INTEL CORPORATION PROPRIETARY INFORMATION Copyright (c) 1992 Intel Corporation All Rights Reserved
This software is supplied under the terms of a license agreement or non-disclosure agreement with Intel Corporation and may not be copied or disclosed except in accordance with the terms of that agreement
$Source: q:/prism/network/isrdbg/rcs/isrdbg.c $ $Revision: 1.3 $ $Date: 30 Dec 1996 16:44:32 $ $Author: EHOWARDX $ $Locker: $
Description ----------- VCITest - test harness for VCI and underlaying subsystems.
// Turn off Windows stuff will never use.
#define NOSOUND
#define NOWH
#define NOCOMM
#define NOKANJI
#ifndef STRICT
#define STRICT
#endif // not defined STRICT
#include <windows.h>
#include <string.h>
#define ISRDBG32_C
#include <isrg.h> // exports to functions.
#include "isrdbg32.h" // private header file for this app
HINSTANCE ghAppInstance = 0; // global instance handle
// Global lock to protect:
// gStrTabOfs, guNumItems
HANDLE gSemaphore = 0; // global semaphore for accessing dbg info.
// Most data needs to be globally mapped because info is shared with viewer and apps
// placing debug info into the buffers.
typedef struct _tDS { UINT uBindCount; // How many copies of this DLL have run.
UINT guNumModules; UINT guNumItems; UINT gStrTabOfs; WORD ghDefaultModule; } tDS,*ptDS;
HANDLE ghDS = 0; ptDS gpDS = NULL;
HANDLE ghModuleTable = 0; ptISRModule gpModuleTable = NULL;
HANDLE ghDbgTable = 0; ptISRItem gpDbgTable = NULL;
HANDLE ghzStrTab = 0; LPSTR gpzStrTab = NULL;
ptISRItem WINAPI ISR_GetItemInternal (UINT uItem);
BOOL MapGlobalWin32Memory(void** pMem,HANDLE* hMem,UINT MemSize,char* MemName) { BOOL fInit;
if (!pMem || !hMem) return FALSE;
*hMem = CreateFileMapping( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, // use paging file
NULL, // no security attr.
PAGE_READWRITE, // read/write access
0, // size: high 32-bits
MemSize, // size: low 32-bits
MemName); // name of map object
if (!*hMem) return FALSE;
// The first process to attach initializes memory.
fInit = (GetLastError() != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS);
// Get a pointer to the file-mapped shared memory.
*pMem = MapViewOfFile( *hMem, // object to map view of
FILE_MAP_WRITE, // read/write access
0, // high offset: map from
0, // low offset: beginning
0); // default: map entire file
if (!*pMem) { CloseHandle(*hMem); *hMem = 0; return FALSE; }
// Initialize memory if this is the first process.
if (fInit) { memset(*pMem,0,MemSize); }
return TRUE; }
void FreeGlobalWin32Memory(void* pMem,HANDLE hMem) { // Unmap shared memory from the process's address space.
if (pMem) UnmapViewOfFile(pMem);
// Close the process's handle to the file-mapping object.
if (hMem) CloseHandle(hMem); }
// InitModules
// Init the Module filters on startup.
// Do not init the filters when the module is registered.
// The display app may have some global filters in effect by the time
// the individual register module calls come in.
static void InitModules (void) { UINT hMod; ptISRModule pMod;
for (hMod = 0; hMod < kMaxModules; hMod++) { pMod = ISR_GetModule(hMod); if (!pMod) break;
pMod->DisplayFilter = 0xFF; pMod->CaptureFilter = 0xFF; } }
// ValidCaptureMsg
// Validate the capture filters to determine if this message should be
// dropped.
// Returns:
// TRUE - if msg is valid and should be kept
// FALSE - if msg is filtered out and should be dropped.
static UINT ValidCaptureMsg (WORD hISRInst, BYTE DbgLevel) { ptISRModule pMod;
pMod = ISR_GetModule(hISRInst); if (!pMod) return FALSE;
if (DbgLevel & pMod->CaptureFilter) return TRUE; else return FALSE; }
// OutputRec ()
// Store a string resource Id to be displayed at task time.
// In addition store a number to be displayed in printf format of the
// string.
