* File: RTCPRECV.C * Product: RTP/RTCP implementation * Description: Provides the RTCP receive network I/O. * * INTEL Corporation Proprietary Information * This listing is supplied under the terms of a license agreement with * Intel Corporation and may not be copied nor disclosed except in * accordance with the terms of that agreement. * Copyright (c) 1995 Intel Corporation. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "rrcm.h"
#define MIN(a, b) ((a < b) ? a : b)
/ Global Variables /--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/ External Variables /--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ extern PRTCP_CONTEXT pRTCPContext; extern PRTP_CONTEXT pRTPContext; extern RRCM_WS RRCMws;
extern ISDM2 Isdm2; #endif
#ifdef _DEBUG
extern char debug_string[]; #endif
#if (defined(_DEBUG) || defined(PCS_COMPLIANCE))
extern LPInteropLogger RTPLogger; #endif
* Function : RTCPrcvInit * Description: RTCP receive initialisation. * * Input : pRTCP : Pointer to the RTCP session information * * Return: TRUE/FALSE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD RTCPrcvInit (PSSRC_ENTRY pSSRC) { PRTCP_BFR_LIST pRcvStruct; PRTCP_SESSION pRTCP; int dwStatus; int dwError; int errorCnt = 0; int bfrErrorCnt = 0; DWORD idx; int wsockSuccess = FALSE;
// save a pointer to the corresponding RTCP session
pRTCP = pSSRC->pRTCPses;
// Post receive buffers for WS-2. As these buffers are posted per receive
// thread, few of them should be plenty enough for RTCP.
for (idx = 0; idx < pRTPContext->registry.NumRTCPPostedBfr; idx++) { // get a free RTCP buffer for a receive operation
pRcvStruct = (PRTCP_BFR_LIST)removePcktFromTail(&pRTCP->RTCPrcvBfrList, &pRTCP->critSect);
// check buffer
if (pRcvStruct == NULL) { RRCM_DBG_MSG ("RTCP: ERROR - Rcv Bfr Allocation Error", 0, __FILE__, __LINE__, DBG_ERROR);
// make sure we have at least one buffer
ASSERT (pRcvStruct); break; }
// SSRC entry address of our own session
pRcvStruct->pSSRC = pSSRC;
// received address length reset by the receive routine
pRcvStruct->addrLen = sizeof(SOCKADDR);
// use hEvent to recover the buffer's address
pRcvStruct->overlapped.hEvent = (WSAEVENT)pRcvStruct;
// post the receive buffer for this thread
dwStatus = RRCMws.recvFrom (pSSRC->RTCPsd, &pRcvStruct->bfr, pRcvStruct->dwBufferCount, &pRcvStruct->dwNumBytesXfr, &pRcvStruct->dwFlags, (PSOCKADDR)pRcvStruct->addr, &pRcvStruct->addrLen, (LPWSAOVERLAPPED)&pRcvStruct->overlapped, RTCPrcvCallback);
// Check Winsock status
if (dwStatus != 0) { // error, the receive request won't proceed
dwError = GetLastError(); if ((dwError != WSA_IO_PENDING) && (dwError != WSAEMSGSIZE)) { RRCM_DBG_MSG ("RTCP: ERROR WSARecvFrom()", GetLastError(), __FILE__, __LINE__, DBG_ERROR);
// notify application if interested
RRCMnotification (RRCM_RTCP_WS_RCV_ERROR, pSSRC, pSSRC->SSRC, dwError);
// Return the buffer to the free queue
addToHeadOfList (&pRTCP->RTCPrcvBfrList, (PLINK_LIST)pRcvStruct, &pRTCP->critSect); } else { wsockSuccess = TRUE;
// increment number of I/O pending
InterlockedIncrement ((long *)&pRTCP->dwNumRcvIoPending); } } else { wsockSuccess = TRUE;
// increment number of I/O pending
InterlockedIncrement ((long *)&pRTCP->dwNumRcvIoPending); } }
// make sure we posted at least some buffers
if (wsockSuccess == FALSE) { // release all resources and kill the receive thread
#ifdef _DEBUG
wsprintf(debug_string, "RTCP: ERROR - Exit RCV init %s: Line:%d", __FILE__, __LINE__); RRCM_DBG_MSG (debug_string, 0, NULL, 0, DBG_TRACE); #endif
return(FALSE); } return (TRUE); }
