// BA.C
// Bounds Accumulator
// Copyright(c) Microsoft 1997-
#include <as16.h>
// BA_DDProcessRequest()
// Handles BA escapes
BOOL BA_DDProcessRequest ( UINT fnEscape, LPOSI_ESCAPE_HEADER pResult, DWORD cbResult ) { BOOL rc = TRUE; LPBA_BOUNDS_INFO pBoundsInfo; UINT i; RECT rect;
switch (fnEscape) { case BA_ESC_GET_BOUNDS: { //
// The share core is calling us to get the current bounds
// (presumably to try to send them). While the share core is
// processing the bounds, we reset the bounds, but take a copy
// first to use for spoiling orders by SDA. When the share
// core has completed processing the bounds, it will call us
// again with a BA_ESC_RETURN_BOUNDS escape (even if it has
// sent all the bounds).
// So, we have to:
// - return the bounds to the share core
// - set up the spoiling rects to be these bounds
// - clear our main bounds.
// This will copy the current bounds to the caller's buffer and
// clear our current bounds.
// NOTE: We keep these in globals because the caller will shortly
// call us to return any unsent bounds rects.
BA_CopyBounds(g_baSpoilingRects, &g_baNumSpoilingRects, TRUE);
// Return the bounds info to the share core
if (g_baNumSpoilingRects) { TRACE_OUT(( "Returning %d rects to share core", g_baNumSpoilingRects)); }
pBoundsInfo = (LPBA_BOUNDS_INFO)pResult; pBoundsInfo->numRects = g_baNumSpoilingRects;
for (i = 0; i < g_baNumSpoilingRects; i++) { RECT_TO_RECTL(&g_baSpoilingRects[i], &pBoundsInfo->rects[i]); } } break;
// The share core has completed its processing of the bounds
// which we passed on the BA_ESC_GET_BOUNDS escape. We have to
// reset the spoiling rectangles and add any bounds which the
// share core failed to process into our current bounds.
// To reset the spoiling bounds we just have to reset the
// number of bounds.
g_baNumSpoilingRects = 0;
// Now add the share core's bounds into our current bounds
pBoundsInfo = (LPBA_BOUNDS_INFO)pResult;
if (pBoundsInfo->numRects) { TRACE_OUT(( "Received %d rects from share core", pBoundsInfo->numRects)); }
for (i = 0 ; i < pBoundsInfo->numRects ; i++) { RECTL_TO_RECT(&pBoundsInfo->rects[i], &rect);
TRACE_OUT(( "Rect %d, {%d, %d, %d, %d}", i, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom));
BA_AddScreenData(&rect); } } break;
default: { ERROR_OUT(( "Unrecognised BA escape")); rc = FALSE; } break; }
DebugExitBOOL(BA_DDProcessRequest, rc); return(rc); }
// BA_DDInit - see ba.h for description.
void BA_DDInit(void) { DebugEntry(BA_Init);
DebugExitVOID(BA_Init); }
// This gets a current version of our bound rect list, and clears it
// afterwards if requested.
void BA_CopyBounds ( LPRECT pRects, LPUINT pNumRects, BOOL fReset ) { UINT i; #ifdef DEBUG
UINT cRects = 0; #endif
*pNumRects = g_baRectsUsed;
// A return with *pNumRects as zero is an OK return - it just says
// no bounds have been accumulated since the last call.
if ( *pNumRects != 0) { //
// We can return the bounds in any order - we don't care how we
// order the SDA rectangles.
// Also note that we must compare BA_NUM_RECTS + 1 sets of
// rectangles because that's the number actually used by the add
// rectangle code and while it guarantees that it will only use
// BA_NUM_RECTS rectangles, it does not guarantee that the last
// element in the array is the merge rectangle.
for (i = 0; i <= BA_NUM_RECTS; i++) { if (g_baBounds[i].InUse) { TRACE_OUT(("Found rect: {%04d,%04d,%04d,%04d}", g_baBounds[i].Coord.left, g_baBounds[i].Coord.top, g_baBounds[i].Coord.right, g_baBounds[i].Coord.bottom));
*pRects = g_baBounds[i].Coord; pRects++; #ifdef DEBUG
cRects++; #endif
} }
// Check for self-consistency
ASSERT(cRects == *pNumRects);
if (fReset) BA_ResetBounds(); }
DebugExitVOID(BACopyBounds); }
// BA_AddScreenData(..)
// Adds the specified rectangle to the current Screen Data Area.
// Called by the GDI interception code for orders that it cannot send as
// orders.
// NOTE that the rectangle is inclusive coords
void BA_AddScreenData(LPRECT pRect) { RECT preRects[BA_NUM_RECTS]; RECT postRects[BA_NUM_RECTS]; UINT numPreRects; UINT numPostRects; UINT i;
// Check that the caller has passed a valid rectangle. If not, do a
// trace alert, and then return immediately (as an invalid rectangle
// shouldn't contribute to the accumulated bounds) - but report an OK
// return code, so we keep running.
if ((pRect->right < pRect->left) || (pRect->bottom < pRect->top) ) { //
// NOTE: This will happen when the visrgn of a DC clips out the
// output, so the drawing bounds are empty, but the output
// EMPTY--if so, it means the right/left or bottom/top coords got
// mistakenly flipped.
ASSERT(pRect->right >= pRect->left-1); ASSERT(pRect->bottom >= pRect->top-1); DC_QUIT; }
if ((g_oaFlow == OAFLOW_SLOW) && g_baSpoilByNewSDAEnabled) { //
// We are spoiling existing orders by new SDA, so query the current
// bounds.
BA_CopyBounds(preRects, &numPreRects, FALSE); }
// Add the rect to the bounds.
if (BAAddRect(pRect, 0)) { if ((pRect->right > pRect->left) && (pRect->bottom > pRect->top)) { LPBA_FAST_DATA lpbaFast;
SHM_CheckPointer(lpbaFast); lpbaFast->totalSDA += COM_SizeOfRectInclusive(pRect);
TRACE_OUT(("Added rect to bounds, giving %ld of SD", lpbaFast->totalSDA));
// This is where the Win95 product would make a call to
// DCS_TriggerEarlyTimer
if ((g_oaFlow == OAFLOW_SLOW) && g_baSpoilByNewSDAEnabled) { //
// Adding the new rectangle changed the existing bounds so
// query the new bounds
BA_CopyBounds(postRects, &numPostRects, FALSE);
// Try to spoil existing orders using each of the rectangles
// which have changed.
for (i = 0; i < numPostRects; i++) { if ( (i > numPreRects) || (postRects[i].left != preRects[i].left) || (postRects[i].right != preRects[i].right) || (postRects[i].top != preRects[i].top) || (postRects[i].bottom != preRects[i].bottom) ) { OA_DDSpoilOrdersByRect(&postRects[i]); } } } }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(BA_AddScreenData); }
// BA_QuerySpoilingBounds() - see ba.h
void BA_QuerySpoilingBounds(LPRECT pRects, LPUINT pNumRects) { DebugEntry(BA_QuerySpoilingBounds);
// Just have to return the number of spoiling rectangles, and the
// rectangles themselves. No rectangles is perfectly valid.
