// Module: ULS.DLL
// File: localusr.cpp
// Content: This file contains the LocalUser object.
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:13:54 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1996-1997
#include "ulsp.h"
#include "localusr.h"
#include "localprt.h"
#include "callback.h"
#include "attribs.h"
#include "culs.h"
#define DEFAULT_COUNTRY _T("-")
#ifdef OLD
// Registry keys and values - defined in ULSREG.H
#endif //OLD
#ifdef TEST
_cdecl main() { return (0); } #endif //TEST
// OnNotifyRegisterResult (IUnknown *pUnk, void *pv)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:14:03 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
HRESULT OnNotifyRegisterResult (IUnknown *pUnk, void *pv) { PSRINFO psri = (PSRINFO)pv;
((IIlsUserNotify*)pUnk)->RegisterResult(psri->uReqID, psri->hResult); return S_OK; }
// OnNotifyUpdateUserResult (IUnknown *pUnk, void *pv)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:14:03 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
HRESULT OnNotifyUpdateResult (IUnknown *pUnk, void *pv) { PSRINFO psri = (PSRINFO)pv;
((IIlsUserNotify*)pUnk)->UpdateResult(psri->uReqID, psri->hResult); return S_OK; }
// OnNotifyProtocolChangeResult (IUnknown *pUnk, void *pv)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:14:03 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
HRESULT OnNotifyProtocolChangeResult (IUnknown *pUnk, void *pv) { PSRINFO psri = (PSRINFO)pv;
((IIlsUserNotify*)pUnk)->ProtocolChangeResult(psri->uReqID, psri->hResult); return S_OK; }
// OnNotifyGetProtocolResult (IUnknown *pUnk, void *pv)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:14:03 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
HRESULT OnNotifyGetProtocolResult (IUnknown *pUnk, void *pv) { POBJRINFO pobjri = (POBJRINFO)pv;
((IIlsUserNotify*)pUnk)->GetProtocolResult(pobjri->uReqID, (IIlsProtocol *)pobjri->pv, pobjri->hResult); return S_OK; }
// OnNotifyEnumProtocolsResult (IUnknown *pUnk, void *pv)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:14:03 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
HRESULT OnNotifyEnumProtocolsResult (IUnknown *pUnk, void *pv) { CEnumNames *penum = NULL; PENUMRINFO peri = (PENUMRINFO)pv; HRESULT hr = peri->hResult;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { penum = new CEnumNames;
if (penum != NULL) { hr = penum->Init((LPTSTR)peri->pv, peri->cItems);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { penum->AddRef(); } else { delete penum; penum = NULL; }; } else { hr = ILS_E_MEMORY; }; };
// Notify the sink object
((IIlsUserNotify*)pUnk)->EnumProtocolsResult(peri->uReqID, penum != NULL ? (IEnumIlsNames *)penum : NULL, hr);
if (penum != NULL) { penum->Release(); }; return hr; }
#ifdef MAYBE
// OnNotifyStateChanged ( IUnknown *pUnk, LONG State, VOID *pv )
// History:
// Thu 07-Nov-1996 13:05:00 -by- Chu, Lon-Chan [lonchanc]
// Created.
HRESULT CIlsUser::OnNotifyStateChanged ( IUnknown *pUnk, LONG State, BSTR bstrServerName, BOOL fPrimary ) { // If the server object does not exist, not registered
if (m_pServer == NULL) return NOERROR;
// Set server internal state
SetULSState ((ULSSVRSTATE) State);
// Notify the app to logoff and re-logon
// This app must NOT pop up an UI upon receiving this
((IIlsUserNotify *) pUnk)->StateChanged (fPrimary, bstrServerName);
return NOERROR; }
#endif //MAYBE
HRESULT OnNotifyStateChanged_UI_NoSuchObject ( IUnknown *pUnk, VOID *pv ) { return ((IIlsUserNotify *)pUnk)->StateChanged (TRUE, (BSTR) pv); }
HRESULT OnNotifyStateChanged_NoUI_NoSuchObject ( IUnknown *pUnk, VOID *pv ) { return ((IIlsUserNotify *)pUnk)->StateChanged (FALSE, (BSTR) pv); }
HRESULT OnNotifyStateChanged_UI_NetworkDown ( IUnknown *pUnk, VOID *pv ) { return ((IIlsUserNotify *)pUnk)->StateChanged (TRUE, (BSTR) pv); }
HRESULT OnNotifyStateChanged_NoUI_NetworkDown ( IUnknown *pUnk, VOID *pv ) { return ((IIlsUserNotify *)pUnk)->StateChanged (FALSE, (BSTR) pv); }
// CIlsUser::ProtocolChangeResult ( IIlsProtocol *pProtocol, ULONG uReqID, HRESULT hResult,
STDMETHODIMP CIlsUser::ProtocolChangeResult ( IIlsProtocol *pProtocol, ULONG uReqID, HRESULT hResult, APP_CHANGE_PROT uCmd) { SRINFO sri;
// If the server accepts the changes, modify the local information
if (FAILED (hResult)) { // Update based on the command.
switch(uCmd) { case ILS_APP_ADD_PROT: m_ProtList.Remove ((CLocalProt *) pProtocol); pProtocol->Release (); // AddRef by RegisterLocalProtocol
case ILS_APP_REMOVE_PROT: // Release already by UnregisterLocalProtocol
default: ASSERT(0); break; }; }
if (uReqID) { // Notify the sink object
sri.uReqID = uReqID; sri.hResult = hResult; hResult = NotifySink((void *)&sri, OnNotifyProtocolChangeResult); }
#ifdef DEBUG
DPRINTF (TEXT("CIlsUser--current Protocols********************\r\n")); DPRINTF (TEXT("\r\n*************************************************")); #endif // DEBUG;
return hResult; }
// CIlsUser::CIlsUser (HANDLE hMutex)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:14:03 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
CIlsUser::CIlsUser () : m_cRef (0), // user
m_fReadonly (FALSE), m_uModify (LU_MOD_NONE), m_cLock (0), m_szID (NULL), m_szFirstName (NULL), m_szLastName (NULL), m_szEMailName (NULL), m_szCityName (NULL), m_szCountryName (NULL), m_szComment (NULL), m_dwFlags (1), // default is visible
m_szIPAddr (NULL), m_szAppName (NULL), m_szMimeType (NULL), m_pIlsServer (NULL), m_pConnPt (NULL), // server
m_uState (ULSSVR_INVALID), m_hLdapUser (NULL), m_pep (NULL), m_uReqID (0), m_uLastMsgID (0) { m_guid = GUID_NULL; m_ExtendedAttrs.SetAccessType (ILS_ATTRTYPE_NAME_VALUE); // m_szCountryName can't be a NULL string... see notes on NetMeeting 3.0 Bug 1643 for the reason why...
