static const char txtBeginList[] = "<UL>"; static const char txtEndList[] = "</UL>"; static const char txtBeginListItem[] = "<LI"; static const char txtSitemap[] = "<!-- Sitemap"; // 3 different sitemap declarations
static const char txtSitemap1[] = "<!--Sitemap"; static const char txtSitemap2[] = "<!Sitemap"; static const char txtParam[] = "<param name"; static const char txtValue[] = "value"; static const char txtBeginHref[] = "<A HREF"; static const char txtEndHref[] = "</A>"; static const char txtBeginObject[] = "<OBJECT"; static const char txtEndObject[] = "</OBJECT>"; static const char txtSiteMapObject[] = "text/sitemap"; static const char txtSitemapProperties[] = "text/site properties"; static const char txtBackGround[] = "Background"; static const char txtBackGroundImage[] = "Background Image"; static const char txtForeGround[] = "Foreground"; static const char txtFont[] = "Font"; static const char txtImageList[] = "ImageList"; static const char txtNumberImages[] = "NumberImages"; static const char txtImageWidth[] = "Image Width"; static const char txtColorMask[] = "Color Mask"; static const char txtNumberTypes[] = "NumberTypes"; static const char txtExWindowStyles[] = "ExWindow Styles"; static const char txtWindowStyles[] = "Window Styles"; static const char txtType[] = "type"; static const char txtNo[] = "No"; static const char txtFolderType[] = "Folder"; static const char txtEndTag[] = "</"; static const char txtInfoTypeDeclaration[] = "InformationTypeDecl";
// Param labels
static const char txtParamType[] = "Type"; static const char txtParamTypeExclusive[] = "TypeExclusive"; static const char txtParamTypeHidden[] = "TypeHidden"; static const char txtParamTypeDesc[] = "TypeDesc"; static const char txtParamTypeTypical[] = "TypeTypical"; static const char txtParamCategory[] = "Category"; static const char txtParamCategoryDesc[] = "CategoryDesc"; static const char txtParamSSInclusive[] = "SSInclusive"; // member of a subset's inclusive filter
static const char txtParamSSExclusive[] = "SSExclusive"; // member of a subset's exclusive filter
static const char txtParamName[] = "Name"; static const char txtParamUrl[] = "URL"; static const char txtParamSecondary[] = "Secondary"; static const char txtParamIcon[] = "Icon"; static const char txtParamLocal[] = "Local"; static const char txtParamFrame[] = "FrameName"; static const char txtParamWindow[] = "WindowName"; static const char txtParamNew[] = "New"; static const char txtParamComment[] = "Comment"; static const char txtParamImageNumber[] = "ImageNumber"; static const char txtParamDisplay[] = "Display"; static const char txtParamKeyword[] = "Keyword"; static const char txtParamInstruction[] = "Instruction"; static const char txtParamSectionTitle[] = "Section Title"; static const char txtSeeAlso[] = "See Also"; static const char txtImageType[] = "ImageType"; static const char txtFavorites[] = "Favorites"; static const char txtQueryType[] = "QueryType"; static const char txtSendEvent[] = "SendEvent"; static const char txtSendMessage[] = "SendMessage"; static const char txtParamMerge[] = "Merge"; static const char txtParamHHI[] = "HHI"; static const char txtAutoGenerated[] = "Auto Generated"; static const char txtSSInclusive[] = "Inclusive"; static const char txtSSExclusive[] = "Exclusive";