TRACE_OUT(( "Num rects %d", g_baNumSpoilingRects));
*pNumRects = g_baNumSpoilingRects; hmemcpy(pRects, g_baSpoilingRects, g_baNumSpoilingRects*sizeof(RECT));
DebugExitVOID(BA_QuerySpoilingBounds); }
void BA_ResetBounds(void) { UINT i;
// Clear the bounds - reset the number we are using, mark all slots as
// free, and clean the list.
for ( i = 0; i <= BA_NUM_RECTS; i++ ) { g_baBounds[i].InUse = FALSE; g_baBounds[i].iNext = BA_INVALID_RECT_INDEX; }
g_baFirstRect = BA_INVALID_RECT_INDEX; g_baLastRect = BA_INVALID_RECT_INDEX; g_baRectsUsed = 0;
DebugExitVOID(BA_ResetBounds); }
// Name: BAOverlap
// Description: Detects overlap between two rectangles.
// - check for no overlap using loose test that lets through
// adjacent/overlapping merges
// - check for adjacent/overlapping merges
// - check for no overlap (using strict test)
// - use outcodes to check internal edge cases
// - use outcodes to check external edge cases
// If at each stage the check detects that the two rectangles
// meet the criteria, the function returns the appropriate
// return or outcode combination.
// Note that all rectangle coordinates are inclusive, ie
// a rectangle of 0,0,0,0 has an area of 1 pel.
// This function does not alter either of the rectangles.
// Params (IN): pRect1 - first rectangle
// pRect2 - second rectangle
// Returns: One of the overlap return codes or outcode combinations
// defined above.
int BAOverlap(LPRECT pRect1, LPRECT pRect2 ) { int ExternalEdges; int ExternalCount; int InternalEdges; int InternalCount;
// Check for no overlap.
// Note that this test is looser than strict no overlap, and will let
// through rectangles that do not overlap, but just abutt by one pel -
// so that we get a chance to detect adjacent merges.
// So (for example) for the following:
// - it detects no overlap when there is at least 1 pel between rects
// 10,10 52,10
// +----------++----------+
// | || |
// | || |
// | || |
// | Rect 1 || Rect 2 |
// | || |
// | || |
// | || |
// +----------++----------+
// 50,50 100,50
// - it allows rectangles through when they abutt and are mergable
// 10,10 51,10
// +----------++----------+
// | || |
// | || |
// | || |
// | Rect 1 || Rect 2 |
// | || |
// | || |
// | || |
// +----------++----------+
// 50,50 100,50
// - it allows rectangles through when they abutt, even where they are
// not mergable
// 10,10
// +----------+51,15
// | |+----------+
// | || |
// | || |
// | Rect 1 || |
// | || Rect 2 |
// | || |
// | || |
// +----------+| |
// 50,50+----------+
// 100,55
// - it allows rectangles through when they overlap in some way
// 40,0
// +------------+
// 10,10 | |
// +-------+--+ |
// | | | |
// | | | Rect 2 |
// | | | |
// |Rect 1 | | |
// | | | |
// | +--+---------+
// | | 90,40
// +----------+
// 50,50
if (!((pRect1->left <= pRect2->right + 1) && (pRect1->top <= pRect2->bottom + 1) && (pRect1->right >= pRect2->left - 1) && (pRect1->bottom >= pRect2->top - 1) )) { return(OL_NONE); }
// Check for adjoining/overlapping rectangles which can be merged.
// These tests detect (for example for the XMAX variant), where:
// - the rectangles abutt and can be merged
// 10,10 51,10
// +----------++----------+
// | || |
// | || |
// | || |
// | Rect 1 || Rect 2 |
// | || |
// | || |
// | || |
// +----------++----------+
// 50,50 100,50
// - the rectangles overlap and can be merged
// 10,10 40,10
// +-------+--+------+
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// |Rect 1 | |Rect 2|
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// +-------+--+------+
// 50,50 90,50
// - the rectangles abutt and cannot be merged - this case is detected
// by the strict overlap case below
// 10,10
// +----------+51,15
// | |+----------+
// | || |
// | || |
// | Rect 1 || |
// | || Rect 2 |
// | || |
// | || |
// +----------+| |
// 50,50+----------+
// 100,55
// - the rectangles overlap and cannot be merged - this case is
// detected by the outcode tests below
// 40,0
// +------------+
// 10,10 | |
// +-------+--+ |
// | | | |
// | | | Rect 2 |
// | | | |
// |Rect 1 | | |
// | | | |
// | +--+---------+
// | | 90,40
// +----------+
// 50,50
// - rectangle 2 is enclosed in rectangle 1 and should not be merged -
// this case is detected by the outcode tests below.
// 10,10 40,10
// +-------+------+-----+
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// |Rect 1 |Rect 2| |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// +-------+------+-----+
// 60,50 90,50
// Rect2 Rect1
if ( (pRect1->left <= pRect2->right + 1) && (pRect1->left > pRect2->left ) && (pRect1->right > pRect2->right ) && (pRect1->top == pRect2->top ) && (pRect1->bottom == pRect2->bottom ) ) { return(OL_MERGE_XMIN); }
if ( (pRect1->top <= pRect2->bottom + 1) && (pRect1->top > pRect2->top ) && (pRect1->bottom > pRect2->bottom ) && (pRect1->left == pRect2->left ) && (pRect1->right == pRect2->right ) ) { return(OL_MERGE_YMIN); }
if ( (pRect1->right >= pRect2->left - 1) && (pRect1->right < pRect2->right ) && (pRect1->left < pRect2->left ) && (pRect1->top == pRect2->top ) && (pRect1->bottom == pRect2->bottom ) ) { return(OL_MERGE_XMAX); }
if ( (pRect1->bottom >= pRect2->top - 1) && (pRect1->bottom < pRect2->bottom ) && (pRect1->top < pRect2->top ) && (pRect1->left == pRect2->left ) && (pRect1->right == pRect2->right ) ) { return(OL_MERGE_YMAX); }
// Check for no overlap.