ISR_DLL void WINAPI OutputRec ( WORD hISRInst, // Our handle to registered modules
BYTE DbgLevel, // Caller determined debug level
BYTE Flags, UINT IP, // Callers Instruction Ptr address
DWORD Param1, DWORD Param2 ) { ptISRItem pItem; UINT uItem;
// Capture Filter
if ( !ValidCaptureMsg(hISRInst, DbgLevel) ) return;
// Protect against reentrancy. Just drop the msg if reentered.
if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 != WaitForSingleObject(gSemaphore,100)) return;
uItem = gpDS->guNumItems++; if (kMaxISRItems <= gpDS->guNumItems) { gpDS->guNumItems = 0; } ReleaseSemaphore(gSemaphore,1,NULL);
pItem = ISR_GetItemInternal(uItem); if (!pItem) { // This is a serious bug. Our debugger is even hosed.
// Need to think of a way to indicate this to the user.
return; }
pItem->hISRInst = hISRInst; pItem->DbgLevel = DbgLevel; pItem->Flags = Flags; pItem->IP = IP; pItem->Param1 = Param1; pItem->Param2 = Param2; }
ISR_DLL void WINAPI OutputRecStr ( WORD hISRInst, // Our handle to registered modules
BYTE DbgLevel, // Caller determined debug level
BYTE Flags, UINT IP, // Callers Instruction Ptr address
LPSTR pzStr1, LPSTR pzStr2, DWORD Param1 ) { LPSTR pzStrTab; UINT uStrOfs; UINT uStrLen; UINT StrLen1; UINT StrLen2;
// Capture Filter
if ( !ValidCaptureMsg(hISRInst, DbgLevel) ) return;
if (pzStr1) StrLen1 = lstrlen(pzStr1); else StrLen1 = 0; if (pzStr2) StrLen2 = lstrlen(pzStr2); else StrLen2 = 0; uStrLen = StrLen1 + StrLen2 + 1; // 1 for null terminator.
if (kMaxStrTab <= uStrLen) { return; // It is so big.
} // Protect against reentrancy. Just drop the msg if reentered.
if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 != WaitForSingleObject(gSemaphore,100)) return;
uStrOfs = gpDS->gStrTabOfs; gpDS->gStrTabOfs += uStrLen; if (kMaxStrTab <= gpDS->gStrTabOfs) { uStrOfs = 0; gpDS->gStrTabOfs = uStrLen;
// Also reset items which would otherwise point in trashed strings.
gpDS->guNumItems = 0; } pzStrTab = gpzStrTab + uStrOfs; ReleaseSemaphore(gSemaphore,1,NULL);
if (pzStr1) lstrcpy(pzStrTab, pzStr1); if (pzStr2) lstrcpy(pzStrTab+StrLen1, pzStr2);
OutputRec(hISRInst, DbgLevel, kParam1IsStr, IP, uStrOfs, Param1); }
// ISR_HookDbgStrStr
// Allow two strings to be concatenated together.
ISR_DLL void WINAPI DLL_EXPORT ISR_HookDbgStrStr (UINT IP, WORD hISRInst, BYTE DbgLevel, LPSTR pzStr1, LPSTR pzStr2) { OutputRecStr(hISRInst, DbgLevel, kParam1IsStr, IP, pzStr1, pzStr2, 0); }
// ISR_HookDbgRes
// Use a resource to format a number.
ISR_DLL void WINAPI DLL_EXPORT ISR_HookDbgRes (UINT IP, WORD hISRInst, BYTE DbgLevel, UINT uResId, DWORD Param1) { OutputRec(hISRInst, DbgLevel, kParam1IsRes, IP, uResId, Param1); }
// ISR_HookDbgStr
// Use a str to format a number.
ISR_DLL void WINAPI DLL_EXPORT ISR_HookDbgStr (UINT IP, WORD hISRInst, BYTE DbgLevel, LPSTR pzStr1, DWORD Param1) { OutputRecStr(hISRInst, DbgLevel, kParam1IsStr, IP, pzStr1, 0, Param1); }
// ISR_DbgStrStr
// Allow two strings to be concatenated together.
