// Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#ifndef __SITEMAP_H__
#define __SITEMAP_H__
class CHtmlHelpControl; // forward reference
#include "cinput.h"
#include "strtable.h"
typedef PCSTR URL; typedef UINT INFOTYPE;
const INFOTYPE ITYPE_ALWAYS_SHOW = 0; // when this info type is defined, the entry is always shown to the user (unless a Hidden info type overrides)
const int MAX_RELATED_ENTRIES = 256; // maximum number of sitemap entries for Related Topics
const int MAX_KEYSEARCH_ENTRIES = 256; // maximum number of sitemap entries for Keyword Search
#define ESCAPE_ENTITY 0x01
#define ESCAPE_URL 0x02
#define ESCAPE_C 0x04
#define ESCAPE_ALL 0x07
Each URL can be associated with any number of information types. Information types are stored as bit flags. By default, each SITE_ENTRY_URL entry contains enough storage for 32 information types. If more are needed, then additional memory must be allocated. Note that we must allocate 4 bytes for each additional information type in order to avoid alignment problems.
The CSiteMap class must keep track of the total number of bytes to allocate for each SITE_ENTRY_URL structure. This can NOT change once a SITEMAP_ENTRY has been allocated (unless all SITEMAP_ENTRY structures get updated). Within the SITEMAP_ENTRY structure, cUrls tells us how many SITE_ENTRY_URL structures to allocate. */
typedef struct { PCSTR pszTitle; URL urlPrimary; URL urlSecondary; //INFOTYPE ainfoTypes[1]; // which information types
const int MAX_CATEGORIES = 10; typedef struct { int c_Types; // the number of ITs in a category
INFOTYPE *pInfoType; // a pointer to a set of infotype bits. The bits represent info types
// bit zero is reserved.
typedef struct { CTable* m_ptblInfoTypes; CTable* m_ptblInfoTypeDescriptions; CTable* m_ptblCategories; CTable* m_ptblCatDescription; int m_cTypes; // total number of types
int m_cITSize; // The number of DWORDs allocated for categories, m_pExclusive, and m_pHidden
INFOTYPE* m_pExclusive; // index to first exclusive information type
INFOTYPE* m_pHidden; // index to first hidden information type
int m_max_categories; // The number of categories currently allocated.
// Overhead is 20 bytes per entry + 12 for each URL (assuming up to 32 InfoTypes)
// forward reference
class CSiteMap;
typedef struct _tagSiteMapEntry {
#ifndef HHA
CSiteMap* pSiteMap; #endif
PCSTR pszText; // title/keyword for this entry
#ifndef HHCTRL
PCSTR pszComment; PCSTR pszSort; // used when sorting index
short iWindowName; short iFrameName; short iFontName; short cUrls; // number or URLS
BYTE iImage; BYTE level; BYTE fInclude; // Used by HHW to track included sitemap file
BYTE fTopic:1; BYTE fNew:1; BYTE fNoDisplay:1; BYTE fSeeAlso:1; BYTE fShowToEveryOne:1; // TRUE if no Information Type was specified
