Copyright (c) 1997-1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Command line tool for displaying/creating/deleting trust links between 2 domains
1-Apr-1997 Mac McLain (macm) Created 14-Jun-1998 Cristian Ioneci (cristiai) Heavily modified Environment:
User mode only. Requires ANSI C extensions: slash-slash comments, long external names.
Revision History:
--*/ #include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <ntlsa.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <dsgetdc.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <lmcons.h>
#include <lmapibuf.h>
#include <lmaccess.h>
#include <lmserver.h>
#include <lmerr.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "res.rc"
//taken from netlibnt.h; resides in netapi32.dll
NTSTATUS NetpApiStatusToNtStatus( NET_API_STATUS NetStatus );
#define DBG 1
//dbgprintf macro: call it like dbgprint(("X:%d\n",i)); //notice the xtra paranthesis!!
#ifdef DBG
#define dbgprintf(a) if(Dbg) resprintf a
#define dbgprintf(a)
/*-------------------------------------------------------*/ HINSTANCE hInst; #define RBSZ 4096
WCHAR resbuf[RBSZ]; WCHAR outbuf[RBSZ]; #define RESPRINT_STDOUT 3
/*-------------------------------------------------------*/ //Printf message with format taken from a resource string
// where: 0 - stdout; 1- stderr; 2 - in the 'output' buffer
//take care: the resulting string must be max. RBSZ wchars (see #define above)
int resprintf(int where, UINT ids, ... ) { va_list parlist; va_start(parlist,ids);
if(LoadString(hInst,ids,resbuf,RBSZ)==0) swprintf(resbuf,L"(LoadString failed with 0x%08lx)",GetLastError()); switch(where) { case 0: return(vwprintf(resbuf, parlist)); case 1: return(vfwprintf(stderr, resbuf, parlist)); case 2: return(vswprintf(outbuf, resbuf, parlist)); case RESPRINT_STDOUT: return(vfwprintf(stdout, resbuf, parlist));
} }
enum DomInfoType_e { Minimal=0, Primary, DNS }; // Minimal mode is used only for 'localonly' flag...
//Minimal means that the name that was specified on the command line
//(and copied in the ArgDomName member of the _TD_DOM_INFO structure) will
//be the only information available about the target domain (that is, just
//the flat name of the domain). That could happen if the target domain is
//no longer accessible at the moment when the trustdom is run... 'TrustDom'
//will try to do its best in this case...
struct LsaTIshot { ULONG count; PLSA_TRUST_INFORMATION pTI; };
typedef struct _TD_DOM_INFO {
PWSTR pArgDomName; //from the command line...
UNICODE_STRING uMinimalName; //in case it is needed...
LSA_HANDLE Policy; DWORD majver; LSA_HANDLE TrustedDomain; WCHAR DCName[1024]; enum DomInfoType_e DomInfoType; union { PPOLICY_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFO PrimaryDomainInfo; PPOLICY_DNS_DOMAIN_INFO DnsDomainInfo; } u; PTRUSTED_DOMAIN_INFORMATION_EX pTDIX; //one shot... Lsa memory space
ULONG TDIXcEntries; struct LsaTIshot *pTIs; //array of TIshots
int nTIs; //no. of TIshots
ULONG TIcEntries; USER_INFO_1 *pUI1; //one shot...
DWORD UI1cEntries;
typedef struct _TD_VERIFY_INFO {
// Local function prototypes
NTSTATUS GetDomainInfoForDomain( IN PWSTR DomainName, IN OPTIONAL PWSTR DCMachineName, // optional DC machine name
IN PTD_DOM_INFO Info, IN BOOL MitTarget );
NTSTATUS GetTrustLinks( IN PTD_DOM_INFO pInfo );
VOID FreeDomainInfo( IN PTD_DOM_INFO Info );
// Globals
BOOLEAN Force = FALSE; BOOLEAN Nt4 = FALSE; BOOLEAN Dbg = FALSE; BOOLEAN SidList = FALSE; //BOOLEAN Overwritesid = FALSE; actually use Force instead...
ULONG DisplayErrorMessage( IN NTSTATUS Status ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function display the error string for the given error status
NetStatus - Status to display the message for
Return Value:
Size = FormatMessage( Options, NULL, RtlNtStatusToDosError( Status ), MAKELANGID( LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT ), ( LPTSTR )&DisplayString, 0, NULL );
if ( Size != 0 ) {
fprintf( stdout, "%ws", DisplayString ); LocalFree( DisplayString ); }
return( Size ); }
/*---------------------------- printSID --------------------------*/ BOOL PrintSID( IN PSID s ) { int i; BOOL r=TRUE; SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY *a;
if(s==NULL) { printf("<NULL sid>"); return(FALSE); }
if (!IsValidSid(s)) { printf("<invalid sid>:"); r=FALSE; }
a = GetSidIdentifierAuthority(s);
// printf("S-0x1-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x",
// a->Value[0], a->Value[1],
// a->Value[2], a->Value[3],
// a->Value[4], a->Value[5]);
for(i=0; i<6; i++) if(a->Value[i]>0) break; if(i==6) // hmmm... all zeroes?
printf("0"); // out one zero then
else { for( ; i<6; i++) // else dump the remaining ones
printf("%02x",a->Value[i]); }
for (i = 0; i < (int)(*GetSidSubAuthorityCount(s)); i++) { printf("-%lx", *GetSidSubAuthority(s, i)); } return(r); }
Status = RtlAllocateAndInitializeSid( &NtAuthority, 4, SECURITY_NT_NON_UNIQUE, 0, CurrentTime.LowPart, CurrentTime.HighPart, 0,0,0,0, pSID );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { *pSID=NULL; resprintf(0,IDS_GENERATERANDOMSID_F,Status); }
return(Status); }
BOOL zapchr(WCHAR *s, // zap specified character from the end of string
WCHAR c, // usefull to cut things like '\n' or '\\'
WCHAR rc) // rc is the char to replace with
{ WCHAR *p; if((p=wcsrchr(s,c))!=NULL) { *p=rc; return(TRUE); // found smth to cut...
} return(FALSE); // the string was "clean"...
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL GetPassword(WCHAR *passwd, size_t n) { /* turn off console echo & read in the password */
HANDLE console; DWORD mode;
*passwd=L'\0'; if((console = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE))==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return(FALSE); if (! GetConsoleMode(console, &mode)) return(FALSE); if (! SetConsoleMode(console, (mode & ~ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT))) return(FALSE); //fwprintf(stderr, L"Password : ");
resprintf(1,IDS_PASSWORD_PROMPT); if (!fgetws(passwd, n, stdin)) return(FALSE); zapchr(passwd,L'\n',L'\0'); if (! SetConsoleMode(console, mode)) return(FALSE); if(!CloseHandle(console)) return(FALSE); fwprintf(stderr,L"\n"); return(TRUE); }
//UNICODE_STRING uMinimalName; not used anymore... added a field with same name inside each
//TD_DOM_INFO structure that will be used instead... in this way two consecutive calls
//*** FOR TWO STRUCTURES*** will not overwrite it.
PLSA_UNICODE_STRING GetFlatName(IN PTD_DOM_INFO pInfo) { switch(pInfo->DomInfoType) { case DNS: return(&pInfo->u.DnsDomainInfo->Name); case Primary: return(&pInfo->u.PrimaryDomainInfo->Name); default: //Minimal
RtlInitUnicodeString(&pInfo->uMinimalName,pInfo->pArgDomName); return(&pInfo->uMinimalName); } }
PLSA_UNICODE_STRING GetName(IN PTD_DOM_INFO pInfo) { //simpler, just a little bit slower... (xtra call)
// if(pInfo->DomInfoType==DNS)
// return(&pInfo->u.DnsDomainInfo->DnsDomainName);
// return(GetFlatName(pInfo));
switch(pInfo->DomInfoType) { case DNS: return(&pInfo->u.DnsDomainInfo->DnsDomainName); case Primary: return(&pInfo->u.PrimaryDomainInfo->Name); default: //Minimal
RtlInitUnicodeString(&pInfo->uMinimalName,pInfo->pArgDomName); return(&pInfo->uMinimalName); } }
PSID GetSid(IN PTD_DOM_INFO pInfo) { PSID ReturnSid = NULL;
switch(pInfo->DomInfoType) { case DNS: ReturnSid = pInfo->u.DnsDomainInfo->Sid; break;
case Primary: ReturnSid = pInfo->u.PrimaryDomainInfo->Sid; break;
return( ReturnSid ); }
WCHAR SrvName[1024]; //----------------MakeSrvName-------------------------------
PWSTR MakeSrvName(IN PWSTR Name) //add slashes at the beginning
{ swprintf(SrvName,L"\\\\%ws",Name); if(SrvName[0]==L'\0') return(NULL); return(SrvName); }
WCHAR Domain[1024]; //----------------AddDlrToDomainName-------------------------
PWSTR AddDlrToDomainName(IN PTD_DOM_INFO pInfo) { swprintf(Domain,L"%wZ$",GetFlatName(pInfo)); return(Domain); } WCHAR CutDlrDomain[1024]; //----------------CutDlrFromName-----------------------------
PWSTR CutDlrFromName(IN PWSTR Name) { wcscpy(CutDlrDomain,Name); zapchr(CutDlrDomain,L'$',L'\0'); return(CutDlrDomain); }
WCHAR secret[1024]; LSA_UNICODE_STRING uSecret; //---------------------MakeSecretName------------------
PLSA_UNICODE_STRING MakeSecretName(IN PTD_DOM_INFO pInfo) { swprintf(secret,L"G$$%wZ",GetFlatName(pInfo)); RtlInitUnicodeString(&uSecret,secret); return(&uSecret); }
//start section inserted from Mac (11/05/1998(Thu) 17:08:53)
NTSTATUS VerifyIndividualTrust( IN PSID InboundDomainSid, IN PUNICODE_STRING InboundDomainName, IN PLSA_HANDLE OutboundHandle, IN PWSTR OutboundServer, IN OUT PNTSTATUS VerifyStatus ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine will verify a single trust in the one direction only.