* Function : RTCPrcvCallback * Description: Receive callback routine from Winsock2. * * Input : dwError: I/O completion status * cbTransferred: Number of bytes received * lpOverlapped: -> to overlapped structure * dwFlags: Flags * * * Return: None ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CALLBACK RTCPrcvCallback (DWORD dwError, DWORD cbTransferred, LPWSAOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped, DWORD dwFlags) { PRTCP_BFR_LIST pRcvStruct; RTCP_T *pRTCPpckt; PRTCP_SESSION pRTCPses; PSSRC_ENTRY pSSRC; PAPP_RTCP_BFR pAppBfr; DWORD dwStatus = 0; DWORD i; DWORD pcktLen; DWORD dwSSRC; USHORT wHost; SOCKET RTCPsd; unsigned char *pEndPckt; unsigned char *pEndBlock; int tmpSize; #if IO_CHECK
DWORD initTime = timeGetTime(); #endif
IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP: Enter RTCPrcvCallback\n");
// hEvent in the WSAOVERLAPPED struct points to our buffer's information
pRcvStruct = (PRTCP_BFR_LIST)lpOverlapped->hEvent;
// SSRC entry pointer
pSSRC = pRcvStruct->pSSRC;
// check Winsock callback error status
if (dwError) { // 65534 is probably a temporary bug in WS2
if ((dwError == 65534) || (dwError == WSA_OPERATION_ABORTED)) { RRCM_DBG_MSG ("RTCP: I/O Aborted", dwError, __FILE__, __LINE__, DBG_NOTIFY); } else { RRCM_DBG_MSG ("RTCP: ERROR - Rcv Callback", dwError, __FILE__, __LINE__, DBG_ERROR); }
// invalid RTCP packet header, re-queue the buffer
RTCPpostRecvBfr (pSSRC, pRcvStruct);
IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP: Exit RTCPrcvCallback\n"); return; }
// read the RTCP packet
pRTCPpckt = (RTCP_T *)pRcvStruct->bfr.buf;
#if (defined(_DEBUG) || defined(PCS_COMPLIANCE))
if (RTPLogger) { InteropOutput (RTPLogger, (BYTE FAR*)(pRcvStruct->bfr.buf), cbTransferred, RTPLOG_RECEIVED_PDU | RTCP_PDU); } #endif
// get the RTCP session ptr
pRTCPses = pSSRC->pRTCPses;
// Check RTCP header validity of first packet in report.
// Filter out junk. First thing in RTCP packet must be
// either SR, RR or BYE
if ((pRTCPpckt->common.type != RTP_TYPE) || ((pRTCPpckt->common.pt != RTCP_SR) && (pRTCPpckt->common.pt != RTCP_RR) && (pRTCPpckt->common.pt != RTCP_BYE))) { #ifdef MONITOR_STATS
pRTCPses->dwNumRTCPhdrErr++; #endif
// invalid RTCP packet header, re-queue the buffer
RTCPpostRecvBfr (pSSRC, pRcvStruct);
#if 0 // we could have shutdown so this code can fault
if (pRTCPpckt->common.pt == FLUSH_RTP_PAYLOAD_TYPE) { RRCM_DBG_MSG ("RTCP: Flushing RCV I/O", 0, NULL, 0, DBG_NOTIFY); } else { wsprintf(debug_string, "RTCP: ERROR - Pckt Header Error. Type:%d / Payload:%d", pRTCPpckt->common.type, pRTCPpckt->common.pt); RRCM_DBG_MSG (debug_string, 0, __FILE__, __LINE__, DBG_TRACE); } #endif
IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP: Exit RTCPrcvCallback\n"); return; }
// get the socket descriptor
// get the sender's SSRC
RRCMws.ntohl (RTCPsd, pRTCPpckt->r.sr.ssrc, &dwSSRC);
// skip our own loopback if we receive it
if (ownLoopback (RTCPsd, dwSSRC, pRTCPses)) { RTCPpostRecvBfr (pSSRC, pRcvStruct); return; }
// at this point we think the RTCP packet's valid. Get the sender's
// address, if not already known
if (!(pRTCPses->dwSessionStatus & RTCP_DEST_LEARNED)) { pRTCPses->dwSessionStatus |= RTCP_DEST_LEARNED; pRTCPses->toLen = pRcvStruct->addrLen; memcpy (&pRTCPses->toBfr, &pRcvStruct->addr, pRcvStruct->addrLen);
// register our Xmt SSRC - Rcvd one will be found later
if (Isdm2.hISDMdll) registerSessionToISDM (pSSRC, pRTCPses, &Isdm2); #endif
} // Update our RTCP average packet size estimator
EnterCriticalSection (&pRTCPses->critSect); tmpSize = (cbTransferred + NTWRK_HDR_SIZE) - pRTCPses->avgRTCPpktSizeRcvd;
// As per RFC
tmpSize = (int)(tmpSize * RTCP_SIZE_GAIN); #else
// Need to remove floating point operation
tmpSize = tmpSize / 16; #endif
pRTCPses->avgRTCPpktSizeRcvd += tmpSize; LeaveCriticalSection (&pRTCPses->critSect);