m_szCountryName = static_cast<LPTSTR>(MemAlloc( lstrlen( DEFAULT_COUNTRY ) + sizeof(TCHAR) )); lstrcpy( m_szCountryName, DEFAULT_COUNTRY );
// CIlsUser::~CIlsUser (void)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:14:03 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
CIlsUser::~CIlsUser (void) { /* ------ server ------ */
// Unregister everything, including protocols
// We expect someone explicitly unregister this
ASSERT ((m_uState == ULSSVR_INVALID) || (m_uState == ULSSVR_INIT)); ASSERT (m_hLdapUser == NULL); ASSERT (m_pep == NULL); ASSERT (m_uReqID == 0); ASSERT (m_uLastMsgID == 0);
/* ------ user ------ */
::MemFree (m_szID); ::MemFree (m_szFirstName); ::MemFree (m_szLastName); ::MemFree (m_szEMailName); ::MemFree (m_szCityName); ::MemFree (m_szCountryName); ::MemFree (m_szComment); ::MemFree (m_szIPAddr);
// Release the protocol objects
CLocalProt *plp = NULL; HANDLE hEnum = NULL; m_ProtList.Enumerate(&hEnum); while(m_ProtList.Next (&hEnum, (PVOID *)&plp) == NOERROR) { plp->Release(); // AddRef by RegisterLocalProtocol or UpdateProtocol
} m_ProtList.Flush();
// Release the buffer resources
::MemFree (m_szAppName); ::MemFree (m_szMimeType);
// Release the connection point
if (m_pConnPt != NULL) { m_pConnPt->ContainerReleased(); ((IConnectionPoint*)m_pConnPt)->Release(); };
// Free server object
if (m_pIlsServer != NULL) m_pIlsServer->Release (); }
// CIlsUser::Clone
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:14:03 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
STDMETHODIMP CIlsUser:: Clone ( IIlsUser **ppUser ) { if (ppUser == NULL) return ILS_E_POINTER;
// Create a new user object
CIlsUser *p = new CIlsUser; if (p == NULL) return ILS_E_MEMORY;
// Snap-shot the user information now
LDAP_CLIENTINFO *pci = NULL; HRESULT hr = InternalGetUserInfo (TRUE, &pci, LU_MOD_ALL); if (SUCCEEDED (hr)) { // Fake the size to make it consistent with what Init() wants
pci->uSize = sizeof (*pci);
// Unpack the user information
hr = p->Init (NULL, pci); }
if (FAILED (hr)) { delete p; p = NULL; }
p->AddRef (); p->m_fReadonly = FALSE; p->m_uState = ULSSVR_INIT; *ppUser = (IIlsUser *) p; return hr; }
// CIlsUser::Init (BSTR bstrUserID, BSTR bstrAppName)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:14:03 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
STDMETHODIMP CIlsUser::Init (BSTR bstrUserID, BSTR bstrAppName) { HRESULT hr; ASSERT(!m_szID && !m_szAppName);
if (!bstrUserID || !bstrAppName) {
hr = BSTR_to_LPTSTR(&m_szID, bstrUserID);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
m_szID = NULL; // set it to NULL for safety
return (hr);
hr = BSTR_to_LPTSTR(&m_szAppName, bstrAppName); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Make the connection point
m_pConnPt = new CConnectionPoint (&IID_IIlsUserNotify, (IConnectionPointContainer *)this); if (m_pConnPt != NULL) { ((IConnectionPoint*)m_pConnPt)->AddRef(); hr = NOERROR;
m_ExtendedAttrs.SetAccessType (ILS_ATTRTYPE_NAME_VALUE); } else { hr = ILS_E_MEMORY; }; };
if (FAILED(hr)) {
::MemFree (m_szID); ::MemFree (m_szAppName); m_szID = m_szAppName = NULL;
return hr; }
return NOERROR; }
// CIlsUser::Init (LPTSTR szServerName, PLDAP_CLIENTINFO *pui)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:14:03 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
STDMETHODIMP CIlsUser::Init (CIlsServer *pIlsServer, PLDAP_CLIENTINFO pui) { // Validate parameter
if ((pui->uSize != sizeof(*pui)) || (pui->uOffsetCN == 0) /*||
(pui->uOffsetAppName == 0)*/ ) { return ILS_E_PARAMETER; };
// Remember the server if necessary
if (pIlsServer != NULL) { pIlsServer->AddRef (); } m_pIlsServer = pIlsServer;
// Allocate strings
BOOL fSuccess = SUCCEEDED (SetOffsetString (&m_szID, (BYTE *) pui, pui->uOffsetCN)) && (m_szID != NULL); fSuccess &= SUCCEEDED (SetOffsetString (&m_szAppName, (BYTE *) pui, pui->uOffsetAppName)); fSuccess &= SUCCEEDED (SetOffsetString (&m_szFirstName, (BYTE *) pui, pui->uOffsetFirstName)); fSuccess &= SUCCEEDED (SetOffsetString (&m_szLastName, (BYTE *) pui, pui->uOffsetLastName)); fSuccess &= SUCCEEDED (SetOffsetString (&m_szEMailName, (BYTE *) pui, pui->uOffsetEMailName)); fSuccess &= SUCCEEDED (SetOffsetString (&m_szCityName, (BYTE *) pui, pui->uOffsetCityName)); fSuccess &= SUCCEEDED (SetOffsetString (&m_szCountryName, (BYTE *) pui, pui->uOffsetCountryName)); fSuccess &= SUCCEEDED (SetOffsetString (&m_szComment, (BYTE *) pui, pui->uOffsetComment)); fSuccess &= SUCCEEDED (SetOffsetString (&m_szIPAddr, (BYTE *) pui, pui->uOffsetIPAddress)); fSuccess &= SUCCEEDED (SetOffsetString (&m_szMimeType, (BYTE *) pui, pui->uOffsetAppMimeType));
HRESULT hr = fSuccess ? S_OK : ILS_E_MEMORY; if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Set non-allocation data
m_dwFlags = pui->dwFlags; m_guid = pui->AppGuid;
// Set extended attributes
m_ExtendedAttrs.SetAccessType (ILS_ATTRTYPE_NAME_VALUE); if (pui->cAttrsReturned != 0) { hr = m_ExtendedAttrs.SetAttributePairs((LPTSTR)(((PBYTE)pui)+pui->uOffsetAttrsReturned), pui->cAttrsReturned); } }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Make the connection point
m_pConnPt = new CConnectionPoint (&IID_IIlsUserNotify, (IConnectionPointContainer *)this); if (m_pConnPt != NULL) { ((IConnectionPoint*)m_pConnPt)->AddRef(); hr = NOERROR;
m_fReadonly = TRUE;
} else { hr = ILS_E_MEMORY; }; };
// cleanup is done in destructor
return hr; }
// CIlsUser::IsWritable (BOOL *pfWriteable)
STDMETHODIMP CIlsUser::IsWritable(BOOL *pfWriteable) { HRESULT hr;
if (pfWriteable != NULL) { *pfWriteable = !m_fReadonly; hr = S_OK; } else { hr = ILS_E_POINTER; } return hr; }
// CIlsUser::QueryInterface (REFIID riid, void **ppv)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:14:08 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
STDMETHODIMP CIlsUser::QueryInterface (REFIID riid, void **ppv) { *ppv = NULL;
if (riid == IID_IIlsUser || riid == IID_IUnknown) { *ppv = (IIlsUser *) this; } else { if (riid == IID_IConnectionPointContainer) { *ppv = (IConnectionPointContainer *) this; }; }
if (*ppv != NULL) { ((LPUNKNOWN)*ppv)->AddRef(); return S_OK; } else { return ILS_E_NO_INTERFACE; }; }
// CIlsUser::AddRef (void)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:14:17 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CIlsUser::AddRef (void) { DllLock();
MyDebugMsg ((DM_REFCOUNT, "CIlsUser::AddRef: ref=%ld\r\n", m_cRef)); ::InterlockedIncrement (&m_cRef); return (ULONG) m_cRef; }
// CIlsUser::Release (void)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:14:26 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CIlsUser::Release (void) { DllRelease();
ASSERT (m_cRef > 0);
MyDebugMsg ((DM_REFCOUNT, "CIlsUser::Release: ref=%ld\r\n", m_cRef)); if (::InterlockedDecrement (&m_cRef) == 0) { delete this; return 0; } return (ULONG) m_cRef; }
// CIlsUser::GetStandardAttribute (ILS_STD_ATTR_NAME stdAttr, BSTR *pbstrStdAttr)
// History:
// 1-16-97 Shishir Pardikar
// Created.