BYTE fSendEvent:1; // TRUE if URL is an event string
BYTE fSendMessage:1; // TRUE if URL is a message string
BYTE fShortCut:1; // TRUE if URL is a shortcut string
// WARNING! pUrls must be the last member of this structure
int GetLevel(void) const { return level; } void SetLevel(int val) { level = (BYTE)val; }
PCSTR GetKeyword() const { return pszText; }
#ifdef HHCTRL
#ifndef HHA
HRESULT GetKeyword( WCHAR* pwszKeyword, int cch ); #endif
PCSTR GetTitle( SITE_ENTRY_URL* pUrl ) { return pUrl->pszTitle ? pUrl->pszTitle : GetStringResource(IDS_UNTITLED); }
#ifdef HHCTRL
#ifndef HHA
HRESULT GetTitle( SITE_ENTRY_URL* pUrl, WCHAR* pwszTitle, int cch ); #endif
BOOL IsTopic(void) const { return fTopic; } void SetTopic(BOOL fSetting) { fTopic = fSetting; }
BOOL IsNew(void) const { return fNew; } void SetNew(BOOL fSetting) { fNew = fSetting; }
BOOL GetSeeAlso(void) const { return fSeeAlso; } void SetSeeAlso(BOOL fSetting) { fSeeAlso = fSetting; }
int GetImageIndex(void) const { return iImage; } void SetImageIndex(int IndexImage) { iImage = (BYTE) IndexImage; }
int GetWindowIndex(void) const { return (int) iWindowName; } void SetWindowIndex(int index) { iWindowName = (short)index; }
int GetFrameIndex(void) const { return (int) iFrameName; } void SetFrameIndex(int index) { iFrameName = (short)index; }
int GetFontIndex(void) const { return (int) iFontName; } void SetFontIndex(int index) { iFontName = (short)index; }
void Clear(void) { ClearMemory(this, sizeof(_tagSiteMapEntry)); }
class CSiteMapEntry : public SITEMAP_ENTRY { public: CSiteMapEntry() { ClearMemory(this, sizeof(CSiteMapEntry)); } #ifndef HHCTRL
void CopyFrom(const SITEMAP_ENTRY* pSiteMapEntry, CSiteMap* pSiteMapSrc, CSiteMap* pSiteMapDst); void CopyTo(SITEMAP_ENTRY* pSiteMapEntry, CSiteMap* pSiteMapSrc, CSiteMap* pSiteMapDst); #endif
class CSiteEntryUrl { public: CSiteEntryUrl(int ITSize) { m_pUrl = (SITE_ENTRY_URL*) lcCalloc(sizeof(SITE_ENTRY_URL) ); m_pUrl->ainfoTypes = (INFOTYPE*)lcCalloc( ITSize==0?sizeof(INFOTYPE):ITSize ); m_fUrlSpecified = FALSE; } ~CSiteEntryUrl() { lcFree(m_pUrl->ainfoTypes); lcFree(m_pUrl); } void SaveUrlEntry(CSiteMap* pSiteMap, SITEMAP_ENTRY* pSiteMapEntry);
SITE_ENTRY_URL* m_pUrl; int m_cMaxTypes; BOOL m_fUrlSpecified; };
class CParseSitemap; // forward reference
// Forward declarations declared in genit.cpp
int GetITBitfromIT(INFOTYPE const *IT, int* offset, int* bit, int cTypes); void AddIT(int const type, INFOTYPE *pIT ); void DeleteIT(int const type, INFOTYPE *pIT ); int GetITfromCat(int* offset, INFOTYPE* bit, INFOTYPE* pInfoType, int cTypes); int GetITBitfromIT(INFOTYPE const *IT, int* offset, INFOTYPE* bit, int cTypes); void CopyITBits(INFOTYPE** ITDst, INFOTYPE* ITSrc, int size);
// WARNING!!! All member classes should be included as pointers or initialization
// will trash the class.