// Note that this test is a stricter version than the earlier one, so
// that we now only continue testing rectangles that do genuinely
// overlap.
if (!((pRect1->left <= pRect2->right) && (pRect1->top <= pRect2->bottom) && (pRect1->right >= pRect2->left) && (pRect1->bottom >= pRect2->top) )) { return(OL_NONE); }
// Use outcodes for Internal edge cases, as follows:
// EE_XMIN - rect1 xmin is enclosed within rect2
// EE_YMIN - rect1 ymin is enclosed within rect2
// EE_XMAX - rect1 xmax is enclosed within rect2
// EE_YMAX - rect1 ymax is enclosed within rect2
// If 3 or more bits are set then rect1 is enclosed either partially or
// completely within rect2 as follows (see individual switch cases for
// diagrams).
// In practice, if 3 or more bits are set, the negative of the outcode
// value is retruned to ensure that it is distinct from the external
// edge outcode returns (see below).
InternalCount = 0; InternalEdges = 0; if ( pRect1->left >= pRect2->left && pRect1->left <= pRect2->right) { InternalEdges |= EE_XMIN; InternalCount ++; } if ( pRect1->top >= pRect2->top && pRect1->top <= pRect2->bottom) { InternalEdges |= EE_YMIN; InternalCount ++; } if ( pRect1->right >= pRect2->left && pRect1->right <= pRect2->right) { InternalEdges |= EE_XMAX; InternalCount ++; } if ( pRect1->bottom >= pRect2->top && pRect1->bottom <= pRect2->bottom) { InternalEdges |= EE_YMAX; InternalCount ++; }
if ( InternalCount >= 3) { return(-InternalEdges); }
// Use outcodes for External edge cases as follows.
// EE_XMIN - rect1 xmin is left of rect2 xmin
// EE_YMIN - rect1 ymin is above rect2 ymin
// EE_XMAX - rect1 xmax is right of rect2 xmax
// EE_YMAX - rect1 ymax is below rect2 ymax
// These are the classic "line" outcodes.
// If 2 or more bits are set then rect1 overlaps rect2 as follows (see
// individual switch cases for diagrams).
// The accumulated outcode value is returned.
ExternalEdges = 0; ExternalCount = 0; if ( pRect1->left <= pRect2->left ) { ExternalEdges |= EE_XMIN; ExternalCount ++; } if ( pRect1->top <= pRect2->top ) { ExternalEdges |= EE_YMIN; ExternalCount ++; } if ( pRect1->right >= pRect2->right ) { ExternalEdges |= EE_XMAX; ExternalCount ++; } if ( pRect1->bottom >= pRect2->bottom ) { ExternalEdges |= EE_YMAX; ExternalCount ++; } if (ExternalCount >= 2) { return(ExternalEdges); }
// If get here then we failed to detect a valid case.
WARNING_OUT(( "Unrecognised Overlap: (%d,%d,%d,%d),(%d,%d,%d,%d)", pRect1->left, pRect1->top, pRect1->right, pRect1->bottom, pRect2->left, pRect2->top, pRect2->right, pRect2->bottom )); return(OL_NONE); }
// Name: BAAddRectList
// Description: Adds a rectangle to the list of accumulated rectangles.
// - find a free slot in the array
// - add slot record to list
// - fill slot record with rect and mark as in use.
// Params (IN): pRect - rectangle to add
// Returns:
void BAAddRectList(LPRECT pRect) { UINT i; BOOL fFoundFreeSlot;
// Find a free slot in the array. Note that the loop searches to
// BA_NUM_RECTS+1, because:
// - the array is defined as having one more slot than BA_NUM_RECTS
// - we may need to add a rect in that slot when BA_NUM_RECTS are
// in use prior to a forced merge.
fFoundFreeSlot = FALSE; for ( i = 0; i <= BA_NUM_RECTS; i++ ) { if (!g_baBounds[i].InUse) { fFoundFreeSlot = TRUE; break; } }
if (!fFoundFreeSlot) { WARNING_OUT(( "No space in array for rect (%d,%d,%d,%d)", pRect->left, pRect->top, pRect->right, pRect->bottom));
for ( i = 0; i <= BA_NUM_RECTS; i++ ) { WARNING_OUT(( "Entry %i:Next(%lx),(%d,%d,%d,%d),Index(%d),InUse(%d)", g_baBounds[i].iNext, g_baBounds[i].Coord.left, g_baBounds[i].Coord.top, g_baBounds[i].Coord.right, g_baBounds[i].Coord.bottom, i, g_baBounds[i].InUse)); }
// If first rect, then set up list.
// If not, add to tail of list.
if (g_baRectsUsed == 0) { g_baFirstRect = i; g_baLastRect = i; } else { g_baBounds[g_baLastRect].iNext = i; g_baLastRect = i; } g_baBounds[i].iNext = BA_INVALID_RECT_INDEX;
// Fill in slot and mark as in use.
g_baBounds[i].InUse = TRUE; g_baBounds[i].Coord = *pRect;
// Increment number of rectangles.
TRACE_OUT(( "Add Rect : ix - %d, (%d,%d,%d,%d)", i, pRect->left,pRect->top,pRect->right,pRect->bottom)); g_baRectsUsed++;
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(BAAddRectList); }
// Name: BA_RemoveRectList
// Description: Removes a rectangle from the list of accumulated
// rectangles.
// - find the rectangle in the list
// - unlink it from the list and mark the slot as free
// Params (IN): pRect - rectangle to remove
// Returns:
void BA_RemoveRectList(LPRECT pRect) { UINT i; UINT j;
// If rectangle to remove is first...
// Remove it by adjusting first pointer and mark as free.
// Note that the check for tail adjustment has to be done before we
// change first.
if ( g_baBounds[g_baFirstRect].Coord.left == pRect->left && g_baBounds[g_baFirstRect].Coord.top == pRect->top && g_baBounds[g_baFirstRect].Coord.right == pRect->right && g_baBounds[g_baFirstRect].Coord.bottom == pRect->bottom ) { TRACE_OUT(( "Remove first")); if (g_baFirstRect == g_baLastRect) { g_baLastRect = BA_INVALID_RECT_INDEX; } g_baBounds[g_baFirstRect].InUse = FALSE; g_baFirstRect = g_baBounds[g_baFirstRect].iNext; }
// If rectangle to remove is not first...
// Find it in list, remove it by adjusting previous pointer and mark it
// as free.