STDMETHODIMP CIlsUser::GetStandardAttribute( ILS_STD_ATTR_NAME stdAttr, BSTR *pbstrStdAttr ) { LPTSTR lpszAttr = NULL; BOOL fValid = TRUE; HRESULT hr;
if (pbstrStdAttr == NULL) {
} switch(stdAttr) {
case ILS_STDATTR_USER_ID: lpszAttr = m_szID; break; case ILS_STDATTR_APP_NAME: lpszAttr = m_szAppName; break; case ILS_STDATTR_IP_ADDRESS: lpszAttr = m_szIPAddr; break; case ILS_STDATTR_EMAIL_NAME: lpszAttr = m_szEMailName; break;
case ILS_STDATTR_FIRST_NAME: lpszAttr = m_szFirstName; break;
case ILS_STDATTR_LAST_NAME: lpszAttr = m_szLastName; break;
case ILS_STDATTR_CITY_NAME: lpszAttr = m_szCityName; break;
case ILS_STDATTR_COUNTRY_NAME: lpszAttr = m_szCountryName; break;
case ILS_STDATTR_COMMENT: lpszAttr = m_szComment; break;
case ILS_STDATTR_APP_MIME_TYPE: lpszAttr = m_szMimeType; break;
default: fValid = FALSE; break; }
if (fValid) { if (lpszAttr){
hr = LPTSTR_to_BSTR(pbstrStdAttr, lpszAttr); } else {
*pbstrStdAttr = NULL; hr = NOERROR;
} } else {
return (hr); }
// CIlsUser::SetStandardAttribute (ILS_STD_ATTR_NAME stdAttr, BSTR bstrStdAttr)
// History:
// 1-16-97 Shishir Pardikar
// Created.
STDMETHODIMP CIlsUser::SetStandardAttribute( ILS_STD_ATTR_NAME stdAttr, BSTR bstrStdAttr ) { LPTSTR *ppszAttr = NULL, pszNewAttr; BOOL fValid = TRUE; ULONG ulModBit = 0; HRESULT hr;
// It is ok to have a null bstrStdAttr
// Make sure this is not a read-only object
if (m_fReadonly) return ILS_E_ACCESS_DENIED;
switch(stdAttr) {
case ILS_STDATTR_IP_ADDRESS: ppszAttr = &m_szIPAddr; ulModBit = LU_MOD_IP_ADDRESS; break;
case ILS_STDATTR_EMAIL_NAME: ppszAttr = &m_szEMailName; ulModBit = LU_MOD_EMAIL; break;
case ILS_STDATTR_FIRST_NAME: ppszAttr = &m_szFirstName; ulModBit = LU_MOD_FIRSTNAME; break;
case ILS_STDATTR_LAST_NAME: ppszAttr = &m_szLastName; ulModBit = LU_MOD_LASTNAME; break;
case ILS_STDATTR_CITY_NAME: ppszAttr = &m_szCityName; ulModBit = LU_MOD_CITY; break;
case ILS_STDATTR_COUNTRY_NAME: ppszAttr = &m_szCountryName; ulModBit = LU_MOD_COUNTRY; break;
case ILS_STDATTR_COMMENT: ppszAttr = &m_szComment; ulModBit = LU_MOD_COMMENT; break;
case ILS_STDATTR_APP_MIME_TYPE: ppszAttr = &m_szMimeType; ulModBit = LU_MOD_MIME; break;
default: fValid = FALSE; break; }
if (fValid) { pszNewAttr = NULL; if (bstrStdAttr == NULL || *bstrStdAttr == L'\0') { // pszNewAttr is null now
hr = S_OK; } else { // Duplicate the string
hr = BSTR_to_LPTSTR (&pszNewAttr, bstrStdAttr); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ::MemFree (*ppszAttr); *ppszAttr = pszNewAttr; m_uModify |= ulModBit; } } else {
return (hr); }
// CIlsUser::GetVisible ( DWORD *pfVisible )
// History:
// Tue 05-Nov-1996 10:30:00 -by- Chu, Lon-Chan [lonchanc]
// Created.
STDMETHODIMP CIlsUser::GetVisible ( DWORD *pfVisible ) { HRESULT hr = ILS_E_POINTER; if (pfVisible != NULL) { *pfVisible = m_dwFlags; hr = S_OK; } return hr; }
// CIlsUser::SetVisible ( DWORD fVisible )
// History:
// Tue 05-Nov-1996 10:30:00 -by- Chu, Lon-Chan [lonchanc]
// Created.
STDMETHODIMP CIlsUser::SetVisible ( DWORD fVisible ) { // Make sure this is not a read-only object
if (m_fReadonly) return ILS_E_ACCESS_DENIED;
m_dwFlags = fVisible; m_uModify |= LU_MOD_FLAGS; return S_OK; }
// CIlsUser::GetGuid ( GUID *pGuid )
// History:
// Tue 05-Nov-1996 10:30:00 -by- Chu, Lon-Chan [lonchanc]
// Created.
STDMETHODIMP CIlsUser::GetGuid ( GUID *pGuid ) { HRESULT hr = ILS_E_POINTER; if (pGuid != NULL) { *pGuid = m_guid; hr = S_OK; } return hr; }
// CIlsUser::SetGuid ( GUID *pGuid )
// History:
// Tue 05-Nov-1996 10:30:00 -by- Chu, Lon-Chan [lonchanc]
// Created.
STDMETHODIMP CIlsUser::SetGuid ( GUID *pGuid ) { // Make sure this is not a read-only object
if (m_fReadonly) return ILS_E_ACCESS_DENIED;
HRESULT hr = ILS_E_POINTER; if (pGuid != NULL) { m_guid = *pGuid; m_uModify |= LU_MOD_GUID; hr = S_OK; } return hr; }
// CIlsUser::InternalGetUserInfo (BOOL fAddNew, PLDAP_CLIENTINFO *ppUserInfo, ULONG uFields)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:14:08 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
STDMETHODIMP CIlsUser::InternalGetUserInfo (BOOL fAddNew, PLDAP_CLIENTINFO *ppUserInfo, ULONG uFields) { PLDAP_CLIENTINFO pui; ULONG cFName, cLName, cEName, cCity, cCountry, cComment; ULONG cName, cAppName, cMime; LPTSTR szAttrs; ULONG uOffsetDstAnyAttrs; ULONG cAttrs, cbAttrs; HRESULT hr; ULONG cchIPAddr;
// Should not call this guy if nothing has been updated
// Assume failure
*ppUserInfo = NULL;
// Calculate the buffer size
ASSERT(m_szID && m_szAppName);
cName = lstrlen(m_szID)+1; cAppName = lstrlen(m_szAppName)+1;
cFName = (((uFields & LU_MOD_FIRSTNAME) && m_szFirstName) ? lstrlen(m_szFirstName)+1 : 0); cLName = (((uFields & LU_MOD_LASTNAME) && m_szLastName) ? lstrlen(m_szLastName)+1 : 0); cEName = (((uFields & LU_MOD_EMAIL)&& m_szEMailName) ? lstrlen(m_szEMailName)+1 : 0); cCity = (((uFields & LU_MOD_CITY)&& m_szCityName) ? lstrlen(m_szCityName)+1 : 0); cCountry=(((uFields & LU_MOD_COUNTRY)&& m_szCountryName) ? lstrlen(m_szCountryName)+1 : 0); cComment=(((uFields & LU_MOD_COMMENT)&& m_szComment) ? lstrlen(m_szComment)+1 : 0); cMime = (((uFields & LU_MOD_MIME)&&m_szMimeType) ? lstrlen(m_szMimeType)+1 : 0);
cchIPAddr = (((uFields & LU_MOD_IP_ADDRESS) && m_szIPAddr != NULL) ? lstrlen(m_szIPAddr)+1 : 0);
if (uFields & LU_MOD_ATTRIB) { // Get the attribute pairs
hr = m_ExtendedAttrs.GetAttributePairs(&szAttrs, &cAttrs, &cbAttrs); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; }; } else { cAttrs = 0; cbAttrs = 0; szAttrs = NULL; } uOffsetDstAnyAttrs = 0;
// Allocate the buffer
ULONG cbTotalSize = sizeof (LDAP_CLIENTINFO) + (cName + cAppName + cFName + cLName + cEName + cchIPAddr + cCity + cCountry + cComment + cMime+cbAttrs) * sizeof (TCHAR); pui = (PLDAP_CLIENTINFO) ::MemAlloc (cbTotalSize); if (pui == NULL) { hr = ILS_E_MEMORY; goto bailout; };
// Fill the structure content
