Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This Module implements the delegation tool, which allows for the management of access to DS objects
Mac McLain (MacM) 10-02-96
User Mode
Revision History:
#include <delegate.h>
__cdecl main( IN INT argc, IN CHAR *argv[] ) /*++
Routine Description:
The MAIN for this executable
argc - The count of arguments argv - The list of arguments
Return Value:
0 - Success 1 - Failure
--*/ {
memset(rgwszObjIds, 0, sizeof(rgwszObjIds)); memset(rgpDefObjAccess, 0, sizeof(rgpDefObjAccess));
// Temporary inclusion, until the new ADVAPI32.DLL is built
AccProvInit(dwErr); if(dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to initialize the security apis: %lu\n", dwErr); }
// Ok, parse the command line
if(argc < 2) { Usage(); exit(1); }
// See if we need help
if(strlen(argv[1]) == 2 && IS_ARG_SWITCH(argv[1]) && argv[1][1] == '?') { Usage(); exit(1); }
// Ok, convert our OU parameter into a WIDE string, so we can do what we
// have to
if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwErr = ConvertStringAToStringW(argv[1], &pwszObjPath); }
// Ok, first, we initialize our ID list from the DS schema
if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwErr = InitializeIdAndAccessLists(pwszObjPath, rgwszObjIds, rgpDefObjAccess); }
// Make sure we're actually dealing with an OU
dwErr = IsPathOU(pwszObjPath, &fIsOU); if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if(fIsOU == FALSE) { fprintf(stderr, "%ws is not an Organizational Unit\n", pwszObjPath); dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to determine the status of %ws\n", pwszObjPath); } } else {
fprintf(stderr,"Initialization failed\n"); }
// First pass through the command line. We'll read off our flags. We
// need this to determine whether to do the initial read or not
if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// First, go through and look for all of our flags
for(i = 2; i < (DWORD)argc; i++) { if(IS_ARG_SWITCH(argv[i])) { if(_stricmp(argv[i] + 1, "T") == 0 || _stricmp(argv[i] + 1, "reseT") == 0) { fAccessFlags |= D_REPLACE; } else if(_stricmp(argv[i] + 1, "I") == 0 || _stricmp(argv[i] + 1, "Inherit") == 0) { fAccessFlags |= D_INHERIT; } else if(_stricmp(argv[i] + 1, "P") == 0 || _stricmp(argv[i] + 1, "Protected") == 0) { fAccessFlags |= D_PROTECT; } } } }
// See if we need to read the current access, which is if we are simply
// displaying the current security, or editing the existing security
if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS && (argc == 2 || (fAccessFlags & D_REPLACE) == 0)) { //
// GetNamedSecurityInfoEx is a NT 5 API
dwErr = GetNamedSecurityInfoEx(pwszObjPath, SE_DS_OBJECT_ALL, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, L"Windows NT Access Provider", NULL, &pCurrentAccess, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// See if we were supposed to display it
if(argc == 2) { DumpAccess(pwszObjPath, pCurrentAccess, rgwszObjIds); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read the current security from %ws\n", pwszObjPath); } }
// Ok, now process the command line again, and do the necessary operations
if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// First, go through and look for all of our flags
i = 2;
while(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS && i < (DWORD)argc) { if(IS_ARG_SWITCH(argv[i])) { if(_stricmp(argv[i] + 1, "T") == 0 || _stricmp(argv[i] + 1, "reseT") == 0) { //
// already processed above
} else if(_stricmp(argv[i] + 1, "I") == 0 || _stricmp(argv[i] + 1, "Inherit") == 0) { //
// already processed above
} else if(_stricmp(argv[i] + 1, "P") == 0 || _stricmp(argv[i] + 1, "Protected") == 0) { //
// already processed above
