6/23/00 dangriff created
#include <windows.h>
#include <wincrypt.h>
#include "interop.h"
#include "cspstruc.h"
#include "csptestsuite.h"
// Function: IsDataEqual
BOOL IsDataEqual( IN PDATA_BLOB pdb1, IN PDATA_BLOB pdb2, IN PTESTCASE ptc) { /*
LOGFAILINFO LogFailInfo; InitFailInfoFromTestCase(ptc, &LogFailInfo); */ if (pdb1->cbData != pdb2->cbData) { /*
LogFailInfo.dwErrorType = ERROR_WRONG_SIZE; LogFail(&LogFailInfo); */ LogApiFailure( API_DATACOMPARE, ERROR_WRONG_SIZE, ptc);
return FALSE; }
if (0 != memcmp(pdb1->pbData, pdb2->pbData, pdb1->cbData)) { /*
LogFailInfo.dwErrorType = ERROR_BAD_DATA; LogFail(&LogFailInfo); */ LogApiFailure( API_DATACOMPARE, ERROR_BAD_DATA, ptc);
return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
// Function: ExportPublicKey
BOOL ExportPublicKey(IN HCRYPTKEY hSourceKey, OUT PDATA_BLOB pdbKey, IN PTESTCASE ptc) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; //
// Export the public key blob from the key handle
LOG_TRY(TExportKey( hSourceKey, 0, PUBLICKEYBLOB, 0, NULL, &(pdbKey->cbData), ptc));
LOG_TRY(TestAlloc(&(pdbKey->pbData), pdbKey->cbData, ptc));
LOG_TRY(TExportKey( hSourceKey, 0, PUBLICKEYBLOB, 0, pdbKey->pbData, &(pdbKey->cbData), ptc));
fSuccess = TRUE; Cleanup:
return fSuccess; }
// Function: CreateHashAndAddData
BOOL CreateHashAndAddData( IN HCRYPTPROV hProv, OUT HCRYPTHASH *phHash, IN PHASH_INFO pHashInfo, IN PTESTCASE ptc, IN HCRYPTKEY hKey /* should be 0 when not doing MAC or HMAC */, IN PHMAC_INFO pHmacInfo /* should be NULL when not doing HMAC */) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE;
LOG_TRY(TCreateHash( hProv, pHashInfo->aiHash, hKey, 0, phHash, ptc));
// This step only applies to the HMAC algorithm.
if ( (NULL != pHmacInfo) && (CALG_HMAC == pHashInfo->aiHash)) { LOG_TRY(TSetHash( *phHash, HP_HMAC_INFO, (PBYTE) pHmacInfo, 0, ptc)); }
LOG_TRY(THashData( *phHash, pHashInfo->dbBaseData.pbData, pHashInfo->dbBaseData.cbData, 0, ptc));
fSuccess = TRUE; Cleanup:
return fSuccess; }
// Function: ExportPlaintextSessionKey
BOOL ExportPlaintextSessionKey( IN HCRYPTKEY hKey, IN HCRYPTPROV hProv, OUT PDATA_BLOB pdbKey, IN PTESTCASE ptc) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; HCRYPTKEY hExchangeKey = 0;
// First import the private RSA key with
// exponent of one.
LOG_TRY(TImportKey( hProv, PrivateKeyWithExponentOfOne, sizeof(PrivateKeyWithExponentOfOne), 0, 0, &hExchangeKey, ptc));
// Now export "encrypted" session key
LOG_TRY(TExportKey( hKey, hExchangeKey, SIMPLEBLOB, 0, NULL, &(pdbKey->cbData), ptc));
LOG_TRY(TestAlloc(&(pdbKey->pbData), pdbKey->cbData, ptc));
LOG_TRY(TExportKey( hKey, hExchangeKey, SIMPLEBLOB, 0, pdbKey->pbData, &(pdbKey->cbData), ptc));
fSuccess = TRUE; Cleanup:
if (hExchangeKey) { TDestroyKey(hExchangeKey, ptc); }
return fSuccess; }
// Function: ImportPlaintextSessionKey
BOOL ImportPlaintextSessionKey( IN PDATA_BLOB pdbKey, OUT HCRYPTKEY *phKey, IN HCRYPTPROV hProv, IN PTESTCASE ptc) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; HCRYPTKEY hExchangeKey = 0;
// First import the private RSA key with
// exponent of one.
