* SpTtsEngDebug.h * *-----------------* * Description: * This header file contains debug output services for the TTS Engine *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (C) 1998-2000 Microsoft Corporation * All Rights Reserved * *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Revisions: * ********************************************************************* AKH ******/
#ifndef spttsengdebug_h
#define spttsengdebug_h
#include "stdsentenum.h"
#include "feedchain.h"
//--- This enumeration is used to index the array of IStreams used to write stuff to the debug file
#ifdef _DEBUG
//--- This struct is used to log units...
#pragma pack (1)
typedef struct { char name[8]; long phonID; long unitID; long cSamples; float time; long cEpochs; long knots; long flags; long ctrlFlags; float pTime[KNOTS_PER_PHON]; float pF0[KNOTS_PER_PHON]; float pAmp[KNOTS_PER_PHON]; enum SILENCE_SOURCE silenceSource; } UNIT_STREAM; #pragma pack ()
//--- This struct is just used as a helper to initialize the PRONRECORD to all zeroes
struct DebugPronRecord : PRONRECORD { public: DebugPronRecord() { ZeroMemory( (void*) this, sizeof( DebugPronRecord ) ); } operator =( PRONRECORD InRecord ) { memcpy( this, &InRecord, sizeof( PRONRECORD ) ); } };
//--- This struct is used to replace the SPVCONTEXT struct for outputting to the debug streams -
//--- cannot have any pointers in a struct which we will output as binary data...
struct DebugContext { WCHAR Category[32]; WCHAR Before[32]; WCHAR After[32]; public: DebugContext() { ZeroMemory( (void*) this, sizeof( DebugContext ) ); } operator =( SPVCONTEXT InContext ) { if ( InContext.pCategory ) { wcsncpy( Category, InContext.pCategory, wcslen(InContext.pCategory) > 31 ? 31 : wcslen(InContext.pCategory) ); } if ( InContext.pBefore ) { wcsncpy( Before, InContext.pBefore, wcslen(InContext.pBefore) > 31 ? 31 : wcslen(InContext.pBefore) ); } if ( InContext.pAfter ) { wcsncpy( After, InContext.pAfter, wcslen(InContext.pAfter) > 31 ? 31 : wcslen(InContext.pAfter) ); } } };
//--- This struct is used to replace the SPVSTATE struct for outputting to the debug streams -
//--- cannot have any pointers in a struct which we will output as binary data...
struct DebugState { SPVACTIONS eAction; LANGID LangID; WORD wReserved; long EmphAdj; long RateAdj; ULONG Volume; SPVPITCH PitchAdj; ULONG SilenceMSecs; SPPHONEID PhoneIds[64]; ENGPARTOFSPEECH ePartOfSpeech; DebugContext Context; public: DebugState() { ZeroMemory( (void*) this, sizeof( DebugState ) ); } operator =( SPVSTATE InState ) { eAction = InState.eAction; LangID = InState.LangID; wReserved = InState.wReserved; EmphAdj = InState.EmphAdj; RateAdj = InState.RateAdj; Volume = InState.Volume; PitchAdj = InState.PitchAdj; SilenceMSecs = InState.SilenceMSecs; ePartOfSpeech = (ENGPARTOFSPEECH)InState.ePartOfSpeech; Context = InState.Context; if ( InState.pPhoneIds ) { wcsncpy( PhoneIds, InState.pPhoneIds, wcslen(InState.pPhoneIds) > 63 ? 63 : wcslen(InState.pPhoneIds) ); } } };
//--- This struct is used to replace the TTSWord struct for outputting to the debug streams -
//--- cannot have any pointers in a struct which we will output as binary data...
struct DebugWord { DebugState XmlState; WCHAR WordText[32]; ULONG ulWordLen; WCHAR LemmaText[32]; ULONG ulLemmaLen; SPPHONEID WordPron[64]; ENGPARTOFSPEECH eWordPartOfSpeech; public: DebugWord() { ZeroMemory( (void*) this, sizeof( DebugWord ) ); } operator =( TTSWord InWord ) { XmlState = *(InWord.pXmlState); if ( InWord.pWordText ) { wcsncpy( WordText, InWord.pWordText, InWord.ulWordLen > 31 ? 31 : InWord.ulWordLen ); } ulWordLen = InWord.ulWordLen; if ( InWord.pLemma ) { wcsncpy( LemmaText, InWord.pLemma, InWord.ulLemmaLen > 31 ? 31 : InWord.ulLemmaLen ); } ulLemmaLen = InWord.ulLemmaLen; if ( InWord.pWordPron ) { wcsncpy( WordPron, InWord.pWordPron, wcslen( InWord.pWordPron ) > 63 ? 63 : wcslen( InWord.pWordPron ) ); } eWordPartOfSpeech = InWord.eWordPartOfSpeech; } };
struct DebugItemInfo { TTSItemType Type; public: DebugItemInfo() { ZeroMemory( (void*) this, sizeof( DebugItemInfo ) ); } operator =( TTSItemInfo InItemInfo ) { Type = InItemInfo.Type; } };
//--- This struct is used to replace the TTSSentItem struct for outputting to the debug streams -
//--- cannot have any pointers in a struct which we will output as binary data...