ISR_DLL void WINAPI DLL_EXPORT ISR_DbgStrStr (WORD hISRInst, BYTE DbgLevel, LPSTR pzStr1, LPSTR pzStr2) { UINT IP = 0;
// _asm
// {
// push ax
// mov ax,[bp+2]
// mov IP,ax
// pop ax
// }
ISR_HookDbgStrStr(IP, hISRInst, DbgLevel, pzStr1, pzStr2); }
// ISR_DbgRes
// Use a resource to format a number.
// _asm
// {
// push ax
// mov ax,[bp+2]
// mov IP,ax
// pop ax
// }
ISR_HookDbgRes(IP, hISRInst, DbgLevel, uResId, Param1); }
// ISR_DbgStr
// Use a str to format a number.
// _asm
// {
// push ax
// mov ax,[bp+2]
// mov IP,ax
// pop ax
// }
ISR_HookDbgStr(IP, hISRInst, DbgLevel, pzStr1, Param1); }
// TT_DbgMsg
// This function builds a formatted string, based upon numeric or
// string input parameters, and sends the string to isrdbg.dll to
// be displayed in the isrdsp.exe window. THIS FUNCTION CAN NOT
// BE CALLED AT INTERRUPT-TIME. This function uses the same
// mechanism as isrdbg.dll to enable/disable debug output.
// In:
// hISRInst, - Module's ISRDBG handle.
// DbgLevel, - Appropriate ISRDBG level.
// zMsgFmt, - Output format string (like printf).
// ... - Optional parameter list.
// Out:
// none
// Return:
// none
ISR_DLL void FAR cdecl DLL_EXPORT TTDbgMsg ( WORD hISRInst, BYTE DbgLevel, LPCSTR zMsgFmt, ... ) { WORD TempIP = 0; char MsgBuf[256];
// _asm
// {
// push ax
// mov ax,[bp+2]
// mov TempIP,ax
// pop ax
// }
#ifdef _M_ALPHA
va_list valDummy; ZeroMemory(&valDummy, sizeof(valDummy));
va_start (valDummy,zMsgFmt); wvsprintf (MsgBuf, zMsgFmt, valDummy); va_end (valDummy); #else // _M_ALPHA
wvsprintf (MsgBuf, zMsgFmt, (va_list) (&zMsgFmt + 1)); #endif // _M_ALPHA
ISR_HookDbgStrStr(TempIP, hISRInst, DbgLevel, MsgBuf, 0); }
// ISR_OutputDbgStr ()
// Store a string to be displayed at task time.
// The passed in string will be copied to a local storage.
// Therefore the caller can reuse on return.
ISR_DLL void WINAPI DLL_EXPORT ISR_OutputDbgStr (LPSTR pzStr) { WORD TempIP = 0;
// _asm
// {
// push ax
// mov ax,[bp+2]
// mov TempIP,ax
// pop ax
// }
ISR_HookDbgStrStr(TempIP, gpDS->ghDefaultModule, kISRDefault, pzStr, 0); }
// ISR_OutputStr ()
// Store a string resource Id to be displayed at task time.
// _asm
// {
// push ax
// mov ax,[bp+2]
// mov TempIP,ax
// pop ax
// }
ISR_HookDbgRes(TempIP, gpDS->ghDefaultModule, kISRDefault, uResId, 0); }
// ISR_OutputNum ()
// Store a string resource Id to be displayed at task time.
// In addition store a number to be displayed in printf format of the
// string.
// _asm
// {
// push ax
// mov ax,[bp+2]
// mov TempIP,ax
// pop ax
// }
ISR_HookDbgRes(TempIP, gpDS->ghDefaultModule, kISRDefault, uResId, Num); }
// DbgMsg ()
// Canned Debug format that may be useful. This function has nothen
// to do with Interrupt time display. However it keeps all the
// display info in one place. Basically it is convenient.
// WARNING: Do not call this at interrupt time. wsprintf is not reentrant.