pui->uSize = cbTotalSize; pui->uOffsetCN = sizeof(*pui); pui->uOffsetAppName = pui->uOffsetCN + (cName*sizeof(TCHAR)); pui->uOffsetFirstName = pui->uOffsetAppName + (cAppName*sizeof(TCHAR)); pui->uOffsetLastName = pui->uOffsetFirstName + (cFName*sizeof(TCHAR)); pui->uOffsetEMailName = pui->uOffsetLastName + (cLName*sizeof(TCHAR)); pui->uOffsetCityName = pui->uOffsetEMailName + (cEName*sizeof(TCHAR)); pui->uOffsetCountryName = pui->uOffsetCityName + (cCity*sizeof(TCHAR)); pui->uOffsetComment = pui->uOffsetCountryName + (cCountry*sizeof(TCHAR)); pui->uOffsetIPAddress = pui->uOffsetComment + (cComment * sizeof (TCHAR)); pui->uOffsetAppMimeType = pui->uOffsetIPAddress + (cchIPAddr * sizeof(TCHAR)); pui->dwFlags = m_dwFlags; pui->AppGuid = m_guid;
// Fill in extended attributes
uOffsetDstAnyAttrs = (cAttrs != 0) ? pui->uOffsetAppMimeType + (cMime*sizeof(TCHAR)) : 0; if (fAddNew) { pui->cAttrsToAdd = cAttrs; pui->uOffsetAttrsToAdd = uOffsetDstAnyAttrs; } else { pui->cAttrsToModify = cAttrs; pui->uOffsetAttrsToModify = uOffsetDstAnyAttrs; }
// Copy the user information
lstrcpy((LPTSTR)(((PBYTE)pui)+pui->uOffsetCN), m_szID); lstrcpy((LPTSTR)(((PBYTE)pui)+pui->uOffsetAppName), m_szAppName);
if ((uFields & LU_MOD_FIRSTNAME)&&m_szFirstName) { lstrcpy((LPTSTR)(((PBYTE)pui)+pui->uOffsetFirstName), m_szFirstName); } else { pui->uOffsetFirstName = 0; };
if ((uFields & LU_MOD_LASTNAME)&&m_szLastName) { lstrcpy((LPTSTR)(((PBYTE)pui)+pui->uOffsetLastName), m_szLastName); } else { pui->uOffsetLastName = 0; };
if ((uFields & LU_MOD_EMAIL)&&m_szEMailName) { lstrcpy((LPTSTR)(((PBYTE)pui)+pui->uOffsetEMailName), m_szEMailName); } else { pui->uOffsetEMailName = 0; };
if ((uFields & LU_MOD_CITY)&&m_szCityName) { lstrcpy((LPTSTR)(((PBYTE)pui)+pui->uOffsetCityName), m_szCityName); } else { pui->uOffsetCityName = 0; };
if ((uFields & LU_MOD_COUNTRY)&&m_szCountryName) { lstrcpy((LPTSTR)(((PBYTE)pui)+pui->uOffsetCountryName), m_szCountryName); } else { pui->uOffsetCountryName = 0; };
if ((uFields & LU_MOD_COMMENT)&&m_szComment) { lstrcpy((LPTSTR)(((PBYTE)pui)+pui->uOffsetComment), m_szComment); } else { pui->uOffsetComment = 0; };
if ((uFields & LU_MOD_MIME)&&m_szMimeType) { lstrcpy((LPTSTR)(((PBYTE)pui)+pui->uOffsetAppMimeType), m_szMimeType); } else { pui->uOffsetAppMimeType = 0; }
if ((uFields & LU_MOD_IP_ADDRESS) && m_szIPAddr != NULL) { lstrcpy((LPTSTR)(((PBYTE)pui)+pui->uOffsetIPAddress), m_szIPAddr); } else { pui->uOffsetIPAddress = 0; }
if (cAttrs) { CopyMemory(((PBYTE)pui) + uOffsetDstAnyAttrs, szAttrs, cbAttrs); };
// Return the structure
*ppUserInfo = pui;
if (szAttrs != NULL) { ::MemFree (szAttrs); };
return hr; }
// CIlsUser::Register (BSTR bstrServerName, ULONG *puReqID)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:14:03 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
STDMETHODIMP CIlsUser:: Register ( IIlsServer *pIlsServer, ULONG *puReqID) { HRESULT hr;
// Make sure it is not registered
// Validate parameter
if (::MyIsBadServer (pIlsServer) || puReqID == NULL) return ILS_E_POINTER;
// Make sure this is not a read-only object
if (m_fReadonly) return ILS_E_ACCESS_DENIED;
// Clone the server object
pIlsServer = ((CIlsServer *) pIlsServer)->Clone (); if (pIlsServer == NULL) return ILS_E_MEMORY;
// Free the old server object if necessary
if (m_pIlsServer != NULL) m_pIlsServer->Release ();
// Keep the new server object
m_pIlsServer = (CIlsServer *) pIlsServer;
// Initialize the state
m_uState = ULSSVR_INIT;
// Prepare the asynchronous request
COM_REQ_INFO ri; ReqInfo_Init (&ri);
ri.uReqType = WM_ILS_LOCAL_REGISTER; ri.uMsgID = 0;
ReqInfo_SetUser (&ri, this);
// Enter the request
hr = g_pReqMgr->NewRequest(&ri); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Make sure the objects do not disappear before we get the response
// Register the client
hr = InternalRegister (ri.uReqID); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { Lock(); *puReqID = ri.uReqID; } else { // Clean up the async pending request
this->Release(); g_pReqMgr->RequestDone(&ri); }; }; return hr; }
// CIlsUser::RegisterResult (ULONG uReqID, HRESULT hResult)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:14:03 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
STDMETHODIMP CIlsUser::RegisterResult (ULONG uReqID, HRESULT hResult) { SRINFO sri;
// Notify the sink object
sri.uReqID = uReqID; sri.hResult = hResult; if (hResult == S_OK) { m_uModify = LU_MOD_NONE; } hResult = NotifySink((void *)&sri, OnNotifyRegisterResult); return hResult; }
// CIlsUser::Unregister (BSTR bstrServerName, ULONG *puReqID)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:14:03 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
STDMETHODIMP CIlsUser:: Unregister ( ULONG *puReqID ) { HRESULT hr;
// Make sure it is registered somehow (network down, need relogon, or registered)
// Make sure this is not a read-only object
if (m_fReadonly) return ILS_E_ACCESS_DENIED;
// If puReqID is null, do it synchronously
if (puReqID == NULL) { hr = InternalCleanupRegistration (TRUE); } else { // Prepare the asynchronous request
COM_REQ_INFO ri; ReqInfo_Init (&ri);
ri.uReqType = WM_ILS_LOCAL_UNREGISTER; ri.uMsgID = 0;
ReqInfo_SetUser (&ri, this);
// Enter new request
hr = g_pReqMgr->NewRequest(&ri); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Make sure the objects do not disappear before we get the response
// Unregister the application
hr = InternalUnregister (ri.uReqID); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { Lock(); *puReqID = ri.uReqID; } else { // Clean up the async pending request
this->Release(); g_pReqMgr->RequestDone(&ri); }; }; }
return hr; }
// CIlsUser::UnregisterResult (ULONG uReqID, HRESULT hResult)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:14:03 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
STDMETHODIMP CIlsUser::UnregisterResult (ULONG uReqID, HRESULT hResult) { SRINFO sri;
// Notify the sink object
sri.uReqID = uReqID; sri.hResult = hResult; hResult = NotifySink((void *)&sri, OnNotifyRegisterResult); return hResult; }
// CIlsUser::Update(ULONG *puReqID)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:14:03 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
if (puReqID == NULL) return ILS_E_POINTER;
// We already registered with the server.
