// Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
#include "header.h"
#define INITOBJECTS // define the descriptions for our objects
#include "LocalSrv.H"
#include "LocalObj.H"
#include "olectl.h"
#include "hhifc.H"
#include "Resource.H"
#include "hhctrl.H"
#include "cathelp.H"
#include "CtrlObj.H"
#include "hhifc.c"
#include "hhsort.c"
#include "hhfind.c"
#include "hhifc_i.c"
#include "hhsort_i.c"
#include "hhfind_i.c"
#include "iterror.h"
#include "itSort.h"
#include "itSortid.h"
#include "atlinc.h" // includes for ATL.
#include "hhsyssrt.h"
#include "hhfinder.h"
// our Libid. This should be the LIBID from the Type library, or NULL if you
// don't have one.
const CLSID *g_pLibid = &LIBID_HHCTRLLib;
// Set this up if you want to have a window proc for your parking window. This
// is really only interesting for Sub-classed controls that want, in design
// mode, certain messages that are sent only to the parent window.
WNDPROC g_ParkingWindowProc = NULL;
// Localization Information
// We need the following two pieces of information:
// a. whether or not this DLL uses satellite DLLs for localization. if
// not, then the lcidLocale is ignored, and we just always get resources
// from the server module file.
// b. the ambient LocaleID for this in-proc server. Controls calling
// GetResourceHandle() will set this up automatically, but anybody
// else will need to be sure that it's set up properly.
const VARIANT_BOOL g_fSatelliteLocalization = FALSE; LCID g_lcidLocale = MAKELCID(LANG_USER_DEFAULT, SORT_DEFAULT);
// This Table describes all the automatible objects in your automation server.
// See AutomationObject.H for a description of what goes in this structure
// and what it's used for.
// CRT stubs
// these two things are here so the CRTs aren't needed.
// basically, the CRTs define this to suck in a bunch of stuff. we'll just
// define them here so we don't get an unresolved external.
// TODO: if you are going to use the CRTs, then remove this line.
#if 0
extern "C" int __cdecl _fltused = 1;
extern "C" int _cdecl _purecall(void) { FAIL("Pure virtual function called."); return 0; }