InboundDomainSid -- Sid of the inbound side of the trust OutboundHandle -- Open policy handle to a domain controller on the outbound side OutboundServer -- Name of the domian controller on the outbound side VerifyStatus -- Status returned from the verification attempt Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS -- Success STATUS_INVALID_SID -- The specified domain sid was invalid
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; DWORD SidBuff[ sizeof( SID ) / sizeof( DWORD ) + 5 ]; PSID DomAdminSid = ( PSID )SidBuff; PLSA_REFERENCED_DOMAIN_LIST Domains = NULL; PLSA_TRANSLATED_NAME Names = NULL; NET_API_STATUS NetStatus; PNETLOGON_INFO_2 NetlogonInfo2 = NULL;
// Assume the trust is invalid until we can prove otherwise.
ASSERT( RtlValidSid( InboundDomainSid ) );
if ( !RtlValidSid( InboundDomainSid ) ) {
// Check netlogons secure channel
if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) {
NetStatus = I_NetLogonControl2( OutboundServer, NETLOGON_CONTROL_TC_QUERY, 2, ( LPBYTE )&InboundDomainName->Buffer, ( LPBYTE *)&NetlogonInfo2 );
if ( NetStatus == NERR_Success ) {
NetStatus = NetlogonInfo2->netlog2_pdc_connection_status; NetApiBufferFree( NetlogonInfo2 );
if ( NetStatus != NERR_Success ) {
NetStatus = I_NetLogonControl2( OutboundServer, NETLOGON_CONTROL_REDISCOVER, 2, ( LPBYTE )&InboundDomainName->Buffer, ( LPBYTE *)&NetlogonInfo2 ); } }
*VerifyStatus = NetpApiStatusToNtStatus( NetStatus );
// Now, try a lookup
if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) && NT_SUCCESS( *VerifyStatus ) ) {
// Build the domain admins sid for the inbound side of the trust
RtlCopyMemory( DomAdminSid, InboundDomainSid, RtlLengthSid( InboundDomainSid ) );
( ( PISID )( DomAdminSid ) )->SubAuthorityCount++; *( RtlSubAuthoritySid( DomAdminSid, *( RtlSubAuthorityCountSid( InboundDomainSid ) ) ) ) = DOMAIN_GROUP_RID_ADMINS;
// Now, we'll simply do a remote lookup, and ensure that we get back success
Status = LsaLookupSids( OutboundHandle, 1, &DomAdminSid, &Domains, &Names );
if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) {
LsaFreeMemory( Domains ); LsaFreeMemory( Names ); *VerifyStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS;
} else if ( Status == STATUS_NONE_MAPPED ) {
} else {
*VerifyStatus = Status; }
// If all of that worked, check netlogons secure channel
if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) && NT_SUCCESS( *VerifyStatus ) ) {
NetStatus = I_NetLogonControl2( OutboundServer, NETLOGON_CONTROL_TC_QUERY, 2, ( LPBYTE )&InboundDomainName->Buffer, ( LPBYTE *)&NetlogonInfo2 );
if ( NetStatus == NERR_Success ) {
NetStatus = NetlogonInfo2->netlog2_pdc_connection_status; NetApiBufferFree( NetlogonInfo2 );
if ( NetStatus != NERR_Success ) {
NetStatus = I_NetLogonControl2( OutboundServer, NETLOGON_CONTROL_REDISCOVER, 2, ( LPBYTE )&InboundDomainName->Buffer, ( LPBYTE *)&NetlogonInfo2 ); } }
*VerifyStatus = NetpApiStatusToNtStatus( NetStatus );
} }
return( Status ); }
NTSTATUS VerifyTrustInbound( IN PTD_DOM_INFO LocalDomain, IN PUNICODE_STRING RemoteDomain, IN OUT PNTSTATUS VerifyStatus ) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; TD_DOM_INFO RemoteTrustInfo; WCHAR DCname[MAX_PATH + 1]= { L'\0' };
RtlZeroMemory( &RemoteTrustInfo, sizeof( RemoteTrustInfo ) ); Status = GetDomainInfoForDomain( RemoteDomain->Buffer, NULL, &RemoteTrustInfo, FALSE );
if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) {
Status= VerifyIndividualTrust( GetSid( LocalDomain ), GetName( LocalDomain ), RemoteTrustInfo.Policy, RemoteTrustInfo.DCName, VerifyStatus );
FreeDomainInfo( &RemoteTrustInfo );
} else {
*VerifyStatus = Status; }
return( Status ); }
NTSTATUS VerifyTrustOutbound( IN PTD_DOM_INFO LocalDomain, IN PUNICODE_STRING RemoteDomain, IN OUT PNTSTATUS VerifyStatus ) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; TD_DOM_INFO RemoteTrustInfo;
RtlZeroMemory( &RemoteTrustInfo, sizeof( RemoteTrustInfo ) ); Status = GetDomainInfoForDomain( RemoteDomain->Buffer, NULL, &RemoteTrustInfo, FALSE );
if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) {
Status= VerifyIndividualTrust( GetSid( &RemoteTrustInfo ), GetName( &RemoteTrustInfo ), LocalDomain->Policy, LocalDomain->DCName, VerifyStatus );
FreeDomainInfo( &RemoteTrustInfo );
} else {
*VerifyStatus = Status; }
return( Status ); }
NTSTATUS VerifyTrusts( IN PWSTR DomainName, IN OPTIONAL PWSTR DCMachineName // optional DC machine name
) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine will verify the existing trusts with all other NT domains, and display the results.
DomainName -- OPTIONAL name of the domain on which to verify the information
Return Value:
STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES -- A memory allocation failed
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; TD_DOM_INFO TrustInfo; PTD_VERIFY_INFO VerifyList = NULL; ULONG VerifyCount = 0, VerifyIndex = 0, i, j; BOOLEAN InvalidIncoming = FALSE, InvalidOutgoing = FALSE, Valid = FALSE; UNICODE_STRING *LocalDomainName = NULL, SamNameAsDomain; WCHAR *AccountTrunc;
RtlZeroMemory( &TrustInfo, sizeof( TrustInfo ) ); Status = GetDomainInfoForDomain( DomainName, DCMachineName, &TrustInfo, FALSE );
if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) {
Status = GetTrustLinks( &TrustInfo ); }
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) {
goto VerifyExit; }
LocalDomainName = GetName( &TrustInfo );
// Allocate a list of verify information to correspond to the list we enumerated
VerifyCount = max( TrustInfo.TDIXcEntries, TrustInfo.UI1cEntries + TrustInfo.TIcEntries );
VerifyList = ( PTD_VERIFY_INFO )LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED | LMEM_ZEROINIT, VerifyCount * sizeof( TD_VERIFY_INFO ) );
if ( !VerifyList ) {
// Now, do the verification.
if ( TrustInfo.TDIXcEntries ) {
for ( i = 0; i < TrustInfo.TDIXcEntries; i++ ) {
if ( TrustInfo.pTDIX[ i ].TrustType == TRUST_TYPE_DOWNLEVEL || TrustInfo.pTDIX[ i ].TrustType == TRUST_TYPE_UPLEVEL ) {
VerifyList[ VerifyIndex ].DisplayName = &TrustInfo.pTDIX[ i ].Name; VerifyList[ VerifyIndex ].ShortName = &TrustInfo.pTDIX[ i ].FlatName;
resprintf( RESPRINT_STDOUT, IDS_VERIFY_CHECK, LocalDomainName, VerifyList[ VerifyIndex ].DisplayName );
if ( ( TrustInfo.pTDIX[ i ].TrustDirection & TRUST_DIRECTION_INBOUND ) ) {
Status = VerifyTrustInbound( &TrustInfo, &TrustInfo.pTDIX[ i ].Name, &VerifyList[ VerifyIndex ].IncomingStatus ); }
if ( ( TrustInfo.pTDIX[ i ].TrustDirection & TRUST_DIRECTION_OUTBOUND ) && Status != STATUS_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN ) {
Status = VerifyTrustOutbound( &TrustInfo, &TrustInfo.pTDIX[ i ].Name, &VerifyList[ VerifyIndex ].OutgoingStatus ); }
if ( NT_SUCCESS( VerifyList[ VerifyIndex ].OutgoingStatus ) && NT_SUCCESS( VerifyList[ VerifyIndex ].IncomingStatus ) ) {
Valid = TRUE;
} else {
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( VerifyList[ VerifyIndex ].OutgoingStatus ) ) {
InvalidOutgoing = TRUE; }
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( VerifyList[ VerifyIndex ].IncomingStatus ) ) {
InvalidIncoming = TRUE; } }
VerifyIndex++; }
} else { //
// Going to have to do the old NT4 style.
