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  1. /* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */
  2. /* File created by MIDL compiler version 3.01.75 */
  3. /* at Wed Dec 17 15:51:21 1997
  4. */
  5. /* Compiler settings for HTMLHelp.idl:
  6. Os (OptLev=s), W1, Zp8, env=Win32, ms_ext, c_ext
  7. error checks: none
  8. */
  10. #include "rpc.h"
  11. #include "rpcndr.h"
  12. #ifndef COM_NO_WINDOWS_H
  13. #include "windows.h"
  14. #include "ole2.h"
  15. #endif /*COM_NO_WINDOWS_H*/
  16. #ifndef __HTMLHelp__h__
  17. #define __HTMLHelp__h__
  18. #ifdef __cplusplus
  19. extern "C"{
  20. #endif
  21. /* Forward Declarations */
  22. #ifndef __IHHWindowPane_FWD_DEFINED__
  23. #define __IHHWindowPane_FWD_DEFINED__
  24. typedef interface IHHWindowPane IHHWindowPane;
  25. #endif /* __IHHWindowPane_FWD_DEFINED__ */
  26. /* header files for imported files */
  27. #include "oleidl.h"
  28. #include "servprov.h"
  29. #include "oaidl.h"
  30. #include "ocidl.h"
  31. void __RPC_FAR * __RPC_USER MIDL_user_allocate(size_t);
  32. void __RPC_USER MIDL_user_free( void __RPC_FAR * );
  33. #ifndef __IHHWindowPane_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
  34. #define __IHHWindowPane_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
  35. /****************************************
  36. * Generated header for interface: IHHWindowPane
  37. * at Wed Dec 17 15:51:21 1997
  38. * using MIDL 3.01.75
  39. ****************************************/
  40. /* [version][helpstring][uuid][object] */
  41. EXTERN_C const IID IID_IHHWindowPane;
  42. #if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
  43. interface DECLSPEC_UUID("60571de0-7735-11d1-92a6-006097c9a982")
  44. IHHWindowPane : public IUnknown
  45. {
  46. public:
  47. virtual /* [helpstring] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetSite(
  48. /* [in] */ IServiceProvider __RPC_FAR *pSP) = 0;
  49. virtual /* [helpstring] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CreatePaneWindow(
  50. /* [in] */ HWND hwndParent,
  51. /* [in] */ int x,
  52. /* [in] */ int y,
  53. /* [in] */ int cx,
  54. /* [in] */ int cy,
  55. /* [out] */ HWND __RPC_FAR *hwnd) = 0;
  56. virtual /* [helpstring] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetDefaultSize(
  57. /* [out] */ SIZE __RPC_FAR *psize) = 0;
  58. virtual /* [helpstring] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ClosePane( void) = 0;
  59. virtual /* [helpstring] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE LoadViewState(
  60. /* [in] */ IStream __RPC_FAR *pstream) = 0;
  61. virtual /* [helpstring] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SaveViewState(
  62. /* [in] */ IStream __RPC_FAR *pstream) = 0;
  63. virtual /* [helpstring] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE TranslateAccelerator(
  64. LPMSG lpmsg) = 0;
  65. };
  66. #else /* C style interface */
  67. typedef struct IHHWindowPaneVtbl
  68. {
  71. IHHWindowPane __RPC_FAR * This,
  72. /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
  73. /* [iid_is][out] */ void __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppvObject);
  75. IHHWindowPane __RPC_FAR * This);
  77. IHHWindowPane __RPC_FAR * This);
  78. /* [helpstring] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *SetSite )(
  79. IHHWindowPane __RPC_FAR * This,
  80. /* [in] */ IServiceProvider __RPC_FAR *pSP);
  81. /* [helpstring] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *CreatePaneWindow )(
  82. IHHWindowPane __RPC_FAR * This,
  83. /* [in] */ HWND hwndParent,
  84. /* [in] */ int x,
  85. /* [in] */ int y,
  86. /* [in] */ int cx,
  87. /* [in] */ int cy,
  88. /* [out] */ HWND __RPC_FAR *hwnd);
  89. /* [helpstring] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *GetDefaultSize )(
  90. IHHWindowPane __RPC_FAR * This,
  91. /* [out] */ SIZE __RPC_FAR *psize);
  92. /* [helpstring] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *ClosePane )(
  93. IHHWindowPane __RPC_FAR * This);
  94. /* [helpstring] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *LoadViewState )(
  95. IHHWindowPane __RPC_FAR * This,
  96. /* [in] */ IStream __RPC_FAR *pstream);
  97. /* [helpstring] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *SaveViewState )(
  98. IHHWindowPane __RPC_FAR * This,
  99. /* [in] */ IStream __RPC_FAR *pstream);
  100. /* [helpstring] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE __RPC_FAR *TranslateAccelerator )(
  101. IHHWindowPane __RPC_FAR * This,
  102. LPMSG lpmsg);
  104. } IHHWindowPaneVtbl;
  105. interface IHHWindowPane
  106. {
  107. CONST_VTBL struct IHHWindowPaneVtbl __RPC_FAR *lpVtbl;
  108. };
  109. #ifdef COBJMACROS
  110. #define IHHWindowPane_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
  111. (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject)
  112. #define IHHWindowPane_AddRef(This) \
  113. (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This)
  114. #define IHHWindowPane_Release(This) \