} else if(_stricmp(argv[i] + 1, "R") == 0 || _stricmp(argv[i] + 1, "Revoke") == 0) { dwErr = ProcessCmdlineUsers(pCurrentAccess, argv, argc, i, REVOKE, fAccessFlags, rgwszObjIds, rgpDefObjAccess, &cUsed, &pAccess); if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { LocalFree(pCurrentAccess); pCurrentAccess = pAccess;
i += cUsed; } } else if(_stricmp(argv[i] + 1, "G") == 0 || _stricmp(argv[i] + 1, "Grant") == 0) { dwErr = ProcessCmdlineUsers(pCurrentAccess, argv, argc, i, GRANT, fAccessFlags, rgwszObjIds, rgpDefObjAccess, &cUsed, &pAccess); if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { LocalFree(pCurrentAccess); pCurrentAccess = pAccess;
i += cUsed; } } else if(_stricmp(argv[i] + 1, "D") == 0 || _stricmp(argv[i] + 1, "Deny") == 0) { dwErr = ProcessCmdlineUsers(pCurrentAccess, argv, argc, i, DENY, fAccessFlags, rgwszObjIds, rgpDefObjAccess, &cUsed, &pAccess); if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { LocalFree(pCurrentAccess); pCurrentAccess = pAccess;
i += cUsed; } } else { //
// Some unknown command line parameter
fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized command line parameter: %s\n", argv[i]); dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } }
i++; } }
// Finally, set the access as requested
if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS && pAccess != NULL) { //
// SetNamedSecurityInfoEx is a NT 5 API
dwErr = SetNamedSecurityInfoEx(pwszObjPath, SE_DS_OBJECT_ALL, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, L"Windows NT Access Provider", pCurrentAccess, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if(dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "Delegate failed to write the new access to %ws\n", pwszObjPath); } }
// Last little informative message...
if(dwErr == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND) { fprintf(stderr, "DELEGATE did not recognize %ws as a DS path\n", pwszObjPath); }
// Free all our allocated memory
FreeIdAndAccessList(rgwszObjIds, rgpDefObjAccess); LocalFree(pwszObjPath); LocalFree(pCurrentAccess);
if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stdout, "The command completed successfully.\n"); }
return(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS ? 0 : 1); }
VOID DumpAccess ( IN PWSTR pwszObject, IN PACTRL_ACCESSW pAccess, IN PWSTR *ppwszIDs ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine will display the given actrl_access list to stdout
pwszObject - The path to the object being displayed pAccess - The access list to display ppwszIDs - The list of property/control ids read from the schema. Used to assign a name to the property list.
Return Value:
--*/ { ULONG iProp, iEnt, i; ULONG Inherit; ACCESS_RIGHTS Access; PWSTR pwszTag = NULL; PWSTR pwszPropertyTag = L"Object or Property:"; PWSTR rgwszInheritTags[] = {L"None", L"Object", L"Container", L"Inherit, no propagate", L"Inherit only", L"Inherited"};
PWSTR rgwszAccessTags[] = {L"None", L"Delete", L"Read Security Information", L"Change Security Information", L"Change owner", L"Synchronize", L"Open Object", L"Create Child", L"Delete Child", L"List contents", L"Write Self", L"Read Property", L"Write Property"};
PWSTR rgwszPropTags[] = {L"User object", L"Group object", L"Printer object", L"Volume object", L"Organizational Unit object", L"Change group membership property", L"Change password property", L"Account control property", L"Local Group object"};
// These [currently string versions of valid] IDs are currently planned to
// be publicly defined for the product. They are included below only due
// to the fact that is no current public definition (as it is not
// necessary for anyone else to need them), and the delegate tool needs
// to be able to display a friendly name for it. DO NOT RELY ON THE
PWSTR rgwszDSControlIds[] = { L"ab721a50-1e2f-11d0-9819-00aa0040529b", L"ab721a51-1e2f-11d0-9819-00aa0040529b"};
PWSTR rgwszDSControlTrags[] = { L"List Domain Accounts", L"Lookup Domains" };
// Don't dump something that doesn't exist...