//for ( i = 0; i < TrustInfo.TIcEntries; i++ ) {
int shot; for ( VerifyIndex=0, shot=0; shot<TrustInfo.nTIs; shot++) for(i=0; i<TrustInfo.pTIs[shot].count; i++) {
VerifyList[ VerifyIndex ].DisplayName = &TrustInfo.pTIs[shot].pTI[ i ].Name; VerifyList[ VerifyIndex ].ShortName = &TrustInfo.pTIs[shot].pTI[ i ].Name; resprintf( RESPRINT_STDOUT, IDS_VERIFY_CHECK, LocalDomainName, VerifyList[ VerifyIndex ].DisplayName );
Status = VerifyTrustOutbound( &TrustInfo, &TrustInfo.pTIs[shot].pTI[ i ].Name, &VerifyList[ VerifyIndex ].OutgoingStatus );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( VerifyList[ VerifyIndex ].OutgoingStatus ) ) {
InvalidOutgoing = TRUE; } VerifyIndex++; }
// Now, the same with the sam account names
for ( i = 0; i < TrustInfo.UI1cEntries; i++ ) {
// Shorten the account name to be a domain name
AccountTrunc = &TrustInfo.pUI1[ i ].usri1_name[ wcslen( TrustInfo.pUI1[ i ].usri1_name ) - 1 ]; *AccountTrunc = UNICODE_NULL;
// See if we already have an entry for this in our verified list
RtlInitUnicodeString( &SamNameAsDomain, TrustInfo.pUI1[ i ].usri1_name ); for ( j = 0; j < VerifyIndex; j++ ) {
if ( RtlEqualUnicodeString( &SamNameAsDomain, VerifyList[ j ].ShortName, TRUE ) ) { break; } }
if ( j == VerifyIndex ) {
RtlCopyMemory( &VerifyList[ j ].NameBuffer, &SamNameAsDomain, sizeof( UNICODE_STRING ) ); VerifyList[ j ].DisplayName = &VerifyList[ j ].NameBuffer; VerifyList[ j ].ShortName = &VerifyList[ j ].NameBuffer; VerifyIndex++; }
resprintf( RESPRINT_STDOUT, IDS_VERIFY_CHECK, LocalDomainName, &SamNameAsDomain ); Status = VerifyTrustInbound( &TrustInfo, &SamNameAsDomain, &VerifyList[ j ].IncomingStatus );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( VerifyList[ j ].IncomingStatus ) ) {
InvalidIncoming = TRUE; }
*AccountTrunc = L'$';
// Now, walk the list and see if we have any valid domain pairs
for ( i = 0; i < VerifyIndex; i++ ) {
if ( NT_SUCCESS( VerifyList[ i ].IncomingStatus ) && NT_SUCCESS( VerifyList[ i ].OutgoingStatus ) ) {
Valid = TRUE; break; } } }
// Display the list of valid trusts
if ( Valid ) {
resprintf( RESPRINT_STDOUT, IDS_VERIFY_VALID ); for ( i = 0; i < VerifyIndex; i++ ) {
if ( NT_SUCCESS( VerifyList[ i ].IncomingStatus ) && NT_SUCCESS( VerifyList[ i ].OutgoingStatus ) ) {
fprintf(stdout, "%wZ\n", VerifyList[ i ].DisplayName ); } } }
if ( InvalidIncoming ) {
resprintf( RESPRINT_STDOUT, IDS_VERIFY_INVALID_INCOMING ); for ( i = 0; i < VerifyIndex; i++ ) {
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( VerifyList[ i ].IncomingStatus ) ) {
fprintf( stdout, "%wZ - ", VerifyList[ i ].DisplayName ); if ( DisplayErrorMessage( VerifyList[ i ].IncomingStatus ) == 0 ) {
resprintf( RESPRINT_STDOUT, IDS_VERIFY_UNMAPPABLE, VerifyList[ i ].IncomingStatus ); } } } }
if ( InvalidOutgoing ) {
resprintf( RESPRINT_STDOUT, IDS_VERIFY_INVALID_OUTGOING ); for ( i = 0; i < VerifyIndex; i++ ) {
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( VerifyList[ i ].OutgoingStatus ) ) {
fprintf( stdout, "%wZ - ", VerifyList[ i ].DisplayName ); if ( DisplayErrorMessage( VerifyList[ i ].OutgoingStatus ) == 0 ) {
resprintf( RESPRINT_STDOUT, IDS_VERIFY_UNMAPPABLE, VerifyList[ i ].OutgoingStatus ); } } } }
Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; VerifyExit:
LocalFree( VerifyList ); FreeDomainInfo( &TrustInfo );
return( Status ); }
//end section insert from Mac (11/05/1998(Thu) 17:09:39)
NTSTATUS GetDomainInfoForDomain( IN PWSTR DomainName, IN OPTIONAL PWSTR DCMachineName, // optional DC machine name
IN PTD_DOM_INFO Info, BOOL MitTarget // TRUE if this call is made for the B domain in a A <-> B Mit type trust link
) /*++
Routine Description:
Tries to fill as much as possible of the TD_DOM_INFO structure for the given domain; For a NT4 DC, the DNS name does not exist
DomainName -- Optional domain to conect to
Info -- Information structure to fill in
Return Value:
STATUS_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN -- No server could be located for the domain
PSID sid=NULL; WCHAR *DCInfostr=L"";
Info->DomInfoType=Minimal; Info->pArgDomName=DomainName; Info->majver=0; // assume nothing... or a Unix machine... (for a MIT trust)
if(MitTarget) return(STATUS_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN); resprintf(2,IDS_LOCAL); // printed to outbuf....
if ( (DomainName != NULL && DomainName[0]!=L'\0') || Nt4 ) { // try to get local machine name for an Nt4 style operation...
if(DCMachineName == NULL || DCMachineName[0]==L'\0') { dwErr = DsGetDcName( NULL, (LPCWSTR)DomainName, NULL, NULL, DS_DIRECTORY_SERVICE_PREFERRED | DS_WRITABLE_REQUIRED, &DCInfo );
if ( dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { wcscpy(Info->DCName,DCInfo->DomainControllerName + 2); pMachine=Info->DCName; //set the version
if((DCInfo->Flags&(DS_DS_FLAG|DS_WRITABLE_FLAG))==DS_WRITABLE_FLAG) Info->majver=4; else Info->majver=5; dbgprintf((0,IDS_DSGETDCNAME_DC_D,DomainName!=NULL?DomainName:outbuf,Info->DCName)); //,DCInfo->Flags));
} else { Status = STATUS_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN; resprintf(0,IDS_DSGETDCNAME_F,DomainName!=NULL?DomainName:outbuf,dwErr); if(Force) resprintf(0,IDS_DSGETDCNAME_FFORCE); else resprintf(0,IDS_DSGETDCNAME_FRET,Status); } } else { wcscpy(Info->DCName,DCMachineName); pMachine=Info->DCName; dbgprintf((0,IDS_DSGETDCNAME_DC_D,DomainName!=NULL?DomainName:outbuf,Info->DCName)); //now trying to get version using some other method than based on the flags returned by DsGetDcName...
netstatus = NetServerGetInfo( MakeSrvName(pMachine), 101, ( LPBYTE *) &p101 ); if(netstatus != NERR_Success) { Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; fprintf(stderr,"NetServerGetInfo (101) failed: err 0x%08lx;\n" " ...now returning Status 0x%08lx (STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL)\n", netstatus,Status); goto cleanup; } Info->majver=(p101->sv101_version_major & MAJOR_VERSION_MASK); } }
RtlInitUnicodeString( &Server, Info->DCName );
if(Nt4) { // force Nt4 style
Info->majver=4; dbgprintf( (0, IDS_FORCENT4, DomainName!=NULL?DomainName:outbuf) ); }
// if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) )
// {
// netstatus = NetServerGetInfo( pMachine, 101, ( LPBYTE *) &p101 );
// if(netstatus != NERR_Success) {
// fprintf(stderr,"NetServerGetInfo (101) failed: err 0x%08lx;\n"
// " ...now returning Status 0x%08lx (STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL)\n",
// netstatus,Status);
// goto cleanup;
// }
// Info->majver=(p101->sv101_version_major & MAJOR_VERSION_MASK);
// }
if ( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) {
RtlZeroMemory( &ObjectAttributes, sizeof( ObjectAttributes ) );
Status = LsaOpenPolicy( DomainName == NULL ? NULL : &Server, &ObjectAttributes, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, &Info->Policy );
if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { resprintf(0,IDS_LSAOPENPOLICY_F1, (Info->DCName[0]==L'\0')?outbuf:Info->DCName); if ( Status == STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED) resprintf(0,IDS_ACCESS_DENIED); else resprintf(0,IDS_ERROR_FORMAT,Status); goto cleanup; }
Info->DomInfoType=DNS; DCInfostr=L"DNS"; Status = LsaQueryInformationPolicy( Info->Policy, PolicyDnsDomainInformation, &(Info->u.DnsDomainInfo ) //the SID is in here...
