// Copyright (C) 1994-1997 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
#include "header.h"
// our lame workshop relies on the old exported memory functions
// so we have to keep exporting these but we will now implement these
// using the CRT heap
#ifdef HHA
#undef lcSize
int STDCALL lcSize(void* pv) { return _msize(pv); }
void* STDCALL rcalloc(int cb) { void* pv = lcMalloc( cb ); memset( pv, 0, cb ); return pv; }
void STDCALL rfree(void* pv) { lcFree( pv ); }
void STDCALL rclearfree(void** pv) { lcFree( *pv ); *pv = NULL; }
void STDCALL rheapcheck() { }
void* STDCALL rmalloc(int cb) { return lcMalloc( cb ); }
void* STDCALL rrealloc(void* pv, int cb) { return lcReAlloc( pv, cb ); }
#define lcSize(pv) _msize(pv)
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static const char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
PSTR lcStrDup(PCSTR psz) { if (!psz) psz = ""; PSTR pszDup = (PSTR) lcMalloc(strlen(psz) + 1); return strcpy(pszDup, psz); }
PWSTR lcStrDupW(PCWSTR psz) { if (!psz) psz = L""; int cb = (lstrlenW(psz)*sizeof(WCHAR)) + sizeof(WCHAR); PWSTR pszDup = (PWSTR) lcMalloc(cb); if (pszDup) CopyMemory(pszDup, psz, cb); return pszDup; }
CMem::CMem(void) { pb = NULL; #ifndef HHCTRL
psz = (PSTR) pb; #endif
CMem::CMem(int size) { _ASSERT(size > 0); pb = (PBYTE) lcMalloc(size); #ifndef HHCTRL
psz = (PSTR) pb; #endif
_ASSERT(pb); };
#ifndef HHCTRL
int CMem::size(void) { return lcSize(pb); } void CMem::resize(int cb) { ReAlloc(cb); } #endif
#ifdef HHCTRL
#if _DEBUG
// The new heap status report...
// Following variables defined in CTable.cpp, _DEBUG only
extern int g_cbTableAllocated; extern int g_cbTableReserved; extern int g_cTables;
void OnReportMemoryUsage(void) { // Get the current memory state.
_CrtMemState NewMemState ; _CrtMemCheckpoint(&NewMemState) ;
char buf[4096] ; wsprintf(buf, "\tBlocks\tBytes\r\n\t------\t-----\r\n" "Free: \t%12ld\t%12ld\r\n" "Normal:\t%12ld\t%12ld\r\n" "CRT: \t%12ld\t%12ld\r\n" "Ignore:\t%12ld\t%12ld\r\n" "Client: \t%12ld\t%12ld\r\n\r\n" "Largest Used: %ld\r\n" "Total Allocations: %ld\r\n\r\nTables (%u): %d bytes\r\n" "Reserved: %d megs", NewMemState.lCounts[0], NewMemState.lSizes[0], NewMemState.lCounts[1], NewMemState.lSizes[1], NewMemState.lCounts[2], NewMemState.lSizes[2], NewMemState.lCounts[3], NewMemState.lSizes[3], NewMemState.lCounts[4], NewMemState.lSizes[4], NewMemState.lHighWaterCount, NewMemState.lTotalCount, g_cTables, g_cbTableAllocated, g_cbTableReserved / (1024*1024)) ; MsgBox(buf);
// Dump it to the debug output.
_CrtMemDumpStatistics(&NewMemState); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// This class is used to initialize the CRT debug code.
class DebugAutoInitializer { public:
//--- Place code to initialize the CRT debug code here.
DebugAutoInitializer() { // Turn own automatic leak checking.
int f = _CrtSetDbgFlag(_CRTDBG_REPORT_FLAG) ; f |= _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF ; _CrtSetDbgFlag(f) ;
//--- LineNumber to break on... (found in hhdebug.ini file)
long BreakNumber = GetPrivateProfileInt( "CRT", "_CrtSetBreakAlloc", 0, "hhdebug.ini" ); if (BreakNumber) { _CrtSetBreakAlloc(BreakNumber) ; }
} };
DebugAutoInitializer s_DebugAutoInitializer;
#endif // _DEBUG
#endif // HHCTRL