LOG_TRY(TImportKey( hProv, PrivateKeyWithExponentOfOne, sizeof(PrivateKeyWithExponentOfOne), 0, 0, &hExchangeKey, ptc));
// Next import the "encrypted" session key
LOG_TRY(TImportKey( hProv, pdbKey->pbData, pdbKey->cbData, hExchangeKey, 0, phKey, ptc));
fSuccess = TRUE; Cleanup:
if (hExchangeKey) { TDestroyKey(hExchangeKey, ptc); }
return fSuccess; }
// Function: CheckHashedData
BOOL CheckHashedData( IN PHASH_INFO pHashInfo, IN HCRYPTPROV hProv, IN PTESTCASE ptc, IN PTEST_MAC_INFO pTestMacInfo /* Should be NULL when not using MAC alg */) { HCRYPTKEY hKey = 0; BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; BOOL fUsingMac = FALSE; HCRYPTHASH hHash = 0; DATA_BLOB dbHash;
memset(&dbHash, 0, sizeof(dbHash));
if (NULL != pTestMacInfo) { fUsingMac = TRUE;
LOG_TRY(ImportPlaintextSessionKey( &(pTestMacInfo->dbKey), &hKey, hProv, ptc)); }
// Create a new hash object of the specified type
// and add the requested data.
LOG_TRY(TCreateHash( hProv, pHashInfo->aiHash, hKey, 0, &hHash, ptc));
if ( fUsingMac && (CALG_HMAC == pHashInfo->aiHash)) { LOG_TRY(TSetHash( hHash, HP_HMAC_INFO, (PBYTE) &(pTestMacInfo->HmacInfo), 0, ptc)); }
LOG_TRY(THashData( hHash, pHashInfo->dbBaseData.pbData, pHashInfo->dbBaseData.cbData, 0, ptc));
// Get the resulting hash value and compare it to the
// expected result.
LOG_TRY(TGetHash( hHash, HP_HASHVAL, NULL, &(dbHash.cbData), 0, ptc));
LOG_TRY(TestAlloc(&(dbHash.pbData), dbHash.cbData, ptc));
LOG_TRY(TGetHash( hHash, HP_HASHVAL, dbHash.pbData , &(dbHash.cbData), 0, ptc));
LOG_TRY(IsDataEqual( &dbHash, &(pHashInfo->dbHashValue), ptc));
fSuccess = TRUE; Cleanup:
if (dbHash.pbData) { free(dbHash.pbData); } if (hKey) { TDestroyKey(hKey, ptc); } if (hHash) { TDestroyHash(hHash, ptc); }
return fSuccess; }
// Function: CheckDerivedKey
BOOL CheckDerivedKey( IN PDERIVED_KEY_INFO pDerivedKeyInfo, IN HCRYPTPROV hProv, IN PTESTCASE ptc) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; HCRYPTKEY hSessionKey = 0; HCRYPTHASH hHash = 0; DWORD cbValidData = 0; DATA_BLOB dbSessionKey;
memset(&dbSessionKey, 0, sizeof(dbSessionKey));
// Create a hash and hash the provided data
LOG_TRY(CreateHashAndAddData( hProv, &hHash, &(pDerivedKeyInfo->HashInfo), ptc, 0, NULL));
// Debugging
pDerivedKeyInfo->cbHB = sizeof(pDerivedKeyInfo->rgbHashValB); LOG_TRY(CryptGetHashParam(hHash, HP_HASHVAL, pDerivedKeyInfo->rgbHashValB, &(pDerivedKeyInfo->cbHB), 0)); */
// Derive a session key from the resulting hash object
LOG_TRY(TDeriveKey( hProv, pDerivedKeyInfo->aiKey, hHash, CRYPT_EXPORTABLE | (pDerivedKeyInfo->dwKeySize) << 16, &hSessionKey, ptc));
// Debug
pDerivedKeyInfo->cbCB = 10; LOG_TRY(CryptEncrypt(hSessionKey, 0, TRUE, 0, pDerivedKeyInfo->rgbCipherB, &(pDerivedKeyInfo->cbCB), sizeof(pDerivedKeyInfo->rgbCipherA))); */
// Export the session key in plaintext form
LOG_TRY(ExportPlaintextSessionKey(hSessionKey, hProv, &dbSessionKey, ptc));
// Debug
PrintBytes(L"SessionA", pDerivedKeyInfo->dbKey.pbData, pDerivedKeyInfo->dbKey.cbData); PrintBytes(L"SessionB", dbSessionKey.pbData, dbSessionKey.cbData); */
// Fudge the data comparison slightly since the RSA cipher text blob
// actually contains mostly random padding in this case (having
// used ExportPlaintextSessionKey(), only the first <key length>
// bytes of the cipher data are interesting).
