// File: wab.cpp
#include "precomp.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "dirutil.h"
#include "wab.h"
#include "wabtags.h"
#include "wabiab.h"
#include "lst.h"
#include "fnobjs.h"
static const int _rgIdMenu[] = { IDM_DLGCALL_SPEEDDIAL, 0 };
// As of VC 6.0 on the Alpha, FreePsz couldn't be passed to a
// template taking an F&. There is an internal compiler error
// One day, this will be fixed. For now, this call should be
// identical
class FreePszFunctor {public: void operator()( LPTSTR sz ) { FreePsz( sz ); } };
// There is only one instance of this object (for CreateWabEntry)
CWAB * CWAB::m_spThis = NULL;
/* C W A B */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%Function: CWAB -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CWAB::CWAB() : CALV(IDS_DLGCALL_WAB, II_WAB, _rgIdMenu) { DbgMsg(iZONE_OBJECTS, "CWAB - Constructed(%08X)", this);
ASSERT(NULL == m_spThis); m_spThis = this;
SetAvailable(NULL != m_pAdrBook); }
CWAB::~CWAB() { m_spThis = NULL;
DbgMsg(iZONE_OBJECTS, "CWAB - Destroyed(%08X)", this); }
// CALV methods
/* S H O W I T E M S */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%Function: ShowItems -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID CWAB::ShowItems(HWND hwnd) { CALV::SetHeader(hwnd, IDS_ADDRESS); ShowNmEntires(hwnd); }
HRESULT CWAB::ShowNmEntires(HWND hwnd) { HRESULT hr; if (!FAvailable()) return S_FALSE; // nothing to show
hr = GetContainer(); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
hr = EnsurePropTags(); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
LPMAPITABLE pAB = NULL; hr = m_pContainer->GetContentsTable(0, &pAB); if (FAILED(hr) || (NULL == pAB)) return hr;
// reset the system to use the correct properties
ASSERT(NULL != m_pPropTags); hr = pAB->SetColumns(GetTags(), 0); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Read all the rows of the table one by one
while (S_OK == hr) { LPSRowSet pRowAB = NULL; hr = pAB->QueryRows(1, 0, &pRowAB); if (FAILED(hr) || (NULL == pRowAB)) break;
int cNumRows = pRowAB->cRows; hr = (0 != cNumRows) ? S_OK : S_FALSE; if (S_OK == hr) { LPSPropValue lpProp = &(pRowAB->aRow[0].lpProps[ieidPR_NM_ADDRESS]); if (Get_PR_NM_ADDRESS() == lpProp->ulPropTag) { LPSTR pszName = pRowAB->aRow[0].lpProps[ieidPR_DISPLAY_NAME].Value.lpszA; SLPSTRArray * pMVszA = &(lpProp->Value.MVszA); if (0 != pMVszA->cValues) { // Find the default entry
LPSPropValue lpPropDefault = &(pRowAB->aRow[0].lpProps[ieidPR_NM_DEFAULT]); ULONG iDefault = (Get_PR_NM_DEFAULT() == lpPropDefault->ulPropTag) ? lpPropDefault->Value.ul : 0; ASSERT(iDefault <= pMVszA->cValues); LPCTSTR pszAddr = pMVszA->lppszA[iDefault]; pszAddr = PszSkipCallTo(pszAddr);
// This trick will only work if the sizeof(LPARAM) == sizeof(LPENTRYID)
LPARAM lParam; if (sizeof(LPARAM) == pRowAB->aRow[0].lpProps[ieidPR_ENTRYID].Value.bin.cb) { lParam = * (LPARAM *) pRowAB->aRow[0].lpProps[ieidPR_ENTRYID].Value.bin.lpb; } else { lParam = 0; }
DlgCallAddItem(hwnd, pszName, pszAddr, II_WAB_CARD, lParam); } } } FreeProws(pRowAB); }
return hr; }
/* C M D P R O P E R T I E S */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%Function: CmdProperties -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID CWAB::CmdProperties(void) { int iItem = GetSelection(); if (-1 == iItem) return;
LV_ITEM lvi; ClearStruct(&lvi); lvi.iItem = iItem; lvi.mask = LVIF_PARAM; if (!ListView_GetItem(GetHwnd(), &lvi)) return;
HWND hwnd = GetParent(GetHwnd()); m_pAdrBook->Details((LPULONG) &hwnd, NULL, NULL, sizeof(LPARAM), (LPENTRYID) &lvi.lParam, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0);
// this is because we may have changed something in the Details dlg.