); dbgprintf( (0,IDS_GETDOMAININFOFORDOMAIN_D, DomainName!=NULL?DomainName:outbuf, DCInfostr, Status )); if( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) || Nt4) { // try at least Primary....
Info->majver=4; DCInfostr=L"Primary"; dbgprintf( (0,IDS_PRIMARY_D) ); Info->DomInfoType=Primary; Status = LsaQueryInformationPolicy( Info->Policy, PolicyPrimaryDomainInformation, &(Info->u.PrimaryDomainInfo ) //the SID is in here...
); dbgprintf( (0,IDS_GETDOMAININFOFORDOMAIN_D, DomainName!=NULL?DomainName:outbuf, DCInfostr, Status ) ); } else { Info->majver=5; }
switch(Info->DomInfoType) { case DNS: sid = Info->u.DnsDomainInfo->Sid; break; case Primary: sid = Info->u.PrimaryDomainInfo->Sid; break; }
if(Dbg) { printf("Domain %ws Sid=",DCInfostr); PrintSID(sid); printf("\n"); }
if(Info->DomInfoType==DNS) dbgprintf( (0,IDS_DOMAINNAMED,&(Info->u.DnsDomainInfo->DnsDomainName) ) ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) //well...
goto cleanup; //...
cleanup: if(DCInfo!=NULL) NetApiBufferFree( DCInfo );
if(p101!=NULL) NetApiBufferFree( p101 );
return( Status ); }
VOID FreeDomainInfo( IN PTD_DOM_INFO Info ) /*++
Routine Description:
Frees the info returned from GetDomainInfoForDomain
Info -- Information structure to free
Return Value:
--*/ { int i; if ( Info->Policy ) { LsaClose( Info->Policy ); Info->Policy=NULL; }
if ( Info->u.DnsDomainInfo != NULL ) LsaFreeMemory( Info->u.DnsDomainInfo ); // Info->u.DnsDomainInfo is inside an union with Info->u.PrimaryDomainInfo
//on the same position
if(Info->pTDIX!=NULL) LsaFreeMemory(Info->pTDIX);
//if there's an array of pointers to TI shots returned from LsaEnumerateTrustedDomains...
if(Info->pTIs!=NULL) { for(i=0; i<Info->nTIs; i++) LsaFreeMemory(Info->pTIs[i].pTI); } if(Info->pUI1!=NULL) NetApiBufferFree(Info->pUI1); }
NTSTATUS GetTrustLinks( IN PTD_DOM_INFO pInfo ) /*++
Fills an array of trust links information. Usually that information will be printed in the form: domain_name, trust direction, type, attributes ) --*/ { NET_API_STATUS netstatus=NERR_Success; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; LSA_ENUMERATION_HANDLE EnumerationContext = 0; //needed for NT4 enumeration...
DWORD UIRead=0L; DWORD UITotal=0L; DWORD reshandle=0; // Put 0 for enumeration handles !!!!
//A value like INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE (that is -1) would make the NetUserEnum to return 0 users...
if(pInfo->majver>=5) { Status = LsaEnumerateTrustedDomainsEx( pInfo->Policy, &EnumerationContext, &pInfo->pTDIX, 0xffffffff, //ULONG_MAX,
&pInfo->TDIXcEntries );
dbgprintf( (0,IDS_LSAENUMERATETRUSTEDDOMAINSEX_D,GetName(pInfo),Status,pInfo->TDIXcEntries) ); if(Status==STATUS_NO_MORE_ENTRIES && pInfo->pTDIX==NULL) { pInfo->TDIXcEntries=0L; Status=STATUS_SUCCESS; //that means "0 entries"
return( Status ); }
//Enumerate NT4 Inbound trusts:
netstatus = NetUserEnum( MakeSrvName(pInfo->DCName), 1, FILTER_INTERDOMAIN_TRUST_ACCOUNT, (LPBYTE*)(&pInfo->pUI1), 0xffffffff, //ULONG_MAX
&UIRead, &UITotal, &reshandle ); dbgprintf( (0,IDS_NETUSERENUM_D,GetName(pInfo),netstatus,UIRead) ); if(netstatus!=NERR_Success) { Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; goto cleanup; } pInfo->UI1cEntries=UIRead;
//Enumerate NT4 Outbound trusts:
{ PLSA_TRUST_INFORMATION pTIShot=NULL; ULONG nShotsize=0; struct LsaTIshot *pTIsav=NULL; do { Status=LsaEnumerateTrustedDomains( pInfo->Policy, &EnumerationContext, &pTIShot, 0xffffffff, //ULONG_MAX,
dbgprintf( (0,IDS_LSAENUMERATETRUSTEDDOMAINS_D,GetName(pInfo),Status,nShotsize) ); if( (Status != STATUS_SUCCESS) && (Status != STATUS_MORE_ENTRIES) && (Status != STATUS_NO_MORE_ENTRIES) ) { SetLastError( LsaNtStatusToWinError(Status) ); goto cleanup; } if(pTIShot!=NULL) { if((pInfo->pTIs=realloc(pTIsav=pInfo->pTIs,pInfo->nTIs+1))==NULL) { free(pTIsav); Status = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto cleanup; } pInfo->TIcEntries+=nShotsize; pInfo->pTIs[pInfo->nTIs].count=nShotsize; pInfo->pTIs[pInfo->nTIs].pTI=pTIShot; pInfo->nTIs++; } } while (Status != STATUS_NO_MORE_ENTRIES);
if(Dbg) printf("Total number of entries: %u\n",pInfo->TIcEntries); dbgprintf( (0,IDS_LSAENUMERATETRUSTEDDOMAINS_D,GetName(pInfo),Status,pInfo->TIcEntries) ); if(Status==STATUS_NO_MORE_ENTRIES) Status=STATUS_SUCCESS; if(pInfo->pTIs==NULL) { pInfo->TIcEntries=0L; } }
cleanup: return( Status ); }
struct bidir_st { ULONG index; // index in the 'Inbound' vector
char type; // 'O' - Outbound, 'B' - Bidirectional
}; int __cdecl cmpbidir(const struct bidir_st *pb1, const struct bidir_st *pb2) { if(pb1->index==pb2->index) return(0); if(pb1->index>pb2->index) return(1); return(-1); }
NTSTATUS PrintTrustLinks( IN PTD_DOM_INFO Info ) /*++
Print Trust Links --*/ { ULONG i,j;
if(Info->majver>=5) { for(i=0; i<Info->TDIXcEntries; i++) { char c; switch(Info->pTDIX[i].TrustDirection) { case TRUST_DIRECTION_DISABLED: c='D'; break; case TRUST_DIRECTION_INBOUND: c='I'; break; case TRUST_DIRECTION_OUTBOUND: c='O'; break; case TRUST_DIRECTION_BIDIRECTIONAL: c='B'; break; default: c='-'; break; } printf("%-32wZ,%c",&Info->pTDIX[i].Name,c); switch(Info->pTDIX[i].TrustType&0x000FFFFF) { case TRUST_TYPE_DOWNLEVEL: printf(",T_downlevel"); break; case TRUST_TYPE_UPLEVEL: printf(",T_uplevel"); break; case TRUST_TYPE_MIT: printf(",T_mit"); break; case TRUST_TYPE_DCE: printf(",T_DCE"); break; default: printf("-"); break; } if(Info->pTDIX[i].TrustAttributes & TRUST_ATTRIBUTE_NON_TRANSITIVE) printf(",A_NonTran"); else printf(",_"); if(Info->pTDIX[i].TrustAttributes & TRUST_ATTRIBUTE_UPLEVEL_ONLY ) printf(",A_UpLevelOnly"); else printf(",_"); if(Info->pTDIX[i].TrustAttributes & TRUST_ATTRIBUTE_FILTER_SIDS ) printf(",A_FilterSids"); else printf(",_"); if(Info->pTDIX[i].TrustAttributes & TRUST_ATTRIBUTE_FOREST_TRANSITIVE) printf(",A_ForestTrust"); else printf(",_"); if(SidList) { printf(","); PrintSID(Info->pTDIX[i].Sid); } printf("\n"); }
} else { //Info->majver<=4
int shot; struct bidir_st *p=NULL, *q=NULL; if((p=calloc(Info->TIcEntries,sizeof(struct bidir_st)))==NULL) return(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); //for(q=p,i=0; i<Info->TIcEntries; q++,i++) {
for(q=p,shot=0; shot<Info->nTIs; shot++) { for(i=0; i<Info->pTIs[shot].count; i++,q++) { WCHAR buf[1024]; swprintf(buf,L"%wZ",&Info->pTIs[shot].pTI[i].Name); for(j=0; j<Info->UI1cEntries; j++) if(wcscmp(buf,CutDlrFromName(Info->pUI1[j].usri1_name))==0) break; if((q->index=j)<Info->UI1cEntries) //found...
q->type='B'; //actually it's a Bidir link...
else q->type='O'; //or this is a "true" Outbound...