// Therefor, compare the following number of bytes in the blobs. The
// rest of it won't match.
// sizeof(BLOBHEADER) + sizeof(ALG_ID) + dwKeySize / 8
cbValidData = sizeof(BLOBHEADER) + sizeof(ALG_ID) + pDerivedKeyInfo->dwKeySize / 8; dbSessionKey.cbData = cbValidData; pDerivedKeyInfo->dbKey.cbData = cbValidData;
LOG_TRY(IsDataEqual( &dbSessionKey, &(pDerivedKeyInfo->dbKey), ptc)); fSuccess = TRUE; Cleanup:
if (hSessionKey) { TDestroyKey(hSessionKey, ptc); } if (hHash) { TDestroyHash(hHash, ptc); } if (dbSessionKey.pbData) { free(dbSessionKey.pbData); }
return fSuccess; }
// Function: CheckSignedData
BOOL CheckSignedData( IN PSIGNED_DATA_INFO pSignedDataInfo, IN HCRYPTPROV hProv, IN PTESTCASE ptc) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; HCRYPTHASH hHash = 0; HCRYPTKEY hPubKey = 0;
// Create a hash and hash the provided data
if (! CreateHashAndAddData( hProv, &hHash, &(pSignedDataInfo->HashInfo), ptc, 0, NULL)) { goto Cleanup; }
// Import the public key corresponding to the private key
// that was used to sign the hashed data.
LOG_TRY(TImportKey( hProv, pSignedDataInfo->dbPublicKey.pbData, pSignedDataInfo->dbPublicKey.cbData, 0, 0, &hPubKey, ptc));
LOG_TRY(TVerifySign( hHash, pSignedDataInfo->dbSignature.pbData, pSignedDataInfo->dbSignature.cbData, hPubKey, NULL, 0, ptc));
fSuccess = TRUE; Cleanup:
if (hHash) { TDestroyHash(hHash, ptc); } if (hPubKey) { TDestroyKey(hPubKey, ptc); }
return fSuccess; }
// Function: PrepareCipherBuffer
// Purpose: Allocate a buffer to receive encrypted data based
// on the size of the data to encrypt, and based on whether
// the cipher is block or stream.
BOOL PrepareCipherBuffer( OUT PDATA_BLOB pdbTargetBuffer, IN PDATA_BLOB pdbSourceBuffer, IN DWORD cbBlockLen, IN BOOL fIsBlockCipher, IN PTESTCASE ptc) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE;
if (fIsBlockCipher) { //
// Determine the maximum length of the cipher text for
// this block cipher. The length of the cipher text is
// up to block length more than the length of the plaintext.
pdbTargetBuffer->cbData = pdbSourceBuffer->cbData + cbBlockLen - (pdbSourceBuffer->cbData % cbBlockLen); } else { pdbTargetBuffer->cbData = pdbSourceBuffer->cbData; }
LOG_TRY(TestAlloc( &(pdbTargetBuffer->pbData), pdbTargetBuffer->cbData, ptc));
memcpy( pdbTargetBuffer->pbData, pdbSourceBuffer->pbData, pdbSourceBuffer->cbData);
fSuccess = TRUE; Cleanup: return fSuccess; }
// Function: DoBlockCipherOperation
// Purpose: Perform the block cipher operation indicated in the Op parameter
// on the data stored in the pdbSource parameter. The processed data
// will be in pdbTarget.
BOOL DoBlockCipherOperation( IN HCRYPTKEY hKey, OUT PDATA_BLOB pdbTarget, IN PDATA_BLOB pdbSource, IN DWORD cbBlockLen, IN CIPHER_OP Op, IN PTESTCASE ptc) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; DWORD cbCurrent = CIPHER_BLOCKS_PER_ROUND * cbBlockLen; DWORD cbProcessed = 0; BOOL fFinal = FALSE; DWORD dwKeyAlg = 0; DWORD cb = 0;
switch ( Op ) { case OP_Encrypt: { LOG_TRY(PrepareCipherBuffer( pdbTarget, pdbSource, cbBlockLen, TRUE, ptc));
while (cbCurrent < pdbSource->cbData) { LOG_TRY(TEncrypt( hKey, 0, fFinal, 0, pdbTarget->pbData + cbProcessed, &cbCurrent, pdbTarget->cbData - cbProcessed, ptc)); if (fFinal) { break; } cbProcessed += cbCurrent; if ((cbProcessed + cbCurrent) >= pdbSource->cbData) { cbCurrent = pdbSource->cbData - cbProcessed; fFinal = TRUE; } }
break; } case OP_Decrypt: { //
// For block decryption, the decrypted data will be no
// larger than the cipher text.