if(pAccess == NULL) { return; }
fprintf(stdout, "Displaying access list for object %ws\n", pwszObject); fprintf(stdout, "\tNumber of property lists: %lu\n", pAccess->cEntries); for(iProp = 0; iProp < pAccess->cEntries; iProp++) { if(pAccess->pPropertyAccessList[iProp].lpProperty != NULL) { pwszTag = NULL; //
// Find it in our list, so we can display the right value
for(i = 0; i < UNKNOWN_ID; i++) { if(_wcsicmp(pAccess->pPropertyAccessList[iProp].lpProperty, ppwszIDs[i]) == 0) { pwszTag = rgwszPropTags[i]; break; } }
// Look up the list of DS control rights
for(i = 0; i < sizeof(rgwszDSControlIds) / sizeof(PWSTR) && pwszTag == NULL; i++) { if(_wcsicmp(pAccess->pPropertyAccessList[iProp].lpProperty, rgwszDSControlIds[i]) == 0) { pwszTag = rgwszDSControlTrags[i]; pwszPropertyTag = L"DS Control right id:"; break; } }
if(pwszTag == NULL) { fprintf(stdout, "\t\tUnrecognized property whose id is %ws\n", pAccess->pPropertyAccessList[iProp].lpProperty); } else { fprintf(stdout, "\t\t%ws %ws\n", pwszPropertyTag, pwszTag); } } else { fprintf(stdout, "\t\tObject: %ws\n", pwszObject); }
// Is it protected?
if(pAccess->pPropertyAccessList[iProp].fListFlags != 0) { if((pAccess->pPropertyAccessList[iProp].fListFlags & ACTRL_ACCESS_PROTECTED) != 0) { fprintf(stdout,"\t\tAccess list is protected\n"); } }
if(pAccess->pPropertyAccessList[iProp].pAccessEntryList == NULL) { fprintf(stdout,"\t\tpAccessEntryList: NULL\n"); } else { PACTRL_ACCESS_ENTRYW pAE= pAccess->pPropertyAccessList[iProp]. pAccessEntryList->pAccessList; fprintf(stdout, "\t\t\t%lu Access Entries for this object or property\n", pAccess->pPropertyAccessList[iProp].pAccessEntryList-> cEntries);
for(iEnt = 0; iEnt < pAccess->pPropertyAccessList[iProp]. pAccessEntryList->cEntries; iEnt++) { //
// Type of entry
if(pAE[iEnt].fAccessFlags == ACTRL_ACCESS_ALLOWED) { fprintf(stdout, "\t\t\t[%lu] Access Allowed entry\n", iEnt); } else if(pAE[iEnt].fAccessFlags == ACTRL_ACCESS_DENIED) { fprintf(stdout, "\t\t\t[%lu] Access Denied entry\n", iEnt); } else { fprintf(stdout,"\t\t\t[%lu]", iEnt); if((pAE[iEnt].fAccessFlags & ACTRL_AUDIT_SUCCESS) != 0) { fprintf(stdout,"Success Audit"); } if((pAE[iEnt].fAccessFlags & ACTRL_AUDIT_FAILURE) != 0) { if((pAE[iEnt].fAccessFlags & ACTRL_AUDIT_SUCCESS) != 0) { fprintf(stdout," | "); } fprintf(stdout,"Failure Audit"); } fprintf(stdout," entry\n"); }
// User name
fprintf(stdout,"\t\t\t\tUser: %ws\n", pAE[iEnt].Trustee.ptstrName);
// Access rights
fprintf(stdout,"\t\t\t\tAccess: "); Access = pAE[iEnt].Access; if(Access == 0) { fprintf(stdout,"%ws\n", rgwszAccessTags[0]); } else { for(i = 1; i < sizeof(rgwszAccessTags) / sizeof(PWSTR); i++) { if((Access & rgAccess[i]) != 0) { fprintf(stdout,"%ws", rgwszAccessTags[i]); Access &= ~(rgAccess[i]);
if(Access != 0) { fprintf(stdout, " |\n\t\t\t\t "); } } }
if(Access != 0) { fprintf(stdout, "Unrecognized rights: 0x%lx\n", Access); }
fprintf(stdout,"\n"); }
// Inheritance
fprintf(stdout,"\t\t\t\tInheritance: "); Inherit = pAE[iEnt].Inheritance; if(Inherit == 0) { fprintf(stdout,"%ws\n", rgwszInheritTags[0]); } else { for(i = 0; i < sizeof(rgwszInheritTags) / sizeof(PWSTR); i++) { if((Inherit & 1 << i) != 0) { fprintf(stdout,"%ws", rgwszInheritTags[i + 1]); Inherit &= ~(1 << i);
if(Inherit == 0) { fprintf(stdout,"\n"); } else { fprintf(stdout, " |\n\t\t\t\t "); } } } }
if(pAE[iEnt].lpInheritProperty != NULL) { pwszTag = NULL; //