// Note that the check for tail adjustment has to be done before we
// change the previous pointer.
else { TRACE_OUT(( "Remove not first")); for ( j = g_baFirstRect; g_baBounds[j].iNext != BA_INVALID_RECT_INDEX; j = g_baBounds[j].iNext ) { if ( (g_baBounds[g_baBounds[j].iNext].Coord.left == pRect->left) && (g_baBounds[g_baBounds[j].iNext].Coord.top == pRect->top) && (g_baBounds[g_baBounds[j].iNext].Coord.right == pRect->right) && (g_baBounds[g_baBounds[j].iNext].Coord.bottom == pRect->bottom) ) { break; } }
if (j == BA_INVALID_RECT_INDEX) { WARNING_OUT(( "Couldn't remove rect (%d,%d,%d,%d)", pRect->left, pRect->top, pRect->right, pRect->bottom ));
for ( i = 0; i <= BA_NUM_RECTS; i++ ) { WARNING_OUT(( "Entry %i:Next(%lx),(%d,%d,%d,%d),Index(%d),InUse(%d)", g_baBounds[i].iNext, g_baBounds[i].Coord.left, g_baBounds[i].Coord.top, g_baBounds[i].Coord.right, g_baBounds[i].Coord.bottom, i, g_baBounds[i].InUse)); } return; }
if (g_baBounds[j].iNext == g_baLastRect ) { g_baLastRect = j; } g_baBounds[g_baBounds[j].iNext].InUse = FALSE; g_baBounds[j].iNext = g_baBounds[g_baBounds[j].iNext].iNext; }
// One less rect...
g_baRectsUsed--; DebugExitVOID(BA_RemoveRectList); }
// Name: BAAddRect
// Description: Accumulates rectangles.
// This is a complex routine, with the essential algorithm
// as follows.
// - Start with the supplied rectangle as the candidate
// rectangle.
// - Compare the candidate against each of the existing
// accumulated rectangles.
// - If some form of overlap is detected between the
// candidate and an existing rectangle, this may result in
// one of the following (see the cases of the switch for
// details):
// - adjust the candidate or the existing rectangle or both
// - merge the candidate into the existing rectangle
// - discard the candidate as it is enclosed by an existing
// rectangle.
// - If the merge or adjustment results in a changed
// candidate, restart the comparisons from the beginning of
// the list with the changed candidate.
// - If the adjustment results in a split (giving two
// candidate rectangles), invoke this routine recursively
// with one of the two candidates as its candidate.
// - If no overlap is detected against the existing rectangles,
// add the candidate to the list of accumulated rectangles.
// - If the add results in more than BA_NUM_RECTS
// accumulated rectangles, do a forced merge of two of the
// accumulate rectangles (which include the newly added
// candidate) - choosing the two rectangles where the merged
// rectangle results in the smallest increase in area over
// the two non-merged rectangles.
// - After a forced merge, restart the comparisons from the
// beginning of the list with the newly merged rectangle as
// the candidate.
// For a particular call, this process will continue until
// the candidate (whether the supplied rectangle, an adjusted
// version of that rectangle, or a merged rectangle):
// - does not find an overlap among the rectangles in the list
// and does not cause a forced merge
// - is discarded becuase it is enclosed within one of the
// rectangles in the list.
// Note that all rectangle coordinates are inclusive, ie
// a rectangle of 0,0,0,0 has an area of 1 pel.
// Params (IN): pCand - new candidate rectangle
// level - recursion level
// Returns: TRUE if rectandle was spoilt due to a complete overlap.
BOOL BAAddRect ( LPRECT pCand, int level ) { LONG bestMergeIncrease; LONG mergeIncrease; UINT iBestMerge1; UINT iBestMerge2; UINT iExist; UINT iTmp; BOOL fRectToAdd; BOOL fRectMerged; BOOL fResetRects; RECT rectNew; UINT iLastMerge; int OverlapType; BOOL rc = TRUE;
// Increase the level count in case we recurse.
// Start off by assuming the candidate rectangle will be added to the
// accumulated list of rectangles, and that no merges will occur.
fRectToAdd = TRUE; fRectMerged = FALSE;
// Loop until no merges occur.
do { TRACE_OUT(( "Candidate rect: (%d,%d,%d,%d)", pCand->left,pCand->top,pCand->right,pCand->bottom));
// Compare the current candidate rectangle against the rectangles
// in the current accumulated list.
iExist = g_baFirstRect;
while (iExist != BA_INVALID_RECT_INDEX) { //
// Assume that the comparisons will run through the whole list.
fResetRects = FALSE;
// If the candidate and the existing rectangle are the same
// then ignore. This occurs when an existing rectangle is
// replaced by a candidate and the comparisons are restarted
// from the front of the list - whereupon at some point the
// candidate will be compared with itself.
if ( &g_baBounds[iExist].Coord == pCand ) { iExist = g_baBounds[iExist].iNext; continue; }
// Switch on the overlap type (see Overlap routine).
OverlapType = BAOverlap(&(g_baBounds[iExist].Coord), pCand); switch (OverlapType) {
case OL_NONE: //
// No overlap.
case OL_MERGE_XMIN: //
// - either the candidate abutts the existing rectangle
// on the left
// 10,10 51,10
// +----------++----------+
// | || |
// | || |
// | || |
// | Cand || Exist |
// | || |
// | || |
// | || |
// +----------++----------+
// 50,50 100,50
// - or the candidate overlaps the existing on the left
// and can be merged
// 10,10 40,10
// +-------+--+------+
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | Cand | |Exist |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// +-------+--+------+
// 50,50 90,50
// If the candidate is the original, merge the
// candidate into the existing, and make the existing
// the new candidate.
// If this is a merge of two existing rectangles (ie
// the candidate is the result of a merge), merge the
// overlapping existing into the candidate (the last
// merged) and remove the existing.
// For both, start the comparisons again with the new
// candidate.
if ( fRectToAdd ) { g_baBounds[iExist].Coord.left = pCand->left; pCand = &(g_baBounds[iExist].Coord); fRectToAdd = FALSE; iLastMerge = iExist; } else { pCand->right = g_baBounds[iExist].Coord.right; BA_RemoveRectList(&(g_baBounds[iExist].Coord)); }
fResetRects = TRUE; break;
case OL_MERGE_XMAX: //
// - either the candidate abutts the existing rectangle
// on the right
// 10,10 51,10
// +----------++----------+
// | || |
// | || |
// | || |
// | Exist || Cand |
// | || |
// | || |
// | || |
// +----------++----------+
// 50,50 100,50
// - or the candidate overlaps the existing on the right
// and can be merged
// 10,10 40,10
// +-------+--+------+
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | Exist | | Cand |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// +-------+--+------+
// 50,50 90,50
// If the candidate is the original, merge the
// candidate into the existing, and make the existing
// the new candidate.