pdbTarget->cbData = pdbSource->cbData;
LOG_TRY(TestAlloc( &(pdbTarget->pbData), pdbTarget->cbData, ptc));
memcpy(pdbTarget->pbData, pdbSource->pbData, pdbTarget->cbData);
// Known 3DES_112 bug in Windows 2000. Specifying a 112
// bit key size, rather than 128 bits, causes the last two
// bytes of key data to be random.
cb = sizeof(dwKeyAlg); LOG_TRY(TGetKey( hKey, KP_ALGID, (PBYTE) &dwKeyAlg, &cb, 0, ptc));
if (CALG_3DES_112 == dwKeyAlg) { ptc->KnownErrorID = KNOWN_TESTDECRYPTPROC_3DES112; ptc->pwszErrorHelp = L"Inconsistent encryption results when using a 14 byte 3DES_112 key"; }
while (cbCurrent < pdbTarget->cbData) { LOG_TRY(TDecrypt( hKey, 0, fFinal, 0, pdbTarget->pbData + cbProcessed, &cbCurrent, ptc));
if (fFinal) { //
// Set the size of the actual resulting plaintext.
pdbTarget->cbData = cbProcessed + cbCurrent; break; }
cbProcessed += cbCurrent;
if ((cbProcessed + cbCurrent) >= pdbTarget->cbData) { cbCurrent = pdbTarget->cbData - cbProcessed; fFinal = TRUE; } }
ptc->KnownErrorID = KNOWN_ERROR_UNKNOWN; ptc->pwszErrorHelp = NULL;
break; } }
fSuccess = TRUE; Cleanup:
return fSuccess; }
// Function: DoStreamCipherOperation
// Purpose: Perform the stream cipher operation indicated in the Op parameter
// on the data stored in the pdbSource parameter. The processed data
// will be in pdbTarget.
BOOL DoStreamCipherOperation( IN HCRYPTKEY hKey, OUT PDATA_BLOB pdbTarget, IN PDATA_BLOB pdbSource, IN CIPHER_OP Op, IN PTESTCASE ptc) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; DWORD cbData = pdbSource->cbData;
switch ( Op ) { case OP_Encrypt: { LOG_TRY(PrepareCipherBuffer( pdbTarget, pdbSource, 0, FALSE, ptc));
LOG_TRY(TEncrypt( hKey, 0, TRUE, 0, pdbTarget->pbData, &cbData, pdbTarget->cbData, ptc));
break; } case OP_Decrypt: { pdbTarget->cbData = pdbSource->cbData;
LOG_TRY(TestAlloc( &(pdbTarget->pbData), pdbTarget->cbData, ptc));
memcpy(pdbTarget->pbData, pdbSource->pbData, pdbTarget->cbData);
LOG_TRY(TDecrypt( hKey, 0, TRUE, 0, pdbTarget->pbData, &cbData, ptc));
break; } }
fSuccess = TRUE; Cleanup:
return fSuccess; }
// Function: ProcessCipherData
BOOL ProcessCipherData( IN HCRYPTPROV hProvA, IN OUT PTEST_ENCRYPT_INFO pTestEncryptInfo, IN PTESTCASE ptc) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; HCRYPTKEY hKey = 0; DWORD cbData = 0; DWORD cbBlockLen = 0; //DWORD cbProcessed = 0;
//DWORD cbCurrent = 0;
//BOOL fFinal = FALSE;
// Create the key
LOG_TRY(TGenKey( hProvA, pTestEncryptInfo->aiKeyAlg, CRYPT_EXPORTABLE | (pTestEncryptInfo->dwKeySize << 16), &hKey, ptc));
// Generate the salt, if requested
if (pTestEncryptInfo->fUseSalt) { //
// Microsoft CSP's have a maximum key + salt length of
// 128 bits, but the test will set a long salt value
// regardless of the key size to ensure
// that possible interop issues are exposed.