// check if the raw RTCP packet needs to be copied into an application
// buffer - Mainly used by ActiveMovieRTP to propagate the reports up
// the filter graph to the Receive Payload Handler
pAppBfr = (PAPP_RTCP_BFR)removePcktFromHead (&(pRTCPses->appRtcpBfrList), &pRTCPses->critSect); if (pAppBfr && !(pAppBfr->dwBfrStatus & RTCP_SR_ONLY)) { // copy the full RTCP packet
memcpy (pAppBfr->bfr, pRTCPpckt, MIN(pAppBfr->dwBfrLen, cbTransferred));
// number of bytes received
pAppBfr->dwBytesRcvd = MIN(pAppBfr->dwBfrLen, cbTransferred);
// set the event associated with this buffer
SetEvent (pAppBfr->hBfrEvent); }
// end of the received packet
pEndPckt = (unsigned char *)pRTCPpckt + cbTransferred;
while ((unsigned char *)pRTCPpckt < pEndPckt) { // get the length
dwStatus = RRCMws.ntohs (RTCPsd, pRTCPpckt->common.length, &wHost); if (dwStatus) { RRCM_DBG_MSG ("RTCP: ERROR - WSANtohs()", GetLastError(), __FILE__, __LINE__, DBG_ERROR); }
// get this report block length
pcktLen = (wHost + 1) << 2; pEndBlock = (unsigned char *)pRTCPpckt + pcktLen;
// sanity check
if (pEndBlock > pEndPckt) { RRCM_DBG_MSG ("RTCP: ERROR - Rcv packet length error", 0, __FILE__, __LINE__, DBG_ERROR);
pRTCPses->dwNumRTCPlenErr++; #endif
break; }
// make sure the version is correct for all packets
if (pRTCPpckt->common.type != RTP_TYPE) { #ifdef MONITOR_STATS
pRTCPses->dwNumRTCPhdrErr++; #endif
// invalid RTCP packet header, packet will be re-queued
break; }
switch (pRTCPpckt->common.pt) { case RTCP_SR: // check if only the SR needs to be propagated up to the app
if (pAppBfr && (pAppBfr->dwBfrStatus & RTCP_SR_ONLY)) { // copy the RTCP SR
memcpy (pAppBfr->bfr, pRTCPpckt, MIN(pAppBfr->dwBfrLen, 24));
// number of bytes received
pAppBfr->dwBytesRcvd = MIN(pAppBfr->dwBfrLen, 24);
// set the event associated with this buffer
SetEvent (pAppBfr->hBfrEvent); }
// get the sender's SSRC
RRCMws.ntohl (RTCPsd, pRTCPpckt->r.sr.ssrc, &dwSSRC);
// parse the sender report
parseRTCPsr (RTCPsd, pRTCPpckt, pRTCPses, pRcvStruct);
// parse additional receiver reports if any
for (i = 0; i < pRTCPpckt->common.count; i++) { parseRTCPrr (RTCPsd, &pRTCPpckt->r.sr.rr[i], pRTCPses, pRcvStruct, dwSSRC); }
// notify application if interested
case RTCP_RR: // get the sender's SSRC
RRCMws.ntohl (RTCPsd, pRTCPpckt->r.rr.ssrc, &dwSSRC);
// parse receiver reports
for (i = 0; i < pRTCPpckt->common.count; i++) { parseRTCPrr (RTCPsd, &pRTCPpckt->r.rr.rr[i], pRTCPses, pRcvStruct, dwSSRC); }
// notify application if interested
case RTCP_SDES: { PCHAR buf;
buf = (PCHAR)&pRTCPpckt->r.sdes;
for (i = 0; i < pRTCPpckt->common.count; i++) { buf = parseRTCPsdes (RTCPsd, buf, pRTCPses, pRcvStruct); if (buf == NULL) break; } } break;
case RTCP_BYE: for (i = 0; i < pRTCPpckt->common.count; i++) parseRTCPbye (RTCPsd, pRTCPpckt->r.bye.src[i], pRTCPses, pRcvStruct); break;
default: break; }
// go to next report block
pRTCPpckt = (RTCP_T *)(pEndBlock); }
// post back the buffer to WS-2
RTCPpostRecvBfr (pSSRC, pRcvStruct);
wsprintf(debug_string, "RTCP: Leaving Rcv Callback after: %ld msec\n", timeGetTime() - initTime); RRCM_DBG_MSG (debug_string, 0, NULL, 0, DBG_TRACE); #endif
IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP: Exit RTCPrcvCallback\n"); }
* Function : parseRTCPsr * Description: Parse an RTCP sender reports and update the corresponding * statistics. * * Input : sd: RTCP Socket descriptor * pRTCPpckt: -> to the RTCP packet * pRTCPses: -> to the RTCP session information * pRcvStruct: -> to the receive structure information * * Return: OK: RRCM_NoError * !0: Error code (see RRCM.H) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD parseRTCPsr (SOCKET sd, RTCP_T *pRTCPpckt, PRTCP_SESSION pRTCPses, PRTCP_BFR_LIST pRcvStruct) { PSSRC_ENTRY pSSRC; DWORD dwSSRC;
IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP: Enter parseRTCPsr\n");
// get the sender's SSRC
RRCMws.ntohl (sd, pRTCPpckt->r.sr.ssrc, &dwSSRC);
#ifdef _DEBUG
wsprintf(debug_string, "RTCP: Receive SR from SSRC:x%lX", dwSSRC); RRCM_DBG_MSG (debug_string, 0, NULL, 0, DBG_TRACE); #endif
// look for the SSRC entry in the list for this RTCP session
pSSRC = searchforSSRCatTail((PSSRC_ENTRY)pRTCPses->RcvSSRCList.prev, dwSSRC); if (pSSRC == NULL) { // new SSRC, create an entry in this RTCP session
pSSRC = createSSRCEntry(dwSSRC, pRTCPses, (PSOCKADDR)pRcvStruct->addr, (DWORD)pRcvStruct->addrLen, FALSE);
if (pSSRC == NULL) { // cannot create a new entry, out of resources
RRCM_DBG_MSG ("RTCP: ERROR - Resource allocation", 0, __FILE__, __LINE__, DBG_ERROR);
IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP: Exit parseRTCPsr\n");
return (RRCMError_RTCPResources); }
// notify application if it desired so
// get the RTP timestamp
RRCMws.ntohl (sd, pRTCPpckt->r.sr.rtp_ts, &pSSRC->xmtInfo.dwRTPts);
// number of packets send
RRCMws.ntohl (sd, pRTCPpckt->r.sr.psent, &pSSRC->xmtInfo.dwNumPcktSent);
// number of bytes sent
RRCMws.ntohl (sd, pRTCPpckt->r.sr.osent, &pSSRC->xmtInfo.dwNumBytesSent);
// get the NTP most significant word
RRCMws.ntohl (sd, pRTCPpckt->r.sr.ntp_sec, &pSSRC->xmtInfo.dwNTPmsw);
// get the NTP least significant word
RRCMws.ntohl (sd, pRTCPpckt->r.sr.ntp_frac, &pSSRC->xmtInfo.dwNTPlsw);
// last SR timestamp (middle 32 bits of the NTP timestamp)
pSSRC->xmtInfo.dwLastSR = ((pSSRC->xmtInfo.dwNTPmsw & 0x0000FFFF) << 16); pSSRC->xmtInfo.dwLastSR |= ((pSSRC->xmtInfo.dwNTPlsw & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16); // last time this SSRC's heard
pSSRC->dwLastReportRcvdTime = pSSRC->xmtInfo.dwLastSRLocalTime = timeGetTime();
// get the source address information
if (!(pSSRC->dwSSRCStatus & NETWK_ADDR_UPDATED)) { saveNetworkAddress(pSSRC, (PSOCKADDR)pRcvStruct->addr, pRcvStruct->addrLen); }
// increment the number of report received from this SSRC
InterlockedIncrement ((long *)&pSSRC->dwNumRptRcvd);
// update ISDM
if (Isdm2.hISDMdll && pRTCPses->hSessKey) { if (pSSRC->hISDM) updateISDMstat (pSSRC, &Isdm2, RECVR, FALSE); else registerSessionToISDM (pSSRC, pRTCPses, &Isdm2); } #endif
IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP: Exit parseRTCPsr\n");
return (RRCM_NoError); }
* Function : parseRTCPrr * Description: Parse an RTCP receiver reports and update the corresponding * statistics. * * Input : sd: RTCP socket descriptor * pRR: -> to receiver report buffer * pRTCPses: -> to the RTCP session information * pRcvStruct: -> to the receive structure information * senderSSRC: Sender's SSRC * * Return: OK: RRCM_NoError * !0: Error code (see RRCM.H) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD parseRTCPrr (SOCKET sd, RTCP_RR_T *pRR, PRTCP_SESSION pRTCPses, PRTCP_BFR_LIST pRcvStruct, DWORD senderSSRC) { PSSRC_ENTRY pSSRC; DWORD dwSSRC; DWORD dwGetFeedback = FALSE;
IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP: Enter parseRTCPrr\n");
#ifdef _DEBUG
wsprintf(debug_string, "RTCP: Receive RR from sender SSRC:x%lX", senderSSRC); RRCM_DBG_MSG (debug_string, 0, NULL, 0, DBG_TRACE); #endif
// get the receiver report SSRC
RRCMws.ntohl (sd, pRR->ssrc, &dwSSRC);
#ifdef _DEBUG
wsprintf(debug_string, "RTCP: RR for SSRC:x%lX", dwSSRC); RRCM_DBG_MSG (debug_string, 0, NULL, 0, DBG_TRACE); #endif
// NOTE:
// For now we just keep track of feedback information about ourselve. Later
// the link list can be used to keep track about everybody feedback
// information.