// Find it in our list, so we can display the right value
for(i = 0; i < UNKNOWN_ID; i++) { if(_wcsicmp(pAE[iEnt].lpInheritProperty, ppwszIDs[i]) == 0) { pwszTag = rgwszPropTags[i]; break; } }
if(pwszTag == NULL) { fprintf(stdout, "\t\t\t\tUnrecognized inherit to object " "whose id is %ws\n", pAE[iEnt].lpInheritProperty); } else { fprintf(stdout, "\t\t\t\tObject to inherit to: %ws\n", pwszTag); }
} } }
printf("\n"); } }
VOID Usage ( ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine will display the expected command line usage
Return Value:
--*/ {
fprintf(stdout, "Delegates administrative privileges on a directory OU\n"); fprintf(stdout, "\n"); fprintf(stdout, "DELEGATE <ou> [/T] [/I] [/P] [/G user:perm] [/D user:perm [...]] " "[/R user [...]]\n"); fprintf(stdout, "\n"); fprintf(stdout," <ou>\tOU to modify or display the rights for\n"); fprintf(stdout," /T\tReplace the access instead of editing it.\n"); fprintf(stdout," /I\tInherit to all subcontainers in the directory.\n"); fprintf(stdout," /P\tMark the object as protected following the operation\n"); fprintf(stdout," /G user:perm\tGrant specified user admin access rights.\n"); fprintf(stdout," /D user:perm\tDeny specified user admin access rights.\n"); fprintf(stdout," \tPerm can be:\n"); fprintf(stdout," \t\tAbility to create/manage objects in this container\n"); fprintf(stdout," \t\t\t%2s Create/Manage All object types\n",D_ALL); fprintf(stdout," \t\t\t%2s Create/Manage Users\n", D_USER); fprintf(stdout," \t\t\t%2s Create/Manage Groups\n", D_GROUP); fprintf(stdout," \t\t\t%2s Create/Manage Printers\n", D_PRINT); fprintf(stdout," \t\t\t%2s Create/Manage Volumes\n", D_VOL); fprintf(stdout," \t\t\t%2s Create/Manage OUs\n", D_OU); fprintf(stdout," \t\tAbility to modify specific user or group " "properties\n"); fprintf(stdout," \t\t\t%2s Change Group membership for " "all groups\n", D_MEMBERS); fprintf(stdout," \t\t\t%2s Set User Passwords\n", D_PASSWD); fprintf(stdout," \t\t\t%2s Enable/Disable user accounts\n", D_ENABLE); fprintf(stdout, "\n"); fprintf(stdout," /R user Revoke\tSpecified user's access rights (only valid " "without /E).\n"); fprintf(stdout, "\n"); fprintf(stdout,"You can specify more than one user in a command and " "more than one perm per user, seperated by a , (comma).\n");
DWORD ConvertStringAToStringW ( IN PSTR pszString, OUT PWSTR *ppwszString ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine will convert an ASCII string to a UNICODE string.
The returned string buffer must be freed via a call to LocalFree
pszString - The string to convert ppwszString - Where the converted string is returned
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS - Success ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY - A memory allocation failed
--*/ {
if(pszString == NULL) { *ppwszString = NULL; } else { ULONG cLen = strlen(pszString); *ppwszString = (PWSTR)LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED,sizeof(WCHAR) * (mbstowcs(NULL, pszString, cLen + 1) + 1)); if(*ppwszString != NULL) { mbstowcs(*ppwszString, pszString, cLen + 1); } else { return(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); } }
return(ERROR_SUCCESS); }
DWORD ConvertStringWToStringA ( IN PWSTR pwszString, OUT PSTR *ppszString ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine will convert a UNICODE string to an ANSI string.