} } //print Outbound and Bidirectional links
//for(q=p,i=0; i<Info->TIcEntries; q++,i++)
for(q=p,shot=0; shot<Info->nTIs; shot++) for(i=0; i<Info->pTIs[shot].count; i++,q++) printf("%-32wZ,%c,T_downlevel,_,_,_,_\n",&Info->pTIs[shot].pTI[i].Name,q->type); qsort(p,Info->TIcEntries,sizeof(struct bidir_st),cmpbidir); //print Inbound links
for(q=p,j=i=0; i<Info->UI1cEntries; i++) { if(j<Info->TIcEntries && q->index==i) { //if it was a Bidirectional, it was already printed...
j++; q++; continue; } printf("%-32ws,I,T_downlevel,_,_,_,_\n",CutDlrFromName(Info->pUI1[i].usri1_name)); } if(p!=NULL) free(p); }
NTSTATUS CreateNT5TrustDomObject( IN PTD_DOM_INFO Local, IN PTD_DOM_INFO Remote, IN PWSTR Password, IN BOOLEAN Downlevel, IN BOOLEAN Mit, IN ULONG Direction ) /*++
Routine Description: Creates the trusted domain object on an NT5 domain (DS based)
Arguments: Local -- Information about the domain doing the trust Remote -- Information about the domain being trusted Password -- Password to set on the trust Downlevel -- If TRUE, create this as a downlevel trust Mit -- If TRUE, creates this as an Mit style trust Direction -- Which direction to make the link in. Return Value: STATUS_SUCCESS -- Success --*/ { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; WCHAR Domain[1024]={L'\0'}; WCHAR DnsDomain[1024]={L'\0'};
swprintf(Domain,L"%wZ",GetFlatName(Remote)); swprintf(DnsDomain,L"%wZ",GetName(Remote));
Status = NtQuerySystemTime( &AuthData.LastUpdateTime );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) {
return( Status ); }
AuthData.AuthType = TRUST_AUTH_TYPE_CLEAR; AuthData.AuthInfoLength = wcslen( Password ) * sizeof( WCHAR ); AuthData.AuthInfo = (PUCHAR)Password;
RtlZeroMemory( &AuthInfoEx, sizeof( LSA_AUTH_INFORMATION ) );
if ( Direction & TRUST_DIRECTION_INBOUND ) { AuthInfoEx.IncomingAuthInfos = 1; AuthInfoEx.IncomingAuthenticationInformation = &AuthData; AuthInfoEx.IncomingPreviousAuthenticationInformation = NULL; }
if ( Direction & TRUST_DIRECTION_OUTBOUND ) { AuthInfoEx.OutgoingAuthInfos = 1; AuthInfoEx.OutgoingAuthenticationInformation = &AuthData; AuthInfoEx.OutgoingPreviousAuthenticationInformation = NULL; }
if (!Mit) { RtlCopyMemory( &TDIEx.Name, GetName(Remote), sizeof( UNICODE_STRING ) ); RtlCopyMemory( &TDIEx.FlatName, GetFlatName(Remote), sizeof( UNICODE_STRING ) ); switch(Remote->DomInfoType) { case DNS: TDIEx.Sid = Remote->u.DnsDomainInfo->Sid; break; case Primary: TDIEx.Sid = Remote->u.PrimaryDomainInfo->Sid; break; default: Status = GenerateRandomSID( &Sid);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return(Status); } TDIEx.Sid = Sid; break; }
//TDIEx.Sid = (Remote->DomInfoType==DNS?Remote->u.DnsDomainInfo->Sid:Remote->u.PrimaryDomainInfo->Sid);
} else { // printf("****Set %ws for the Name and FlatName in the trust object... GetFlatName(Local)=%wZ\n",
// Domain,GetFlatName(Local));
RtlInitUnicodeString( &TDIEx.Name, Domain ); RtlInitUnicodeString( &TDIEx.FlatName, Domain );
Status = GenerateRandomSID( &Sid);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return(Status); } TDIEx.Sid = Sid; } TDIEx.TrustDirection = Direction; TDIEx.TrustType = Mit ? TRUST_TYPE_MIT : (Downlevel ? TRUST_TYPE_DOWNLEVEL : TRUST_TYPE_UPLEVEL); TDIEx.TrustAttributes = 0;
Status = LsaCreateTrustedDomainEx( Local->Policy, &TDIEx, &AuthInfoEx, TRUSTED_ALL_ACCESS, &Local->TrustedDomain );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { dbgprintf( (0,IDS_LSACREATETRUSTEDDOMAINEX_F, GetName(Local), DnsDomain, Status) ); if(Status==STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_COLLISION) dbgprintf( (0,IDS_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_COLLISION, GetName(Local), DnsDomain) ); } else LsaClose(Local->TrustedDomain); //not interested in the actual handle...
if (Sid != NULL) { RtlFreeSid(Sid); } return( Status ); }
NTSTATUS CreateTrustLink( IN PTD_DOM_INFO pInfoA, IN PTD_DOM_INFO pInfoB, IN PWSTR Password, IN BOOLEAN Downlevel, IN BOOLEAN Mit, IN BOOLEAN ParentChild, IN ULONG Direction ) { NET_API_STATUS netstatus=NERR_Success; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PWSTR pDomain=NULL;
if( !Force // if -force was NOT specified...
&& !Mit // for a non-MIT trust...
&& (pInfoA->DomInfoType==Minimal || pInfoB->DomInfoType==Minimal) // creating links not supported in 'Minimal' mode...
if(pInfoA->majver>=5) { Status = CreateNT5TrustDomObject( pInfoA, pInfoB, Password, Downlevel,Mit,Direction );
return( Status ); }
//for a NT4 domain...
if(Mit || ParentChild) return (STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER);
if(Direction & TRUST_DIRECTION_INBOUND) { USER_INFO_1 UI1; DWORD dwParmErr=0xffffffff;
// Create the necessary SAM account.
UI1.usri1_name = pDomain; UI1.usri1_password = Password; UI1.usri1_password_age = 0; UI1.usri1_priv = USER_PRIV_USER; UI1.usri1_home_dir = NULL; UI1.usri1_comment = NULL; UI1.usri1_flags = UF_INTERDOMAIN_TRUST_ACCOUNT | UF_SCRIPT; UI1.usri1_script_path = NULL;
netstatus = NetUserAdd( MakeSrvName(pInfoA->DCName), 1, (LPBYTE)&UI1, &dwParmErr ); if(netstatus != NERR_Success) { resprintf(0,IDS_NETUSERADD_F,pInfoA->DCName,pDomain,netstatus); if(netstatus==NERR_UserExists) resprintf(0,IDS_NERR_UserExists,pInfoA->DCName,pDomain); goto Done; } } if(Direction & TRUST_DIRECTION_OUTBOUND) { LSA_TRUST_INFORMATION TI; PUNICODE_STRING puSecret; UNICODE_STRING uPass; LSA_HANDLE hSecret;
swprintf(Domain,L"%wZ",GetFlatName(pInfoB)); RtlInitUnicodeString(&TI.Name,Domain); { PSID Sid = NULL; switch(pInfoB->DomInfoType) { case DNS: TI.Sid = pInfoB->u.DnsDomainInfo->Sid; break; case Primary: TI.Sid = pInfoB->u.PrimaryDomainInfo->Sid; break; default: Status = GenerateRandomSID( &Sid);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return(Status); } TI.Sid = Sid; break; } }
Status = LsaCreateTrustedDomain( pInfoA->Policy, &TI, TRUSTED_ALL_ACCESS, &pInfoA->TrustedDomain ); if( !NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { resprintf(0,IDS_LSACREATETRUSTEDDOMAIN_F,Status); goto Done; } else LsaClose(pInfoA->TrustedDomain); //not interested in the actual handle...