// Get the user information
hr = (m_uModify == LU_MOD_NONE) ? S_FALSE : InternalGetUserInfo (FALSE, &pUserInfo, m_uModify); if (hr == NOERROR) { // Make sure that we do not update User ID and App Name
pUserInfo->uOffsetCN = INVALID_OFFSET; pUserInfo->uOffsetAppName = INVALID_OFFSET;
// Some fields have been updated, notify the server first
hr = ::UlsLdap_SetClientInfo (m_hLdapUser, pUserInfo, &ldai); ::MemFree (pUserInfo);
// If updating server was successfully requested, wait for the response
COM_REQ_INFO ri; ReqInfo_Init (&ri);
ri.uReqType = WM_ILS_SET_CLIENT_INFO; ri.uMsgID = ldai.uMsgID;
ReqInfo_SetUser (&ri, this);
hr = g_pReqMgr->NewRequest(&ri);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Make sure the objects do not disappear before we get the response
// Return the request ID
*puReqID = ri.uReqID;
Lock(); }; }; return hr; }
// CIlsUser::UpdateResult (ULONG uReqID, HRESULT hResult)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:14:03 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
STDMETHODIMP CIlsUser::UpdateResult (ULONG uReqID, HRESULT hResult) { SRINFO sri;
Unlock ();
// Notify the sink object
sri.uReqID = uReqID; sri.hResult = hResult; if (hResult == S_OK) { m_uModify = LU_MOD_NONE; } hResult = NotifySink((void *)&sri, OnNotifyUpdateResult); return hResult; }
// CIlsUser::GetProtocolHandle (CLocalProt *pLocalProt, PHANDLE phProt)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:14:08 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
HRESULT CIlsUser:: GetProtocolHandle (CLocalProt *pLocalProt, PHANDLE phProt) { ASSERT (pLocalProt != NULL); ASSERT (phProt != NULL);
// Cannot retreive the handle if ULS is locked, i.e. registering something
if (IsLocked()) return ILS_E_FAIL;
/* ------ server ------ */
if (m_uState != ULSSVR_CONNECT) return ILS_E_FAIL;
// Find the matching protocol
*phProt = pLocalProt->GetProviderHandle (); return S_OK; }
// CIlsUser::RegisterLocalProtocol (BOOL fAddToList, CLocalProt *plp, PLDAP_ASYNCINFO plai)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:14:08 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
HRESULT CIlsUser:: RegisterLocalProtocol ( BOOL fAddToList, CLocalProt *plp, PLDAP_ASYNCINFO plai ) { ASSERT (plp != NULL); ASSERT (plai != NULL);
// Let's register the protocol now
ASSERT (m_hLdapUser != NULL); PLDAP_PROTINFO ppi = NULL; HRESULT hr = plp->GetProtocolInfo(&ppi); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Remember the protocol to register
if (fAddToList) { plp->AddRef (); hr = m_ProtList.Insert(plp); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { HANDLE hProt = NULL; hr = ::UlsLdap_RegisterProtocol (m_hLdapUser, ppi, &hProt, plai); plp->SetProviderHandle (hProt); if (FAILED(hr) && fAddToList) { m_ProtList.Remove(plp); }; };
if (FAILED (hr) && fAddToList) { plp->Release (); }; ::MemFree (ppi); };
return hr; }
// CIlsUser::UnregisterLocalProtocol (CLocalProt *plp, PLDAP_ASYNCINFO plai)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:14:08 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
HRESULT CIlsUser:: UnregisterLocalProtocol (CLocalProt *plp, PLDAP_ASYNCINFO plai) { ASSERT (plp != NULL); ASSERT (plai != NULL);
// Cannot retreive the handle if ULS is locked, i.e. registering something
if (IsLocked()) return ILS_E_FAIL;
// Must be registered to perform this operation
HRESULT hr; ILS_STATE uULSState = GetULSState (); if (uULSState == ILS_REGISTERED || uULSState == ILS_REGISTERED_BUT_INVALID || uULSState == ILS_NETWORK_DOWN) { // Search for the protocol
if (m_ProtList.Remove (plp) == S_OK) { ASSERT (plp != NULL);
// Another protocol to unregister
hr = ::UlsLdap_UnRegisterProtocol (plp->GetProviderHandle (), plai); plp->Release (); // AddRef by RegisterLocalProtocol
} else { hr = S_FALSE; }; } else { hr = ILS_E_FAIL; };
return hr; }
// CIlsUser::GetState (BSTR bstrServerName, ULSSTATE *puULSState)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:14:03 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
STDMETHODIMP CIlsUser:: GetState ( ILS_STATE *puULSState ) { HRESULT hr;
if (puULSState != NULL) { *puULSState = GetULSState (); hr = S_OK; } else { hr = ILS_E_POINTER; }
return hr; }
// CEnumUsers::CEnumUsers (void)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:15:18 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
CEnumUsers::CEnumUsers (void) { m_cRef = 0; m_ppu = NULL; m_cUsers = 0; m_iNext = 0; return; }
// CEnumUsers::~CEnumUsers (void)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:15:18 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
CEnumUsers::~CEnumUsers (void) { ULONG i;
if (m_ppu != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < m_cUsers; i++) { m_ppu[i]->Release(); }; ::MemFree (m_ppu); }; return; }
// CEnumUsers::Init (CIlsUser **ppuList, ULONG cUsers)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:15:25 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
STDMETHODIMP CEnumUsers::Init (CIlsUser **ppuList, ULONG cUsers) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR;
// If no list, do nothing
if (cUsers != 0) { ASSERT(ppuList != NULL);
// Allocate the snapshot buffer
m_ppu = (CIlsUser **) ::MemAlloc (cUsers*sizeof(CIlsUser *));
if (m_ppu != NULL) { ULONG i;
// Snapshot the object list
for (i =0; i < cUsers; i++) { m_ppu[i] = ppuList[i]; m_ppu[i]->AddRef(); }; this->m_cUsers = cUsers; } else { hr = ILS_E_MEMORY; }; }; return hr; }
// CEnumUsers::QueryInterface (REFIID riid, void **ppv)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:15:31 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
STDMETHODIMP CEnumUsers::QueryInterface (REFIID riid, void **ppv) { if (riid == IID_IEnumIlsUsers || riid == IID_IUnknown) { *ppv = (IEnumIlsUsers *) this; AddRef(); return S_OK; } else { *ppv = NULL; return ILS_E_NO_INTERFACE; }; }
// CEnumUsers::AddRef (void)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:15:37 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CEnumUsers::AddRef (void) { DllLock();