The returned string buffer must be freed via a call to LocalFree
pwszString - The string to convert ppszString - Where the converted string is returned
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS - Success ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY - A memory allocation failed
--*/ {
if(pwszString == NULL) { *ppszString = NULL; } else { ULONG cLen = wcslen(pwszString); *ppszString = (PSTR)LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED,sizeof(CHAR) * (wcstombs(NULL, pwszString, cLen + 1) + 1)); if(*ppszString != NULL) { wcstombs(*ppszString, pwszString, cLen + 1); } else { return(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); } }
return(ERROR_SUCCESS); }
DWORD InitializeIdAndAccessLists ( IN PWSTR pwszOU, IN PWSTR *ppwszObjIdList, IN PACTRL_ACCESS *ppDefObjAccessList ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine will read the list of object ids from the schema for the object types as indicated by DELEGATE_OBJ_ID enumeration.
The returned access list needs to be processed by FreeIdList.
pwszOU - Information on the domain for which to query the schema ppwszObjIdList - The list of object ids to initialize. The list must already exist and must of the proper size
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS - Success ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY - A memory allocation failed ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER - The OU given was not correct
--*/ { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD i; PSTR pszSchemaPath = NULL; PLDAP pLDAP;
// Build a list of attributes to read
PSTR pszAttribs[] = {"User", // USER_ID
"Group", // GROUP_ID
"Print-Queue", // PRINT_ID
"Volume", // VOLUME_ID
"Organizational-Unit", // OU_ID
"Member", // MEMBER_ID
"User-Password", // PASSWD_ID
"User-Account-Control", // ACCTCTRL_ID
"LocalGroup" // LOCALGRP_ID
// Get the path to the schema
dwErr = LDAPReadSchemaPath(pwszOU, &pszSchemaPath, &pLDAP); if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// Ok, now, we need to query the schema for the information
for(i = 0; i < UNKNOWN_ID && dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS; i++) { //
// Get the info from the schema
dwErr = LDAPReadSecAndObjIdAsString(pLDAP, pszSchemaPath, pszAttribs[i], &(ppwszObjIdList[i]), i > MAX_DEF_ACCESS_ID ? NULL : &(ppDefObjAccessList[i])); }
LocalFree(pszSchemaPath); LDAPUnbind(pLDAP); }
return(dwErr); }
VOID FreeIdAndAccessList ( IN PWSTR *ppwszObjIdList, IN PACTRL_ACCESS *ppDefObjAccessList
) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine will process the list of Ids and determine if any of them have been converted to strings. If so, it deallocates the memory
pObjIdList - The list of object ids to free
Return Value:
--*/ { DWORD i;
for(i = 0; i < UNKNOWN_ID; i++) { RpcStringFree(&(ppwszObjIdList[i]));
if(i <= MAX_DEF_ACCESS_ID) { LocalFree(ppDefObjAccessList[i]); } } }
DWORD ProcessCmdlineUsers ( IN PACTRL_ACCESSW pAccessList, IN CHAR *argv[], IN INT argc, IN DWORD iStart, IN DELEGATE_OP Op, IN ULONG fFlags, IN PWSTR *ppwszIDs, IN PACTRL_ACCESS *ppDefObjAccessList, OUT PULONG pcUsed, OUT PACTRL_ACCESSW *ppNewAccess ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine will process the command line for any users to have access added/denied. If any entries are found, the access list will be appropriately updated.
The returned access list must be freed via a call to LocalFree
pAccessList - The current access list argv - List of command line arguments argc - count of command line arguments iStart - Where in the command line does the current argument start Op - Type of operation (grant, revoke, etc) to perform fInherit - Whether to do inheritance or not fProtected - Whether to mark the entries as protected ppwszIDs - List of supported IDs pcUsed - Number of items command line items used ppNewAccess - Where the new access list is returned. Only valid if returned count of revoked items is non-0
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS - Success ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY - A memory allocation failed
*pcUsed = 0; iStart++;
// Process all the entries until we find the next seperator or the end of
// the list
while(iStart + *pcUsed < (DWORD)argc && !IS_ARG_SWITCH(argv[iStart + *pcUsed]) && dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { PWSTR pwszUser = NULL; PSTR pszAccess; PSTR pszAccessStart;
// Get the user name and the list of arguments, if it exists
dwErr = GetUserInfoFromCmdlineString(argv[iStart + *pcUsed], &pwszUser, &pszAccessStart); if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { pszAccess = pszAccessStart; //
// Should we have arguments? All except for the revoke case, we
// should
if(pszAccess == NULL && Op != REVOKE) { fprintf(stderr, "Missing permissions for %ws\n", pwszUser); dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } }
// Ok, now we'll have to process the list, and actually build the
// access entries
if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD iIndex = 0;
// Reset our list of entries...