struct DebugSentItem { WCHAR ItemSrcText[32]; ULONG ulItemSrcLen; ULONG ulItemSrcOffset; DebugWord Words[32]; ULONG ulNumWords; ENGPARTOFSPEECH eItemPartOfSpeech; DebugItemInfo ItemInfo; public: DebugSentItem() { ZeroMemory( (void*) this, sizeof( DebugSentItem ) ); } operator =( TTSSentItem InItem ) { if ( InItem.pItemSrcText ) { wcsncpy( ItemSrcText, InItem.pItemSrcText, InItem.ulItemSrcLen > 31 ? 31 : InItem.ulItemSrcLen ); } ulItemSrcLen = InItem.ulItemSrcLen; ulItemSrcOffset = InItem.ulItemSrcOffset; for ( ULONG i = 0; i < InItem.ulNumWords && i < 32; i++ ) { Words[i] = InItem.Words[i]; } ulNumWords = InItem.ulNumWords; eItemPartOfSpeech = InItem.eItemPartOfSpeech; if ( InItem.pItemInfo ) { ItemInfo = *(InItem.pItemInfo); } } };
//--- This enumeration should correspond to the previous one, and is used to name the array of IStreams
//--- used to write stuff to the debug file
static const SPLSTR StreamTypeStrings[] = { DEF_SPLSTR( "Wave" ), DEF_SPLSTR( "Epoch" ), DEF_SPLSTR( "Unit" ), DEF_SPLSTR( "WaveInfo" ), DEF_SPLSTR( "ToBI" ), DEF_SPLSTR( "SentenceBreaks" ), DEF_SPLSTR( "NormalizedText" ), DEF_SPLSTR( "LexLookup" ), DEF_SPLSTR( "PosPossibilities" ), DEF_SPLSTR( "Morphology" ), };
//--- This const is just the storage mode with which the debug file and its associated streams are opened
#define TEXT_LEN_MAX 20
//--- This struct is used to keep track of pitch information for outputting to the debug streams
struct PITCH_TARGET { float time; float level; enum TOBI_ACCENT accent;
//--- Diagnostic
enum ACCENT_SOURCE accentSource; enum BOUNDARY_SOURCE boundarySource; char textStr[TEXT_LEN_MAX]; };
//--- This class implements most of the functionality required for TTS Debugging Support
class CTTSDebug { public:
//=== Interface Functions ===//
//--- Constructor - just sets all member variables to NULL
CTTSDebug() { m_pDebugFile = NULL; for ( int i = 0; i < STREAM_LASTTYPE; i++ ) { m_pDebugStreams[i] = NULL; } m_fInitialized = false; }
//--- Destructor - just closes the file
~CTTSDebug() { CloseDebugFile(); }
//--- OpenDebugFile - opens a file (path is obtained from the Key DebugFile in the voices registry
//--- entry) and associated streams...