// forward reference
class CSiteMap : public CTable { private: void SizeIT(int oldSize);
public: CSiteMap(int cMaxEntries = 0); virtual ~CSiteMap();
#ifdef HHA
SITEMAP_ENTRY* AddEntry( SITEMAP_ENTRY* pSiteMapEntry = NULL ) { int iData = AddData(sizeof(SITEMAP_ENTRY), pSiteMapEntry); if (iData) { return GetSiteMapEntry(iData); } else return NULL; } #else
SITEMAP_ENTRY* AddEntry( SITEMAP_ENTRY* pSiteMapEntry = NULL ) { int iData = AddData(sizeof(SITEMAP_ENTRY), pSiteMapEntry); if (iData) { SITEMAP_ENTRY* pReturn = GetSiteMapEntry(iData); pReturn->pSiteMap = this; return pReturn; } else return NULL; } #endif
void AddFavoriteNodes(PCSTR pszRoot, PCSTR pszNewFolder, int level); void AddInfoTypeToUrl(SITEMAP_ENTRY* pSiteMapEntry, INFOTYPE iType); int AddTypeName(PCSTR pszName); int Count(void) const { return endpos - 1; }; void CreateFavorites(int level = 1); int GetImageNumber(SITEMAP_ENTRY* pSiteMapEntry) const; SITEMAP_ENTRY* GetSiteMapEntry(int pos) const { return (SITEMAP_ENTRY*) GetPointer(pos); } #ifdef HHCTRL
#ifdef HHA
BOOL ReadFromFile(PCSTR pszFileName, BOOL fIndex, CHtmlHelpControl* phhctrl ); #else
BOOL ReadFromFile(PCSTR pszFileName, BOOL fIndex, CHtmlHelpControl* phhctrl, UINT CodePage ); #endif
BOOL ReadFromFile(PCSTR pszFileName, BOOL fIndex, PCSTR pszBaseFile = NULL); #endif
BOOL AreAnyInfoTypesDefined(SITEMAP_ENTRY* pSiteMapEntry); SITE_ENTRY_URL* AreTheseInfoTypesDefined(SITEMAP_ENTRY* pSiteMapEntry, INFOTYPE types, int offset) const;
SITE_ENTRY_URL* NextUrlEntry(SITE_ENTRY_URL* pUrl) const { return (SITE_ENTRY_URL*) ((PBYTE) pUrl + sizeof(SITE_ENTRY_URL) ); } SITE_ENTRY_URL* GetUrlEntry(SITEMAP_ENTRY* pSiteMapEntry, int pos /* zero-based */) { return (SITE_ENTRY_URL*) ((PBYTE) pSiteMapEntry->pUrls + (GetUrlEntrySize() * pos)); } SITE_ENTRY_URL* GetUrlEntry(SITE_ENTRY_URL* pUrl, int pos /* zero-based */) { return (SITE_ENTRY_URL*) ((PBYTE) pUrl + (GetUrlEntrySize() * pos)); } PCSTR GetUrlTitle(SITEMAP_ENTRY* pSiteMapEntry, int pos /* zero-based */) { return pSiteMapEntry->GetTitle((SITE_ENTRY_URL*) (SITE_ENTRY_URL*) ((PBYTE) pSiteMapEntry->pUrls + (GetUrlEntrySize() * pos))); } int GetUrlEntrySize(void) const { return sizeof(SITE_ENTRY_URL); } BOOL ParseSiteMapParam(CParseSitemap* pcparse, PCSTR pszParamType, CTable *ptblSubSets);
void ReSizeIT(int Size=0); void ReSizeURLIT(int Size=0); BOOL IsEntryInCurTypeList(SITEMAP_ENTRY* pSiteMapEntry) const; int GetInfoType(PCSTR pszTypeName); PCSTR GetInfoTypeName(int pos) const { return m_itTables.m_ptblInfoTypes->GetPointer(pos); } int GetITIndex(PCSTR pszString) const { return m_itTables.m_ptblInfoTypes->IsStringInTable( pszString ); } PCSTR GetInfoTypeDescription(int pos) const { return m_itTables.m_ptblInfoTypeDescriptions->GetPointer(pos); } int GetInfoTypeSize(void) const { return InfoTypeSize(); } int HowManyInfoTypes(void) const { return m_itTables.m_ptblInfoTypes ? m_itTables.m_ptblInfoTypes->CountStrings() : 0; } BOOL IsInACategory( int type ) const;