// If this is a merge of two existing rectangles (ie
// the candidate is the result of a merge), merge the
// overlapping existing into the candidate (the last
// merged) and remove the existing.
// For both, start the comparisons again with the new
// candidate.
if ( fRectToAdd ) { g_baBounds[iExist].Coord.right = pCand->right; pCand = &(g_baBounds[iExist].Coord); fRectToAdd = FALSE; iLastMerge = iExist; } else { pCand->left = g_baBounds[iExist].Coord.left; BA_RemoveRectList(&(g_baBounds[iExist].Coord)); }
fResetRects = TRUE; break;
case OL_MERGE_YMIN: //
// - either the candidate abutts the existing rectangle
// on the top
// 10,10
// +---------+
// | |
// | |
// | |
// | Cand |
// | |
// | |
// | |
// +---------+50,50
// 10,51+---------+
// | |
// | |
// | |
// | Exist |
// | |
// | |
// | |
// +---------+50,100
// - or the candidate overlaps the existing on the top
// and can be merged
// 10,10
// +---------+
// | |
// | |
// | |
// | Cand |
// | |
// | |
// Exist 10,40+---------+
// | |
// | |
// | |
// +---------+50,60 Cand
// | |
// | Exist |
// | |
// | |
// | |
// +---------+50,100
// If the candidate is the original, merge the
// candidate into the existing, and make the existing
// the new candidate.
// If this is a merge of two existing rectangles (ie
// the candidate is the result of a merge), merge the
// overlapping existing into the candidate (the last
// merged) and remove the existing.
// For both, start the comparisons again with the new
// candidate.
if ( fRectToAdd ) { g_baBounds[iExist].Coord.top = pCand->top; pCand = &(g_baBounds[iExist].Coord); fRectToAdd = FALSE; iLastMerge = iExist; } else { pCand->bottom = g_baBounds[iExist].Coord.bottom; BA_RemoveRectList(&(g_baBounds[iExist].Coord)); }
fResetRects = TRUE; break;
case OL_MERGE_YMAX: //
// - either the candidate abutts the existing rectangle
// from below
// 10,10
// +---------+
// | |
// | |
// | |
// | Exist |
// | |
// | |
// | |
// +---------+50,50
// 10,51+---------+
// | |
// | |
// | |
// | Cand |
// | |
// | |
// | |
// +---------+50,100
// - or the candidate overlaps the existing from below
// and can be merged
// 10,10
// +---------+
// | |
// | |
// | |
// | Exist |
// | |
// | |
// Cand 10,40+---------+
// | |
// | |
// | |
// +---------+50,60 Exist
// | |
// | Cand |
// | |
// | |
// | |
// +---------+50,100
// If the candidate is the original, merge the
// candidate into the existing, and make the existing
// the new candidate.
// If this is a merge of two existing rectangles (ie
// the candidate is the result of a merge), merge the
// overlapping existing into the candidate (the last
// merged) and remove the existing.
// For both, start the comparisons again with the new
// candidate.
if ( fRectToAdd ) { g_baBounds[iExist].Coord.bottom = pCand->bottom; pCand = &(g_baBounds[iExist].Coord); fRectToAdd = FALSE; iLastMerge = iExist; } else { pCand->top = g_baBounds[iExist].Coord.top; BA_RemoveRectList(&(g_baBounds[iExist].Coord)); }
fResetRects = TRUE; break;
case OL_ENCLOSED: //
// The existing is enclosed by the candidate.
// 100,100
// +----------------------+
// | Cand |
// | |
// | 130,130 |
// | +------------+ |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | Exist | |
// | | | |
// | +------------+ |
// | 170,170 |
// | |
// +----------------------+
// 200,200
// If the candidate is the original, replace the
// existing by the candidate, and make the new existing
// the new candidate.
// If the candidate is an existing rectangle, remove
// the other existing rectangle.
// For both, start the comparisons again with the new
// candidate.
if ( fRectToAdd ) { g_baBounds[iExist].Coord = *pCand; pCand = &(g_baBounds[iExist].Coord); fRectToAdd = FALSE; iLastMerge = iExist; } else { BA_RemoveRectList(&(g_baBounds[iExist].Coord)); }
fResetRects = TRUE; break;
// The existing is partially enclosed by the candidate
// - but not on the right.
// 100,100
// +----------------------+
// | Cand |
// | |
// | 130,130 |
// | +-----------------+---+
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | Exist | |
// | | | |
// | +-----------------+---+
// | | 220,170
// | |
// +----------------------+
// 200,200
// Adjust the existing rectangle to be the non-
// overlapped portion.
// 100,100
// +----------------------+
// | |
// | |201,130
// | |+--+
// | ||E |
// | ||x |
// | Cand ||i |
// | ||s |
// | ||t |
// | || |
// | |+--+
// | | 220,170
// +----------------------+
// 200,200
// Note that this does not restart the comparisons.
g_baBounds[iExist].Coord.left = pCand->right + 1; break;
// The existing is partially enclosed by the candidate
// - but not on the left.
// 100,100
// +----------------------+
// | Cand |
// 70,130 | |
// +-----+---------------+ |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | Exist | |
// | | | |
// +-----+---------------+ |
// | 170,170 |
// | |
// +----------------------+
// 200,200
// Adjust the existing rectangle to be the non-
// overlapped portion.
// 100,100
// +----------------------+
// 70,130 | |
// +----+| |
// | E || |
// | x || |
// | i || Cand |
// | s || |
// | t || |
// | || |
// +----+| |
// 99,170| |
// | |
// +----------------------+
// 200,200
// Note that this does not restart the comparisons.
g_baBounds[iExist].Coord.right = pCand->left - 1; break;
// The existing is partially enclosed by the candidate
// - but not on the bottom.
// 100,100
// +----------------------+
// | Cand |
// | 130,130 |
// | +--------+ |
// | | | |
// | | Exist | |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// +-----+--------+-------+
// | | 200,200
// | |
// | |
// +--------+170,230
// Adjust the existing rectangle to be the non-
// overlapped portion.
// 100,100
// +----------------------+
// | |
// | |
// | |
// | |
// | |
// | Cand |
// | |
// | |
// | |
// | |
// +----------------------+
// 130,201+---------+ 200,200
// | |
// | Exist |
// | |
// +---------+170,230
// Note that this does not restart the comparisons.
g_baBounds[iExist].Coord.top = pCand->bottom + 1; break;
// The existing is partially enclosed by the candidate
// - but not on the top.