void OpenDebugFile( WCHAR *pFileName ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; hr = StgCreateDocfile( pFileName, STORAGE_MODE, 0, &m_pDebugFile ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { for ( int i = 0; SUCCEEDED( hr ) && i < STREAM_LASTTYPE; i++ ) { hr = m_pDebugFile->CreateStream( StreamTypeStrings[i].pStr, STORAGE_MODE, 0, 0, &m_pDebugStreams[i] ); } } if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { CloseDebugFile(); } else { m_fInitialized = true; } }
//--- CloseDebugFile - just closes the file and streams opened by OpenDebugFile
void CloseDebugFile( void ) { if ( m_pDebugFile ) { for ( int i = 0; i < STREAM_LASTTYPE; i++ ) { if ( m_pDebugStreams[i] ) { m_pDebugStreams[i]->Release(); m_pDebugStreams[i] = NULL; } } m_pDebugFile->Release(); m_pDebugFile = NULL; m_fInitialized = false; } }
//--- AppendToStream - writes data to the Stream specified by Type
void AppendToStream( STREAM_TYPE Type, void *pData, ULONG cBytes ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; hr = m_pDebugStreams[Type]->Write( pData, cBytes, NULL ); }
//--- AddPitchToList - keeps track of pitch targets which will later be output to a debug stream
void AddPitchToList( float time, float level, TOBI_ACCENT accent, ACCENT_SOURCE accentSource, BOUNDARY_SOURCE boundarySource, char *pTextStr) { PITCH_TARGET *pNewPitch, *pNextPitch; SPLISTPOS curPosition, nextPosition;
pNewPitch = new PITCH_TARGET; if( pNewPitch ) { pNewPitch->time = time; pNewPitch->level = level; pNewPitch->accent = accent; if( pTextStr ) { strcpy( pNewPitch->textStr, pTextStr ); } else { // No string
pNewPitch->textStr[0] = 0; } pNewPitch->accentSource = accentSource; pNewPitch->boundarySource = boundarySource;
if( PitchTargetList.IsEmpty() ) { PitchTargetList.AddHead( pNewPitch ); } else { nextPosition = PitchTargetList.GetHeadPosition(); while( nextPosition ) { curPosition = nextPosition; pNextPitch = (PITCH_TARGET*)PitchTargetList.GetNext( nextPosition ); if( time < pNextPitch->time ) { PitchTargetList.InsertBefore( curPosition, pNewPitch ); break; } if( nextPosition == NULL ) { PitchTargetList.AddTail( pNewPitch ); break; } } } } }
//--- DeletePitchList - Cleans up pitch target list after it has been output to a debug stream
void DeletePitchList() { PITCH_TARGET *pTarget; while ( !PitchTargetList.IsEmpty() ) { pTarget = (PITCH_TARGET*)PitchTargetList.RemoveHead(); delete pTarget; } }
//--- IsInitialized - Just returns true or false based on whether OpenDebugFile has been called
//--- and has succeeded...
bool IsInitialized() { return m_fInitialized; }
//=== Member Variables ===//
private: IStorage *m_pDebugFile; IStream *m_pDebugStreams[STREAM_LASTTYPE]; bool m_fInitialized; public: CSPList<PITCH_TARGET*,PITCH_TARGET*> PitchTargetList; };
inline CTTSDebug *pTTSDebug() { static CTTSDebug debug; return &debug; }
do \ { \ CSpDynamicString dstrTemp; \ if ( SUCCEEDED( m_cpToken->GetStringValue( L"DebugFile", &dstrTemp) ) ) \ { \ pTTSDebug()->OpenDebugFile( dstrTemp ); \ } \ } \ while (0)
#define TTSDBG_LOGITEMLIST( ItemList, Stream ) \
do \ { \ if ( pTTSDebug()->IsInitialized() ) \ { \ SPLISTPOS ListPos = ItemList.GetHeadPosition(); \ DebugSentItem Item; \ pTTSDebug()->AppendToStream( Stream, (void*) &Item, sizeof( Item ) ); \ while ( ListPos ) \ { \ ZeroMemory( &Item, sizeof( Item ) ); \ Item = ItemList.GetNext( ListPos ); \ pTTSDebug()->AppendToStream( Stream, (void*) &Item, sizeof( Item ) ); \ } \ pItemEnum->Reset(); \ } \ } \ while (0)