LOG_TRY(TestAlloc( &(pTestEncryptInfo->dbSalt.pbData), DEFAULT_SALT_LEN, ptc)); pTestEncryptInfo->dbSalt.cbData = DEFAULT_SALT_LEN;
LOG_TRY(TSetKey( hKey, KP_SALT_EX, (PBYTE) &(pTestEncryptInfo->dbSalt), 0, ptc)); }
// Set the cipher mode, if requested
if (pTestEncryptInfo->fSetMode) { LOG_TRY(TSetKey( hKey, KP_MODE, (PBYTE) &(pTestEncryptInfo->dwMode), 0, ptc)); }
// Determine cipher block len, if applicable
if (ALG_TYPE_BLOCK & pTestEncryptInfo->aiKeyAlg) { cbData = sizeof(cbBlockLen); LOG_TRY(TGetKey( hKey, KP_BLOCKLEN, (PBYTE) &cbBlockLen, &cbData, 0, ptc));
// Block length is returned in bits
cbBlockLen = cbBlockLen / 8; pTestEncryptInfo->cbBlockLen = cbBlockLen; }
// Set the IV, if requested
// If caller has requested an IV for a stream cipher,
// these calls may fail.
if (pTestEncryptInfo->fSetIV) { //
// Size of IV must be equal to cipher block length
LOG_TRY(TestAlloc( &(pTestEncryptInfo->pbIV), cbBlockLen, ptc)); LOG_TRY(TSetKey( hKey, KP_IV, pTestEncryptInfo->pbIV, 0, ptc)); }
// Generate the base data
if (ALG_TYPE_BLOCK & pTestEncryptInfo->aiKeyAlg) { //
// To create a "better" block cipher test scenario,
// the base data will not be an exact multiple of the
// block length. This will allow an interesting multi-round
// encryption, with the last round requiring less than a block
// length of padding.
// data len = BLOCKS_IN_BASE_DATA * cbBlockLen - 1byte
pTestEncryptInfo->dbBaseData.cbData = BLOCKS_IN_BASE_DATA * cbBlockLen - 1; } else { //
// Set base data len for a stream cipher
pTestEncryptInfo->dbBaseData.cbData = STREAM_CIPHER_BASE_DATA_LEN; }
LOG_TRY(TestAlloc( &(pTestEncryptInfo->dbBaseData.pbData), pTestEncryptInfo->dbBaseData.cbData, ptc));
LOG_TRY(TGenRand( hProvA, pTestEncryptInfo->dbBaseData.cbData, pTestEncryptInfo->dbBaseData.pbData, ptc));
// Call DoBlockCipherOperation or DoStreamCipherOperation,
// depending on the cipher algorithm, to perform the requested
// operation.
if (ALG_TYPE_BLOCK & pTestEncryptInfo->aiKeyAlg) { LOG_TRY(DoBlockCipherOperation( hKey, &(pTestEncryptInfo->dbProcessedData), &(pTestEncryptInfo->dbBaseData), cbBlockLen, pTestEncryptInfo->Operation, ptc)); } else { LOG_TRY(DoStreamCipherOperation( hKey, &(pTestEncryptInfo->dbProcessedData), &(pTestEncryptInfo->dbBaseData), pTestEncryptInfo->Operation, ptc)); }
// Export the session key in plain text
LOG_TRY(ExportPlaintextSessionKey( hKey, hProvA, &(pTestEncryptInfo->dbKey), ptc));
fSuccess = TRUE; Cleanup:
if (hKey) { TDestroyKey(hKey, ptc); }
return fSuccess; }
// Function: VerifyCipherData
memset(&dbData, 0, sizeof(dbData));
// Import the plaintext session key
LOG_TRY(ImportPlaintextSessionKey( &(pTestEncryptInfo->dbKey), &hKey, hProvB, ptc));
if (pTestEncryptInfo->fUseSalt) { LOG_TRY(TSetKey( hKey, KP_SALT_EX, (PBYTE) &(pTestEncryptInfo->dbSalt), 0, ptc)); }
// Set the salt value, if requested
if (pTestEncryptInfo->fUseSalt) { LOG_TRY(TSetKey( hKey, KP_SALT_EX, (PBYTE) &(pTestEncryptInfo->dbSalt), 0, ptc)); }
// Set the cipher mode, if requested
if (pTestEncryptInfo->fSetMode) { LOG_TRY(TSetKey( hKey, KP_MODE, (PBYTE) &(pTestEncryptInfo->dwMode), 0, ptc)); }
// Set the IV, if requested
if (pTestEncryptInfo->fSetIV) { LOG_TRY(TSetKey( hKey, KP_IV, pTestEncryptInfo->pbIV, 0, ptc)); }
// The verification operation should be the opposite of what
// the caller initially specified (the opposite of the operation
// performed in ProcessCipherData).