// Check to see if we're interested in this report, ie, does this SSRC report
// information about one of our active sender.
dwGetFeedback = searchforSSRCatTail((PSSRC_ENTRY)pRTCPses->XmtSSRCList.prev, dwSSRC) != NULL;
// look for the sender SSRC entry in the list for this RTCP session
pSSRC = searchforSSRCatTail((PSSRC_ENTRY)pRTCPses->RcvSSRCList.prev, senderSSRC); if (pSSRC == NULL) { // new SSRC, create an entry in this RTCP session
pSSRC = createSSRCEntry(senderSSRC, pRTCPses, (PSOCKADDR)pRcvStruct->addr, (DWORD)pRcvStruct->addrLen, FALSE);
if (pSSRC == NULL) { // cannot create a new entry, out of resources
RRCM_DBG_MSG ("RTCP: ERROR - Resource allocation", 0, __FILE__, __LINE__, DBG_ERROR);
IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP: Exit parseRTCPrr\n"); return (RRCMError_RTCPResources); }
// notify application if it desired so
// update RR feedback information
if (dwGetFeedback) updateRRfeedback (sd, senderSSRC, dwSSRC, pRR, pSSRC);
// last time this SSRC's heard
pSSRC->dwLastReportRcvdTime = timeGetTime();
// get the source address information
if (!(pSSRC->dwSSRCStatus & NETWK_ADDR_UPDATED)) { saveNetworkAddress(pSSRC, (PSOCKADDR)pRcvStruct->addr, pRcvStruct->addrLen); }
// increment the number of report received from this SSRC
InterlockedIncrement ((long *)&pSSRC->dwNumRptRcvd);
// update ISDM
if (Isdm2.hISDMdll && pRTCPses->hSessKey) { if (pSSRC->hISDM) updateISDMstat (pSSRC, &Isdm2, RECVR, TRUE); else registerSessionToISDM (pSSRC, pRTCPses, &Isdm2); } #endif
IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP: Exit parseRTCPrr\n");
return (RRCM_NoError); }
* Function : parseRTCPsdes * Description: Parse an RTCP SDES packet * * Input : sd: RTCP socket descriptor * bfr: -> to SDES buffer * pRTCPses: -> to the RTCP session information * pRcvStruct: -> to the receive structure information * * Return: OK: RRCM_NoError * !0: Error code (see RRCM.H) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PCHAR parseRTCPsdes (SOCKET sd, PCHAR bfr, PRTCP_SESSION pRTCPses, PRTCP_BFR_LIST pRcvStruct) { DWORD dwHost; DWORD ssrc = *(DWORD *)bfr; RTCP_SDES_ITEM_T *pSdes; PSSRC_ENTRY pSSRC;
IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP: Enter parseRTCPsdes\n");
// get the SSRC
RRCMws.ntohl (sd, ssrc, &dwHost);
#ifdef _DEBUG
wsprintf(debug_string, "RTCP: Receive SDES from SSRC: x%lX", dwHost); RRCM_DBG_MSG (debug_string, 0, NULL, 0, DBG_TRACE); #endif
// look for the SSRC entry in the list for this RTCP session
pSSRC = searchforSSRCatTail ((PSSRC_ENTRY)pRTCPses->RcvSSRCList.prev, dwHost); if (pSSRC == NULL) { #ifdef _DEBUG
wsprintf(debug_string, "RTCP: SDES and SSRC (x%lX) not found for session (Addr x%lX)", dwHost, pRTCPses); RRCM_DBG_MSG (debug_string, 0, NULL, 0, DBG_TRACE); #endif
// new SSRC, create an entry in this RTCP session
pSSRC = createSSRCEntry(dwHost, pRTCPses, (PSOCKADDR)pRcvStruct->addr, (DWORD)pRcvStruct->addrLen, FALSE);
if (pSSRC == NULL) { // cannot create a new entry, out of resources
RRCM_DBG_MSG ("RTCP: ERROR - Resource allocation", 0, __FILE__, __LINE__, DBG_ERROR);
IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP: Exit parseRTCPsdes\n");