MyDebugMsg ((DM_REFCOUNT, "CEnumUsers::AddRef: ref=%ld\r\n", m_cRef)); ::InterlockedIncrement (&m_cRef); return m_cRef; }
// CEnumUsers::Release (void)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:15:43 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CEnumUsers::Release (void) { DllRelease();
ASSERT (m_cRef > 0);
MyDebugMsg ((DM_REFCOUNT, "CEnumUsers::Release: ref=%ld\r\n", m_cRef)); if (::InterlockedDecrement (&m_cRef) == 0) { delete this; return 0; } return m_cRef; }
// CEnumUsers::Next (ULONG cUsers, IIlsUser **rgpu, ULONG *pcFetched)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:15:49 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
STDMETHODIMP CEnumUsers::Next (ULONG cUsers, IIlsUser **rgpu, ULONG *pcFetched) { ULONG cCopied; HRESULT hr;
// Validate the pointer
if (rgpu == NULL) return E_POINTER;
// Validate the parameters
if ((cUsers == 0) || ((cUsers > 1) && (pcFetched == NULL))) return ILS_E_PARAMETER;
// Check the enumeration index
cCopied = 0;
// Can copy if we still have more attribute names
while ((cCopied < cUsers) && (m_iNext < this->m_cUsers)) { m_ppu[m_iNext]->AddRef(); rgpu[cCopied++] = m_ppu[m_iNext++]; };
// Determine the returned information based on other parameters
if (pcFetched != NULL) { *pcFetched = cCopied; }; return (cUsers == cCopied ? S_OK : S_FALSE); }
// CEnumUsers::Skip (ULONG cUsers)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:15:56 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
STDMETHODIMP CEnumUsers::Skip (ULONG cUsers) { ULONG iNewIndex;
// Validate the parameters
if (cUsers == 0) return ILS_E_PARAMETER;
// Check the enumeration index limit
iNewIndex = m_iNext+cUsers; if (iNewIndex <= this->m_cUsers) { m_iNext = iNewIndex; return S_OK; } else { m_iNext = this->m_cUsers; return S_FALSE; }; }
// CEnumUsers::Reset (void)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:16:02 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
STDMETHODIMP CEnumUsers::Reset (void) { m_iNext = 0; return S_OK; }
// CEnumUsers::Clone(IEnumIlsUsers **ppEnum)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:16:11 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
STDMETHODIMP CEnumUsers::Clone(IEnumIlsUsers **ppEnum) { CEnumUsers *peu; HRESULT hr;
// Validate parameters
if (ppEnum == NULL) { return E_POINTER; };
*ppEnum = NULL;
// Create an enumerator
peu = new CEnumUsers; if (peu == NULL) return ILS_E_MEMORY;
// Clone the information
hr = peu->Init(m_ppu, m_cUsers);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { peu->m_iNext = m_iNext;
// Return the cloned enumerator
peu->AddRef(); *ppEnum = peu; } else { delete peu; }; return hr; }
// CIlsUser::SetExtendedAttributes (IIlsAttributes *pAttributes, ULONG *puReqID)
// History:
STDMETHODIMP CIlsUser:: SetExtendedAttribute ( BSTR bstrName, BSTR bstrValue ) { // Make sure this is not a read-only object
if (m_fReadonly) return ILS_E_ACCESS_DENIED;
m_uModify |= LU_MOD_ATTRIB; return m_ExtendedAttrs.SetAttribute (bstrName, bstrValue); }
// CIlsUser::RemoveExtendedAttributes (IIlsAttributes *pAttributes, ULONG *puReqID)
// History:
STDMETHODIMP CIlsUser:: RemoveExtendedAttribute ( BSTR bstrName ) { // Make sure this is not a read-only object
if (m_fReadonly) return ILS_E_ACCESS_DENIED;
m_uModify |= LU_MOD_ATTRIB; return m_ExtendedAttrs.SetAttribute (bstrName, NULL); }
// CIlsUser::GetExtendedAttributes (IIlsAttributes **pAttributes)
STDMETHODIMP CIlsUser:: GetExtendedAttribute ( BSTR bstrName, BSTR *pbstrValue ) { return m_ExtendedAttrs.GetAttribute (bstrName, pbstrValue); }
// CIlsUser::GetAllExtendedAttributes (IIlsAttributes **pAttributes)
STDMETHODIMP CIlsUser:: GetAllExtendedAttributes ( IIlsAttributes **ppAttributes ) { if (ppAttributes == NULL) return ILS_E_PARAMETER;
return m_ExtendedAttrs.CloneNameValueAttrib((CAttributes **) ppAttributes); }
// CIlsUser::CreateProtocol(
// BSTR bstrProtocolID,
// ULONG uPortNumber,
// BSTR bstrMimeType,
// IIlsProtocol **ppProtocol)
STDMETHODIMP CIlsUser::CreateProtocol( BSTR bstrProtocolID, ULONG uPortNumber, BSTR bstrMimeType, IIlsProtocol **ppProtocol) { HRESULT hr= NOERROR; CLocalProt *pProt;
if (!ppProtocol) {
return (ILS_E_POINTER);
*ppProtocol = NULL;
pProt = new CLocalProt;
if (!pProt) {
return ILS_E_MEMORY;
hr = pProt->Init(bstrProtocolID, uPortNumber, bstrMimeType);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
pProt->QueryInterface(IID_IIlsProtocol, (void **)ppProtocol);
} else {
delete pProt;
} return hr; }
// CIlsUser::UpdateProtocol (IIlsProtocol *pProtocol,
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:14:03 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
HRESULT CIlsUser:: UpdateProtocol ( IIlsProtocol *pProtocol, ULONG *puReqID, APP_CHANGE_PROT uCmd) { ASSERT (uCmd == ILS_APP_ADD_PROT || uCmd == ILS_APP_REMOVE_PROT);
// Validate parameters
if (pProtocol == NULL || puReqID == NULL) return ILS_E_POINTER;
// Check whether the protocol exists
CLocalProt *plp = NULL; HANDLE hEnum = NULL; m_ProtList.Enumerate(&hEnum); while(m_ProtList.Next(&hEnum, (VOID **)&plp) == NOERROR) { ASSERT (plp != NULL); if (plp->IsSameAs((CLocalProt *)pProtocol) == NOERROR) { break; };
plp = NULL; };
if (plp != NULL) { // The protocol exists, fail if this add request
if (uCmd == ILS_APP_ADD_PROT) { return ILS_E_PARAMETER; }; } else { // The protocol does not exist, fail if this remove request
if (uCmd == ILS_APP_REMOVE_PROT) { return ILS_E_PARAMETER; }; };
// Make sure we are not in the middle of registration/unregistration.
if (IsLocked ()) return ILS_E_FAIL;
// Must be registered to perform this operation
ILS_STATE uULSState = GetULSState (); if (uULSState == ILS_REGISTERED) { // Update the server information first
switch (uCmd) { case ILS_APP_ADD_PROT: hr = RegisterLocalProtocol(TRUE, (CLocalProt*)pProtocol, &ldai); break;
case ILS_APP_REMOVE_PROT: hr = UnregisterLocalProtocol((CLocalProt*)pProtocol, &ldai); break; }; switch (hr) { case NOERROR: //
// Server starts updating the protocol successfullly
// We will wait for the server response.
default: // ULS is locked. Return failure.