Status = LsaCreateSecret( pInfoA->Policy, puSecret, SECRET_ALL_ACCESS, &hSecret ); if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { resprintf(0,IDS_LSACREATESECRET_F,Status); goto Done; } RtlInitUnicodeString(&uPass,Password); Status=LsaSetSecret( hSecret, &uPass, NULL ); if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { resprintf(0,IDS_LSASETSECRET_F,Status); LsaDelete(hSecret); hSecret=NULL; goto Done; } if(hSecret!=NULL) LsaClose(hSecret); } Done: // if(pInfoA->TrustedDomain!=NULL)
// LsaClose(pInfoA->TrustedDomain);
return(Status); }
NTSTATUS DeleteTrustLink( IN PTD_DOM_INFO pInfoA, IN PTD_DOM_INFO pInfoB ) /*++
Routine Description:
Deletes on A trusted domain things related to a trust to B
Return Value:
--*/ { NET_API_STATUS netstatus=NERR_Success; NTSTATUS Status=STATUS_SUCCESS; //#define NO_TRUST_OBJECTS 1
//#define NO_SECRETS 2
// DWORD dwFlag=0;
ULONG i, ix=0; PSID sid=NULL;
dbgprintf( (0,IDS_DELTRUSTFROMTO,GetName(pInfoA),puDomBName) );
Status = GetTrustLinks(pInfoA); if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { resprintf(0,IDS_GETTRUSTLINKS_F,GetName(pInfoA),Status); return(Status); } //try to find a trust link to B...
if(pInfoA->majver>=5) {
// now try to get a LSA_HANDLE to a (possible) trust object with this domain...
// if not found any, that Info->TrustedDomain will remain NULL
Status = LsaQueryTrustedDomainInfoByName( pInfoA->Policy, puDomBName, //IN PLSA_UNICODE_STRING TrustedDomainName
TrustedDomainInformationEx, //IN TRUSTED_INFORMATION_CLASS InformationClass,
&pTDIx //OUT PVOID *Buffer
); if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { if(Status==STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND) { pInfoA->TrustedDomain=NULL; dbgprintf( (0,IDS_NO_TRUST_OBJECT_D,GetName(pInfoA),puDomBName) ); Status=STATUS_SUCCESS; } else resprintf(0,IDS_LSAQUERYTRUSTEDDOMAININFOBYNAME_F,GetName(pInfoA),puDomBName,Status); goto cleanup; }
if(pTDIx->Sid==NULL) dbgprintf( (0,IDS_LSAQUERYNULLSID) ); //"NULL sid returned by LsaQueryTrustedDomainInfoByName\n"
sid=pTDIx->Sid; //check to see if the trusted domain object can be opened with that sid...
if(sid!=NULL) { LSA_HANDLE td; Status=LsaOpenTrustedDomain(pInfoA->Policy, sid,TRUSTED_ALL_ACCESS,&td); if(NT_SUCCESS( Status )) // if it was ok...
LsaClose(td); // ...just close the handle (leave the following code to open it again later)
else { // if failed...
if(Status==STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER && Force) { printf("LsaOpenTrustedDomain for the trust to %wZ failed with STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER (i.e. the sid is bad)\n" "Trying to set a valid sid...\n",puDomBName); // if was STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER (i.e. the sid) and '-overwritesid' option used...
RtlFreeSid(sid); // free the old sid
sid=NULL; // make it NULL as a signal to the next 'if' (see below) to
} // pick it up and set a new random valid sid in its place
} }
if(sid==NULL) { // try to put a sid THERE ...
Status = GenerateRandomSID ( &pTDIx->Sid ); if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) goto cleanup;
Status = LsaSetTrustedDomainInfoByName( pInfoA->Policy, puDomBName, //IN PLSA_UNICODE_STRING TrustedDomainName
TrustedDomainInformationEx, //IN TRUSTED_INFORMATION_CLASS InformationClass,
pTDIx //IN PVOID Buffer
); if(!NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { resprintf(0,IDS_LSASETTRUSTEDDOMAININFOBYNAME_F,GetName(pInfoA),puDomBName,Status); goto cleanup; } sid=pTDIx->Sid; if(sid==NULL) resprintf(0,IDS_LSASETNULLSID); //"LsaSetTrustedDomainInfoByName: NULL sid\n"
} } else { // pInfoA->majver<=4
//check for Outbound....
int shot; //for(ix=0; ix<pInfoA->TIcEntries; ix++)
for(shot=0; shot<pInfoA->nTIs; shot++) for(ix=0; ix<pInfoA->pTIs[shot].count; ix++) if(RtlEqualUnicodeString(&pInfoA->pTIs[shot].pTI[ix].Name,puDomBFlatName,TRUE)) //it was FALSE, i.e. case sensitive
goto out_of_loop; out_of_loop: if(ix<pInfoA->TIcEntries) sid=pInfoA->pTIs[shot].pTI[ix].Sid; else { printf("No OUTBOUND trust to %wZ found...\n",puDomBFlatName); } }
if(sid==NULL) dbgprintf( (0,IDS_NULLSID) ); //"#### NULL sid\n"
if(sid!=NULL) { Status=LsaOpenTrustedDomain( pInfoA->Policy, sid, TRUSTED_ALL_ACCESS, &pInfoA->TrustedDomain ); //printf("Handle=0x%08lx (Status: 0x%08lx)\n",pInfoA->TrustedDomain,Status);
if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { resprintf(0,IDS_LSAOPENTRUSTEDDOMAIN_F,Status); //return(Status);
} dbgprintf( (0,IDS_LSATRUSTHANDLE,pInfoA->TrustedDomain,Status) ); } else { if( //pInfoA->majver<=4 &&
ix<pInfoA->TIcEntries) { resprintf(0,IDS_NONNULL_SID,puDomBName); Status=STATUS_INVALID_SID; } else //simply no trust objects...
if(pInfoA->TrustedDomain) { dbgprintf( (0,IDS_LSADELOBJ,pInfoA->TrustedDomain) ); Status = LsaDelete( pInfoA->TrustedDomain ); }
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) dbgprintf( (0,IDS_DELETION_F,GetName(pInfoA), Status) );
//NT4 only section...
if(pInfoA->majver<=4) { LSA_HANDLE hSecret; //delete secret thing...
Status = LsaOpenSecret( pInfoA->Policy, puSecret, SECRET_ALL_ACCESS, &hSecret ); if(Status==STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND) { dbgprintf( (0,IDS_SECRET_NOT_FOUND_D,puSecret) ); Status=STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { resprintf(0,IDS_LSAOPENSECRET_F,Status); } else { Status = LsaDelete(hSecret); hSecret=NULL; if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) resprintf(0,IDS_LSADELETE_F,puSecret,Status); } } //delete Interdomain Trust Account....
netstatus = NetUserDel( MakeSrvName(pInfoA->DCName), AddDlrToDomainName(pInfoB) ); if(netstatus!=NERR_Success && netstatus!=NERR_UserNotFound) { resprintf(0,IDS_NETUSERDEL_F,AddDlrToDomainName(pInfoB),netstatus); Status=STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } }
cleanup: if(pTDIx!=NULL) LsaFreeMemory(pTDIx); if(sid!=NULL) RtlFreeSid(sid);
return( Status ); }
NTSTATUS CheckTrustLink( IN PTD_DOM_INFO pInfoA, IN PTD_DOM_INFO pInfoB ) /*++
Routine Description:
Checks on A trusted domain sids related to a trust to B
Return Value:
PSID sid=NULL, sidb=NULL; BOOL UnknownRemoteSid=FALSE;
dbgprintf( (0,IDS_CHKTRUSTFROMTO,GetName(pInfoA),puDomBName) );
//try to find a trust link to B...
if(pInfoA->majver>=5) {
// now try to get a LSA_HANDLE to a (possible) trust object with this domain...
// if not found any, that Info->TrustedDomain will remain NULL
Status = LsaQueryTrustedDomainInfoByName( pInfoA->Policy, puDomBName, //IN PLSA_UNICODE_STRING TrustedDomainName
TrustedDomainInformationEx, //IN TRUSTED_INFORMATION_CLASS InformationClass,
&pTDIx //OUT PVOID *Buffer
); if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { if(Status==STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND) { pInfoA->TrustedDomain=NULL; dbgprintf( (0,IDS_NO_TRUST_OBJECT_D,GetName(pInfoA),puDomBName) ); Status=STATUS_SUCCESS; } else resprintf(0,IDS_LSAQUERYTRUSTEDDOMAININFOBYNAME_F,GetName(pInfoA),puDomBName,Status); goto cleanup; } sid=pTDIx->Sid; } else { // pInfoA->majver<=4
//check for Outbound....
int shot; ULONG i;
for(shot=0; shot<pInfoA->nTIs; shot++) for(i=0; i<pInfoA->pTIs[shot].count; i++) if(RtlEqualUnicodeString(&pInfoA->pTIs[shot].pTI[i].Name,puDomBFlatName,TRUE)) //it was FALSE, i.e. case sensitive
goto out_of_loop; out_of_loop: if(i<pInfoA->TIcEntries) sid=pInfoA->pTIs[shot].pTI[i].Sid;
switch(pInfoB->DomInfoType) { case DNS: sidb = pInfoB->u.DnsDomainInfo->Sid; break; case Primary: sidb = pInfoB->u.PrimaryDomainInfo->Sid; break; default: sidb=NULL; UnknownRemoteSid=TRUE; break; }
//now sid contains the Sid of the trust object, if any... (on NT4, only the OUTBOUND
//end of the trust has a trust object...)