return (NULL); }
// notify application if it desired so
// read the SDES chunk
pSdes = (RTCP_SDES_ITEM_T *)(bfr + sizeof(DWORD));
// go through until a 'type = 0' is found
for (; pSdes->dwSdesType; pSdes = (RTCP_SDES_ITEM_T *)((char *)pSdes + pSdes->dwSdesLength + 2)) { switch (pSdes->dwSdesType) { case RTCP_SDES_CNAME: if (pSSRC->cnameInfo.dwSdesLength == 0) { pSSRC->cnameInfo.dwSdesLength = pSdes->dwSdesLength;
// get the Cname
memcpy (pSSRC->cnameInfo.sdesBfr, pSdes->sdesData, min (pSdes->dwSdesLength, MAX_SDES_LEN-1)); } else { // check to see for a loop/collision of the SSRC
if (memcmp (pSdes->sdesData, pSSRC->cnameInfo.sdesBfr, min (pSdes->dwSdesLength, MAX_SDES_LEN-1)) != 0) { // loop/collision of a third-party detected
// notify application if interested
// RTP & RTCP packet from this SSRC will be rejected
// until the senders resolve the collision
IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP: Exit parseRTCPsdes\n");
return NULL; } }
case RTCP_SDES_NAME: // the name can change, not like the Cname, so update it
// every time.
pSSRC->nameInfo.dwSdesLength = pSdes->dwSdesLength;
// get the name
memcpy (pSSRC->nameInfo.sdesBfr, pSdes->sdesData, min (pSdes->dwSdesLength, MAX_SDES_LEN-1)); break;
default: break; } }
// last time this SSRC's heard
pSSRC->dwLastReportRcvdTime = timeGetTime();
// get the source address information
if (!(pSSRC->dwSSRCStatus & NETWK_ADDR_UPDATED)) { saveNetworkAddress(pSSRC, (PSOCKADDR)pRcvStruct->addr, pRcvStruct->addrLen); }
// adjust pointer
bfr = (char *)pSdes;
IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP: Exit parseRTCPsdes\n");
// go the next 32 bits boundary
return bfr + ((4 - ((LONG_PTR)bfr & 0x3)) & 0x3); }
* Function : parseRTCPbye * Description: Parse an RTCP BYE packet * * Input : sd: RTCP socket descriptor * ssrc: SSRC * pRTCPses: -> to the RTCP session information * pRcvStruct: -> to the receive structure * * Return: OK: RRCM_NoError * !0: Error code (see RRCM.H) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD parseRTCPbye (SOCKET sd, DWORD ssrc, PRTCP_SESSION pRTCPses, PRTCP_BFR_LIST pRcvStruct) { DWORD dwStatus; DWORD dwHost; PSSRC_ENTRY pSSRC;
IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP: Enter parseRTCPbye\n");
RRCMws.ntohl (sd, ssrc, &dwHost);
#ifdef _DEBUG
wsprintf(debug_string, "RTCP: BYE from SSRC: x%lX", dwHost); RRCM_DBG_MSG (debug_string, 0, NULL, 0, DBG_TRACE); #endif
// find the SSRC entry
pSSRC = searchforSSRCatTail((PSSRC_ENTRY)pRTCPses->RcvSSRCList.prev, dwHost); if (pSSRC == NULL) { #ifdef _DEBUG
wsprintf(debug_string, "RTCP: SSRC: x%lX not found in session: x%lX", dwHost, pRTCPses); RRCM_DBG_MSG (debug_string, 0, __FILE__, __LINE__, DBG_TRACE);
IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP: Exit parseRTCPbye\n"); #endif
return (RRCM_NoError); }
// make sure the BYE is coming from the expected source and not intruder
if ((pRcvStruct->addrLen != pSSRC->fromLen) || #if 0
// There is a bug NT's Winsock2 implememtation. The unused bytes of
// SOCKADDR are not reset to 0 as they should be. Work fine on W95
// Temporarily just check the first 8 bytes, i.e. address family, port
// and IP address.
