Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

99 lines
3.2 KiB

  1. #include "strtable.h"
  2. #include "hhatable.h"
  3. #include "hhctrl.rcv"
  5. BEGIN
  6. IDS_OOM "There is not enough memory available for this task.\nQuit one or more programs to increase available memory, and then try again."
  7. // Font must be true-type, or tab control could break
  8. IDS_DEFAULT_FONT "Arial,8" // used for buttons and other UI elements
  9. IDS_NO_SUCH_KEYWORD "The word you have typed is not in the Index. Type another word or select one from the list."
  10. IDS_NEWER_VERSION "You need a newer version of HHCTRL.OCX to be able to read this file."
  11. IDS_FIND_YOURSELF "The file \042%s\042 cannot be found. Do you want to try to find this file yourself?"
  12. IDS_PROPERTIES "Microsoft HTML Help Control Properties"
  13. IDS_BAD_PARAMETERS "This control does not have the correct parameters and will not function."
  14. IDS_MSGBOX_TITLE "HTML Help ActiveX Control"
  15. IDS_CANT_FIND_FILE "Cannot locate \042%s\042."
  16. IDS_EXPAND_ALL "&Open all"
  17. IDS_CONTRACT_ALL "&Close all"
  18. IDS_HELP_TOPICS "Help Topics"
  19. IDS_PRIMARY_URL "Primary"
  20. IDS_SECONDARY_URL "Secondary"
  21. IDS_BROWSER_FAVORITES "Your Favorites"
  22. IDS_CUSTOMIZE_INFO_TYPES "Customize..."
  23. IDS_VIEW_RELATED "View ";
  24. IDS_WEB_TB_TEXTROWS "1" // number of text rows for toolbar
  25. IDS_UNTITLED "untitled"
  26. IDTB_EXPAND "<< Show"
  27. IDTB_CONTRACT "Hide >>"
  28. IDTB_STOP "Stop"
  29. IDTB_REFRESH "Refresh"
  30. IDTB_BACK "Back"
  31. IDTB_FORWARD "Forward"
  32. IDTB_HOME "Home"
  33. IDTB_BROWSE_FWD "Next"
  34. IDTB_BROWSE_BACK "Previous"
  35. IDTB_SYNC "Locate"
  36. IDTB_PRINT "Print"
  37. IDTB_OPTIONS "Options"
  38. IDTB_NOTES "Notes"
  39. IDTB_CONTENTS "Contents"
  40. IDTB_INDEX "Index"
  41. IDTB_SEARCH "Search"
  42. IDTB_HISTORY "History"
  43. IDTB_FAVORITES "Favorites"
  44. IDTB_JUMP1 ""
  45. IDTB_JUMP2 ""
  46. IDS_TAB_CONTENTS "Contents"
  47. IDS_TAB_INDEX "Index"
  48. IDS_TAB_SEARCH "Search"
  49. IDS_TAB_HISTORY "History"
  50. IDS_TAB_FAVORITES "Favorites"
  51. #ifdef INTERNAL
  52. IDS_TAB_ASKME "Ask Me"
  53. #endif
  54. #if 0
  55. // Related Topics in all languages
  56. IDS_ENGLISH_RELATED "Related Topics"
  57. IDS_GERMAN_RELATED "Siehe auch"
  58. IDS_ARABIC_RELATED "������ �������"
  59. IDS_HEBREW_RELATED "������ ������"
  63. IDS_FRENCH_RELATED "Rubriques connexes"
  64. IDS_SPANISH_RELATED "Temas relacionados"
  65. IDS_ITALIAN_RELATED "Argomenti correlati"
  66. IDS_SWEDISH_RELATED "N�rliggande information"
  67. IDS_DUTCH_RELATED "Verwante onderwerpen"
  68. IDS_BRAZILIAN_RELATED "T�picos relacionados"
  69. IDS_NORGEWIAN_RELATED "Beslektede emner"
  70. IDS_DANISH_RELATED "Relaterede emner"
  71. IDS_FINNISH_RELATED "Aiheeseen liittyvi� ohjeita"
  72. IDS_PORTUGUESE_RELATED "T�picos Relacionados"
  73. IDS_POLISH_RELATED "Pokrewne tematy"
  74. IDS_HUNGARIAN_RELATED "Kapcsol�d� t�mak�r�k"
  75. IDS_CZECH_RELATED "P��buzn� t�mata"
  76. IDS_SLOVENIAN_RELATED "Sorodne teme"
  77. IDS_RUSSIAN_RELATED "��������� �������"
  78. IDS_GREEK_RELATED "������� ������"
  79. IDS_TURKISH_RELATED "�lgili Konular"
  80. IDS_CATALAN_RELATED "Temes relacionats"
  81. IDS_BASQUE_RELATED "Inguruko gaiak"
  82. IDS_SLOVAK_RELATED "Pr�buzn� t�my"
  83. #endif
  84. // Display button for Index
  86. IDS_ENGLISH_ADD "Add..."
  87. END