/* G E T A D D R I N F O */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%Function: GetAddrInfo -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ RAI * CWAB::GetAddrInfo(void) { RAI* pRai = NULL; lst<LPTSTR> PhoneNums; lst<LPTSTR> EmailNames; lst<LPTSTR> ILSServers;
int iItem = GetSelection(); if (-1 != iItem) {
LV_ITEM lvi; ClearStruct(&lvi); lvi.iItem = iItem; lvi.mask = LVIF_PARAM; if (ListView_GetItem(GetHwnd(), &lvi)) {
LPMAPIPROP pMapiProp = NULL; ULONG ulObjType = 0; HRESULT hr = m_pContainer->OpenEntry( sizeof(LPARAM), reinterpret_cast<LPENTRYID>(&lvi.lParam), NULL, 0, &ulObjType, reinterpret_cast<LPUNKNOWN*>(&pMapiProp) );
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Email Name
if (FEnabledNmAddr(NM_ADDR_ALIAS_ID)) { ULONG PropTags[] = { PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS };
_GetLPSTRProps( EmailNames, PropTags, pMapiProp, ARRAY_ELEMENTS( PropTags ) ); }
// Phone number
if (FEnabledNmAddr(NM_ADDR_ALIAS_E164) || FEnabledNmAddr(NM_ADDR_H323_GATEWAY)) {
_GetLPSTRProps( PhoneNums, PhoneNumPropTags, pMapiProp, ARRAY_ELEMENTS( PhoneNumPropTags ) ); }
if (FEnabledNmAddr(NM_ADDR_ULS)) { enum { iPrNmAddress = 0, iDefaultServer = 1 }; ULONG PropTags[2]; PropTags[iPrNmAddress] = Get_PR_NM_ADDRESS(); PropTags[iDefaultServer] = Get_PR_NM_DEFAULT();
if( m_pWabObject ) { BYTE* pb = new BYTE[ sizeof( SPropTagArray ) + sizeof( ULONG ) * ARRAY_ELEMENTS( PropTags ) ]; if( pb ) { // Fill in the prop tags that we are interested in...
SPropTagArray* pProps = reinterpret_cast<SPropTagArray*>(pb); pProps->cValues = ARRAY_ELEMENTS(PropTags); for( UINT iCur = 0; iCur < pProps->cValues; iCur++ ) { pProps->aulPropTag[iCur] = PropTags[iCur]; }
LPSPropValue pData = NULL; ULONG cValues = ARRAY_ELEMENTS(PropTags);
if( SUCCEEDED( hr = pMapiProp->GetProps( pProps, 0, &cValues, &pData ) ) && pData ) { // Get teh ILS Servers
if( LOWORD( pData[iPrNmAddress].ulPropTag ) != PT_ERROR ) { for( ULONG iCurVal = 0; iCurVal < pData[iPrNmAddress].Value.MVszA.cValues; ++iCurVal ) { LPSTR pStr = pData[iPrNmAddress].Value.MVszA.lppszA[iCurVal];
// Skip the callto://
pStr = const_cast<LPSTR>(PszSkipCallTo(pStr));
// Skip duplicate server names...
if( !FEmptySz(pStr) && ( ILSServers.end() == find( ILSServers, IsEqLPTSTR( pStr ) ) ) ) { ILSServers.push_back( PszAlloc( pStr ) ); } } }
// Get the default Server
if( LOWORD( pData[iDefaultServer].ulPropTag ) != PT_ERROR ) { // If the default server is not already in the front, put it there...