(memcmp (&pRcvStruct->addr, &pSSRC->from, pSSRC->fromLen))) #else
(memcmp (&pRcvStruct->addr, &pSSRC->from, 8))) #endif
return (RRCM_NoError);
// notify application if interested
RRCMnotification (RRCM_BYE_EVENT, pSSRC, dwHost, 0);
// delete this SSRC from the list
dwStatus = deleteSSRCEntry (dwHost, pRTCPses); #ifdef _DEBUG
if (dwStatus == FALSE) { wsprintf(debug_string, "RTCP: SSRC: x%lX not found in session: x%lX", dwHost, pRTCPses); RRCM_DBG_MSG (debug_string, 0, __FILE__, __LINE__, DBG_TRACE); } #endif
IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP: Exit parseRTCPbye\n"); return (RRCM_NoError); }
* Function : ownLoopback * Description: Determine if we receive our own loopback. We don't want to * create an entry for ourselve, as we're already in the list. * * Input : sd: RTCP socket descriptor * ssrc: SSRC * pRTCPses: -> to the RTCP session's information * * Return: TRUE: Our loopback * FALSE: No loopback ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD ownLoopback (SOCKET sd, DWORD ssrc, PRTCP_SESSION pRTCPses) { PSSRC_ENTRY pSSRC;
IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP: Enter ownLoopback\n");
// don't create an entry if received our own xmit back
pSSRC = searchforSSRCatTail((PSSRC_ENTRY)pRTCPses->XmtSSRCList.prev, ssrc);
IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP: Exit ownLoopback\n");
if (pSSRC) return TRUE; else return FALSE; }
* Function : updateRRfeedback * Description: Update the Receiver Report feedback for an active source * * Input : sd: RTCP socket descriptor * dwSndSSRC: Sender's SSRC * pRR: -> to receiver report entry * pSSRC: -> to the SSRC entry * * Return: TRUE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD updateRRfeedback (SOCKET sd, DWORD dwSndSSRC, DWORD dwSSRCfedback, RTCP_RR_T *pRR, PSSRC_ENTRY pSSRC) { DWORD dwHost;
IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP: Enter updateRRfeedback\n");
// Note when we last heard from the receiver
pSSRC->rrFeedback.dwLastRcvRpt = timeGetTime(); // SSRC who's feedback is for (ourselve for now)
pSSRC->rrFeedback.SSRC = dwSSRCfedback;
// get delay since last SR
RRCMws.ntohl (sd, pRR->dlsr, &pSSRC->rrFeedback.dwDelaySinceLastSR);
// get last SR
RRCMws.ntohl (sd, pRR->lsr, &pSSRC->rrFeedback.dwLastSR);
// get the jitter
RRCMws.ntohl (sd, pRR->jitter, &pSSRC->rrFeedback.dwInterJitter);
// highest sequence number received
RRCMws.ntohl (sd, pRR->expected, &pSSRC->rrFeedback.XtendedSeqNum.seq_union.dwXtndedHighSeqNumRcvd);
// fraction lost
pSSRC->rrFeedback.fractionLost = (pRR->received & 0xFF);
// cumulative number of packet lost
RRCMws.ntohl (sd, pRR->received, &dwHost); dwHost &= 0x00FFFFFF; pSSRC->rrFeedback.cumNumPcktLost = dwHost;
IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP: Exit updateRRfeedback\n");
return TRUE; }
* Function : RTCPpostRecvBfr * Description: RTCP post a receive buffer to Winsock-2 * * Input : sd: RTCP socket descriptor * pSSRC: -> to the SSRC entry * * Return: TRUE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void RTCPpostRecvBfr (PSSRC_ENTRY pSSRC, PRTCP_BFR_LIST pRcvStruct) { DWORD dwStatus; DWORD dwError;
IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP: Enter RTCPpostRecvBfr\n");
// decrement number of I/O pending
InterlockedDecrement ((long *)&pSSRC->pRTCPses->dwNumRcvIoPending);
// don't repost any buffer if within the shutdown procedure
if ((pSSRC->pRTCPses->dwSessionStatus & SHUTDOWN_IN_PROGRESS) && (pSSRC->pRTCPses->dwNumRcvIoPending == 0)) { // shutdown done - set event
if (SetEvent (pSSRC->pRTCPses->hShutdownDone) == FALSE) { RRCM_DBG_MSG ("RTCP: SetEvent() Error\n", GetLastError(), __FILE__, __LINE__, DBG_ERROR); }
IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP: Exit RTCPpostRecvBfr\n"); return; } else if (pSSRC->pRTCPses->dwSessionStatus & SHUTDOWN_IN_PROGRESS) { IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP: Exit RTCPpostRecvBfr\n"); return; }