//Print them and compare them...
printf("TDO on %wZ: sid:\t",GetName(pInfoA)); PrintSID(sid); printf("\n"); if(UnknownRemoteSid) { if(pInfoB->majver<=4) printf("Domain %wZ does not have a trust object (possibly an NT4 only with an INBOUND trust)\n",puDomBName); else printf("Sid for domain %wZ is unknown (possible localonly used or error getting Dns/Primary DomainInfo)",puDomBName); } else { if(sid!=NULL && IsValidSid(sid) && sidb!=NULL && IsValidSid(sidb)) { if(EqualSid(sid,sidb)) printf("Sid on %wZ is the same:\t",puDomBName); else printf("Sid on %wZ is different:\t",puDomBName); } else { printf("Sid on %wZ: ",puDomBName); } PrintSID(sidb); } printf("\n");
cleanup: if(pTDIx!=NULL) LsaFreeMemory(pTDIx);
return( Status ); }
void ParseForDCName(WCHAR DomBuf[], WCHAR DCBuf[]) { WCHAR *pw; DCBuf[0]=L'\0'; wcstok(DomBuf,L":"); if((pw=wcstok(NULL,L":"))!=NULL) wcscpy(DCBuf,pw); if(DomBuf[0]==L'*' || wcscmp(DomBuf,L"(local)")==0) DomBuf[0]=L'\0'; }
//the NameValidate stuff below taken from icanon.h
//#define LM2X_COMPATIBLE 0x80000000L
#ifdef COMMENT
#define CTRL_CHARS_0 L"\001\002\003\004\005\006\007"
#define CTRL_CHARS_1 L"\010\011\012\013\014\015\016\017"
#define CTRL_CHARS_2 L"\020\021\022\023\024\025\026\027"
#define CTRL_CHARS_3 L"\030\031\032\033\034\035\036\037"
#define ILLEGAL_DOMAIN_NAME_CHARS_STR L"\"/\\[]:|<>+;,?" CTRL_CHARS_STR L"*" L" "
#endif //COMMENT
BOOL ValidateDomain(WCHAR DomBuf[]) { WCHAR Buf[MAX_PATH + 1]= { L'\0' }; WCHAR *p; int DomBuf_len, oem_name_len; NET_API_STATUS netstatus=NERR_Success; if(DomBuf==NULL || DomBuf[0]==L'\0') return(TRUE);
wcscpy(Buf,DomBuf); //for DNS name, test each component; for a flat name, there's already only one...
for(p=wcstok(Buf,L"."); p!=NULL; p=wcstok(NULL,L".")) if((netstatus=I_NetNameValidate(NULL,p,NAMETYPE_DOMAIN,0))!=NERR_Success) return(FALSE); return(TRUE);
#ifdef COMMENT
DomBuf_len=wcslen(DomBuf); // oem_name_len : length in bytes in oem character set
// name_len : ifdef UNICODE
// character length in unicode
// else
// length in bytes in oem character set
{ BOOL fUsedDefault; oem_name_len = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_OEMCP, // UINT CodePage
0, // DWORD dwFlags
DomBuf, // LPWSTR lpWideChar
DomBuf_len, // int cchWideChar
NULL, // LPSTR lpMultiByteStr
0, // int cchMultiByte
NULL, // use system default char
&fUsedDefault); //
if(oem_name_len<1 || oem_name_len>=DNLEN) return(FALSE);
if(wcscspn(DomBuf,ILLEGAL_DOMAIN_NAME_CHARS_STR) < DomBuf_len) return(FALSE);
return(TRUE); #endif //COMMENT
#define ARG_CASE_S 0x8000 // case sensitive argument
#define BOOL_ARG(argvec,a_index,var) {if((argvec)[(a_index)].b) (var)=(BOOLEAN)((argvec)[(a_index)].b);}
enum e_arg_type { ARG_S, ARG_U, ARG_B, ARG_I, ARG_L, ARG_UD }; struct _arg_st { char *name; union { char *s; ULONG u; BOOL b; int i; long l; void (*fct)(char *); }; enum e_arg_type t; }; #define NELEMS(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]))
int process_opt(int argc, char **argv, struct _arg_st arg[]) { // command line parameters processing
int i,j,k; char *p; struct _arg_st *pa; int r=1; // process options
for (i=1; i<argc; i++) { if (argv[i][0]=='/' || argv[i][0]=='-') { p=strtok(argv[i]+1,":"); for(j=0; arg[j].name!=NULL; j++) { if(p!=NULL && ( ((arg[j].t & ARG_CASE_S) && strcmp(p,arg[j].name)==0) || _stricmp(p,arg[j].name)==0 ) ) break; } if(arg[j].name==NULL) { resprintf(1,IDS_UNKNOWN_OPTION,p); r=0; continue; } switch(arg[j].t) { case ARG_B: if( (p=strtok(NULL,""))==NULL || _stricmp(p,"on")==0 || _stricmp(p,"true")==0) arg[j].b=TRUE; else arg[j].b=FALSE; break; case ARG_S: if((p=strtok(NULL,""))!=NULL) arg[j].s=_strdup(p); else arg[j].s=NULL; break; case ARG_U: if((p=strtok(NULL,""))!=NULL) arg[j].u=(ULONG)atol(p); break; case ARG_L: if((p=strtok(NULL,""))!=NULL) arg[j].l=atol(p); break; case ARG_I: if((p=strtok(NULL,""))!=NULL) arg[j].i=atoi(p); break; case ARG_UD: p=strtok(NULL,""); (*arg[j].fct)(p); break; } } } return(r); }
// options
enum e_arg_idx { A_LIST, A_BOTH, A_IN, A_OUT, A_UNTRUST, A_CHECK, A_VERIFY, A_LOCALONLY, A_DOWNLEVEL, A_MIT, A_PARENT, A_DEBUG, A_PW, A_FORCE, A_NT4, A_SIDLIST, A_LASTARG }; struct _arg_st opt_arg[]={ {"list", NULL, ARG_B}, // A_LIST
{"both", NULL, ARG_B}, // A_BOTH
{"in", NULL, ARG_B}, // A_IN
{"out", NULL, ARG_B}, // A_OUT
{"untrust", NULL, ARG_B}, // A_UNTRUST
{"sidcheck", NULL, ARG_B}, // A_CHECK
{"verify", NULL, ARG_B}, // A_VERIFY
{"localonly", NULL, ARG_B}, // A_LOCALONLY
{"downlevel", NULL, ARG_B}, // A_DOWNLEVEL
{"mit", NULL, ARG_B}, // A_MIT
{"parent", NULL, ARG_B}, // A_PARENT
{"debug", NULL, ARG_B}, // A_DEBUG
{"pw", NULL, ARG_S}, // A_PW
{"force", NULL, ARG_B}, // A_FORCE
{"nt4", NULL, ARG_B}, // A_NT4
{"sidlist", NULL, ARG_B}, // A_SIDLIST
INT __cdecl main ( // it was _CRTAPI1
WCHAR ADomain[MAX_PATH + 1]= { L'\0' }; WCHAR BDomain[MAX_PATH + 1]= { L'\0' };
WCHAR ADC[MAX_PATH + 1]= { L'\0' }; WCHAR BDC[MAX_PATH + 1]= { L'\0' }; // BDC means just DC for machine B and NOT B(ackup) DC !!!...
WCHAR Xbuf[MAX_PATH + 1]= { L'\0' }; // general purpose buffer
WCHAR Ybuf[MAX_PATH + 1]= { L'\0' }; // general purpose buffer
INT i,j;
BOOLEAN List=FALSE; BOOLEAN Both = FALSE, DirIn=FALSE, DirOut=FALSE; BOOLEAN LocalOnly = FALSE, Untrust = FALSE, Downlevel = FALSE, Parent = FALSE; BOOLEAN Check=FALSE; BOOLEAN Mit = FALSE; BOOLEAN LocalCreated = FALSE; BOOL Verify = FALSE; // BOOLEAN Force = FALSE; moved global
// BOOLEAN Nt4 = FALSE; this is global
// BOOLEAN Dbg = FALSE; this is global
DWORD DirectionLocal=0, DirectionRemote=0;
WCHAR PasswordBuff[1024]; PWSTR Password = NULL;
TD_DOM_INFO Local={0}, Remote={0};
// help requested? display it and exit ...