Op = (OP_Encrypt == pTestEncryptInfo->Operation) ? OP_Decrypt : OP_Encrypt;
// Call DoBlockCipherOperation or DoStreamCipherOperation,
// depending on the cipher algorithm, to perform the requested
// operation.
if (ALG_TYPE_BLOCK & pTestEncryptInfo->aiKeyAlg) { LOG_TRY(DoBlockCipherOperation( hKey, &dbData, &(pTestEncryptInfo->dbProcessedData), pTestEncryptInfo->cbBlockLen, Op, ptc)); } else { LOG_TRY(DoStreamCipherOperation( hKey, &dbData, &(pTestEncryptInfo->dbProcessedData), Op, ptc)); }
if (CALG_3DES_112 == pTestEncryptInfo->aiKeyAlg) { ptc->KnownErrorID = KNOWN_TESTDECRYPTPROC_3DES112; }
LOG_TRY(IsDataEqual(&dbData, &(pTestEncryptInfo->dbBaseData), ptc));
fSuccess = TRUE; Cleanup:
if (hKey) { TDestroyKey(hKey, ptc); } if (dbData.pbData) { free(dbData.pbData); } if (pTestEncryptInfo->dbBaseData.pbData) { free(pTestEncryptInfo->dbBaseData.pbData); } if (pTestEncryptInfo->dbProcessedData.pbData) { free(pTestEncryptInfo->dbProcessedData.pbData); } if (pTestEncryptInfo->dbKey.pbData) { free(pTestEncryptInfo->dbKey.pbData); } if (pTestEncryptInfo->pbIV) { free(pTestEncryptInfo->pbIV); } if (pTestEncryptInfo->dbSalt.pbData) { free(pTestEncryptInfo->dbSalt.pbData); }
return fSuccess; }
// Function: GetHashVal
// Purpose: Populate a data blob with the hash value from the
// provided hash handle.
LOG_TRY(TGetHash( hHash, HP_HASHVAL, NULL, &(pdb->cbData), 0, ptc));
LOG_TRY(TestAlloc(&(pdb->pbData), pdb->cbData, ptc));
LOG_TRY(TGetHash( hHash, HP_HASHVAL, pdb->pbData, &(pdb->cbData), 0, ptc));
fSuccess = TRUE; Cleanup: return fSuccess; }
// Function: CreateHashedSessionKey
BOOL CreateHashedSessionKey( IN HCRYPTPROV hProv, IN OUT PHASH_SESSION_INFO pHashSessionInfo, IN PTESTCASE ptc) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; HCRYPTKEY hKey = 0; HCRYPTHASH hHash = 0;
LOG_TRY(TGenKey( hProv, pHashSessionInfo->aiKey, CRYPT_EXPORTABLE | (pHashSessionInfo->dwKeySize << 16), &hKey, ptc));
LOG_TRY(TCreateHash( hProv, pHashSessionInfo->aiHash, 0, 0, &hHash, ptc));
LOG_TRY(THashSession(hHash, hKey, pHashSessionInfo->dwFlags, ptc));
LOG_TRY(GetHashVal(hHash, &(pHashSessionInfo->dbHash), ptc));
LOG_TRY(ExportPlaintextSessionKey( hKey, hProv, &(pHashSessionInfo->dbKey), ptc));
fSuccess = TRUE; Cleanup:
if (hKey) { TDestroyKey(hKey, ptc); } if (hHash) { TDestroyHash(hHash, ptc); }
return fSuccess; }
// Function: VerifyHashedSessionKey
// Purpose: Import the plaintext session key into a separate CSP.
// Hash the session key with CryptHashSessionKey. Verify
// the resulting hash value.