pszAccess = pszAccessStart; while(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { PSTR pszNext = NULL;
if(pszAccess != NULL) { pszNext = strchr(pszAccess, ',');
if(pszNext != NULL) { *pszNext = '\0'; } }
dwErr = AddAccessEntry(pAccessList, pszAccess, pwszUser, Op, ppwszIDs, ppDefObjAccessList, fFlags, ppNewAccess); //
// Restore our string
if(pszNext != NULL) { *pszNext = ','; pszNext++; }
pszAccess = pszNext;
if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// We don't want to free the original list, since that
// is what we were given to start with...
LocalFree(pListToFree); pAccessList = *ppNewAccess; pListToFree = pAccessList; } else { if(dwErr == ERROR_NONE_MAPPED) { fprintf(stderr,"Unknown user %ws specified\n", pwszUser); } }
if(Op == REVOKE || pszAccess == NULL) { break; } } }
(*pcUsed)++; }
if(*pcUsed == 0) { dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; fprintf(stderr,"No user information was supplied!\n"); }
return(dwErr); }
DWORD GetUserInfoFromCmdlineString ( IN PSTR pszUserInfo, OUT PWSTR *ppwszUser, OUT PSTR *ppszAccessStart ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine will process the command line for any user to convert the user name to a wide string, and optionally get the access, if it exists
The returned user must be freed via a call to LocalFree
pszUserInfo - The user info to convert. In the form of username or username:access ppwszUser - Where to return the user name pAccess - Where the access is returned
Return Value:
// First, find the seperator, if it exists
PSTR pszSep = strchr(pszUserInfo, ':'); if(pszSep != NULL) { *pszSep = '\0'; }
// Convert our user name
dwErr = ConvertStringAToStringW(pszUserInfo, ppwszUser);
if(pszSep != NULL) { *pszSep = ':'; pszSep++; }
*ppszAccessStart = pszSep;
return(dwErr); }
DWORD AddAccessEntry ( IN PACTRL_ACCESSW pAccessList, IN PSTR pszAccess, IN PWSTR pwszTrustee, IN DELEGATE_OP Op, IN PWSTR *ppwszIDs, IN PACTRL_ACCESS *ppDefObjAccessList, IN ULONG fFlags, OUT PACTRL_ACCESSW *ppNewAccess ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine will add a new access entry to the list based upon the access action string and the operation. The pointer to the index variable will indicate where in the list it goes, and will be updated to point to the next entry on return.
pAccessList - The current access list. Can be NULL. pszAccess - User access string to add pwszTrustee - The user for which an entry is being created Op - Type of operation (grant, revoke, etc) to perform ppwszIDs - List of object IDs from the DS Schema fFlags - Whether to do inheritance, protection, etc ppNewAccess - Where the new access list is returned.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS - Success ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY - A memory allocation failed
// The most we add is 3 entries at a time... (2 per items, 1 inheritable)
ACTRL_ACCESS_ENTRYW AccList[3]; memset(&AccList, 0, sizeof(AccList));
fInherit = (BOOL)(fFlags & D_INHERIT); if(Op == REVOKE) { BuildTrusteeWithName(&(AccList[cEntries].Trustee), pwszTrustee); } else { //
// GroupMembership
if(_stricmp(pszAccess, D_MEMBERS) == 0) { //
// This gets 1 access entry: WriteProp
AccList[cEntries].lpInheritProperty = ppwszIDs[GROUP_ID]; AccList[cEntries].Inheritance = INHERIT_ONLY | fInherit ? SUB_CONTAINERS_AND_OBJECTS_INHERIT : 0; BuildTrusteeWithName(&(AccList[cEntries].Trustee), pwszTrustee);
AccList[cEntries].fAccessFlags = Flags[Op]; AccList[cEntries].Access = ACTRL_DS_WRITE_PROP; pwszProperty = ppwszIDs[MEMBER_ID]; iIndex = MEMBER_ID; fprintf(stderr, "Sorry... delegation for changing Group membership is " "not supported in this alpha release\n"); dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