// 70,130
// +---------+
// | |
// | |
// 100,100 | |
// +-----+---------+------+
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | Exist | |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | +---------+ |
// | 170,170 |
// | |
// | Cand |
// +----------------------+
// 200,200
// Adjust the existing rectangle to be the non-
// overlapped portion.
// 70,130
// +---------+
// | |
// | Exist |
// | |
// 100,100 +---------+170,99
// +----------------------+
// | |
// | |
// | |
// | |
// | |
// | Cand |
// | |
// | |
// | |
// | |
// +----------------------+
// 200,200
// Note that this does not restart the comparisons.
g_baBounds[iExist].Coord.bottom = pCand->top - 1; break;
case OL_ENCLOSES: //
// The existing encloses the candidate.
// 100,100
// +----------------------+
// | Exist |
// | |
// | 130,130 |
// | +------------+ |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | Cand | |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | +------------+ |
// | 170,170 |
// | |
// +----------------------+
// 200,200
// Just discard the candidate by exiting.
// Return FALSE indicating that the rectangle is
// already catered for by the existing bounds
rc= FALSE; DC_QUIT; break;
// The existing partially encloses the candidate - but
// not on the left.
// 100,100
// +----------------------+
// | Exist |
// 70,130 | |
// +-----+---------------+ |
// | | | |
// | | Cand | |
// | | | |
// +-----+---------------+ |
// | 170,170 |
// | |
// +----------------------+
// 200,200
// Adjust the candidate rectangle to be the non-
// overlapped portion.
// 100,100
// +----------------------+
// 70,130 | |
// +----+| |
// | || |
// | C || |
// | a || |
// | n || Exist |
// | d || |
// | || |
// +----+| |
// 99,170| |
// | |
// +----------------------+
// 200,200
// Because this affects the candidate, restart the
// comparisons to check for overlaps between the
// adjusted candidate and other existing rectangles.
pCand->right = g_baBounds[iExist].Coord.left - 1;
fResetRects = TRUE; break;
// The existing partially encloses the candidate - but
// not on the right.
// 100,100
// +----------------------+
// | Exist |
// | |
// | 130,130 |
// | +-----------------+---+
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | Cand | |
// | | | |
// | +-----------------+---+
// | | 220,170
// | |
// +----------------------+
// 200,200
// Adjust the candidate rectangle to be the non-
// overlapped portion.
// 100,100
// +----------------------+
// | |201,130
// | |+--+
// | || |
// | ||C |
// | Exist ||a |
// | ||n |
// | ||d |
// | || |
// | |+--+
// | | 220,170
// +----------------------+
// 200,200
// Because this affects the candidate, restart the
// comparisons to check for overlaps between the
// adjusted candidate and other existing rectangles.
pCand->left = g_baBounds[iExist].Coord.right + 1;
fResetRects = TRUE; break;
// The existing partially encloses the candidate - but
// not on the top.
// 70,130
// +---------+
// | |
// | |
// 100,100 | |
// +-----+---------+------+
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | Cand | |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | +---------+ |
// | 170,170 |
// | |
// | Exist |
// +----------------------+
// 200,200
// Adjust the candidate rectangle to be the non-
// overlapped portion.
// 70,130
// +---------+
// | |
// | Cand |
// | |
// 100,100 +---------+170,99
// +----------------------+
// | |
// | |
// | |
// | |
// | Exist |
// | |
// | |
// | |
// +----------------------+
// 200,200
// Because this affects the candidate, restart the
// comparisons to check for overlaps between the
// adjusted candidate and other existing rectangles.
pCand->bottom = g_baBounds[iExist].Coord.top - 1;
fResetRects = TRUE; break;
// The existing partially encloses the candidate - but
// not on the bottom.
// 100,100
// +----------------------+
// | Exist |
// | |
// | 130,130 |
// | +--------+ |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | Cand | |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// +-----+--------+-------+
// | | 200,200
// | |
// | |
// +--------+170,230
// Adjust the candidate rectangle to be the non-
// overlapped portion.
// 100,100
// +----------------------+
// | |
// | |
// | |
// | |
// | |
// | Exist |
// | |
// | |
// | |
// | |
// +----------------------+
// 130,201+---------+ 200,200
// | |
// | Cand |
// | |
// +---------+170,230
// Because this affects the candidate, restart the
// comparisons to check for overlaps between the
// adjusted candidate and other existing rectangles.
pCand->top = g_baBounds[iExist].Coord.bottom + 1;
fResetRects = TRUE; break;
case OL_SPLIT_X: //
// The existing overlaps the candicate, but neither can
// be merged or adjusted.
// 100,100
// +--------+
// | |
// 70,130 | Exist |
// +-----+--------+------+
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | Cand| | |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// +-----+--------+------+180,160
// | |
// | |
// +--------+150,200
// Need to split candidate into left and right halves.
// Only do a split if there is spare room in the list -
// because both the split rectangles may need to be
// added to the list.
// If there is spare room, split the candidate into a
// smaller candidate on the left and a new rectangle on
// the right. Call this routine recursively to handle
// the new rectangle.
// 100,100
// +--------+
// | |
// 70,130 | |151,130
// +----+| |+-----+
// | || || |
// | || || |
// |Cand|| Exist || New |
// | || || |
// | || || |
// +----+| |+-----+
// 99,160| | 180,160
// | |
// +--------+150,200
// After the recursion, because the candidate has
// changed, restart the comparisons to check for
// overlaps between the adjusted candidate and other
// existing rectangles.
if ((g_baRectsUsed < BA_NUM_RECTS) && (level < ADDR_RECURSE_LIMIT)) { rectNew.left = g_baBounds[iExist].Coord.right + 1; rectNew.right = pCand->right; rectNew.top = pCand->top; rectNew.bottom = pCand->bottom; pCand->right = g_baBounds[iExist].Coord.left - 1;
TRACE_OUT(( "*** RECURSION ***")); BAAddRect(&rectNew, level); TRACE_OUT(( "*** RETURN ***"));
if (!fRectToAdd && !g_baBounds[iLastMerge].InUse) { TRACE_OUT(( "FINISHED - %d", iLastMerge)); DC_QUIT; }
fResetRects = TRUE; } break;
case OL_SPLIT_Y: //
// The existing overlaps the candicate, but neither can
// be merged or adjusted.
// 100,100
// +--------+
// | |
// 70,130 | Cand |
// +-----+--------+------+
// | | | |
// | | | |
// |Exist| | |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// +-----+--------+------+180,160
// | |
// | |
// +--------+150,200
// Need to split candidate into top and bottom halves.
// Only do a split if there is spare room in the list -
// because both the split rectangles may need to be
// added to the list.