BOOL VerifyHashedSessionKey( IN HCRYPTPROV hInteropProv, IN PHASH_SESSION_INFO pHashSessionInfo, IN PTESTCASE ptc) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; HCRYPTKEY hKey = 0; HCRYPTHASH hHash = 0; DATA_BLOB dbInteropHash;
memset(&dbInteropHash, 0, sizeof(dbInteropHash)); LOG_TRY(ImportPlaintextSessionKey( &(pHashSessionInfo->dbKey), &hKey, hInteropProv, ptc));
LOG_TRY(TCreateHash( hInteropProv, pHashSessionInfo->aiHash, 0, 0, &hHash, ptc));
LOG_TRY(THashSession(hHash, hKey, pHashSessionInfo->dwFlags, ptc));
LOG_TRY(GetHashVal(hHash, &dbInteropHash, ptc));
LOG_TRY(IsDataEqual(&(pHashSessionInfo->dbHash), &dbInteropHash, ptc));
fSuccess = TRUE;
if (hKey) { TDestroyKey(hKey, ptc); } if (hHash) { TDestroyHash(hHash, ptc); } if (dbInteropHash.pbData) { free(dbInteropHash.pbData); } if (pHashSessionInfo->dbHash.pbData) { free(pHashSessionInfo->dbHash.pbData); } if (pHashSessionInfo->dbKey.pbData) { free(pHashSessionInfo->dbKey.pbData); }
return fSuccess; }
// Function: RSA1_CreateKeyPair
// Create an RSA key exchange key pair and export the public
// key.
LOG_TRY(TGenKey( hProvA, AT_KEYEXCHANGE, (pKeyExchangeInfo->dwPubKeySize << 16) | CRYPT_EXPORTABLE, &hPubKeyA, ptc));
if (! ExportPublicKey(hPubKeyA, &(pKeyExchangeState->dbPubKeyA), ptc)) { goto Cleanup; }
fSuccess = TRUE; Cleanup:
if (hPubKeyA) { TDestroyKey(hPubKeyA, ptc); }
return fSuccess; }
// Function: RSA2_EncryptPlainText
BOOL RSA2_EncryptPlainText( IN HCRYPTPROV hProvB, IN PKEYEXCHANGE_INFO pKeyExchangeInfo, IN OUT PKEYEXCHANGE_STATE pKeyExchangeState, IN PTESTCASE ptc) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; HCRYPTKEY hSessionKeyB = 0; HCRYPTKEY hPubKeyB = 0; HCRYPTKEY hPubKeyA = 0; HCRYPTHASH hHash = 0; //DWORD cbBuffer = 0;
DWORD cbData = 0; //
// User B creates an RSA signature key pair
LOG_TRY(TGenKey( hProvB, AT_SIGNATURE, (pKeyExchangeInfo->dwPubKeySize << 16) | CRYPT_EXPORTABLE, &hPubKeyB, ptc)); //
// Create hash and session key
LOG_TRY(TCreateHash( hProvB, pKeyExchangeInfo->aiHash, 0, 0, &hHash, ptc)); LOG_TRY(TGenKey( hProvB, pKeyExchangeInfo->aiSessionKey, (pKeyExchangeInfo->dwSessionKeySize << 16) | CRYPT_EXPORTABLE, &hSessionKeyB, ptc)); //
// Encrypt and hash the data simultaneously
cbData = pKeyExchangeState->dbCipherTextB.cbData = pKeyExchangeInfo->dbPlainText.cbData; LOG_TRY(TEncrypt( hSessionKeyB, 0, TRUE, 0, NULL, &(pKeyExchangeState->dbCipherTextB.cbData), 0, ptc)); LOG_TRY(TestAlloc( &(pKeyExchangeState->dbCipherTextB.pbData), pKeyExchangeState->dbCipherTextB.cbData, ptc));
memcpy( pKeyExchangeState->dbCipherTextB.pbData, pKeyExchangeInfo->dbPlainText.pbData, cbData); LOG_TRY(TEncrypt( hSessionKeyB, hHash, TRUE, 0, pKeyExchangeState->dbCipherTextB.pbData, &cbData, pKeyExchangeState->dbCipherTextB.cbData, ptc)); //
// Now sign the hashed plain text
LOG_TRY(TSignHash( hHash, AT_SIGNATURE, NULL, 0, NULL, &(pKeyExchangeState->dbSignatureB.cbData), ptc)); LOG_TRY(TestAlloc( &(pKeyExchangeState->dbSignatureB.pbData), pKeyExchangeState->dbSignatureB.cbData, ptc));
LOG_TRY(TSignHash( hHash, AT_SIGNATURE, NULL, 0, pKeyExchangeState->dbSignatureB.pbData, &(pKeyExchangeState->dbSignatureB.cbData), ptc)); //
// Import User A's public key. Then export User B's session key encrypted
// with User A's public key.