int InfoTypeSize(void) const { return m_itTables.m_cITSize * sizeof(INFOTYPE); } BOOL IsDeleted( const int pos ) const { return ( *(GetInfoTypeName(pos))==' ' )?TRUE:FALSE; }
int GetFirstExclusive(int=-1, INFOTYPE=1) const; int GetNextExclusive(void) const; int GetLastExclusive(void) const; void AddExclusiveIT(int const type) { AddIT( type, m_itTables.m_pExclusive ); } void DeleteExclusiveIT(int const type ) { DeleteIT( type, m_itTables.m_pExclusive); } BOOL IsExclusive(int const type) const { return m_itTables.m_pExclusive?*(m_itTables.m_pExclusive+(type/32)) & (1<<(type%32)):0; }
int GetFirstHidden(int=-1, INFOTYPE=1) const; int GetNextHidden(void) const; int GetLastHidden(void) const; void AddHiddenIT(int const type ) { AddIT(type, m_itTables.m_pHidden); } void DeleteHiddenIT(int const type) { DeleteIT( type, m_itTables.m_pHidden ); } BOOL IsHidden(int const type) const { return m_itTables.m_pHidden?*(m_itTables.m_pHidden+(type/32)) & (1<<(type%32)):0; }
int GetFirstCategoryType(int pos) const ; int GetNextITinCategory( void ) const ; int GetLastCategoryType(int pos) const ; void AddITtoCategory(int pos, int type); void AddToCategory( int iLastType ); void DeleteITfromCat(int pos, int type); BOOL IsITinCategory( int pos, int type) const { return m_itTables.m_aCategories[pos].pInfoType?*(m_itTables.m_aCategories[pos].pInfoType+(type/32)) & (1<<(type%32)):0; } BOOL IsCatDeleted( const int pos ) const { return ( *(GetCategoryString(pos))==' ' )?TRUE:FALSE; }
void CopyCat(INFOTYPE_TABLES*, const INFOTYPE_TABLES*); PCSTR GetCategoryString(int pos) const { return m_itTables.m_ptblCategories->GetPointer(pos); } int GetCatPosition(PCSTR psz) const { return m_itTables.m_ptblCategories->IsStringInTable(psz); } int HowManyCategories(void) const { return m_itTables.m_ptblCategories ? m_itTables.m_ptblCategories->CountStrings() : 0; } PCSTR GetCategoryDescription(int pos) const { return m_itTables.m_ptblCatDescription?m_itTables.m_ptblCatDescription->GetPointer(pos):0; }
int GetLevel(int pos) const { return GetSiteMapEntry(pos)->GetLevel(); } void SetLevel(int val, int pos) { GetSiteMapEntry(pos)->SetLevel(val); }
PCSTR GetPathName(void) { return m_pszSitemapFile; } PCSTR GetSiteMapFile(void) { return m_pszSitemapFile; } void SetSiteMapFile(PCSTR pszFile) { if (!m_pszSitemapFile && pszFile) m_pszSitemapFile = StrDup(pszFile); }
PCSTR GetFrameName(void) { return m_pszFrameName ? m_pszFrameName : ""; } void SetFrameName(PCSTR psz) { m_pszFrameName = IsEmptyString(psz) ? NULL : StrDup(psz); } BOOL IsFrameDefined(void) { return m_pszFrameName != NULL; } void SetEntryFrame(SITEMAP_ENTRY* pSiteMapEntry, PCSTR psz) { pSiteMapEntry->SetFrameIndex(AddName(psz)); } PCSTR GetEntryFrame(SITEMAP_ENTRY* pSiteMapEntry) { return GetName(pSiteMapEntry->GetFrameIndex()); }