// If there is spare room, split the candidate into a
// smaller candidate on the top and a new rectangle on
// the bottom. Call this routine recursively to handle
// the new rectangle.
// 100,100
// +--------+
// | Cand |
// 70,130 +--------+150,129
// +---------------------+
// | |
// | |
// | |
// | |
// | |
// +---------------------+180,160
// 100,161+--------+
// | New |
// +--------+150,200
// After the recursion, because the candidate has
// changed, restart the comparisons to check for
// overlaps between the adjusted candidate and other
// existing rectangles.
if ((g_baRectsUsed < BA_NUM_RECTS) && (level < ADDR_RECURSE_LIMIT)) { rectNew.left = pCand->left; rectNew.right = pCand->right; rectNew.top = g_baBounds[iExist].Coord.bottom + 1; rectNew.bottom = pCand->bottom; pCand->bottom = g_baBounds[iExist].Coord.top - 1;
TRACE_OUT(( "*** RECURSION ***")); BAAddRect(&rectNew, level); TRACE_OUT(( "*** RETURN ***"));
if (!fRectToAdd && !g_baBounds[iLastMerge].InUse) { TRACE_OUT(( "FINISHED - %d", iLastMerge)); DC_QUIT; }
fResetRects = TRUE; } break;
// The existing overlaps the candicate, but neither can
// be merged or adjusted.
// 100,100
// +---------------+
// | Cand |
// | |
// | |
// | 150,150 |
// | +-------+-----+
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// +-------+-------+ |
// | 200,200 |
// | |
// | Exist |
// | |
// +-------------+
// 250,250
// Need to split candidate into top and left pieces.
// Only do a split if there is spare room in the list -
// because both the split rectangles may need to be
// added to the list.
// If there is spare room, split the candidate into a
// smaller candidate on the left and a new rectangle on
// the top. Call this routine recursively to handle
// the new rectangle.
// 100,100 151,100
// +-------+-------+
// | | |
// | | New |
// | | |
// | | |200,149
// | +-------+-----+
// | Cand |150,150 |
// | | |
// | | |
// | | |
// | | Exist |
// +-------+ |
// 150,200| |
// | |
// | |
// | |
// +-------------+
// 250,250
// After the recursion, because the candidate has
// changed, restart the comparisons to check for
// overlaps between the adjusted candidate and other
// existing rectangles.
if ( g_baRectsUsed < BA_NUM_RECTS ) { rectNew.left = g_baBounds[iExist].Coord.left; rectNew.right = pCand->right; rectNew.top = pCand->top; rectNew.bottom = g_baBounds[iExist].Coord.top - 1; pCand->right = g_baBounds[iExist].Coord.left - 1;
TRACE_OUT(( "*** RECURSION ***")); BAAddRect(&rectNew, level); TRACE_OUT(( "*** RETURN ***"));
if (!fRectToAdd && !g_baBounds[iLastMerge].InUse) { TRACE_OUT(( "FINISHED - %d", iLastMerge)); DC_QUIT; }
fResetRects = TRUE; } break;
// The existing overlaps the candicate, but neither can
// be merged or adjusted.
// 150,100
// +---------------+
// | |
// | Cand |
// 100,150 | |
// +------+--------+ |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | +--------+------+
// | | 250,200
// | Exist |
// | |
// +---------------+
// 200,250
// Need to split candidate into top and right pieces.
// Only do a split if there is spare room in the list -
// because both the split rectangles may need to be
// added to the list.
// If there is spare room, split the candidate into a
// smaller candidate on the right and a new rectangle
// on the top. Call this routine recursively to handle
// the new rectangle.
// 150,100 201,100
// +--------+------+
// | New | |
// | | |
// 100,150 | 200,149| |
// +------+--------+ |
// | | Cand |
// | | |
// | | |
// | | |
// | Exist | |
// | | |
// | +------+
// | | 250,200
// | |
// | |
// +---------------+
// 200,250
// After the recursion, because the candidate has
// changed, restart the comparisons to check for
// overlaps between the adjusted candidate and other
// existing rectangles.
if ((g_baRectsUsed < BA_NUM_RECTS) && (level < ADDR_RECURSE_LIMIT)) { rectNew.left = pCand->left; rectNew.right = g_baBounds[iExist].Coord.right; rectNew.top = pCand->top; rectNew.bottom = g_baBounds[iExist].Coord.top - 1; pCand->left = g_baBounds[iExist].Coord.right + 1;
TRACE_OUT(( "*** RECURSION ***")); BAAddRect(&rectNew, level); TRACE_OUT(( "*** RETURN ***"));
if (!fRectToAdd && !g_baBounds[iLastMerge].InUse) { TRACE_OUT(( "FINISHED - %d", iLastMerge)); DC_QUIT; }
fResetRects = TRUE; } break;
// The existing overlaps the candicate, but neither can
// be merged or adjusted.
// 150,100
// +---------------+
// | |
// | Exist |
// 100,150 | |
// +------+--------+ |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | +--------+------+
// | | 250,200
// | Cand |
// | |
// +---------------+
// 200,250
// Need to split candidate into left and bottom pieces.
// Only do a split if there is spare room in the list -
// because both the split rectangles may need to be
// added to the list.
// If there is spare room, split the candidate into a
// smaller candidate on the left and a new rectangle on
// the bottom. Call this routine recursively to handle
// the new rectangle.
// 150,100
// +---------------+
// | |
// | |
// 100,150 | |
// +------+ |
// | | |
// | | |
// | | |
// | | |
// | Cand | |
// | | |
// | +--------+------+
// | |151,200 | 250,200
// | | |
// | | New |
// +------+--------+
// 149,250 200,250
// After the recursion, because the candidate has
// changed, restart the comparisons to check for
// overlaps between the adjusted candidate and other
// existing rectangles.
if ((g_baRectsUsed < BA_NUM_RECTS) && (level < ADDR_RECURSE_LIMIT)) { rectNew.left = g_baBounds[iExist].Coord.left; rectNew.right = pCand->right; rectNew.top = g_baBounds[iExist].Coord.bottom + 1; rectNew.bottom = pCand->bottom; pCand->right = g_baBounds[iExist].Coord.left - 1;
TRACE_OUT(( "*** RECURSION ***")); BAAddRect(&rectNew, level); TRACE_OUT(( "*** RETURN ***"));
if (!fRectToAdd && !g_baBounds[iLastMerge].InUse) { TRACE_OUT(( "FINISHED - %d", iLastMerge)); DC_QUIT; }
fResetRects = TRUE; } break;
// The existing overlaps the candicate, but neither can
// be merged or adjusted.
