* ConfUtil.h * * CConfRoom and app level utility functions */
#ifndef _CONFUTIL_H_
#define _CONFUTIL_H_
#include "SDKInternal.h"
#define QUICK_LAUNCH_SUBDIR _T("\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Quick Launch")
void DeleteShortcut(int csidl, LPCTSTR pszSubDir);
// File Transfer
BOOL FTransferInProgress(VOID); BOOL FEnableSendFileMenu(VOID); BOOL FEnableCancelSendMenu(VOID); BOOL FEnableCancelReceiveMenu(VOID);
// Options Dialog
VOID LaunchConfCpl(HWND hwnd, int nStartPage); BOOL CanLaunchConfCpl();
// Capabilities
extern BOOL FIsAudioAllowed(); extern BOOL FIsSendVideoAllowed(); extern BOOL FIsReceiveVideoAllowed();
// String Functions
BOOL FLoadString(UINT id, LPTSTR psz, UINT cb = MAX_PATH); BOOL FLoadString1(UINT id, LPTSTR psz, LPVOID pv); int FLoadString2(UINT id, LPTSTR psz, UINT cb = MAX_PATH); LPTSTR PszLoadString(UINT id); LPTSTR PszAlloc(LPCTSTR pszSrc); VOID FreePsz(LPTSTR psz); LPTSTR PszFromBstr(PCWSTR pwStr);
int LoadResInt(UINT id, int iDefault);
// Other
BOOL GetDefaultName(LPTSTR pszName, int nBufferMax);
LPCTSTR ExtractServerName(LPCTSTR pcszAddr, LPTSTR pszServer, UINT cchMax); BOOL FCreateIlsName(LPTSTR pszDest, LPCTSTR pszServer, LPCTSTR pszEmail, int cchMax);
BOOL FLocalIpAddress(DWORD dwIP);
INmConference2 * GetActiveConference(void); BOOL FIsConferenceActive(void);
// Forward declaration
interface ITranslateAccelerator;
VOID AddModelessDlg(HWND hwnd); VOID RemoveModelessDlg(HWND hwnd); VOID AddTranslateAccelerator(ITranslateAccelerator* pTrans); VOID RemoveTranslateAccelerator(ITranslateAccelerator* pTrans);
BOOL FBrowseForFolder(LPTSTR pszFolder, UINT cchMax, LPCTSTR pszTitle, HWND hwndParent);
VOID DisableControl(HWND hdlg, int id);
VOID KillScrnSaver(void); int DxpSz(LPCTSTR pcszName); BOOL FAnsiSz(LPCTSTR psz);
extern int g_cBusyOperations; VOID DecrementBusyOperations(void); VOID IncrementBusyOperations(void);
// Useful Macros
#define ClearStruct(lpv) ZeroMemory((LPVOID) (lpv), sizeof(*(lpv)))
// ZONE bitmasks (depends on _rgZonesOther)
#define ZONE_API 0x01
#define ZONE_VIDEO 0x02
#define ZONE_WIZARD 0x04
#define ZONE_QOS 0x08
#define ZONE_REFCOUNT 0x10
#define ZONE_OBJECTS 0x20
#define ZONE_UI 0x40
#define ZONE_CALL 0x0080
// Zone indexes
#define iZONE_API 0
#define iZONE_VIDEO 1
#define iZONE_WIZARD 2
#define iZONE_QOS 3
#define iZONE_REFCOUNT 4
#define iZONE_OBJECTS 5
#define iZONE_UI 6
#define iZONE_CALL 7
// Debugging Macros
#ifdef DEBUG
BOOL InitDebugZones(VOID); VOID DeinitDebugZones(VOID);
extern HDBGZONE ghZoneOther; // initialized in conf.cpp
// Old: requires double brackets ApiDebugMsg(("x=%d", x));
#define ApiDebugMsg(s) DBGMSG(ghZoneOther, iZONE_API, s)
#define VideoDebugMsg(s) DBGMSG(ghZoneOther, iZONE_VIDEO, s)
// General: DbgMsg(iZONE_API, "x=%d", x);
VOID DbgMsg(UINT iZone, PSTR pszFormat,...);
// Specific: DbgMsgApi("x=%d", x);
VOID DbgMsgApi(PSTR pszFormat,...); VOID DbgMsgVideo(PSTR pszFormat,...); VOID DbgMsgRefCount(PSTR pszFormat,...); VOID DbgMsgUI(PSTR pszFormat,...); VOID DbgMsgCall(PSTR pszFormat,...);
LPCTSTR PszWSALastError(void); LPCTSTR PszLastError(void); LPCTSTR PszHResult(HRESULT hr);
// Redefine the standard HR result display macro
#define DBGEXIT_HR(s,hr) DbgZPrintFunction("Exit " #s " (result=%s)", PszHResult(hr));
#define ApiDebugMsg(s)
#define VideoDebugMsg(s)
inline void WINAPI DbgMsgNop(LPCTSTR, ...) { } #define DbgMsgRefCount 1 ? (void)0 : ::DbgMsgNop
#define DbgMsgApi 1 ? (void)0 : ::DbgMsgNop
#define DbgMsgVideo 1 ? (void)0 : ::DbgMsgNop
#define DbgMsgUI 1 ? (void)0 : ::DbgMsgNop
#define DbgMsgCall 1 ? (void)0 : ::DbgMsgNop
inline void WINAPI DbgMsgZoneNop(UINT, LPCTSTR, ...) { } #define DbgMsg 1 ? (void) 0 : ::DbgMsgZoneNop
#endif /* DEBUG */
interface ITranslateAccelerator : public IUnknown { public: // Copied from IOleControlSite, but I don't use grfModifiers
virtual HRESULT TranslateAccelerator( LPMSG pMsg , //Pointer to the structure
DWORD grfModifiers //Flags describing the state of the keys
) = 0; // Copied from IOleWindow
virtual HRESULT GetWindow( HWND * phwnd //Pointer to where to return window handle
) = 0; } ;
BOOL IsWindowActive(HWND hwnd);