PCSTR GetWindowName(void) { return m_pszWindowName ? m_pszWindowName : ""; } void SetWindowName(PCSTR psz) { m_pszWindowName = IsEmptyString(psz) ? NULL : StrDup(psz); } BOOL IsWindowDefined(void) { return m_pszWindowName != NULL; } void SetEntryWindow(SITEMAP_ENTRY* pSiteMapEntry, PCSTR psz) { pSiteMapEntry->SetWindowIndex(AddName(psz)); } PCSTR GetEntryWindow(SITEMAP_ENTRY* pSiteMapEntry) { return GetName(pSiteMapEntry->GetWindowIndex()); }
URL AddUrl(PCSTR pszUrl); PCSTR GetUrlString(URL url) const { return (PCSTR) url; }
int AddName(PCSTR psz); PCSTR GetName(int pos) { #ifdef _DEBUG
if (m_ptblStrings) ASSERT(pos <= m_ptblStrings->CountStrings()); #endif
return (m_ptblStrings && pos > 0) ? m_ptblStrings->GetHashStringPointer(pos) : ""; } BOOL IsIndex(void) { return m_fIndex; }
#ifndef HHA
UINT GetCodePage() { if( m_CodePage != (UINT)-1 ) return m_CodePage; else return CP_ACP; } #endif
//////// member variables //////////
!!! WARNING: if you add or remove members, you must change the version !!! number in hhamsgs.h or face a GPF when the author does a View Entry. */ BOOL m_fTypeCopy; // TRUE if following tables are pointers that must not be freed
INFOTYPE_TABLES m_itTables; // CSubSets *m_pSubSets;
PCSTR m_pszSitemapFile; INFOTYPE* m_pInfoTypes; // user-specified Information Types
INFOTYPE* m_pTypicalInfoTypes; // "typical" information types
BOOL m_fIndex; // TRUE if using this as an index
PSTR m_pszBase; // used when reading sitemap file
PCSTR m_pszImageList; int m_cImageWidth; // width of each icon in image
int m_cImages; COLORREF m_clrMask;
COLORREF m_clrBackground; COLORREF m_clrForeground; PCSTR m_pszFont; // name, pointsize, ext. usefull to CTocClass.
BOOL m_fFolderImages; // use folders instead of books as the image
BOOL m_fPromotForInfoTypes;
DWORD m_tvStyles; // regular window styles
DWORD m_exStyles; // extended window styles
PCSTR m_pszBackBitmap; // used for TOC and Index
int m_cITSize; // The number of DWORDS currently allocated for IT bits for the URL
// int m_cUrlEntry; // sizeof(SITE_ENTRY_URL) + sizeof(URL) for each additional 32 Information Types
// int m_cInfoTypeOffsets; // number of additional offsets to check
BOOL m_fAutoGenerated; // means the file is not writeable
#ifndef HHCTRL
SITEMAP_ENTRY* Add(const SITEMAP_ENTRY* pSiteMapEntry = NULL); SITEMAP_ENTRY* Insert(int pos, const SITEMAP_ENTRY* pSiteMapEntry = NULL); void Remove(int pos, BOOL fCompact = TRUE); void FillUrlComboBox(SITEMAP_ENTRY* pSiteMapEntry, HWND hwndCombo); void MoveEntry(int posSrc, int posDst); BOOL SaveSiteMap(PCSTR pszPathName, BOOL fIndex); void OutputDefaultSiteMapEntry(COutput* pout, SITEMAP_ENTRY* pSiteMapEntry, int curLevel, BOOL fIndex); void CopyProperties(CSiteMap* pSiteMap, BOOL fIncludeTables = FALSE); #endif
CTable* m_ptblStrings;
PCSTR m_pszFrameName; // default frame to use
PCSTR m_pszWindowName; // default window to use
PCSTR m_pszHHIFile; BOOL m_fSaveIT; // Save the declared IT in an instance of CSitemap, if there is an hhi hhc IT declarations are not saved.