// 100,100
// +---------------+
// | Exist |
// | |
// | |
// | 150,150 |
// | +-------+-----+
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// | | | |
// +-------+-------+ |
// | 200,200 |
// | |
// | Cand |
// | |
// +-------------+
// 250,250
// Need to split candidate into bottom and right pieces.
// Only do a split if there is spare room in the list -
// because both the split rectangles may need to be
// added to the list.
// If there is spare room, split the candidate into a
// smaller candidate on the right and a new rectangle
// on the bottom. Call this routine recursively to
// handle the new rectangle.
// 100,100
// +---------------+
// | |
// | |
// | |
// | |201,150
// | Exist +-----+
// | | |
// | | |
// | | |
// | |Cand |
// | 200,200| |
// +-------+-------+ |
// 150,201| | |
// | | |
// | New | |
// | | |
// +-------+-----+
// 200,250 250,250
// After the recursion, because the candidate has
// changed, restart the comparisons to check for
// overlaps between the adjusted candidate and other
// existing rectangles.
if ((g_baRectsUsed < BA_NUM_RECTS) && (level < ADDR_RECURSE_LIMIT)) { rectNew.left = pCand->left; rectNew.right = g_baBounds[iExist].Coord.right; rectNew.top = g_baBounds[iExist].Coord.bottom + 1; rectNew.bottom = pCand->bottom; pCand->left = g_baBounds[iExist].Coord.right + 1;
TRACE_OUT(( "*** RECURSION ***")); BAAddRect(&rectNew, level); TRACE_OUT(( "*** RETURN ***"));
if (!fRectToAdd && !g_baBounds[iLastMerge].InUse) { TRACE_OUT(( "FINISHED - %d", iLastMerge)); DC_QUIT; }
fResetRects = TRUE; } break;
default: //
// This should not happen.
ERROR_OUT(( "Unrecognised overlap case-%d",OverlapType)); break; }
iExist = (fResetRects) ? g_baFirstRect : g_baBounds[iExist].iNext; }
// Arriving here means that no overlap was found between the
// candidate and the existing rectangles.
// - If the candidate is the original rectangle, add it to the
// list.
// - If the candidate is an existing rectangle, it is already in
// the list.
if ( fRectToAdd ) { BAAddRectList(pCand); }
// The compare and add processing above is allowed to add a
// rectangle to the list when there are already BA_NUM_RECTS
// (eg. when doing a split or when there is no overlap at all with
// the existing rectangles) - and there is an extra slot for that
// purpose.
// If we now have more than BA_NUM_RECTS rectangles, do a
// forced merge, so that the next call to this routine has a spare
// slot.
fRectMerged = ( g_baRectsUsed > BA_NUM_RECTS ); if ( fRectMerged ) { //
// Start looking for merged rectangles.
// For each rectangle in the list, compare it with the others,
// and Determine cost of merging.
// We want to merge the two rectangles with the minimum
// area difference, ie that will produce a merged
// rectangle that covers the least superfluous screen
// area.
// Note that we calculate the areas of the rectangles here
// (rather than on the fly as they are created/ manipulated in
// the loop), as the statistics show that forced merges occur
// very much less frequently than non-forced manipulations (ie
// splits, adds etc.
bestMergeIncrease = 0x7FFFFFFF;
for ( iExist = g_baFirstRect; iExist != BA_INVALID_RECT_INDEX; iExist = g_baBounds[iExist].iNext ) { g_baBounds[iExist].Area = COM_SizeOfRectInclusive(&g_baBounds[iExist].Coord); }
#ifdef _DEBUG
iBestMerge1 = BA_INVALID_RECT_INDEX; iBestMerge2 = BA_INVALID_RECT_INDEX; #endif
for ( iExist = g_baFirstRect; iExist != BA_INVALID_RECT_INDEX; iExist = g_baBounds[iExist].iNext ) { for ( iTmp = g_baBounds[iExist].iNext; iTmp != BA_INVALID_RECT_INDEX; iTmp = g_baBounds[iTmp].iNext ) { rectNew.left = min( g_baBounds[iExist].Coord.left, g_baBounds[iTmp].Coord.left ); rectNew.top = min( g_baBounds[iExist].Coord.top, g_baBounds[iTmp].Coord.top ); rectNew.right = max( g_baBounds[iExist].Coord.right, g_baBounds[iTmp].Coord.right ); rectNew.bottom = max( g_baBounds[iExist].Coord.bottom, g_baBounds[iTmp].Coord.bottom );
mergeIncrease = COM_SizeOfRectInclusive(&rectNew) - g_baBounds[iExist].Area - g_baBounds[iTmp].Area;
if (bestMergeIncrease > mergeIncrease) { iBestMerge1 = iExist; iBestMerge2 = iTmp; bestMergeIncrease = mergeIncrease; } } }
// Now do the merge.
// We recalculate the size of the merged rectangle here -
// alternatively we could remember the size of the best so far
// in the loop above. The trade off is between calculating
// twice or copying at least once but probably more than once
// as we find successively better merges.
TRACE_OUT(("BestMerge1 %d, {%d,%d,%d,%d}", iBestMerge1, g_baBounds[iBestMerge1].Coord.left, g_baBounds[iBestMerge1].Coord.top, g_baBounds[iBestMerge1].Coord.right, g_baBounds[iBestMerge1].Coord.bottom ));
TRACE_OUT(("BestMerge2 %d, {%d,%d,%d,%d}", iBestMerge2, g_baBounds[iBestMerge2].Coord.left, g_baBounds[iBestMerge2].Coord.top, g_baBounds[iBestMerge2].Coord.right, g_baBounds[iBestMerge2].Coord.bottom ));
g_baBounds[iBestMerge1].Coord.left = min( g_baBounds[iBestMerge1].Coord.left, g_baBounds[iBestMerge2].Coord.left ); g_baBounds[iBestMerge1].Coord.top = min( g_baBounds[iBestMerge1].Coord.top, g_baBounds[iBestMerge2].Coord.top ); g_baBounds[iBestMerge1].Coord.right = max( g_baBounds[iBestMerge1].Coord.right, g_baBounds[iBestMerge2].Coord.right ); g_baBounds[iBestMerge1].Coord.bottom = max( g_baBounds[iBestMerge1].Coord.bottom, g_baBounds[iBestMerge2].Coord.bottom );
// Remove the second best merge.
// The best merged rectangle becomes the candidate, and we fall
// back to the head of the comparison loop to start again.
pCand = &(g_baBounds[iBestMerge1].Coord); iLastMerge = iBestMerge1; fRectToAdd = FALSE; }
} while ( fRectMerged );
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitBOOL(BAAddRect, rc); return(rc); }