hr = ILS_E_ABORT; break; }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ASSERT(ldai.uMsgID);
ULONG uMsg; switch(uCmd) { case ILS_APP_ADD_PROT: uMsg = WM_ILS_REGISTER_PROTOCOL; break;
default: ASSERT(0); uCmd = ILS_APP_ADD_PROT; break; };
COM_REQ_INFO ri; ReqInfo_Init (&ri);
ri.uReqType = uMsg; ri.uMsgID = ldai.uMsgID;
ReqInfo_SetUser (&ri, this); ReqInfo_SetProtocol (&ri, pProtocol);
hr = g_pReqMgr->NewRequest(&ri); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Make sure the objects do not disappear before we get the response
this->AddRef(); pProtocol->AddRef();
// Return the request ID
*puReqID = ri.uReqID;
} } } else { // Just make local change
switch (uCmd) { case ILS_APP_ADD_PROT: pProtocol->AddRef (); hr = m_ProtList.Insert ((CLocalProt*)pProtocol); break;
case ILS_APP_REMOVE_PROT: ASSERT (plp != NULL && plp->IsSameAs((CLocalProt *)pProtocol) == S_OK); if (plp != NULL) { hr = m_ProtList.Remove (plp); if (hr == S_OK) { // The protocol object really exists in ths list
plp->Release (); // AddRef by above case
} } break; };
*puReqID = 0; };
return hr; }
// CIlsUser::AddProtocol (IIlsProtocol *pProtocol,
// ULONG *puReqID)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:14:03 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
STDMETHODIMP CIlsUser:: AddProtocol (IIlsProtocol *pProtocol, ULONG *puReqID) { return UpdateProtocol (pProtocol, puReqID, ILS_APP_ADD_PROT); }
// CIlsUser::RemoveProtocol (IIlsProtocol *pProtocol,
// ULONG *puReqID)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:14:03 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
STDMETHODIMP CIlsUser:: RemoveProtocol ( IIlsProtocol *pProtocol, ULONG *puReqID ) { return UpdateProtocol (pProtocol, puReqID, ILS_APP_REMOVE_PROT); }
// CIlsUser::EnumProtocols (IEnumIlsProtocols **ppEnumProtocol)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:14:03 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
HRESULT CIlsUser::EnumLocalProtocols (IEnumIlsProtocols **ppEnumProtocol) { CEnumProtocols *pep; HRESULT hr;
// Validate parameters
if (ppEnumProtocol == NULL) { return ILS_E_POINTER; };
// Assume failure
*ppEnumProtocol = NULL;
// Create a peer enumerator
pep = new CEnumProtocols;
if (pep != NULL) { hr = pep->Init(&m_ProtList);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Get the enumerator interface
pep->AddRef(); *ppEnumProtocol = pep; } else { delete pep; }; } else { hr = ILS_E_MEMORY; }; return hr; }
// CIlsUser::EnumProtocols(
// IIlsFilter *pFilter,
// IIlsAttributes *pAttributes,
// IEnumIlsProtocols **pEnumProtocol,
// ULONG *puReqID)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:14:08 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
STDMETHODIMP CIlsUser::EnumProtocols( IIlsFilter *pFilter, IIlsAttributes *pAttributes, IEnumIlsProtocols **ppEnumProtocol, ULONG *puReqID) { LDAP_ASYNCINFO ldai; HRESULT hr=ILS_E_FAIL;
// Validate parameter
if (puReqID == NULL) { return ILS_E_POINTER; };
// We do not implement synchronous operation
if (ppEnumProtocol != NULL) return ILS_E_NOT_IMPL;
if (m_fReadonly) { hr = ::UlsLdap_EnumProtocols (m_pIlsServer->GetServerInfo (), m_szID, m_szAppName, &ldai); } else { return ILS_E_ACCESS_DENIED; }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { COM_REQ_INFO ri; ReqInfo_Init (&ri);
// If updating server was successfully requested, wait for the response
ri.uReqType = WM_ILS_ENUM_PROTOCOLS; ri.uMsgID = ldai.uMsgID;
ReqInfo_SetUser (&ri, this);
hr = g_pReqMgr->NewRequest(&ri);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Make sure the objects do not disappear before we get the response
// Return the request ID
*puReqID = ri.uReqID; }; };
return hr; }
// CIlsUser::GetProtocol (BSTR bstrProtocolID, IIlsAttributes *pAttributes,
// IIlsProtocol **ppProtocol, ULONG *puReqID)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:14:08 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
STDMETHODIMP CIlsUser:: GetProtocol ( BSTR bstrProtocolID, IIlsAttributes *pAttributes, IIlsProtocol **ppProtocol, ULONG *puReqID ) { LDAP_ASYNCINFO ldai; LPTSTR pszID; HRESULT hr; TCHAR *pszAttrNameList = NULL; ULONG cAttrNames = 0; ULONG cbNames = 0;
// Validate parameter
if (bstrProtocolID == NULL || puReqID == NULL) return ILS_E_POINTER;
// Make sure this is a read-only object from server
if (! m_fReadonly) return ILS_E_ACCESS_DENIED;
// Make sure we have a valid server object
if (m_pIlsServer == NULL) return ILS_E_FAIL;
// Convert protocol name
hr = BSTR_to_LPTSTR(&pszID, bstrProtocolID); if (hr != S_OK) return hr;
// Get arbitrary attribute name list if any
if (pAttributes != NULL) { hr = ((CAttributes *) pAttributes)->GetAttributeList (&pszAttrNameList, &cAttrNames, &cbNames); if (hr != S_OK) goto MyExit; }
hr = ::UlsLdap_ResolveProtocol (m_pIlsServer->GetServerInfo (), m_szID, m_szAppName, pszID, pszAttrNameList, cAttrNames, &ldai); if (hr != S_OK) goto MyExit;
// If updating server was successfully requested, wait for the response
COM_REQ_INFO ri; ReqInfo_Init (&ri);
ri.uReqType = WM_ILS_RESOLVE_PROTOCOL; ri.uMsgID = ldai.uMsgID;
ReqInfo_SetUser (&ri, this);
// Remember this request
hr = g_pReqMgr->NewRequest(&ri); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Make sure the objects do not disappear before we get the response
// Return the request ID
*puReqID = ri.uReqID; };
::MemFree(pszAttrNameList); ::MemFree (pszID);
return hr; }
// CIlsUser::EnumProtocolsResult (ULONG uReqID, PLDAP_ENUM ple)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:14:08 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
STDMETHODIMP CIlsUser::EnumProtocolsResult (ULONG uReqID, PLDAP_ENUM ple) { ENUMRINFO eri;
// Package the notification info
eri.uReqID = uReqID; if (ple != NULL) { eri.hResult = ple->hResult; eri.cItems = ple->cItems; eri.pv = (void *)(((PBYTE)ple)+ple->uOffsetItems); } else { eri.hResult = ILS_E_MEMORY; eri.cItems = 0; eri.pv = NULL; } NotifySink((void *)&eri, OnNotifyEnumProtocolsResult); return NOERROR; }
// CIlsUser::StateChanged ( BOOL fPrimary, TCHAR *pszServerName )
// History:
// Thu 07-Nov-1996 12:52:00 -by- Chu, Lon-Chan [lonchanc]
// Created.