} //
// SetPassword
else if(_stricmp(pszAccess, D_PASSWD) == 0) { //
// This gets 1 access entry: WriteProp
AccList[cEntries].lpInheritProperty = ppwszIDs[USER_ID]; AccList[cEntries].Inheritance = INHERIT_ONLY | fInherit ? SUB_CONTAINERS_AND_OBJECTS_INHERIT : 0; BuildTrusteeWithName(&(AccList[cEntries].Trustee), pwszTrustee);
AccList[cEntries].fAccessFlags = Flags[Op]; AccList[cEntries].Access = ACTRL_DS_WRITE_PROP; pwszProperty = ppwszIDs[PASSWD_ID]; iIndex = PASSWD_ID; fprintf(stderr, "Sorry... delegation for Set Password is " "not supported in this alpha release\n"); dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } //
// Enable/Disable accounts
else if(_stricmp(pszAccess, D_ENABLE) == 0) { //
// This gets 1 access entry: WriteProp
AccList[cEntries].lpInheritProperty = ppwszIDs[USER_ID]; AccList[cEntries].Inheritance = INHERIT_ONLY | fInherit ? SUB_CONTAINERS_AND_OBJECTS_INHERIT : 0; BuildTrusteeWithName(&(AccList[cEntries].Trustee), pwszTrustee);
AccList[cEntries].fAccessFlags = Flags[Op]; AccList[cEntries].Access = ACTRL_DS_WRITE_PROP; pwszProperty = ppwszIDs[ACCTCTRL_ID]; iIndex = ACCTCTRL_ID; fprintf(stderr, "Sorry... delegation for Enabling and Disabling accounts " " is not supported in this alpha release\n"); dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { //
// Some object type...
if(_stricmp(pszAccess, D_ALL) == 0) // All
{ pwszProperty = NULL; } else if(_stricmp(pszAccess, D_USER) == 0) // User
{ pwszProperty = ppwszIDs[USER_ID]; iIndex = USER_ID; fprintf(stderr, "Sorry... delegation for user objects is " "not supported in this alpha release\n"); dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else if(_stricmp(pszAccess, D_GROUP) == 0) // Group
{ pwszProperty = ppwszIDs[USER_ID]; iIndex = GROUP_ID; fprintf(stderr, "Sorry... delegation for group objects is " "not supported in this alpha release\n"); dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else if(_stricmp(pszAccess, D_PRINT) == 0) // Printers
{ pwszProperty = ppwszIDs[PRINT_ID]; iIndex = PRINT_ID; } else if(_stricmp(pszAccess, D_VOL) == 0) // Volumes
{ pwszProperty = ppwszIDs[VOLUME_ID]; iIndex = VOLUME_ID; } else if(_stricmp(pszAccess, D_OU) == 0) // OUs
{ pwszProperty = ppwszIDs[OU_ID]; iIndex = OU_ID; } else { dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected delegation permission %s given for " "user %ws\n", pszAccess, pwszTrustee); }
if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// Add the create/delete for the user
BuildTrusteeWithName(&(AccList[cEntries].Trustee), pwszTrustee);
AccList[cEntries].fAccessFlags = Flags[Op]; AccList[cEntries].Access = ACTRL_DS_CREATE_CHILD | ACTRL_DS_DELETE_CHILD; AccList[cEntries].Inheritance = fInherit ? SUB_CONTAINERS_AND_OBJECTS_INHERIT : 0; //
// If we are inheriting, make sure we inherit only to the
// proper property
if(fInherit == TRUE) { AccList[cEntries].lpInheritProperty = pwszProperty; }
// Then the inherit on the child object
cEntries++; AccList[cEntries].Inheritance = INHERIT_ONLY | (fInherit ? SUB_CONTAINERS_AND_OBJECTS_INHERIT : 0); BuildTrusteeWithName(&(AccList[cEntries].Trustee), pwszTrustee);
AccList[cEntries].fAccessFlags = Flags[Op]; AccList[cEntries].Access = ACTRL_DS_WRITE_PROP | ACTRL_DS_READ_PROP | ACTRL_DS_LIST | ACTRL_DS_SELF;
AccList[cEntries].lpInheritProperty = pwszProperty; }
} }
if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// SetEntriesInAccessList is a NT5 API