// clear number of bytes transferred
pRcvStruct->dwNumBytesXfr = 0;
dwStatus = RRCMws.recvFrom (pSSRC->RTCPsd, &pRcvStruct->bfr, pRcvStruct->dwBufferCount, &pRcvStruct->dwNumBytesXfr, &pRcvStruct->dwFlags, (PSOCKADDR)pRcvStruct->addr, &pRcvStruct->addrLen, (LPWSAOVERLAPPED)&pRcvStruct->overlapped, RTCPrcvCallback);
// Check Winsock status
if (dwStatus != 0) { // error, the receive request won't proceed
dwError = GetLastError(); if ((dwError != WSA_IO_PENDING) && (dwError != WSAEMSGSIZE)) { RRCM_DBG_MSG ("RTCP: ERROR - WSARecvFrom()", dwError, __FILE__, __LINE__, DBG_ERROR);
// notify application if interested
RRCMnotification (RRCM_RTCP_WS_RCV_ERROR, pSSRC, pSSRC->SSRC, dwError);
// Return the buffer to the free queue
addToHeadOfList (&pSSRC->pRTCPses->RTCPrcvBfrList, (PLINK_LIST)pRcvStruct, &pSSRC->pRTCPses->critSect); } else { // increment number of I/O pending
InterlockedIncrement ((long *)&pSSRC->pRTCPses->dwNumRcvIoPending); } } else { // synchronous completion - callback has been scheduled
// increment number of I/O pending
InterlockedIncrement ((long *)&pSSRC->pRTCPses->dwNumRcvIoPending); }
IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP: Exit RTCPpostRecvBfr\n"); }
* Function : addApplicationRtcpBfr * Description: Add an application provided buffer for RTCP to copy the * raw received reports to be used by the application if it * desired so. * * Input : RTPsession: Handle to the RTP session * pAppBfr: -> an application buffer data structure * * Return: TRUE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT WINAPI addApplicationRtcpBfr (DWORD_PTR RTPsession, PAPP_RTCP_BFR pAppBfr) { IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP : Enter addApplicationRtcpBfr()\n");
if (pSession == NULL) { RRCM_DBG_MSG ("RTCP : ERROR - Invalid RTP session", 0, __FILE__, __LINE__, DBG_ERROR);
IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP : Exit addApplicationRtcpBfr()\n");
return (MAKE_RRCM_ERROR(RRCMError_RTPSessResources)); }
pRTCPSess = (PRTCP_SESSION)pSession->pRTCPSession; if (pRTCPSess == NULL) { RRCM_DBG_MSG ("RTCP : ERROR - Invalid RTCP session", 0, __FILE__, __LINE__, DBG_ERROR);
IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP : Exit addApplicationRtcpBfr()\n");
return (MAKE_RRCM_ERROR(RRCMError_RTCPInvalidSession)); }
// Let's add this buffer to our list
addToTailOfList(&(pRTCPSess->appRtcpBfrList), (PLINK_LIST)pAppBfr, &pRTCPSess->critSect);
IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP : Exit addApplicationRtcpBfr()\n");
return NOERROR; }
* Function : removeApplicationRtcpBfr * Description: Remove an application provided buffer to this RTCP session. * * Input : RTPsession: RTP session handle * * Return: Application buffer address / NULL ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PAPP_RTCP_BFR WINAPI removeApplicationRtcpBfr (DWORD_PTR RTPsession) { PRTP_SESSION pSession = (PRTP_SESSION)RTPsession; PRTCP_SESSION pRTCPSess; PAPP_RTCP_BFR pAppBfr;
IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP : Enter removeApplicationRtcpBfr()\n");
if (pSession == NULL) { RRCM_DBG_MSG ("RTCP : ERROR - Invalid RTP session", 0, __FILE__, __LINE__, DBG_ERROR);
IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP : Exit removeApplicationRtcpBfr()\n");
return NULL; }
pRTCPSess = (PRTCP_SESSION)pSession->pRTCPSession; if (pRTCPSess == NULL) { RRCM_DBG_MSG ("RTCP : ERROR - Invalid RTCP session", 0, __FILE__, __LINE__, DBG_ERROR);
IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP : Exit removeApplicationRtcpBfr()\n");
return NULL; }
pAppBfr = (PAPP_RTCP_BFR)removePcktFromHead (&(pRTCPSess->appRtcpBfrList), &pRTCPSess->critSect);
IN_OUT_STR ("RTCP : Exit removeApplicationRtcpBfr()\n");
return pAppBfr; }
// [EOF]