STDMETHODIMP CIlsUser::StateChanged ( LONG Type, BOOL fPrimary ) { BSTR bstrServerName; HRESULT hr;
if (m_pIlsServer != NULL) { bstrServerName = m_pIlsServer->DuplicateServerNameBSTR (); } else { bstrServerName = NULL; ASSERT (FALSE); }
hr = NotifySink (bstrServerName, fPrimary ? OnNotifyStateChanged_UI_NoSuchObject : OnNotifyStateChanged_NoUI_NoSuchObject); break; case WM_ILS_CLIENT_NETWORK_DOWN:
hr = NotifySink (bstrServerName, fPrimary ? OnNotifyStateChanged_UI_NetworkDown : OnNotifyStateChanged_NoUI_NetworkDown); break; }
return hr; }
// CIlsUser::GetProtocolResult (ULONG uReqID, PLDAP_PROTINFO_RES ppir)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:14:03 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
STDMETHODIMP CIlsUser::GetProtocolResult (ULONG uReqID, PLDAP_PROTINFO_RES ppir) { CLocalProt *pp; OBJRINFO objri;
// Default to the server's result
objri.hResult = (ppir != NULL) ? ppir->hResult : ILS_E_MEMORY;
if (SUCCEEDED(objri.hResult)) { // The server returns PROTINFO, create a Application object
pp = new CLocalProt;
if (pp != NULL) { objri.hResult = pp->Init(m_pIlsServer, m_szID, m_szAppName, &ppir->lpi); if (SUCCEEDED(objri.hResult)) { pp->AddRef(); } else { delete pp; pp = NULL; }; } else { objri.hResult = ILS_E_MEMORY; }; } else { pp = NULL; };
// Package the notification info
objri.uReqID = uReqID; objri.pv = (void *)(pp == NULL ? NULL : (IIlsProtocol *)pp); NotifySink((void *)&objri, OnNotifyGetProtocolResult);
if (pp != NULL) { pp->Release(); }; return NOERROR; }
// CIlsUser::NotifySink (void *pv, CONN_NOTIFYPROC pfn)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:14:03 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
STDMETHODIMP CIlsUser::NotifySink (void *pv, CONN_NOTIFYPROC pfn) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (m_pConnPt != NULL) { hr = m_pConnPt->Notify(pv, pfn); }; return hr; }
// CEnumProtocols::CEnumProtocols (void)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:15:18 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
CEnumProtocols::CEnumProtocols (void) { m_cRef = 0; hEnum = NULL; return; }
// CEnumProtocols::~CEnumProtocols (void)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:15:18 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
CEnumProtocols::~CEnumProtocols (void) { CLocalProt *plp;
ASSERT (m_cRef == 0);
m_ProtList.Enumerate(&hEnum); while(m_ProtList.Next(&hEnum, (PVOID *)&plp) == NOERROR) { plp->Release(); }; m_ProtList.Flush(); return; }
// CEnumProtocols::Init (CList *pProtList)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:15:25 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
STDMETHODIMP CEnumProtocols::Init (CList *pProtList) { CLocalProt *plp; HRESULT hr;
// Duplicate the protocol list
hr = m_ProtList.Clone (pProtList, NULL);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Add reference to each protocol object
m_ProtList.Enumerate(&hEnum); while(m_ProtList.Next(&hEnum, (PVOID *)&plp) == NOERROR) { plp->AddRef(); };
// Reset the enumerator
m_ProtList.Enumerate(&hEnum); }; return hr; }
// CEnumProtocols::QueryInterface (REFIID riid, void **ppv)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:15:31 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
STDMETHODIMP CEnumProtocols::QueryInterface (REFIID riid, void **ppv) { if (riid == IID_IEnumIlsProtocols || riid == IID_IUnknown) { *ppv = (IEnumIlsProtocols *) this; AddRef(); return S_OK; } else { *ppv = NULL; return ILS_E_NO_INTERFACE; }; }
// CEnumProtocols::AddRef (void)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:15:37 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CEnumProtocols::AddRef (void) { DllLock();
MyDebugMsg ((DM_REFCOUNT, "CEnumProtocols::AddRef: ref=%ld\r\n", m_cRef)); ::InterlockedIncrement (&m_cRef); return (ULONG) m_cRef; }
// CEnumProtocols::Release (void)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:15:43 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CEnumProtocols::Release (void) { DllRelease();
ASSERT (m_cRef > 0);
MyDebugMsg ((DM_REFCOUNT, "CEnumProtocols::Release: ref=%ld\r\n", m_cRef)); if (::InterlockedDecrement (&m_cRef) == 0) { delete this; return 0; } return (ULONG) m_cRef; }
// CEnumProtocols::Next (ULONG cProtocols,
// IIlsProtocol **rgpProt,
// ULONG *pcFetched)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:15:49 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
STDMETHODIMP CEnumProtocols::Next (ULONG cProtocols, IIlsProtocol **rgpProt, ULONG *pcFetched) { CLocalProt *plp; ULONG cCopied; HRESULT hr;
// Validate the pointer
if (rgpProt == NULL) return ILS_E_POINTER;
// Validate the parameters
if ((cProtocols == 0) || ((cProtocols > 1) && (pcFetched == NULL))) return ILS_E_PARAMETER;
// Check the enumeration index
cCopied = 0;
// Can copy if we still have more protocols
while ((cCopied < cProtocols) && (m_ProtList.Next(&hEnum, (PVOID *)&plp) == NOERROR)) { rgpProt[cCopied] = plp; plp->AddRef(); cCopied++; };
// Determine the returned information based on other parameters
if (pcFetched != NULL) { *pcFetched = cCopied; }; return (cProtocols == cCopied ? S_OK : S_FALSE); }
// CEnumProtocols::Skip (ULONG cProtocols)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:15:56 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
STDMETHODIMP CEnumProtocols::Skip (ULONG cProtocols) { CLocalProt *plp; ULONG cSkipped;
// Validate the parameters
if (cProtocols == 0) return ILS_E_PARAMETER;
// Check the enumeration index limit
cSkipped = 0;
// Can skip only if we still have more attributes
while ((cSkipped < cProtocols) && (m_ProtList.Next(&hEnum, (PVOID *)&plp) == NOERROR)) { cSkipped++; };
return (cProtocols == cSkipped ? S_OK : S_FALSE); }
// CEnumProtocols::Reset (void)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:16:02 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
STDMETHODIMP CEnumProtocols::Reset (void) { m_ProtList.Enumerate(&hEnum); return S_OK; }
// CEnumProtocols::Clone(IEnumIlsProtocols **ppEnum)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:16:11 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
STDMETHODIMP CEnumProtocols::Clone(IEnumIlsProtocols **ppEnum) { CEnumProtocols *pep; HRESULT hr;
// Validate parameters
if (ppEnum == NULL) { return ILS_E_POINTER; };
*ppEnum = NULL;
// Create an enumerator
pep = new CEnumProtocols; if (pep == NULL) return ILS_E_MEMORY;
// Clone the information
pep->hEnum = hEnum; hr = pep->m_ProtList.Clone (&m_ProtList, &(pep->hEnum));
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CLocalProt *plp; HANDLE hEnumTemp;
// Add reference to each protocol object
pep->m_ProtList.Enumerate(&hEnumTemp); while(pep->m_ProtList.Next(&hEnumTemp, (PVOID *)&plp) == NOERROR) { plp->AddRef(); };
// Return the cloned enumerator
pep->AddRef(); *ppEnum = pep; } else { delete pep; }; return hr; }
// CIlsUser::EnumConnectionPoints(IEnumConnectionPoints **ppEnum)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:15:02 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
STDMETHODIMP CIlsUser::EnumConnectionPoints(IEnumConnectionPoints **ppEnum) { CEnumConnectionPoints *pecp; HRESULT hr;
// Validate parameters
if (ppEnum == NULL) { return E_POINTER; }; // Assume failure
*ppEnum = NULL;
// Create an enumerator
pecp = new CEnumConnectionPoints; if (pecp == NULL) return ILS_E_MEMORY;
// Initialize the enumerator
hr = pecp->Init((IConnectionPoint *)m_pConnPt); if (FAILED(hr)) { delete pecp; return hr; };
// Give it back to the caller
pecp->AddRef(); *ppEnum = pecp; return S_OK; }
// CIlsUser::FindConnectionPoint(REFIID riid, IConnectionPoint **ppcp)
// History:
// Wed 17-Apr-1996 11:15:09 -by- Viroon Touranachun [viroont]
// Created.
STDMETHODIMP CIlsUser::FindConnectionPoint(REFIID riid, IConnectionPoint **ppcp) { IID siid; HRESULT hr;
// Validate parameters
if (ppcp == NULL) { return E_POINTER; }; // Assume failure
*ppcp = NULL;
if (m_pConnPt != NULL) { hr = m_pConnPt->GetConnectionInterface(&siid);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (riid == siid) { *ppcp = (IConnectionPoint *)m_pConnPt; (*ppcp)->AddRef(); hr = S_OK; } else { hr = ILS_E_NO_INTERFACE; }; }; } else { hr = ILS_E_NO_INTERFACE; };
return hr; }