  115. (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This)
  116. #define IHHWindowPane_SetSite(This,pSP) \
  117. (This)->lpVtbl -> SetSite(This,pSP)
  118. #define IHHWindowPane_CreatePaneWindow(This,hwndParent,x,y,cx,cy,hwnd) \
  119. (This)->lpVtbl -> CreatePaneWindow(This,hwndParent,x,y,cx,cy,hwnd)
  120. #define IHHWindowPane_GetDefaultSize(This,psize) \
  121. (This)->lpVtbl -> GetDefaultSize(This,psize)
  122. #define IHHWindowPane_ClosePane(This) \
  123. (This)->lpVtbl -> ClosePane(This)
  124. #define IHHWindowPane_LoadViewState(This,pstream) \
  125. (This)->lpVtbl -> LoadViewState(This,pstream)
  126. #define IHHWindowPane_SaveViewState(This,pstream) \
  127. (This)->lpVtbl -> SaveViewState(This,pstream)
  128. #define IHHWindowPane_TranslateAccelerator(This,lpmsg) \
  129. (This)->lpVtbl -> TranslateAccelerator(This,lpmsg)
  130. #endif /* COBJMACROS */
  131. #endif /* C style interface */
  132. /* [helpstring] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IHHWindowPane_SetSite_Proxy(
  133. IHHWindowPane __RPC_FAR * This,
  134. /* [in] */ IServiceProvider __RPC_FAR *pSP);
  135. void __RPC_STUB IHHWindowPane_SetSite_Stub(
  136. IRpcStubBuffer *This,
  137. IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer,
  138. PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage,
  139. DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
  140. /* [helpstring] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IHHWindowPane_CreatePaneWindow_Proxy(
  141. IHHWindowPane __RPC_FAR * This,
  142. /* [in] */ HWND hwndParent,
  143. /* [in] */ int x,
  144. /* [in] */ int y,
  145. /* [in] */ int cx,
  146. /* [in] */ int cy,
  147. /* [out] */ HWND __RPC_FAR *hwnd);
  148. void __RPC_STUB IHHWindowPane_CreatePaneWindow_Stub(
  149. IRpcStubBuffer *This,
  150. IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer,
  151. PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage,
  152. DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
  153. /* [helpstring] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IHHWindowPane_GetDefaultSize_Proxy(
  154. IHHWindowPane __RPC_FAR * This,
  155. /* [out] */ SIZE __RPC_FAR *psize);
  156. void __RPC_STUB IHHWindowPane_GetDefaultSize_Stub(
  157. IRpcStubBuffer *This,
  158. IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer,
  159. PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage,
  160. DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
  161. /* [helpstring] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IHHWindowPane_ClosePane_Proxy(
  162. IHHWindowPane __RPC_FAR * This);
  163. void __RPC_STUB IHHWindowPane_ClosePane_Stub(
  164. IRpcStubBuffer *This,
  165. IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer,
  166. PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage,
  167. DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
  168. /* [helpstring] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IHHWindowPane_LoadViewState_Proxy(
  169. IHHWindowPane __RPC_FAR * This,
  170. /* [in] */ IStream __RPC_FAR *pstream);
  171. void __RPC_STUB IHHWindowPane_LoadViewState_Stub(
  172. IRpcStubBuffer *This,
  173. IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer,
  174. PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage,
  175. DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
  176. /* [helpstring] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IHHWindowPane_SaveViewState_Proxy(
  177. IHHWindowPane __RPC_FAR * This,
  178. /* [in] */ IStream __RPC_FAR *pstream);
  179. void __RPC_STUB IHHWindowPane_SaveViewState_Stub(
  180. IRpcStubBuffer *This,
  181. IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer,
  182. PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage,
  183. DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
  184. /* [helpstring] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IHHWindowPane_TranslateAccelerator_Proxy(
  185. IHHWindowPane __RPC_FAR * This,
  186. LPMSG lpmsg);
  187. void __RPC_STUB IHHWindowPane_TranslateAccelerator_Stub(
  188. IRpcStubBuffer *This,
  189. IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer,
  190. PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage,
  191. DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
  192. #endif /* __IHHWindowPane_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
  193. /* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
  194. unsigned long __RPC_USER HWND_UserSize( unsigned long __RPC_FAR *, unsigned long , HWND __RPC_FAR * );
  195. unsigned char __RPC_FAR * __RPC_USER HWND_UserMarshal( unsigned long __RPC_FAR *, unsigned char __RPC_FAR *, HWND __RPC_FAR * );
  196. unsigned char __RPC_FAR * __RPC_USER HWND_UserUnmarshal(unsigned long __RPC_FAR *, unsigned char __RPC_FAR *, HWND __RPC_FAR * );
  197. void __RPC_USER HWND_UserFree( unsigned long __RPC_FAR *, HWND __RPC_FAR * );
  198. /* end of Additional Prototypes */
  199. #ifdef __cplusplus
  200. }
  201. #endif
  202. #endif