LOG_TRY(TImportKey( hProvB, pKeyExchangeState->dbPubKeyA.pbData, pKeyExchangeState->dbPubKeyA.cbData, 0, 0, &hPubKeyA, ptc)); LOG_TRY(TExportKey( hSessionKeyB, hPubKeyA, SIMPLEBLOB, 0, NULL, &(pKeyExchangeState->dbEncryptedSessionKeyB.cbData), ptc)); LOG_TRY(TestAlloc( &(pKeyExchangeState->dbEncryptedSessionKeyB.pbData), pKeyExchangeState->dbEncryptedSessionKeyB.cbData, ptc)); LOG_TRY(TExportKey( hSessionKeyB, hPubKeyA, SIMPLEBLOB, 0, pKeyExchangeState->dbEncryptedSessionKeyB.pbData, &(pKeyExchangeState->dbEncryptedSessionKeyB.cbData), ptc)); //
// Export User B's public key so that User A can verify the signed data
if (! ExportPublicKey(hPubKeyB, &(pKeyExchangeState->dbPubKeyB), ptc)) { goto Cleanup; } fSuccess = TRUE; Cleanup: if (hSessionKeyB) { TDestroyKey(hSessionKeyB, ptc); } if (hPubKeyB) { TDestroyKey(hPubKeyB, ptc); } if (hPubKeyA) { TDestroyKey(hPubKeyA, ptc); } if (hHash) { TDestroyHash(hHash, ptc); }
return fSuccess; }
// Function: RSA3_DecryptAndCheck
BOOL RSA3_DecryptAndCheck( IN HCRYPTPROV hProvA, IN PKEYEXCHANGE_INFO pKeyExchangeInfo, IN PKEYEXCHANGE_STATE pKeyExchangeState, IN PTESTCASE ptc) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; HCRYPTKEY hPubKeyA = 0; HCRYPTKEY hPubKeyB = 0; HCRYPTKEY hSessionKey = 0; HCRYPTHASH hHash = 0; //
// Get User A's RSA key exchange key handle
LOG_TRY(TGetUser( hProvA, AT_KEYEXCHANGE, &hPubKeyA, ptc)); //
// Import and decrypt the session key from User B
LOG_TRY(TImportKey( hProvA, pKeyExchangeState->dbEncryptedSessionKeyB.pbData, pKeyExchangeState->dbEncryptedSessionKeyB.cbData, hPubKeyA, 0, &hSessionKey, ptc)); //
// Create a hash. Then simultaneously decrypt the cipher text and
// hash the resulting plain text.
LOG_TRY(TCreateHash( hProvA, pKeyExchangeInfo->aiHash, 0, 0, &hHash, ptc)); LOG_TRY(TDecrypt( hSessionKey, hHash, TRUE, 0, pKeyExchangeState->dbCipherTextB.pbData, &(pKeyExchangeState->dbCipherTextB.cbData), ptc)); //
// Import User B's signature public key.
LOG_TRY(TImportKey( hProvA, pKeyExchangeState->dbPubKeyB.pbData, pKeyExchangeState->dbPubKeyB.cbData, 0, 0, &hPubKeyB, ptc)); //
// Verify the signature blob
LOG_TRY(TVerifySign( hHash, pKeyExchangeState->dbSignatureB.pbData, pKeyExchangeState->dbSignatureB.cbData, hPubKeyB, NULL, 0, ptc)); fSuccess = TRUE; Cleanup: if (hSessionKey) { TDestroyKey(hSessionKey, ptc); } if (hPubKeyA) { TDestroyKey(hPubKeyA, ptc); } if (hPubKeyB) { TDestroyKey(hPubKeyB, ptc); } if (hHash) { TDestroyHash(hHash, ptc); } if (pKeyExchangeState->dbCipherTextB.pbData) { free(pKeyExchangeState->dbCipherTextB.pbData); } if (pKeyExchangeState->dbPubKeyA.pbData) { free(pKeyExchangeState->dbPubKeyA.pbData); } if (pKeyExchangeState->dbPubKeyB.pbData) { free(pKeyExchangeState->dbPubKeyB.pbData); } if (pKeyExchangeState->dbSignatureB.pbData) { free(pKeyExchangeState->dbSignatureB.pbData); } if (pKeyExchangeState->dbEncryptedSessionKeyB.pbData) { free(pKeyExchangeState->dbEncryptedSessionKeyB.pbData); }
return fSuccess; }