#ifndef HHA
private: UINT m_CodePage; #endif
// note the inlined SITEMAP_ENTRY functions below must be declared after
// the declaration of CSiteMap otherwise the compiler will choke on them
// since they access CSiteMap members/methods
#ifdef HHCTRL
#ifndef HHA
inline HRESULT SITEMAP_ENTRY::GetKeyword( WCHAR* pwszKeyword, int cch ) { ASSERT( pSiteMap ); //ASSERT( pSiteMap->GetCodePage() );
UINT CodePage = pSiteMap->GetCodePage(); if( MultiByteToWideChar( CodePage, 0, pszText, -1, pwszKeyword, cch ) == 0 ) return E_FAIL; return S_OK; } #endif
#ifdef HHCTRL
#ifndef HHA
inline HRESULT SITEMAP_ENTRY::GetTitle( SITE_ENTRY_URL* pUrl, WCHAR* pwszTitle, int cch ) { ASSERT( pSiteMap ); //ASSERT( pSiteMap->GetCodePage() );
if( !pUrl->pszTitle ) { wcsncpy( pwszTitle, GetStringResourceW(IDS_UNTITLED), cch); pwszTitle[cch] = 0; return S_OK; } UINT CodePage = pSiteMap->GetCodePage(); if( MultiByteToWideChar( CodePage, 0, pszText, -1, pwszTitle, cch) == 0 ) return E_FAIL; return S_OK; } #endif
extern const char txtBeginList[]; // "<UL>"
extern const char txtEndList[] ; // "</UL>"
extern const char txtBeginListItem[]; // "<LI"
extern const char txtSitemap[]; // "<!Sitemap";
extern const char txtSitemap1[]; // "<!--Sitemap";
extern const char txtSitemap2[]; // "<!Sitemap";
extern const char txtParam[]; // "<param name";
extern const char txtValue[]; // "value";
extern const char txtBeginHref[]; // "<A HREF";
extern const char txtEndHref[]; // "</A>";
extern const char txtBeginObject[]; // "<OBJECT"
extern const char txtEndObject[]; // "</OBJECT>"
extern const char txtSiteMapObject[]; // "text/sitemap";
extern const char txtSitemapProperties[]; // "text/site properties";
extern const char txtBackGround[]; // "Background";
extern const char txtForeGround[]; // "Foreground";
extern const char txtFont[]; // "Font";
extern const char txtImageList[]; // "ImageList";
extern const char txtImageWidth[]; // "Image Width";
extern const char txtColorMask[]; // "Color Mask";
extern const char txtNumberImages[]; // "NumberImages";
extern const char txtExWindowStyles[]; // "ExWindow Styles";
extern const char txtWindowStyles[]; // "Window Styles";
extern const char txtType[]; // "type";
extern const char txtNo[]; // "No";
extern const char txtFolderType[]; // "Folder";
extern const char txtEndTag[]; // "</";
extern const char txtInfoTypeDeclaration[]; // "InformationTypeDecl";
// Param labels
extern const char txtParamType[]; // "Type";
extern const char txtParamTypeExclusive[];// "TypeExclusive";
extern const char txtParamTypeHidden[]; // "TypeHidden";
extern const char txtParamTypeDesc[]; // "TypeDesc";
extern const char txtParamCategory[]; // "Category";
extern const char txtParamCategoryDesc[]; // "CategoryDesc";
extern const char txtParamName[]; // "Name";
extern const char txtParamUrl[]; // "URL";
extern const char txtParamIcon[]; // "Icon";
extern const char txtParamLocal[]; // "Local";
extern const char txtParamFrame[]; // "Frame";
extern const char txtParamWindow[]; // "Window";
extern const char txtParamNew[]; // "New";
extern const char txtParamComment[]; // "Comment";
extern const char txtParamImageNumber[]; // "ImageNumber";
extern const char txtParamDisplay[]; // "Display";
extern const char txtParamKeyword[]; // "Keyword";
extern const char txtParamInstruction[]; // "Instruction";
extern const char txtParamSectionTitle[]; // "Section Title";
extern const char txtSeeAlso[]; // "See Also";
extern const char txtImageType[]; // "ImageType";
extern const char txtFavorites[]; // "Favorites";
extern const char txtAutoGenerated[]; // "Auto Generated";
extern const char txtSSInclusive[]; // "Inclusive";
extern const char txtSSExclusive[]; // "Exclusive";
//////////////////////////////////// Functions ///////////////////////////////
int CompareSz(PCSTR psz, PCSTR pszSub); HASH HashFromSz(PCSTR pszKey); BOOL ReplaceEscapes(PCSTR pszSrc, PSTR pszDst, int); // pszSrc can be same as pszDst
#endif // __SITEMAP_H__