#define TTSDBG_LOGPOSPOSSIBILITIES( pProns, ulNumWords, Stream ) \
do \ { \ if ( pTTSDebug()->IsInitialized() ) \ { \ ULONG ulIndex = 0; \ DebugPronRecord dbgRecord; \ pTTSDebug()->AppendToStream( Stream, (void*) &dbgRecord, \ sizeof( DebugPronRecord ) ); \ while ( ulIndex < ulNumWords ) \ { \ dbgRecord = pProns[ulIndex]; \ pTTSDebug()->AppendToStream( Stream, (void*) &dbgRecord, \ sizeof( DebugPronRecord ) ); \ ulIndex++; \ } \ } \ } \ while (0)
#define TTSDBG_LOGMORPHOLOGY( pwRoot, SuffixList, Stream ) \
do \ { \ if ( pTTSDebug()->IsInitialized() ) \ { \ pTTSDebug()->AppendToStream( Stream, (void*) pwRoot, \ SP_MAX_WORD_LENGTH * sizeof( WCHAR ) ); \ SPLISTPOS ListPos = SuffixList.GetHeadPosition(); \ SUFFIXPRON_INFO* pSuffixPron; \ while ( ListPos ) \ { \ pSuffixPron = SuffixList.GetNext( ListPos ); \ pTTSDebug()->AppendToStream( Stream, (void*) pSuffixPron->SuffixString, \ SP_MAX_WORD_LENGTH * sizeof( WCHAR ) ); \ } \ WCHAR Delimiter[SP_MAX_WORD_LENGTH]; \ ZeroMemory( Delimiter, SP_MAX_WORD_LENGTH * sizeof( WCHAR ) ); \ pTTSDebug()->AppendToStream( Stream, (void*) Delimiter, \ SP_MAX_WORD_LENGTH * sizeof( WCHAR ) ); \ } \ } \ while (0)
do \ { \ if ( pTTSDebug()->IsInitialized() ) \ { \ if ( m_SpeechState == SPEECH_CONTINUE ) \ { \ pTTSDebug()->AppendToStream( STREAM_WAVE, (void*)m_pSpeechBuf, \ m_cOutSamples_Frame * m_BytesPerSample ); \ } \ } \ } \ while (0)
#define TTSDBG_ADDPITCHTARGET( time, level, accent) \
do \ { \ if ( pTTSDebug()->IsInitialized() ) \ { \ pTTSDebug()->AddPitchToList( time, level, accent, m_CurAccentSource, m_CurBoundarySource, m_pCurTextStr ); \ } \ } \ while (0)
do \ { \ if ( pTTSDebug()->IsInitialized() ) \ { \ SPLISTPOS curPosition; \ PITCH_TARGET *pPitch; \ curPosition = pTTSDebug()->PitchTargetList.GetHeadPosition(); \ while( curPosition ) \ { \ pPitch = (PITCH_TARGET*)pTTSDebug()->PitchTargetList.GetNext(curPosition); \ pTTSDebug()->AppendToStream( STREAM_TOBI, (void*)pPitch, \ sizeof(PITCH_TARGET) ); \ } \ pTTSDebug()->DeletePitchList(); \ } \ } \ while (0)
do \ { \ float fEpoch; \ \ if( pTTSDebug()->IsInitialized() ) \ { \ if( m_silMode ) \ { \ fEpoch = (float)m_durationTarget; \ pTTSDebug()->AppendToStream( STREAM_EPOCH, (void*)&fEpoch, sizeof(float) ); \ } \ } \ } \ while (0)
do \ { \ if( pTTSDebug()->IsInitialized() ) \ { \ float fEpoch; \ \ if( OutSize > 1 ) \ { \ fEpoch = (float)OutSize; \ pTTSDebug()->AppendToStream( STREAM_EPOCH, (void*)&fEpoch, sizeof(float) ); \ } \ } \ } \ while (0)
do \ { \ if ( pTTSDebug()->IsInitialized() ) \ { \ UNIT_STREAM us; \ \ us.phonID = pCurUnit->PhonID; \ us.unitID = pCurUnit->UnitID; \ us.flags = pCurUnit->flags; \ us.ctrlFlags = pCurUnit->ctrlFlags; \ us.cEpochs = 1; \ us.cSamples = m_durationTarget; \ us.time = (float)m_cOutSamples_Total / m_SampleRate; \ us.knots = KNOTS_PER_PHON; \ for( i = 0; i < KNOTS_PER_PHON; i++ ) \ { \ us.pTime[i] = pCurUnit->pTime[i]; \ us.pF0[i] = pCurUnit->pF0[i]; \ us.pAmp[i] = pCurUnit->pAmp[i]; \ } \ strcpy( us.name, pCurUnit->szUnitName ); \ us.silenceSource = pCurUnit->silenceSource; \ pTTSDebug()->AppendToStream( STREAM_UNIT, (void*)&us, sizeof(UNIT_STREAM) ); \ } \ } \ while (0)
#else // _DEBUG
#define TTSDBG_LOGITEMLIST(ItemList, Stream)
#define TTSDBG_ADDPITCHTARGET(time, level, accent)
#define TTSDBG_LOGPOSPOSSIBILITIES( pProns, ulNumWords, Stream )
#define TTSDBG_LOGMORPHOLOGY( pwRoot, SuffixList, Stream )
#endif // _DEBUG
#endif // spttsengdebug_h