if( pData[iDefaultServer].Value.l != 0 ) { // Find the default server in the list
lst<LPTSTR>::iterator I = ILSServers.begin(); for( long lCur = 0; ( I != ILSServers.end() ) && ( lCur != pData[iDefaultServer].Value.l ); ++I, ++lCur ) { ; }
ASSERT( I != ILSServers.end() );
LPTSTR pszDefault = *I; ILSServers.erase(I); ILSServers.push_front( pszDefault ); } } m_pWabObject->FreeBuffer(pData); }
delete [] pb; } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else { hr = E_FAIL; }
if( PhoneNums.size() || EmailNames.size() || ILSServers.size() ) { // Initialize the RAI struct
int nItems = PhoneNums.size() + EmailNames.size() + ILSServers.size(); DWORD cbLen = sizeof(RAI) + sizeof(DWSTR)* nItems; pRai = reinterpret_cast<RAI*>(new BYTE[ cbLen ]); ZeroMemory(pRai, cbLen); pRai->cItems = nItems; // This is the display name...
GetSzName(pRai->szName, CCHMAX(pRai->szName), iItem);
int iCur = 0;
// First copy the e-mail names
for( lst<LPTSTR>::iterator I = EmailNames.begin(); I != EmailNames.end(); ++I, ++iCur ) { pRai->rgDwStr[iCur].dw = NM_ADDR_ALIAS_ID; pRai->rgDwStr[iCur].psz = PszAlloc(*I); } for_each( EmailNames, FreePszFunctor() ); // Copy the phone numbirs
for( I = PhoneNums.begin(); I != PhoneNums.end(); ++I, ++iCur ) { pRai->rgDwStr[iCur].dw = g_fGkEnabled ? NM_ADDR_ALIAS_E164 : NM_ADDR_H323_GATEWAY; pRai->rgDwStr[iCur].psz = PszAlloc(*I); } for_each( PhoneNums, FreePszFunctor() );
// Copy the ils servers
for( I = ILSServers.begin(); I != ILSServers.end(); ++I, ++iCur ) { pRai->rgDwStr[iCur].dw = NM_ADDR_ULS; pRai->rgDwStr[iCur].psz = PszAlloc(*I); } for_each( ILSServers, FreePszFunctor() );
pMapiProp->Release(); } } }
return pRai; }
HRESULT CWAB::_GetLPSTRProps( lst<LPSTR>& rLst, ULONG* paPropTags, LPMAPIPROP pMapiProp, int nProps ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if( m_pWabObject ) { BYTE* pb = new BYTE[ sizeof( SPropTagArray ) + sizeof( ULONG ) * nProps ]; if( pb ) { // Fill in the prop tags that we are interested in...
SPropTagArray* pProps = reinterpret_cast<SPropTagArray*>(pb); pProps->cValues = nProps; for( UINT iCur = 0; iCur < pProps->cValues; iCur++ ) { pProps->aulPropTag[iCur] = paPropTags[iCur]; }
LPSPropValue pData = NULL; ULONG cValues = nProps;
// Get the props
if( SUCCEEDED( hr = pMapiProp->GetProps( pProps, 0, &cValues, &pData ) ) && pData ) { // Extract thet props
for( ULONG iCurVal = 0; iCurVal < cValues; ++iCurVal ) { if( LOWORD( pData[iCurVal].ulPropTag ) != PT_ERROR ) { if( !FEmptySz(pData[iCurVal].Value.lpszA) && ( rLst.end() == find( rLst, IsEqLPTSTR( #ifdef UNICODE
pData[iCurVal].Value.lpszW #else
pData[iCurVal].Value.lpszA #endif
) ) ) ) { rLst.push_back( PszAlloc( pData[iCurVal].Value.lpszA ) ); } } } m_pWabObject->FreeBuffer(pData); }
delete [] pb; } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else { hr = E_FAIL; }
return hr;
/* C R E A T E W A B E N T R Y */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%Function: CreateWabEntry -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CreateWabEntry(LPTSTR pszDisplay, LPTSTR pszFirst, LPTSTR pszLast, LPTSTR pszEmail, LPTSTR pszLocation, LPTSTR pszPhoneNumber, LPTSTR pszComments, LPTSTR pszServer) { CWAB * pWab = CWAB::GetInstance(); if (NULL == pWab) return E_FAIL;
HWND hwnd = GetParent(pWab->GetHwnd()); return pWab->CreateWabEntry(hwnd, pszDisplay, pszFirst, pszLast, pszEmail, pszLocation, pszPhoneNumber, pszComments, pszServer); }