class CTranslateAccel : public ITranslateAccelerator, RefCount { private: HWND m_hwnd;
public: CTranslateAccel(HWND hwnd) : m_hwnd(hwnd) { }
HWND GetWindow() const { return(m_hwnd); }
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppvObj) { return(E_NOTIMPL); } ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef() { return(RefCount::AddRef()); } ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release() { return(RefCount::Release()); }
HRESULT TranslateAccelerator( LPMSG pMsg , //Pointer to the structure
DWORD grfModifiers //Flags describing the state of the keys
) { return(S_FALSE); }
HRESULT GetWindow( HWND * phwnd //Pointer to where to return window handle
) { *phwnd = m_hwnd; return(S_OK); } } ;
class CTranslateAccelTable : public CTranslateAccel { private: HACCEL m_hAccel; int m_nEntries;
public: CTranslateAccelTable(HWND hwnd, HACCEL hAccel) : CTranslateAccel(hwnd), m_hAccel(hAccel) { m_nEntries = CopyAcceleratorTable(m_hAccel, NULL, 0); }
HRESULT TranslateAccelerator( LPMSG pMsg , //Pointer to the structure
DWORD grfModifiers //Flags describing the state of the keys
) { HWND hwnd = GetWindow();
WORD cmd = 0; if (!IsAccelerator(m_hAccel, m_nEntries, pMsg, &cmd) || !IsWindowActive(hwnd)) { return(S_FALSE); }
return(::TranslateAccelerator(hwnd, m_hAccel, pMsg) ? S_OK : S_FALSE); } } ;
// Global list of modeless dialogs (declared in conf.cpp)
extern CSimpleArray<ITranslateAccelerator*>* g_pDialogList; extern CRITICAL_SECTION dialogListCriticalSection;
// Connection Point Helpers
HRESULT NmAdvise(IUnknown* pUnkCP, IUnknown* pUnk, const IID& iid, LPDWORD pdw); HRESULT NmUnadvise(IUnknown* pUnkCP, const IID& iid, DWORD dw);
// NmMkCert wrapper
DWORD MakeCertWrap(LPCSTR szFirstName, LPCSTR szLastName, LPCSTR szEmailName, DWORD dwFlags );
// MessageBox routines
int ConfMsgBox(HWND hwndParent, LPCTSTR pcszMsg, UINT uType=(MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION)); VOID PostConfMsgBox(UINT uStringID); VOID DisplayMsgIdsParam(int ids, LPCTSTR pcsz); int DisplayMsg(LPTSTR pcsz, UINT uType); VOID DisplayErrMsg(INT_PTR ids);
HWND GetMainWindow(); BOOL FDontShowEnabled(LPCTSTR pszKey);
// Icon utilties
VOID LoadIconImages(void); VOID FreeIconImages(void); VOID DrawIconSmall(HDC hdc, int iIcon, int x, int y);
extern HIMAGELIST g_himlIconSmall;
// Create an array that can be easily copied
template <class T> class CCopyableArray : public CSimpleArray<T> { public: CCopyableArray() { }
CCopyableArray(const CCopyableArray<T>& rhs) { *this = rhs; }
CCopyableArray<T>& operator=(const CCopyableArray<T>& rhs) { if (&rhs == this) { return(*this); }
for (int i=0; i<rhs.GetSize(); ++i) { Add(rhs[i]); }
return(*this); } } ;
HFONT GetDefaultFont(void);
// Dialog utilities
BOOL FEmptyDlgItem(HWND hdlg, UINT id); UINT GetDlgItemTextTrimmed(HWND hdlg, int id, PTCHAR psz, int cch); UINT TrimDlgItemText(HWND hdlg, UINT id);
int FmtDateTime(LPSYSTEMTIME pst, LPTSTR pszDateTime, int cchMax);
VOID CombineNames(LPTSTR pszResult, int cchResult, LPCTSTR pcszFirst, LPCTSTR pcszLast);
BOOL NMGetSpecialFolderPath(HWND hwndOwner, LPTSTR lpszPath, int nFolder, BOOL fCreate);
// CDirectoryManager class. //
class CDirectoryManager { public: // public static methods --------------------------------//
static const TCHAR * const get_DomainDirectory(void);
static const TCHAR * const get_defaultServer(void);
static void set_defaultServer ( const TCHAR * const serverName );
static bool isWebDirectory ( const TCHAR * const directory = NULL );
static const TCHAR * const get_dnsName ( const TCHAR * const name );
static const TCHAR * const get_displayName ( const TCHAR * const name );
static const TCHAR * const loadDisplayName(void);
static void get_webDirectoryUrl(LPTSTR szWebDir, int cchmax);
static const TCHAR * const get_webDirectoryIls(void);
static bool isWebDirectoryEnabled(void);
private: // private static members --------------------------------//
static bool m_webEnabled; static TCHAR m_ils[ MAX_PATH ]; static TCHAR m_displayName[ MAX_PATH ]; static TCHAR m_displayNameDefault[ MAX_PATH ]; static TCHAR m_defaultServer[ MAX_PATH ]; static TCHAR m_DomainDirectory[ MAX_PATH ];
}; // End of class CDirectoryManager.
#endif /* _CONFUTIL_H_ */