ISR_DLL void FAR cdecl DLL_EXPORT DbgMsg ( LPCSTR module, int state, LPCSTR format_str, ... ) { WORD TempIP = 0; char MsgBuf[256]; va_list valDummy;
// _asm
// {
// push ax
// mov ax,[bp+2]
// mov TempIP,ax
// pop ax
// }
wsprintf (MsgBuf, ">--<%s> %s", module, (LPSTR) ((state == ISR_DBG) ? "debug : " : "ERROR : "));
#ifdef _M_ALPHA
ZeroMemory(&valDummy, sizeof(valDummy));
va_start (valDummy,format_str); wvsprintf ((LPSTR) (MsgBuf + lstrlen (MsgBuf)), format_str,valDummy); va_end (valDummy); #else // _M_ALPHA
wvsprintf ((LPSTR) (MsgBuf + lstrlen (MsgBuf)), format_str, (va_list) (&format_str + 1));
#endif // _M_ALPHA
ISR_HookDbgStrStr(TempIP, gpDS->ghDefaultModule, kISRDefault, MsgBuf, 0);
// lstrcat (MsgBuf, "\n");
// OutputDebugString (MsgBuf);
// ISR_ClearItems ()
// Clear the list of debug msgs.
ISR_DLL void WINAPI DLL_EXPORT ISR_ClearItems (void) { // Protect against reentrancy. Just drop the msg if reentered.
if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 != WaitForSingleObject(gSemaphore,100)) return;
// This is not a serious race condition. Must likely failure
// is what messages get dropped.
gpDS->guNumItems = 0; gpDS->gStrTabOfs = 0;
ReleaseSemaphore(gSemaphore,1,NULL); }
// ISR_GetNumItems ()
// Return the number of items that have be entered.
ISR_DLL UINT WINAPI DLL_EXPORT ISR_GetNumItems (void) { return gpDS->guNumItems; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ISR_GetNumModules ()
// Return the number of modules that have be entered.
ISR_DLL UINT WINAPI DLL_EXPORT ISR_GetNumModules (void) { return gpDS->guNumModules; }
// ISR_GetItemInternal
// Return a pointer to the record num uItem. Only reason to
// do it this way is to hide the buf struct. This way I can use a
// heap manager such as BigMem or SmartHeap or NT HeapAlloc.
// The items are numbered 0..n-1.
// Alternatively a Ptr to the array of records could be passed back.
ptISRItem WINAPI ISR_GetItemInternal (UINT uItem) { if (kMaxISRItems <= uItem) { return NULL; }
return &gpDbgTable[uItem]; }
// ISR_GetItem
// Return a pointer to the record num uItem. Only reason to
// do it this way is to hide the buf struct. This way I can use a
// heap manager such as BigMem or SmartHeap or NT HeapAlloc.
// The items are numbered 0..n-1.
// Alternatively a Ptr to the array of records could be passed back.
ISR_DLL ptISRItem WINAPI DLL_EXPORT ISR_GetItem (UINT uItem,ptISRItem pItem) { ptISRItem pISRItem;
if (!pItem) { return NULL; }
pISRItem = ISR_GetItemInternal(uItem); if (!pISRItem) { return NULL; }
memcpy(pItem,pISRItem,sizeof(tISRItem)); if (pISRItem->Flags & kParam1IsStr) { // This memory is shared so therefore need to make a copy for upper layers
// Ptr within the struct are offsets so now need to be ptrs again.
// Each instance of DLL in Win32 has its own memory map
pItem->Param1 += (DWORD_PTR)gpzStrTab; }
return pItem; }
// ISR_RegisterModule
// Register a name to be associated with related debug strings.
// The debug display code can then present this information to the user
// to determine how to filter the data.
// Params:
// zShortName - name to display when space is critical.
// zLongName - name to display when a complete description is needed.
// Returns:
// on error zero for the compatible handle.
// a handle to be used when making all other debug output calls.
ISR_DLL void WINAPI DLL_EXPORT ISR_RegisterModule (LPWORD phISRInst, LPSTR pzShortName, LPSTR pzLongName) { ptISRModule pMod; UINT hMod;
if (!phISRInst) return;
*phISRInst = 0;
if (kMaxModules <= gpDS->guNumModules) { // We are out of handles.
// Return the default handle and drop the name info.
return; }
// Check if this module label was used before. If it has then just reuse it.
// This case will most likely happen when the module is loaded, unloaded,
// and then reloaded. Another case is when the same name is used in two
// different instances. This would be a confusing programmer oversight
// and that his problem.
for (hMod = 0; hMod < kMaxModules; hMod++) { // if no name then we cannot group very well.
// In this case waste another handle.
if (!pzShortName || (0 == *pzShortName)) break; pMod = ISR_GetModule(hMod); if (!pMod) break;
if ( !_strnicmp(pzShortName,pMod->zSName,sizeof(pMod->zSName)-1) ) { // It matched so just reuse it.