dwErr = SetEntriesInAccessList(cEntries + 1, AccList, Access[Op], pwszProperty, pAccessList, ppNewAccess); //
// Mark it as protected if we were so asked
if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS && (fFlags & D_PROTECT) != 0) { (*ppNewAccess)->pPropertyAccessList[0].fListFlags = ACTRL_ACCESS_PROTECTED; } }
// Finally, if this was the first entry we were asked to add for this
// property, we'll have to go get the default security information
// from the schema, so we can figure out what inherited entries should
// be on the object, and apply them as object inherit entries for the
// property
if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS && iIndex <= MAX_DEF_ACCESS_ID && Op != REVOKE) { PACTRL_ACCESS pOldAccess = pAccessList;
// First, find the property in our list of access entries we
// created above
for(i = 0; i <= (*ppNewAccess)->cEntries; i++) { //
// We'll do this based on property... In this case, the only
// entries we'll be adding will have a property, so we don't have
// to protect against that...
if(pwszProperty != NULL && (*ppNewAccess)->pPropertyAccessList[i].lpProperty != NULL && _wcsicmp((*ppNewAccess)->pPropertyAccessList[i].lpProperty, pwszProperty) == 0) { //
// If it has more entries that we added, we won't have to
// worry about it, since the information will already
// have been added. Note that in this case, we don't have
// to worry about pAccessEntryList being null, since we know
// we have added some valid entries.
if((*ppNewAccess)->pPropertyAccessList[i]. pAccessEntryList->cEntries == cEntries + 1) { PACTRL_ACCESS pAddAccess = ppDefObjAccessList[iIndex]; pAccessList = *ppNewAccess;
// Ok, we'll have to add them...
for(j = 0; j < (DWORD)(pAddAccess->cEntries) && dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS; j++) { PACTRL_PROPERTY_ENTRY pPPE = &(pAddAccess->pPropertyAccessList[j]); dwErr = SetEntriesInAccessList( pPPE->pAccessEntryList->cEntries, pPPE->pAccessEntryList->pAccessList, GRANT_ACCESS, pPPE->lpProperty, pAccessList, ppNewAccess); if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { pAccessList = *ppNewAccess; } } }
// We don't want to run through the loop anymore
break; } } }
return(dwErr); }
Routine Description:
This routine will determine whether the given path is an OU or not.
pwszOU - The path into the DS to check on ppwszIDs - List of string representations of known IDs pfIsOU - Where the results of the test are returned
Return Value:
dwErr = ConvertStringWToStringA(pwszOU, &pszOU);
if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwErr = DsBindA(NULL, NULL, &hDS); }
if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwErr = DsCrackNamesA(hDS, DS_NAME_NO_FLAGS, DS_UNKNOWN_NAME, DS_FQDN_1779_NAME, 1, &pszOU, &pNameRes);
if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if(pNameRes->cItems == 0) { dwErr = ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND; } else { PSTR pszName = NULL; PLDAP pLDAP;
// Now, we'll bind to the object, and then do the read
dwErr = LDAPBind(pNameRes->rItems[0].pDomain, &pLDAP);
if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { PSTR *ppszValues; DWORD cValues; dwErr = LDAPReadAttribute(pszOU, "objectclass", pLDAP, &cValues, &ppszValues); LDAPUnbind(pLDAP);
if(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { ULONG i; *pfIsOU = FALSE; for(i = 0; i <cValues; i++) { if(_stricmp(ppszValues[i], "organizationalUnit") == 0) { *pfIsOU = TRUE; break; } }
LDAPFreeValues(ppszValues); } } }
DsFreeNameResultA(pNameRes); }
if (NULL != pszOU) { LocalFree(pszOU); } if (NULL != hDS) { DsUnBindA(hDS); }
return(dwErr); }