#include "dialogs.h" /* * Define the language dependant strings * * IMPORTANT!!! * These strings are concatenated together in the code and then * sized to fit in the dialog. So different translations will * be word wrapped automatically, and as long as it will fit in * 6 lines of text we'll be fine. */
ID_STICKY_TITLE "StickyKeys" ID_STICKY_TEXT+1 "Pressing the SHIFT key 5 times turns on StickyKeys. StickyKeys lets you use " ID_STICKY_TEXT+2 "the SHIFT, CTRL, ALT, or Windows Logo keys by pressing one key at a time." ID_STICKY_TEXT+3 "\r\rTo keep StickyKeys on, click OK." ID_STICKY_TEXT+4 "\rTo cancel StickyKeys, click Cancel." ID_STICKY_TEXT+5 "\rTo deactivate the key combination for StickyKeys, click Settings."
// // FilterKeys notification //
ID_FILTER_TITLE "FilterKeys" ID_FILTER_TEXT+1 "Holding down the right SHIFT key for 8 seconds turns on FilterKeys. FilterKeys " ID_FILTER_TEXT+2 "causes Windows to ignore brief or repeated keystrokes and slows down the " ID_FILTER_TEXT+3 "keyboard repeat rate." ID_FILTER_TEXT+4 "\r\rTo keep FilterKeys on, click OK." ID_FILTER_TEXT+5 "\rTo cancel FilterKeys, click Cancel." ID_FILTER_TEXT+6 "\rTo deactivate the key combination for FilterKeys, click Settings."
// // MouseKeys notification //
ID_MOUSE_TITLE "MouseKeys" ID_MOUSE_TEXT+1 "Pressing the left ALT, left SHIFT, and NUM LOCK keys turns on MouseKeys. " ID_MOUSE_TEXT+2 "MouseKeys lets you control the mouse pointer by using the numeric keypad on " ID_MOUSE_TEXT+3 "your keyboard." ID_MOUSE_TEXT+4 "\r\rTo keep MouseKeys on, click OK." ID_MOUSE_TEXT+5 "\rTo cancel MouseKeys, click Cancel." ID_MOUSE_TEXT+6 "\rTo deactivate the key combination for MouseKeys, click Settings."
// // HighContrast notification //
ID_HC_TITLE "HighContrast" ID_HC_TEXT+1 "Pressing the left SHIFT, left ALT, and PRINT SCREEN keys turns on High " ID_HC_TEXT+2 "Contrast. High Contrast improves readability for people with visual impairments " ID_HC_TEXT+3 "by applying a special system color scheme and font size." ID_HC_TEXT+4 "\r\rTo keep High Contrast on, click OK." ID_HC_TEXT+5 "\rTo cancel High Contrast, click Cancel." ID_HC_TEXT+6 "\rTo deactivate the key combination for High Contrast, click Settings."
// // Togglekeys notification //
ID_TOGGLE_TITLE "ToggleKeys" ID_TOGGLE_TEXT+1 "Holding down the NUM LOCK key for 5 seconds turns on ToggleKeys. " ID_TOGGLE_TEXT+2 "ToggleKeys causes a tone to sound when you press the CAPS LOCK, NUM " ID_TOGGLE_TEXT+3 "LOCK, or SCROLL LOCK keys." ID_TOGGLE_TEXT+4 "\r\rTo keep ToggleKeys on, click OK." ID_TOGGLE_TEXT+5 "\rTo cancel ToggleKeys, click Cancel." ID_TOGGLE_TEXT+6 "\rTo deactivate the key combination for ToggleKeys, click Settings."
// // Notification text for machine booting with accessability feature // Filterkeys on. //
ID_ACCESS_TITLE "Accessibility Options" ID_ACCESS_TEXT+1 "Your computer is configured to start with the FilterKeys feature " ID_ACCESS_TEXT+2 "turned on. With this feature, the keyboard repeat rates, acceptance rate " ID_ACCESS_TEXT+3 "and bounce rates are set for users with " ID_ACCESS_TEXT+4 "disabilities."
ID_WHITEBLACK_HC "High Contrast Black (large)" ID_PRE_HC_SCHEME "Pre-High Contrast Scheme" END
DLG_CONFIRM DIALOG 80, 65, 269, 85 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | DS_3DLOOK | WS_POPUP | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU | DS_SYSMODAL CAPTION "Dialog Title" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN // LTEXT "", ID_HELPTEXT, 15, 10, 185, 55 // PUSHBUTTON "&OK", IDOK, 15, 70, 45, 14 // PUSHBUTTON "&Cancel", IDCANCEL, 80, 70, 50, 14 // PUSHBUTTON "&Settings...", IDHELP, 155, 70, 45, 14
PUSHBUTTON "OK",IDOK,50,66,50,14 DEFPUSHBUTTON "Cancel",IDCANCEL,108,66,50,14 PUSHBUTTON "&Settings",IDHELP,166,66,50,14