*phISRInst = (WORD)hMod; return; } }
*phISRInst = gpDS->guNumModules++;
pMod = ISR_GetModule(*phISRInst); if (!pMod) return;
if (pzShortName) strncpy(pMod->zSName,pzShortName,sizeof(pMod->zSName)); pMod->zSName[sizeof(pMod->zSName)-1] = 0; if (pzLongName) strncpy(pMod->zLName,pzLongName,sizeof(pMod->zLName)); pMod->zLName[sizeof(pMod->zLName)-1] = 0;
return; }
// ISR_GetModule
// Return a pointer to the module record. Only reason to
// do it this way is to hide the buf struct. This way I can use a
// heap manager such as BigMem or SmartHeap or NT HeapAlloc.
// Alternatively a Ptr to the array of records could be passed back.
ISR_DLL ptISRModule WINAPI DLL_EXPORT ISR_GetModule (UINT hISRInst) { if (kMaxModules <= hISRInst) { return NULL; }
return(&gpModuleTable[hISRInst]); }
// ISR_SetCaptureFilter
// Debug Messages for a given module can be dropped based on a low/high
// filter. If the entire module is not wanted then call with
// LoFilter = 255, and HiFilter = 0.
ISR_DLL int WINAPI DLL_EXPORT ISR_SetCaptureFilter (WORD hISRInst, BYTE CaptureFilter, BYTE DisplayFilter) { ptISRModule pMod;
pMod = ISR_GetModule(hISRInst); if (!pMod) return -1;
pMod->CaptureFilter = CaptureFilter; pMod->DisplayFilter = DisplayFilter;
return 0; }
LibMain() DLL entry point
Parameters hDllInstance = instance handle of the DLL (NOT our caller!) wDataSegment = our DS wHeapSize = size of our heap in DS (see .def) lpzCmdLine = argv passed to application (our caller)
Returns TRUE iff we were able to register our window class
Side Effects - Unlocks our data segment (which is really a NOP for protect mode) ****************************************************************************/ extern BOOL WINAPI DllMain ( HINSTANCE hDllInstance, DWORD dwReason, PVOID pReserved ) { switch (dwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: { // Called for each exe binding. Each time a exe binds a different hDllInstance will
// be passed in. Also our global data will be unique for each Process binding.
ghAppInstance = hDllInstance;
// Create a named file mapping object for the base table.
MapGlobalWin32Memory(&gpDS,&ghDS,sizeof(tDS),"ISRDBG_DS"); MapGlobalWin32Memory(&gpModuleTable,&ghModuleTable,sizeof(tISRModule) * kMaxModules,"ISRDBG_ModuleTable"); MapGlobalWin32Memory(&gpDbgTable,&ghDbgTable,sizeof(tISRItem) * kMaxISRItems,"ISRDBG_DbgTable"); MapGlobalWin32Memory(&gpzStrTab,&ghzStrTab,kMaxStrTab,"ISRDBG_StrTab"); if (!gpDS || !gpModuleTable || !gpDbgTable || !gpzStrTab) { return FALSE; }
gSemaphore = CreateSemaphore(NULL,1,1,NULL);
if (!gpDS->uBindCount++) { // Set the filters before any output.
// Reserve the default module.
ISR_RegisterModule(&gpDS->ghDefaultModule, "Default", "<ISRDBG><Default Module>"); ISR_DbgStrStr(gpDS->ghDefaultModule, kISRDefault, "<ISRDBG><DllMain>", "Win32 x1.00"); ISR_DbgStrStr(gpDS->ghDefaultModule, kISRDefault, "<ISRDBG><DllMain>", "Line 2 test"); } break; } case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: { break; }
case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: { break; }
case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: { if (gSemaphore) { CloseHandle(gSemaphore); gSemaphore = 0; }
// The DLL is detaching from a process due to
// process termination or a call to FreeLibrary.
FreeGlobalWin32Memory(gpDS,ghDS); FreeGlobalWin32Memory(gpModuleTable,ghModuleTable); FreeGlobalWin32Memory(gpDbgTable,ghDbgTable); FreeGlobalWin32Memory(gpzStrTab,ghzStrTab);
break; } }
return TRUE; }