the third parameter.
BOOL IsHomedirPolicyPath (IN REDIRECTABLE rID, IN LPCWSTR pwszPath, IN BOOL bAllowMyPics) { //
// It is a homedir path as specified by the policy if it begins
if ((MyDocs == rID || (MyPics == rID && bAllowMyPics)) && pwszPath && lstrlen (pwszPath) > 2 && L'\\' == pwszPath[0] && L'\\' == pwszPath[1] ) { return IsHomedirPath (rID, &pwszPath[2], bAllowMyPics); }
return FALSE; }
// Function: HasHomeVariables
// Synopsis: finds if a given string has any of the home variables
// Arguments: [in] pwszPath : the path string
// Returns: TRUE: if the path has home variables.
// FALSE: otherwise
// History: 3/22/2000 RahulTh created
// Notes: This function is required because we do not wish to allow
// these variables in the path except in highly restricted
// conditions, viz. My Docs redirection that begins with
// Therefore, we need to explicitly check for the existence of
// variables in paths that don't meet these requirements.
BOOL HasHomeVariables (IN LPCWSTR pwszPath) { WCHAR * pszTmp;
pszTmp = wcschr (pwszPath, L'%');
while (pszTmp) { if (0 == _wcsnicmp (HOMESHARE_VARIABLE, pszTmp, HOMESHARE_VARLEN) || 0 == _wcsnicmp (HOMEDRIVE_VARIABLE, pszTmp, HOMEDRIVE_VARLEN) || 0 == _wcsnicmp (HOMEPATH_VARIABLE, pszTmp, HOMEPATH_VARLEN)) { return TRUE; }
pszTmp = wcschr (pszTmp + 1, L'%'); }
// If we are here, we did not find any home variables in the path.
return FALSE; }
// Function: GetWin32ErrFromHResult
// Synopsis: given an HResult, this function tries to extract the
// corresponding Win 32 error.
// Arguments: [in] hr : the hresult value
// Returns: the Win 32 Error code.
// History: 3/13/2000 RahulTh created
// Notes: if hr is not S_OK, the return value will be something other
DWORD GetWin32ErrFromHResult (IN HRESULT hr) { DWORD Status = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if (S_OK != hr) { if (FACILITY_WIN32 == HRESULT_FACILITY(hr)) { Status = HRESULT_CODE(hr); } else { Status = GetLastError(); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == Status) { //an error had occurred but nobody called SetLastError
//should not be mistaken as a success.
Status = (DWORD) hr; } } }
return Status; }
// Function: GetExpandedPath
// Synopsis: given a redirected path that may contain environment variables,
// evaluates the variables to produce a fully realized path
// Arguments: [in] pFileDB : object containing general context information
// [in] wszSourcePath : the unexpanded path
// [in] rID : The folder identifier.
// [in] bAllowMyPics : allow homedir paths for MyPics folder
// [out] ppwszExpandedPath -- on output, the address of the
// expanded path, must be freed by the caller
// Returns: the Win 32 Error code.
// History: 5/30/2000 AdamEd created
// Notes:
DWORD GetExpandedPath( IN CFileDB* pFileDB, IN WCHAR* wszSourcePath, IN int rID, IN BOOL bAllowMyPics, OUT WCHAR** ppwszExpandedPath) { WCHAR* wszDestination; WCHAR* wszHomeDir; DWORD Status;
const WCHAR* wszUserName;
*ppwszExpandedPath = NULL;
wszDestination = NULL; wszHomeDir = NULL;
wszUserName = NULL;
// In diagnostic mode, we will end up expanding %username% and
// the %homedir% and %homepath% vars, as well as any other variables that
// are defined, but in planning mode we will only
// handle the first 3, and we only do so if a specific user account
if ( pFileDB->GetRsopContext()->IsPlanningModeEnabled() ) { //
// In planning mode, the thread context is not that
// of the desired user, so we must override it
wszUserName = gUserInfo.GetUserName( Status );
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != Status ) { goto GetExpandedPath_Exit; }
if ( ! wszUserName ) { //
// In planning mode, GetUserName can return success
// but return a NULL username -- this means that
// the planning mode target contained only a SOM, not a user
// name, so we can accept the blank user name and cease
// further expansion attempts -- we cannot expand %username%
// or the %home%* variables if we do not have a user account. Thus,
// we use the unexpanded path.
wszDestination = StringDuplicate( wszSourcePath );
if ( ! wszDestination ) { Status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
goto GetExpandedPath_Exit; } }
Status = ExpandHomeDirPolicyPath( (REDIRECTABLE) rID, wszSourcePath, bAllowMyPics, &wszHomeDir);
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != Status ) { goto GetExpandedPath_Exit; }
USHORT cchDestination; ULONG ReturnedLength; NTSTATUS NtStatus;
cchDestination = TARGETPATHLIMIT;
wszDestination = new WCHAR [ cchDestination + 1 ];
if ( ! wszDestination ) { goto GetExpandedPath_Exit; }
ReturnedLength = cchDestination * sizeof( *wszDestination );
NtStatus = ExpandPathSpecial( pFileDB, wszHomeDir, wszUserName, wszDestination, &ReturnedLength);
if ( STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL == NtStatus ) { delete [] wszDestination;
wszDestination = new WCHAR [ ReturnedLength / sizeof( *wszDestination ) + 1 ];
if ( ! wszDestination ) { Status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto GetExpandedPath_Exit; }
NtStatus = ExpandPathSpecial( pFileDB, wszHomeDir, wszUserName, wszDestination, &ReturnedLength); }
if ( STATUS_SUCCESS != NtStatus ) { Status = RtlNtStatusToDosError( NtStatus ); }
delete [] wszHomeDir;
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != Status ) { delete [] wszDestination; } else { *ppwszExpandedPath = wszDestination; }
return Status; }