if ( argc<2 || _stricmp( argv[1], "-?") == 0 || _stricmp( argv[1], "/?") == 0 ) { Usage(); goto Done; }
RtlZeroMemory( &Local, sizeof( TD_DOM_INFO ) ); RtlZeroMemory( &Remote, sizeof (TD_DOM_INFO ) );
if(!process_opt(argc,argv, opt_arg)) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; Usage(); goto Done; }
BOOL_ARG(opt_arg,A_LIST, List ); BOOL_ARG(opt_arg,A_BOTH, Both ); BOOL_ARG(opt_arg,A_IN, DirIn ); BOOL_ARG(opt_arg,A_OUT, DirOut ); BOOL_ARG(opt_arg,A_UNTRUST, Untrust ); BOOL_ARG(opt_arg,A_CHECK, Check ); BOOL_ARG(opt_arg,A_VERIFY, Verify ); BOOL_ARG(opt_arg,A_LOCALONLY,LocalOnly ); BOOL_ARG(opt_arg,A_DOWNLEVEL,Downlevel ); BOOL_ARG(opt_arg,A_MIT, Mit ); BOOL_ARG(opt_arg,A_PARENT, Parent ); BOOL_ARG(opt_arg,A_DEBUG, Dbg ); BOOL_ARG(opt_arg,A_FORCE, Force ); BOOL_ARG(opt_arg,A_NT4, Nt4 ); BOOL_ARG(opt_arg,A_SIDLIST, SidList );
//put this after Dbg variable is set
if(Dbg) printf("TRUSTDOM - (ver %ws)\n",VER_FILEVERSION_LSTR);
//get password (if any)
if(opt_arg[A_PW].s) mbstowcs( PasswordBuff, opt_arg[A_PW].s, strlen( opt_arg[A_PW].s )+1 ); else PasswordBuff[0]='\0';
// process normal command line arguments (positional)
for (j=0,i=1; i<argc; i++) { if (!(argv[i][0]=='/' || argv[i][0]=='-')) { switch(j) { case 0: { WCHAR *pws; mbstowcs(ADomain, argv[i], strlen(argv[i]) + 1 );
if((pws=wcschr(ADomain,L','))!=NULL) { *pws=L'\0'; wcscpy(BDomain,pws+1); } else { wcscpy(BDomain,ADomain); ADomain[0]=L'\0'; } } break; } j++; } }
ParseForDCName(ADomain,ADC); ParseForDCName(BDomain,BDC);
dbgprintf( (0,IDS_DOMARGUMENTS,ADomain,ADC[0]?L":":L"",ADC,BDomain,BDC[0]?L":":L"",BDC) );
resprintf(2,IDS_WARNING); wcscpy(Xbuf,outbuf); resprintf(2,IDS_ERROR); wcscpy(Ybuf,outbuf);
//Parameter adjust
if(SidList) List=TRUE;
//Domain names check:
{ WCHAR *s=NULL; BOOL ba, bb; if( !(ba=ValidateDomain(s=ADomain)) || !(bb=ValidateDomain(s=BDomain))) { resprintf(0,IDS_INVALID_DOMAIN_NAME,s); Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Done; } }
// Parameter constraints:
// '-parent' REQUIRES '-both'
if (Parent && !Both) { if(!Force) Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; resprintf(0,IDS_PARENT_REQ_BOTH,(Force?Xbuf:Ybuf)); } // MIT trusts are always local only
if (Mit && (!LocalOnly || !Both)) { resprintf(0,IDS_MIT_LOCAL_ONLY_BOTH); LocalOnly = TRUE; Both = TRUE; } //
// Validate the parameters
//specifying both in and out means, yes, '-both'...
if(DirIn && DirOut) Both=TRUE;
if(List && Mit) Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER;
if((!List && BDomain[0]==L'\0') || (List && ADomain[0]!=L'\0')) Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER;
if ( Untrust == TRUE && (Downlevel)) // || Mit || Both ) ) // changed from Both || LocalOnly ||...
// if(LocalOnly == TRUE && Both == FALSE)
if (Mit && (Downlevel || Parent )) Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; // end validating parameters
if( Status == STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER ) { Usage(); goto Done; }
if(!Untrust && !List && !Verify) { //check password... otherwise ignore
if(wcscmp(PasswordBuff,L"*")==0) GetPassword(PasswordBuff,1024); Password = PasswordBuff; }
// list || verify operation: simplified GetDomainInfo scenario...
if ( List ) { ULONG i; Status = GetDomainInfoForDomain((BDomain[0]==L'\0'?NULL:BDomain),BDC,&Remote, Mit ); if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) goto Done; Status = GetTrustLinks( &Remote ); if (Status!=STATUS_NO_MORE_ENTRIES && !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) goto Done;
Status = PrintTrustLinks( &Remote );
goto Done; } else ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// verify operation
if ( Verify ) { Status = VerifyTrusts( BDomain[ 0 ]==L'\0' ? NULL : BDomain, BDC ); goto Done; }
// regular operation: create/delete trust...
// get info about the domain(s) involved...
Status = GetDomainInfoForDomain((ADomain[0]==L'\0'?NULL:ADomain), ADC, &Local, FALSE ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) goto Done; Status = GetDomainInfoForDomain( BDomain, BDC, &Remote, Mit ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { if(Mit) { //assuming a Unix machine...
dbgprintf( (0,IDS_DSGETDCNAME_MIT, BDomain) ); } else { if(!( Force //&& (Status==STATUS_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN)
//&& LocalOnly && Untrust
)) // if -force not specified...
// continue anyway
goto Done; } }
// Ok, now check or or delete or create the trust objects...
// check trust link
if ( Check ) { dbgprintf( (0, IDS_PROCESSDOM, GetName(&Local)) ); Status = CheckTrustLink( &Local, &Remote ); if (Status!=NERR_Success) dbgprintf( (0,IDS_LOCAL_CHK_TRUST_F,Status) ); if ( !LocalOnly ) { dbgprintf( (0, IDS_PROCESSDOM, GetName(&Remote)) ); Status = CheckTrustLink( &Remote, &Local ); if (Status!=NERR_Success) dbgprintf( (IDS_REMOTE_CHK_TRUST_F,Status) ); } // end check block...
} else ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// delete trust object
if ( Untrust ) { dbgprintf( (0, IDS_PROCESSDOM, GetName(&Local)) ); Status = DeleteTrustLink( &Local, &Remote ); if (Status!=NERR_Success) dbgprintf( (0,IDS_LOCAL_DEL_TRUST_F,Status) ); if ( !LocalOnly ) { dbgprintf( (0, IDS_PROCESSDOM, GetName(&Remote)) ); Status = DeleteTrustLink( &Remote, &Local ); if (Status!=NERR_Success) dbgprintf( (IDS_REMOTE_DEL_TRUST_F,Status) ); } // end untrust block...
} else { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// create trust links
if ( Password == NULL ) {
Password = L""; // no password specified? then use void password: ""
} if((Local.majver==4 || Remote.majver==4) && !Downlevel) { if(!Force) Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; resprintf(0,IDS_NT4_REQ_DOWNLEVEL,(Force?Xbuf:Ybuf)); if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto Done; }
//compute direction of trust based on the values of Both, DirIn, DirOut
//'Both' has higher priority
if(Both) { DirectionLocal=DirectionRemote=TRUST_DIRECTION_BIDIRECTIONAL; } else { //default is 'OUTBOUND'... as being DirIn==FALSE and DirOut==TRUE
DirectionLocal =(DirIn?TRUST_DIRECTION_INBOUND:TRUST_DIRECTION_OUTBOUND); DirectionRemote =(DirIn?TRUST_DIRECTION_OUTBOUND:TRUST_DIRECTION_INBOUND); } swprintf(Xbuf,L"%wZ",GetName(&Local)); swprintf(Ybuf,L"%wZ",GetName(&Remote));
dbgprintf( (0, IDS_PROCESSDOM, GetName(&Local)) ); StatusL = CreateTrustLink( &Local, &Remote, Password, Downlevel, Mit, Parent, DirectionLocal //Both ? TRUST_DIRECTION_BIDIRECTIONAL :
if (!NT_SUCCESS(StatusL)) dbgprintf( (0,IDS_CREATE_TRUST_F, Xbuf,Ybuf,StatusL) ); //if ( NT_SUCCESS( StatusL ) ) { not needed...
// LocalCreated = TRUE;
if ( NT_SUCCESS( StatusL ) && !LocalOnly ) { dbgprintf( (0, IDS_PROCESSDOM, GetName(&Remote)) ); StatusR = CreateTrustLink( &Remote, &Local, Password, Downlevel, Mit, FALSE, DirectionRemote //Both ? TRUST_DIRECTION_BIDIRECTIONAL :
); if (!NT_SUCCESS(StatusR)) dbgprintf( (0,IDS_CREATE_TRUST_F, Ybuf,Xbuf, StatusR) ); }
if ( !NT_SUCCESS( StatusR ) && NT_SUCCESS( StatusL ) ) { //LocalCreated not used anymore....
DeleteTrustLink( &Local, &Remote ); }
Status = StatusL; if( NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) //maybe the 'Remote' attempt failed ?...
Status = StatusR;
FreeDomainInfo( &Local ); FreeDomainInfo( &Remote );
if( NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) {
//No message; in this way will be easier also to get a count of the trust links for a list:
// by example, 'trustdom <dom> -list | findstr ",B," | wc' will get a count of the
// bidirectional trusts of domain <dom>
//printf("The command completed successfully\n");
} else {
resprintf(0,IDS_COMMAND_FAILED, Status );
// return 0 for SUCCESS and 1 for some error
return( !NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ); }